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Types and Subtypes

[00:01] Hello, we are live! I don't do a lot of live videos, so it took me a minute to figure out how to
do it as the actual event. We’re learning! But, hello! Welcome everybody to day one. As you guys
are hopping on, hello! I would love to know what kind of types we have in here? So, just say hi.
You can tell me where you're from if you want to; tell me what your Human Design type is. Since
we're talking type and subtype today, that's our main focus, go ahead and introduce what your type
is. I think that'll be a fun place to start. This is going to be so much fun! I'm really excited about
this! Okay, I guess we can just go ahead and start.
I'm not going to lie. When I saw that there were 400 people in this group today, over a thousand
people signed up for the challenge, all of this excitement energy definitely turned to nervous
energy. I was thinking, “Oh, my God, that's so many people. So many people want to listen to me
talk about this thing, types and subtypes, which are not actually a normal Human Design topic;
subtypes are a thing of my own creation. We’re going to talk about it today, obviously, but just the
excitement of having all of you really excited to learn this warms my heart and makes me so happy
to be here, but I’m definitely a little nervous. I'm just going to be honest with that, but we’re going
to go!

[02:00] If you're new to me, if you've never been on live with me before, you probably haven’t, I
think I've done five Facebook lives in my entire life. So, if you are new to being on a call with me
in general. Hi, my name is Eden! I work with Human Design. Last year I left a nursing job that I
had just graduated and got. I lasted a whole six weeks as a nurse because I was building this
business and Human Design really sucked me in a couple of years ago. I've been studying it pretty
relentlessly for over three years now, just consuming all of the content, all of the things, and it kind
of pulled me into a direction where last year I launched a coaching certification that really focused
around Human Design and how you apply to business, how you apply to manifestation, how do you
apply to money, because those are things that I was curious about. Those were things that I was
learning about while I was in school going to nursing school. I kind of just found my way
responding to one thing or another; I found my way into this position where I know so much about
Human Design. I'm really excited to share it in a way where I'm not necessarily afraid of making
sure that it's the correct information. I'm just sharing the way that I understand it, because that's
what needs to come through right now. That’s a brief introduction with this three day event.

[03:25] I can just share my intention. I want to give you something that you can use. I want to give
you something you can use, because currently I see a lot of information about Human Design,
which warms my heart. Again, I'm so excited that there's so much information available about
Human Design right now, my one issue is that even after and this is present and I'm calling it out
because my clients experience this and I have experiences working with clients, I've been teaching
Human Design for a while, and I'm still getting questions from people who are going through my
certification program, going through months and months of working with me, around how do I
actually apply this to daily life. Because I kept getting that question, I was recognizing that I'm
teaching you all of the things; you know all of the details that I know. What's the difference
between my application of it, my understanding of my design and your application, my ability to
help you actually live with your design, actually take these tools in your chart and use them in your
daily life to figure out what your purpose is, figure out what you're really good at, figure out what
your gifts are, let go of all of these lies that you've been telling yourself that you're holding yourself
back with? We can just let go of the things, align with the good things, and start actually doing what
you're here to do on this planet, which who knows what that is. There's something inside of you that
wants to come through; there's some magic inside of you that's ready to share and ready to impact
the world in a bigger way, and I want to unleash that in you over the next couple of days. This is a
free course. When I say a free course, I mean this is not just a free challenge; this is a full course.
You're getting three full days of me talking, rambling, about all of the things that I feel like talking
about at the moment. You're going to get the live recordings. You're going to get the transcripts.
You're going to get workbooks; there are four workbooks, one for each aura type because they're

[05:19] Today I was sitting with something, we are actually going to start with talking about
reflectors. Thinking about reflectors, I wanted to make sure that reflectors really felt seen in this
particular free challenge, in this particular free course, because there is a lot of hesitation. Major
opinion here, I don't think there's enough content specifically made for reflectors. I think that
reflectors, yes, they make up one percent of the population, but in my opinion, they get less than
one percent of the information and the content and the help that we provide. I love seeing posts on
Instagram about all of the different types, and I love the conversation and where we are with human
design right now, and I think that we can do better. Specifically, I think we can do better with the
Human Design is not your first stop. There was something before you found Human Design, there
was probably something. Who knows? But, Human Design was not your first stop on this journey
towards self discovery, to this journey of understanding energy, understanding yourself. It's not
your first stop because this is a very advanced system. There's so much information about the
system, so much there. I'm still learning new things on a daily basis, and I have been obsessively
consuming Human Design content for over three years. I know that I'm just getting started with all
of the things that I am learning about the system. There's so much going on here, and I think that
that's made really apparent the moment that you download your chart. You download your chart
and instantly there's confusion. That first step is really important. I think this is where we're losing a
lot of people because there's a lot of people that are like, “Oh, cool, I know I'm a generator. I know
I'm a reflector. I know I'm this type. I know I’m that type.” But they don't feel like they can go
deeper because that deeper information just isn't available. That slightly deeper information of “I
know I'm a generator, but what do I do with that? Today, How do I be the best generator that I can
be? While I'm in this conversation with a projector, how can I be the best generator that I can be?
When I'm in this relationship, with my child, how can I actually apply this to my daily life?” That's
what I've been really focusing on over the last couple of weeks.
When I was thinking about reflectors this morning, I realized that one of the reasons why reflectors
don't get enough information is because in order to personalize reflector information, we have to go
beyond centers. Typically what we do is we talk about types and we talk about your defined centers.
Then we leave this, “Oh, well, reflectors, you don't have any defined. So just be open. You’re a
unicorn, be open. Your undefined everywhere. Everything's inconsistent.”

