Y2 Maths Problem Solving, Reasoning and Investigating - FREE DOWNLOAD

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Maths Problem Solving,

Reasoning & Investigating

Year 2


Lizzie Marsland
Susannah Palmer
Author: Lizzie Marsland, Susannah Palmer
Series Editor: Peter Sumner
Cover and Page Design: Kathryn Webster, Jo Sullivan
The right of Lizzie Marsland and Susannah Palmer to be identified as the
authors of this publication has been asserted by them in accordance with
the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

HeadStart Primary Ltd

Elker Lane

T. 01200 423405
E. info@headstartprimary.com

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,

stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without
the prior permission of the publisher.

Published by HeadStart Primary Ltd 2019 © HeadStart Primary Ltd 2019

A record for this book is available from the British Library -

ISBN: 978-1-908767-58-5


Year 2: NUMBER - Number and place value

Page Objectives
Page 1 Count in steps of 2 from 0
Page 2 Count in steps of 3 from 0
Page 3 Count in steps of 5 from 0
Page 4 Count in steps of 2, 3 and 5 from 0
Page 5 Count in steps of 2, 3 and 5 from 0
Page 6 Count in tens from any number, forwards and backwards
Page 7 Recognise the place value of each digit in a two-digit number (tens, ones)
Page 8 Recognise the place value of each digit in a two-digit number (tens, ones)
Page 9 Identify, represent and estimate numbers using different representations,
including the number line
Page 10 Identify, represent and estimate numbers using different representations,
including the number line
Page 11 Compare and order numbers from 0 up to 100
Page 12 Compare and order numbers from 0 up to 100
Page 13 Use <, > and = signs
Page 14 Use <, > and = signs
Page 15 Read and write numbers to at least 100 in numerals and in words
Page 16 Read and write numbers to at least 100 in numerals and in words
Page 17 Use place value and number facts to solve problems
Page 18 Use place value and number facts to solve problems (money)
Page 19 Solve mixed problems involving number and place value
Page 20 Solve mixed problems involving number and place value
Page 21 Solve mixed problems involving number and place value

Pages 22 - 33 MASTERING - Number and place value

Year 2: NUMBER - Addition and subtraction

Page 34 Solve problems involving adding a two-digit number and ones

Page 35 Solve problems involving adding a two-digit number and tens
Page 36 Solve problems involving adding two two-digit numbers
Page 37 Solve problems involving adding three one-digit numbers

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Page 38 Solve problems involving subtracting a two-digit number and ones

Page 39 Solve problems involving subtracting a two-digit number and tens
Page 40 Solve problems involving subtracting two two-digit numbers
Page 41 Solve problems involving subtracting three one-digit numbers
Page 42 Solve problems involving addition and subtraction
Page 43 Solve problems involving addition and subtraction
Page 44 Solve problems involving addition and subtraction
Page 45 Solve addition money problems
Page 46 Solve subtraction money problems
Page 47 Solve addition and subtraction money problems
Page 48 Use addition facts to 20 to help add related facts up to 100
Page 49 Use subtraction facts to 20 to help subtract related facts up to 100
Page 50 Use addition and subtraction facts to 20 to help add and subtract related facts
up to 100
Page 51 Understand that addition is commutative but subtraction is not
Page 52 Use the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction to check calculations
and missing number problems
Page 53 Use the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction to check calculations
and missing number problems

Pages 54 - 66 MASTERING - Addition and subtraction

Year 2: NUMBER - Multiplication and division

Page 67 Recall and use multiplication facts for the 2 times table
Page 68 Recall and use multiplication facts for the 5 times table
Page 69 Recall and use multiplication facts for the 10 times table
Page 70 Recall and use multiplication facts for the 2, 5 and 10 times tables
Page 71 Recall and use multiplication facts for the 2, 5 and 10 times tables
Page 72 Recall and use division facts for the 2 times table
Page 73 Recall and use division facts for the 5 times table
Page 74 Recall and use division facts for the 10 times table
Page 75 Recall and use division facts for the 2, 5 and 10 times tables
Page 76 Recall and use division facts for the 2, 5 and 10 times tables
Page 77 Recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5 and 10 times tables
Page 78 Recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5 and 10 times tables
Page 79 Recognise odd and even numbers

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Page 80 Recognise odd and even numbers

Page 81 Understand that multiplication of two numbers is commutative
Page 82 Understand that division of two numbers is not commutative
Page 83 Solve problems involving multiplication and division
Page 84 Solve problems involving multiplication and division
Page 85 Solve problems involving multiplication and division
Page 86 Solve problems involving multiplication and division

Pages 87 - 99 MASTERING - Multiplication and division

Year 2: NUMBER - Fractions

Page 100 Recognise the fractions 12, 13, 14, 24 and 34

Page 101 Recognise the fractions 12, 13, 14, 24 and 34
Page 102 Find 12
Page 103 Find 13
Page 104 Find 14
Page 105 Find 24
Page 106 Find 34
Page 107 Recognise, find, name and write fractions
Page 108 Recognise, find, name and write fractions
Page 109 Recognise, find, name and write fractions
Page 110 Recognise, find, name and write fractions (money)
Page 111 Recognise, find, name and write fractions (money)
Page 112 Count in fractions, starting from any number

Pages 113 - 120 MASTERING - Fractions


Page 121 Solve problems involving length/height (m/cm)

Page 122 Solve problems involving mass (kg/g)
Page 123 Solve problems involving temperature (oC)
Page 124 Solve problems involving capacity (l/ml)
Page 125 Solve problems involving capacity, length, mass and temperature
Page 126 Compare and order volume/capacity
Page 127 Compare and order lengths
Page 128 Compare and order mass

