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Well thank you for buying this, This was sold and made by Saga.

Saga from

Sorry for any Low Qualityness. This is my FIRST eBook I have ever made, I am not that good at it.
MSN/AIM: <- Only if you bought a package with support.
^Not yet AIM.
MSN: <- Only if you bought a package with support.
More guides will be loaded up later, post on the thread if you bought. I will PM everyone who has
bought this that posted on the thread. <- Only if you bought a package with upgrades, but ether way
post in it.
You may have to repeat a guide or two to get it.

Any leaking will get you banned.

To find the PID:

Do eBay/CL method:
go to eBay and CL and look for people selling your product then message them asking for the serial
number for the warranty.
Some examples are:
“I want to check the product’s warranty.”
“I want to check if this product is a legit product and not fake.”
“I want to see if the product has had any recent/past problems.”
Think of your own too.
For food:
You can say when you want to check when it expires.

To find a Problem:
Go to google and google problems for that item.

Free pictures if needed:

Step 1: Go to ebay.
Step 2: Search what item your looking for.
Step 3: Click Auctions Only.
Step 4: Find a single user not business seller .
Step 5: Use thier image for putting your references on.

These guides are NOT guaranteed to work all the time, you many need to try twice, maybe even 3 times,
maybe more. But these items are worth it, just please calm down, take a deep breath and chill.

Disclaimer: These are for NOT guaranteed to work ALL the time, but MOST will work.
[FREE kindle!] - Guide 1
1. Get a Kindle Serial.
2. Go on Amazon and register your Kindle. (Go to Your Account and scroll down till you see Manage My
3. Register a prepaid credit card.
4. Call 1-866-321-8851
5. Press 3 to connect to Technical Support
6. Tell them you have some issues with your Kindle, make up some excuse such as your Kindle keeps
freezing or there are black and white lines on the screen.
7. Pretend to troubleshoot.
8. They'll tell you they'll send you a replacement and verify all your details.
9. Receives your new Kindle in 2 days.

[FREE kindle!] - Guide 2

First off, look on craigslist for a new kindle 3G or wifi, it doesn't matter. I did 3G.
Ask them for the serial off the box. just say you want to verify it's real.
Then call amazon kindle support 866-321-8851 and tell them it's not working. I said the screen had black
and white lines and it wouldn't go away. (obviously you can say something different)
They asked me for CC in case I don't send broken one back, I told them I don't have one. He just trusted
my word and said he would ship me one that would arrive friday! (I used a drop, but you might try the
empty box unless you don't care) Disclaimer: These are for NOT guaranteed to work ALL the time, but
MOST will work. 2

[FREE kindle!] - Guide 3

[Part 1]
Call in with any account with NO credit card on it and make sure to specifically state that it was gifted to
they will tell you to recycle the kindle and they will replace it by adding a gc to the account and buying it
[Part 2]
If you already called in and there was a cc giftcard on the account and it was replaced talk to support
and bug them saying you will be leaving very soon on a 12 month business trip and your bags have
already been picked up also state that your co-worker had his replaced and the return was waived
eventually theyll give in and waive it with much hesitation

[FREE kindle!] - Guide 4

1. Say it was stolen after it broke at the "Gym" or at the “Bar”, maybe the “whore house”, think of your
own place.
2. Continue with the other guides.

[FREE microsoft items] - Guide 1

1. First find a WORKING PID
A PID is a Product IDentify Number
2. Second go to microsoft's support page, on the top right (close to it) there should be a "Call, or email a
representive" Click that.

Disclaimer: These are for NOT guaranteed to work ALL the time, but MOST will work.
3. Third after clicking that put in the working PID
4. Forth continue till you get to something were you type, Say that it doesn't connect and you tried 3+
4.1. You can say you need it for work or wife or something.
5. Fifth enter your name and email
6. Sixth wait till you get the email and then put in all the info you need.
Thanks for buying this, grive me results etc.
Please don't do this for a service :/
Way 2:
Do the same thing but at 4th say "My (product name here) has been buggy and stopped working" "My
paint is done." Other ideas
It worked for a long time. I need this for my job!"
Think of your own things too. :)