[08:17] There tends to be this misconception, but really, it's a general assumption that defined
anything equals having and undefined equals not having. Instantly, the first interaction that you
have with Human Design is have and not have; you have a sense of control in the sense of where
you lack these things. To look at a chart, I have seven centers defined and this is my personal
perspective, but I can imagine that that first moment of understanding defined versus undefined and
then recognizing that you're a reflector, there's this sense of having nothing. I can imagine that that's
a big feeling because personally, my first reaction, other than seeing that my G center is undefined,
I thought, “Oh, there's nothing in my heart, that’s interesting.” That was my first reaction. After I
started understanding defined versus undefined, my second reaction was I have a lot. I'm better than
most people because I have seven centers defined.
There's this misconception around defined versus undefined, where we tend to feel like and it's
really deep, it's pretty subconscious, but there tends to be this like this envy of definition. I wish I
had that defined, I wish I had this defined. It’s never, I wish I had this undefined. Have you ever
wished that you had something undefined? I'm curious because that's just where my brain goes. I'm
curious to know if you've ever looked at your chart and said this is undesigned, cool, interesting, or
wanting something undefined. Again, a little off track.
You see that you have a lot of definition. There's this definition envy. I think that what happens is
once we start talking about reflectors, I'm guilty of this myself, that's why I'm calling it out, is
because it's present in me and that's why I'm able to see it in other people, but we have this guilt
around “I have things defined, and reflectors have nothing defined. I have nothing to give them. I
have nothing to share with them. They can see all of my things. They're picking up on all my
energy.” That can be a little bit intimidating. The reason that I think that we do not talk about
reflectors enough, and we don't give them enough information is one, reflectors need much more
specific information and no one's willing to go beyond that because we still want to be generalizing
things, and two, when we are talking about reflectors, if we have anything defined in our chart, we
have this sense of guilt if I have something and you don't have it.
We're approaching the reflector conversation not with empathy, but with a subtle tint of pity. That is
creating this cycle where reflectors do not feel seen, which is the entire point of Human Design, is
that you finally feel like you see yourself. I'll explain what Human Design is in a second after I'm
off this tangent, but the reflectors can feel that sense of “I'm not being seen”. They get less than one
percent of the conversation. I'm guilty of this myself where I've shown up on podcast interviews or
shown up on conversations and videos and reflectors get this thirty seconds at the end. Or, “Oh, I
don't want to forget about reflectors.” It's checking off the box, but not actually going deep enough
to provide information that helps them.
When I was thinking about how I can make sure that this program is beneficial for all types, one, I
knew that I needed to make workbooks for all of the different aura types, because if I'm talking
about different centers in a workbook, that's pointless for a reflector to be printing out those pages,
going through that information, and two, reflectors need more information. Specifically, I want to
give you gate information. Part of one of the bonuses that's going to be uploaded today is you're
going to get my dates guide. If you scroll back way long ago on my Instagram, I did a series of just
a couple of sentences about each of the individual gates. It’s just a really brief guide, but that's one
of the things that I'm including in this, because when we talk about reflectors, we're going to talk
about gates and I want you to have at least a little bit of information about that to get you started.
You do get a couple of sentences about every single gate; that's going to be one of the bonuses that's
literally in this free course. That's one of my little tangents there around the inclusivity that I'm
really trying to create within this program. That’s the first one. Now, we can dive into the concept
of what is Human Design.

