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Your Personal Blocks

[00:00:01] We're live. We are in a different location in my house; the experimentation continues.
I'm trying to figure out the lighting here, it's not the best, but it’ll work. Hello, welcome to day
three! I will go ahead and continue just sharing the experiment that I'm going through with this fun
experiment. Hi, everyone. As you're hopping on, as you can tell, we're in a different location. I think
five minutes ago I was set up in the same spot that I've been in, in my office, and I was like, “Okay.
I’ve got a couple of minutes to enjoy this energy. Is there anything that I can do to make this
experience better?” I heard this voice, my intuition, just saying “Change locations. Go get
comfortable somewhere.” So, we’re on the couch. It's not the best lighting situation, but I'm
comfortable. I forgot my outline in the room, so we're just going to go based off of really the
intuitive energy of whatever is happening here today. I'm here for it. I'm going to support it. I'm
going to show up and talk about what we want to talk about, without an outline.
As you can see, there's been some shifts and changes over the past couple of days. This is me
experimenting. This is me figuring things out. This is me changing things because things are never
going to go perfectly the first time. Well, chances are; possibly, yes, they could go perfectly the first
time. But in my experience, it usually takes some trial and error. We had first day, scripted, knew
what I was talking about, really, really excited, high energy day. Yesterday, we brought that energy
back, and that felt really good. We got some really deep discussions from that. I'm curious to know
what a change in environment and a change in comfortability is going to do for me. Because I am in
a common area, I'm home alone, but my dogs might come and join. We might see one of the
puppies hanging out with us today.
But, how are you guys doing? How has day one and day two gone? Tell me what your thoughts are.
Tell me what your breakthroughs have been. I want to hear all of the things that you've been
learning, because we've been learning so much over these past few days. It's been really exciting to
see just the engagement and the level of conversation that everyone is capable of holding. It's
always a fear of mine that maybe I'm being too advanced, or I'm not explaining things well enough.
I'm not going deep enough. Seeing the feedback in the level of depth of the questions you guys are
asking is so advanced, and I'm blown away that you guys are all attuning to my level here. That
feels really good.
I know sometimes Human Design can get, well most of the time, Human Design can get really,
really complicated. There's so many words. There's so many layers. There's so much that we can
talk about. There's so much going on that sometimes I'm afraid that me just talking about it, the way
that I understand it, is going to not resonate with people. It's going too advanced, and then I'm going
to be perpetuating that problem of Human Design being really cool, but complicated. Hopefully the
language has been good. You all seem to be learning a lot, which is exciting.

[3:21] We're going to continue along that conversation of the centers. I actually forgot to mention,
like, the one thing I wanted you guys to think about over yesterday. I wanted you guys to think
about a thing, and then I forgot to even mention it. I guess it wasn't meant to happen. Anyways, we
discussed the high and the low energies, and we discussed the very open and the very defined
spaces in your energy. What do you see the most clearly? What's an area in your chart where you
understand things in a way that other people don't? What is an area where you have a lot of energy
to give a situation?
When you're looking at a Human Design chart with both of those areas, I want you to just kind of
think about the biggest ones. What's the biggest thing that you see? What's the biggest area of
energy that you gain information from? What do you see so clearly that you're always present with
that you know? You have this knowing. We're not going to discuss too much of the strategy and
authority, the action taking steps in this particular video, because I want to make sure that you have
done a little bit of the deconditioning, and you are not holding ourselves back before you can take
action. If I tell you, “This is how you're going to take action”, if you're not confident in yourself, it's
not actually going to help you.
We're going to really do a lot of energetic work today. We're still going to get some action steps.
We're still going to get some details. From the conversations you guys are noticing, the gates and
the channels and the things in your charts that are pulling you into different directions and sparking
your curiosity to dive deeper, which I'm so excited for.

[5:16] Everything is a strength. Let's talk about that. Let's talk about how and why everything is a
strength. I want you to see. Take my perspective and see exactly why I think everything is a
strength. When we're looking at Human Design, we're not looking at who you are, we're not looking
at where you are, we're not looking at what you're doing right now, we're not looking at you. We're
looking at your potential. We're looking at your tool belt. Absolutely everything in the Human
Design chart has a potential to be expressed in very, very enlightened way, and frequency of
essentially enlightenment. You're so high energy in that area that you are essentially enlightened.
Everything in your chart, defined or undefined, can be expressed in that; it can be expressed in that
level of frequency. It's all available to us. All of these things can also be expressed in a very low
The two frequencies that we're dealing with here are the highest and the lowest; when it comes to
creative potential is fear and faith. If you are expressing an energy with a deep sense of fear, you're
expressing it in a shadow. Your motivation for taking that action is unsure. It's uncertain. You're
doubting yourself; you're not going to be able to take that action with certainty. It's in a low
vibration. You're probably feeling shame. You're feeling guilt. Maybe you shouldn't do this. There's
pressure. Essentially when you're in that low frequency, your energy is saying, “Hey, we are not
compatible with this action. Our tools, our design, how we want to operate, how I want to flow is
not compatible with the situation. Something needs to change here”. Everything can be expressed in
a low frequency, defined or undefined. We can experience all of the energy in our chart, all of the
energy everywhere, all of the things you can experience at a low frequency and high frequency.
Nothing is unavailable to you. Everything is available to you.
The highest expression of every single gate in the Human Design chart is available to you, and the
lowest expression of every single gate in the chart is available to you. All the centers, all the
channels, all the lines, it's all available to you. You're going to experience that at some point in your
life. Whether it's personal, where you are expressing it, you're generating that energy or creating it,
you're attuning to it, you're feeling into it, you are casting that spell, and you're making it happen, or
you're around someone and you're feeling it from them, you're experiencing it from the world
around you.

[7:37] Looking at your chart with those areas of definition and undefinition, you can get a general
sense of what things are going to be fun for you to play with, for you to master, for you to grow
into, for you to practice with, for you to personally raise the frequency of those trait expressions.
That's your definition. All of the gates, all of the channels, all of the lines; that's your expression.
That's you. Those are the tools that you get to play with. You get to master, and you get to bring to a
higher and higher frequency.
The ones that are undefined are areas that you also get to learn about. They may not feel as natural
to you, but you sure as heck can see them in other people. These are areas where we like to expose
ourselves to people to see how they operate. Anyone who has a defined G center, if they're in a
really high frequency, I'm in their program. I'm in their containers because I want to see, I want to
learn, what does that look like in its highest expression? Because I can then mimic that. I can
borrow their structure. I can borrow that frequency that they have given me. Essentially, I can
borrow that. That feels good. I'm going to embody this energy of Amanda Francis, or a coach that
I'm working with, or whatever it is. I can borrow that, I can try that on. You are borrowing this
energy because you see it clearly. You're watching, you're observing it, and you're like, “Oh, I can
do that”. It's see it, do it, teach it. That's the energy of the undefined. You see it, you learn how to do
it, you do it yourself, you teach it, and then you're gonna move on and you’re probably going to see
it in a different way. Then, you learn in a different way, and then you're going to try it out a
different way, and you're going to teach in a different way. Those are areas where you're constantly
learning and experiencing the world around you.
Based on your chart, what areas are you most open? Where do you see things clearest? Where do
you pick up on energy the most? Where do you give energy the most?