[FREE microsoft items] - Guide 2

[PART 1]
1. Go to
2. Under Professional Support below on the right hand side, click on Contact Microsoft Support.
3. Select Country United States (Even if you are in another country then also select United States only).
Disclaimer: These are for NOT guaranteed to work ALL the time, but MOST will work.
4. Under Quick Product Finder empty box Type (Any 1 product name that you want, suppose for
example Sidewinder X6 Keyboard, so type x6) and you will see the option for Sidewinder X6 Keyboard
select that and you will be automatically on the next page.
5. Now you will see an option Type the Product Identification number and an empty box, select that
option and for the serial number of any product you can ask over here. Once you enter the serial
number in that empty box, click on Continue.
6. Now you will get 3 options:
1. Professional
2. Software Assurance License.
3. Dont use a professional support.
You have to select the third option Dont use a professional support license/contract (charges may apply)
and then click on Continue.
7. Now you will see two support options:
[PART 2]
1. Email
2. Call Microsoft.
3. Select Email and then click on continue because according to me that is the best because you get the
email of your order details and tracking details.
4. Now you will see a page where it asks you for Problem Title and Problem Description and operating
5. Make a example, say if you had selected Sidewinder X6 keyboard in the start, then in Problem Title
write "My keyboard does not work.
In Problem description write " My Keyboard does not work. I have tried it on multiple computers and
still facing the same issue. Could you please help me what should I do next"
6. Then select your Operating system on the same page below and then click on Continue.

Disclaimer: These are for NOT guaranteed to work ALL the time, but MOST will work.
Note: (If you had selected lifecam or lifechat in the start, then instead of the word keyboard you can use
webcam or headset).
7. Now on the last page it would ask you for your first and last name and email address. You can enter
your fake or original name and email address wont make any difference. If you want to enter your
phone number you can if not then its ok. Now please put a check mark on I accept Microsoft's Terms
and conditions and then click on submit. Now you shall get a case number in your email.
8. When you receive the email or call explain what happened, then give address when prompted.

Requirements: Microsoft Live/Microsoft Point Code (USED)
Social Engineering Skills
Phone Number: +18004699269 <- the “+” is for people with skype.
Success: 85-95%
1. First, you're going to want to call Microsoft and have you're Microsoft Live or Point code at the ready.
2. You're then going to want to tell the guy you just bought this Xbox LIVE/Point code and it's not
working. (Tell him any amount, 12months, 1600Msp)
3. Say do you want the Gamertag. Give him all information he asks for (except for the code).
4. Tell him you're pretty pissed off, and will move back to PSN (be creative about disappointment) and
say the code is in the trash.
5. Wait till he asks you for the code, say 1 sec, I'll get it out of the trash. Give him the used code.
6. Keep acting disappointed, then he should say it's showing as invalid, say you bought the code at CVS
(if he asks where you bought it).
7. He may ask for your phone number, give him your REAL phone number. He should give you a
reference number. He will tell you they will phone back 2-3days with a new code or send it in an email, if
you're not home you'll get in a voicemail.
Enjoy, it may not go exactly along these lines but somewhere around it, thanks and don't whore this...
Only if you need something, not just to have Microsoft points and you will have this method for along

[FREE microsoft items] - Guide 3

1. Call the replacements desk directly at (800) 360-7561
2. Tell them you were just suddenly transferred from TECHNICAL SUPPORT and that they said you
needed to file a replacement order.
3. He/she will ask for a case number, simply act confused and say they never gave you one and act
4. He/she will tell you you were talking to CUSTOMER SERVICE instead and not TECH SUPPORT.
5. Once again, you should act confused, disappointed, and annoyed. Continue on by saying, "don't tell
me I have to call again!?"
6. He/she will ask for the PID number from the product, at which time you may give one from lost/stolen
items/eBay way, and it will be shipped to you right away without any further steps needed.

[FREE kinetec]
1. Call 18004699269
2. Say your Xbox Live Kinetec was not working, and has started to burn your games.
3. They will try and help fix it, continue to say nothing works.
4. After about 30 minutes they will say there is nothing else, may be a problem with the Kinetec it's self.

Disclaimer: These are for NOT guaranteed to work ALL the time, but MOST will work.
5. Say you think that it is, give serial if you haven't already and then they will ask for your address.
6. Wait about 20 days for your free kinetec.

