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For more papers hrips://uvatamilteachercenter Website : ( ce) Uva Smart Teachers > YPSOMB Foronoor.i uif_ong - 2024 First Term Examination - 2024 Prepared By : smb 11 || sae Osmsumod OsmpPeynueHued LI Mr.V.Yogaraja (BSc.cs) || Grade 11 || tformation & Communication Technology 1, IL Quus 3 wee SHusrevid XL Name 7 3 Hours J/ © genensg) Means nenageus Meo crupgie OL Hiei Oungegsgwren Aonweir Hp Batig.Go. O). DorouguciupDsd 613 UTUBgG rude Quodrwuts sjsu FQ WSs? () OurTg sala Z7aj5eponouLpra GE (2) Qatbooww 3) Dyund 9GPsw15 g)\Gsso A) aradcvr qbsnigsenid QadaldRGssod (2).anser 2ssiajé FGsoder QonomusgsonrgDar 2 soiuyioir YsLnIS56d Q)FOrulpumangy? () G2G (G3) G2B 2) G2C (4) GE (03). acest scohuss O5smh bs OQuut Os SOMITE 2 (FOUMESUILD) sovorrersne eet orca Quw Ao gy. (1) Joseph Jacquard, MARK I (2) Ada Lovelace, Analytical Engine (3) Howard Aiken, MARK I (4) Gottfried Withelm Von Leibnitz, MARK I 0). Isrougacapoet 15) Qycin_md sonovepsnps cosfesfsaficd LUETGsSSUUCL OwsiOunGescr Fu OsneBuns AHOWUS)? Mr.V Yogaraja(, Spl tr ICD. 1 0771994924 For more papers hrips://uvatamilteachercenter CD) 9Gnie Gain Domp, B5sH onousigud auiplrcd Ooms 2) Qua Owomp, e@rg Cairixy Quon GB) 2uiPerw QsuiPrarés Owomp, Gre Gaicny Quomyp 4 GDupmpsanan 2 wiflena sanfiol Ouompesir (05). sehch OSMPGHUGW Gung srash, yoy gi ssvaar, s5oscdsGir BAucupanp sHanOsw1s GrHsgy oousgis Ossian sgh? () sHGuTEG OUD ay Honored 8) Qowe@ 2) usu @® (4) Guant OrQ1sB) (06) ITU GL’ HP OYIFHONM 5 FHS. AgSDe0e somieMacir ahmed 2 citar wapbpmissir G)ornisainG) ASHE THU OSMPHuGes soohlahiacir 2, Hes. BQxssyporn sonficAscr OsuiArI5G eou Weir ougyaiesnnsd AsmPpuGssUUOAeizp ow. CUGSHULMAMUMD UWSTUBSSAIGL EGC Our) go sovriDesr How osha g 2 FMTSMTLOTH HBL (yptg.wy.a) Go pH DW ImpGpIsoMed Huyreslgly eAusiPesrenves. (B,C we Oud of B)A, B, C apairys fi QAwWLOL’ sf 4 CoO «fi (07). DeirouGib sm ipissenen 55g) A, 166A GLP TIES VG - ctodovr cusns eresrsenhs FET Aswodrsor BS won Ouphe BSLOUUILD 3KG\- \sonhlo Osre@uleir ctodar syy7enrd Qsanrsd 5. QLUIGESLIUGAeinygy C Peers uBosnisct - croirscs 3G85 yoRsir AsmPHum.G4G Crmausen sroyssh Q\nig Arg smo1s CsA MUsELILLG Aim. Copa Dw mpipissoied sfusroagy / sfusmancnos? () A,B,C apsirps oft BA Bw Ou «fi QA we Ow sf A) C ww af (08). G3.67 cient Owen FHI (Print) UPSH Ounyissi0T60 Feud Quin wing? (D) Ysto® cow FHI Ors (Dot Metrix) (2) Gove¢ ¢5LIQ Um) (Laser Printer) 3B) GUOYVeowgsgsren7 YFHIOLIMD (Inkjet Printer) (4) susn ga (Plotter) Mr.V Yogaraja(, Spl tr ICD. 2 0771994924 For more papers hrips://uvatamilteachercenter (09.205) umanewiier sosfeAdm_sHor cuenawerwiyss said Qummgssuoies o1Lworengl? CY) uforsui_ois yposhu Camg ow 3)ere% oop 2) gatudussd wrijacir 4) Cuiaus wiroyeb (10).0.07470 stepitb UBsinn QosssDair Ds wBciryo) Qyavssrd (MSD), AD GOMES WHriyp) G)ovssrb(LSD) srsincscsr upsn Gus () 0,0 (3) 0,7 2)7.0 7,7 A). 