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Lesson Planning
by @daria.elt
(Grammar/Lexis/Pronu SKILLS

& Listening)
* Lead—in
* (Pre-teach) TTT TBL
* Gist task * Lead-in Speaking Writing
* Pre-task
* Analysis of * Test: Ss do *Task (Task -
examples from practice task, * Lead-in * Lead-in * Lead-in
Planning - * (Elicit/introduce
the Language monitors * (Pre-teach) * (Elicit/introduce
Report) necessary language
focus * Teach: language * Gist task necessary language for
*Post-task for task)
* Controlled focus/ error * Detailed task task)
(Language * Preparation time
practice correction * (Post-teach) * Focus on model of text
Focus) * Speaking task
* Freer practice * Test: controlled * Productive task type
practice * FB on content * Brainstorming/planning
* Freer practice * FB on language * Writing task
* Editing/Error correction
* "Publishing"
Systems Skills
ways in which English is organized
ways people use English
● LEXIS ● RECEPTIVE (Listening and
● FUNCTIONS Reading)
(Grammar/Lexis/Pronu SKILLS

& Listening)
* Lead—in TBL
* (Pre-teach) TTT * Pre-task
* Gist task * Lead-in Speaking Writing
* Analysis of * Test: Ss do *Task (Task -
examples from practice task, * Lead-in * Lead-in * Lead-in
Planning - * (Elicit/introduce
the Language monitors * (Pre-teach) * (Elicit/introduce
Report) necessary language
focus * Teach: language * Gist task necessary language for
*Post-task for task)
* Controlled focus/ error * Detailed task task)
(Language * Preparation time
practice correction * (Post-teach) * Focus on model of text
Focus) * Speaking task
* Freer practice * Test: controlled * Productive task type
practice * FB on content * Brainstorming/planning
* Freer practice * FB on language * Writing task
* Editing/Error correction
* "Publishing"
Lead-in ideas

● Quote or questions
● Jumbled word/sentence
● Two truths and a lie
● Picture
● Ranking
● Predict topic by 4-5 keywords
(Grammar/Lexis/Pronu SKILLS

& Listening)
* Lead—in
* (Pre-teach) TTT TBL
* Gist task * Lead-in Speaking Writing
* Pre-task
* Analysis of * Test: Ss do *Task (Task -
examples from practice task, * Lead-in * Lead-in * Lead-in
Planning - * (Elicit/introduce
the Language monitors * (Pre-teach) * (Elicit/introduce
Report) necessary language
focus * Teach: language * Gist task necessary language for
*Post-task for task)
* Controlled focus/ error * Detailed task task)
(Language * Preparation time
practice correction * (Post-teach) * Focus on model of text
Focus) * Speaking task
* Freer practice * Test: controlled * Productive task type
practice * FB on content * Brainstorming/planning
* Freer practice * FB on language * Writing task
* Editing/Error correction
* "Publishing"
PPP (Presentation-Practice-Production)
1. Lead-in – to generate interest, set context
2. Reading / listening for gist — to provide reading / listening practice for general
3. Highlighting TL (target language) — to practice noticing skills

Roadmap, B2, SB, Pearson, 2020

4. Clarification of TL
5. Controlled practice — to practice using TL
6. Freer practice — to practice speaking for fluency
7. Feedback to content
8. Feedback to language
● Meaning
● Form
● Pronunciation

Past Simple (A2): Did you … - / diʤu /
Comparatives (A2-B1): most dangerous

● Using the language more accurately is the aim.

● Repetition of the target language is important. ● The activity gives students more choice about the
● Error correction is often done during the language they can use to complete the activity and
activity so that students don’t continue to repeat express themselves.
incorrect language. ● The aim is for students to get the message across
and speak more naturally and fluently – using the
target language where appropriate.
● Error correction is often delayed as we don’t want
to keep interrupting students – this would impede
their fluency.
Controlled doesn’t mean impersonal

Verb transformation (Present Perf) Guess who

He ____ (have) his mobile for a year. [???Petro] ____ (have) his mobile for a year.

Drilling Are you the same?

T: I have been to Paris T: I have been to Paris

S: I have been to Paris S: I have been to Paris, too. // I haven’t been to Paris
Controlled or Freer?
1. Students are given pairs of objects and have to decide which one they would buy
and why (e.g. two mobile phones).
2. Students are given the names of two objects and must write as many sentences
as they can, comparing the two things using a different comparative adjective each
3. Students are given a series of pairs of objects and an adjective for each. They
must write a sentence for each pair using the given adjective.
Feedback and error correction

● controlled practice or freer practice?

