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CBS News/New York Times Poll For release: Tuesday December 6, 2011 6:30 PM EST

The Iowa Caucuses: Four Weeks to Go November 30- December 5, 2011 Though Iowas Republican caucuses have often hinged on socially conservative issues, this year in Iowa - as in the nation - its the economy that dominates. Caucus-goers tell the CBS News/New York Times poll theyre seeking someone who can turn it around and has new ideas to do so. Iowas caucus goers are not backing the candidates they most think share their values theyre backing the one they think is most prepared for the presidency, and right now thats overwhelmingly Newt Gingrich. Buoyed by that sentiment, he enjoys a sizable lead over Mitt Romney and Ron Paul, who are virtually tied for second place in this poll. Gingrich leads among caucus goers with 31%, followed by Romney (17%) and Paul (16%). Tea Party supporters and evangelical voters back the former House Speaker. Romney leads among moderates. Ron Pauls strong suits are tax reform, promoting conservative principles, and sharing voters values. Romney is seen as able to do a good job dealing with the economy.

The Race for the Nomination The poll finds Newt Gingrich with a double-digit lead over Mitt Romney and Ron Paul. Herman Cains departure is not a large factor he had already declined in Iowa before he withdrew from the race Saturday but Gingrich benefits from his withdrawal. Paul benefits somewhat; Romney does not. Although one-third of caucus goers say they did back Herman Cain at one time in the past, the preference vote measured with Cain in the mix had him at just 7%. Most of the interviewing for this poll was conducted before Cain left the race; caucus-goers were asked their candidate preference in questions including and excluding Herman Cain. Iowa Caucus-goers: Choice for Nominee (Among Republican Caucus-Goers) Without Cain With Cain Newt Gingrich 31% 28% Mitt Romney 17 18 Ron Paul 16 14 Rick Perry 11 10 Michele Bachmann 9 4 Rick Santorum 4 4 Jon Huntsman 1 1 Herman Cain n/a 7 There is still room for movement in the race; 34% say their minds are made up, but 66% say they could still change their minds.

Candidate Qualities Newt Gingrich leads the rest of the Republican candidates on many key attributes especially those that reflect leadership and presidential readiness. He is seen as most prepared for the job of president, best able to handle an international crisis and most qualified to be commander-inchief. Gingrich and Romney are viewed as the most electable candidates: 31% say Gingrich has the best chance of defeating President Obama, while almost as many, 29%, think Romney has the best chance. Which Candidate Is? (Among Republican Caucus-Goers) Most Prepared Best Handle Most Qualified to be to be President Intl crisis Commander-in-Chief 43% 44% 40% 20 16 19 11 10 11 8 7 8

Gingrich Romney Paul Perry

Best Chance to Beat Obama 31% 29 6 9

Gingrich also does well on the two issues most important to Iowa caucus goers the economy and the federal budget deficit. Gingrich ties Romney, who has touted his business experience and ability to create jobs in his campaign, on dealing with the economy. Even though Gingrich has been criticized by some for his recent statements on illegal immigration, 21% of Iowa caucus goers think he is the best candidate to handle that issue. About as many 20% - think Perry would handle illegal immigration best. Which Candidate Will Do the Best Job On? (Among Republican Caucus-Goers) Illegal Economy Budget Deficit Health Care Immigration 22% 17% 15% 13% 21 25 24 21 15 19 15 15 13 10 7 20

Romney Gingrich Paul Perry

Tax Reform 12% 17 21 11

In this election, economic issues (71%) trump social issues (14%) among Republican caucusgoers. Even among most white evangelicals a Republican voter group that traditionally factors social issues more prominently in their voting decisions - economic issues matter more. Which Candidate Views Will Matter More in Your Vote? (Among Republican Caucus-Goers) All White Evangelicals Economic issues 71% 55% Social issues 14 25 Both equally (volunteered) 13 18 And in one area, Romney runs a real deficit compared to his competitors. He has been criticized for changing his position on some issues over the years; just 40% of Iowa caucusgoers think he says what he believes most of the time. More than half 53% - think he says

what people want to hear the highest of any candidate. Four years ago, 56% of Iowas Republican caucus-goers thought Romney mostly said what he believed. Do You Think? (Among Republican Caucus-Goers) Says What Believes What People Want to Hear 81% 13 63% 27 63% 30 56% 37 48% 24 40% 53 33% 23