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Page 129 Compare and order measures of capacity, length, mass and temperature
Page 130 Use <, > and = signs
Page 131 Compare and order lengths, mass, volume/capacity and record the results
using >, < and =
Page 132 Recognise and use symbols for pounds (£) and pence (p); combine amounts to make
a particular value
Page 133 Recognise and use symbols for pounds (£) and pence (p); combine amounts to make
a particular value
Page 134 Find different combinations of coins that equal the same amount of money
Page 135 Solve simple problems involving addition of money of the same unit, including
giving change
Page 136 Solve simple problems involving subtraction of money of the same unit, including
giving change
Page 137 Solve simple problems involving addition and subtraction of money of the same unit,
including giving change
Page 138 Solve simple problems involving addition and subtraction of money of the same unit,
including giving change
Page 139 Compare and sequence intervals of time
Page 140 Compare and sequence intervals of time
Page 141 Know the number of minutes in an hour and the number of hours in a day

Pages 142 - 151 MASTERING - Measurement

Year 2: GEOMETRY - Properties of shapes / Position and direction

Page 152 Identify and describe the properties of 2D shapes, including the number of sides and
symmetry in a vertical line
Page 153 Identify and describe the properties of 3D shapes, including the number of edges,
vertices and faces
Page 154 Identify 2D shapes on the surface of 3D shapes
Page 155 Compare and sort common 2D and 3D shapes and everyday objects

Pages 156 - 167 MASTERING - Geometry


Page 168 Interpret data and solve problems from a pictogram

Page 169 Interpret data and solve problems from a pictogram
Page 170 Interpret data and solve problems from a pictogram

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Page 171 Interpret data and solve problems from a tally chart
Page 172 Interpret data and solve problems from a tally chart
Page 173 Interpret data and solve problems from a tally chart
Page 174 Interpret data and solve problems from a block diagram
Page 175 Interpret data and solve problems from a block diagram
Page 176 Interpret data and solve problems from a block diagram
Page 177 Interpret data and solve problems from a table
Page 178 Interpret data and solve problems from a table
Page 179 Interpret data and solve problems from a table

Pages 180 - 187 MASTERING - Statistics

Pages 188 - 201 INVESTIGATION - Trip to the Adventure Park

Pages 202 - 209 ANSWERS

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These problems have been written in line with the objectives from the Mathematics
Curriculum. Questions have been written to match all appropriate objectives from each
content domain of the curriculum.

Solving problems and mathematical reasoning in context are difficult skills for children
to master; a real-life, written problem is an abstract concept and children need
opportunities to practise and consolidate their problem solving techniques.

As each content domain is taught, the skills learnt can be applied to the relevant
problems. This means that a particular objective can be reinforced and problem solving
and reasoning skills further developed. The first section of each content domain is
intended to provide opportunities for children to practise and consolidate their problem
solving skills. Each page has an identified objective from the National Curriculum;
the difficulty level of the questions increases towards the bottom of each page, thus
providing built-in differentiation.

Mastering a skill involves obtaining a greater level of understanding of the skill,

the ability to transfer and apply knowledge in different contexts and explaining
understanding to others.

The MASTERING and INVESTIGATION sections provide extra challenges as children’s

problem solving skills and confidence increase. The problems in the MASTERING
sections encompass several objectives from the relevant curriculum domain. The
INVESTIGATION covers objectives from across the whole curriculum.

At HeadStart, we realise that children may need more space to record their answers,
working out or explanations. It is recommended, therefore, that teachers use their
discretion as to where children complete their work.

Since a structured approach to problem solving supports learning, developing a

whole-school approach is highly recommended.

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Throughout this book,
6 children are solving problems.
Their names are:

Mia Declan Asmi

Harry Nisha Sam

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It may be appropriate for children to use exercise books or paper to record
their answers, working out or explanations.

Number and place value

These are
all about
number and
place value!

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NUMBER - Number and place value Year 2

Count in steps of 2 from 0

1 Mia is counting in steps of 2. She counts from 0. What is the first

number she says?

2 Asmi has 2 stickers. She buys 2 more stickers from the shop. How
many stickers does she have now?

3 Declan has 2 toy cars. Harry has 2 toy cars. Sam also has 2 toy
cars. How many toy cars do they have altogether?

4 Mr Imran asked his class to count in steps of 2. The first number

they said was 0. What was the fourth number they said?

5 Starting from 0 as your first number, count up in steps of 2. What

is the ninth number that you count?

© Copyright HeadStart Primary Ltd 1 Name .............................................

It may be appropriate for children to use exercise books or paper to record
their answers, working out or explanations.


Number and place value

These are
Are you
ready for the

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MASTERING - Number and place value Year 2

1 How many 2-digit numbers can Mia make with a digit sum of 5?
Write her numbers in the boxes below.

2 Look at these number lines. Write the missing numbers in the box.

0 10 20 30 40 50

40 50 60 70

100 150

© Copyright HeadStart Primary Ltd 22 Name .............................................

It may be appropriate for children to use exercise books or paper to record
their answers, working out or explanations.

Addition and subtraction

These are
all about
addition and

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NUMBER - Addition and subtraction Year 2

Solve problems involving adding a two-digit number

and ones

1 Sam has 10 football shirts. He gets 2 new shirts when the new
season starts. How many does he have now?

2 Asmi has 12 hair clips. Her mum buys her 7 more. How many hair
clips does Asmi have now?

3 Harry has 12 oranges and 9 apples. How many pieces of fruit does
he have altogether?

4 There are 24 children and 9 teachers on the trip to the library.

How many people are on the trip altogether?