● on content or on language?
WIDE ANGLE 3, Oxford University Press, 2019

1. Lead-in – to generate interest, set context

2. Reading / listening for gist — to provide reading / listening practice for
general understanding
3. Highlighting TL (target language) — to practice noticing skills
4. Clarification of TL
5. Controlled practice — to practice using TL
6. Freer practice — to practice speaking for fluency
Outcomes, 2ed, Int, SB, NGL

1. Lead-in – to generate interest, set context

2. Reading / listening for gist
3. Highlighting TL (target language) — to practice noticing skills
4. Clarification of TL
5. Controlled practice — to practice using TL
6. Freer practice — to practice speaking for fluency
(Grammar/Lexis/Pronu SKILLS

& Listening)
* Lead—in
* (Pre-teach) TTT TBL
* Gist task * Lead-in Speaking Writing
* Pre-task
* Analysis of * Test: Ss do *Task (Task -
examples from practice task, * Lead-in * Lead-in * Lead-in
Planning - * (Elicit/introduce
the Language monitors * (Pre-teach) * (Elicit/introduce
Report) necessary language
focus * Teach: language * Gist task necessary language for
*Post-task for task)
* Controlled focus/ error * Detailed task task)
(Language * Preparation time
practice correction * (Post-teach) * Focus on model of text
Focus) * Speaking task
* Freer practice * Test: controlled * Productive task type
practice * FB on content * Brainstorming/planning
* Freer practice * FB on language * Writing task
* Editing/Error correction
* "Publishing"

1. Lead-in
2. Test: Ss do practice task, T monitors
3. Teach: language focus/ error correction
4. Test: controlled practice
5. Freer practice
Roadmap, B2, SB, Pearson, 2020
All articles removed:

1 In US, woman was widow for 82/92/102 years.

Her husband died young.

2. Believe it or not, almonds are not healthy/nuts/food.

3 Alfred Nobel was creator of Nobel Peace Prize.

He also invented dynamite/electricity/tennis.

4 Some plants, called pitcher plants, eat rodents/rabbits/

people, They are only plants known to do this.

5 In 1918, Clinton Blume lost everything, including a

hairbrush, when his ship sank in Atlantic Ocean
near France. A year later, in 1919, he found
hairbrush on beach in US/France/Spain when he
was swimming,

6 Snails travel at 0.005/0.05/0.5 kilometres an hour.

(Grammar/Lexis/Pronu SKILLS

& Listening)
* Lead—in
* (Pre-teach) TTT TBL
* Gist task * Lead-in Speaking Writing
* Pre-task
* Analysis of * Test: Ss do *Task (Task -
examples from practice task, * Lead-in * Lead-in * Lead-in
Planning - * (Elicit/introduce
the Language monitors * (Pre-teach) * (Elicit/introduce
Report) necessary language
focus * Teach: language * Gist task necessary language for
*Post-task for task)
* Controlled focus/ error * Detailed task task)
(Language * Preparation time
practice correction * (Post-teach) * Focus on model of text
Focus) * Speaking task
* Freer practice * Test: controlled * Productive task type
practice * FB on content * Brainstorming/planning
* Freer practice * FB on language * Writing task
* Editing/Error correction
* "Publishing"
Task-Based Learning Task is usually based on GAPS:

● Information gaps are where students have different information and

* Pre-task (Setting the task, brainstorming TL)
*Task (Task - Planning - Report: T is the observer) have to exchange that information.
*Post-task (Language Focus: Analysis, Practice)
● In reasoning gaps students have to figure out how to get from where

they are, to where the task says they should be. An example would be

planning a night out with restrictions on budget, timing, and other


● Opinion gaps are where students need to agree or disagree with

others, and give reasons why. For example, a debate on society — the

classic, ‘should there be a death penalty?’ question.

* Pre-task (Setting the task, brainstorming TL)
*Task (Task - Planning - Report: T is the observer)
*Post-task (Language Focus: Analysis, Practice)

1 Priming You might begin by telling learners about a very busy day of your own or by
asking them to listen to a recording of someone talking about a busy day, and
encouraging them to ask you questions about it.

2 Preparation Ask learners to make a written list of all the things they did on their
busy day. They may use dictionaries to help them with this task. (If you plan ahead,
the priming can be done at the end of one class, and the preparation can be done for
homework. The target tasks can then be done in the next lesson.)

3 Target task Put learners in groups of three or four. They should tell each other
about their busy days, and decide which person in the group had the most difficult

4 Planning Groups are asked to help the person with the most interesting story to
prepare to tell the whole class what they have done.

5 Report Two or three learners are asked to give their accounts to the class, who
listen and then vote on who had the busiest/hardest day.