Paul Bachmann Gingrich Perry Santorum Romney Huntsman

Ron Paul and Michele Bachmann are tied for the top spot as the candidates who most share these voters values, and as the candidates who will best promote conservative principles. Iowa caucus-goers think Newt Gingrich best understands their needs and problems, but just one in 10 choose him as the candidate who most shares their values. Which Candidate ? (Among Republican Caucus-Goers) Shares Your Understands your Promote Conservative Values Needs & Problems Principles 19% 11% 21% 18 16 20 16 13 10 11 24 18 10 5 7 10 10 10 1 1 *

Bachmann Paul Romney Gingrich Santorum Perry Huntsman

(*) denotes less than 0.5%

Electability When it comes to which is more important a candidate who agrees with you on the issues or one who has a good chance to win the presidency in 2012 Republican caucus-goers are divided: 51% say agreement on the issues is most important, while 48% pick winning in 2012. Whats More Important in Your Vote A Candidate Who? (Among Republican Caucus-Goers) Agrees on the issues 51% Will win in 2012 48 Those who say that electability next November is most important to them go for Gingrich by a large margin, with Romney coming in second. But among those who say its more important their candidate agrees with them on the issues, Ron Paul has a slight edge over Gingrich, with Romney coming in third.

Gingrich Romney Paul Perry Bachmann Santorum Huntsman

Iowa Caucus-goers: Choice for Nominee Among (Among Republican Caucus-Goers) All Win in 2012 Agree on Issues Caucus Goers Most Important Most Important 31% 43% 21% 17 20 15 16 8 23 10 10 11 9 8 10 4 2 5 1 1 1

What They Want in a Candidate Four in 5 caucus-goers want a candidate who will come up with new ideas to solve the countrys problems, and two in 3 want one who is flexible about changing a position when necessary. Whats More Important in Your Vote A Candidate Who? (Among Republican Caucus-Goers) Has new ideas 82% Will continue Republican policies 10 Flexible when necessary Sticks to positions 64% 32

In this poll, Iowa caucus-goers say they are willing to back a candidate that may not necessarily agree with them on some issues. Most say they would vote for a candidate who does not share their views on immigration, or who holds views less conservative than their own. Willing to Vote for a Candidate Who.? (Among Republican Caucus-Goers) Yes Has views that are less conservative than yours 78% Does not share your views on immigration 62% Has changed his/her position on abortion 58%

No 19 33 32

Nearly six in ten caucus goers say they are willing to back a candidate who has changed his or her position on abortion, but this number drops among Tea Party supporters and evangelicals. Willing to Vote for a Candidate Who.? (Among Republican Caucus-Goers) White Evangelicals Yes No Has views that are less conservative than yours 80% 18 Does not share your views on immigration 64% 33 Has changed his/her position on abortion 44% 41 Personal Life A candidates personal life does matter to Republican caucus-goers; seven in 10 say that should be factored in along with his or her political record. Just three in 10 think only the

Tea Party Yes No 78% 19 62% 32 53% 35

political record matters. Evangelicals are particularly likely to say a candidates personal life matters: 78% do so. Republican Candidates Should be Judged On (Among Republican Caucus-Goers) All White Evangelicals Political record and personal life 69% 78% Political record only 29 21 And while now-former candidate Herman Cains support has dropped precipitously as allegations of past sexual misconduct surfaced over the past two months, Iowa front-runner Newt Gingrichs support doesnt seem to be suffering from a personal history that includes three marriages and two extra-marital affairs. While Gingrich leads handily among caucus-goers for whom only the political record is important, he also leads among those who factor in a candidates personal life. Iowa Caucus-goers: Choice for Nominee Among All Record & Personal Only Record Caucus Goers Life Important Is Important 31% 27% 39% 17 18 17 16 19 10 11 10 12 9 9 7 4 5 1 1 1 1

