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Swap $0.06 for $0.

k=1 006 429 232 093 660 834 688 159 17922531021194478063
Difference: -3,153.27547
Price: $0.9968617484

Swap $6000 for $5,927.9

k=1 006 447 154 624 682 029 166 222
"reserve0":"995706190794" (-5,927)
"reserve1":"1010787282363" (+$6,000)
Difference: -15,081,091,569
Movement: -11,927.816099
Price: $0.9850798562


- Uni Pool -
reserve0 (wbtc) 13060748557 (130.60748557)
reserve1 (usdc) 6328808229599 (6,328,808.229599)
price of wbtc: $ 48,456.703702538
constant: 82,658,972,952,264,863,938,643
kLast: 82,658,546,647,885,125,647,784
percentage: 0.9999948426

- Theorhetical Pool -
reserve0 (wbtc) 10000000000 (100.0)
reserve1 (usdc) 5000000000000 (5,000,000.000000)
price of wbtc: $ 50,000.00
kLast: 50,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

Real-world price: $50k

Arbing Uni-pool will bring it in balance, but would unbalance theory-pool.
Arbing the uni-pool halfway and arbing the theory-pool halfway would net profit.
The real-world value is irrelevent, as I dont have access to real-world liquidity.

- Uni Pool -
reserve0 (wbtc) 13059088000 (130.59088) (-0.01660557)
reserve1 (usdc) 6329579877747731 (6,329,579.877747731) (+771.648148731)
price of wbtc: $ 48,468.7742187489
kLast: 82,658,546,647,885,125,647,784
percentage: 0.9999948426

- Theorhetical Pool -
reserve0 (wbtc) 10001660557 (100.01660557) (+0.01660557)
reserve1 (usdc) 4999169859349 (4,999,169.859349) (-830.140651)
price of wbtc: $ 49,983.3985652529
kLast: 50,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

profit of $58.492502269. Not balanced enough though

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