5 Declan has 29 red balls and 8 blue balls. How many balls does he
have altogether?

6 Mrs Robinson has grown 25 tulips, 8 sunflowers and 9 roses in her

garden. How many flowers has she grown in total?

© Copyright HeadStart Primary Ltd 34 Name .............................................

It may be appropriate for children to use exercise books or paper to record
their answers, working out or explanations.


Addition and subtraction

These are
quite difficult.

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MASTERING - Addition and subtraction Year 2

3 Sam and Declan are playing darts. Sam scores 75 points.

Declan scores 42 points more.

a How many points did Declan score?

b How many points did they score altogether?

4 Circle two numbers that add up to 100.

42 68 74 58 36

5 Harry does this calculation: 4 + 3 + 8 = 15.

The total is an odd number.

Harry says that when you add together

three one-digit numbers the total is always odd.

Is Harry correct? Yes / No

Give three examples to prove your answer.




© Copyright HeadStart Primary Ltd 55 Name .............................................

It may be appropriate for children to use exercise books or paper to record
their answers, working out or explanations.

Multiplication and division

These are
all about
and division!

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NUMBER - Multiplication and division Year 2

Recall and use multiplication facts for the 2 times table

1 Declan and Sam have 2 sandwiches each.

How many sandwiches do they have altogether?

2 It costs £2 to go ice skating. How much would it cost for 3

children to go ice skating?

3 There are 5 oranges in a bag. How many oranges

would there be in 2 bags?

4 A tractor has 4 wheels. How many wheels would 2 tractors have?

5 Asmi cyles 8 miles in an hour. How many miles would she cycle in
2 hours?


6 Harry watches 12 cartoons every week.

How many cartoons did he watch in 2 weeks?

© Copyright HeadStart Primary Ltd 67 Name .............................................

It may be appropriate for children to use exercise books or paper to record
their answers, working out or explanations.


Multiplication and division

You will
need all your
brain power
for these!

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MASTERING - Multiplication and division Year 2

4 This array represents 5 × 2 = 10.

Write three other multiplication or addition facts

that this array shows.

× = 10

+ + + + = 10

+ = 10

5 Fruit is sold in packs.

Apples cost £3 per pack.

Bananas cost £2 per pack.
Plums cost £5 per pack.

Mrs Smith buys 5 packs of apples, 3 packs of bananas and 4

packs of plums.

How much does Mrs Smith spend altogether? £

6 Asmi, Mia, Sam, Harry and Declan buy some sweets to share.

The sweets come in packets of 14, 15 or 16.

Which size packet should the children buy so that they can share
the sweets equally?

© Copyright HeadStart Primary Ltd 88 Name .............................................

It may be appropriate for children to use exercise books or paper to record
their answers, working out or explanations.


are all about

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NUMBER - Fractions Year 2

Recognise the fractions 12 , 13 , 14 , 24 and 34

1 Mia eats 2
of her cream cake. How much cake does she have left?

2 One quarter of Class 2 are playing outside. Circle the fraction which
represents this:
1 1 2
4 3 4

3 Declan cuts his pizza into quarters. He eats two quarters.

Write down the fraction of pizza that he eats.

4 Sam has 9 doughnuts. He gives 3 to Asmi, 3 to Nisha and he eats 3

himself. What fraction does he eat?

5 There are 20 sheep in a field. Three quarters of the sheep are

eating grass. Write this as a fraction.

6 Harry eats 2
of his grapes at lunchtime. What fraction of his grapes
does he have left?

© Copyright HeadStart Primary Ltd 100 Name .............................................

It may be appropriate for children to use exercise books or paper to record
their answers, working out or explanations.



These are
quite hard
so go for it!

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MASTERING - Fractions Year 2

3 Put these numbers and fractions in order, starting with the smallest.
212 213 214

smallest largest

4 Sam had 18 grapes.

He ate six of the grapes and gave 12 to Declan.
What fraction of the grapes did each boy eat?

Sam ate

Declan ate

5 Use arrows to mark these numbers and fractions on the number

line. One has been done for you.

112 1
234 313

0 1 2 3 4

© Copyright HeadStart Primary Ltd 114 Name .............................................

It may be appropriate for children to use exercise books or paper to record
their answers, working out or explanations.


These are
all about

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Solve problems involving length/height (m/cm)

1 Declan uses a ruler to measure his pencils. The red pencil is 8 cm

long. The blue pencil is 10 cm long. Which pencil is longer?

2 Mia draws a line 30 centimetres long with a ruler. Harry draws a

line 20 cm long. How much longer is Mia's line than Harry's?


3 A kangaroo, jumps for 20 metres. Another kangaroo, jumps for

30 metres. How far have they jumped altogether?

4 Asmi uses a tape measure to measure her height. She is 120 cm

tall. During the next year, she grows 6 cm. How tall is she now?


5 Sam jumps 4 metres, runs 11 metres and walks 34 metres. How

far has he travelled in total?

6 Mia's sunflower measures 80 cm. The sunflower grows to 125 cm.

How many centimetres has the sunflower grown?


© Copyright HeadStart Primary Ltd 121 Name .............................................

It may be appropriate for children to use exercise books or paper to record
their answers, working out or explanations.



These are
tough! Ask for
help if you
need it.

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MASTERING - Measurement Year 2

1 Harry weighs some different items.

The skateboard weighs 2 kg.

a How much does one kettle weigh? kg

= +

b How much does the bucket weigh? kg

+ =

c How much does the bike weigh? kg

+ = + +

© Copyright HeadStart Primary Ltd 142 Name .............................................

It may be appropriate for children to use exercise books or paper to record
their answers, working out or explanations.

