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The Legionnaire

An elite unit that consists of warriors and soldiers, enhanced by

magic and technology, tasked with covert ops, front line war and
guarding important figures. Trained both in physical and
magical combat, can be seen wielding huge weapons of
destruction that they use as an extension of their bodies. Either
light armored and lurking in shadows or ironclad and leaving a
trail of corpses behind them, the Legionnaires are a terror to
Hit Die: d10
Armor: Light, Medium, Heavy, Shields
Weapons: Simple, Martial, Firearms
Tools: Smith’s tools
Saves: Constitution, Intelligence
Skills: 3 from Acrobatics, Athletics, Intimidation, History,
Perception, Stealth, Survival
LVL1: Weapon Focus
You begin growing an expertise for certain instruments of death,
honing your skills with them as you grow stronger. Choose one
of the following benefits. Your choice improves your ability
with certain weapons.
Pommel Strike. When wielding a heavy melee weapon, you can
use your bonus action to attack with its handle. On a hit you deal
Powershot. You learn to strike with vicious intent at longer
range. As a bonus action you can take aim to make a piercing
shot that hits any creature in a 15ft line from the first target,
those extra target take damage equal to your DEX or STR
(depending on the ability you use). You can use your STR or
DEX when using a heavy or two-handed ranged weapon.
Swift Blade. When wielding a non-heavy weapon, you can use
Dash as a bonus action.
When reaching a level that gives you an ASI you can change
your Weapon Focus.
LVL1: Art of War
You choose 2 War Machines from the list, you can change one
War Machine every time you gain a level on this class.
Moreover, during a short or long rest you can merge a magical
item into one of your War Machines. You can create 1 extra War
Machine on levels 3,8,14,20.
LVL2: Spellcasting
You follow the half caster spell slot progression, you can prepare
a number of spell equal to your PB+ (halved up lvl) after a long
rest. You start by knowing 3 cantrips and learn a new one on
levels 5 and 11, when reaching a level that gives you an ASI you
can change one of your cantrips. Intelligence is your spellcasting
ability. Choose from the Legionnaire spell list at the end of the
LVL3: Legionnaire Role (subclass)
Choose between Destroyer, Reconnaissance, Sentinel.
LVL5: Extra Attack
You can make two attacks when you take the Attack Action
instead of once.
LVL7: Masterwork
You can imbue one ability of a magic item into one of your War
Machines. This procedure destroys the magic item. You can’t do
this with legendary items or artifacts.
LVL1 Hunter’s Mark
LVL2 Hold Person
LVL3 Ashardalon's Stride
LVL4 Shadow of Moil
LVL5 Holy Weapon

LVL3: Personal Armament

Depending on your Weapon Focus you can now personalize you
chosen weapon.
Helm Splitter (Pommel Strike). When you hit the same creature
with a weapon twice on your turn, before the beginning of your
next turn, the next attack against that creature is made with
advantage and takes extra damage equal to your INT modifier.
Bullseye (Powershot). You can use your bonus action to aim at a
targets weak spot and ignore any of its resistances. You also
ignore the loading property.
Fatal Finesse (Swift Blade). Your precision with non-heavy
weapons is deadly. Weapons you wield with one hand now
score a critical hit on a roll of 19 and 20.
LVL3: Intellectual Presence
You have a bonus to Charisma checks equal to your Intelligence
In addition, you gain proficiency in one of the following skills of
your choice: Deception, Performance, or Persuasion.
LVL6: Overclock
As a bonus action you can choose to overclock your War
Machines entering an empowered stage adding your Legionnaire
Level to your damage rolls and reducing incoming damage
equal to your Intelligence. This effect remains active for 1
minute War Machine or until you dismiss it or fall unconscious,
after that you gain 2 levels of exhaustion.

LVL1 Hex
LVL2 Misty Step
LVL3 Fly
LVL4 Polymorph
LVL5 Far Step

LVL3: Weapon Art

Depending on your Weapon Focus you can now personalize you
chosen weapon.
(Pommel Strike).
Pinning Shot (Powershot). As a bonus action, you can use a
ranged or thrown weapon and shoot at a target to pin it in place.
On a hit the target’s speed becomes 0 until your next round.
Agile Parry (Swift Blade). If you make an unarmed strike on
your turn and are holding a weapon, you can use it to defend
yourself if it is a melee weapon. You gain a bonus to AC equal
to your PB until the start of your next turn, while the weapon is
in your hand and you aren’t incapacitated.
LVL3: Strategic Position
You can add your Intelligence modifiers to your initiative rolls
and to any Dexterity (Stealth) check.

