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I A, J-a l lllr qut111""' by d,oO!i", i.e ....
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Z. WriU"""""" 111111bcf."""" of1loo, ...,_, _T 'ld "t - -
J, ltlcb qotstion amtt l 111,1rk

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(l) tJn o (2)0 (3)-l • ~: :
7 lhh t nonuls or th, pmbob y1 =41 dnwo 11 tAt
!!Id po\nll ollu llM ~ u"t ~ ~ ~
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lhrn [~ xii b, c 'i, i"f ,s t<:.Jc -
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9. Tht maximu mslope oflli r t.ingent to thr Cll!Vr y
= r' s,nx. t e l0.2•1Is n
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10.lfu(x.y) = r •l', thrn,; lu quil to . (3)1 =11

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11 Linr.r 1ppro1111Ubon Im c(x) = con ll )ru I ,-
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JUlba • th, C..'tml, form olt/1, l>."IJ al: = , - •l • <>di oltllt to:io-.,._ "'"
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3-1 Pr!lHl.t.ltUn·' - - un·· ..:. :U!J-.!
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35 ;onnr lo.r v,cu,n I ii. c ii ~-. hnt \' 1 blx (c >J) =[ - pie~: (i..<.~ • ~ c. ~
36.S-:J~ ll'"~ re:~ iunc"UO:n fti ). (\,I) !: I f~.t ~ I S t !: 4 Sh.DW thl1 ({4'. - 111 ~1

r Amn.!.ir pbit tl]',1lld> unuorm1 und,· lllt ,i,1uta<t <' ntaL11,rs r>dlUI l::<rui,; frn,- !Ll ra: ~ io ·s0:. it..,
fnd in 1pcpromnntt ch.mgt in ttt uu nd l!ll 1r,proLJutt pt-retnllff dlnjt .n rt..t uea
38 ►r..: tht volunt o! If'..! !OI d formtd b_, m-c.vmi thf fti!:Z bou.'ld!'d b)' ti:t ;r.aru,oJ) .:r, 1 1XB «d&t.:ts r : :
~nd 1::l ;a.bout t.'H'
J'i v,nfy ll'h,tbtr t1, ronoll'lli! ,ompoutd propcnno:., i!f tlUIOl<>iJti ., tvOC"Wrt.OC! o: tvO!lts¼"')
(l p~ A (q-r)l- ( p-r]
. nndom vu!ablt XJ tin• by r{1) : [i61t
40. Th1 pn>bihd,:y d1n111y runruoo orll>t h
f;r 1 >
kr s : """
::.•.i ....
= .,_.,..
...,... i:.:
0 I O
virunre of X
l Aru-.v all tht qutsoolll 7JS• Ii
Z., qu!fflon Mks Saw''5
11 a)Fmdtht nlutol dorwhicii the !!\Uitol!Sh- !y - ; : I , 1- li) • !:- 2 ,I - ly • k:: ! .a;;
'°'"""" [11) lllllquc iOIUIJ<JO (lil) miim1tly nunr IDilHl!n
b) Provt th, •ll ps, 1· +~)- : o ind ih, hn,erbo\.i ll - 2)" : 4 llllfnff! onb,goaall

Oi Jl \la, l
Ji 'lll'MI tjl


- ' - 1 d'
bl E,'i.,lt thr lollowmg 1111, gr.ils us!D& proprrut1 al lllltf! ,11,n J,I ' -1 ♦ ,'i.-
H ') !\id ,i,, Ill""'"" fonn DI ,•r(lnltq-.tloo ,..i c.n..... a;~. ""' ol ,., pl,ntrmllll! ~ tt,, f"'-11:> I 11.I : 11 j •
...i_...,.w,ollir pl,nr ci • 6y + 61 =,
bJ F\nAf tht populollon or• clly ai any rune t, gr,. .., lllu 10, r,tc ormcreuc of popUlallOn " pmpotllOnol to tht

populoUM ar lhar 111, lanr •nd that mo p<nod ol 411 ytar, inc popuJaoontntffilJ<d from l ,00.000 lo 4,00,000

is.,) Amm><1 through amountain ro, afour lane hlghlW)l ls 10 hlvt, dllpttcal opening. The total width of lht hlghmy
(not th, optnlns) Is to be I6m, , nd th, height at lht td&• oftht ro,d must be sufficient for o truck ◄m high to tltu
fltl.• ~ pomt or rhe open1ng is co be Smapproximat, ly llow"1de must the op,n,ng bel
b) A nndom v.,ruble Xhas lht following probablllty mus function.
I lk
Find [i] P(2 <X <6) [iij P(25X <S) llll) P(X S- 4) Jfv)P(J < Xl
◄6. a) Prove by .-ector method chat sin (a+ Pl =sin acosp + cosasin p,
b) {i) Let M= IC J :1 ER - fOJ] and ltt • be the matrixmultiplication. Deiermint Whether M15 closed under , . II
so. mrom• the commulativeand a~ ciative propertits samfied by , onM.
(IQ Ltt M= IC J 1 ER- fO)) and let • be the cutn1multipliat.lon. Determine whether M closed under , ts If
so, mmlne theexistence of ldenti1y. exis1enc~ or invmepropenies for lhf operation , on M.
41 a) Solve tao-l e:v a:D:
+ ian- 1 ~

b) Solve ·Zil (!)- Zxy +y1 =O.y(e) = e

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