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Information relating to Tenancy Deposit Protection Scheme Housing Act 2004

A1 In accordance with the Housing Act 2004, any landlord or letting agent taking a tenant's deposit
for an Assured Shorthold Tenancy agreement must protect the deposit. This information confirms
that the landlord or agent has protected the deposit with Tenancy Deposit Solutions Limited (trading
as mydeposits), hereinafter referred to as, a government approved tenancy
deposit scheme. A copy of this guide is available in the Tenant's section at
This document is issued in accordance with the my Scheme Rules which can also be
viewed on the same website.

A1.1 Premises: 33 Craddock House, Winnall Manor Road, Winchester, SO23 0LY

A1.2 Name of Landlord: Cambristone Ltd

A1.3 Actual address of the Deposit Holder: 31 Attlee Terrace, Prospect Hill, London, E17 3EG

A1.4 Email address of the Deposit Holder:

A1.5 Phone / Fax Number(s) of the Deposit Holder: 07594 344431

A1.6 Name of the Tenant:

(a) MRS ALEXANDRA GABRIELA IACOB of 9 Balfour House, Winnall Close, Winchester SO23 0LB
Mb: 07440 745999 Email:

(b) MR MIHAI IACOB of 9 Balfour House, Winnall Close, Winchester SO23 0LB Mb: 07448 875851

A1.7 Address for contact after tenancy ends: See A1.6 (a) to (b) above.

A1.8 Tenants Email Addresses: See A1.6 (a) to (b) above.

A1.9 Tenants Phone number(s): See A1.6 (a) to (b) above.

A1.10 Fax number (if applicable): See A1.6 (a) to (b) above.

A1.11 Deposit: £1380.00

Deductions may be made from the Deposit according to clauses A1 to A15.1 and clauses 3 to 3.13 of
the attached Tenancy Agreement.

* A landlord may protect the tenant's deposit with Alternatively a landlord
may instruct an agent to protect the tenant's deposit on the landlord's behalf.

* The landlord always remains responsible for the deposit even if the landlord has instructed
an agent.

* does not hold the deposit, except during a deposit dispute when it will
hold the disputed amount until the dispute is resolved.

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* Within 30 days of receiving your deposit the landlord/agent must provide the tenant with a
signed Deposit Protection Certificate. The tenant should sign the Certificate to confirm the details
are correct.

* Agents must hold the deposit in a client bank account separate from other business monies.

A2 What is Tenancy Deposit Protection?

A2.1 Landlords and letting agents take a deposit as a safeguard should problems occur during the
tenancy and the tenant breach the terms of the contract e.g. failure by the tenant to pay rent or
damage caused to the property.

A2.2 Since 6 April 2007 all landlords/letting agents who take a deposit from their tenant on a
property in England and Wales under an Assured Shorthold Tenancy (AST) agreement must protect
the tenant's deposit in an authorised deposit protection scheme. The law was introduced to help
ensure that tenants are able to receive all or part of their deposit back, should they be entitled to it.

A2.3 my deposits is a government authorised deposit protection scheme. Landlords or agents can
join my deposits and pay protection fees to protect deposits. This protection enables them to hold
on to the deposit for the duration of the tenancy and then return the agreed amount to the tenant
at the end of the AST.

A2.4 The deposit must be protected with an authorised Tenancy Deposit Protection Scheme
within 30 days of receipt of the deposit. Failure to do this can result in the following:

* The Landlord will be unable to obtain a Court Order to regain possession of the property
(under Section 21of the Housing Act1998) unless the deposit has been protected with an authorised
Tenancy Deposit Protection Scheme within the 30 day period, and/or the deposit has been returned
to the Tenant.

* The Landlord could be penalised with a fine of up to 3 times the amount of the deposit if
the deposit is not protected within 30 days.

A2.5 If the tenant is unhappy with the amount of the deposit returned by the landlord/agent at
the end of the AST then the tenant can raise a dispute and make a claim for the disputed amount. A
fundamental part of the Housing Act 2004 states that the deposit remains the tenant's money,
regardless of the fact that the tenant has handed it to the landlord or letting agent (subject to any
lawful claim the landlord/agent may have to the deposit money). The landlord/agent must provide
evidence as to why any of the deposit amount is being withheld at the end of the AST. mydeposits
offers a free and impartial Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) service should the tenant and the
landlord/agent be unable to agree the amount of the deposit to be returned to the tenant at the end
of the tenancy. If ADR is not agreed to by both parties then the dispute will have to be resolved
through the Court system.

A3 How the deposit is protected with my deposits

A3.1 Within 30 days of receiving the deposit from the tenant, the landlord/agent must protect
the deposit with my deposits. In addition, the landlord must provide the tenant with details of how
the deposit is being protected and what to do if there is a dispute regarding the deposit amount

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returned to the tenant at the end of the tenancy agreement. my deposits provides proof of the
deposit protection in the form of a Deposit Protection Certificate (DPC) which is sent to the
landlord/agent. It is the landlord's/agent's responsibility to check that the details on the DPC are
correct and then sign it. They should send the tenant the Certificate for the tenant to check and sign.

A4 Is the deposit protected? - check online

A4.1 my deposits will not send the tenant confirmation of the deposit protection. The
landlord/agent is obliged to send the tenant a copy of the DPC, however the tenant can check the
tenant section of my's website to find out if the deposit is protected with my
deposits. The tenant needs their surname, the rental postcode and the month the deposit was paid.
The search results are displayed instantly.

A4.2 Where deposits are held on a joint tenancy agreement, the first named tenant will be
deemed to be the lead tenant and shall remain the lead tenant for the duration of the tenancy.

A5 Returning the deposit to the tenant

A5.1 As a member of my deposits, the landlord/agent will, upon receipt, hold the deposit for the
duration of the tenancy. The only time my deposits will hold the deposit is if a dispute is raised and
the landlord/agent lodges the disputed amount with us. We will then safeguard the disputed
amount until a resolution has been decided.

A5.2 At the end of the AST the tenant should ensure that they leave the property (and if
applicable the contents) in the same condition in which it was let.

A5.3 In all cases the tenant will not be able to dispute any reasonable charges that were clearly
explained to them and that the tenant previously agreed to pay when they signed the original AST.
The tenant should also ensure that they are up to date with their rent and utility bills. Disputed
amounts that involve unpaid bills are often judged in the ADR or Court process in the favour of the

A5.4 The landlord/agent must attempt to agree with the tenant the deposit amount that should
be returned to them. If the tenant is unable to agree, the tenant should formally ask for the deposit
to be returned to them and keep evidence of this request. The landlord/agent is legally obliged to
return any agreed amount to the tenant within 10 days of that agreement. Any amount of the
deposit that the tenant cannot agree on becomes the subject of the 'disputed amount' and is subject
to the procedure as we describe here.

A6 Unprotecting the deposit

A6.1 Once the landlord/agent has returned the agreed deposit amount to the tenant they will be
able to request that my deposits unprotects the deposit.

A6.2 If the tenant agrees to the deposit being unprotected by the landlord/agent then the tenant
will be unable to raise a dispute with my deposits at a later date unless the tenant can prove that
they did not agree to the unprotection or did not actually receive the deposit amount as agreed.

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A6.3 To ensure that the deposit has been unprotected with the tenant agreement, my will try to contact the tenant at any alternative address that the tenant originally
provided to the landlord/agent at the start of the tenancy.

A7 Notifying of a dispute

A7.1 If the tenant is unable to reach agreement with the landlord/agent over the return of the
deposit, the tenant should notify my of a Deposit Dispute at the address, email
address, telephone number or website address specified in clause 3.6 of the attached Tenancy

A7.2 The tenant can notify us of a dispute up to 90 days after the landlord/agent has unprotected
the deposit PROVIDED that the tenant did not agree to the unprotection. my will not
accept disputes after this period has elapsed or where the deposit was unprotected with the
tenant's agreement.

A7.3 The tenant can initiate a deposit dispute in one of two ways:

Online Dispute Handling

A7.4 The tenant can notify my of a possible dispute, and manage the process
online. If the dispute is to be resolved through ADR then the online service allows the tenant to
submit all evidence. This includes uploading photos, AST contracts, inventories and the like, online.
The website contains more information on the type and format of evidence the tenant should
submit. The tenant should contact my if they are looking to submit video evidence as
there may be restrictions to the file sizes that's system can receive.

