Pkt Add Sub Integers

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r INTEGER ADDITION aNd SuBTR How Is a Mouse Like Grass in a Meadow? For each exercise identity the integer that results from combining the two arrows. \Wiite the letter of the exercise in the box containing the answer. Pesta eee ES es ee ec ac DECODE DEJSIEN PAGE 1 DIRECTIONS Each arrow diagram on page 2 represents a number sentence. Find the number sentence for any of these diagrams in the answer columns below. Notice the CIRCLE DESIGN next to the answer. Find the CIRCLE DESIGN of your answer in the code at the bottom of the page. Each time it appears, write the letter of the arrow diagram above it KEEP WORKING AND YOU WILL DECODE A “SONG FOR SAIL! -20 +5 =-15(©) -10 + 20= 10 -a-5=2 (©) 60+-40=20 G)-6+8=2 © 3+ -30 + 50 = 20) 10 + -25 = -15 TITLE: A SONG FOR SAIL OVCOGO0600O0 ‘0OOOOOS OOCGOO200G000 PAGE 2 2024 6 8 10 2 -40~-20~ 0 * 20 ‘A vara [ Adaing integers | ‘withthe Same Sign Adding Integers sr ssoie vale. eit sane sna be tee. | (CEATAD rina the sum -2 + 0. 8+ (4) = 7s Baht nets hn et ‘Adding integers | Surat tor absolute valves Give the resut the same sgn as the inter ‘with DiterentSigns| win the este abalite va, (CRD Find each sum. ~5+4 B= |-5)— [6] Stmac am ~4orl swe b.6+(-2) 6+ (-2)= 6) ~ 1-2) =6-20r4 aa Find cach sum. Letcs) 4 10, -15 + (5) 13. -19 +1) 16, 12+ 14 19. 7+ 0-18) 22, -33 + 19 25-15 +4 2 GlennoneGeaw Ht ‘Thos rave bea A sib 2 om sre Them esas bat Ff |-2) 2-atcm aT+ea 5-845 6-12-10) B44 9.646) 1-948 12.20 + (-8) 1417 (9) 15, -16 +59 17. 94-25) 18, 26 +19 2. 12-15) 21104 (18) 23, 20+ (-5) 24, 12 + 10) 26, a4 + 29 21, 46 + (-32) 2 lone Pre-Aotra + SUM UP + Do any exercise below and find your answer in the code key. Notice the letter above it. Print this letter in the box at the bottom of the page that contains the number of the exercise. Keep working and you will create a special message CODE KEY WI{G{H{DILIS{AJEJOlY u[t[c[u|ryPy Nn [Fe -if-15[-13[-10[-8[-7]-e|-4f-3[-s] of 2| [4] 5[ 7] 8[14 [17 14]15]16]17]18]19]20[2 22] 29] 24 [38[39]40] 41] 42]43]s4]45/s6[47] 49] PRE-ALG: Why Didn’t the Butterfly Go to the Dance? Write each answer, then mark itn the answer column. For each set of exercises, there is one extra answer. Write the letter of this answer in the corresponding box atthe bottom of the page. sx8 Tawar a4 Tawa es @+ ©s ee @» @+ 48 @®* ®-0 “ee18 Ox Os 1. Te see ®7 Ov Qy oie @ On 269 O7 O-w a+-20 ®s ©-7 “748 ore] oo Mle oo. leet Os @w 43 @7 © “oro ra “ites @®w@®-+s 1945 @®w O-2 reer) 2 ost ®2©-+s 1548 O7 On ere oar “3420 @ @s 13 w+ = ®2 Oe 866 O+ @o aes ®o @-« “ae a So olla coo wets = ©2 Oro ~10 +40 @s @-20 2 | I} | oc Bc] wT 14 ws) 2 E59 {OMG Se: Ang ages Uke Ss 2 Nwe bare PERIOD 2-2 Practice J Adding integers Find each sum. © Giencoenecraw Ht L194) 2-294 30 2+ 9 410+ 37 4+ 2 A168 +(-28) 4 (50) 8-12 (6) WH WITH (-28) az +2) 12,18 + (56 96+ (-86) 14, 54 + a5 15, -34417 16-16 + (20) 70-4 (108) 18, 52+ 36 19.714 (-86) 20, -39 + (40) 25 + 18-+(-29) 264-249 23, 80+ 15 + (26) B+asim 25-29 + 12+ 44 6-1-8) + (409 16 = (-56)+(-90) 28 —18 + 13 + 85) 29.10 + (94) 417 30+ -9) 41 BL. 2447 447 a2. -2n +1) . TEMPERATURE At 400 A. the outside temperature was ~28°F: By 400 99 it rose 38 degrees, What was the temperature at 4:00 Pat? |. HEALTH Throe frionds decided to exercise together four times a week to lose fat and increase muscle mass. While all three were healthier after six weeks, one had lost 5 Pounds, another had gained 3 pounds, and one had lost 4 pounds, What was the total rhumber of pounds gained or lst by the three friends? ROLLER COASTERS Te latest thrill ride at a popular theme park takes roller coaster fans on an exciting ride, In the first 20 seconds, it carries its passengers up a 100-moter hill, plunges them 72 meters down, and quickly takes them back up a 48-meter rise. How much higher or wer from the start ofthe ride are they after these 20 seconds? lance Pre Matra When Do a Bunch of Cold Germs Celebrate a Victory? Do each exercise and fird your answer in the corresponding set of answer boxes, Write the letter of the exercise in the box containing the answer. ©3+4 @3+-s @7+7 @-9+2 @-1+-16 @-4+-40 © onfrst down, the Vutures lost 6 ya On second down, they lost 5 ys. On third down, they lst 8 ya. Use an inter to express the overall Change in postion as a rest of the three plays @ -20 +-30 @r+8 22] -14]-19] 44] 18 [17] 21 @-33+718 © -29+-64 @®-41 +88 @©-47 4-20 ©-8+-75 © 35+39 O72+16 (®)-87 +24 {f) The tomporature at 10 4x, was “7°F. By noon, the temperature had copped 12°F. By 2p. ithad oped another 5°F. What was the temperature at 229.7 ‘ £-58 TOPICS. Aang irtogers: Lie Sons @-4+7e1 @©9+-9+-9 @19+246 AA scuba diver dove 18 ft below the surface to observe a school of fish Then he dove another 24 ft to the bottom, I he started at sea level ‘what was his elevation when he reached the bottom? ©7+13+-6 @-19+-48+-5 (25 + -25 + -25 @-8+-+8+-8 @ Rotor wrote a check or $45, The next day, he wrote a check for $32. Use an integer to express the change in is bank balance when the two checks were cashed. 8 SADDLE SCHOOL war Pizazz 900K 2-3 Study Guide and Intervention J Subtracting Integers % be enh aac PHIM vind each ditterence. a9-17 9-1T=94 (017) atm. a86-07. AT-B 6-74 (23) Petes saa ‘ity —10 sy wre _ ere00 PXITED vind each ditterence. 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By noon, the temperature rose 21°F. It rose another &°F in the afternoon. By the time Emily went tobed, the temperature had dropped 23°F from the highent, temperature ofthe day. What was the temperature when Emly went to bed? 2, Two weeks ago, Amanda had 260 buttons in her collection. She added ‘34 more to her collection Inst week and 48 to her collection thia week. She decided to divide them all into 6 equal groupe. How many buttons will be in each group? | 3, A litte fog is at the bottom of a well. To get out, the frog has to climb 7 steps. Every day, the frog climbe 2 stepe, but at night it falls back step, How many days wil it take to climb every step and get out of the welll

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