[FREE pizza]
1. Visit order a pizza " any pizza "
2. After you ordered the pizza wait 4-5 minutes, now call back and cancel the order.
3. The pizza that you ordered is now in there system
I Would recommend waiting 3-4 hours or next day after you ordered the pizza to call back.
4. Now call back.. Explain that the pizza you ordered last night or 3-4 hours ago looked like the pizza guy
dropped it and the cheese was on one side of the pizza, or say that the pizza looked gross and not how
you guys normally made it. Be sure to tell them your frequent customers and a fan of domino's pizza but
you were disappointed in them because of this mess up. Also be sure to tell them you thew the pizza in
the garbage because you were so mad and on top of that you had other things to deal with and were
busy, or say you got caught up in work and waited till later or next day to call back. Keep saying that the
pizza wasn’t even edible and looked disgusting.
They might check your order history, after they see that you did order a pizza they will either try to give
you money back or a free pizza. 5 Note: You will not / never get introuble for doing this.

[FREE gamefly]
1. Go to
2. Click the main banner's "START NOW" button.
3. Click the button for Free 10 Day Trial (2 Games out at once).
4. Enter all of your information, including the Prepaid CC and whatnot.
5. Put 2 games in your Queue, doesn't matter which games or which consoles just make sure they are in
6. Once you receive them, cancel the account in the my account menu.
7. They will email you asking you to return the games, respond by saying that you never received them.

[FREE netflix]
1. Go to
2. Sign up for a free 1 month trial.
3. Put your EPMTY pre-paid credit card in.
4. You will now have 1 month of netflix.

[FREE iTunes]
1. Go to itunes and make a NEW account, put a EMPTY/low Pre-Paid credit card on it.
2. Buy something or send "gift" app to your REAL email.

[FREE trittons]
1 Find a pid
2 Email them saying that the cord broke/say it doesn’t work/unsure
Say you tried multiple xbox/tvs
3 they will send back no questions asked

[FREE dazzle/HD PVR]

Disclaimer: These are for NOT guaranteed to work ALL the time, but MOST will work.
1. Go to their website with the PID.
2. Start a claim, enter in all the information they need.
3. When you get a email/phone call explain what happened. What happened is something like "My
product does not work mostly because of some wires or something." Something like that, google some
4. Once they do that they will send you a box*Only for certain areas*. If your not in those areas then you
must send in a box, now send in a box that is slightly ripped, crinckled, "re"-retaped. Make shure it has a
tracking number.
5. Once sent back they will say it was empty, say it was stolen probably.
[FREE Astros]
1. Go to their website with the PID.
2. Start a claim, enter in all the information they need.
3. When you get a email/phone call explain what happened. What happened is something like "My
product does not work mostly because of some wires or something." Something like that, google some
4. Once they do that they will send you a box*Only for certain areas*. If your not in those areas then you
must send in a box, now send in a box that is slightly ripped, crinckled, "re"-retaped. Make shure it has a
tracking number.
5. Once sent back they will say it was empty, say it was stolen probably.
6. Brag
[EXACT same as dazzle because it is all you need]

[FREE cash] - Guide 1

Step 1: Go here and fill out all the information and select
Product complaint
Step 2: In the message make something up this is what I wrote. But try to write something different
because if they get alot of emails with the same problem it might not work I just googled some common
problems caused by 5houEnergy and thats what I found. ”Hey, I recently bought a 12 pack pack of the 5
hour energy
drink I LOVED the taste and the energy was great! But
a little more then 5 hours after I drank it I broke
out into hives and I was just wondering if you think I could
get a refund or something.”
Or think of something creative.
Step 3: They will call the next day to ask you some qhuestions this is what they asked me
1. What your problem was
2. How long did it last
3. Did you need medical attention
4. Where you bought it
5. How much did it cost
6. What flavor
7. Did you have this problem before
8. Did any of the other bottles cause this problem
9. Do you still have the bottles or receipt
Try to have all the answers for these questions because I didn't have most of the answers when they
called me and they didnt contact me for about a week so I sent them another email complaining that no

Disclaimer: These are for NOT guaranteed to work ALL the time, but MOST will work.
one was helping me resolve my issue and they gave me a number to discuss my problem and they said
they couldnt give me a refund without the bottles
or a receipt so i asked them if i could have anything and they said they could give me 16$ the msrp for
six bottles and they said my refund would arrive within four weeks but it only took a week to arrive and
the letter that came had 17$ cash Disclaimer: These are for NOT guaranteed to work ALL the time, but
MOST will work. 7