A7.5 Visit the tenant's section on the my deposits website and look for the dispute resolution
page. The deposit protection number given on your DPC will be required.

A7.6 Once the tenant has notified my of a dispute they will have 10 working days
in which to upload or amend any evidence to the my website. After the 10 working
day period has expired no further evidence will be accepted.

Paper Dispute Handling

A7.7 If the tenant does not have internet access and wishes to raise a dispute, the tenant can
contact my deposits on and request 0333 321 9401 and request a Dispute Notification Claim Form
(DNCF) to complete and return to my together with their supporting evidence if the
tenant is using ADR.

A7.8 The tenant will have 10 working days from the date that they receive the DNCF from my to return it completed and with evidence to my The tenant is deemed
to have received any document that my send to them two days after my post it to them by First Class post. reserve the right to reject
submissions received outside of these timescales.

A8 Submitting evidence for ADR

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A8.1 The tenant must submit a copy of the signed AST agreement. Without the AST it is difficult
to establish whether the tenant had a formal contract with the landlord/agent. my
may accept a deposit dispute without this document subject to a written explanation as to why the
tenant has not included it.

A8.2 All evidence is non-returnable unless my have made a prior arrangement with
the tenant. An administration fee will be charged by, and must be paid in full in
advance, to cover the postage and packaging costs.

A9 Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) service

A9.1 my deposits offer a free and impartial Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) service to
resolve your deposit dispute. Both tenant and landlord/agent must agree to use the my deposits
ADR service. If either party does not agree to ADR the dispute must be resolved through the Court
system. If the Court system is used the landlord/agent must still lodge the disputed amount with my, as they must if ADR is used.

A9.2 The final decision of the Adjudicator is binding on the parties and is not open to appeal
through the Scheme. Either party may however, on certain limited grounds, appeal the Adjudicator's
decision through the Courts.

A10 Notifying the landlord/agent of a dispute

A10.1 After my receive the tenant's completed claim form, or after 10 working days
from the date that the tenant registered the deposit dispute online, will send the
landlord/agent the details of the dispute together with copies of any supporting evidence that the
tenant has provided to us.

A10.2 The landlord/agent must then acknowledge the dispute within 10 working days of receiving
that request form from my and send the disputed amount to my for
safe-keeping whilst the dispute is being resolved.

A10.3 At the same time the landlord/agent must tell my whether they wish the
dispute to be resolved by using the my deposits ADR process. The tenant will be informed if they
decide not to use the ADR process. The dispute will then have to be resolved directly with the
landlord/agent through the Court. If the landlord/agent agrees to the ADR process they will have a
further 10 working days (making 20 working days in total from the date that they received the first
notification of the tenant's dispute to them) to submit their evidence to my Both sets
of evidence are then passed to the Adjudicator to make a decision on the disputed deposit. Once the
Adjudicator's decision has been received by my deposits, we will distribute the disputed amount in
accordance with that decision within 10 days.

A11 Dealing with disputes if the landlord/agent fails to co-operate with my deposits

A11.1 If the landlord/agent does not co-operate with my's request for the disputed
amount or counter-information regarding the dispute within the prescribed timescales, my can, if the tenant has agreed to use the ADR service, submit the tenant’s evidence to

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the Adjudicator for a decision. my will distribute the disputed amount within 10 days
of receiving the decision.

A12 General Conditions

A12.1 my deposits may refuse to deal with a Deposit Dispute if:

* It relates to matters other than the return of the Protected Deposit; or

* Either the tenant or the landlord/agent have told my that they intend to take
Court action; or

* The dispute has already been resolved by a Court, or proceedings have been commenced in
a Court.

A12.2 my deposits and/or the Adjudicator may reject a Deposit Dispute which, in their reasonable

* Is being pursued in a vexatious, frivolous or unreasonable manner or in an attempt to

frustrate the process;

* Is fraudulent;

* Seeks to raise matters which have already been decided upon by ADR or a Court.

A12.3 The Adjudicator of the my deposits ADR process may:

* Ask for more information or make further enquiries of the parties, and if information or
enquiries are not answered within a reasonable time period proceed to adjudication.

* Proceed to adjudication entirely at his discretion even if either party has not acted in
accordance with our Rules. The Adjudicator's decision cannot be appealed through the Scheme and
is binding on all parties. Either party may, however, on certain limited grounds, appeal the
Adjudicator's decision through the Courts.

A13 Confidentiality

A13.1 All aspects of my's ADR process are confidential and will not be published,
apart from as required by Law, for enforcement, and where my and/or the
adjudicator are required to provide statistical information to the CLG and other Government
Departments based on the results of the adjudications. Any statistical publications will remain

A14 Liability

A14.1 my will take reasonable care in the selection of the independent adjudicator.
my do not accept any responsibility for any losses or expenses suffered or incurred by
the tenant as a result of any acts or omissions by the adjudicator. Any claim the tenant may have
against us is limited to the disputed deposit plus interest at 2% above HSBC base rate from the date
of liability to payment.

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A15 The my deposits rules

A15.1 These rules govern the Scheme and include important provisions regarding disputes. If you
would like to refer to the rules they are available to read or as a 'download' on the my
website at

The Landlord confirms that the information provided to the Agent and / or the Tenant is accurate to
the best of his knowledge and belief and the Tenant has had the opportunity to examine the

The Tenant confirms he has been given the opportunity to examine this information. The Tenant
confirms by signing this document that to the knowledge of the Tenant the information above is
accurate to the best of the Landlord's knowledge and belief.

Name of the Tenant or, if more than one tenant, of the First Tenant (the Lead Tenant):


Signature of the Tenant

Name of the Second Tenant: MR MIHAI IACOB

Signature of the Second Tenant

SIGNED by, or for and on behalf of, the Landlord


Assured Shorthold Tenancy Agreement

Landlord(s): CAMBRISTONE LTD of 31 Attlee Terrace, Prospect Hill, London E17 3EG

MRS ALEXANDRA GABRIELA IACOB and MR MIHAI IACOB both of 9 Balfour House, Winnall Close,
Winchester SO23 0LB

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This agreement contains the terms and obligations of the Tenancy. It sets out the undertakings
made by the Landlord to the Tenant and by the Tenant to the Landlord. These undertakings will be
legally binding once the agreement has been signed by both Parties and then dated. If there are two
or more Tenants each Tenant will be jointly and severally liable. This means you will each be
responsible for performing all the obligations and for all of the amounts due under this Agreement,
even if you have performed and / or have paid your share but other Tenants have not. You should
read it carefully to ensure it contains everything you want and nothing that you are not prepared to
agree to. Whilst every attempt has been made to compose this agreement using plain and
intelligible language, it inevitably contains some legal terms or references.

The list below is not exhaustive. It is merely provided for ease of reference. Parties must consider
this whole Agreement for its full terms and effect.

1. Definitions and Interpretation

2. Agreement to Let and the Rent
3. Tenant's Obligations
3.2 The Tenancy Deposit
3.6 Protection of the Deposit
3.7 At the end of the Tenancy
3.14 Rent
3.16 Condition of Premises and Repair
3.28 Cleaning
3.32 Utilities, Meters, TV Licence Fee and Telephone Lines
3.42 Access and Inspection
3.45 Alterations and Redecoration
3.48 Electrical and Telephone Installations
3.50 Infestation
3.51 Washing
3.52 Affixation of Items
3.55 Fixtures and Fittings
3.56 Drains
3.60 Refuse
3.62 Inflammable or Hazardous Substance, Material & Equipment
3.64 Garden
3.67 Smoking
3.69 Animals and Pets
3.71 Usage
3.75 Cars
3.76 Insurance

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3.81 Assignment
3.83 Illegal, Immoral Usage
3.86 Nuisance and Noise
3.88 Locks & Security
3.91 Empty Premises
3.95 Costs and Charges
3.97 Consequences of Termination in Breach of this Agreement
3.98 Superior Landlord
3.99 Inventory and Inventory and Checkout and Tenants Address
3.102 Notices Concerning the Premises
3.104 Stamp Duty Land Tax
4. Landlord's Obligations
4.1 Quiet Enjoyment
4.2 Insurance
4.3 Condition of the Premises
4.4 Interest and Consents
4.6 Repair
4.9 Safety Regulations
4.14 Gas & Electricity
5. Mutual Agreements
5.1 Reinstatement of Premises Rendered Uninhabitable
5.2 Third Party Rights & Continuing Enforceability
5.4 Insured Risks
5.6 Reimbursement
5.7 Council Tax
5.8 Forfeiture
5.9 Notices Concerning the Agreement
5.15 Data Protection and Confidentiality
5.16 Counterparts
5.17 Rent Reviews
6. Schedule 1 Tenancy Details
7. Signature Pages

This Assured Shorthold Tenancy Agreement is DATED the day of 2023, the
Binding Date of this contract AND is made BETWEEN the Landlord and the Tenant(s) specified in
Schedule 1.


