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axe Geometre Tolerandng ‘Soe SIA SMS Sa ONO LRAT ‘SNH Nouvorday, SNIONVYTIOL ORILNOIS Sample Geometric Tolerance Application 0 ose GoometriTleemelg ‘Tolerance Modifiers “Tolerance modifiers aro an extremely valuable asset ofthe geometric tolermeing system. They may, ‘be used in e geometric tolerance which coutrols the axis oF center plane ofa feature of size. ‘Tolerance modifier allow the designer the oxiblity of ‘modifing” the specified tolerance based ‘onthe sctual size ofthe produced fetare, By allowing the geometric tolerance to interact with the Size of the produced feature, we usually realize a dramatic increase in the available production folerances; without affecting the part function, 268-272 ep] 2.005, [ATE “Te absence of «mafia nvokes the Regardless of Feature Size (RFS) Principle “Tatolrance spotted inthe ealure conf Fave apples a any nerement of 222 for the priced feature No ecstiona tolerance said, Invokes the Maximum Material Condition (HMC) Prnciple.The tolerance specied {he feature contol ame appres wen the fale produced a ts maximum materst Imi of ste malt nelarges in) Adina tolerance Is aloes as ths feature topars ts WMC tars LM. Te araount of adionalearance realized is onus! tothe arrunt ofthe dopariae rom tne MC size it, tnyokes the Least Materia! Conelion {LMC} Prineipo. The lerance specified nthe {atre coral ame epolas ven the fectura Is produced ats least mater ito Se (argos hollomatest ir), Adcbonal clerance's alowed as tne feature departs {Ne int ters Myc. The aroun fedaltlonal tolerance razed is equal the femur ef te depart fom the LMC szait Tome “Tolerance modifiers may only be "Sontraing the senior, o6, OF "Tolerance mexifefs are no! sppleable to ple feetres ‘Tolerance modifiers ate shown following the tolerance in the feature control fem to invoke either the Maximim Material Condition Principle (VIMC) or Least Material Condition Principle (LMC) or applications where the feature size can interact with the geometzic tolerance, Where this interaction cannot be allowed, Regardless of Feature Size (RFS), may be invoked in the feature control frame by omitting the tolerance modifier all together. RFS i the antomatic default where no modifier is indicated. “4 Bate Geometric Tolerancng Rule 2 - All Applicable Geometric Tolerances Forall applicable geometric tolerances, RFS is assumed to apply where no material condition ‘modifier i shown with te feature tolerance, daturn referenca(), ot both as applicable RFS IMPLIED O2LY AD AL Note: Runout and Profile tolerances are applicable only on an RFS basis and cannot be modified to MMC or LMC. Datum references for a Runout may only be applied on an RFS basis 2 ose GeometscTleroning Regardless of Feature Size Principle - (RFS) “There are several design applications where, regardless ofthe produced sizeof the feature, we want only the tolerance shown inthe feature control frame and no more In these cases, the geometric control may be applied Regardless of Feature Size to disallow any addtional tolerance derived ‘rom the featur’ size, Geomoti tolorances are RFS by default. Applications which are commonly applied on an RFS basis include pres fit epplications such as ‘dowel pins, gar centers, locator pins, bearings, bushings, etc. This is duc tothe fat that the size of the hole only affects the amount of press; it does not provide additional tolerance for location, btientaton, ote, Anothee common application for RFS is in locaing countersunk holes; sine the ‘countersink tends fo “center the serew on the bole, whether it's large or small, ea 2 | 8 Fa aa oe | cond ts Benq | aur The allowable positional tolerance for each bolo is only the tolerance amount specifiedin the feature control fame. Geometric tolerances imply RES foe features of size where no modificris shown in the feature control frame, This implied condition is defined by General Rale 2. 