Disclaimer: These are for NOT guaranteed to work ALL the time, but MOST will work.
[FREE cash] - Guide 2
1. Email/call Hersheys with a complain saying 1-5 was already melted when you bought it, in a 6+ pack.
2. Wait till they ask for address to give a 20 usd complimentary gift.
3. Cash the check

[FREE cash] - Guide 3

1. Go to Crest's website, say that your toothpaste/whitestrips/product was stale/broke.
2. Wait till you get a email back, make up a good story and explain.
3. Wait till you receive another email asking for address/any other information. Respond with what you
are asked.
4. Wait for the check and cash it.
You may need prices + PID, look on ebay/cl to find when the "exp date" is (PID goes with exp date), also
go to a website like target/walmart and look for prices.

[FREE gum]
1. Go to any website that sells gum.
2. Find complaints.
3. File a complain saying it was stale, you kept it in a room tempatured area.
4. Wait for coupons.

[FREE soda]
1. Go to pepsi/mountain dew/coke/redbull/other
2. Say it was stale, use a PID etc.
3. Wait for your CALL then get your information.

[Cheaper LEGIT dre beats]

1. Buy a pair of fake dre beats, you can try using this thread.
2. Go to monster/beatsbydre’s website then file a claim saying you bought broken beats from
walmart/other stores.
3. Get email and then call, explain what happened then they will ask for a receipt, sometimes they will, if
they do forge one, if they don’t send it in.

[FREE Motorola XOOM!]

1. Go to Motorola’s website.
2. Go to Get Help on home page, and hover over it where it shows a list of info.
3. Click on Contact us.
4. Then your on that page, then click on Service my Product.
5. Then click on Tablets.
6. Then you will see 'Start the Troubleshooter", and under that you will see submit f or repair, in small
blue text, click on that.
7. Then there will be blue box saying "Submit Device for Repair," click on it.
8. Click i do not have Usb..
9. Ok, then you go to another page, Keep carrier unknown, and get Serial Number from eBay, and click
10. Then wait a sec it will verify, if you have a correct Serial number.

Disclaimer: These are for NOT guaranteed to work ALL the time, but MOST will work.
11. Then accept terms and uses, then Click no, for no damage, and click continue.
12. Then you can choose any problem you want, I chose display, and put screen freezing, and I said
"Hello, my screen freezes every time it gets to Motorola logo.” You can think of your own screen.
13. Then continue, and then you will have option, repair and return, check box.
14. Continue, and then fill out your legit info, then go and continue, then continue to order, and then
you will you get your product.

[FREE cigarettes!]
1. First you need yourself a pack of cigarettes any one of them would do good, any company.
2. Open up the package and take out one or two cigarette.
3. Modify the cigarettes so it looks like problem caused by a machine.
4. Send your complaint mail or do a call in. (You find a free number on your pack of fag's)
5. They ask you to send in the package. Do so and await your cigarettes!
Some tips:
Remove little of the filter with a scissor or something.
Scratch some cigarette along the side, some other things may work too.
Use your perverted fantasy.

[Free Headset!]
Way 1 – Microsoft.
1. First pick a headset and find a PID.
2. Go here and then look for the product.
3. Once chosen the product and everything you will need to make a speech about your product not
working. Look below for the speech I used.
4. Later you will receive a email asking about how it broke etc, say you don’t know.
5. A few hours, or so, later they will reply asking for address etc to send the headset.
Way 2 – Logitech.
1. First pick a headset and find a PID, Serial Number, Product Number, AND Model Number.
2. Go to logitech’s webite and then make a request the product support.
3. Once chosen the product and everything you will need to make a speech about your product not
working. Look below for the speech I used.
4. Later you will receive a email asking about how it broke etc, say you don’t know.
Logitech may take more than 2 weeks.
Speech used.
Hello, my _________ broke while I was using it. I work on the phone for ______(any company with
phone support)and this really affects my job! I am not sure what I can do now. I need the product to
get back to work. Please consider my request!