Properties of shapes / Position and direction

These are
all about

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GEOMETRY - Properties of shapes / Position and direction Year 2

Identify and describe the properties of 2D shapes, including

the number of sides and symmetry in a vertical line

1 Mia is looking at a 2D shape that has 3 sides and 3 vertices.

What is the name of Mia's shape?

2 I am a four sided flat shape. All my sides are the same length.
What shape am I?

3 Sam is drawing a hexagon. How many sides does he need to draw?

4 Declan says, “A pentagon has 6 sides.” Is he correct?

Yes / No
Explain your answer.


5 I am an 8 sided polygon. All my sides are equal. What am I called?

6 Is this shape symmetrical?

Yes / No
Explain your answer.



© Copyright HeadStart Primary Ltd 152 Name .............................................

It may be appropriate for children to use exercise books or paper to record
their answers, working out or explanations.



You will need

to think very
carefully to
solve these!

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MASTERING - Geometry Year 2

3 Look at this pattern of arrows. Draw the missing arrow in the box.

4 Asmi says that if you fold a rectangle in half you get a square.
Sam says that if you fold a rectangle in half you get a rectangle.
Who is correct?

Sam / Asmi

5 A cube has 6 faces, 8 vertices and 12 edges.

Which other 3D shape has 6 faces, 8 vertices and 12 edges?

6 I am inside the room facing the window.

I turn through three right angles anti-clockwise.
I then turn through two right angles clockwise.

What am I facing now? window




© Copyright HeadStart Primary Ltd 157 Name .............................................

It may be appropriate for children to use exercise books or paper to record
their answers, working out or explanations.


These are
all about

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Interpret data and solve problems from a pictogram

Pictogram to show favourite pets of Class 2






number of children

1 Which is the most popular pet?

2 Which is the least popular pet?

3 How many children said their favourite pet was

a horse?

4 How many children said cat and dog altogether?

5 How many children were asked altogether?

© Copyright HeadStart Primary Ltd 168 Name .............................................

It may be appropriate for children to use exercise books or paper to record
their answers, working out or explanations.



These are
tricky! Ask for
help if you
need it.

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MASTERING - Statistics Year 2

1 Miss Kinsella asked all the children in her class how they came to
Here is a table showing their results.

Tally Frequency





a Fill in the frequency column.

b How many children are in the class?

c What is the most popular way of getting to school?

d What fraction of the class come by car?

e Which way of getting to school is used by half of the children

in the class?

© Copyright HeadStart Primary Ltd 180 Name .............................................

It may be appropriate for children to use exercise books or paper to record
their answers, working out or explanations.


Trip to the Adventure Park

You will need to

use everything you
have learnt in Year
2 to complete this

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INVESTIGATION - Trip to the Adventure Park Year 2

1 Year 2 are going on a trip to an Adventure Park.

The school kitchen makes up packed lunches for the 36 children
in Year 2.
They can choose white or brown bread with ham or cheese.
Use these clues to find out how many of each sandwich the
kitchen needs to make.

There are:

• 14 white bread sandwiches

• 9 white bread sandwiches with ham

• 21 ham sandwiches

• twice as many brown bread sandwiches with cheese as there are

white bread sandwiches with cheese

Fill in the chart below.

ham cheese total




2 Year 2 travel to the Adventure Park by coach.

There are 45 seats on the coach.

How many adults can go on the trip?

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INVESTIGATION - Trip to the Adventure Park Year 2

Follow the directions, using the plan of the Adventure Park, to

complete the timetable below.
Group 1 Group2 Group 3 Group 4

Activity den making

low rope
assault course barefoot walk
1 challenge

go north 2 go south 2
Activity go north 3
squares and squares and
go south 3
2 squares
west 1 square east 2 squares

go west 3 go east 1 square

Activity squares and
go east 3
and north 1
go west 3
3 north 1 square

go south 2 go west 4
Activity go south 4
squares and squares and
go north 4
4 squares
east 1 square south 1 square

Timetable (fill in the blanks)

Group 1 Group2 Group 3 Group 4
half past low rope
den making assault course barefoot walk
10 challenge

past 11

12 noon lunch lunch lunch lunch

half past 12

past 1

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Year 2: NUMBER - Number and place value