[9:29] Going through the deconditioning process, I think we should talk about what conditioning is
first. Conditioning is the process of being told something, being taught something, learning
something that goes against that initial first impression. We are learning things throughout our
entire lives. We learn things from our mothers. We learn things from our parents. We learn things
from our home. We learn things from all of the layers. We learn things from the moment we are
born until today. You're currently learning. You're right here. You're here with me learning.
Through this learning process, learning different things, picking up on different things, we hold
onto things that are true. Maybe you see your mother is somebody who has a fear around judgment
from other people. You can tell and you pick up on the sense of, “My mom's afraid of what other
people think of her” Maybe that's in an undefined area, maybe it's in a defined area; it really doesn't
matter where specifically it is, as long as you're able to recognize the pattern. “She has this pattern.
Maybe she's afraid of judgment.” We, collectively, should be afraid of what other people think.
That's something that we need to worry about. You learn that pattern. Before you learned that your
nature may have been “I'm not afraid of what other people think. I don't really care what other
people think”. As a child, you didn't understand that other people had opinions about you. That was
something that you had to learn. Somewhere along the way, you learned other people might think
about you, and they might think things that if they said, would really hurt you. Then we start to get
into this very assumption based situation where we're making guesses, we're making assumptions,
but we're not actually engaging with the present moment.
Let's use an example, you are a loud person. You talk a lot. That's something that's natural for you.
Your mother says, “Hey, you shouldn't talk so much. People might think that you're trying to just
get attention”. Something along those lines. Every time you go to speak from that point on, that
voice in your head may say, “Hey, people might think that you are trying to get attention”. All of a
sudden, every time that you're trying to speak, every time you're using your voice, there's this
energy, there's this fear, there's this pressure of people might think that you're just trying to get
attention. Then you're showing up in the frequency of am I trying to get attention? Should I not be
trying to get attention? Why is attention bad? Why do I want attention? Am I bad for wanting
attention? This can make you can spiral down into a lower expression of that voice.
The lower expression is going to be you're going to hold your voice back. You're not going to speak
when you want to be speaking. You're not going to say the things that you want to say. You're going
to change your language, you’re going to change your voice, you're going to adapt, and you're going
to react to the situation. You're going to let that fear, you're going to let that pressure of what if
people think I'm in this for attention, hold you back from saying the things you actually want to say.
That's a low expression of that throat center. That's a low expression of your energy; it’s holding
yourself back because somewhere along the line you learn something.
This is conditioning. Conditioning is where we learn something, we pick up on a pattern that goes
against our nature. As time goes on, we get more conditioned, more conditioned, more conditioned,
more conditioned, and essentially, this really limits the range in which you can express things, is
really what this limits. It limits the range in which you are able to express your specific traits. All of
a sudden it's not, “I'm just speaking. I need to speak in a way that's going to get my message across,
make sure that people understand it, it's going to not offend anybody, and I want to be controlling
the thoughts that you have about me to make sure that you're not judging me”. All of a sudden,
there's so much expectation, there's so much pressure on that voice. It's no longer me showing up
and talking, which is the simple, higher expression. That's the simplicity of it. It's just me talking.
It's just me saying things. It's me making sounds in my living room at this point. If it becomes
something bigger, all of a sudden, expressing your energy is a big deal. All of a sudden, showing up
to talk is a big deal, because it's no longer just you showing up to talk, it's you showing up to talk in
a way that's not going to bring judgment, that's going to make sure that people see you a certain
way, you're controlling the narrative, you’re controlling what other people think of you, you're
saying in a way that's not offensive, you're limiting your expression. You're conditioning yourself to
show up in a way that goes against your nature. You put boundaries around who you get to be and
how you get to express yourself.
If those areas where you learned yesterday, you have a lot of power, if those are things that are not
simple for you, are not I just show up and talk or I just follow my truth or I just ask the questions
when I feel like asking the questions, I share my opinions when I share the opinions, I ride my
emotions and I trust my emotions, or if it's splenic center, I trust my intuition and I know that I can
work through fear, the root center I know that I can handle pressure, I know that I'm ambitious. If it
doesn't feel simple, then there's a lot of conditioning in that area. Feels like, “I want to do that. But
because of this, this, this, this, this, this person, this person, this situation, the way that this situation
is playing out, the people involved, the history here”, if you have reasons for why it cannot be
simple, that is conditioning. That is saying in this container that I am in, my reality, it'd be cool if I
could express this trait, I have this trait, I have this strong voice, but maybe if I can prove it. In this
container, I can't express my voice the way that I want to express it.
If you're limiting yourself to that, because all of a sudden the only way for you to express your
voice is if it meets these expectations then all of a sudden you're trying to make sure you're trying to
control when I speak, it needs to look like this. What do I need to do in order to make it look like
this? Then it's this game of what do I need to do? What do I need to change? How can I show
differently to make sure that no one judges me? That my voice is hurt, that people trust me, the
people see that I'm not reckless, how can I prove it to other people? All of the sudden, your actions,
you sharing your voice, you sharing your message, you talking about what's on your heart, all of a
sudden that doesn't become about talking about what's on your heart. It has nothing to do with that.
It becomes “can I prove that I am worthy of speaking my message and allowing people to hear me?
Am I good enough for people to not judge me? Am I relatable enough?” All of a sudden you're not
trying to get your message across, you're not trying to speak what's on your heart, you have this
entire other agenda. You are redirecting your energy. You're trying to go against the grain and
manipulate the situation to make sure that it shows up a certain way for you.
This is conditioning, and over time you're going to feel more and more and more limited. You're
going to constrict yourself, and all of a sudden you feel like you can't move. Because at this point,
multiple places in your energy, big pieces of your energy, are locked into these patterns of “the only
way that I can express this is if it looks like this, this, this, this, this and this”. You hold these traits
dormant, and you hold this power inside of you until you can figure out how to make sure that
everything looks a certain way. You feel safe. You can have the things you want. You do the
surface level things. You try to make the superficial situation look a certain way. So then maybe it's
safe for you to express it. Once you have a million dollar business, then you can speak your truth.
Once you've built the funnels, then you can run the course you want to run. Once you have the
testimonials, then you can charge what you actually feel like you're worth, or the actual price that
you want to create. Once you do this, then you can do that. That's conditioning. That's saying there's
another step between me and my power.
What I want to tell you today, the goal of today, is to show you that just because there's
conditioning on the surface, just because there's reasons, doesn't mean you need to understand all of
the things that are holding you back. If you go down to that core level of your power, you can
access these traits. Is it going to feel scary sometimes? Yes. Are you capable of it? More than
capable of it. I believe in you. I believe in you a lot. I know you can do this. We want to get out of
our heads. We want to get out of this micromanaging situation where we're overthinking our actions
over thinking, “am I doing this correctly? Am I doing this correctly?”