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The intention of providing this list of definitions is to help explain or clarify some terms or
expressions that may be found in this Tenancy Agreement. It is not an exhaustive or complete list.

1.1 In this Agreement the following definitions apply:

BACS means Bank Automated Credit System.

Bank / bank means a UK based bank.

Binding Date means the date on which this Tenancy Agreement comes into effect.

Commencement Date means the date specified in Schedule 1 and the day the Tenancy commences.

Council Tax means the tax introduced by the Local Government Finance Act 1992 or any other
replacement tax or charge levied by the local authority on the occupier and/or the Premises.

Deposit means the amount specified in Schedule 1.

Deposit Holder means the person, firm or company who holds the deposit and is a Member of my

Deposit held as Stakeholder means that at the end of the Tenancy, the two parties to the Tenancy
Agreement should jointly agree on the apportionment of any deductions from the deposit, e.g. for
costs or compensation for damage, or for breaches of or failure to comply with the Tenant's
obligations. Any portion in dispute should not be paid over to or taken by either party until and
unless mutual agreement is reached (in writing) or with consent of the court or in accordance with
the my scheme rules.

Expiry Date means the date specified in Schedule 1 or the termination of any extension or
continuation or any Statutory Periodic Tenancy which arises thereafter.

Fixtures and Fittings means any fixtures, fittings, furnishings or effects, floor, ceiling and wall
coverings contained in the Inventory (which states both the individual items and their present
condition) and signed on behalf of the Parties at the commencement of this Agreement or any items
replacing the same from time to time.

Insured Risks means fire, storm, tempest or other perils recognised as such by a reputable Insurer.

Inventory and Schedule of Condition means any document prepared by the Landlord, the Landlord's
Agent or an Inventory company and provided to the Tenant detailing the Landlord's fixtures, fittings,
furnishings, equipment etc., the décor, cleanliness and condition of the Premises generally. This
document will be relied upon at the end of the Tenancy to assess damage or compensation for
damage (over and above fair wear and tear) and so should be checked carefully at the

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commencement of the Tenancy. Any significant mistakes, misdescriptions or other amendments
should be notified to the Landlord or the Landlord's Agent as soon as practicable after the Tenancy
starts. Where the document is provided by the Landlord's Agent this notification should be done
using any Inventory Comments form provided with the document.

Joint and Several liability mean that all the Tenants are liable jointly for the payment of all Rents and
all liabilities falling upon the Tenants under the Tenancy as well as any breach of the Agreement. And
that individually each Tenant is responsible for payment of all the Rent and all the liabilities falling
upon the Tenant as well as any breach of the Agreement until all payments have been made in full.

Landlord means the Landlord specified in the schedule and includes any successors in title to the
Landlord and any person lawfully claiming under or through him/her.

Landlord's Agent means ….

trading as …
at the address specified in Schedule 1.

Lead Tenant Member means the first named Tenant.

Member means the Landlord / Landlords Agent as a member of Tenancy Deposit Solutions Limited
(trading as my deposits.

Month/Monthly means a calendar Month.

Permitted Occupier(s) means the person(s) set out in Schedule 1 who is/are a person(s) licensed by
the Landlord to reside at the Premises for the duration of the Tenancy.

Parties mean the Landlord and Tenant(s).

Premises means the residential property set out in Schedule 1.

Remedial Work means any work required to the Premises in order to return the Premises to the
condition they were in at the Commencement Date including but not restricted to the reasonable
costs of any damage caused or cleaning required.

Rent means the amount or amounts set out in Schedule 1, which excludes Council Tax, Utilities,
Water Charges, Green Deal Charges and also excludes any supplies or charges in respect of
telephone, internet, etc., payable monthly in advance for the Term of the Tenancy.

Rent Payment Date means the date set out in Schedule 1.

Superior Landlord means people or persons, to whom the ownership or interest in the Leasehold
Premises might revert in the fullness of time, following the expiry of the term of any head, or
superior lease.

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Superior Lease means a lease (if any) under which the Landlord himself holds, or owns the Premises
and which contains the obligations of which the Landlord, or his tenants in turn, may be bound.

Tenant means the Tenant(s) specified in Schedule 1. Where the Tenant is more than one person, the
Tenant's Obligations are Joint and Several. The Tenant includes the successors in title to the Tenant.

Tenant's Obligations means those obligations agreed by the Tenant in clauses 2, 3, 4 and 5.

The Term or the Tenancy references to the Term or the Tenancy include any extension or
continuation, or any Statutory Periodic Tenancy which may arise following the end of the period set
out in Schedule 1.

Utilities mean gas, fuel oil, and electricity.

VAT means value added tax.

Water Charges means water, sewerage and environmental supply / service charges.

Written Consent / Authorisation - in order to avoid misunderstandings or disputes later the Tenant
must obtain confirmation in writing of any consent or authorisation given by the Landlord or the
Landlord's Agent.

1.2 Any reference to any Act of Parliament includes a reference to any amendment or
replacement of it from time to time and to subordinate legislation made under it.

1.3 The masculine gender includes the feminine/ any other gender.

1.4 The headings in this Agreement are for information only and will not affect its
interpretation. The list under the heading “Contents” hereinbefore is not exhaustive and the list
items / names will not affect the interpretation of the paragraphs they head or this Agreement.

1.5 References to "Agreement" mean this Agreement (and include all Schedules and all
documents referred to). References to the Clauses and Schedules mean clauses and schedules of
this Agreement. The provisions of the Schedules shall be binding on the Parties as if set out in full in
this Agreement.


2.1 The Landlord grants and the Tenant takes the Premises for the Term

2.2 The Tenant shall pay the Rent on time by bank standing order. The Rent is payable on the
Rent Payment Date for the Term of the Tenancy, the first payment to be made on or before the
signing of this Agreement

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2.3 This Agreement is intended to create an Assured Shorthold Tenancy as defined by Section
19A of the Housing Act 1988 as amended and shall take effect subject to the provisions for recovery
of possession provided for in Section 21 of that Act.
2.4 Any agreement or obligation on the part of the Tenant not to do something includes an
obligation not to allow that thing to be done and an obligation to use best endeavours to prevent
that thing being done by another person.

PLEASE NOTE: These are the things that the Tenant agrees to do or not to do. If the Tenant breaks,
or does not comply with any of these obligations, the Landlord may be entitled to claim damages or
compensation from the Tenant, or to seek other legal remedies against the Tenant, including the
possibility of eviction.

The Tenant agrees and covenants with the Landlord to the following:

3.1 Where the Tenant is more than one person, all the tenants are Jointly and Severally
responsible and liable for all obligations under this agreement.

The Tenancy Deposit

3.2 The Deposit of £ 1380 is paid by the Tenant to and held by the Landlord OR to the Landlord's
3.3 The Deposit is held as Stakeholder. The holder is a member of my The
deposit can only be released or part released in accordance with the my scheme
3.4 Any interest earned will belong to the Landlord.
3.5 The Deposit has been taken for the following purposes:
3.5.1 Any damage, or compensation for damage, to the premises its fixtures and fittings and
equipment or for missing items for which the Tenant may be liable, subject to an apportionment or
allowance for fair wear and tear, the age and condition of each and any such item at the
commencement of the tenancy, insured risks and repairs that are the responsibility of the Landlord.
3.5.2 The reasonable costs incurred in compensating the Landlord for, or for rectifying or
remedying any breach by the Tenant of the tenant's obligations under the Tenancy Agreement,
including those relating to the cleaning of the premises, its fixtures and fittings and equipment.
3.5.3 Any rent or other money due or payable by the Tenant under the Tenancy Agreement of
which the Tenant has been made aware and which remains unpaid after the end of the tenancy.
3.5.4 Any sum repayable by the Landlord to a local authority where housing benefit has been paid
direct to the Landlord or the Landlord's Agent by the local authority.
3.5.5 Any damage caused or cleaning required as a result of any pets occupying the Premises
either with or without the consent of the Landlord or the Landlord's Agent.
3.5.6 Any reasonable legal and other professional fees incurred by the Landlord, including those
incurred by the Landlord’s Agent in enforcing the terms of this agreement, except where a court
orders the Landlord to pay his own costs in any court proceedings.