Gingrich Romney Paul Perry Bachmann Santorum Huntsman

Other Considerations A candidates religious beliefs are important to just over half of caucus-goers (and 80% of evangelicals). Important a Candidate Share your Religious Beliefs (Among Republican Caucus-Goers) All White Evangelicals Very 17% 28% Somewhat 38 52 Not very 19 10 Not all 26 9 There are two candidates in the race who are Mormon, and most caucus-goers say they are willing to vote for a candidate who is Mormon. A majority (although a smaller percentage) also say most people they know would vote for a Mormon for president. Views are similar among evangelicals. Vote for a Mormon for President (Among Republican Caucus-Goers) All White Evangelicals Would vote for a Mormon 85% 77% Most people you know would vote for a Mormon 67% 65%

Neither Gingrich nor Romney has spent the most time in Iowa, which is famous for rewarding retail politics leading up to the caucus but many voters say that only matters somewhat. Importance of a Candidate Spending a Lot of Time in Iowa (Among Republican Caucus-Goers) Very important 14% Somewhat important 46 Not too important 27 Not at all important 13 Enthusiasm for Candidates Newt Gingrich generates the most enthusiasm among caucus-goers; 43% say they would enthusiastically support him if he is the Republican nominee. 34% would enthusiastically support Romney, and 31% say the same for Paul. Enthusiasm if He/She Became Nominee Next Year (Among Republican Caucus-Goers) Gingrich Paul Romney Bachmann Would enthusiastically support 43% 31% 34% 34% Would support with reservations 29 31 29 25 Would support only because nominee 13 21 23 22 Would not support 12 15 13 18 Views of the Candidates Newt Gingrich is viewed the most positively of the candidates: 55% of caucus-goers have a favorable opinion of him, while just 16% view him unfavorably. Mitt Romney (43%), Michele Bachmann (42%), and Ron Paul (39%) are all also viewed more positively than negatively, though Romney had a much higher favorable rating (57%) among caucus-goers at this point in the 2008 campaign than he does this time around. Caucus-goers are more divided in their opinions of both Herman Cain, who suspended his campaign over the weekend, and Rick Perry about a third approve and disapprove of each. Caucus-goers are largely undecided about Rick Santorum and Jon Huntsman. Of those who do have an opinion, Santorum is viewed more favorably, and Huntsman is viewed more unfavorably. Views of the Candidates (Among Republican Caucus-Goers) Favorable Not favorable Undecided/dont know 55% 16 28 43% 33 24 42% 30 28 39% 28 33 35% 33 33 35% 38 27 31% 13 57 11% 22 67

Perry 30% 31 20 16

Gingrich Romney Bachmann Paul Perry Cain Santorum Huntsman

Attention to the Campaign True to their reputation, Iowa caucus-goers are tuned in to the presidential race. 54% are paying a lot of attention to the presidential campaign, and another 41% are paying some attention. In 2007, more were paying a lot of attention but there were contests among both the Democrats and Republicans that year. 42% of caucus-goers say that compared to past presidential elections, they are more enthusiastic about voting in the 2012. _____________________________________________________________________
CBS News and The New York Times conducted telephone interviews November 30-December 5, 2011 with 642 registered voters who said they would definitely or probably attend the Republican caucus in Iowa. The error due to sampling could be four points for caucus-goers. The sample was drawn from two sources: the state of Iowas registered voter list, and an RDD sample of cell phone interviews. Results were weighted by probabilities of selection and by demographic characteristics to reflect the eligible caucusgoers on the Iowa voter list.