[18:03] The testimonials are so relevant. I had barely any; I struggled to get testimonials. I hated
asking for them. I launched the programs that I wanted to launch, and then they kind of just started
flowing in naturally. It's interesting when we think we need to have this in order to prove this.
[18:16] Conditioning can happen in any area. It can happen in any area, and it's going to look a
different way. Let's talk about the difference between defined conditioning and undefined
conditioning, because I want you to be working on both of these, so that we're removing these
blocks so you feel confident enough to take action with your power.
In the defined areas, it's going to feel like you're really good at this and it's really easy for you, and
then someone says you shouldn't do that. It's going to be a pulling back energy. You're too much.
You're too ambitious. You're going to make someone feel bad. That's a big one: stop showing off.
Stop showing off. You're making this person feel bad.
You feel this sense of holding back where you're just showing up, you're living your life as a child,
you're living your life and experiencing things then you are told you can't do that, and that's too
much. Again, there's multiple types of conditioning. This can show up in different ways, all of the
time. This is where we're looking at conditioning in your personal experience, in your personal life,
and then we'll apply it to your chart and see what's going on. It's going to change and shift for
everyone. Typically what we experience in our defined centers are going to be our defined gates,
different channels, all of the definition is going to be the sense of “I'm too much, I need to create a
safe situation, find the right people, find the right place, and then maybe I can express this”. Or it's
going to be a sense of shame of “why do I want to do this when everyone else is fully satisfied with
all of the things that I should be satisfied with?”
There's a disconnect. “I am different. I'm not good enough. I'm too much. I don't fit in.” This is
where you're going to start to feel boxed in. Energetically your energy feels boxed in. Teddy
jumped up. Here's the puppy. For everyone who wanted to see.
In your defined areas, you tend to hold yourself back more. It's more of a sense of “I'm too much”
rather than a sense of “I'm not good enough.”

[20:36] Where we start to compare ourselves to others and where we start to have that comparison,
this sense of “I am not good enough”, that's where we're going to see it in the undefined centers.
Typically the undefined centers are focused on for conditioning. I have seven centers defined,
which meant that most of my conditioning was actually in my defined centers.
In your undefined centers, the undefined areas, this is where, again, you have this clear vision. You
see exactly how other people are doing things. If you have, let's say, an undefined ego center, you
may look at me and you may be able to tune into my energy. You see the business that I've built, the
things that I have done, and you can say, “Oh, well, she has this sense of self-worth. She feels like
she's important. She knows her values. She feels valued. She feels worthy. I should feel worthy, and
then I'll be able to do what she does. If I can just have this thing, this thing that I feel really strongly
in her energy, this is the difference between her and me. If I could just do this, then I'd be better.
Then I could have the money. Then it would be safe for me to express my things”. The
conditioning, it's happening everywhere. These undefined areas are where you're going to judge
yourself. We'll go through the centers again to talk about the non-self themes of defined and
undefined. That's been the goal for the day.
Everything in it has the potential to be expressed in really high energy, and you can be told that
anything is wrong.
We have this pattern. Typically what happens with our energy is we observe things; if we're in,
we're not taking too rash of action. We are observing things in our undefined areas. We're looking at
things. We're comparing ourselves to the situation. We are judging things. We’re trying to
understand things. We're seeing, “What am I missing here? What am I missing here? What am I
missing here?” If that question is running the show, if that question is the motivating starting point
of your inner thoughts, your actions, everything that you do, it's like windows in your energy. If you
have a house, it's the windows. You can see everything out on the street and you just stand there and
watch. Watch and observe all of the things that are happening.
Those are going to be areas where you're going to observe. You're going to see what's going on
outside of you, and you can either judge it as, “She's like very basic.” Maybe she's wearing a pink
hat. “I need a pink hat in order to go live on video, or I need to wear this. Everyone else is blond. I
should dye my hair blond”. You start to see things, you start to notice patterns, then think you
should do that, and then you will be good enough and then you’ll have the thing that you want.
That's the difference.
In undefined areas, you're actually really good at seeing through them, because you're comparing
yourself and you're judging yourself to everyone around you, based on those factors. You
understand self-worth. If you have an undefined Ego center, you understand self-worth; you see it
in other people. Just because you can't conjure the feeling yourself all of the time doesn't mean that
you're not worthy. You know exactly what self-worth looks like. You know exactly what it feels
like, and you can access that if you desire to. But if you're in this energy of, I'm missing this, I need
this in order to get where I want to go, that's a low expression of an undefined ego center. The high
expression is, I can get where I want to go even without feeling worthy. I can get where I want to
go, even if I don't know what I want. I don't know where I want to go, I can still go to really
awesome places.
Your undefined centers, you see this clearly already. I know that there's a lot of comparison, and
there's a lot of focus on deconditioning the undefined centers. Really, you see it clearly. The key
here is, are you judging yourself and comparing yourself, and can you let go of this?
When we are starting to shift this conversation into recognizing patterns, into taking action, there's
two things that you can do. We can hold on to energy and we can let go of energy. Typically in our
undefined centers, the higher expression is being able to hold that space, being able to let go of that
energy, so you can watch it, you can observe it, and you can learn it at a deeper level. In your
undefined energies, those are things that you want to let go of. If we're talking about manifestation,
that sense of self worth that you're craving, you want to run a multiple six figure business, you see
somebody who's running a multiple six figure business, you see her sense of self-worth, and you
think you need to have that energy of worthiness and then you’ll be able to build the business.
When really that's where you receive energy. What you're going to do is you don't need that sense
of worthiness before you can build the business, you can build the business, and then you're going
to receive that sense of worthiness. You're going to build this company and think, This is what I'm
worthy of. This is what I deserve. This is what I desired”. It's more after the fact. If you're trying to
fill that space, you're trying to get that thing, have that thing, hold on to that energy, you're holding
yourself back. When you're holding on to the energy “I need to feel worthy of the multiple six
figure business. I need to feel worthy of the dream body” or “I need to feel worthy of the soulmate,
the clients”, whatever it is for you, “I need to feel worthy of it and then it'll happen”, you're holding
onto your current sense of self-worth, which is “Here I am. I'm in this place and I want to go there,
but I'm not worthy of it”. That's the energy that you're saying. That's the shadow speaking.
The higher expression of this is, “I think that I could create a multiple six figure business. I think
that I could call in a soulmate. I think that I could find someone who is really an awesome partner. I
think that I could do this”, and then you get to hold space for that experience to happen, and when
that experience happens, that's when you're going to see and you're going to understand through
your sight what you're actually worthy of.
Your environment, that transpersonal experience in your undefined centers, you see it mirrored in
other people. It's not something you're going to conjure all the time. You're not going to have the
sense of “I feel worthy”. You're not supposed to hold on to worthiness. You're not supposed to hold
on to that. You get to observe it. You get to see it. You have a different relationship with self-worth
than people who have it defined.