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(AB wigs Bod 3) CD wigBmb QAC wong Ob (4) ABC wig Dd Mr.V Yogaraja(, Spl tr ICD. 3 0771994924 For more papers hrips://uvatamilteachercenter (I. QosBDooRucd spi psonon 2 Gounsss Gronosuros Q)ovsB refused FDIF oss : . OUI cvms, () Osrensul Orb 5.0) 3) Qwssuponm xHHI 2 sirpopupunsD KHOI (4) 5GS5 FOI (10). MOU GLd FHES FHOHSHICT 2 TH. Ht cucmssromus F Ausra 5m @ougy 133? @ (2) (i) 7) 4 [B [Cc 4 {BIC 4 [Bc 4 [BIC 0 [0 |0 ope ome 0 [0 | oma ona e o |r |i o jr ia o [Tal o |i |\o 7 (Ome a ee 7 IAM T [0 [0 1 {i {0 Ti {0 TAPE 7 if i (17). DotouGib wm ppyIssohod 131 Teo pusroorgl? QM ueCagy wmsith) sGse amisdscr UWsiiGsD) QesDycisci ah pi sch og. 1arlss iu GHeinpen. 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Casirypw GIDISEVS ov (Psafsonar 911 ULIGHL_wTES Oars orUpsis. (545 = 10 yyoiraRsscir) (09.965 umstmaude sea siGib wremeuiscr wags Jun gH s5H98G BAPwIso Asm cuter gsoayssor sities OsTP Gp smiriuc@erngy. Cuogsuy Lmaramaiie se0) s5@1 wrest gGas um. Osflenar Cup Oanciress Gung DosranwTH go UuM_gPeanuih Tencorus BG Lummis AGUYESMWerounsays Oshoy Osu Cousin@rd. soupy OsNey Oeuius Quaeps Irster UT_wIs SOP, Sows , Mr.V Yogaraja(, Spl tr ICD. 4 0771994924 For more papers hrips://uvatamilteachercenter Aeherands 2Fw umnisahie germ Oshoy Oeuw epepwyed. orourp) Iogm6e Lim_niseir Oss fey Qaruiwrivsg sir, © sp UM Oagmer UM orafir cronemus G\G UM_wisenTs BWHAK YW, F501 Q5mfum_o OsmPeoriuswgns Os Aey Glaruiws (peg. up © gsnet uum senfisid stor cronemu Q)H LIM_miscir Mesepronups, sae Asm fumod OsmpPey uoway.oms OsNey Qeuius apypujts. © snot um ANE EFTOT UML) crafeir genom BG Lin_misonns sonisuple, riAovcepls GsRoy Qauiw wpeg.wytb. Student 912 _ xenon Subjects a1 aienenr ‘Student_ID | Student | Class | Date of Subject ID \_| Subject Name | Medium Name birth suor (\\ [ier English a Risin LOT) | supa, S| Mark English ST Niranjan | 1B 7 ‘S71003 —[ RMaduka| 11} 17.03.2007 SUNG Seience eaieh ‘STI004 | V.Vift TID_[ 06.06.2007 |. | SU04 relish English S005 Tamil Tami > ‘Student's Subjects [1=L_aienemt Teacher 3[_alenemt 7 Teacher 1D | Teacher Namé | NIC [\Subject_tD || StudenttD | SubjectID T1001 P.Dharshani_\| 10203040M| SUOL STIOOL | suo2 T1002 SKumarah Y | 185030307 |\SU02 ‘STI002 