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3.5.7 Any reasonable costs incurred by the Landlord through the early termination of the Tenancy
by the Tenant in breach of this Agreement including a pro-rata proportion of the Landlord's re-
letting costs.

Protection of the Deposit

3.6 The Deposit is safeguarded by my deposits, which is administered / owned by:
HFIS Ltd, T/A Hamilton Fraser Insurance Premiere House Elstree Way Borehamwood Hertfordshire
WD6 1JH Phone: 0333 321 9401 Email:

At the end of the Tenancy

3.7 The statutory rights of the Landlord and the Tenant to take legal action through the County
Court remain unaffected by clauses A1 to A15.1 of the prescribed information and clauses 3 to 3.13
of the Tenancy Agreement.
3.8 If at any time during the Tenancy the amount held in respect of the Deposit is less than the
sum stated in Schedule 1, the Landlord or the Landlord's Agent may require the Tenant to pay such
amount as is required to increase the amount of the Deposit accordingly. The Tenant shall pay any
such amount within 14 days of written demand.
3.9 At the end of the Term and before returning the Deposit the Landlord or the Landlord's
Agent on the instruction of the Landlord shall, but subject to clause 3.7 above, first be entitled to
deduct from the Deposit all such Rent, monies, loss, expenses, interest and sums as are due under
this Agreement and as permitted by law. The reason for the nature of these deductions will be
notified to the Tenant in writing. Such correspondence will be sent, addressed to the Tenant, to the
address required to be provided by the Tenant under clause 3.101.
3.10 Should any such deductions exceed the Deposit held then the amount of any excess shall be
paid by the Tenant within 14 days of written demand.
3.11 Any property or belongings of the Tenant or members of the Tenant's household left behind
at the Premises will be considered abandoned if, after the end of the Tenancy (or after any vacating
and or abandoning of the Premises by the Tenant prior to the end of term, with or without notice to
the Landlord) and after the expiry of 14 days written notice sent, addressed to the Tenant, to the
address provided under clause 3.101, the Tenant has not removed or retrieved them. After this time
the Landlord or the Landlord's Agent can dispose of such property. In such circumstances the Tenant
shall be liable to pay to the Landlord or the Landlord's Agent:
3.11.1 the reasonable costs incurred by the Landlord or the Landlord's Agent in storing, removing
or disposing or confirming of such property,
3.11.2 damages at a rate equivalent to the Rent on a pro-rata daily basis where any property or
belongings cannot be easily removed from the Premises, until the Tenant, or in default the Landlord
or the Landlord's Agent can remove or dispose of such property.
If the Tenant does not pay these damages and expenses, the Landlord or the Landlord's Agent shall
be entitled to deduct such damages and expenses from the Deposit or from the proceeds of the sale
of any property or belongings left by the Tenant.

3.12 If the Landlord shall sell or transfer the legal interest in the Premises or otherwise cease to
manage or own the Premises, the Tenant will be informed of the new owners or managers as soon
as reasonably practicable, and confirm:
3.12.1 that the rules of my still apply (if the new manager is already a member of

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my or
3.12.2 that the deposit will be covered by another specified, designated scheme (if the new
manager is not a member of my
3.13 Neither the Landlord nor the Landlord's Agent shall be obliged to refund the Deposit or any
part of the Deposit where there is a change in the person or persons who for the time being
comprise the Tenant.

3.14 To pay the Rent on each Rent Payment Date whether formally demanded or not. Interest at
3% pa above the Bank of England’s base rate will be payable on any rent which is more than 14 days
overdue. The interest will be payable from each Rent Payment Date until the date it is paid.
3.15 The Tenant shall not be entitled to withhold the payment of any instalment or part of any
instalment of the Rent or any other amounts payable under this Agreement on the ground that (a)
any party to this Agreement is in breach of its obligations or (b) the Landlord or the Landlord's Agent
has the Deposit in his possession.

Condition of Premises and Repair

3.16 To keep the interior of the Premises including any Fixtures and Fittings in good repair and
condition throughout the Term (with the exception only of the installations which the Landlord is
liable to repair under Section 11 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 as listed in clauses 4.6 to 4.8).
Also to keep the interior of the Premises in good decorative order and condition, with the exception
of damage caused to the interior by fire, unless this is due to some act or omission by the Tenant or
any person residing or sleeping in or visiting the Premises.
3.17 To take reasonable and proper care of and at all times use properly the Premises including
any Fixtures and Fittings and to keep the Premises and any Fixtures and Fittings in a proper, clean
and tidy condition.
3.18 To make good or, to pay or compensate the Landlord for:
3.18.1 All damages to the Premises caused by the act or omission of the Tenant or any person who
is residing or sleeping in or visiting the Premises.
3.18.2 The repair or replacement of all Fixtures and Fittings as shall be broken, lost, stolen,
damaged or destroyed during the Term. This is with exception to damage by fire unless this is due to
some act or omission on the part of the Tenant or any person residing or sleeping in or visiting the
3.19 To keep all electric lights in good working order and in particular to replace all fuses, bulbs
and fluorescent tubes as and when necessary.
3.20 To test at regular intervals (weekly is recommended) any smoke, carbon monoxide, heat and
such alarms / detectors fitted in the premises and not to leave any alarms / detectors without
correct and charged and working batteries at any time. It is the tenant’s responsibility to change
batteries during the tenancy. If any such alarm or detector is not working to promptly inform the
landlord or his agent.
3.21 To replace immediately with the same quality of glass (or better quality if current glazing
regulations require it) all glass in the Premises broken by the Tenant or any person residing, sleeping
in or visiting the Premises and notify the Landlord or the Landlord's Agent.

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3.22 To notify the Landlord or the Landlord's Agent promptly and in writing of any Fixtures or
Fittings which are defective or in need of repair and for which the Landlord is responsible for repair
under clauses 4.6 to 4.8.
3.23 To carry out repairs or other works for which the Tenant is responsible under this
Agreement within one month or sooner if appropriate, of receiving written notice to do so from the
Landlord or the Landlord's Agent. If the Tenant fails to comply with this notice then the Landlord or
the Landlord's Agent may notify the Tenant that the Landlord is arranging for the work to be done
and in such circumstances the Tenant agrees to be responsible and liable for the fair costs involved
in those arrangements and for the carrying out of such works.
3.24 To take all appropriate precautions including any reasonably required by the Landlord or the
Landlord's Agent to prevent frost damage occurring to any installation in the Premises.
3.25 To take all reasonable and prudent steps to adequately heat and ventilate the Premises and
specifically in cooking showering bathing washing drying clothes take the usual prudent and specific
measures to minimise the escape of moisture steam warm air into all rooms and other parts of the
property in order to help prevent condensation damp and mould. Where such condensation may
occur, to promptly wipe down and clean surfaces as required from time to time to stop the build-up
of mould growth or damage to the Premises, its Fixtures and Fittings.
3.26 To inform the Landlord or the Landlord’s Agent of any repairs required in or to the Premises
for which the Landlord is responsible. Not to carry out or instruct others to carry out any such
repairs in or to the Premises without the prior written authorisation of the Landlord or the
Landlord's Agent, except in an emergency. If the Tenant does carry out or has carried out repairs in
or to the Premises in breach of this clause then the Tenant will be liable for all reasonable expenses
and costs incurred by the Landlord in rectifying any damage caused by the repairs.
3.27 The Tenant must not under any circumstance bring, attach to any pipework or connect or
use any type of gas appliance in the Premises other than any that is already installed at the Premises
or been supplied and installed by the Landlord.