CBS News/New York Times Iowa Poll The Iowa Caucuses: Four Weeks to Go November 29 December 4, 2011 q1-q4 SEPARATE RELEASE q5 How likely is it that you will attend the Republican Iowa Presidential caucuses on January 3? Will you definitely attend, probably attend, probably not attend, or definitely not attend? IOWA VOTERS REGISTERED AS REPUBLICANS OR INDEPENDENTS % Definitely 15 Probably 16 Probably not 28 Definitely not 40 DK/NA 1 IOWA REPUBLICAN GOERS % 49 51 0 0 0

q6 How much attention have you been able to pay to the 2012 presidential campaign--a lot, some, not much, or no attention so far? * IOWA REPUBLICAN CAUCUS-GOERS * % A lot 54 Some 41 Not much 4 None at all 1 Don't know/No answer 0 q7 Compared to past Presidential elections, how would you describe your level of enthusiasm about voting in the 2012 Presidential election next year -- are you more enthusiastic than usual, less enthusiastic, or about the same as usual? More Less Same Don't know/No answer 42 15 43 0

q8 If the Iowa Republican Presidential caucuses were held today, which candidate would you support - Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, Jon Huntsman, Ron Paul, Rick Perry, Mitt Romney, or Rick Santorum? Newt Gingrich Mitt Romney Ron Paul Rick Perry Herman Cain Michele Bachmann Rick Santorum Jon Huntsman Someone Else (Vol.) Undecided (Vol.) No/No one DK/NA 28 18 14 10 7 4 4 1 1 10 1 2

q9 Is your mind made up or is it still too early to say for sure? * IOWA REPUBLICAN CAUCUS-GOERS * % Mind made up 34 Too early to say for sure 66 DK/NA 0 q10 Would you describe your support for (Selected Candidate) as strongly favoring (Selected Candidate), or do you like him/her but with reservations, or do you support (Selected Candidate) because you dislike the other candidates? *IOWA REPUBLICAN CAUCUS-GOERS* Total Gingrich Romney Voters Voters Voters % % % 46 47 39 45 42 51 8 10 10 1 1 0 Jon

Strongly favor Like but with reservations Dislike other candidates Don't know/No answer

q11 Who would be your second choice - Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, Huntsman, Ron Paul, Rick Perry, Mitt Romney, Or Rick Santorum? Mitt Romney Newt Gingrich Ron Paul Rick Perry Michele Bachmann Herman Cain Rick Santorum Jon Huntsman Someone Else Undecided (Vol.) No/No one DK/NA 18 16 15 13 10 7 7 3 1 4 2 4 31 -17 15 7 9 11 2 0 3 3 2 -27 14 18 7 11 5 5 0 4 2 7

q12 If the Iowa Republican Presidential caucuses were held today and THESE were the candidates - Michele Bachmann, Newt Gingrich, Jon Huntsman, Ron Paul, Rick Perry, Mitt Romney, and Rick Santorum - which candidate would you support? Gingrich Romney Paul Perry Bachmann Santorum Huntsman Someone else (vol.) Undecided (Vol.) No/No one DK/NA 31 17 16 11 9 4 1 1 6 2 2

q13 Is your opinion of Michele Bachmann favorable, not favorable, undecided, or haven't you heard enough about Michele Bachmann yet to have an opinion? Favorable Not favorable Undecided Haven't heard enough 42 30 18 10

q14 Is your opinion of Herman Cain favorable, not favorable, undecided, or haven't you heard enough about Herman Cain yet to have an opinion? * IOWA REPUBLICAN CAUCUS-GOERS * % Favorable 35 Not favorable 38 Undecided 21 Haven't heard enough 6 Refused 0 q15 How about Newt Gingrich? (IF NECESSARY: Is your opinion of Newt Gingrich favorable, not favorable, undecided, or haven't you heard enough about Newt Gingrich yet to have an opinion?) Favorable Not favorable Undecided Haven't heard enough Refused 55 16 17 11 1

q16 How about Jon Huntsman? (IF NECESSARY: Is your opinion of Jon Huntsman favorable, not favorable, undecided, or haven't you heard enough about Jon Huntsman yet to have an opinion?) Favorable Not favorable Undecided Haven't heard enough Refused 11 22 13 54 0

