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Name- Sneha Gupta

Name: Bcom(h)
Divya Agarwal
Section: 1B
P#1: Steps to insert New Slide
using Home Tab
Step 1:Go to Home tab →Click on New
Step 2:Select the Two Content format
for the new slide
Step 3:A new slide will be inserted
with the selected format
P#2: Steps to change layout of
current Slide using Home Tab
Step 1:Go to Home tab →Click on
Step 2:Click on Comparison template
The changes will be applied to the
selected slide
P#3: Steps to Insert objects using
Insert Tab
Such as Table, Picture, Shapes,Chart, SmartArt, Word Art, Symbols etc.
using proper example
Inserting a table
Step 1:Go to Insert tab Click on Table
Inserting a table
Step 2:Click on Insert table
Inserting a table
Step 3:Enter the required number of rows and
columns [Ex-6 rows and 3 columns]
Inserting a table
Step 4:Edit the Table by clicking in the respective
row or column or via Design tab
Inserting a picture
Step 1:Select the area you want to insert the
picture in the slide
Inserting a picture
Step 2 Go to insert tab →Click on pictures
Inserting a picture
Step 3 Search the picture from system files and click
Inserting a picture
Step 4:The picture can then be edited via Format
Inserting a Shape
Step 1:Go to Insert tab →Click on shapes
Inserting a Shape
Step 2 Select Rectangle from the drop down box
Inserting a Shape
Step 3 Draw the required size in the space
Inserting a Shape
Step 4: Edit the shape using Format tab
Inserting WordArt
Step 1 Go to Insert tab→Select WordArt icon
Inserting WordArt
Step 2:Select a style
Inserting WordArt
Step 3:Edit the presented WordArt by clicking on the text
box and this is the result
Inserting Symbols
Step 1:Select the text box you need the symbol in
Inserting Symbols
Step 2:Go to Insert tab Select Symbol
Inserting Symbols
Step 3 Choose an Up Arrow symbol and Insert
Inserting Symbols
Step 4: Outcome
Inserting SmartArt
Step1 Go to Insert tab →Click on SmartArt
Inserting SmartArt
Step 2:Choose a List SmartArt template and press
Inserting SmartArt
Step 3:Edit the inserted SmartArt by clicking in the Text
Inserting Chart
Step1: Go to Insert tab→Click on Chart icon
Inserting Chart
Step2: Choose the desirable chart format
Inserting Chart
Step 3:Edit the data presentation via the excel
dialog box
P#4: Steps to Insert Photo Album
using Insert Tab
Step 1:Go to Insert tab→Click on
Photo Album
Step 2:Select New Photo Album and
then File Disk
Step 3: Select and insert the required
Step4:Create album
Step 5: Output
P#5: Steps to Insert Action
Buttons using Insert Tab
Step 1:Go to Insert tab Click Shapes
Step 2:Select Go to end actions button
under actions in drop down bar
Step 3:Hyperlink it to the last slide
P#6: Steps to Insert Slide Header
and Footer using Insert Tab
Step 1:Go to Insert tab→Click on
‘Header & Footer’ option
Step 2:Under Slides Select Date and Time,Slide
number and enter the Footer info
Step 3:The selected information will
now be presented
P#7: Steps to Insert Notes &
Handout Header and Footer using
Insert Tab
Step 1:Go to Insert tab→Select
Step 2:Under ‘Notes and Handouts’
Choose the ‘Header’ and ‘Footer’
Step 3:Enter the information to be displayed for the
same and select apply to all.
P#8: Steps to change background
of Slide using Design Tab
Step 1:Go to Design tab
Step 2:Select a new theme by clicking
on it
Step 3:The same will be applied to all
P#9: Steps to apply slide
transition using Transitions Tab
Step 1:Select a slide and go to
Animations tab
Step 2:Select a Transition from the bar
Step 3:The transition will apply to the
selected slide
P#10: Steps to apply animations
on objects using Animations Tab
Step 1:Select the text or image you
want to apply animation on
Step 2:Go to Animations tab Select a
Step 3:The animation will appear in
Slide Show
P#11: Steps to create Custom
Slide Show using Slide Show Tab
Step 1:Go to Slide Show tab→Click on
Custom Slide show
Step 2:Create new Custom Show in the
dialog box
Step 3: Edit the name of the new Custom Show and
select the slides in order
Step 4: Click Add and then OK
Step 5:The Custom slide show can then be accessed
under Custom Slide show tab
P#12: Steps to set continuous
loop using Slide Show Tab
Step 1:Go to Slide Show tab→Select
Set Up Slide show
Step 2:Select Loop Continuously Until
Esc and press OK
P#13: Steps to set Custom Slide
Show using Slide Show Tab
Step 1:Go to Slide Show tab→Set up Custom Slide
Show and a dialog box appears,Click on Custom
Step 2:Click OK and the Custom Slide is
P#14: Steps to set slide background
in Slide Master View using View Tab
Step 1: Go to View Tab→Click on Slide
Step 2:Select the text area to be edited
Step 3:Go to format tab and Select a
Step 4:Draw the shape as per the
Step 5:Go back to Slide Master and
close the Master view
Step 6:The same will be applied to all
P#15:How to take printout of
Handouts and Outlines
Printing Handouts
Step 1:Go to File →Click Print Tab
Printing Handouts
Step 2:From Print Layout Select the Handout
template. Click OK and Print
Printing Outline
Step 1:Go to File →Click Print Tab
Printing Outline
Step 2:From Print Layout Select Outline. Click OK and

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