Page 1: 1) 2 2) 4 3) 6 4) 6 5) 16
Page 2: 1) 3 2) 6 3) 9 4) 9 5) 6, 12
Page 3: 1) 5 2) 10 3) 15 4) 5, 10, 15 5) 15, 20, 25, 30
Page 4: 1) 10 2) 2 3) 6 4) 4, 6 5) 10, 20, 25
Page 5: 1) 4 2) 3, 6 3) 2, 4, 6 4) 15 5) 16
Page 6: 1) 15 2) 16 3) 45 4) 9 5) 64, 74, 84, 94
Page 7: 1) 6 tens 2) 8 3) 6 4) 5 tens, 6 ones 5) 35 6) no; appropriate explanation
Page 8: 1) 3 tens 2) 3 3) yes; appropriate explanation 4) 57 5) 10p + 10p + 10p + 1p + 1p
Page 9: 1) 15 2) 10 m 3) 3 4) 110 cm 5) 40 cm 6) 87
Page 10: 1) 100 ml 2) 50 3) 20 4) 13 5) 70 cm 6) yes; appropriate explanation
Page 11: 1) 5, 10, 15, 20 2) 48; appropriate explanation 3) 34 4) 80, 75, 70, 62
5) 98; appropriate explanation
Page 12: 1) 65; appropriate explanation 2) 23 3) 34, 43, 55, 56 4) 90 5) 92, 95, 97, 99
Page 13: 1) 2 < 4 2) = 3) any number less than 10 4) 87 5) any number larger than 34
Page 14: 1) = 2) > 3) 55 4) = 5) <
Page 15: 1) 16 2) twenty five 3) 84 4) 62 5) seventy three 6) 99
Page 16: 1) six 2) seventeen 3) a) 48 b) 75 4) ninety five 5) 56, 57, 65, 67, 75, 76
Page 17: 1) 2 2) 200 3) 30 4) 23 5) eldest; cousin, youngest; Nisha 6) 60
Page 18: 1) 40p 2) 5 3) £10 4) £87; appropriate explanation 5) 5 in £56 6) £89
Page 19: 1) 55 2) fifteen 3) 200 4) 3, 6, 9, 12 5) 83
Page 20: 1) 10 2) 20 3) 48 4) 5 5) 87; appropriate explanation 6) 4 tens, 9 ones
Page 21: 1) 4 2) < 3) 5 4) 38 5) largest; 69, smallest; 61
MASTERING - Number and place value
Page 22: 1) 14, 23, 32, 41, 50 2) a) 5, 20, 33, 47 b) 41, 52, 58, 65 c) in the region of 107, 125,
in the region of 131
Page 23: 3) <, =, =, >, = 4) 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 25, 30, 32, 33, 35, 36, 38, 39, 40, 42, 44, 45, 46, 48, 50
Page 24: 5) a) 65 circled b) 24 circled c) 20 circled 6) a) 9, 12, 15 b) 10, 20, 25 c) 200, 170
Page 25: 7) no; appropriate explanation, 13 and 16 etc 8) 741, 714, 471, 417, 174, 147
Page 26: 9) a) 71, 76, 17, 67, 16, 61 b) 17 c) 61, 67, 71, 76
Page 27: 10) a) true b) false c) false d) true 11) a) 42 circled, 100 circled, 75 circled b) 37, 42, 57,
75, 98, 100 c) 37, 42, 57
Page 28: 12) 325, 70, 7, 3, 70 13) a) 16, 25, 34, 43, 52, 61 b) 61, 52, 43, 34, 25, 16
Page 29: 14) line drawn through 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27 15) appropriate answers
Page 30: 16) 30 17) <, =, >, <
Page 31: 18) 52, 54, 56, 58, 60, 62, 64, 66, 68, 70 19) a) 54, 64, 74, 84, 94 b) 54, 64, 74, 84, 94

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Page 32: 20) 5 different numbers; 15, 24, 33, 42, 51 21) >, >, =
Page 33: 22) a) 56 b) 65 c) Nisha’s d) any number between 57 and 64 23) 43
Year 2: NUMBER - Addition and subtraction
Page 34: 1) 12 2) 19 3) 21 4) 33 5) 37 6) 42
Page 35: 1) 20 2) 35 3) 44 4) 53 miles 5) 83 6) 102
Page 36: 1) 22 2) 30 3) 34 4) 41 5) 47 6) 57
Page 37: 1) 8 2) 10 3) 15 4) 22 5) 27
Page 38: 1) 5 2) 9 3) 12 4) 29 5) 29 6) 54
Page 39: 1) 10 2) 15 3) 5 4) 35 5) 48 6) 44
Page 40: 1) 5 2) 8 3) 9 4) 4 5) 21 6) 29
Page 41: 1) 4 2) 12 3) 3 4) 14 5) 20 miles
Page 42: 1) 12 2) 13 3) 4 4) 9 5) 62 6) 85
Page 43: 1) 18 2) 31 3) 6 4) 24 5) 31 6) 17
Page 44: 1) 6 2) 22 3) 28 4) 18 5) 24 6) 19
Page 45: 1) 17p 2) 32p 3) 90p 4) 99p 5) 23p 6) 37p
Page 46: 1) 8p 2) 45p 3) £6 4) yes; appropriate explanation 5) 7p 6) £11.50
Page 47: 1) 32p 2) 5p 3) 37p 4) 10p 5) 24p 6) 70p
Page 48: 1) 100 2) 100 3) 140 4) 160 5) 140 6) 120
Page 49: 1) 50 2) 80 3) 50 4) 130; appropriate explanation 5) 60 6) 60
Page 50: 1) 100 2) 170; appropriate explanation 3) 80 4) 130 5) 90 6) £1.70
Page 51: 1) 4 2) the answer was the same 3) 8 4) no; appropriate explanation
5) no; appropriate explanation
Page 52: 1) 10 − 6 = 4 or 10 − 4 = 6 2) yes; appropriate explanation 3) 8 + 12 = 20
4) 7 − 2 = 5 or 7 − 5 = 2 5) 100 − 70 = 30 or 100 − 30 = 70
Page 53: 1) 13 – 5 = 8 or 13 – 8 = 5 2) 100 3) 19 4) 90 5) 6
MASTERING - Addition and subtraction
Page 54: 1) a) =, b) <, c) =, d) < 2) lines drawn from 60 + 60 and 150 - 30
Page 55: 3) a) 117 b) 192 4) 42 and 58 circled 5) no; appropriate examples
Page 56: 6) a) 12p b) 7p 7) 36 − 12 = 24, 12 + 24 = 36, 24 + 12 = 36
Page 57: 8) no; appropriate explanation 9) flour 50 g, sugar 75 g, butter 35 g, eggs 1
10) circled 56 + 33 = 89, 128 - 47 = 81
Page 58: 11) true, false, true, true 12) 19 13) 43 14) Harry £6, Sam £11
Page 59: 15) a) 15 b) 120 c) black, white, blue d) red e) blue
Page 60: 16) 1, 2, 3, 4; appropriate explanation 17) appropriate answers
Page 61: 18) 21 19) 26 + 34 = 60, 27 + 33 = 60, 28 + 32 = 60, 29 + 31 = 60 (or 24 + 36 = 60,
23 + 37 = 60, 22 + 38 = 60, 21 + 39 = 60) 43 − 11 = 32, 44 − 12 = 32, 45 − 13 = 32,
46 − 14 = 32 20) Mia £11, Asmi £9, Sam £5