[FREE/CHEAP Dre Beats] – Guide 2ish

Way 1: Works 95%
1. Buy fakes
2. Receive them
3. Call up monster, dre beats and say to them that you bought them from bestbuy and that they are
4. Go to their website and use the instructions on how to send the fake ones in.
Way 2: Works 45%

Disclaimer: These are for NOT guaranteed to work ALL the time, but MOST will work.
1. Buy fake beats, in ear or whatever
2. Go to walmart, or a store like that, and then buy the same ones you got.
3. When fake ones go to your house you switch the real ones with the fake ones.
4. Go back to the store say your cousin didn't want them, do a family member, or make up your own
5. You get your money back for the real ones, and get the real ones.
6+ Are optional! - only work for thing w/o mic.
6. After you switch say that when you got beats w/o mic and their fake.
7. You may or may not get extra money to not press legal charges.
6+7 Are VERY risky - I did it twice, only once worked, but I got an extra 100 bucks.
I noticed WAY 2 is hard to do if you don't look 20+, I had to say I didn't like beats and my cousin got me

[FREE items from china websites!]

Way 1.
1. Buy one item.
2. If no tracking number then look how long it takes to get there then say it hasn’t got here and the
sender said #### amount of days. This must be chargebacked after the amount of days.
Way 2.
1. Buy one item.
2. Receive item, say it doesn’t work when you chargeback.

[FREE Samsung TVs]

1. Acquire a PID
2. Email/send a support assistance message to Samsung.
3. Say your TV doesn’t work, I.E. no display etc.
4. Say you cannot send back and forge PoP if asked.
5. If they ask anything else I do not know what to say, they only asked me to send back, I said I cannot.

[FREE computer duster (May also be computer products)]

1. Go here.
2. Pick out a product, I did computer duster.
3. Contact support, live support would be best.
4. Say you bought a 12/4/6 pack and that most of the cans had holes in them and were leaking
computer duster. Also explain you have asthma/kids/something and it was affecting you or you didn’t
want your kids breathing it and getting high.
5. Give address.
6. Wait for your computer duster.
WARNING: Computer duster can get you WAY high.

[FREE Pizza!] – Guide 2

1. Order online.
2. Chargeback after you get it saying it was cold, or hair in it or something.

Disclaimer: These are for NOT guaranteed to work ALL the time, but MOST will work.
[FREE Pizza!] – Guide 3
1. Order.
2. When it is at your house start complaining there is hair in it right after you pay, he will have to give
the money back, if he doesn’t give the money back just say you will sue, or call later explaining there
was a hair and you may sue.

[FREE otterbox!]
1. Call +18556887269 <- again the “+” is for skype users.
2. Make up a fake story like you were walking and the product broke while you were walking. Some
bullshit that is believable.
3. Hopefully they will say ok it’s okay and then ask for address.
4. Give them it, then you will get it.
If you need a picture say that when you dropped it or it broke say that the camera(s) got destroyed and
you cannot send in a picture. They will usually say okay to this.

[FREE EA games]
1. Create/Login to your EA account and visit this link
2. Begin to engineer your way, say that you purchased a game while travelling and the disc was snapped
or it randomly was scratched, not used.
3. The support agent will give you a number to call, this costs so be prepared.
4. Call them up and repeat your story, they will ask you to pay a fee for it to be replaced.
5. Say that your a student and you already paid for the game? all your cash for the game and you have
no money to spare.
6. To sweeten this, continue on how much you love the game and how much you want to play it shit
like that.
7. They will ask for your shipping address and they will send you the game totally FREE OF CHARGE!

[FREE Nintendo items!]

1. Get a item serial.
2. Call Nintendo, give them your serial and tell them it doesn't work for some reason.
3. Act like you don't know what's wrong, just act like nothing is working.
4. They might ask for an advanced replacement, if they do, good! If not,hang up and try again.
5. Give them an empty gift card or some sort. Visa card works. Advanced replacement means they'll
send you one, then if they don't get yours back for whatever reason, you pay for it via CC, but since you
don't have the funds, you don't have to pay it.
6. Get your free item! A drop IS recommended.

[FREE lids coupon!]

1. Go here!
2. At the bottom hit "Store Complaints"
3. Look through their stock and make up a problem about any of the items. I used some had and said it
shrunk and the store wouldn't accept a return so I threw it out.
4. They should give you a coupon code in your email.