[12:41] I'm going to explain Human Design in a way that is a more recent pondering and
understanding of mine. It's probably not something that you've heard before, but I'm really excited.
Understanding Human Design is pretty complicated. There's a lot of information. There's a lot of
moving parts. It's really cool to be able to type yourself and group yourself into different categories.
We really love our labels. I love labels. I could label everything in my life. It's an organizational
thing in my head, all of the things. I love labels. We like labels as individuals. We like labels in
general because we are associative learners. If we can label things, we feel like we understand
things. It's just how we move through and process life. It is throwing labels on things, throwing
meaning on things. As we are throwing meaning on things, we're constantly experiencing life and
constantly interacting with something outside of us, and then we make it mean something inside of
us. Human Design, what we're looking at, if you're really breaking it down in the basics, is we're
looking at weather. I want you to think about the place that you grew up in. Your childhood home. I
want you to specifically think about the weather. What feels like typical weather for you? I grew up
primarily in Connecticut, so we had lots of seasons. We had really pretty falls. We had really pretty
summers. It was pretty weather. For me that four seasons, very pretty fall, lots of foliage, that feels
like normal weather for me. Everything else, every other weather, every other place that I've lived
in, I automatically compare it to where I first remember experiencing daily weather. This is what
we're talking about in Human Design, but we're talking about it with energy.
[14:57] Your Human Design chart, we're looking at the weather when you met you for the first
time, the moment that you were born, the moment that “I am” became “I am” inside of you. In this
moment, you got a first impression of who you are. This is where we're talking about neutrinos.
These neutrinos are teeny, tiny little particles that come from essentially stardust. If you want to go
with a cool term, if you want to be a little bit more scientific, it's from radioactive decay that comes
off of planets. You can actually track these little particles as they come into our experience. We're
always interacting with them at a cellular level, and what they do is they collide with our cells. The
moment that you became you, the first neutrinos that you experienced collided with you. You say,
“Oh, this is what it feels like to be me.” In the moment where you recognize this is what it feels like
to be me, you have officially had your first impression of who you are. If we know anything about
first impressions, we know that anything we experience after that, we're going to compare to our
first impression. You're going to compare it to this first initial impression of who you are. When
we're thinking about this question of who am I, what am I supposed to be, this neutral feeling, this
space that's going to be the easiest for you to come back to, the easiest for you to trust, the one that's
going to feel the most correct is going to be this sense of this is my first impression. This first
impression is going to be really strong on you. It's going to really feel powerful. It's going to
resonate with your cells because before you learned anything, this was your first impression.
How many of you have ever learned something, literally anything, that you genuinely believed was
true, and then you learned that it wasn't true? That first truth that you have is not something that you
question, it's something that you've never experienced another truth you're never going to question
because you have nothing to compare it to. We cannot prove that anything is true. The only thing
that we can prove is that things are untrue. We disprove things, we do not prove things. In our entire
experience, that's what we're doing. Your experience, everything that you've experienced, all of the
weather, all the neutrinos, all of the information that you have experienced from the world around
you, all of that is a secondary impression to that first moment of this is who I am.
When we're talking about alignment, we're talking about self trust. We're talking about getting into
a space where you feel confident, you feel really, really good about who you are and where you're
going. What better thing to bring back to than your first impression of who you are, because this
first impression of who you are is going to resonate at a level that nothing else can ever resonate in.
It goes so deep. It's your first impression. It's the first layer. It's the first, if you have a blank canvas,
the first layer of paint, the first layer of anything that you put on it, you can erase it all you want, but
you always know that that was the first one. This is what your Human Design chart is. This is what
I'm currently understanding and looking at your Human Design chart. When we're looking at your
chart, we've got types that subtypes, all of these things, but we're looking at your first impression of
who you are. We're looking at what energy is going to make you feel the most comfortable to