q17 How about Ron Paul? (IF NECESSARY: Is your opinion of Ron Paul favorable, not favorable, undecided, or haven't you heard enough about Ron Paul yet to have an opinion?) Favorable Not favorable Undecided Haven't heard enough Refused 39 28 21 12 0

q18 How about Rick Perry? (IF NECESSARY: Is your opinion of Rick Perry favorable, not favorable, undecided, or haven't you heard enough about Rick Perry yet to have an opinion?) Favorable Not favorable Undecided Haven't heard enough 35 33 22 10

q19 How about Mitt Romney? (IF NECESSARY: Is your opinion of Mitt Romney favorable, not favorable, undecided, or haven't you heard enough about Mitt Romney yet to have an opinion?) Favorable Not favorable Undecided Haven't heard enough 43 33 18 6


q20 How about Rick Santorum? (IF NECESSARY: Is your opinion of Rick Santorum favorable, not favorable, undecided, or haven't you heard enough about Rick Santorum yet to have an opinion?) * IOWA REPUBLICAN CAUCUS-GOERS * % Favorable 31 Not favorable 13 Undecided 16 Haven't heard enough 41 Refused 0 q21-q24 SEPARATE RELEASE q25 Was there ever a time when you supported Herman Cain for the Republican nomination for president, or not? Yes No DK/NA 36 62 2

q26 Regardless of how you intend to vote in 2012, which candidate do you think most understands the needs and problems of people like you -- Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, Jon Huntsman, Ron Paul, Rick Perry, Mitt Romney, or Rick Santorum? Gingrich Paul Romney Bachmann Cain Perry Santorum Huntsman All of them (vol.) None of them (vol.) DK/NA 24 16 13 11 10 10 5 1 1 3 6

q27 Regardless of how you intend to vote in 2012, which candidate do you think has the best chance of defeating Barack Obama in the general election in November -- Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, Jon Huntsman, Ron Paul, Rick Perry, Mitt Romney, or Rick Santorum? Gingrich Romney Perry Paul Cain Bachmann Huntsman Santorum All of them (vol.) None of them (vol.) DK/NA 31 29 9 6 5 3 1 1 5 2 8


q28 Regardless of how you intend to vote in 2012, which candidate do you think is best prepared for the job of President of the United States - - Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, Jon Huntsman, Ron Paul, Rick Perry, Mitt Romney, or Rick Santorum? * IOWA REPUBLICAN CAUCUS-GOERS * % Gingrich 43 Romney 20 Paul 11 Perry 8 Cain 3 Bachmann 2 Santorum 2 Huntsman 1 All of them (vol.) 1 None of them (vol.) 3 DK/NA 6 q29 Regardless of how you intend to vote in 2012, which candidate do you think most represents the values you try to live by -- Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, Jon Huntsman, Ron Paul, Rick Perry, Mitt Romney, or Rick Santorum? Bachmann Paul Romney Gingrich Perry Santorum Cain Huntsman All of them (vol.) None of them (vol.) DK/NA 19 18 16 11 10 10 6 1 1 2 6

q30 Regardless of how you intend to vote in 2012, which candidate do you think will do the most to promote conservative principles -- Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, Jon Huntsman, Ron Paul, Rick Perry, Mitt Romney, or Rick Santorum? Bachmann Paul Gingrich Perry Romney Santorum Cain Huntsman All of them (vol.) None of them (vol.) DK/NA 21 20 18 10 10 7 4 0 1 0 9


q31 Regardless of how you intend to vote in 2012, which candidate do you trust most to handle an international crisis -- Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, Jon Huntsman, Ron Paul, Rick Perry, Mitt Romney, or Rick Santorum? * IOWA REPUBLICAN CAUCUS-GOERS * % Gingrich 44 Romney 16 Paul 10 Perry 7 Bachmann 3 Cain 3 Santorum 3 Huntsman 2 All of them (vol.) 1 None of them (vol.) 3 DK/NA 8 q34 If Michele Bachmann became the Republican nominee for President next year, would you enthusiastically support her, support her but with reservations, support her only because she is the Republican Party nominee, or not support her? Enthusiastically support Support with reservations Support only because nominee Not support Don't know/No answer 34 25 22 18 1