Disclaimer: These are for NOT guaranteed to work ALL the time, but MOST will work.
[FREE Rubix cube!]
1. Go here and find a product you want. Make sure you know a little bit about first, use google.
2. Go here and fill in all the forms. Make sure to include what product you got, and something that is
wrong with it. Use google.
3. They should email you back within a few days, and ask to verify that it is a genuine product. Just
email them back, verifying it.
4. Soon they will want your shipping address.

[FREE Fudge Hair Shaper]

1. Go to their website.
2. Click support.
3. Fill it out, then say that it was hard and blocky, or think of your own idea.
Use: "Fudge Hair Shaper Original 75g Tub" code: 0J224, but after a load of tries they may become
suspicious so get another after you get one.

[FREE Pilot Pens]

1. Go to their website and go to support.
2. Fill out info with make problem.
3. Receive.

[FREE Calvin Klein]

1. Go to their support.
2. Say was leaking or something.

[FREE Gorgio Aarmani]

1. Go to support.
2. Say leaking or something.



Disclaimer: These are for NOT guaranteed to work ALL the time, but MOST will work.
Apple method:
When you receive the box for your product of choice, look up the repair center that the box is
being sent to on the shipping label.
Once you have done this look for a location close by that can be easily edited onto the label so
that it gets sent to that location

For example:
111 Apple Road
could esaily be edited to:
117 Apple Road

and when you ship your box it in it will be sent to the wrong address
once you've done this, call in apple support after a few days and ask why your repair is taking so
they will call dispatch to track your package and find out that they accidentally mailed it to the
wrong address
they will launch a very short investigation to locate ur package and when they are
unsuccessful/find an empty box they will reimburse u with a new product
Always tamper the box so that if it some how ends up being delivered u ca n fall back onto box

Getting around apple PoP:

Once and if you have Alan as your rep, before he asks for proof of purchase call up
the express lane everyday and express how you can't get a hold of Alan and are upset with the
service you've received thus far
eventually someone on the Express Lane team will take over your case, and will process your
replacement using the express lane (the way of replacement where they do advanced replacement
with a credit card on file)
however they will not expect you to provide a credit card
eventually if you follow their instructions they will send you a document to sign (you are ok to
sign this only once) and then they will process your replacement for a brand new in box item as
if it was bought form the apple store (they give you an order # and everything)

Xbox Controllers:

Disclaimer: These are for NOT guaranteed to work ALL the time, but MOST will work.
Just call up Microsoft and say that your WIRED controller isn't functioning correctly. Say you
have to move the cord a certain way for it to work. They'll ask you to ship it back but just
complain and ask to speak to a manager and say it sometimes works so you don't want to ship it
away. They'll replace it if you complain enough.

Amazon Wireless:
You need an amazon account that is more then a few weeks old. Buy a phone that is free with a
two year contract from Amazon and it is recommend to ship it to a drop. But it with an empty
prepaid card.

First you will want to order a product off deal extreme with and make sure it asks for an option
for tracking. When it asks for an option for tracking DO NOT choose it. Basically when you
order the product you will not get tracking number and you can call PayPal or whatever you paid
with and claim that the item never shipped. They have no way to prove that the item shipped and
you will get your money back.

Another simple method-
1) Go to and click on support.
2) Click on live chat
3) There are various excuses you could use for the product, I did the USB flash drive. Be
4) If they ask you to return it first either say you are going away soon and need the replacement
as soon as possible or ask for advance replacement
5) They should ask for your address either through livechat or email and ship you your

HP TouchPad:
You can either call- in or live chat, With live chat they're less keen on setting up sending you a
box, But if like me you make good excuses than they will allow you to setup an empty box, So
than they will send the box within 1-2 days, The next part is box method. After that they will
ring you up within 5 days, Ask about why you sent an empty box or whatnot, Just bullshit your
way through it, Within no time you will have a Touch Pad
Live chat can only setup replacements for North America, But you can make progress there, And
than you get a chat id and ask for your country's customer support number, Note your chat id and
then that will get the ball rolling.

The iOmega Method is very simple.
First of all if you want advanced replacement (Ship you it first) you need to provide a creditcard
for them to hold. This can be done with CC Fraud but I do not recommend nor assist in that.

1. Get Serial

Disclaimer: These are for NOT guaranteed to work ALL the time, but MOST will work.
2. Go to their site and veirfy your serial is in warranty.
3. If it is not under warranty you can fake a reciept to make it in warranty but it'd be easier just to
get a new serial
4. Box Method them like normal.
6. Replacement Sent No questions asked.