[18:43] Now to bring us into a more fun and magical light, because I like magic and I like fun and
this lights me up and this is the game I play with Human Design. and I'm sharing from my
experience here, if we're going to play with this, you can look at this as like a spell book. This is
how I've been playing with it lately. My Human Design chart is my spell book. I’ve got all of these
gates, centers, everything that's defined, everything that's undefined, all of the different things. The
easiest spells for me to cast, the ones that are going to be super, super fun, the ones that would be,
“I'm just going to do that without even thinking about it”, those are going to be my defined gates.
Those are going to be the ones that I have that first impression of, “Oh yeah, I know how to do that.
I don't do that in my sleep. I just sprinkle some of this energy here. I can sprinkle some of this
energy here.” This is working with Human Design; it is casting your magic and saying this is who I
am and this is who I'm being in this moment, and in order for you to trust me, this is who I am, why
not go back to your first impression where it actually resonates at a core level and you actually
believe that this is who you are? Because that's the difference between using Human Design,
looking at this core impression of who you are, this first impression, it's actually going to resonate
with you. It's going to feel true. You're going to be able to trust it more than anything else because it
was your first impression of who you are. That is what I think Human Design is; this spell book and
cool tools that you get to apply and you get to play with, and you get to throw at your daily life.
[20:10] We’re consistently experiencing weather. There's always things that are going on
energetically, if you have heard Mercury in retrograde. Here's a very basic example of how the
planets affect you. When the sun is out and when you're experiencing energy directly from the sun,
you get hot and you typically wear less clothing and you avoid it. When it's cold out, when the sun
is far away, you bundle up. You physically change your actions based off of our distance from the
star. This is just one very basic example of how a planet or something in the cosmos directly affects
your daily life. It doesn't make sense that that's the only one. Just because we can't see the energy
that we're experiencing from other planets doesn't mean that it's not there.
So, first impression of who you are is your Human Design chart. You're always experiencing
weather. This weather can trip you up. Sometimes you experience things from a person, you can
pick up some energy from this person or this situation, this experience like,”This feels weird. I don't
know about this.” Sometimes we hold on to it. Sometimes we hold on to maybe I should be like
this. We hold onto “I should be like this. Someone said, this is bad. I'm going to not use this
particular part of my energy. I’m going to really try to do this thing, even though it's really not easy
for me. I'm going to try to do this.” All of these things that you do, all of these layers that you learn,
all of these should and shouldn't and whatever, it's going to interfere and it's going to get in the way,
and it is going to kind of cloud your vision between you and that first impression, you and who you
are at your core level.

[21:45] Working with Human design, you're going to come across types. That's going to be the first
thing that you probably learn about your Human Design. It's going to break you up into four aura
types or five types depending on the situation. We're not going to get into the Manifesting
Generator whole debate because we're diving deeper than that. We need to personalize these basics
to actually know what you're doing instead of just trying to say, “I'm a generator, and I'm going to
try and fit everything that's inside of me into this one teeny tiny box with thirty percent of the
population.” We're not grouping ourselves. I have a confession to make about the subtypes.

[22:30] As soon as I say subtypes, everyone gets really excited. “More information; another label
that I get to put on me.” Subtypes are not a real thing; this is something that I utilize. I'm calling it
subtypes. I don't know if I'll keep that name. I don't know what the best label to put on this concept.
But essentially, I wanted to hook your attention enough to pull in and look at what's underneath
your type. There's a couple for generators, there's several for projectors. There's a few different
things I look at for reflectors and for manifestors. All of them are very open to interpretation
because there is no right or wrong answer here. I just want you to be looking a little bit deeper at
what your type is and how it works.

[23:43] Let's start with reflectors. Reflectors aren't necessarily going to have a subtype, but
specifically, what I want you to do is I want you to look at the gates that are in your incarnation
cross. Looking at the top gates where your sun placements are; looking at columns on the sides of
your chart, all of the numbers with all of the planets, the top ones, I want you to look at the top
black one. You can look at the top right one, but really the black one, not the red one for now. This
is the center that I want you to focus on. Whatever center that gate is in is the one that I want you to
focus on just for now.
Reflectors, I think that it's really important to understand all of the information. I think where we go
wrong is we provide less education for reflectors instead of more education for reflectors.
Reflectors get to experience being all four aura types. They experience literally all of the energy.
We all experience all of the things all of the time, but you're much more susceptible to what's going
on on a daily basis, what's going on in general, that inconsistent energy. What that means is you're
playing with more potential energy. Your limitations are not as limited as those of us with circuitry
and with definition. You are playing with unlimited potential energy. You're playing with all of this
fun stuff. In order to best educate yourself and best learn and best operate as a reflector, you need to
know all of this. You don't just need to know a little teeny, tiny bit; you need to know all of that.
You need to know all of the information, and you need to know how to track it. I believe that this
would be something that would benefit you, but of course, you can always tune into your intuition.
I think that it's time that we give reflectors more information than just, “You’re a reflector? Wait
twenty-eight days.” We can do better than that. Doing better than that means I want you to pay
attention to all of these things, because in some way, in some shape, in some form, or at some point
in time you are going to experience being or operating in all of these different energetic fashions.
Me, as a manifesting generator, I am never going to experience the feeling of what it feels like to
have projector energy completely in my body, and to be reflecting just projector energy. I'm never
going to experience that, but you are. You have more opportunities for experience than people with
definition. That means that you need to know how to navigate all of the experiences, not just the
small teeny one percent. The top Black Planet placement is going to be your conscious sun, and that
makes up a big percent of your personality.