q35 If Herman Cain became the Republican nominee for President next year, would you enthusiastically support him, support him but with reservations, support him only because he is the Republican Party nominee, or not support him? Enthusiastically support Support with reservations Support only because nominee Not support Don't know/No answer 26 32 17 23 2

q36 If Newt Gingrich became the Republican nominee for President next year, would you enthusiastically support him, support him but with reservations, support him only because he is the Republican Party nominee, or not support him? Enthusiastically support Support with reservations Support only because nominee Not support Don't know/No answer 43 29 13 12 3

q37 If Jon Huntsman became the Republican nominee for President next year, would you enthusiastically support him, support him but with reservations, support him only because he is the Republican Party nominee, or not support him? Enthusiastically support Support with reservations Support only because nominee Not support Don't know/No answer 10 23 36 18 13


q38 If Ron Paul became the Republican nominee for President next year, would you enthusiastically support him, support him but with reservations, support him only because he is the Republican Party nominee, or not support him? * IOWA REPUBLICAN CAUCUS-GOERS * % Enthusiastically support 31 Support with reservations 31 Support only because nominee 21 Not support 15 Don't know/No answer 2 q39 If Rick Perry became the Republican nominee for President next year, would you enthusiastically support him, support him but with reservations, support him only because he is the Republican Party nominee, or not support him? Enthusiastically support Support with reservations Support only because nominee Not support Don't know/No answer 30 31 20 16 3

q40 If Mitt Romney became the Republican nominee for President next year, would you enthusiastically support him, support him but with reservations, support him only because he is the Republican Party nominee, or not support him? Enthusiastically support Support with reservations Support only because nominee Not support Don't know/No answer 34 29 23 13 1

q41 If Rick Santorum became the Republican nominee for President next year, would you enthusiastically support him, support him but with reservations, support him only because he is the Republican Party nominee, or not support him? Enthusiastically support Support with reservations Support only because nominee Not support Don't know/No answer 28 23 27 15 7

q42 Do you think the candidates for the Republican nomination for President should be judged on both their political record and their personal life, or should they be judged only on their political record? Both Only political record DK/NA 69 29 2


q43 Which of the following matters more to you in deciding which Republican presidential candidate to support - the candidate's views on economic issues or the candidate's views on social issues? * IOWA REPUBLICAN CAUCUS-GOERS * % Economic 71 Social 14 Both equally (Vol.) 13 Neither (Vol.) 0 DK/NA 2 q44 Thinking about the Republican party's nominee for President in 2012, if you had to choose, which is more important to you -- having a Republican nominee who agrees with your positions on most issues, or having a nominee with the best chance of defeating Barack Obama in 2012? Agrees with issues Win in 2012 Don't know/No answer 51 48 1

q45 Thinking about the Republican nomination for president, is it more important that the nominee be someone who has new ideas about dealing with the country's problems, or more important that the nominee be someone who will continue the past policies of the Republican party? New ideas Continue past policies Both (vol.) Neither (vol.) Don't know/No answer 82 10 4 1 3

q46 Would you rather have a Republican nominee for president who takes a position and sticks with it, or someone who is flexible about changing a position if they think that's necessary? Sticks to a position Flexible about changing DK/NA 32 64 4

q47 Would you be willing or not willing to vote for a candidate for the Republican nomination who does not share your views on immigration? Willing Not willing Don't know/No answer 62 33 5

q48 Would you be willing or not willing to vote for a candidate for the Republican nomination who has views that are less conservative than yours if you thought that candidate had a good chance to win the presidency in November 2012? Willing Not willing Don't know/No answer 78 19 3


