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Civic Education

Week:3 Term:2ndTerm

What is the definition and meaning of inter-communal relationship?

Inter-communal relationships refer to connections, interactions, or

collaborations between different communities or groups of people. These
relationships involve individuals from distinct cultural, religious, ethnic, or
social backgrounds coming together, fostering understanding, and building
connections across their respective communities.

Intercommunal relationship includes community work like clearing the road,

adjoining other communities or market square as the case may be dialoguing in
cases where there are likely going to be conflicts, caring for the less privilege in
that community.

What is a community

A community is a group of people who share common interests, values, or goals

and are connected by social interactions within a specific geographical area or
through virtual networks. Communities can be based on various factors such as
location, culture, religion, profession, or shared interests. They provide a sense
of belonging, support, and shared identity among their members. Communities
can range from local neighbourhoods to online forums, encompassing both
physical and virtual spaces where individuals come together to form social
bonds and collaborate.
What is the importance of inter-communal relationships?

Inter-communal relationships are important for several reasons:

1. Diversity and Inclusion: Interacting with different communities

fosters diversity, promoting inclusivity and enriching the social
fabric with a variety of perspectives, experiences, and cultures.
2. Social Cohesion: Building positive relationships between
communities enhances social cohesion, fostering a sense of unity
and shared responsibility within a society.
3. Conflict Prevention: Inter-communal relationships can contribute
to conflict prevention by fostering understanding, communication,
and collaboration, reducing the likelihood of misunderstandings
and tensions.
4. Economic Cooperation: Collaboration between communities can
lead to economic benefits through shared resources, skills, and
opportunities, contributing to overall economic development.
5. Cultural Exchange: Interacting with diverse communities
facilitates cultural exchange, helping individuals gain a broader
understanding of different traditions, customs, and practices.
6. Human Rights and Equality: Inter-communal relationships play a
role in promoting human rights and equality, as positive
interactions contribute to breaking down barriers and challenging
discriminatory practices.
7. Peaceful Coexistence: Strong inter-communal relationships
contribute to peaceful coexistence by fostering mutual respect,
tolerance, and acceptance, creating a more harmonious living
In essence, inter-communal relationships are instrumental in building a
cohesive, tolerant, and thriving society that values diversity and works towards
common goals.


What is a conflict

A conflict is a disagreement or struggle between individuals or groups with

opposing interests, values, or needs. Conflicts can arise in various contexts,
such as personal relationships, workplaces, or between communities. They may
manifest as differing opinions, goals, or approaches, and can range from mild
disagreements to more intense confrontations. Effective conflict resolution
involves addressing the underlying issues, finding common ground, and
working towards a mutually acceptable solution.

What is inter-communal conflict?

Inter-communal conflict refers to tensions, disputes, or hostilities that arise

between different communities or groups of people. These conflicts typically
involve individuals from distinct cultural, ethnic, religious, or social
backgrounds. Inter-communal conflicts can be triggered by various factors,
including historical grievances, competition for resources, cultural differences,
or political issues. Managing and resolving inter-communal conflicts often
require efforts to promote understanding, dialogue, and collaboration to build
bridges and foster peaceful coexistence between the involved communities.

Conflict/inter-communal conflict
Conflicts can arise in inter-communal relationships due to various factors such
as cultural differences, historical tensions, misunderstandings, or competition
for resources.

Types of conflict

Conflicts can be categorized into various types based on their nature, causes, or
context. Some common types of conflict include:

1. Interpersonal Conflict: Occurs between individuals due to

differences in personalities, values, or interests.
2. Intrapersonal Conflict: Internal conflict within an individual,
often involving conflicting thoughts, emotions, or desires.
3. Organizational Conflict: Arises within a workplace due to
differences in goals, communication issues, power struggles, or
resource allocation.
4. Inter-group Conflict: Involves tensions or disputes between
different groups within a larger entity, such as departments within
an organization.
5. Intra-group Conflict: Occurs within a specific group due to
disagreements among its members.
6. Intercultural Conflict: Arises from cultural differences,
misunderstandings, or clashes between individuals from diverse
cultural backgrounds.
7. Intra-cultural Conflict: Involves disputes within a specific
cultural or social group.
8. Political Conflict: Relates to differences in political ideologies,
governance, or policies.
9. Economic Conflict: Arises from disputes over resources,
distribution of wealth, or economic policies.
10. Environmental Conflict: Involves disagreements related to the
use, preservation, or management of natural resources and the
11. Religious Conflict: Arises from differences in religious beliefs,
practices, or ideologies.
12. Community Conflict: Involves tensions between different
communities or groups of people, often stemming from historical,
cultural, or social factors.

