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Project Management Lecture (7) 3Bis 2023/2024

❖ phases of a project
1. The concept phase. (initiation phase)
• the first phase in the project life cycle
• the need, opportunity or problem is confirmed (What)
• the overall feasibility of the project is considered, and a preferred solution is
• there is, as yet, no plan.
• is least expensive in terms of overall project effort
• effective planning is critical because it has maximum leverage on the likely success
of the project
• The strategic plan is developed, with enough detail to inform the business case
• Planning is top down and strategic
• Output is =========>strategic plan

2. The definition phase.(planning phase)

• the preferred solution is further evaluated and optimized
• requires a transition from strategic to ========>detailed planning
• to work out the scope, time, cost and quality objectives of the project. The plan
must be developed in sufficient detail.(who , how, when , where)
• down top approach

3. The implementation phase.(Execution phase)

• the plan is executed.
• plan defines how the project should be implemented and provides the basis for
monitoring and control
• plan is formally communicated to the project team and key stakeholders.
• Maintenance >>>>>>> minor changes for the plan
• Scope creep (major changes)>>>>>>> Replanning
4. The handover phase.
• the project deliverables are handed over to the client.
• The plan defines how the project will be handed over to the client
• Monitoring and control, plan maintenance and replanning continue as in the
implementation phase.

5. The closeout phase.

• project matters are finalized
• final project reviews are carried out
• project information is archived
• project team is redeployed.

7 Center Falcon --- 01551661833 DR.Y.K

Project Management Lecture (7) 3Bis 2023/2024

How to plan
• The amount of planning should be appropriate to the nature of the project.
• Project size (cost) and complexity
• Project uncertainty and risk.
• Project criticality
• Time and resources available for planning

Planning techniques
• The planning techniques used vary throughout the project life cycle
• reflecting the transition from strategic to detailed planning
• The aim is to assist the project manager to conceptualize and define the project
• provide the baseline for monitoring and control
• when you inform top manager about your plan >>>>> Detailed planning
• when sponsor or top manager inform the team >>>>>> strategic planning

The techniques used should be

• relevant
• appropriate
• cost-effective
• neither so simple that they ignore significant issues, nor so complex as to confuse

8 Center Falcon --- 01551661833 DR.Y.K

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