q49 Would you be willing or not willing to vote for a candidate for the Republican nomination who has changed his or her position on the issue of abortion? * IOWA REPUBLICAN CAUCUS-GOERS * % Willing 58 Not willing 32 Don't know/No answer 10 q50 Thinking about your vote for president next year, how important is it that a candidate shares your religious beliefs - is it very important, somewhat important, not very important, not at all important? Very important Somewhat important Not very important Not at all important DK/NA 17 38 19 26 0

q52 Would you prefer the Republican nominee for President be someone whose experience has been mostly in politics and government, or someone whose experience has been mostly in the business or private sector, or doesn't it matter to you? Mostly politics and gvrnmt Mostly business and private Doesn't matter Don't know/No answer 17 34 48 1

q55 Regardless of how you intend to vote in 2012, which candidate do you think is most qualified to be Commander-in-Chief -- Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, Jon Huntsman, Ron Paul, Rick Perry, Mitt Romney, or Rick Santorum? Gingrich Romney Paul Perry Cain Santorum Bachmann Huntsman All of them (vol.) None of them (vol.) DK/NA 40 19 11 8 4 3 2 2 1 2 8


q56 Regardless of how you intend to vote in 2012, which candidate do you trust most to reform the federal tax system -- Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, Jon Huntsman, Ron Paul, Rick Perry, Mitt Romney, or Rick Santorum? * IOWA REPUBLICAN CAUCUS-GOERS * % Paul 21 Gingrich 17 Cain 14 Romney 12 Perry 11 Bachmann 7 Huntsman 2 Santorum 2 All of them (vol.) 1 None of them (vol.) 6 DK/NA 7 q57 Regardless of how you intend to vote in 2012, which candidate do you trust most to deal with the economy and unemployment -- Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, Jon Huntsman, Ron Paul, Rick Perry, Mitt Romney, or Rick Santorum? Romney Gingrich Paul Perry Cain Bachmann Santorum Huntsman All of them (vol.) None of them (vol.) DK/NA 22 21 15 13 10 4 3 1 1 2 8

q58 Regardless of how you intend to vote in 2012, which candidate do you trust most to handle the federal budget deficit -- Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, Jon Huntsman, Ron Paul, Rick Perry, Mitt Romney, or Rick Santorum? Gingrich Paul Romney Perry Cain Bachmann Santorum Huntsman All of them (vol.) None of them (vol.) DK/NA 25 19 17 10 9 5 3 1 1 3 7


q59 Regardless of how you intend to vote in 2012, which candidate do you trust most to deal with health care -- Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, Jon Huntsman, Ron Paul, Rick Perry, Mitt Romney, or Rick Santorum? * IOWA REPUBLICAN CAUCUS-GOERS * % Gingrich 24 Romney 15 Paul 15 Bachmann 13 Perry 7 Cain 5 Santorum 4 Huntsman 1 All of them (vol.) 2 None of them (vol.) 3 DK/NA 11 q60 Regardless of how you intend to vote in 2012, which candidate do you trust most to deal with the issue of illegal immigration -- Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, Jon Huntsman, Ron Paul, Rick Perry, Mitt Romney, or Rick Santorum? Gingrich Perry Paul Romney Bachmann Santorum Cain Huntsman All of them (vol.) None of them (vol.) DK/NA 21 20 15 13 7 4 3 1 1 3 12

q63 Do you think Michele Bachmann says what she believes most of the time, or does she say what she thinks people want to hear? What she believes What she thinks people wan DK/NA 63 27 10

q64 Do you think Herman Cain says what he believes most of the time, or does he say what he thinks people want to hear? What he believes What he thinks people want DK/NA 60 31 9

q65 Do you think Newt Gingrich says what he believes most of the time, or does he say what he thinks people want to hear? What he believes What he thinks people want DK/NA 63 30 7