43 ‘asi GeometveToerncing Tolerancing for Assembly ‘The tolerance value shown in the feature control fame isnot gn arbitrary number. Th tolerance is typically calculated using formulas for either a "fixed" or Mlosting” fstener condition, (These ‘formulas are discussed in grester detail later in the tox) Let's look a the pat Srom the RFS ‘example to see how the number might have been derived. ‘Say thatthe four 0.260 holes inthe part must mate with an identicel patern on another part, ‘The two pacts willbe assembled using four 250 bolts. The worst-case asserbly forthe holes ‘would be when they are produced at their smallest llowed size, By taking the difference between the smallest hole size (0.257 for the exarmple) and the largest bolt size (0.250 forthe bol), we get our allowable positional tolerance (0.007). This sth tolerance value placed inside the feature contol frame, ‘When holes are produeed st thelr MMC (worst-case size): Positional tolerance zone size determined by — clearance at MMC (worst-case) size Requited clearance to. — accept bolt on assembly | i Basically defined location f ({sue postion) for holes in both mating parts Notice that we used a simple “clearance equals tolerance” calculation between the worst-case ‘mating size for the bolt and the hoe, This assures that the parts wil always assemble, even when, ‘he holes are produced a the low side of their size limit ‘but, this “clearance” tolerance is based on the smallest hole; and the prodcei hates will sometimes bb larger than 9,257. This larger size hole will provide more clearance for installing the 250 bol I stands to reason that, ifthe ole is produced 001 larger than its smallest size, we get @.001 rio in clearance that may be used for lation ofthe holes. In fae, the larger the produced hole ‘size, the more location tolerance it ean have and still aseep the 250 bolts. This exiratelevnce we ‘got fom a larger sized hole is commonly refered to as "bomus" tolerance. exc GeometTlerancing ‘Whea holes are produced at asize larger than MMC Positional tolerance zone size may grow larger. — ue to larger hole size providing more clearance Required clearance to accept bolt on assembly | is stil maintained Basically defined location (true postion) for holes in both mating parts Ifthe hole is producod atts largest size of 0.263 it willbe larger than the smallest site by 0.006 “This means the allowable position for a @.263 hole would be the original (005 in the fexare contro frame PLUS the 8.006 bonus tolerance from the size difference; making ths total allowable position tolerance 0.011. Sizemay be allowed to intsract withthe location to maximize production tolerances while sill assuring part essembly and function. ‘So, how much tolerance do we got on the holes? Well, it depends on the size of the produce hole. For every one thousandth the size gets larger, we get one more thousandth added to the allowable position. Two leper, two more for location, Tice larger, three more for loeation, ete. Sines bth the hole and the positional tolerance zone are a 3D diameter, it 3 one-to-one ratio. We allow this Bonus Tolerance (size interaction with loction) to oceu using spesific tolerance soifers in the feature ecntol frames on the drawing 8 Basie Geometric Tolerancng The Maximum Material Condition Principle - (MMC) One ofthe most beneficial and cost saving concepts of the geometric tolerancing system is the Maximum Material Condition Principle. The principle is based on how real pats assemble so that the tolermces may be applied in a manner which assure interchangeability while taximizing all available production tolerances, ‘Brier in the text, we discussed the advantages of switching from the "eld" coordinate tolerance to ‘around tolerance zone, In most cases, we could realize a tolerance increase of 57% by making this conversion. But, by iavoking the Maximum Material Condition Principle, we can realize even ‘MORE tolerance than what stated i the feature control frame, 2x0 260.003. Size now interacts with location, The allowable positional tolerance for each hole is dependent on the actual sizeof the produced hole Under the MMC Principle, more location tolerance is allowed Whea the hole departs fom its MMC. size mit. The amount of additional tolerance is equal tothe amount ofthis Geparrre, oN esc GeometeTleancing ‘This is the Maximum Material Condition Principle, To invoke this principle for a geometric tolerance, we plave the MMC tolerance modifier symbol behind the feature tolerance in the feature contol frame. Size now interacts withthe loestion or orientation ofthe controlled feature. They ‘work together fo maximize