3.28 To keep all the Premises (including any balcony / garden / shed / garage / other space of the
Premises) in good proper and completely clean state throughout the Term and at the end of the
Tenancy to give back the Premises and all the Fixtures and Fittings in good and proper order and in
fully clean and tidy condition.
3.29 To clean the inside and outside of the windows of the Premises as often as is necessary and
prior to the Expiry Date.
3.30 To properly clean or wash such carpets, curtains, upholstery and loose covers, counterpanes,
blankets and linen which shall have been soiled, including items stored, during the Tenancy and
which at the termination of the Tenancy may require to be washed and/or cleaned and maintain a
suitable record, and if the Tenant chooses to use any other or professional cleaners for such cleaning
to provide receipt or invoice, to demonstrate compliance with this clause.
3.31 To thoroughly sweep and clean as often as necessary all working chimneys and flues (if any),
made use of by the Tenant and maintain a suitable record, and if the Tenant chooses to use any
other or professional cleaners for such cleaning to provide receipt or invoice, to demonstrate
compliance with this clause.

Utilities, Meters, TV License Fee and Telephone Lines

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3.32 Not to tamper or interfere with or alter or add to the Utility installations or meters in or
serving the Premises.
3.33 Unless otherwise specified to pay all charges in respect of Utilities consumed on the
Premises, telephone lines installed on the Premises and the television licence fee. Charges falling
due partly during and partly before or after the Tenancy will be apportioned.
3.34 Not to change the existing telephone number, if any, without the prior written consent of
the Landlord or the Landlord's Agent or to procure the transfer of the existing telephone number to
any other address.
3.35 To notify each of the Utilities and telephone suppliers immediately after the
Commencement Date that the Tenant is now the Utilities and telephone account holder. Further, to
complete applications for the supply of Utilities and telephone to the Premises in the name of the
Tenant and not in the name of the Landlord.
3.36 The Tenant shall not have a key meter installed at the Premises or any other meter, which is
operated by inserting coins or a pre-paid card or key.
3.37 The Tenant shall not at any time re-site or change any meters nor shall he allow any other
person / organisation to do so.
3.38 The Tenant agrees that data about the Tenant and the Premises may be supplied by the
Landlord or the letting agent to the Utilities, local authority, water or the telephone supplier.
3.39 To pay for the cost of emptying and cleaning the cesspit or septic tank (if any) on an annual
basis and at the end of the Tenancy.
3.40 If the water supply:
3.40.1 is metered, where the meter is accessible the Landlord or the Landlord's Agent will record in
writing the meter readings on the Commencement Date and at the Expiry Date. Where the meter is
not accessible, the Landlord or the Landlord's Agent will arrange for the local water authority to
record the meter readings as soon as possible to the Commencement Date and Expiry Date. For the
avoidance of doubt the Tenant will be liable for all Water Charges based upon these readings; OR
3.40.2 is not metered the Tenant will pay all Water Charges for the Term
3.41 If the Utilities, water or telephone supplies to the Premises are disconnected as a result of
3.41.1 the Tenant's failure to pay the whole or any part of the charge relating to the service; or
3.41.2 as a result of any other act or omission by the Tenant then the Tenant shall repay to the
Landlord or the Landlord's Agent all costs incurred in reconnecting the service (including any

Access and Inspection

3.42 To permit the Landlord or the Landlord's Agent to enter the Premises at a reasonable time
on giving at least 24 hours notice (except in the case of emergency) for the purpose of:
3.42.1 examining the condition of the Premises;
3.42.2 inspecting, maintaining, repairing, altering, improving or rebuilding any adjoining or
neighbouring property;
3.42.3 maintaining, repairing or replacing the Fixtures and Fittings;
3.42.4 complying with any obligations imposed on the Landlord by law.
The Tenant will also permit entry to all other persons authorised by the Landlord or the Landlord's
Agent with or without workmen and others and with all necessary equipment. If the Tenant fails to
keep any such appointments without first giving reasonable notice of cancellation then the Tenant

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will be liable for any reasonable costs or expenses incurred by the Landlord or the Landlord's Agent
for the time wasted. If the Landlord or the Landlord's Agent fails to keep any such appointment
without first giving reasonable notice of cancellation, then the Landlord or the Landlord's Agent will
be liable for any reasonable costs or expenses incurred by the Tenant for time wasted.
3.43 To permit reasonable entry to the Premises during the Tenancy to allow the Landlord or the
Landlord's Agent to show the Premises to any person who is, or is acting on behalf of, a prospective
purchaser or Tenant of the Premises, and who is authorised by the Landlord or the Landlord's Agent
to view the Premises. Such entry will be by prior appointment only at reasonable times after the
Tenant has been given reasonable notice.
3.44 To permit "For Sale" boards to be erected at any time or "To Let" boards to be erected if the
Tenant has been in any breach of this Agreement or any Notice to Quit has been served on the
Tenant or during the last two Months of the Tenancy at the Premises and "Let By" boards for up to
28 days following the commencement or renewal of the Tenancy.

Alterations and Redecoration

3.45 Not to decorate or to make any alterations in or additions to the Premises and not to cut,
maim, puncture or injure any of the walls, partitions or timbers of the Premises.
3.46 Not to permit any waste, spoil or destruction to the Premises.
3.47 Not to do, or allow to be done anything upon the Premises which shall cause damage to, or
deterioration of, the internal or external surfaces or the coverings or decoration of, or to, the

Electrical & Telephone Installations

3.48 Not to alter or extend the electrical installations or wiring or the telephone installation or
wiring at the Premises.
3.49 Not to cause an overload of the electrical circuits by the inappropriate use of multi socket
electrical adaptors or extension cables when connecting appliances to the mains electrical system.

3.50 During the Tenancy, to take such reasonable precautions expected of a householder to keep
the Premises free of infestation by vermin, rodents, fleas or ants. Where such infestation occurs as
the result of action or inaction on behalf of the Tenants, to be responsible for the appropriate costs
in fumigating and cleaning any affected parts as appropriate and for rectifying and or removing the
causes of such infestation.

3.51 Not to hang any washing, clothes or other articles outside the Premises otherwise than in a
place designated or permitted by the Landlord or the Landlord’s Agent and not to hang or place wet
or damp articles of washing upon any item of furniture, Fixture or Fitting or room heater.

Affixation of Items
3.52 Not to place or exhibit any aerial, satellite dish, notice, advertisement, sign or board on the
exterior or interior of the Premises and not to install cable telephone and/or cable television without
first obtaining the written consent of the Landlord or the Landlord's Agent.

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3.53 Not to affix any items to the doors, walls, windows or to any of the Fixtures and Fittings on
the Premises either internal or external using glue, nails, sticky tape, blue-tac or similar adhesive
3.54 Subject to prior written approval from the Landlord or the Landlord's Agent, such approval
not to be unreasonably withheld, the Tenant may hang pictures, placards or photographs on the
walls of the Premises using only commercially made picture hooks. At the end of the Tenancy the
Tenant must however remove the picture hooks and make good any damage done to the Premises
or the Fixtures and Fittings.

Fixtures and Fittings

3.55 Not to remove any of the Fixtures and Fittings from the Premises and not to store them in
the loft, basement or garage (if any) without obtaining the prior written consent of the Landlord or
the Landlord’s Agent. If consent is obtained, the Tenant must ensure that the items are stored safely
without damage or deterioration and, upon vacating the Premises, return them to the places in
which they were on the Commencement Date. Failure by the Tenant to do so will entitle the
Landlord or the Landlord's Agent to charge to the Tenant the costs incurred both for locating and re-
siting all such items and for any damage resulting from this action.

3.56 Not to overload, block up or damage any of the drains, pipes, wires, cables or any apparatus
or installation relating to the services and Utilities provided to the Premises. In the event of a breach
of this clause the Tenant will be liable to pay for the costs of any necessary Remedial Work.
3.57 If they occur, to take reasonable steps to clear any stoppages or blockages in any of the
drains, sinks, toilets, waste pipes and ventilation ducts which serve the Premises. In the event that
such a stoppage cannot be cleared, to contact the Landlord or Landlord's Agent who will then
arrange for any necessary Remedial Work to be undertaken.
3.58 To keep clean and in good working order and free from obstruction all sewers, drains,
sanitary apparatus, water and waste pipes, air vents and ducts exclusively served to or forming part
of the Premises. In particular the Tenant must ensure that during the winter months adequate
precautions are taken to avoid damage by frost and freezing.
3.59 Not to permit oil, grease or other harmful or corrosive substances to enter any of the
sanitary appliances or drains within the Premises.

3.60 To remove all rubbish from the Premises and to place it in the dustbin or receptacles
3.61 Every week to ensure that refuse bags or, if applicable, the dustbin or other receptacles
provided are left at designated refuse collection points on the designated refuse collection day.
Inflammable Substances and Equipment

Inflammable or Hazardous Substance, Material & Equipment

3.62 Not to keep or use in the Premises any paraffin or oil heater of any kind whatsoever or any
heater, cooker or other appliance fuelled by liquefied petroleum gas.