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Page 62: 21) a) yes; appropriate examples b) yes; appropriate examples

Page 63: 22) a) appropriate answers b) appropriate answers
Page 64: 23) 4, 3, 2, 1 24) Asmi £9, Nisha £6 25) appropriate answers
Page 65: 26) 37 + 26 = 63, 63 - 37 = 26, 63 - 26 = 37 27) Declan 12, Harry 19, Sam 13;
44 marbles altogether 28) appropriate answer
Page 66: 29) a) +, b) -, c) +, d) - 30) no; appropriate examples
Year 2: NUMBER - Multiplication and division
Page 67: 1) 4 2) £6 3) 10 4) 8 5) 16 miles 6) 24
Page 68: 1) 10 2) 15 3) 20 4) 50 5) 30 6) 60
Page 69: 1) 20 2) 30 3) 50 4) 80 5) 60 miles 6) 120
Page 70: 1) 10 2) 20 3) 50 4) 16 5) 18 6) 60
Page 71: 1) 15 2) 40 3) 16 4) 30 5) 14 6) 120
Page 72: 1) 2 2) 3 3) 5 4) 8 5) 9 6) 11
Page 73: 1) 2 2) 4 3) 3 4) 7 5) 10 6) 12
Page 74: 1) 2 2) 3 3) 5 4) 8 5) 10 6) 12
Page 75: 1) 2 2) 3 3) £6 4) 10 5) 8 6) 12
Page 76: 1) 2 2) 6 3) 10 4) 8 5) 10 6) 12
Page 77: 1) £5 2) 10 3) 60 4) 40 5) 3 6) £120
Page 78: 1) 10 2) 24 3) 10 4) 8 5) £7 6) 12
Page 79: 1) odd 2) even 3) 2, even 4) 25, odd 5) 30, even 6) no; appropriate explanation
Page 80: 1) 7 2) even 3) 33, 35 4) 52, 54, 56, 58 5) 41, 43, 45, 47, 49
6) no; appropriate explanation
Page 81: 1) 8 2) 5 x 3 = 15 or 3 x 5 = 15 3) appropriate explanation 4) 5 x 9 = 45
5) yes; appropriate explanation
Page 82: 1) 3 2) no; appropriate explanation 3) no; appropriate explanation
4) no; appropriate explanation 5) appropriate explanation
Page 83: 1) £30 2) 8; appropriate drawing 3) 5 4) 40 5) odd 6) 6
Page 84: 1) even 2) 10 3) 20 4) 14 5) 12 6) 11
Page 85: 1) 6 hours 2) 30 3) 20 4) 120 5) 45p 6) 60, even
Page 86: 1) 8 2) 5 3) 20 4) 15, odd 5) £30 6) 12
MASTERING - Multiplication and division
Page 87: 1) 15; E, 50; L, 20; P, 20; P, apple 2) Asmi 3) Sam 7, Harry 7
Page 88: 4) 2 x 5 = 10, 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 10, 5 + 5 = 10 5) £41 6) 15
Page 89: 7) a) 4 x 10 = 40 b) 10p 8) a) 30 b) £60
Page 90: 9) a) 24 b) 6 10) Nisha 6, Asmi 3 11) 90
Page 91: 12) 5 x 14 = 70, 70 ÷ 5 = 14, 70 ÷ 14 = 5 13) a) 6 b) 3 14) 6

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Page 92: 15) true, true, true, true 16) 5 x 6 = 30, 6 x 5 = 30, 30 ÷ 5 = 6, 30 ÷ 6 = 5
Page 93: 17) £1.85 18) a) 5 b) 1 19) 34 p
Page 94: 20) not correct; 2 x 3 = 6, correct, correct, not correct; 25 ÷ 5 = 5 21) lines drawn
Page 95: 22) 5, 5, 3 23) 10 24) 7 coins, 9 coins
Page 96: 25) appropriate answers 26) 10, 2, 5, 3, 30, 6, 4, 6, 10, 50, 15, 25
Page 97: 27) appropriate answers 28) yes; appropriate explanation
Page 98: 29) 5, 5, 4, 3, 3; banana 30) 30 circled 31) a) 3 b) 2
Page 99: c) 6 d) 2 e) 50 chicken nuggets, 36 sausages
Year 2: NUMBER - Fractions
Page 100: 1) 12 2) 14 circled 3) 24 4) 13 5) 34 6) 13
Page 101: 1) one half 2) 13 circled 3) three quarters circled 4) no; appropriate explanation 5) 14
Page 102: 1) 12 2) 12 3) 10 4) 12 5) 25 6) 12
Page 103: 1) 13 2) 13 3) 13 4) 13 5) 10 6) 12
Page 104: 1) 14 circled 2) 14 3) 14 4) 14 5) 10 6) 3
Page 105: 1) 24 2) 24 3) 24 4) 20 5) 10 6) yes; appropriate explanation
Page 106: 1) 34 2) 34 circled 3) 34 4) 30 5) 30 6) 15
Page 107: 1) one half 2) 24 3) appropriate drawing 4) 5 5) 10 6) 2
Page 108: 1) 10 2) 10 3) 13 4) 2 5) 20 6) 16
Page 109: 1) appropriate drawing 2) 6 3) 50 4) 34 5) 14 6) 5, 15
Page 110: 1) 5p 2) 50p 3) 60p 4) £10 5) £15 6) £45
Page 111: 1) 12 2) 20p 3) £10 4) £3 5) £24 6) £14
Page 112: 1) 112 2) 112 , 2 3) 223 , 3 4) 434 5) 134, 114
MASTERING - Fractions
Page 113: 1) a) 10 b) 4 c) 34 d) 8 e) 13 2) 3 additional squares shaded
Page 114: 3) 214, 213, 212 4) Sam ate 13, Declan ate 23 5) appropriate answers
Page 115: 6) a) 24 and 12 circled b) appropriate explanation 7) squares shaded correctly
Page 116: 8) appropriate answers 9) £1
Page 117: 10) squares shaded correctly 11) 25 circled 12) no; appropriate explanation
Page 118: 13) incorrect; 12 of 12 = 6, incorrect; 34 of 8 = 6, correct; 14 of 20 = 5, incorrect;
1 1
3of 9 = 3 14) 3circled; appropriate explanation 15) Mia, Nisha, Asmi