[27:36] Definition, these are things that you get to strengthen. These are like your muscles. If you
have these traits, these tools, it can be in a low expression as well. I've had very low self-worth in
my life. I have worked very, very, very hard to build my self-worth and to grow it. It's something
that, again, it's like a muscle. I've strengthened it over time. I've strengthened it over the years,
several years of effort, and now it's something that I am able to hold self-worth at a high frequency.
You guys, if it's undefined for you or if it's defined for you now, you can feel that from me. It's not
just me, it's transpersonal. I've generated it for myself. I don't care if you can feel it. I don't care if
you get it. It's something that I feel, and I don't need anyone else to feel it. But you can feel it.
Your defined areas are where you get to hold a frequency that other people get to calibrate to. It's a
gift. You get to come up to my level and match me here. You get to feel what I am feeling. You can
also pull people down. I've emotionally pulled people down. I was an emotionally toxic teenager,
very emotionally toxic teenager. I could project my emotions on people. I can emotionally dump on
people. I have done that. That's a low expression of my emotional intelligence.
Anything can be expressed in a high or low frequency. The trick from getting from wherever you
are now to where you want to go, the first thing you want to do is you've got to figure out what's
going on. What patterns are you experiencing? Where are you holding yourself back? Where do you
want to be expressing yourself more fully? What do you still feel like you need before you can
achieve the things that you want? What judgments are you making, what comparisons are you
making? This is deconditioning.

[29:30] Let's go through the centers. Let's talk about them. Let's start with the head center. We’ll go
kind of in the same pattern that we did yesterday.
The low expression of the defined head center is projecting, this too much energy. It's pushing it
out. The defined head center in its low expression can be asking a lot of questions, and putting this
pressure on other people to answer your questions. Why? What? How is this happening? Why is it
happening? Can I do this? Streams and streams of questions that can make people feel like, “I don't
know. I don't know. Please stop asking me questions, I don't know”. The high frequency is again,
it’s a projected trait, pushing the right questions, asking the inspiring question, choosing the best
one. This is where you get to be in a space of abundance with your energy. If you're afraid of your
inspirational questions, if you're afraid that your inspiration is enough, the questions you have are
enough, if you're judging yourself, “My questions aren't good enough. My inspiration isn't good
enough”, that energy isn't good enough, if you're judging yourself for it, it's not going to be good
enough. You can get in this frantic energy of needing to give more and more, more, more, more. All
of the questions, and then will be valuable. When in reality, if you're in the higher expression, you
can recognize that, yes, there's a billion questions that you could ask, what's the one that's going to
make the biggest difference? What question do you want to ask? Then it's no longer overwhelming,
then you have impact, then you have depth, then you've narrowed it down, limited yourself enough
to where you can go deep instead of frantically surface level, trying to figure out all of these
missing threads. Follow one thread. Don't look at all of them. Follow one thread through.

[31:16] The undefined head center, you can see that's mine searching for words, “what am I talking
about?” The undefined head center, the lower frequency is going to be searching for answers.
What's the answer to this question? You're picking up on and you see the questions that are all over
the place, and then your brain is like, “ That's a lot of questions. I need to find answers”. Where's
the answer to this? Where's the answer to this? Where's the answer to this? Oh, my gosh. What's the
secret that everyone knows that I don't know. You’re in a state of lack around “I don't have enough
inspiration. I don't have the answers. I am missing information. There's something I am missing”.
You’re in a state of lack there.
The high frequency is, “If I don't know something, it will come to me. I don't need to search for it.
If I need to know something, it's going to come to me.” It's not something you generate, it's not
something you need to create, it's something that you get to allow to come to you through your
environment, through other people.

[32:14] Moving down to the Ajna center. The Ajna center is understanding. It’s certainty, thinking
things through. The low frequency of defined is going to be this sense of trying to push your
opinions on other people; you need to understand this. You don't get it. It's pushing. It's pushing this
energy on other people.
The higher expression is, if you want to know my opinions, if you want to ask them if you want my
stories, if you want my insights and I feel that invitation, I’ll give you the one that you're looking
for, I'll give you the perspective. I'll share it. If it's aligned for you, if it's going to help you. It’s not
trying to push the energy, recognizing that when I share my opinions, when I share those details,
when I share my perspective, it's exactly what's needed.
Trusting in your power is going to be a key theme you're going to see in these defined centers.
Trusting that enough is enough. A little bit is enough. You don't need to give all of your energy in
order for it to be powerful. You can give a little bit, you can generate a little bit in a high frequency,
and it can be more impactful. A little bit of energy at a higher frequency is more impactful than a lot
of energy at a low frequency. That's the goal that defined energy.