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3.63 Not to store or bring onto the Premises (including any garage, shed, outbuilding, yard /
grounds) any substance, material or articles of a combustible, inflammable or dangerous or
hazardous nature. This does not include the use or storage of matches or, only if smoking on the
Premises is specifically permitted by the Landlord, cigarette lighters.

3.64 To cut the grass (if any) of the Garden / Premises with an appropriate non-petrol garden
mower as necessary to keep the grass in, or bring about, a neat and tidy condition. Furthermore to
keep the patio areas (if any), paths, garden areas, lawns, flower beds, shrubs or bushes and borders
(if any) as tidy and weed free, as at the commencement of the Tenancy.
3.65 To allow such person(s) as may be authorised by the Landlord or the Landlord's Agent, on
the giving of at least 24 hours notice, to access the Premises for the purpose of attending to the
garden and other incidental purposes in accordance with clause 3.42.
3.66 Not to lop, cut down, prune or remove or otherwise injure any trees, shrubs or plants
growing upon the Premises or to alter the general character of the garden.
3.67 Not to smoke or permit any guest or visitor to smoke tobacco in the Premises unless
specifically permitted by the Landlord.
3.68 Should the Landlord permit the Tenant to smoke and allow guests or visitors to smoke in the
Premises, the Tenant will have the Premises just before the end of the Tenancy professionally
cleaned or redecorated as required to rid the Premises of the odour and/or staining of nicotine,
including the washing of walls, woodwork and ceilings and provide receipts for proof of the works
done and invite and allow the Landlord or Landlord’s agents to inspect and confirm that the such
works have been satisfactorily completed. Should Tenant fail to carry out and complete such works
satisfactorily the Tenant will be liable to pay the additional costs of such smoking related required
redecoration and cleaning works and all such cost will be deducted from the Tenants deposit
(subject to any lawful restriction or prohibition re such costs).

Animals and Pets

3.69 Not to keep any domestic animals, reptiles insects, fish or birds on the Premises other than
those which the Landlord is obliged to allow the Tenant pursuant to the law pertaining to any
disability of the Tenant, as set out in Schedule 1, subject to the Tenant paying any lawfully
permissible pet rent set out therein. The Landlord or the Landlord's Agent may subsequently
withdraw consent, pursuant to the applicable law, to the keeping of the animals, reptiles, insects,
fish or birds listed in Schedule 1 upon giving reasonable written notice.
3.70 Where pets are kept under clause 3.69, to clean the Premises fully and properly and with
appropriate de-infestation cleaner at the termination of the Tenancy and maintain a suitable record,
and if the Tenant chooses to use any other or professional cleaners for such cleaning to provide
receipt or invoice, to demonstrate compliance with this clause. Should the Tenant fail to carry out
and complete such de-infestation or other pet related works satisfactorily the Tenant will be liable to
pay the additional costs of all such pet related works and all such cost will be deducted from the
Tenants deposit (subject to any lawful restriction or prohibition re such costs).

3.71 To occupy the Premises as the Tenant's only or principal home.

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3.72 To use the Premises for the purpose of a private residence only in the occupation of the
Tenant and Permitted Occupiers (if any) and not for business or any other purposes.
3.73 Not to erect, abandon or place any hut, shed, caravan, house on wheels, boat, commercial
vehicle, or any hoarding on the Premises without the written consent of the Landlord or the
Landlord's Agent, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld.
3.74 To ensure that the Permitted Occupiers (if any) comply with all Tenant's Obligations in this
Agreement, except for the payment of Rent.

3.75 Not to service, repair or carry out any other work on cars, motorcycles, vans or other
commercial vehicles at the Premises apart from general maintenance from time to time, to a vehicle
of which the Tenant is the registered keeper.

3.76 To inform the Landlord or the Landlord's Agent as soon as practicable in the event of loss or
damage to the Premises or the Fixtures and Fittings. To assist the Landlord or the Landlord's Agent
with an insurance claim by providing full written details of the loss or damage as soon as is
reasonably practicable thereafter.
3.77 Not to do anything which would render the policies of insurance held by the Landlord on the
Premises and/or on the Fixtures and Fittings void or voidable or to increase the rate of premium on
any such policy. Should there be a breach of this provision resulting in any expense or increase in
insurance premium at renewal, to repay to the Landlord such extra sums as are necessary.
3.78 Not to deliberately do anything, and to take reasonable and prudent steps not to allow
anything to be done by Permitted Occupiers, invited guests or visitors, which leads to devastation,
harm or ruin of the Premises or its contents.
3.79 For the avoidance of any doubt, the Tenant's belongings within the Premises are not
covered by any insurance policy maintained by the Landlord.
3.80 To reimburse the Landlord for any excess sum, payable under the Landlord's insurance
policies for each and any claim on the Landlord's policy resulting from any action or inaction on the
part of the Tenant, his invited visitors or guests in breach of this agreement.

3.81 Not to assign the Tenancy of the Premises or any part of it.
3.82 Not to share occupation, sub-let, take in lodgers or paying guests.
3.83 Not to use the Premises or knowingly allow the Premises to be used for illegal or immoral
purposes or for holding auctions or for political or other campaigning.
3.84 Not to use, possess, cultivate or consume or allow to be used, possessed, cultivated or
consumed on or about the Premises any of the drugs mentioned in the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 or
any other controlled substances the use of which may at any time be prohibited or restricted by law.
3.85 If there is a breach of clause 3.83 then the Landlord shall be entitled to terminate absolutely
this Agreement. This is without prejudice to the Landlord's right to enforce all of the provisions set
out in this Agreement and in particular, but not limited to, the Tenant's liability in respect of the
payment of Rent until such time as the Premises are re-let and the Landlord's consequential losses
arising from any other breach of the provisions set out in this Agreement.

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Nuisance and Noise
3.86 Not to do or allow to be done on or in connection with the Premises anything which shall be
or tend to be a nuisance or annoyance to any person residing, visiting or otherwise engaging in a
lawful activity in the locality.
3.87 Not to make or allow any unreasonable noise and in particular:
3.87.1 not to hold or allow to be held any social gathering;
3.87.2 not to sing or allow singing;
3.87.3 not to use or allow to be used any vacuum cleaner or other mechanical appliance;
3.87.4 not to play or allow to be played any musical instrument or sound reproduction equipment
such as a television, radio, stereo or speaker system in the Premises in such a manner as to cause or
be likely to cause any nuisance or inconvenience to the occupiers of any neighbouring, adjoining or
adjacent properties or so as to be audible outside the Premises between the hours of 22.00 and
07.00 on any day.

Locks & Security

3.88 Not to install or change any locks in the Premises (except in an emergency, in which case a
key to be provided to the Landlord or Landlord's Agent) without the prior written consent of the
Landlord or the Landlord's Agent. If any lock is installed or changed in the Premises without the prior
written consent of the Landlord or the Landlord's Agent then to remove it if required by the
Landlord or the Landlord's Agent and to make good any resulting damage.
3.89 Not to change any burglar alarm codes (if any) without the prior consent of the Landlord or
the Landlord's Agent, such consent not being unreasonably withheld. Where such consent is given,
to promptly provide the Landlord or the Landlord's Agent with the relevant new code.
3.90 If any additional keys are made, the Tenant shall deliver them to the Landlord or the
Landlord's Agent, together with all remaining original keys, at the end of the Tenancy. If any such
keys have been lost, the Tenant will pay to the Landlord or the Landlord's Agent on demand any
costs incurred by the Landlord in replacing the locks to which the lost keys belong.

Empty Premises
3.91 Not to leave the Premises vacant for any continuous period of more than two weeks during
the Tenancy without first notifying the Landlord or the Landlord's Agent. If required by the Landlord
or the Landlord's Agent to prevent frozen pipes, to drain down all water supplies in or serving the
Premises and to ensure that the stopcock is turned off and to comply with any other conditions
reasonably required by the Landlord or the Landlord's Agent to prevent damage/loss to the Premises
whilst it is vacant.
3.92 To leave the heating on continuously at an appropriate setting if the Premises are vacant or
unoccupied during the winter months.
3.93 To ensure that at all times when the Premises are vacant, all external doors and windows are
locked and/or bolted and that any alarm is activated. The Tenant shall not change the control
number of any alarm without the consent of the Landlord or the Landlord's Agent, such consent not
to be unreasonably withheld.
3.94 To make good at his own expense any damage caused to the Premises or the Fixtures and
Fittings which occur due to any breach of this Agreement.