War Machines
Back Breaker: You have a set of deployable battering rams
stored in your arms, you have advantage on rolls for shoving or
dropping creatures prone. Your strikes have the Siege property.
5th level. You deal an extra 1d8 damage to constructs.
Hidden Blade: You have grafted into yourself a melee weapon
that you are proficient with. It has the Light and Reach property
while grafted if it didn’t already.
Defensive-limb: The augmented prosthetic limb can be used to
deflect blows without losing a free hand. The augmented plate
grants +2 AC. This bonus is not cumulative with a shield.
5th level. As a reaction the limb can be extended to provide up to
three-half cover for the user, or half cover for themselves and an
adjacent creature.
Herculean Arms: The user has stronger augmented hands. The
Has advantage on Strength Checks and Saves.
5th level. Use one two-handed weapon using only one arm. If the
user makes an attack with such a weapon in that way, they
cannot attack with another weapon in the same turn.
Throw One-handed weapons as like having the Throw property.
Juggernaut Legs: With a pair of legs, the user is capable of
astonishing feats of mobility. The user:
Gains an extra 10ft of movement.
5th level. Attacks of opportunity against the user have
The extra movement becomes 20ft.
Metabolic Modulators: The user has a series of enhancements to
their body limits. The user:
Gains resistance to poison and can breathe underwater.
Once per long rest, if the user is made unconscious, they can, as
a reaction, expend one hit-die to heal themselves and become
5th level. Once per short rest when receiving healing the user can
use a reaction to get the maximum healing.
Resistance: Choose acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, necrotic,
radiant, or thunder damage. You have resistance to that type of
5th level. Slashing, bludgeoning, piercing, necrotic, radiant,
psychic and force are added as choices. You can now choose 2
damage types instead of one and you can change them at the end
of a long rest.
Climb-Gears: You gain a climbing speed equal to your walking
speed, and you can move up, down, and across vertical surfaces
and upside down along ceilings, while leaving your hands free.
5th level. You can now stand still even upside down and have
advantage and being moved and knocked prone.
Cloaking: Prerequisite: 5th level. You gain a bonus to Dexterity
(Stealth) checks equal to your Constitution modifier, and you
can't be tracked except by magical means. You leave behind no
tracks or other traces of your passage unless you want to. If your
armor normally grants disadvantage on stealth checks while
wearing it, this upgrade removes that property
Atom: Prerequisite: 5th level. You can use an action to increase
or decrease your size by one category as if under the effect of
Enlarge/Reduce spell. The effect lasts for 1 hour and requires no
concentration. You can use it once per long rest.
Grappling-Hook: Prerequisite: 5th level. As a bonus action or
reaction, you can attempt to grapple at a maximum of 30 feet
distance. When you have a creature or object of your size or
smaller grappled in this way, you can use a bonus action to
move it in your direction up to 30 feet in a straight line, the
target must succeed on a STR save against your STR DC to
resist this pull.

Spell List
Booming Blade, Control Flames, Encode Thoughts, Green-Flame Blade,
Guidance, Infestation, Light, Mage Hand, Magic Stone, Mending, Message, Minor
Illusion, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Thaumaturgy, Thorn Whip

1st Level
Alarm, Armor of Agathys, Bane, Catapult, Color Spray, Command, Compelled
Duel, Comprehend Languages, Create or Destroy Water, Detect Evil and Good,
Detect Magic, Entangle, Fog Cloud, Gift of Alacrity, Healing Word, Hellish
Rebuke, Magnify Gravity, Protection from Evil and Good, Purify Food and Drink,
Tenser's Floating Disk

2nd Level
Blindness/Deafness, Blur, Borrowed Knowledge, Crown of Madness, Find Steed,
Gust of Wind, Heat Metal, Immovable Object, Lesser Restoration, Mirror Image,
Nystul's Magic Aura, Pass Without Trace, Silence, Spike Growth, Vortex Warp,
Web, Zone of Truth

3rd Level
Bestow Curse, Clairvoyance, Create Food and Water, Daylight, Dispel Magic,
Enemies Abound, Feign Death, Galder's Tower, Glyph of Warding, Haste,
Hypnotic Pattern, Intellect Fortress, Leomund's Tiny Hut, Nondetection, Slow,
Thunder Step

4th Level
Banishment, Confusion, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Freedom of Movement,
Gravity Sinkhole, Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere,
Stone Shape

5th Level
Bigby's Hand, Dispel Evil and Good, Greater Restoration, Hallow, Hold Monster,
Modify Memory, Seeming, Swift Quiver, Telekinesis, Teleportation Circle, Wall of

Legionnaire Training
Your STR or DEX increases by 1, up to a maximum of 20.
You learn one Weapon Focus from the Legionnaire class. If you
chose a Focus you already know you can choose an upgrade
from one of the subclass. You can take this feat multiple times.

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