[26:45] Let’s talk about defining types and defining subtypes. Reflectors are not going to have
subtypes, but I want you to pay attention to the differences here so you can experience and see that
there's a difference between responding with superior because if you are reflecting this response and
energy, you want to be able to do it in the right way. We're going to dive deeper into that tomorrow
and the next day, but that's my spiel about reflectors. Then, you get to read a little bit about your
specific gates in the workbooks.
Subtypes are what I look at right underneath type. I want to know specifically what makes you your
type. In order to understand that, we need to know what makes types in Human Design. We make
types, type is a general term for how your aura feels, and how does it feel to be around your energy.
You probably get some bubbly energy for me. Lots of excitement. I'm talking really fast. I'm a
pretty energetic person. Yeah, I have a lot of energy; I move a lot. There's a lot here. That's
manifesting generator energy. It moves quickly. If you can't tell I'm all over the place with my
hands. I'm fidgeting, all of the things.
Looking at your Human Design type, there are four aura types.

[27:59] If all of the centers are going to be white, this is what we're calling a Reflector, which
means all of the centers are undefined. If you have definition, you're going to be not a Reflector.
You will be one of the other types.

[28:08] Next, we're going to look at the sacral center. Showing you a diagram, for generators, we
are looking at the second square up from the bottom. If it's colored, we're going to go into generator
types. If it's white, we're going to go into non-generator types. To create definition, what we're
looking at are the gates you have defined. In the columns on the side, we have the very foundation
of Human Design. We have all of these gates, and specifically what that is showing is where in the
chart were certain planets when you were born. What information were you getting when you were
born? What information, what feelings, what traits feel like, “Oh, this is who I am. Welcome world.
I am here. I have arrived.” That first impression. In this first impression, you have information from
13 planets. We have conscious and unconscious, but we're not going to focus on that in this
particular video. What you're looking at is these gates have been combined to match and mirror the
tree of life in Human Design charts; looking at tree of life energy and again, very complex systems,
we're going to simplify it to actually what we're talking about. I just want to make sure that I'm
explaining some of the factual things and will make it simple.
Understanding the concept of definition, we've got planets that are essentially sending you
information to say this is the first impression of who you are and this is what I'm telling you. These
are the messages that I have and to carry with you throughout your life. These gates are placed in
certain placements, and where they are, two gates that are connected, they're going to create a
channel. This channel is going to be a place where information and energy travels from one center
to another center. These centers are like chakras. There's these hubs of energy that create a certain
specific thing, and then these channels are like the wires that go between them. It's circuitry, it's
bringing information, it's bringing energy, it's movement of energy. We have the generation of
energy, the processing of energy in the centers that are governing and doing all of the things there,
and then we have these pathways that bring energy and move energy into specific places and
specific ways. Based on how energy is moving in your aura in general, based on the channels that
are defined, all of these colored lines that you see, it's going to give a general impression of how
you feel to other people. That's where we get type. Type is based off of what centers are defined in
undefined, based on the channels, based on the gates that are based on the planets. Lots of layers
here. This is just getting started, and this is, again, the problem with Human Design is there's so
much information. It’s so complicated that you hear that and think I don't know what to do with