Giant Ass Check:
***NOTE: This only works in the US... (I think)***
- Start by going to the T- mobile trade in page here:
-Next, click "Start now" at the bottom portion of the screen.
- You will now see Carrier, Make, Model etc..If you are going for the top amount of money,
choose an iPhone 4, 32 GB ~ At&T, as shown
- Next, make everything in perfect condition (yes,no, no)
- Click "Whats my phone worth"... If you choose the iPhone 4 32 GB, you will notice it's worth
$220 dollars...
-Click next
- Fill out your LEGITIMATE info or your Drop
You will get a shipping Voucher as shown (SAVE THIS)
***Now, this is entirely optional but... Add multiple phones to increase your check amount.. It
doesn't just have to be iPhones, but if you must, go ahead***..
You should get an email saying some information. Email them back saying you cannot take it to
the UPS store for some reason ( I personally used "I cannot drive as I have two broken
vertebrae". The rep was very lenient and said she'd send me the box...
-Wait a few days and get your box.
- WRITE/TYPE THE NAME(S) OF the PHONE(S) in the box. Be sure to include the condition
they are in etc.
-Put the packaging label on etc.
- Beat up the box as if its been stolen, you know the drill.
-Wait for an e- mail saying the box is empty OR call them checking up on everything.
-When they say the box is empty, RAGE. Go all out.. Say things you've never said before, it
doesn't matter! They just lost your brand new iPhone 4, HTC Thunderbolt and ATRIX 4G! Thats
$600 dollars worth of stuff What are you gonna do about that? DEMAND AND I REPEAT
- The rep will say something like " we will get back to you once we process the check or I speak
with my manager (mainly she's telling you they F***ed up)

Call up dell reporting your computer no longer turns on, boots w/e. Tell them while mo ving the
case you cut your self and bled on it. Dell can no longer take the computer due to it being a "Bio
Hazard". And will promptly ship you out a replacement (Usually takes 2-3 days). Also you will
need a Services Tag number that is still in warranty. Although since it cut you they usually send
you a new computer (new model) because they dont want there cases cutting or hurting people.

Disclaimer: These are for NOT guaranteed to work ALL the time, but MOST will work.
Also this is the only out of all my methods that I didn't actually write all of this myself so ignore
the grammar mistakes
items needed:
Good social engineering skills.
Shipping Courier
Cardboard box in which acer item would fit
Photo camera (optional)
E- mail address
serial number of the Product
old phone book (for weight)
newspaper, bubblewrap etc.

Intro: go to local store and on the outside of the box there should be will need that or
just buy an acer item or ask on ebay or craigslist for SNID or serial number.
so lets begin.

Step 1
Ok head over to and register your product there. when we have done that
we are going to call acer Visit this link http://www.computerh...m/comp/acer.htm and call them
that we have an broken product. they are going to ask you when you are home but say you that
you are at work in a different country and that you need your product for your work and cant go
a day without it....BE CREATIVE, make sure to state that you can send the product to the m via
courier like dhl,fedex and probably they will say ok. They will provide fedex shipping label.

Step 2
ok we this what we are going to we have an cardboard box and fill it with crumbled newspaper,
bubblewrap or something so it doesn't feel Empty. Now this is optional, we lay in the old phone
books for weight and tape the box shut with tape only, tape the box shut with one layer of tape
and take an picture of it and save it we are going to need it later. now cut the box back open and
tape it back shut in a sloppy way and leave it for now. best to use 2 different colors of tape.
Optional, damage the box....I stomp on mine :P
Or make a Hole in the box or something. :P

Step 3a
If shipping label not provided now this is the most easiest part just ship the p roduct out to acer
with address given by them or google it. make sure you have an tracking number when item

Disclaimer: These are for NOT guaranteed to work ALL the time, but MOST will work.
Step 3b
If a shipping label is provided, put the shipping label on the box and then call the fedex, etc for
pickup, now just wait.

Step 4
In Step 1 part we already made a call to acer we are going to call acer again to say that you are
shipping the product to them.