q66 Do you think Jon Huntsman says what he believes most of the time, or does he say what he thinks people want to hear? * IOWA REPUBLICAN CAUCUS-GOERS * % What he believes 33 What he thinks people want 23 DK/NA 44 q67 Do you think Ron Paul says what he believes most of the time, or does he say what he thinks people want to hear? What he believes What he thinks people want DK/NA 81 13 6

q68 Do you think Rick Perry says what he believes most of the time, or does he say what he thinks people want to hear? What he believes What he thinks people want DK/NA 56 37 7

q69 Do you think Mitt Romney says what he believes most of the time, or does he say what he thinks people want to hear? What he believes What he thinks people want DK/NA 40 53 7

q70 Do you think Rick Santorum says what he believes most of the time, or does he say what he thinks people want to hear? What he believes What he thinks people want DK/NA 48 24 28

q71 Do you think most people you know would vote for a presidential candidate who is Mormon, or not? Yes No DK/NA 67 19 14

q72 How about you? Would you vote for a presidential candidate who is Mormon, or not? Yes No DK/NA q73-q79 SEPARATE RELEASE 85 12 3


q80 In deciding which candidate to support in the caucuses in January, how important is it to you that the candidate has spent a lot of time in Iowa -- is that very important, somewhat important, not too important, or not at all important? * IOWA REPUBLICAN CAUCUS-GOERS * % Very important 14 Somewhat important 46 Not too important 27 Not at all important 13 DK/NA 0 q81 How concerned are you that in the next 12 months you or someone else in your household might be out of work and looking for a job -- very concerned, somewhat concerned, or not concerned at all? Very concerned Somewhat concerned Not at all concerned 19 32 49

q82 How would you rate the financial situation in your household these days? Is it very good, fairly good, fairly bad, or very bad? Very good Fairly good Fairly bad Very bad DK/NA 20 68 8 2 2

q83 Have you ever attended an Iowa Presidential caucus in the past, or will this be your first time attending? Attended in past First time voter DK/NA 65 34 1

q84 Did you attend the Iowa Republican Caucus in 2008? IF YES: Did you support Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, Fred Thompson, John McCain, Ron Paul or someone else? Yes, Huckabee Yes, Romney Yes, McCain Yes, Paul Yes, Thompson Yes, Someone else Yes, Won't say/ can't reca No, Didn't attend DK/NA 27 13 12 8 6 4 2 27 1

q85 So far, have you watched or listened to any of the recent debates among the Republican candidates running for president, or not? Yes No DK/NA 71 29 0


q86 During this presidential campaign, have you attended any campaign events or seen any of the Presidential candidates in person, or haven't you? * IOWA REPUBLICAN CAUCUS-GOERS * % 27 73

Yes No

q87 During this presidential campaign, have you personally organized or hosted a campaign event for a Presidential candidate, or haven't you? IF YES, Was that event at your home or somewhere else? Yes, at home Yes, somewhere else No Don't know/No answer 1 9 89 1

q88 Have you been contacted by any of the Republican candidates' presidential campaigns through direct mail, email, by phone, in person by a campaign worker, or by meeting the candidate in person, or haven't you been contacted? Yes No 78 22

q89 Have you been contacted by Michele Bachmann's campaign? Yes No DK/NA 67 30 3

q90 (Have you been contacted by) Herman Cain's campaign? Yes No DK/NA 54 42 4

q91 (Have you been contacted by) Newt Gingrich's campaign? Yes No DK/NA 38 59 3

q92 (Have you been contacted by) Jon Huntsman's campaign? Yes No DK/NA 12 85 3

q93 (Have you been contacted by) Ron Paul's campaign? Yes No DK/NA 77 21 2


q94 (Have you been contacted by) Rick Perry's campaign? * IOWA REPUBLICAN CAUCUS-GOERS * % 69 28 3

Yes No DK/NA

q95 (Have you been contacted by) Mitt Romney's campaign? Yes No DK/NA 60 36 4

q96 (Have you been contacted by) Rick Santorum's campaign? Yes No DK/NA 36 59 5

Iowa Republican Caucus-Goers:

Unweighted 642

Weighted 583


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