[31:53] Now that we know where that is, we're going to look at the sacral center. In order for a
center to be defined, it needs to be connected to another center through definition. There will be a
solid line if you are a generator type, any generator type, you will have a solid line connecting that
sacral center, that second square up, to something else. This line that connects your sacral center to
something else, this line is a line of communication. It's a conversation between your sacral center,
which makes you a generator; it generates energy, it generates lifeforce energy that you have the
ability to bring to places you can give energy to places, you bring lifeforce. Specifically, this life
force is in conversation with something else in your energy. It's not a loan. It's talking. It's
communicating. It's collaborating. I want to know who your sacral center is talking to. If you look
at all of the centers in your chart, they're like people in a room. If we're trying to make a
conversation, we're having a conversation, these lines that you see, these definitions, the lines that
connect the colored centers, these are the conversations that are happening. With triple splits, you
can have three different conversations going on in your energy. I want to know what the
conversation is. This is specifically where we're looking at subtypes: I want to know what your
conversation is. I want to know what your sacral is responding to, because then we can figure out
what you're responding to.
On your chart, what is your sacral center connecting to? Does it connect to your root center? Does it
connect to your splenic center? Does it connect to your G center? Or, does it go to your emotional
center? What is it connected to? Does it go directly to your throat center? This is recognizing your
subtype because this channel is specifically the energy that you're moving that makes you a
generator. Waiting to respond, what you're responding to, or how you're responding is actually
going to be different.
[34:10] The root center actually pressures the sacral center to respond. There's root center pressure
before there's a sacral center response. If you have the root center connected to your sacral center, if
you're this root generator, those format channels are going to push you to take action. They're going
to push you to generate energy. But there's going to be the sensation of pressure before you have a
[34:38] If it's the emotional center, you have to wait for this emotional experience. You have to ride
this emotional wave, and then you can respond. Then you can jump and then you can take action.
That's a conversation of intimacy. It's a different conversation than this pressure, then respond.
[34:55] If we're connecting the sacral center to the G center, it's about identity. You're responding
and saying, “Can I live up to this vision? Can I be this person? Can I expand into this energy? Can I
match this frequency?” Then going specifically in the channels, are you doing it for you? Are you
doing it for the greater good, or are you doing it for the collective? There's different levels of
motivation under these and each of them is going to respond differently.
[35:19] If it's connected to your splenic center, you have the sacral response and the splenic
intuition that says, “I know,”.
[35:27] That's going to show differently than if it's connected to your throat center, which is I have a
response and I've already taken action before I can even recognize that I've responded to something.
[35:36] All of these show you that you are having a very different conversation. There's multiples.
You're sacral can connect to multiple things. Mine is connected to my throat through the 34/20, and
then my Ajna center is defined and also connected to my throat. My sacral center is connecting to
and it's conversing with my Ajna center as well. All of those are talking. That's a conversation.
When you're trying to tune into your energy, it's really hard to differentiate what's talking, what's
intuition, is this myself, is this not myself, because we don't know the specifics of who's talking to
who. We don't know how to differentiate between is this a response or is this an urge? Is this my
sacral being lit up or is this pressure that I'm feeling from my undefined root center? Whatever it is,
we don't know how to differentiate them because we're not getting specific enough around the
conversation of what is this response feel like for you? Based off of the different centers, I really
want to hear your theories for all the generators. We're going to start a whole thread later. As you go
through all of your conditioning, who is in conversation? What other voices are you hearing when
you're listening to this response? When you're about to take action, who is it talking to? What's the
process here? If we really follow the circuitry, we’re able to go much, much deeper. Those are
I just want to know, what is your subtype? If you want to label it as a subtype. It's going to be
different. It can be multiple things. It can be all of the things. You can use this however you want;
this as a tool for you. There's no labels. There is no correct answer here. What differentiates you?
What's the conversation that's happening underneath this overall generator umbrella? What's the
conversation that your sacral center is having? That's what I want you to start with. That's what I
want you to understand, because once you understand what's the conversation, then you can start to
differentiate the words, you can differentiate the voices, you can differentiate who is talking, what's
going on here, and then you can step into alignment even more. You can leverage that because you
know what's going on.

[37:45] Moving onto manifestors. Manifestors, you’re going to have an undefined sacral center, and
specifically, I want to talk about direct versus indirect manifestation. This is a big deal. This is a
really big deal. This is one of the places where most manifestors fall out of alignment is
understanding the difference between direct manifesting channels and indirect manifesting
channels. A couple of posts back on my Instagram, I'll share it in this Facebook group, I talked
about different types for the channels. Essentially every channel that connects to the sacral center is
a generator channel, because if it's the operation system, how it's going to move, how it's going to
move energy, it's going to do something with responding that comes from that sacral center.
Moving on to manifestors, we have this motor center. The definition of a manifestor is to have a
motor center connected to your throat center. The motor center is made up of the emotional center,
the ego center, the sacral center, and the root center. For them to be connected to the throat center in
some way, shape, or form is going to have this motorized energy. It's generating things.

We have much more information on specifics. I just want to get you guys started today with what
we are looking at. How do we even look deeper into the conversation? Because, again, this is
confusing. There's so much information about this. This is extremely advanced. Let's talk about that
for a second. I want you to all be very proud that you are in this conversation. I want you to be
extremely proud of yourself for being here in this moment, because this is not a simple
conversation. This is not here's my top three tips for getting more likes on Instagram. This is not a
surface level conversation. We're going deep here. We are going very, very deep here. This is a
pretty advanced conversation, and we'll start question threads if we have questions. I am more than
happy to communicate, and we have some support in here to make sure that everyone is
understanding this. The workbooks are going to help you as well. I typically use slides and visuals,
and this is a learning experience for me, too.