[33:25] Moving this to the examples we were using yesterday around magic and spells. If you want
to use a piece of energy, what you can do is you're going to use those undefined centers and see
what's going on here, what in my energy would I like to apply to the situation? If there's something
happening, you're absorbing that, you're picking up on information, you're looking a layer deeper.
You're using your intuitive senses to see what's going on at a deeper level of awareness here.
You tune in in those undefined areas, and if you know what your undefined areas are, you know the
questions to ask, you know what to look for. For me in that undefined G center and undefined head
center, I say, “What questions are flying around?” I just listen to the questions that are going around
in my head. I know that I don't ask the questions, the questions in my head, the questions I typically
hear, they're from all over the place. They're from the moment. I ask different questions today than I
did yesterday. The answers are going to come to me if they need to come to me, I'm not going to
search for it. It's not something I'm supposed to search for, that undefined G center, who is this
person being? What's the dynamic? Where is everybody in this? I can tune into that. I can look at
that, then I can decide and make a decision of what I want to apply to the situation. What can I give
the situation that would benefit? What frequency could I hold and express in a really high energy
that would make the situation better? That could be understanding. If I'm applying my Ajna, if that's
something that's being invited, I'm going to speak in details. I know what that channel is, and this is
where understanding the channels is really powerful and understanding the gates.
Specifically for the 17-62, what this does is it understands or this translates my perspective, my
understanding, how my brain conceptualizes and sees, the dashboard in my head. The
organizational dashboard in my head, my channel, we have collective circuitry. It wants to benefit
the collective. It's looking for big picture things. We have gate 17, which is opinions. Specifically,
what do I think about this? It's logical circuitry. Logically, what do I think about this? It's
organizational. My brain is very organized. It's like a dashboard, very literally; folders, it's messy,
but it's a little bit organized. Things are color coded-ish with directions. If I'm trying to apply what I
know to a situation, I know that that for me is expressed unconsciously, but in order for me to
translate my perspective into a voice, into words, those words are going to be really detailed. I
speak a lot. There's a lot of words. I tend to go around in a circle, get the energy, and then
sometimes that last line of that, this is what I'm saying will come through. It's an opinion “This is
kind of what I think,” and then this detail, “This is specifically what's happening here. Here's the
logic behind it. Here's the details of how the situation works. Here's all of the little steps, and now
you understand it”.
It needs to be invited. First of all, that's really helpful. It's invited. Through me talking that way,
through me knowing that I need to be detailed, using the root word for that channel is “I think”, so
if I say “I think” that I know that I'm calling on that specific channel. I'm saying, can I share my
perspective? Can I help people see things in a different way? Can I share my opinion? Would that
benefit someone to see things differently? That's how I apply that channel to a situation.
If my undefined head center senses there's a lot of questions, there is a lot of confusion, there’s a lot
of frantic energy searching for questions, I can use my definition, I can use my details to say,
“You've got all these questions. I can see you have a lot of questions. Here's my opinion. Here's the
details of my opinion. Here's specifically what I think.” I can calm that head center energy for you, I
can give you what you want, and I make you feel better.

[37:47] We've gone through two centers, but that's the process. I pick up on where people are. Who
are you right now? Where do you want to go? That's a visual part that I'm able to tune into, and then
I can apply my definition to the situation. You get to do this in all of the areas. You get to do this
wherever you want. This is how you get to call on your personal power instead of calling on that
memory of, “My mom once said that if I talk, I'm going to be too loud, and I need to make sure that
I'm judging myself, and not doing this”, and pulling yourself back. You can say, “This is what the
situation wants and this is what I know I can give to the situation”. Here's this little piece of energy.
I'm going to move on.
Once you've mastered this, you get to spend a lot less time overthinking. You spend a lot less time
worrying, stressing, and feeling guilty. Those patterns are probably still going to come up, I still
experience them, but you get to move through that and you can simplify. All of a sudden it becomes
you're just showing up to talk on video, or all of a sudden it just becomes you're sharing your
opinion because you felt like it. And, it doesn't matter. You sharing your opinion doesn't need to fit
that parameter of what you said it needed to be. It doesn't have those expectations. You sharing your
voice doesn't need to make sure people approve of you and micromanage the perspective of you and
make sure that it fits who they think you are and make sure that you don't feel judged and make sure
that everyone understands every single word that you said, and that they agree with you. It doesn't
need to be that anymore. It can just be I felt like sharing my opinions. I shared it, and I think
someone will benefit from it. Cool. I'm going to do me and you do you. That's the difference. That's
where I want you to get.

[39:31] Understanding again, all the details, of course, as always. The defined Ajna conditioning is
a sense of you're close minded. For me, there is really this fear of “they're just not going to get it. I
see things a certain way, and people just don't get me. They don't understand the world the way I
understand it.” I understand energy, always have. It's always just been there. It's never been
something that I felt safe sharing because there was always this complacency of “they're not going
to understand it, even if I try. There's no point in trying to share my opinion. No one's listening. No
one cares. No one wants it”. The other frequency, a hyperactive shadow, can be I have an opinion
and I need to make sure that everyone hears me.
The defined Ajna, typically the conditioning is going to be like a more hyperactive sense. It can be
just like pressure of why can't you see it my way? It can be very argumentative, because you see
things a certain way. If other people don't see it your way, it's essentially being closed minded.
“Why are you not understanding? Let's get this through your thick skull!” is essentially the defined
Ajna conditioning.

[41:11] Defined Ajna and undefined throat, how do you express? You have to trust that throat.
That's a channel that's being shared, it doesn't necessarily have to just come through your voice. It's
still an energetic thing that's being shared. If your throat center is defined or not defined, it doesn't
necessarily matter. You can still express, asking those questions and sharing your opinion, that's
still something you can express having a defined or undefined throat center does not limit your
ability to speak, limit your ability to talk. Good question though.

[41:40] The undefined Ajna, there's this sense of “I have no idea what's true. I don't know what's
going on, I don't know. I don't know. I need to have an opinion”. The undefined Ajna searches for
certainty. “I need to be certain. I need to be certain. I need to know. I want to know for sure. I want
to know for sure. I want to know for sure.” In the lower frequencies, it can have this pushing
energy. There's typically a pushing energy that's associated with the shadows. It's very dense. It's
very, very intense.
If you're comparing yourself to other people, it depends on where the trigger is going to be,
typically, if you compare yourself to other people in your Ajna, you can look at other people and
say they're just so certain of their opinion, they just have a system, they have a framework, they just
know. You want to know, so you start to search for this knowing energy and the sense of certainty.
“I need to have an opinion. I need to have strong opinions.”

[43:12] The throat center. We talked about the shadows of the defined throat center a little bit
yesterday. It’s feeling like you need to hold your voice back, or the hyperactive shadow can be the
sense of, again, pushing your voice, demanding to be heard, demanding talking over people.

