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Learner NCFE
Level 3Marina
Shezadi Level
Supporting 3 Supporting
KausarTeaching Teaching
& Learning Learner&No.
Generic Session Record Sheet
Generic Session Record Sheet

Date 0 9 0 7 2 4 Worksheet No. 1

Unit 5-Support children and young people

Unit No./Title Question No. 6
during learning activities

Content and summary of activity

As an assistant teacher, my approach to providing feedback to learners and supporting teachers revolves
around structured observation, assessment, and collaborative review processes.

Providing Feedback to Learners on Their Progress: I engage in regular observations during classroom
activities and sustainability projects, using tools like rubrics and checklists to assess student performance.
These assessments are detailed with anecdotal notes, capturing strengths and areas needing improvement.
Feedback is tailored to individual learning styles, ensuring it is specific, constructive, and supportive. By
maintaining meticulous documentation of these observations and assessments, I track student progress
over time, facilitating targeted support and recognizing growth.

Providing Constructive Feedback to the Teacher on Learning Activities: Collaborating closely with
teachers, I review lesson plans and project outlines to align objectives with curriculum standards.
Drawing from observed student engagement and learning outcomes, I provide feedback on clarity of
objectives, instructional materials, and differentiation strategies. This feedback includes actionable
recommendations to enhance learning activities, promote inclusivity, and address challenges.
Documentation of feedback through formal reports and meeting minutes ensures accountability and
supports continuous improvement in instructional practices.

Example Evidence: To substantiate these practices, evidence includes a witness statement from a line
manager affirming the effectiveness of feedback provided to learners. Additionally, session sheets or
annotated lesson plans demonstrate collaborative efforts with teachers and adjustments made based on
observations. These documents highlight a commitment to student development and instructional
excellence, fostering a supportive learning environment where feedback drives improvement and

In summary, my role extends beyond classroom instruction to encompass strategic feedback mechanisms
that nurture student progress and enhance teaching practices, ultimately fostering a dynamic educational
experience centered on growth and learning outcomes.

Complete the table below with any aspect of your session which relates to the following assessment
criteria, if not applicable, enter n/a.

Remember to include as much detail as possible and describe how you:

Engage in personal development in children

Engaging in personal development involves nurturing children's skills, confidence, and self-awareness.
Through activities tailored to their interests and abilities, such as exploring sustainability projects,

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NCFE CACHE Level 3 Supporting Teaching & Learning
Genericin Session
personal development in children
Record Sheet
children develop critical thinking and teamwork skills. Personalized guidance helps them grow in areas
like problem-solving and communication, fostering their overall development and resilience.

Support children and young people health & safety

Supporting health and safety ensures a secure environment where children can learn and thrive. This
includes implementing safety protocols during activities like setting up recycling stations or gardening
projects. By educating children on safe practices and monitoring their well-being, we prioritize their
physical and emotional health, promoting a positive and secure learning atmosphere.

Promote equality, diversity and inclusion in work

Promoting equality, diversity, and inclusion involves creating a welcoming environment where every
child feels valued and respected. By celebrating diverse perspectives and experiences, such as
integrating various cultural aspects into sustainability projects, we cultivate empathy and understanding
among children. This inclusive approach fosters a sense of belonging and encourages collaboration,
enriching their learning experiences.

Support learning activities

Supporting learning activities entails facilitating engaging and meaningful experiences that align with
educational objectives. By providing resources, guidance, and hands-on opportunities in sustainability
initiatives, children actively apply knowledge and skills. This hands-on learning approach stimulates
curiosity and critical thinking, enhancing their understanding and retention of concepts related to
environmental stewardship.

Promote children’s and young people’s positive behaviour

Promoting positive behavior involves modeling and reinforcing respectful interactions and responsible
decision-making. By recognizing and encouraging behaviors such as teamwork, leadership, and
environmental responsibility in sustainability projects, children develop social skills and ethical values.
This positive reinforcement empowers them to contribute positively to their community and embrace
roles as responsible global citizens.