Costs and Charges

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3.95 To pay to the Landlord or the Landlord's Agent all reasonable costs and expenses incurred by
the Landlord or the Landlord's Agent (including but not limited to the costs and fees of the
Landlord's solicitors and other professional advisors) in respect of:
3.95.1 the recovery from the Tenant of any Rent or any other monies owed in breach of this
3.95.2 the enforcement of any of the provisions of this Agreement;
3.95.3 the service of any notice relating to a breach by the Tenant of any of the Tenant's
Obligations under this Agreement whether or not the breach shall result in court proceedings except
where a court orders the Landlord to pay his own costs in any court proceedings.
3.96 To pay part of the costs, as agreed and set out in the Tenants Application Form, for the
preparation and grant of this Agreement, including any reasonable costs or fees that may be payable
to a Superior Landlord.

Consequences of Termination in Breach of this Agreement

3.97 If in breach of this Agreement the Tenant vacates the Premises on a day other than the
Expiry Date, the Tenant will be liable to pay:
3.97.1 The Rent up to and including the date that the Premises are vacated or the Expiry Date,
whichever is the later; AND
3.97.2 the standard rate of Council Tax, or any other replacement property tax, at the rate
applicable to the Premises up until the date that the Premises are vacated or the Expiry Date
whichever is the later; AND
3.97.3 any standing and/or consumption charges for Utilities up until the date that the Premises
are vacated or the Expiry Date whichever is the later; AND
3.97.4 a proper proportion of the Landlord's costs of re-letting the Premises should the Premises be
re-let after the Expiry Date due to the Tenants failure to vacate on the Expiry Date.

Superior Landlord
3.98 Subject to the Tenant having been provided with a copy of the Superior Lease or a notice of
the restrictions in it, to comply with all the conditions of any Superior Lease under which the
Landlord holds the Premises, and to observe any restrictions to which the Superior Lease is subject.
The Tenant also agrees, if required by the Superior Landlord;
3.98.1 to allow all references to be submitted to the Superior Landlord;
3.98.2 to enter into any agreement, deed of covenant or license with the Superior Landlord,
agreeing to observe and perform the covenants of the Superior Lease, subject to the Tenant having
received reasonable notice of
(a) the Superior Landlord's intention to require such an agreement, lease or license;
(b) the contents of such an agreement, lease or license prior to signing this Tenancy Agreement

Inventory and Checkout and Tenants Address

3.99 To check the Inventory provided by the Landlord or the Landlord's Agent and as soon as is
reasonably practicable from receipt of the Inventory to notify the Landlord or the Landlord's Agent
of any significant mistakes, misdescriptions or other amendments. If no such notification is received
by the Landlord or the Landlord's Agent within a reasonable period the Tenant understands that at
the termination of the Tenancy all damage or compensation for damage (over and above fair wear

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and tear) will be based and assessed upon the record contained in the Inventory unless the Tenant
can provide proof that it is incorrect.
3.100 To pay the reasonable costs incurred by the Landlord or the Landlord's Agent in making and
attending a second appointment to check out the Inventory should the Tenant fail to keep the first
appointment without giving the Landlord or the Landlord's Agent reasonable notice of cancellation.
(subject to any lawful restriction or prohibition re such costs).
3.101 To promptly provide just before or immediately at the end of the Tenancy a forwarding or
correspondence address to the Landlord or the Landlord's Agent for ease of administration and
communication between the Parties, including the processes involved in the return of the Deposit.
If the Tenant fails to do so the Landlord shall be entitled to use any email or other address last
provided by the Tenant to the Landlord and shall not be liable in any way due to any non-receipt of
any communication, notice or correspondence from the Landlord to the Tenant.

Notices Concerning the Premises

3.102 As quickly as is practicable after receipt, to send to the Landlord or the Landlord's Agent any
formal or legal notice or orders or other similar document delivered to the Premises by a third party
which relate to, or might significantly affect the Premises, its boundaries or neighbouring
3.103 To allow onto the Premises any persons that may reasonably require such access to effect
work to a neighbouring property or any boundary divide at all reasonable times provided that not
less than two days' notice has been given. Where such notice is given, to notify the Landlord or the
Landlord's Agent as soon as possible of the intended access.

Stamp Duty Land Tax

3.104 The Tenant is liable for paying any Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT) or any tax or duty which
replaces the SDLT or any other tax or duty due on this Agreement and for completing and submitting
the relevant declaration forms to the Inland Revenue.

PLEASE NOTE: These are the things that the Landlord agrees to do or not to do. If the Landlord
breaks, or does not comply with any of his obligations in this agreement or of his statutory
obligations, the Tenant may be entitled to claim damages or compensation from the Landlord, or to
seek other legal remedies against the Landlord.

The Landlord agrees to the following:-

Quiet Enjoyment
4.1 That if the Tenant pays the Rent and performs and observes the Tenant's Obligations, the
Tenant shall peaceably hold and enjoy the Premises during the Term without any unlawful
interruption by the Landlord.

4.2 Unless any superior landlord / lease requires otherwise in respect of building / premises
insurance, to insure the Premises and the Fixtures and Fittings with an insurance company of repute
to their full value as normally covered by a householder's comprehensive policy.

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Condition of the Premises
4.3 To ensure that the Premises are water tight on the Commencement Date and that all
installations, systems and appliances are clean and in proper working order.

Interest and Consents

4.4 That the Landlord is the sole legal owner or, if more than one, that they are the joint legal
owners of the leasehold or freehold interest in the Premises.
4.5 That the Landlord has obtained all necessary consents from any Superior Landlord,
mortgagee, insurer, or other interested Parties to enable him or them to enter this Agreement.

4.6 This Agreement shall take effect subject to the provisions of Sections 11 to 16 of the
Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 (as amended by the Housing Act 1988) which imposes on the
Landlord obligations to repair and keep in good working order:
4.6.1 the structure and exterior (including drains, gutters and external pipes) of the Premises;
4.6.2 installations in the Premises for the supply of water, electricity, gas and sanitation (including
basins, sinks, baths and sanitary conveniences). The Landlord is not however responsible for
repairing other Fixtures and Fittings and appliances for making use of the supply of water, gas and
4.6.3 installations in the Premises for space heating and heating water.
Neither the Landlord or the Landlord's Agent will accept responsibility for charges incurred by the
Tenant in repairing such items as are listed above except in the case of an emergency or where the
Landlord is in breach of his obligations under this clause.
4.7 To keep in repair and proper working order all smoke alarms, carbon monoxide alarms,
mechanical and electrical items including, washing machines, dishwashers, and other similar
mechanical or electrical appliances belonging to the Landlord included in the Fixtures and Fittings.
This Agreement shall not however be construed as requiring the Landlord to carry out any works for
which the Tenant is liable under his duty to use the Premises and the Fixtures and Fittings in a
tenant-like manner.
4.8 Where the Landlord supplies a working burglar alarm with the Premises at commencement
of the Tenancy; to keep it in working order and repair, but only where such a repair is not caused by
negligence or misuse by the Tenant, his guests or visitors.

Safety Regulations
4.9 That the following items (or equipment required by law to be provided)at the Premises by
the Landlord:
4.9.1 furniture and equipment,
4.9.2 gas appliances,
4.9.3 electrical appliances,
4.9.4 smoke and / or carbon monoxide alarm
comply with their respective regulations as regards their safety and the appropriate Gas and
Electricity Certificates have been provided to the Tenant prior to the Commencement Date.

It is mutually agreed as follows:

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Reinstatement of Premises Rendered Uninhabitable
5.1 The Landlord's repairing obligations referred to in clause 4.6 shall not be construed as
requiring the Landlord:
(a) to carry out works or repairs for which the Tenant is liable by virtue of his duty to use the
Premises in a tenant-like manner;
(b) to rebuild or reinstate the Premises in the case of destruction or damage by fire or by
tempest, flood or other inevitable accident;
(c) to keep in repair or maintain anything which the Tenant is entitled to remove from the

Third Party Rights & Continuing Enforceability

5.2 The Contract (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 does not apply to this agreement.
5.3 This agreement is subject to all laws and statutes affecting Assured Shorthold Tenancies. If a
court decides that some part of the agreement is invalid or unenforceable, the rest of the agreement
will still be valid and binding on all.