[43:34] The undefined throat center, the conditioning there can again, it can either be the sense of
“no one's going to hear me, so what's the point anyways?”, or it can be the sense of “no one hears
me, I need to speak over them. I need to get attention. Why don't they hear me? What can I do to
make sure that people can hear me? What do I need to do differently to get this attention that other
people just get so easily?” It's searching for that attention.
[43:54] The undefined areas, you're going to see this pattern of what are you searching for? You're
searching. You have this sense of I lack this, I want more of it. I need this. It's you reaching for it.
You're trying to grasp onto it. You're trying to hold onto it, because you're in a state of lack. In the
shadow of your undefined centers, you're typically going to be in a state of lack.
In the shadow of your defined centers, this is going to be that area where it needs to be a specific
situation in order for you to express it. You're trying to micromanage it, you're saying it can't just
happen if it's going to happen, it needs to look like this and this and this and this and this. There's
high expectations, and sometimes it can get so restrictive that you think there’s no point. “It’s never
going to match all of these things, it’s never going to be possible for me.” You dim yourself in that

[44:40] The throat center, that communication. It’s about attention. It can be that you're afraid of too
much attention. “Attention is bad. I shouldn't be searching for attention. I don't want to look like I'm
asking for attention.” That's typically defined throat center patterns. I don't want to look like I'm
asking for it. I don’t want to look like I'm asking for attention. The undefined throat center, if not
searching for what can I do to make sure that people see me? What can I do to be heard? What can I
do? Searching for what you need to do in order to fill the gap and fill this void.

[45:19] Moving down to the G center. The G center deals with that sense of self, self-love, and
direction. Who am I? Where am I going? Do I deserve to be loved? Big questions there.
Who am I and where am I going? If you have this center defined, you have this strong sense of this
is who I am and this is where I'm going. But for you, it's going to feel like that's the wrong
direction. The way that you do it is incorrect. You need to be doing it differently. You need to be
doing it less.
The defined G center has a strong sense of self. You know who you are, you know where you're
going, and it can feel like this path that I'm being led on doesn't match other people. It doesn't work.
It doesn't fit in. It's not correct. There's something wrong with it. It's weird. I'm different. I'm too
much. “I'm too much” is going to be really strong or “I'm too unique”, this thing about me is going
to make me unlovable. It's something that you feel like you can't change. There's this guilt around
feeling like you have this thing, it's not going to change, but it's bad. That's really the root of the
conditioning. “I have this thing, but the way that I do it, the way that it is in me is somehow bad
compared to other people.”

[46:50] The shadows of the undefined G center are going to be what I need to do to figure out who I
am, and figure out where I'm supposed to be going and make myself lovable. I know that one very
intimately, it's a big shadow of mine that I've done a lot of conditioning.
It’s this what do I need to do to fill this void? What do I need to do to feel like I'm lovable? It’s
searching for what do I need to change, and who do I need to be to make people love me? What's
wrong with me that other people don't love me?
This is like searching for an answer, versus the defined which is typically I have this thing and like
this is the problem. This is the problem, I'm too loud. Right? It’s something that you already trust in
it. You're just judging it already. You know what your power is, that's why Human Design resonates
so much. “I know that I have that, but I've always thought that it was bad. Yeah, I know that I'm
loud. I know that I have a strong sense of self. I know this, but I've always thought it was bad”.
That's defined conditioning. “I know that's me, but I was told it was bad.”,
The high expression of the G center is this is who I am, this is where I'm going, I love me, and so it
doesn't matter if you love me. I don't need you to love me.
The undefined center is going to be “Even if I can't always see where I'm going, even if I don't
know what I'm supposed to be doing, who I am, where I'm going, I know that I'm going somewhere,
and I can calibrate to whatever the situation is calling me”. It’s saying “I don't need to know who I
am and where I'm going in order to take action. I don't need this, in order to get there.
That's the whole point. You want to let go of these spaces that are undefined; that's where we're
letting go of energy. You don't need that to get where you're going. The things that you have, you
don't need to feel ashamed of what you have.

[49:10] What if I know that I have something, but I don’t consider it bad, how can I access that ?
This is conditioning. We're talking about that conditioning around maybe at some point in your life
you were told that you were not good enough. The whole point is that you feel confident enough
that you trust in these gifts to access that. That's what I want to give you. Right now, we're
swimming through the confusion, and swimming through all of the reasons why you're holding
yourself back. If I tell you, “Hey, go do this.” You’re like, “Yeah, but I still feel like this piece of
me is bad.” You're not going to take the action that I'm going to tell you to do. Doesn't matter if it's
correct, doesn't matter if it's the right thing. You could also take the action and it's not going to work
for you because you're still in this energy of shame around “I know that I have this, but like, it didn't
work. It's not good.” You're still going to have this energetic misalignment.
The actions are just containers. This video is me showing up. It's a container. This is a container that
we're in. It's a container for me to do certain things. The actions that you take are containers for the
energy behind it. If you're taking action, I want you to take action. I want you to be able to hold a
high amount of energy behind it, because the goal is that as you start applying these, as you start to
share this and apply this here, and hold a high frequency. I want you to be able to share a lot. I want
you to calibrate your energy to really, really high levels, so that when you're sharing these traits,
you don't have to talk yourself into it. You trust it so deeply and so much that you know you are
worthy. Nothing can shake you, and then you're holding a frequency that's so high that the people
around you have no choice but to calibrate to your level. That's the goal of this work. You have to
trust in your ability to take the action before you can take the action.

[51:06] How do you hold the high frequency? It's natural for you. If it's in your undefined energy,
it's going to be knowing what the frequency is, and being able to recognize the shadows, and you're
never going to hold it all of the time. All of the shadows that we have, the gift is actually through
the shadow.
Let's talk about patience. This is a really good example. You become a patient person, not when
things are moving quickly, but when things are moving very slowly, and you're feeling the sense of
impatience and you have to overcome it. Patient people deal with impatience all of the time. They
just choose to handle it differently. They choose to say, “I'm impatient, I'm going to step back. I'm
going to change my energy to being patient. I'm not going to let this impatience get to me. I’m not
going to let this impatience that I'm feeling dictate my actions.” You can take action with patience
or impatience.
Let's say you sent an email to somebody, and you sent it to them three days ago. You can send an
email where the energetics of the email can say the same words “Hey, just following up”, that can
in the energy of impatience, if you're reading that impatience. If you're reading it and the energy of
those words is, “Just checking in, did you get my email?” That’s saying “I'm impatient. I need to get
going.” You can have that energy or it can have a slower more patient sense. There's a very
different energy, but it can be the exact same words. This is where a container for the energetic
The energetic experience, the action that you took was sending an email. I don't care if you send the
email; what matters is what's underneath the email. What's the energy that you're sending the email
with? Doesn't matter what you do, it matters what the energy is that you're in when you do it. That’s
the experience. That's the energy that's been translated. Ninety-nine percent of the action is in the
energy. That's why we need to focus on the energy, and make sure the energy is clear.
This, you being here, this is you learning how to hold a higher frequency. This is you doing it.
I've been an impatient person. I deal with impatience all of the time. It’s something I'm working
through, and something that I get to practice all the time. It gets easier and easier with practice.