Understanding the type of conflict is crucial for implementing effective

resolution strategies tailored to the specific context and dynamics involved.

Skills that are required to resolve conflicts

Addressing and managing conflicts is crucial for maintaining positive
relationships between communities. Key considerations include:

1. Open Communication: Encourage open and honest

communication to address misunderstandings and resolve conflicts.
Clear communication can help dispel misconceptions and build
2. Mediation: In situations where tensions are high, impartial third-
party mediation can be beneficial. A neutral mediator can help
facilitate dialogue and find common ground between communities.
3. Cultural Sensitivity: Recognize and respect cultural differences to
avoid unintentional offense. Cultural sensitivity helps foster an
environment where diverse communities feel valued and
4. Education and Awareness: Promote education and awareness
about different communities to reduce stereotypes and enhance
understanding. Knowledge about each other’s history, traditions,
and perspectives can contribute to conflict prevention.
5. Community Dialogue: Create platforms for communities to
engage in dialogue, share concerns, and work collaboratively on
solutions. Community-driven discussions can lead to shared goals
and mutual respect.
6. Conflict Resolution Skills: Equip individuals and communities
with conflict resolution skills. This includes negotiation,
compromise, and finding common ground to address differences
7. Inclusive Policies: Implement policies that promote inclusivity and
equality. Inclusive policies contribute to a more equitable and
harmonious environment for diverse communities.
8. Empathy and Perspective-Taking: Encourage empathy and the
ability to see situations from different perspectives. Understanding
each other’s experiences can foster compassion and build bridges
between communities.
9. Long-Term Relationship Building: Focus on building long-term
relationships rather than short-term solutions. Consistent positive
interactions and collaborations contribute to the development of
trust and understanding over time.

By proactively addressing conflicts and fostering a culture of respect and

understanding, inter-communal relationships can overcome challenges and
contribute to a more cohesive and harmonious society.
What are the consequences of inter-communal conflict?

Inter-communal conflicts can have severe consequences, impacting individuals,

communities, and societies in various ways:

1. Loss of Lives and Injuries: Inter-communal conflicts often result

in violence, leading to casualties, injuries, and loss of human lives.
2. Displacement and Refugees: Communities may be forced to flee
their homes, leading to internal displacement or creating refugee
3. Destruction of Property: Conflict can result in the destruction of
homes, infrastructure, and cultural heritage sites, affecting the
overall well-being and identity of communities.
4. Economic Impact: Inter-communal conflicts disrupt economic
activities, affecting livelihoods, businesses, and overall economic
5. Psychological Trauma: Individuals and communities may
experience long-lasting psychological trauma due to the violence,
displacement, and loss experienced during conflicts.
6. Social Divisions: Inter-communal conflicts can deepen existing
social divisions, fostering mistrust and animosity between different
groups within a society.
7. Humanitarian Crises: Conflict can create humanitarian crises,
straining resources and hindering the delivery of essential services
such as healthcare, education, and food.
8. Undermining Development: Inter-communal conflicts can
impede social and economic development, hindering progress in
areas such as education, healthcare, and infrastructure.
9. Impact on Future Generations: The consequences of inter-
communal conflicts can have intergenerational effects, influencing
the attitudes and opportunities available to future generations.
10. Regional Instability: In cases where conflicts spill across borders,
inter-communal conflicts can contribute to regional instability,
affecting neighbouring countries.
11. Weakening Social Fabric: Conflicts erode the social fabric of
communities, making it challenging to rebuild trust, cooperation,
and a sense of shared identity.
12. Poor environmental habits: The environment is usually very dirty
because no one will have the time to do clean up.
13. Spread of diseases and sicknesses: In times of conflict, hospitals
are usually filled up or closed to avoid attack on the hospital
personnel and patient.

Efforts to address and resolve inter-communal conflicts are essential to

mitigating these consequences and promoting lasting peace, stability, and


1. R.W. Okunloye, S.O Koledoye, F.J. Muazu, HOC Ambassador

Brikins, R.U

Okuamiri, S.A Raufu 2011, Civic Education for Senior Secondary

Published by

Learn Africa

2. Gbenga M. Babalola & Igbinobu Chucks 2020; Essential Civic

Education for
Senior Secondary Schools; Published by Tonad

3. Babajide S Amao 2019; Mind Exploits; Civic Education for Senior


Schools Published by Exploits Printing House

4. Yaro Kiritmwa Linda, Dapel Nandom, Nandi Yaksi et al. 2018;

Fundamental of

Civic education for schools and colleges. Published and printed by Akins
Press & Services (NIG)

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