tolerances while sil assuring a fumetional part ‘Many interpret the MMC modifier as "ME means More" for the tolerance. This additional tolerance is applied to each hole inividualy based on its produce size. IFonly one ofthe holes in ‘thepatiem gets larger, then its the only bole that gots the extra tolerance. So, We eould have a case ‘here cach of the holes in our four-bole patter could have a different allowable positional ‘olexance if each were produced at different size. ‘The concept of allowing more tolerance for a Teature based on its produced size was not even available under the old plus-or-minus system. Howover, it was "unofficially" recognized thatthe ‘concept existed. This is damonstrated by the common manufacturing practice of opening up holes ‘nben a pat didnot quite fit into the assembly. Howover, the drawing never allowed us to do this ‘The hole had to be within ts specified plus-or-minus location tolerance, period. The MMC princi sitapy "legalizes” the widely accepted practice of opening oles to make parts work. ‘Using the MMC Principle is very Togical when you think about how most parts work and ft together. ‘The primary requirement forthe 4-hole patter in our exazple i that the holes accept the 250 bolt ‘Functionally, we simply want to assure that there will always be enough cloaranes to get the bolts inside the holes when the parts are assembled, Notice that, withthe MMC principle, the combined effect of the allowable positional tolerance and produced bole size maintain a constant boundary of tloauanee forrscsiving the bots. For example: A.6.257 hole sllowed 2.007 In position would leave 0.250 in clearance ‘A.0.258 bole allowed 6.008 in postion would leave 9.250 in clearance A259 hole allowed 0.009 in positon would leave 0.250 in clearance. et. Even though the positional tolerance zone ean grow larger an lager, the holes masnisin a constant 9.250 boundary of etearance for reesiving the bolls. This "guaranteed clearance” boundary forthe holes is known as the Virtual Condition size 41 Base CeometreToleroning MMC Virtual Condition ‘Depending upon its fnction, the "astembly fi" ofa featur consists of ts combined siz, applicable ‘geometric controls and matesial condition. In othor words, how big or small docs the feature "act" in rolstion tothe datums or datum reference frame? Consideration aust be given to the collective effects of MMC and the applicable geometric tolerances in determining the assembly ft of mating pats os well seetablishing gage feature sizes, MMC Viral Condition A constant boundary generated by the collective efecs of sie feature’s specified MMO size and te allowable geometric tolerance at MMC. Internal Feature - MMC Virtual Condition 2 20 28 son o-— ~ezsoxmcere iso) Bees cen ‘, (pewnteed conan) atm ane sce a ont, External Feature - MMC Virtual Condition oe eae 2.19 1c siee ‘ie pure ‘ve i Carty Srnec tame j E a Tore Since vstual condition represents the worst-case ofthe festure(®), itis useful as a method for ‘mathematical verification that mating parts will always ft together. In relation to the mating fesrares (datums), a ole will act” smaller than its MMC size limit; or pin wil "act" bigger than, its MMC size limit. Virtual condition analyzes the colletive effects of both size end appliceble ‘geometric tolerances (together) to sce what the effective mating size ofa pin or hole will beat its worst-case, esi emer Tle Another common wse for virtual eandition isthe determination of gage size elements. A fixed-limit fimcional gage (GOINO-GO) always represents tho worst-case of the mating part If apart is into the gage, it should work as in(ended when installed into the actual assembly. Since virtual condition isa mathematical representation ofthe worst-case mating part, it may naturally serve asthe basis, for izing the page Design and sketch a simple fixed-limit functional gage to verify the positional tolerance for the holes. ‘Virtual condition may also be used as a means of determining whether all available production folerances have boon used forthe mating parts. Where the viral condition sizes are the same ‘between mating parts, all available tolerances have boen used. Buti there is clearance remaining between the virtual sizes (.e.