[53:47] The sacral center. The sacral center is a really big source of conditioning. It's a really big
source of conditioning. I think that the shadow that we're going to talk about here in this sacral
center is probably going to resonate with most people. I mean that for defined and undefined. The
sacral center deals with lifeforce energy, creativity, creating things, pushing things into existence.
There is creative force building battery energy that we have in the sequel center.
The low expression of this is how it's designed to operate responsively. “That sounds like a good
idea. Oh, that sounds fun. I like that. Yes, yes, yes, yes. No, no, no. Yes and no.” That's how this
works. These yeses and these nos. It's really asking do I want to do this, or do I not want to do this?
Essentially it’s saying, do I want to give life to this experience or do I not want to give life to this
experience? Does giving life to this experience feel like it's draining me, or does giving life to this
experience also give life to me? You're giving life to something when you're there. You're present,
you're paying attention to it. You're bringing your conscious focus to it. We all give life to things,
it's just going to show up a little bit differently, whether the center is defined or undefined. Do you
want to give life to the situation? Do you want to experience it?
This is an area that generates energy. It's a battery. It's a big battery. If you're giving life to things
over and over and over again, this is physical effort, sometimes, it can be energetic effort, but right
now, a lot of the information around the sacral center is it is very physical. This is corporate
America. This is every single person working in their job. This is your vocation. This is you going
to work. It is you accessing this lifeforce, you give life to your job. When you're there putting an
effort, putting in energy, you are giving life to that experience. You're giving life there.
The low expression is when there's a disconnect between the energy that you are putting into
something and the energy that you are getting out of it. That is being out of alignment with your
sacral center.

[56:29] If it's defined, you're going to feel frustrated. You’ll feel so frustrated because you are
giving life to something, you are putting energy into something, you're putting effort into
something, and you're getting nothing in return. I lasted six weeks as the nurse on the floor, all of
six weeks. Showing up there, I was showing up, I was putting in the energy, I was putting in the
hours, I was there, I was giving energy, and there was nothing coming back. I was so frustrated. I
was so frustrated. It was supposed to look a certain way. I got the degree, got the job, and I wanted
to last at least two years. That was my goal. I had a contract for two years. It was supposed to look a
certain way. I was like, “No, I need to show up. I need to show up, I need to show up”. Then, I'm
crying on the way home from work. I'm mad at home, and I'm not present. It pulls you away, and
then you're in the energy of “I'm just frustrated. I don't want to do this. I don't want to be here. This
is not giving me life. It's draining me. It's completely draining me”.
This is corporate America right now. This is a lot of people. A lot of people are going to resonate
with this. I read a statistic that I think there is only 30 percent of people after the pandemic are
planning to go back to their jobs. There are a lot of people who recognize that after you got the
ability to stay home, after the lockdown, after things changed, you recognize just how much that job
or that position, that location, that thing that you're doing doesn't actually feel good. You got that
break, and now you see just how frustrated you were. All of a sudden you got to rest. You've got to
slow down a little bit. You got to take a break. Now, you’re like, “Why do I have to go back?” Now
you've experienced this freedom, going back to that level of restriction, that level of conditioning
around that center that you've had, the level of constriction that you've had around your energy
holding on to all of those things that you were holding onto, it doesn't feel good. It doesn't feel
possible. It feels really far. It feels really out of your reach; feels daunting. In that moment, you feel
like you have lost your personal power. You feel like you don't have a choice. You feel like there
aren't options; you have to do this. Even though it's sucking your soul out, you have to do it, for X,
Y and Z reasons. That's the shadow of the sacral center.
When you have it defined, there are things that light you up. There are things that you want to be
doing. There's typically this thing that you want to be doing, the thing that lights you up, the thing
that feels so, so, so, so good, is bad. You're judging it. You're judging the things that light you up.
You're judging the things that feel good to you.

[59:58] I was building a really successful business, this is a really good example. What lit me up
was my business. I was making six figures in my business, and was still feeling like I had to show
up full time to this job that was sucking my soul. Again, I only lasted six weeks. That's the
difference. This thing that was lighting up, I was like, “That's not sustainable enough. It's not
acceptable enough. People are going to judge me for it. They're going to think that I'm weird.”
Jessica is my sister-in-law. She's one of the people that I was afraid was going to judge me or think
that I'm weird. I thought she would think that I had this weird little witchy business, but now she’s
on my team. She's here on this live call.
It's the difference between “Are you going to give away your personal power in that moment?”, or
“Are you going to allow yourself to make a decision, even though could potentially be really scary,
but it's what lights you up?”

[1:00:48] That's a big thing for Generators. Seventy percent of the population have this sensation of
what lights me up and what I want to be doing, even if what you want to be doing is nothing. If it's
resting, if it's sleeping, if it's just laying on the couch for a week because you need it. What you
want to be doing is not what you have to be doing, what you should be doing. What lights you up is
wrong for some, some reason; that's the shadow of the sacral center. Turning it around, you need to
do the things that you want to do. Very literally, just giving yourself permission to taking a nap, if
that's what you're wanting, if that's what you're craving, give yourself the ability to take a nap.
I've been reading romance books for the past month, hours a day, because that's what's lighting me
up right now. If you follow that without guilt, that's when you're actually accessing your personal
power. You're not guilty, you have nothing to be ashamed of. You have nothing to feel guilty for.
You should not feel guilty for just being yourself, for wanting things, for having desires, for
enjoying your life. You should not feel guilty for that. I feel like the world has made you feel guilty
for it.

[1:02:08] So the undefined sacral center, the shadow here is: I should want to do something.
Everyone else wants to do things, they've found what they love. They found something that gives
them joy, I should want that too; I should have that. I should have passion. I should be excited. I
should have something that I cannot wait to keep working on. I should be able to find something
that I like and that I can keep showing up for. I should be able to work more. I should be able to
give more. I should be able to do this.
You have this guilt around “I shouldn’t have this” in the defined energy, and “I should” in the
undefined energy. I should put more here. I should put more effort in. Why can't I keep up? Why
can't I work as hard as everyone else? Why am I always tired? Because, again, it's draining you.
You experience that satisfaction from the situation. If you're working in an environment where
everybody is satisfied, where everybody is having fun, where everybody is enjoying themselves,
and where you're enjoying yourself as well, the situation is going to give you that sense of
satisfaction. It's not something you generate. It's not something you're designed to bring to the
situation. It's something you're designed to experience from the situation.
The undefined sacral center, you're not bad. You're not bad for having the energy that you have. If
you don't want to be working a billion hours a week, you don't have to be working a billion hours a
week. Your effort does not equal the results. That's a huge one for that undefined sacral center.