[40:18] Manifestors have direct versus indirect channels. To be a manifestor, one of those four
motor centers is going to be connected to your throat center. I want to know what makes you a
manifestor. We have a couple of channels; we have three direct manifesting channels. If it's
connecting your ego center to your throat center, if it's connecting your emotional center to your
throat center.
If any of those are defined (ego center channels or emotional center channel to the throat center),
you have a direct manifestor channel. How those are going to operate is that motors are going to
motorize some energy, it's going to generate this motorization. It's going to give you some form of
motivation, pressure, this energy that wants to be moved through and expressed. And then, it's
going to express itself very directly. This is what we think of when we think manifestor energy.
We also have indirect manifestors. This is where you're dealing with two projected channels that
create a manifestor. Channels that are indirect manifestors that I've worked with are an ego center to
the splenic center and then to the throat center. It is still a motor center that's indirectly connected,
but it's being filtered through something. When we're talking about direct versus indirect
manifestors, if you have a direct channel that's going to be more immediate; that's going to feel
much more like this, “I’m a manifestor.” I'm starting, I'm initiating as this energy is moving through
me. The typical descriptions of a manifestor that you're going to hear, you'll resonate with those a
little bit more if you have a direct manifestor channel. If you have an indirect manifestor channel, or
two channels essentially, you're dealing with projected energy, which means there is an invitation.
Understanding how your energy flows, what do you need to do first, what do you need to filter, and
then how can you express it? For manifestors with direct channels, I want you to look at specifically
what is that energy? Is it emotional energy? Is it ego energy? Is it connected to your root center?
Are there other things in conversation about what makes you a manifestor, and how is it
communicating with the other centers?
Moving over to indirect, again, what makes you a manifestor, and how are you filtering it? What do
you need to filter your urge with before you're able to express it? Because if you have your ego
center connected to your splenic center that then connects to your throat center, you can't just take
your ego and express it. That ego energy, that desire, needs to be filtered through this sense of “is
this safe for me or is this not?”. Then, you can find the resources in that to manifest. There is this
additional step based on the energy and based on the movement of things in your aura. You have a
direct channel, and you can always feel the energy inside knowing and happening. Direct versus
indirect for manifestors are those things that I want you to just focus on and look at and just be
curious. How does this differentiate you versus other people, versus other manifestors? How can
this affect how you take action?
Of course, there's also the manifesting generator hybrid that has both a motor center connected to
the throat center and it has the sacral center defined. That's going to be a whole different
conversation. Does your sacral center connect to your motor center or throat center? What does it
do? They communicate. We're looking at a conversation here. We're trying to track and understand
who's talking, how's it operating, what's going on here.

[43:50] Now we have projectors. Projectors are typically broken up into a couple of categories
anyways, and this is kind of the inspiration for diving deeper into subtypes. Specifically, I don't
think it matters if I call you an energy projector or a non-energy projector; I want to know what
your authority is. That's really what I look at when I look at projectors. I want to know what your
authority is, and I want to know what your decision making process is. Projectors have a need for
slowing down sometimes, not always, but slowing down. I want to know what the conversation is.
That's a common theme here: I want to know what the conversation is in your energy.
With projectors, I want to know what's your authority? That's how I break down projectors.
Emotional, self-projected, splenic authorities. We have mental projectors. We have ego authorities.
Sounding board authorities, mental projector.
Let's just run through these really quickly because as projectors you navigate the world a little bit
differently. You have this bird's eye view that you've understood, and this bird's eye view is the fact
that you have an undefined sacral center and you can see and you can witness sacral energy moving.
You can witness life force energy. You understand the flow of life, and you're able to guide it in a
way that's healthy and beneficial for everyone. Your inner authority is going to be this voice that's
going to be guiding you through these invitations. I want to know what the channels are that you
have, because all of the channels that you have are specific things that are being invited to share.
Understanding the channels, if you have maybe a root center is connected to your splenic center,
and you have one of those channels, understanding that that specifically is what you're waiting for.
You might have multiple channels defined in your chart and understanding what those channels are,
understanding what those centers are, understanding the details around the conversation that your
centers and your energy is having, this is going to help you figure out more specifically what you're
being invited to share. Different people have projected channels, that's a whole other conversation. I
don't want to give you too much information because it feels like I've already given you a lot to
think about. There’s probably going to need to be a Q&A thread just to make sure that everyone's
understanding and grasping this.
Projected channels are very specific things, and they require an invitation. I have opinions and
details. That's something that's a channel that I have, that's a project to channel. When I am being
invited to share an opinion in detail, that specifically needs to be invited. I'm not responding. I'm not
in general sharing all of my energy. There's part of my energy that's being invited. Understanding
the different channels and understanding what's happening underneath that conversation, again,
going a layer deeper, what makes you your type helps you to see what specifically are you being
invited to share? Because chances are the invitation is not for everything that you know. Chances
are the invitation is not “Here, take over everything in my life, fix all of my problems, see
everything that I am.” It's hardly ever fixed everything in my life. It's typically “I have a very
specific problem, I need to transmit this energy and this energy. So, if we have the 37/40, that's
going to be transmuting emotional energy into ego energy. It's committing to your emotional
decisions. That's what people need help with, figuring out the emotional reason behind why they
want what they want. That's what that channel is being invited to share, not this is everything that
you are doing wrong.
That's super helpful information for projector parents or parents of projectors. It's specific
invitations, and the issue that typically holds projectors back when they're waiting for an invitation
that really leads to more bitterness is you get an invitation that's really an invitation for something
very specific or they're asking for pretty much people typically have most of it, they just need this
one little piece of energy from you, if they have the big picture and then they're inviting this, but
then you pull all of your energy, you say, “Okay, so I know you only want this, but I'm giving this,
this, this, this, this and taking over the whole project and taking this over and taking this over.” If
there's two colors, it means it's defined in multiple places. It just has a little bit more energy, and
there’s more operational energy there. It's happening consciously and unconsciously, if you're red
and black lines there.
What on a chart makes a projector? To be a projector, you're going to have centers that are
designed, so some sort of centers, there's going to be definition, but you will have an undefined
sacral center, and you will have no motor centers connected to your throat center. You can still have
motors centers defined. I know projectors that have three motor centers defined, the ego center, the
emotional center and the root center, but none of them are directly or indirectly connected to the
throat center. So, you'll see gaps. You’ll see what we call splits in definition between the throat
center, it can be defined or it can be undefined. Being a projector is essential, you have definition,
but you don't have the specific traits of a sacral center being defined or motor centers that are
directly or indirectly connected to your throat. That will make you a projector.
There are specific things that you are being invited to share, and it's going to lead to bitterness. If
you're trying to follow this, “I have the invitation. I shared everything I wanted to prove myself. I
latched on to that invitation, and gave everything I could, but they still rejected me. They still didn't
recognize me. They still pushed me away. They still didn't take my advice.” That's going to hurt so
much more than recognizing that all they want is this one little thing, here's this one little thing.
You’ve changed their life, and you barely lifted a finger. You're saving your energy. You're
protecting your energy because you know exactly what you need to share.
[50:40] This is my goal over the next couple of days. This is probably a big conversation.
Tomorrow we're going to go through the different centers, and specifically we're going to go
through and we're going to figure out where you are most powerful. We want to look at where
you're the most powerful. We're finding your magic. We're finding specifically what in you. If
you're confused about the centers in the conversation, we're going to break it down tomorrow. I
wanted to give you a little bit more information than you needed; give you a little bit more
information, and then you're going to be really inspired to play with the workbook, to go through
some things. We'll ask a lot of questions, and will continue in conversation for the rest of the day.

