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Tanks in Burma

Armoured Formations & Units

In Burma & N.E. India 1942 – 1945

Burma Study Weekend, York, November 2018

By: Rob PALMER, M.A.
• Introduction
• The Context
• 7 Armoured Brigade – First Burma Campaign
• The Arakan 1943
• The Battle of the Admin Box
• Kohima, Imphal & Nunshigum
• 1944 – 45 Campaign including Meiktila
• Conclusions
The Second World War
• When did it commence?
• For U.K. = 3 September 1939
• Only 21 years after end of First World War
• Similar narrative to First World War?
• May 1940 changed everything – Fall of France
• Unexpected – Even by Germany
• U.K. decided to fight on – CHURCHILL
• Role of Empire (Dominions) crucial – SMUTS
The Far East
• Japan annexed Korea in 1910
• Japan with U.K. First World War – Snubbed?
• At war with China since July 1937
• U.S. Sanctions – Oil
• War Inevitable – to gain resources – oil/rubber
• 6 December – Invasion convoy sighted off Malaya
• Invaded Malaya six hours BEFORE Pearl Harbor
• Hong Kong, Philippines, N.E.I., Burma
The State of Things
• India – Third of British Army in India
• Indian Army = 21 Cavalry Regiments in 3 Groups
• Only armour with R.T.R. companies
• Role of Indian Army to reinforce Middle East
• No resources for Malaya (Singapore) or Burma
• Hong Kong expendable
• U.K. not able to fight war against THREE enemies
• Bury head in sand – hope it will go away
7th Armoured Brigade
• 7th Queen’s Own Hussars
• 2nd Royal Tank Regiment
• Equipped with Stuart tanks in Egypt
• Sent to Malaya, diverted to Burma
• 21 February 1942 – Arrived at Rangoon
• 24 February 1942 – Prome to lift seige
• 19 – 25 April 1942 – Under Chinese command
• 31 May 1942 – Reached India with 1 tank
Stuart Tank – 7 th Hussars
7 Armd Bde
Route and
Actions in
The Arakan – 1943
• Advance down Mayu Peninsula
• ‘C’ Sqn, 146 Regiment, R.A.C. (D.W.R.)
• Captain De COSTA + 2 Troops
• 17 miles walk for Recce
• 11.00 1 February 1943 – Attack Commenced
• Initially good, then three tanks crashed into ditch
• Besa fire – Rescue Attempt – Halted
• Bodies of nine crew discovered in 1945 (York)
The Valentine tank
The Battle of the Admin Box
• Advance by XV Indian Corps
• 25th Dragoons (Lee tanks) as Corps Troops
• Japanese counter-attack surrounds 7 Ind Div
• 5 – 23 February 1944 – Admin Box
• ‘B’ and ‘C’ Sqns – leaguer at night, attack at day
• Supported infantry
• Tanks so effective, suicide attacks on them
25th Dragoons north of Razabil
• 30 March 1944 – ‘C’ Sqn 150th Regt R.A.C. to
Imphal by air – tanks by land – road cut
• 11 April 1944 – Lt. WAIT + 5 Lee tanks up road
• 18 April 1944 – 149th Regt, R.A.C. to Kohima
• ‘B’ Sqn – Major Ezra RHODES
• 28 April – Attempt to get up to D.C’s Bungalow
• 6 May – Lee tank slid off ridge down slope
• 13 May – Tennis Court – Sjt WATERHOUSE
Memorial at Kohima
Imphal & Nunshigum
• 3rd Carabiniers (Lee tanks) – Imphal
• 30 March 1944 – ‘C’ Sqn 150th Regt R.A.C. to
Imphal by air – tanks by land – road cut
• Lots of actions but…. Nunshigum
• 13 April – ‘B’ Sqn supporting 1st Bn. 17th Dogras
• Hill over 1,000 feet above plain. Two troops
• Sqn Sjt-Major CRADDOCK led final attack
Nunshigum & Imphal
Looking North to Twin Bumps
The Pimple or Northern Bump
The Highest Tank on Kennedy Peak
Extended Capital - Meiktila
The Masterstroke
• 17 Indian Division & 255 Indian Armoured
Brigade crossed the Irrawaddy River and struck
out for the garrison town of Meiktila
• 23 February – Armoured Column at Taungtha
• 2 March – Airfield captured
• Aggressive defence by armoured columns
• 30 March – Japanese defeated – To Rangoon!
Sherman Tanks advancing on
Which is Faster?
XV Indian Corps - Arakan
• 50 Indian Tank Brigade
• Limited use, Squadrons only
• Ramree Island
• Myebon Peninsula & Kangaw
• Taungup
• Lt. Archie GWATKIN and Lt. John SKINNER
The M3 General Lee
Operating Practices
• Tanks used in small units – Squadrons
• Intention to support infantry
• All force (ground + air) battle groups – effective
• Role of Forward Tank Officer (F.T.O.)
• Role of the 4th Bombay Grenadiers
• Japanese counter-measures not effective
• Reliant on individual bravery by soldiers
• MESSERVY was proved right
The GWATKIN Brothers
Proud Father & Two Sons
• Armour played a significant role in the
campaigns fought in Burma and N. E. India
• Role is often neglected, not understood
• New techniques developed
• All arms battlegroups
• Role of R.E., I.E.M.E., R.I.A.S.C., I.A.O.C., etc
also overlooked, but without them….?
• There is more to the Second World War than
Dunkirk, D-Day, Arnhem & Bomber Command
Thank you!

Rob Palmer


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