Support assessment for learning

Supporting assessment for learning focuses on evaluating progress and understanding to guide ongoing
development. Through methods like reflective sessions and feedback on project outcomes, children
assess their achievements and identify areas for improvement. This reflective practice enhances their
self-awareness and critical analysis skills, enabling continuous growth and learning in sustainability

Promote equality, diversity and inclusion in work

Continuously promoting equality, diversity, and inclusion reaffirms our commitment to fairness and
respect. By actively addressing biases and ensuring equitable opportunities for all children, we foster a
culture of mutual understanding and cooperation. This ongoing effort strengthens children’s
appreciation for diversity and prepares them to contribute positively to a diverse society.

Reflective practice and points of action in addition to submission

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Remember that this should be a valuable reflective practice and demonstrate that you can identify
areas for your own development, as well as improvements that have already been made in your
performance. Your reflection should average 175 words and once completed, uploaded to Pearl.

How did the activity go overall?

Reflect on the entire activity, assessing its overall success in achieving objectives. Consider factors like
student engagement, learning outcomes, and adherence to project timelines. Reflecting on the overall
impact helps gauge the effectiveness of strategies employed and highlights areas for improvement.

What went particularly well?

Identify specific aspects of the activity that were successful. This could include effective teamwork
among students, innovative problem-solving approaches, or high levels of participation. Acknowledging
successes reinforces effective strategies and builds confidence in future endeavors.

What went not so well?

Address challenges or aspects of the activity that did not meet expectations. This could involve
logistical issues, communication breakdowns, or unforeseen obstacles. Reflecting on these challenges
provides opportunities to learn from mistakes and implement corrective actions in future projects.

What would you do differently next time?

Propose actionable steps for improvement based on reflections. This may include refining planning
processes, adjusting resource allocation, or enhancing communication strategies. By outlining concrete
changes, you demonstrate a commitment to continuous improvement and proactive problem-solving.

Mentor Feedback (to be completed by the learner’s mentor)

Please provide a detailed account to verify the learner’s competency whilst doing this activity/lesson. How did
the learner perform? Could they improve on their practice? What would you suggest they do differently next
time? Did they follow policies and procedures? Did they consider safeguarding, equality and health and safety?

Performance Evaluation: The learner's performance was commendable in several aspects. They
showed a clear understanding of project objectives and effectively communicated these to students.
Their guidance during the Research and Planning phase was particularly notable, as they encouraged
thorough research and strategic planning among teams.

Areas for Improvement: While the learner excelled in many areas, there are opportunities for
improvement. Specifically, there were instances where clearer communication channels and proactive
planning could have mitigated challenges during the Implementation phase. Strengthening these areas
will enhance their ability to manage complex projects smoothly.

Suggestions for Improvement: Next time, I recommend the learner allocate more time for
contingency planning and clearly define roles and responsibilities from the outset. This proactive

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Mentor Feedback (to be completed by the learner’s mentor)

approach will help anticipate challenges and streamline project execution. Additionally, fostering even
stronger communication among teams and regular progress monitoring will ensure smoother
coordination and timely adjustments as needed.

Adherence to Policies and Procedures: Throughout the project, the learner demonstrated a
commitment to following school policies and procedures. They ensured activities were conducted in a
safe and inclusive manner, considering safeguarding, equality, and health and safety guidelines at all
times. This attention to detail contributed to creating a positive and secure learning environment for all

Overall, the learner's performance reflects their dedication and capability in guiding student-led
initiatives. By implementing the suggested improvements, they will further enhance their effectiveness
as a mentor and facilitator in future projects. Their commitment to continuous learning and adherence
to best practices is commendable and will undoubtedly contribute to their professional growth in
educational settings.

Supervisor Ms.Stella Date 0 9 / 0 7 / 2 4

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