Su0S T1003 V-Yogan 794{ 00407 | SUO3 ‘STIO0S SUS T1004 P.Vinodhan — {-40250080V | SUO4 ‘STI004 suo T1005 ‘MNiroshan _\,102254407 | SUS Gupiug Osmiy flow gsrassor OsneP 2 cuenosrsenor GUUS WTSS DH TCTD IeirouGu Morr 3 OHSS Hewes. (i) Subject, Teacher 21° Lascnamsaiair ipsiran io sroRseneN STUpSIS: (ii) Teacher quicimcmier 9f6u wapid Goulumeni snofsanen TUPSIS. (it) IouGamMappHss Qiwolius5@ hops vuOssuur Garsirgw I LAMEMEEK IsHEAw sroysair crovounp) wo AHMWEGUUIL. Goud stots. FU Lb STUpHIF? Mr.V Yogaraja(, Spl tr ICD. 1s 0771994924 For more papers hrips://uvatamilteachercenter (a. RMaduka cregyd wrod gong) Doster um gsHenor soot Limi wmpm eins. (@). MNiroshan 4 Pflug um_snee Qwomppb srgemons Cory Ls 0xFG Qiu) GsaPernng yous um gsBeoer Aeseoron um BARuF Big srovische Osviusse Bina gycironns. (v). Gag) umsroeis Qofg Quumsrmnsigy yu oo wwieoug Caipgicironni. syo1ong STIO0S ctesyti Student ID Q)od saoy SSH Goiiusisncs pougsonssor IDSs Lg). steoflcir Cup GO3s wiipsms Osuiasig 2fu rLorcnowruytcir/ ZILLamemsencr Grids Cousiryw YBw uBsrai/ uBajsener oreepsiss (QaIDainG YBu UPYFGib 2cusnsorihey Ouuig - yore 1, yooub 2 s1gpb ag. useng UWISTLIDSS:) (vy). Um_sremovuled 2 ctor QoiDout BARuImah ep sada wuayrd bist Osmiuner Augkiswmer sririxssns po Meroursor orpgbGungy Gaisari Coussirig.w CukGS Suomen 21° arencssracir wiTexeu? (242424242 = 10 tyairasair) (05).(i). Dero Gubd Byres GeO chen su 914 sco _wirss Osos a,b 6 YR Mom IPOH ES HL chepsiss BEGIN GETn i=1, sum=0 WHILE(i<=n) DO sum=sum+i itl ENDWHILE PRINT sum END Mr.V Yogaraja(, Spl tr ICD. 16 0771994924 For more papers hrips://uvatamilteachercenter @). Cup @D3s5 CundSsgGHuporpulat Qsricsuoren Bponseud wg? W.Cwpug n=5 cred OugiwG aotafins aupmiscivupetr Davahui oor orapgiss? C.GwBe smu @sror BCundseHyporpssmner umuiésod Gaim Qui _gPonan asso? (i). 55010 — (ponpenn ~— AM GSB «= udGauyy — pon pszair LUSUBSSUUGAsirpon. Qaypigior eponpsow AGB -apuysir ou ws UrsncrongGb. Qiyenww GsH oumpsors outiewremgy udGag URdpmpscenor Gancir_cowgg) wrong. Gropiisg LUZ. cpannacnar HUpRIg wpsnpLiLiig, 510pS1H? aS ed =>, oc il oc (ii). Coiuy ug~pepsaie Pwpadwond Hays Ug. (psrpudeir Bp sup SEs YBU pornos gery Pyioyd wpopascir BUCO BUpLD (GH: (242424242 = 10 tyairasair) Mr.V. Yogaraja. ICT Teaching @ Bd/Haputale Tamil Central College. For more GCE O/L & A/L ICT Notes, Exam Papers, Seminar Model Papers, GIT Notes, GIT Papers, Grade 6-9 Exam Papers Programming(Python,C,C+ & Java) & Arduino Workshops Contact : 077 1994924 Mr.V Yogaraja(, Spl tr ICD. v 0771994924

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