- the vital size fora hole is Larger than the virtual size for its mating pin}, then sditiona tolernnce may be available for one or both parts. A differance between the ‘ral condition sizes indicates either a possible interference or a minimum raaning clearance ‘when the features are produced a their worst-case tolerance, 49 ‘ark GeometieTolerancing FNOLUONOD TWRLAIA OWA SNOLIQNOD TALIA OF [@roeT— [@zosT—| 008 208° 100-019 THOMIANOD TWnLMtA OHH Fioulawoo WweLuiA OH sped Bugew eu) 10} UoRIPUOD JeNIA OWW euR areINgIeD L ‘ON asjosaxy — UOnIpuoD jenuiy ONIN ‘se GeomeneToleracing MMC Resultant Condition Resultant Condition is also a tolerance boundary generated by the collestve effects ofa features size and geometse tolerance. It is essentially » mathematical boundary opposite the Viral ‘Condition boundary forthe considered feature, Tho resultant condition boundary is generated as a reslt ofall size and allowable location tolorancos occuring atthe same ime. MMC Resultant Condition - A worst-case boundary generated hy the collective effect ofa size featere's specified UMC or EMC material condition, the geometric tolerance for that material ‘condition, the size tolerance, andthe additional (bonus) tolerance allowed for the feature due to its departre from its speofied materia condition ‘Whereas Vietual Condition is guaranteed boundary of clearance to assure part assembly; Resultant Condition i a guaranteed boundary of material for fhe considered feature. Fo this reason, Resultant Condition is usef in determining rninimum wall thickness or ede distance for features controlled bya geometric tolerance. Thison the drawing: Means this niga cave Groveton) i } satus ate (Gnteaseates (ote Sscaviecmn Base Geometric Tolerencng Least Material Condition Principle - (LMC) “he least material condition principle works the seme os the MMC principle, except in reverse. ‘When the LMC principle is invoked in the feeture contol frame, the specified tolerance applies st the least material condition size of the feture. (Largest hole - smallest pin) As the featere departs JLMC, additional (bonas) tolerance is allowed forthe feature, ‘Tho LMC principle isnot frequently used in most engineering applications. LMC is commonly used for applications such as contwlling minimum wall thickness, guarantee of material for a casting or forging, keeping features "on center,” and in tooling and gnging. Just as with MMC, we can apply the LMC principle to any ofthe geometric tolerances which are ‘used to control tie axis or center plane of a fetare of size. LMC may also be applied when referencing datum features which have size RON PRAT] ATONE PRODUCED Moos. | Poston. ove Sze rahe roeeeanice | Tounance ‘Size interasts with location. The allowable positional tolerance foreach hole is dependent on the ‘tual sizeof the prxtaced hole. Under the LMC Principle, more lecstion tolerance allowed when, ‘the bole departs tom its LMC size limit, The amount of additional tolecnice is equal to the amount ofthis departure mie Geometric Yolronelng LMC Virtual Condition lacicating a geometric tolerance onan LMC bass also rests in viral condition fora feature of size, However, the virtal eondliion boundary far an LMC application is basically opposite that for ‘an MMC application, Where an MMC epplication provides « guaranteed boundary of clearence for the feature, an LMC application provides a guaranteed boundary of material for the considered feature [LMC virtual condition is a worst-case boundary generated by the collective effets of a featare's TIME size and applicable geometrio tolerance at LMC. His a boundary contained within the ‘material ofthe pst in which no portion ofthe hole or pin surfoce (as applicable) may lie as shown velove. INTERNAL FEATURE - LMC VIRTUAL CONDITION, ame aa cma (pum ead | [ saan a siectet EXTERNAL FEATURE - LMC VIRTUAL CONDITION yao nae senses pane ol seem [LMC virtual condition applies wherover a gesmtti tolerance his been specified om an LMC besis, Iris typically used for things such es calculating minimum wall thickxess for a produced hole, determining worst-case material for axial load esloulations of a threaded stud, or whenever the design requirement calls fora guaranteed boundary of material (rather than clearance) fr the feature 3

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