6 Language Analysis Ask learners to recall all the sequencers that were used (At first,
later, after that, etc.)

7 Language Practice Error correction, gap-fill, based on the covered material from
stage 6
● Tasks must be carefully planned to meet the criteria (communicative, engaging, relevant, appropriate
difficulty, etc.)
● It can take longer to plan
● It is time-consuming adapting PPP-style coursebook lessons
● Too much scaffolding in the early stages can turn a TBL class into a PPP class
● Randomness in terms of TL
● Hardly ever appropriate for lower levels
● Fluency at the expense of new language
(Grammar/Lexis/Pronu SKILLS

& Listening)
* Lead—in
* (Pre-teach) TTT TBL
* Gist task * Lead-in Speaking Writing
* Pre-task
* Analysis of * Test: Ss do *Task (Task -
examples from practice task, * Lead-in * Lead-in * Lead-in
Planning - * (Elicit/introduce
the Language monitors * (Pre-teach) * (Elicit/introduce
Report) necessary language
focus * Teach: language * Gist task necessary language for
*Post-task for task)
* Controlled focus/ error * Detailed task task)
(Language * Preparation time
practice correction * (Post-teach) * Focus on model of text
Focus) * Speaking task
* Freer practice * Test: controlled * Productive task type
practice * FB on content * Brainstorming/planning
* Freer practice * FB on language * Writing task
* Editing/Error correction
* "Publishing"
Receptive skills lessons (reading and listening)

1. Lead-in – to engage students in the context of the lesson and raise their interest — it might be a title or a picture
discussion, anything what prepare students for reading/listening.
2. Vocabulary pre-teaching — to pre-teach blocking vocabulary needed for gist reading / listening;
3. Reading / listening for gist or specific information — to set a short, easier task based on general understanding of the
text as a whole.
4. Vocabulary pre-teaching — to teach any vocabulary needed for the detailed task
5. Reading / listening for detailed comprehension — to set a task based on detailed comprehension (formats might
include gap fills, ordering events, true/false, etc).
6. Follow up activity — to do a speaking/writing activity based on the text.
Receptive skills lessons (reading and listening)

1. Lead-in – to engage students in the context of the lesson and raise their interest — it might be a title or a picture
discussion, anything what prepare students for reading/listening.
2. Vocabulary pre-teaching (optional) — to pre-teach blocking vocabulary needed for gist reading / listening;
3. Reading / listening for gist or specific information — to set a short, easier task based on general understanding of the
text as a whole.
4. Vocabulary pre-teaching (optional) — to teach any vocabulary needed for the detailed task
5. Reading / listening for detailed comprehension — to set a task based on detailed comprehension (formats might
include gap fills, ordering events, true/false, etc).
6. Follow up activity !!!— to do a speaking/writing activity based on the text.
Types of tasks

Listening/Reading for Gist Listening/Reading for Details

● Information/opinion gap ● Error correction

● pre-set questions ● Spot the difference
● tick what was mentioned ● Put events in the correct order
● put in the right order ● Sentence completion
● KWL chart (know,want to know, learnt) ● T/F
● Gap-filling
● Table filling
● WH- questions (what, when, where)
● Detecting signposts
● Time,date,numbers
Outcomes, 2ed, Int, SB, NGL
(Grammar/Lexis/Pronu SKILLS

& Listening)
* Lead—in
* (Pre-teach) TTT TBL
* Gist task * Lead-in Speaking Writing
* Pre-task
* Analysis of * Test: Ss do *Task (Task -
examples from practice task, * Lead-in * Lead-in * Lead-in
Planning - * (Elicit/introduce
the Language monitors * (Pre-teach) * (Elicit/introduce
Report) necessary language
focus * Teach: language * Gist task necessary language for
*Post-task for task)
* Controlled focus/ error * Detailed task task)
(Language * Preparation time
practice correction * (Post-teach) * Focus on model of text
Focus) * Speaking task
* Freer practice * Test: controlled * Productive task type
practice * FB on content * Brainstorming/planning
* Freer practice * FB on language * Writing task
* Editing/Error correction
* "Publishing"
Productive skills lessons (writing and speaking)
1. Lead-in – to generate interest, set topic
2. Vocabulary pre-teaching – to pre-teach any key vocabulary
3. Reading / Listening (optional) – to provide a model of the text type
4. Focus on the layout — to present or elicit the layout
5. Focus on the language — — to present or elicit the vocabulary
6. Controlled practice (optional) — to practice using of the vocabulary
7. Freer practice — for students to produce their own writing / speaking
8. Feedback to content !!— to provide the evaluation of the ideas of writing / speaking
9. Feedback to language – to provide error correction, to highlight good language usage as well!
Speakout, 2ed, Upper-Int, SB, Pearson, 2015

1. Lead-in – to generate interest, set topic

2. Vocabulary pre-teaching – to pre-teach any key vocabulary
3. Reading / Listening (optional) – to provide a model of the text type
4. Focus on the layout — to present or elicit the layout
5. Focus on the language — — to present or elicit the vocabulary
6. Controlled practice (optional) — to practice using of the vocabulary
7. Freer practice — for students to produce their own writing /

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