Page 119: 16) a) 6 b) 16 17) arrows drawn correctly

Page 120: 18) a) 30 m b) 6 m c) 2 m d) 58 m 19) they both ate the same amount
Page 121: 1) blue pencil (10 cm) 2) 10 cm 3) 50 m 4) 126 cm 5) 49 m 6) 45 cm
Page 122: 1) 60 g 2) 200 g 3) 260 g 4) 27 kg 5) 67 kg 6) 25 kg

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Page 123: 1) 22°C 2) 67°C 3) 205°C 4) Greece 5) England 6) 5°C

Page 124: 1) 80 ml 2) 125 ml 3) 26 l 4) 35 ml 5) 400 ml 6) 10 l
Page 125: 1) 100 ml 2) 21°C 3) 50 ml 4) 6 g 5) 15 cm
Page 126: 1) Sam (70 ml) 2) Harry (2 litres) 3) Jug B (600 ml) 4) Tank 1 (50 litres) 5) 1100 ml
6) Mia (92,000 ml)
Page 127: 1) 10 cm 2) Mia (22 cm) 3) Mia (110 m) 4) 25 cm 5) Harry (130 cm)
6) Past the park, 9 m
Page 128: 1) Flour (70 g) 2) Sam (110 g) 3) Bowl A (50 g) 4) lightest; Mia, heaviest; Dad
5) Floppy 1100 grams 6) lightest; Declan, heaviest; Harry
Page 129: 1) Manchester 2) lunchtime (210 ml) 3) Monday, 19 m 4) Mia (96,500 ml)
5) Sam, Declan, Harry
Page 130: 1) < 2) = 3) appropriate measurement 4) 52 g 5) appropriate weights
Page 131: 1) A>B 2) 1 litres < 1 12 litres 3) 65 kg > 42 kg 4) 110 cm < 1m 12 cm < 120 cm
Page 132: 1) 20p, 10p 2) £2 3) 300p 4) 20p, 20p, 10p 5) £1.75 6) no; appropriate explanation
Page 133: 1) 10p, 5p 2) 20p, 2p, 2p, 1p 3) 20p, 10p 4) 10p, 5p, 2p 5) £1, 10p, 5p
Page 134: 1) 10p or 5p, 5p 2) they have the same; appropriate explanation 3) 5 4) 10
5) 20p, 5p, 1p 6) 10
Page 135: 1) 70p 2) 90p 3) 40p 4) £1.50, 50p 5) 45p 6) £4.20
Page 136: 1) 20p 2) 25p 3) 40p 4) £3 5) £8 6) no; appropriate explanation
Page 137: 1) 65p 2) £4 3) £22 4) 32p 5) 12p 6) 6p
Page 138: 1) 40p 2) £1.30 3) £8 4) 30p 5) 75p 6) £2.30
Page 139: 1) 4.30 pm 2) 8.15 am 3) 1 hour 4) 3.10 pm 5) 9 am 6) Harry; appropriate
Page 140: 1) 10.30 am 2) 11.15 am 3) 12 noon 4) 3 hours 5) half past three 6) bus ride; 11 am
Page 141: 1) 60 minutes 2) 24 hours 3) 120 minutes 4) 14 hours 5) 48 hours 6) 270 minutes
MASTERING - Measurement
Page 142: 1) a) 1 kg b) 3 kg c) 4 kg
Page 143: 2) a) 14 b) 7 3) lines drawn correctly
Page 144: 4) a) apple; appropriate explanation b) 100 g; appropriate explanation 5) <, <, >, >
Page 145: 6) a) 45p b) yes; appropriate explanation c) 20p; 10p + 10p; 10p + 5p + 5p;
5p + 5p + 5p + 5p 7) can and apple or can and sandwich
Page 146: 8) teaspoon - 5 ml, bucket 5 litres, egg cup - 50 ml, drinks bottle - 500 ml,
tablespoon - 15 ml, bath - 100 litres, swimming pool - 375,000 litres
Page 147: 9) 50p + 20p + 10p + 5p 10) a) 150 g b) 50 g c) 900 g d) flour - 600 g, butter 500 g,
sugar - 400 g, 6 eggs e) flour - 900 g, butter - 750 g, sugar - 600 g, 9 eggs

