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(Oasis of innovation)



REG NO: S050/1040/21



This report describes the project development of Library Management System that
was developed to manage the daily book transaction and manage the member,
books record more efficiency. It can improve management of the book property in
the library.

This library management system is mainly use by librarian and library admin.
Normal Librarian is able to manage the member maintenance module, book
maintenance module and also the most important module in a library which is
book transaction module. Besides that, library management system also allows
user to manage the publisher as well as lost book module. On the other hand, other
type of user which is admin level staff is able to handle the staff module and view
the report module.

The methodology I used to develop this system is waterfall model. Thus, the
report’s chapter was included system planning, requirement analysis, system
design, programming, system testing, and evaluation of the project. For the system
planning, the outcomes are the project objectives and project aims as well as to
defined the project scope. Requirement analysis is a stage to gather the user
requirement such as functional requirement and non functional requirement. Next,
the system design is mainly used to design the user interface and database design.
The next stage after system design is programming stage. This is the stage for
coding. After complete coding part, we proceed to system testing to minimize the
system bug.

Compare to the existing library system, this system has some strength and
weaknesses compare to others such as lack of smart card technology. In the
future, we can enhance the system with smart card technology to make it more

1.0 Introduction:

1.1 Purpose:-
The purpose of this application is as follows:
 The software is for automation of library
 It provides following facilities to


 Can enter details related to a particular book.

 Can provide membership to members.


 Can read and write information about any member.

 An update, create, delete the record of membership as per requirement and
implementation plants.

1.2 Scope:
The different areas where we can use this application are:

•Any education institute can make use of it for providing information about author, content of the
available books.

• It can be used in offices and modifications can be easily done.

1.3 Assumptions
• This application is used to convert the manual application to the online application.

• Customized data will be used in this application.

• User does not have right to enter information about books.

1.5 Overview:
Project is related to library management which provides reading services to its members. Any
person can become a member of the library by filling a prescribed form. They can get the
book issued, so that they can take home and return them.

1.6 Functionality:
• Online membership.

• Keeps the track of issues and submission of books

1.7 Feasibility Study

In feasibility study phase we had undergone through various steps which are describe as under :

1. Identify the origin of the information at different level

.2. Identify the expectation of user from computerized system.
3. Analyze the drawback of existing system (manual) system..


There will be three major components:

1. Stock maintenance.

2. Reports.

Proposed system Provides with following solutions:

1. It provides "better and efficient" service to members.

2. Faster retrieval of information about the desired book.

3. Provide facility for proper monitoring reduces paper work and provide data security.



2.1 Introduction
Library is regarded as the brain of any institutes, of course many institute understand the
importance of the library to the growth of the institute and their esteem users which we
categorically call the students. An integrated library system, also known as library management
system (Adamson et al., 2008) is an enterprise resource planning system for library, used to track
items owned, orders made, bills paid, and users who have borrowed. The Library Management
System is Library Management software for monitoring and controlling the transactions in a library.
Library Management System supports the general requirement of the library such as the acquisition,
cataloguing, circulation and other sections. Before the advent of computer in modern age there are
different methods of keeping records in the library. Records are kept in the library on shelves and

each shelf are labeled in an alphabetical or numerical order, in which the categories of books

available are arranged on different position on the shelves and as well are recorded on the library

manuscript and when any book is to be referenced the manuscript is being referred to, to know

the position of such required book by the person that requested for the book. After the invention of

2.2 Development of Library Management System

A library management system is a system for a library resource planning, used to access the
documents held, orders, payment or lending all made by the clients. Sometime, a phrase like
library integrated system is employed, especially in the UK. . At the same time open source
Integrated Library System was in its early stages of testing. Some libraries began to such
open source integrated library system as Evergreen . Recently, libraries which have moved to
open source integrated library system have found that vendors are now more likely to provide
quality service in order to continue a partnership since they are no longer having the power of
owing the Integrated Library System software and tying down libraries to strict contracts.

Users (students). It shows popular books among the students. It will provide book lost in the
library. It keeps records of the supplier and the book binders

2.3 Features of library management

I. Manage Book and Member Record with help of Barcode.
II. Acquisitions: With library Management software, Acquisitions function as generate
Purchase order, Cancel Purchase Order , Reminder Purchase order ,Receive Purchase
Order , Invoice and instantly available in Reports . Data can be search by feeding
Purchase Order number, Invoice number, and Supplier name.
III. .Circulation: Library Management Software enables the complete management
of multiple Item issue and return of books using Manual or Barcode Scanner.
IV. Barcode: Use of Bar Codes for Library Management eases the everyday tasks of big
Libraries, where the No. of transactions exceed several thousands in number



In this chapter, we will discuss and analyses about the developing process of Library
Management System including Software Requirement Specification (SRS) and Data Flow
Diagram (DFD).The functional and non-functional requirements is included in SRS part to
provide complete description and overview of system requirement before the developing
process is carried out. Besides that, DFD provides a view of how the system or business
flows that able to increase the efficiency and effectiveness to achieve system objectives.

3.1 Software Requirement Specification (SRS)

General Description
Product Description
Library Management System is a computerized system which can helps user
(librarian) to manage the library daily activity in electronic format. It reduces the risk
of paper work such as file lost, file damaged and time-consuming. It can help user to
manage the transaction or record more effectively and time-saving.
3.2 Problem Statement
The problem occurred before having computerized system includes:

 File lost
When no computerizes system is implemented, the file always lost because of
human and environment. Sometimes librarian didn’t keep the record to its
original place because of a lot member queue up to borrow books. After that
the file was missing due to messy environment.

 File damaged
In the other possibility, the file/record will be damaged due to accident. For
example the librarian accidentally hit a glass of drink and pours onto the
paper file. The record will be damaged. Besides this, natural disaster such as
flood also will cause damage to the file record.

 Difficult to search record

Without computerized system, when member wants to borrow a book,
librarian hard to search for the member’s record. It will cause time-consuming
when a lot member are waiting to borrow the books.

3.3 System objectives

 Improvement in control and performance
The system was developed to overcome the current problem occurred in
library. The system must be able to validate the user, store the record and
bug free.
 Save time
Librarian is able to search the record in short time by pressing only few keys.
Compare to previous time before implementing the system, librarian can
save a lot time.

3.4 System Requirements

Non-functional Requirements
 Products Requirements
With the library management system, librarian should be able to process faster
when they process book transaction. In addition, with the use of bar code
scanner, librarian can avoid to type the book id one by one, bar code scanner
enable librarian to scan the book id instantly.

Reliability requirements
The system must perform accurately towards member request. For example,
when the librarian saves the edited profile detail, after they review their detail,
the details must be change according to the latest details that they have
updated. When member return the book after the expired date, the fine should
be calculate accurately. Besides that, in the registration form, it will have
validity check to check the input to prevent wrong data type.

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