Insured Risks
5.4 If the Premises are destroyed or rendered uninhabitable by an Insured Risk against which
the Landlord may have effected insurance, then Rent shall cease to be payable until the Premises are
reinstated and rendered habitable so long as such reinstatement is carried out within a reasonable
5.5 Clause 5.4 will not apply if the insurance monies are irrecoverable in whole or in part by
reason of any act or omission on the part of the Tenant.

5.6 Where the Landlord is entitled to do anything at the cost or expense of the Tenant under
this Agreement then the Tenant shall pay the amount incurred to the Landlord or the Landlord's
Agent within 14 days of written demand. If the Tenant fails to make payment the Landlord or the
Landlord's Agent may deduct the unpaid amount from the Deposit in accordance with clause 3.9.

Council Tax
5.7 The Tenant shall pay the Council Tax for the Premises for the duration ofthe Tenancy. If the
Landlord however pays, whether under a legal obligation or otherwise, then the Tenant shall
reimburse the Landlord or the Landlord's Agent within 14 days of written demand that proportion of
the Council Tax attributable to the Tenant's occupation of the Premises and further any such
proportion shall be recoverable as rent.

5.8 If at any time during the Term:
5.8.1 the Rent or any part of the Rent shall remain unpaid for 14 days after becoming payable
(whether formally or legally demanded or not); or
5.8.2 the Tenant does not perform or observe the Tenant's Obligations; or
5.8.3 the Tenant shall become bankrupt or enter into a voluntary arrangement with his creditors;

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5.8.4 if the Premises shall without the consent of the Landlord be left vacant or unoccupied for
more than two weeks; or
5.8.5 if any of the grounds listed in Schedule 2 of the Housing Act 1988 as amended by the
Housing Act 1996 apply (namely grounds 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 or 17) then the Landlord may re-
enter the Premises. At this time the Tenancy will come to an end but this will not affect the
Landlord's right of action in respect of the breach of the Tenant's Obligations contained in this

Notices Concerning the Agreement

5.9 The Landlord notifies the Tenant under Sections 47 and 48 of the Landlord and Tenant Act
1987 that the address at which notices (including notices in proceedings) may be sent to or served
upon the Landlord is the Landlord's address as set out in Schedule 1 unless any other notified to the
Tenant in writing.
5.10 Should the Premises be subject to a mortgage granted before the beginning of the Tenancy
the provisions for recovery of possession by a mortgagee in Schedule 2 of the Housing Act 1988 and
Section 7(6) of the Housing Act 1988 apply accordingly. If the Landlord's mortgagee is or becomes
entitled to exercise its power of sale then the Landlord's mortgagee shall be entitled to forfeit this
Agreement and gain vacant possession of the Premises on Ground 2 of Schedule 2 of the Housing
Act 1988.
5.11 Should the Premises be the Landlord's main or principal home before the beginning of the
Tenancy the provisions for recovery of possession by the Landlord in Schedule 2 of the Housing Act
1988 apply accordingly.
5.12 The provisions as to the service of Notices in section 196 of the Law of Property Act 1925
apply and any Notices served on the Tenant(s) shall be sufficiently served if;
5.12.1 sent by ordinary first class post to the Tenant at the Premises or the last known address of
the Tenant; or
5.12.2 left addressed to the Tenant at the Premises.
This clause shall apply to any Notices authorised or required to be served under this Agreement or
under any Act of Parliament relating to the Tenancy.
5.13 Any notice or other information given by post under clause 5.12 which is not returned to the
sender as undelivered shall be deemed to have been given 48 hours after the envelope containing
the same was so posted, and proof that the envelope containing such notice or information was
properly addressed and sent by first class prepaid post and that it has not been so returned to the
sender shall be sufficient evidence that such notice or information has been given.
5.14 Any notice or other transmission sent by telex cable, facsimile transmission, e-mail or
comparable means of communication shall be deemed to have been duly received on the date of

Data Protection and Confidentiality

5.15 The Landlord’s Agent may share details about the performance of obligations under this
Agreement by the Landlord and the Tenant; past, present and future addresses of the Parties, with
each other, with credit reference providers for referencing purposes and rental decisions; with
Utility and Water Companies, local authority Council Tax and Housing Benefit departments,
Mortgage lenders, to help prevent dishonesty, for administrative and accounting purposes, or for
occasional debt tracing and fraud prevention. Under the Data Protection Act 1998 you are entitled,

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on payment of a fee which will be no greater than that set by statute, to see a copy of personal
information held about you and to have it amended if it is shown to be incorrect.

5.16 This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which when
executed and delivered is an original, but all the counterparts together constitute the same

Rent Reviews
5.17 The landlord reserves the right to review the rent on a six monthly basis and/or when the
tenancy is renewed. The landlord may elect to increase the rent to bring it in line with the current
market rent of similar properties in the area.

Tenant to Give Vacant Possession to the Landlord on Ending of Tenancy

5.18 The Tenant shall remove all the Tenants possessions from the Property once the Tenancy
has ended and give vacant possession to the Landlord. If any of the Tenant's possessions are left at
the Property after the Tenancy has ended, the Tenant will be responsible for meeting all removal
and storage and disposal charges. The Landlord will not be obliged to store or to remove to any
other storage place any of the Tenants possessions and the Tenant hereby expressly authorises the
Landlord in respect any and all of such Tenants possession left behind to continue (at the Landlord’s
sole discretion) to store discard or dispose them as the Landlord saw fit and the Tenant hereby
further expressly covenants with the Landlord that the Tenant shall be liable for all the costs of such
storage discarding or disposal and agrees that all such costs amount shall be a debt due on demand
from the Tenant to the Landlord.

Governing Law
5.19 This lease its subject matter formation and any and all matters in connection with it or
arising out of it (including non-contractual disputes or claims) shall be governed by and construed in
accordance with the laws of England.

5.20 Each party irrevocably agrees that the courts of England shall have exclusive jurisdiction to
settle any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with this lease or its subject matter or
formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims).


Landlord’s Address: 31 Attlee Terrace, Prospect Hill, London E17 3EG


Tenants Address: 9 Balfour House, Winnall Close, Winchester SO23 0LB

Permitted Occupier(s): Mara-Nectaria Iacob DOB: 03.10.2020

Rent: £1200 per calendar month

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Term: From and including the Commencement Date up to and including the Expiry Date
Commencement (Start) Date: 10th July 2023
Expiry (End) Date: 9th July 2024
Rent Payment Date: 10th of each month

Pets: The Landlord consents to the following pets (see clause 3.70):
Number of Pets: NONE
Description of Pets: N/A


This Agreement contains the terms and obligations of the Tenancy. It sets out the undertakings
made by the Landlord to the Tenant and by the Tenant to the Landlord. These undertakings will be
legally binding once the Agreement has been signed by both Parties and then dated. You should
read it carefully to ensure it contains everything you want and nothing that you are not prepared to
agree to. Whilst every attempt has been made to compose this Agreement using plain and
intelligible language, it inevitably contains some legal terms or references. If you do not understand
this Agreement, or anything in it, it is strongly suggested you ask for an explanation before signing it.

SIGNED by, or for and on behalf of, the Landlord(s): Cambristone Ltd

Date: ………………………………………………..


This Agreement contains the terms and obligations of the Tenancy. It sets out the undertakings
made by the Landlord to the Tenant and by the Tenant to the Landlord. If there are two or more
Tenants each Tenant will be jointly and severally liable. This means you will each be responsible for
performing all the obligations and for all of the amounts due under this Agreement, even if you have
performed and / or have paid your share but other Tenants have not. These undertakings will be
legally binding once the Agreement has been signed by both Parties and then dated. You should
read it carefully to ensure it contains everything you want and nothing that you are not prepared to
agree to. Whilst every attempt has been made to compose this Agreement using plain and
intelligible language, it inevitably contains some legal terms or references. If you do not understand
this Agreement, or anything in it, it is strongly suggested you ask for an explanation before signing it.

SIGNED by the First Tenant (the Lead Tenant): ……………………………………………………….


SIGNED by the Second Tenant: …………………………………………………..


Date: ………………………………………………..

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