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Page 148: 11) they have the same amount 12) 1st, 3rd and last clocks ticked 13) appropriate
Page 149: 14) 25 cm 15) 4 16) a) 5 cm b) 8 cm c) 6 cm d) 4 cm a) pencil b b) d and c or b and c
Page 150: 17) a) 550 ml b) 250 ml c) line drawn correctly
Page 151: 18) a) 200 g b) 175 g c) 275 g d) 175 g, 200 g, 275 g (B, A, C)
Year 2: GEOMETRY - Properties of shapes
Page 152: 1) triangle 2) square 3) 6 4) no; appropriate explanation 5) octagon
6) yes; appropriate explanation
Page 153: 1) sphere 2) straight 3) cylinder 4) no; appropriate explanation 5) 17 6) cone
Page 154: 1) rectangle 2) 6 3) circle 4) no; appropriate explanation 5) triangle, square
6) circle
Page 155: 1) sphere 2) appropriate object 3) appropriate list 4) no; appropriate explanation
5) appropriate objects
MASTERING - Geometry
Page 156: 1) no; appropriate explanation 2) triangles drawn correctly; appropriate explanations
Page 157: 3) arrow facing downwards 4) Sam 5) cuboid 6) table
Page 158: 7) square based pyramid 8) 1st, 3rd and 4th shapes circled 9) red 3, blue 2, green 1
10) circle then star drawn
Page 159: 11) triangle drawn correctly; appropriate explanation 12) appropriate answers
Page 160: 13) lines drawn correctly; parallelogram circled 14) length 100 cm, width 50 cm
15) cylinder 16) rectangle
Page 161: 17) top left box; square, top right box; rhombus, bottom left box: rectangle, bottom
right box: trapezium, parallelogram, triangle
Page 162: 18) a) parallelogram b) square c) turns clockwise 1 right angle, walks forward 4
squares 19) trapezium
Page 163: 20) 3; right angles drawn correctly 21) true, false, false, true
Page 164: 22) lines drawn correctly
Page 165: 23) lines drawn correctly
Page 166: 24) lines drawn correctly
Page 167: 25) has 4 sides - shapes 1& 6, overlap - shapes 2 & 4, contains a right angle - shape 3,
outside the circles - shape 5
Page 168: 1) dog 2) fish 3) 3 4) 15 5) 23
Page 169: 1) cola 2) 5 3) 10 4) 6 5) 29
Page 170: 1) silver 2) 3 3) 19 4) no; appropriate explanation
Page 171: 1) Nisha 2) 14 3) 10 4) no; appropriate explanation

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Page 172: 1) 5 2) rabbit 3) 2 4) 30

Page 173: 1) Great Britain 2) 11 3) 3 4) yes; appropriate explanation 5) 33
Page 174: 1) pink 2) 4 3) 7 4) 2 5) 23
Page 175: 1) walk 2) 7 3) 11 4) 4
Page 176: 1) spaghetti 2) curry 3) 5 4) 7 5) 31
Page 177: 1) 3 2) 2, 8 3) 4, 6 4) odd, one-digit numbers 5) 23
Page 178: 1) 4 2) 6 3) 5 4) 7 5) 16
Page 179: 1) dancing 2) swimming, football 3) 4 4) 3 5) 34
MASTERING - Statistics
Page 180: 1) a) 6, 12, 2, 4 b) 24 c) walk d) 14 e) walk
Page 181: f ) appropriate answer e.g. taxi g) appropriate answer; majority of children live within
walking distance h) bar chart completed correctly
Page 182: 2) a) apple 40, banana 20, orange 45, plum 20 b) orange c) 20
Page 183: d) bar chart completed correctly e) bar chart; appropriate explanation
Page 184: 3) a) girls; salt and vinegar, boys; cheese and onion b) 70 c) 20
Page 185: d) ready salted 8, salt and vinegar 19, cheese and onion 20, smoky bacon 12, prawn
cocktail 11 e) ready salted f ) appropriate answers
Page 186: 4) a) red 20, purple 15, green 10, blue 5
Page 187: b) most common; red, least common; blue c) 50 d) red 4, purple 3, green 2, blue 1
INVESTIGATION - Trip to the Adventure Park
Page 188: 1) white ham 9, white cheese 5, white total 14, brown ham 12, brown cheese 10,
brown total 22, total ham 21, total cheese 15, total sandwiches 36 2) 9
Page 189: 3) £10 4) £63 5) leave school 9.45 am; hands drawn correctly, arrive at the Adventure
Park 10.30 am; hands drawn correctly
Page 190: 6) 13
Page 191: 7) Group 1; 11.15 am barefoot walk, 12.30 pm assault course, 1.15 pm low rope
challenge, Group 2; 11.15 am pond dipping, 12.30 pm climbing wall, 1.15 pm den
making, Group 3; 11.15 am climbing wall, 12.30 pm barefoot walk, 1.15 pm pond
dipping, Group 4; 11.15 am den making, 12.30 pm low rope challenge, 1.15 pm
assault course
Page 192: 8) stack 1; 3, stack 2; 4, stack 3; 6, stack 4; 7, squares shaded correctly
Page 193: 9) 2 pieces of wood moved from stack 4 to stack 1, 1 piece of wood moved from stack
3 to stack 2 10) 5 11) no; appropriate explanation 12) 6
Page 194: 13) 40 minutes 14) 36 15) worms 18, leeches 3, shrimps 3, snails 9, spiders 3
Page 195: 16) bar chart completed correctly
Page 196: 17) Declan 414 m, Mia 412 m, Asmi 4 m 75 cm, Harry 5 m 18) 50 cm

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Page 197: 19) routes drawn correctly; right right left left, left left right right, left right left right,
left right right left, right left right left
Page 198: 20) 2D shapes; semi-circle, rectangle, square, triangle 3D shapes; cuboid, cylinder,
pyramid, prism
Page 199: 21) Adventure Playground drawn and shapes labelled appropriately 22) 30 minutes
Page 200: 23) 20p, 50p, 60p, £1, £2 24) 90p 25) £2 26) £1
Page 201: 27) rubber 28) pen and rubber 29) 2 rubbers 30) 80p

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