Step 5a
after a week or so you will get a call from acer that the product was not in the box you ask them
why isn't the item in the box, act confused, ask "can you tell me that you are sure that is my box
or send an photo to my email" again be creative. after a while you will get email with the photo
and just reply with oh but look that box is opened i have an photo of how to box should look and
on the photo it clearly looked open by someone how are we going to solve that?

Step 5b
If you don't ask for photos since not everyone takes photos of their package. They will most
likely ask to start a claim with Fedex, go ahead and do that over the phone. they will give you
claim number copy that and call acer and then give that number to them.

Step 6
Call again and ask for LEVEL 2 Tech Support then say you setup fedex claim as asked. Then
they will just go ahead and ship you an Item. After a few weeks you will have you product sitting
in your living room.

Say that the book has a lot of faded pages as this happens when the printers run out
They'll replace it for you

Past Replacements:
Say that when you were trying to fix the product the plastic snapped and cut you. Say you're HIV
positive and you bled on and in the product and are unable to clean it all from the inside. They
will send you a new one as it hurt you (liability) and it's a biohazard to send.

Free screen protectors for life:

go to and go to the live chat after picking out which screen protector you'd
tell the customer service rep that when you opened your package the screen protector was bent
and was unusable because there was a crease in it
they will ask u where u bought it say a retail store like walmart or whatever
they will tell u to either send it back or send in a receipt

Disclaimer: These are for NOT guaranteed to work ALL the time, but MOST will work.
suggest taking a picture instead and they will say ok and to email it to them
so in your house find a piece of clear plastic and cut it down to the size of the screen protector
you want
make a crease in it and take a picture of it in a very poorly lit area and blur it if possible by
moving your camera around as u take the picture or by blurring it on photoshop
send it in and they will approve it and ask for ur address to send the replacement

free tablet/phone case:

go to pick out the product you'd like
email their support about how you dropped your phone/tablet while in the case and your device
as well as the case broke
they will email you back offering to send a replacement, or they may ask for a picture and a

if they ask for a picture and a receipt, tell them that ur phone/tablet was sent in for repair because
it was broken and u have no way to send in the picture, and send in a receipt using the amazon
receipt gen
this will be enough to get them to process u a replacement.

Blackberry playbook method:

Go on craigslist/kijiji and mass message this, feel free to copy and paste this to individuals
selling the playbook
"Hey I am very interested in buying and will def do so if the product is still within warranty. I
can come pick it up or meet with you wherever you'd like as I am close by. Could you possibly
reply to this message with meeting arrangements as well as the serial so I can confirm the
Once you get a working serial that is within warranty, register it on the blackberry site:
and then call up the support number offered there and say that your blackberry playbook won't
turn on and they will send you a box once you receive the box, do simple box method and then
call in and complain after you get the email saying they received an empty box they will send u a
brand new playbook without an investigation.

Say you bought it at a Gamestore on vacation so you can't bring it up, and then if they say bad
luck, pity them into giving you a key.
Say you bought it on Amazon/other retailer and that retailer sent you to EA support.
Say you went to the Warranty department as asked, and the Warranty department sent you back
to live support. When they ask for chat log, just say you were on a different computer and forget
the chat, but it took a few days to get real support, so you don't want to go through that again or
you're going to switch to Steam/Origin and stop buying from EA.

Disclaimer: These are for NOT guaranteed to work ALL the time, but MOST will work.
1) Go to and find any pens you like.
2) Navigate to the company website.
3) Find their contact email, and email them.
4) In the email, say what usually happens with pens (pens were leaking, etc)
5) They will reply to your email, but they might ask for proof of purchase, so you might need a
fake receipt.
6) Wait a little bit and your pens will come in no time.
7) Enjoy free pens!
You can use this for numerous pen companies and get upwards of $10-$30 in free pens or
vouchers. You could do this to Bic or Staedlr and more!
Remember to say thanks!

1. Find a PID of ebay or craigslist
2. Go to the website
3. Click online shop and find a product you like
4. Go to the contact page
5. SE - make up a excuse about the product being damaged.

Rolling papers:
First, you call up ZigZag with their support number here 1-800-579-0975
Now start telling them excuses like the rolling papers weren't right.
"They weren't sticky enough or they just not how there supposed to be." (Use ur imagination)
He/She will usually ask for ur personal details.
In a few days you will get ur Rolling Papers!
This method has worked for the w

Disclaimer: These are for NOT guaranteed to work ALL the time, but MOST will work.

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