[51:25] Manifesting generators are a subtype type of generators, who are a generator and then the
manifesting energy is what makes you at that subtype. That response, if you have that sacral center
connected to the throat, really it's bringing together a couple of the pieces. I'm a manufacturing
generator. For me, that sacral response is directly connected to my throat, and so it's action. I've
taken action before I made the decision.

[51:57] We’re looking at your specific magic, because I want you to like overall, you can go into so
many different ways. I want to zone in specifically on what is one thing, if you could do anything in
your chart, we could unlock like one superpower, one piece of magic in you, if we could unlock one
thing over two days, tomorrow we’ll figure out what it is; I'm going to teach you about it. I’m going
to teach you it's high expression. I’m going to teach you exactly what it's supposed to look like. I'm
going to teach that to you. Then the next day, we're going to look at why you're holding yourself
back from using it to your fullest potential. We're zoning in on something specific. Today, we
talked about a lot. Tomorrow, we're going to zone really, really in, and we're going to go detailed
into specific things so that you're not thinking, “Oh, my gosh, I'm on generator with this defined.”
We're just looking at channels. A lot of terms were thrown out. I wanted to address all of the
different types, but we're going to talk about the very specifics tomorrow. We're going to find one
thing in your chart that we can unlock over the next two days, then teach you how to unlock it. I
will teach you how to best express it. You're going to go forward. You're going to work through
some deconditioning, and you're going to feel very empowered by the end of this, I promise. Even
if you were confused, I appreciate you so much for staying on with me for the full time, for
everyone being here, the conversations. I'm going to go back through and answer as many as I can.
We'll start a question thread. I want to make sure that you're understanding this, so please feel free
to ask questions. I will see you tomorrow as we dive into very detailed and specific things of one
thing. We're putting on the blinders. I've opened you up and I've inspired you with way more
information than you needed. We're going to dive into something super specific that we could
unlock from you. You can walk out of here feeling empowered and like you have this secret
weapon that you could apply to everything in your life. That's the goal. Thank you so much. I'm
excited for tomorrow. The recording will be here in the group and it will stay up in your course
portal by the end of the day. Thank you all so much. I will talk to you soon!

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