[1:03:44] The root center deals with pressure. Defined root, the shadow here is going to be the sense
of: I have this pressure that I need to keep moving, and I should stop. For me, the pressure in my
root center is very much like “I need to get better at things. I need to improve things. I need to get
the most out of things”. It's this constant pressure of I need to do more; I want to do more. I want to
do more. I want to hit the next level. I'm planning like three levels ahead. I'm going to go far; I’m
going to do big things. There can be the sense of: I should be satisfied with where I am. I shouldn't
be pushing for anything else, I should be satisfied here. I should hold myself back.
You have shame around “I shouldn't feel this pressure. I should be able to relax right now. I should
be able to do this.” I shouldn't have the sense of wanting to move really quickly and needing to get
things fast.
Especially for women with a defined root center, it's like, “Whoa, you're being pushy. Stop being so
pushy. Just relax. It's fine. Slow down”. You want to get there now though; there is this pressure in

[1:05:20] The undefined root center, it's this sense of shame and guilt around: I should want to keep
going. I should want more. Am I settling right? It's the sense of are people going to think that I'm
settling? I need to keep pushing. I need to keep evolving. I need to be moving faster. That's a really
big one for that root center, is the sense of speed and faster.

[1:05:43] Yeah. A lot of generators are living in the defined sacral shadow, but no one talks about
it. No one talks about the fact that 70 percent of the population, one of the most defined centers,
collectively is being expressed in this shadow. Of course, it's a big issue, probably 70 percent of the
population is expressing it in a shadow. Our collective experience is dissatisfying work, and we're
seeing proof of that in the comments, we're seeing proof of that in your personal experiences. We're
seeing proof of that in the fact that only 30 percent of the population wants to go back to their jobs
after this pandemic.
People are looking for a change. They're looking for something different because they're
recognizing that where they were, isn't working. We're already deconditioning collectively a little
bit, but yes, a lot of generators are out of alignment, and we're not talking about it. It's being
amplified by everyone with the undefined sacral center, and the collective experience is lower in the
sacral center energy that we're all experiencing.

[1:07:09] Highest expression of the root center is, again, it's trusting that I have a sense of timing, I
have a sense of pressure that I'm going to express in a way that is healthy. I'm not going to let this
pressure overcome me. I'm not going to say I need to constantly be moving; I'm going to recognize
that there's some pressure that wants to be applied to the situation. I'm going to apply some pressure
to the situation. I'm going to push myself. Can I get this done by Monday? Can I have it all done
today? Could I get this done this week? Do I want to launch this day or this day? It's choosing your
timeline in a way that's going to challenge yourself, and push yourself to show up and to move at a
pace that feels good to you, without that fear of judgment. Not thinking people are going to think
you’re not satisfied. If it's in you, you have to trust it. “I don't care what other people think. This is
how it feels for me. This is what I'm going with. I trust that.” That's gonna be the high expression of
the root center for the defined.

[1:08:02] The undefined is giving yourself permission to slow down. You see that pressure in other
people. You see that “She's finishing this, but she's already three steps ahead. I should be three steps
ahead. I'm not three steps ahead,” or the sense of, “Why do you want to keep going? We just got
here. Can't we just rest before we start again?” The root center works in cycles. The root center,
allow yourself to relax into that.
There are over a thousand people in the course for this. Imagine if all of the sudden were able to
shift into alignment with their sacral centers and step into a space where they're actually applying it
even just a small little bit, a teeny, tiny bit of increasing that energy of just a little bit higher of a
frequency, the ripple effect that that could have alone. Again, focusing on like one or two things,
going deep, following that single thing, the ripple effect that that could have alone would be insane.

[1:09:27] Tips for dealing with a defined root without a defined sacral or G center. If you have a
defined root center, you still want to be moving that pressure. You don't need to have a sense of
direction, you just have to follow the pressure. The pressure is guiding you; it wants to move in a
specific way. Look at the channel that's defined there for you, and then see what you are
transmuting that energy into. Because if it's defined, you have a specific way that you transmit that
For me, the channel that I have is 58-18. I know that my root center pressure is pushing me to
perfect systems at a collective level. One of the ways that I relieve pressure is I get to look at what's
wrong here. How can I make this better? You can release that pressure by transmuting it into that
splenic center energy for me, which is as along that channel, so you ride the channel. You ride the
channel, and that's how you transmit that energy. That's how you move it. That's how you deal with

[1:10:18] The high expression of the undefined root center is relaxing. It's trusting that if you want
to move, you want to move. 54-32, this is ambition. When you grow, the collective grows. What's
the next level? For this one, we have tribal circuitry. Your role in the position, your role in the
collective, your role for your group of people, so your tribe, your group of people for this 54-32,
what pressure do you have? Who do you want to be in this situation? What's the pressure in you?
What's the next level? How can you all grow? How can you lead this group? How can you allow
this pressure to move all of you to the next level? Specifically, what's the idea that's actually going
to catch? What's the spark that's actually going to catch?
Where does your tribe need to go? Where does your tribe need to go? What's the next level? Who
can you kind of reach on to? What's the next step? How can you grab onto that and pull yourself up,
so that you can pull your tribe up as well? That's operating with that root center pressure.
I would also include or encourage physical activity of some kind. That’s a really good one. For me,
with the root center pressure, I like sprints, adrenaline. I will do like ten minutes worth of really
high intensity, and then like just intervals, and that feels really, really good for that root center

[1:11:58] Yeah, the conscious and unconscious will affect things. Your root center is connected to
your emotional center. You have this pressure to move emotions. You're going to relieve the
pressure of both of them when you say, “This is the pressure that I'm feeling, what's the emotional
thing that I can clear out of the way so that I feel comfortable enough to take action on this, to
manifest this change? Yeah, that's going to be if it's connecting to your emotional center.

[1:12:11] Speaking of the emotional center, let's jump over there. The low expression of a defined
emotional center is pushing your emotions on others. It’s saying, “I'm having these feelings, I'm
going to wrap you all up in my storm, and you're going to have these feelings, too. We're all going
to feel this together. You're going to feel stuck feeling my feelings.” It’s pushing your energy on
other people; it's pushing your emotions on other people.

[1:12:47] The low expression of the undefined emotional center is this avoidance of emotions. “You
have a lot going on there; I want to get away from your emotions. Let's put a Band-Aid on it.”
You're like, “I'm going to fix your teeny, tiny problem. I'm going to do everything that I can to
avoid you feeling bad” is the energy for the undefined emotional center.
Again, it can show up in a lot of different ways. These are very, very brief descriptions. So, if this
specifically doesn't resonate with you, there's so many more layers that we could look at.

[1:13:27] The higher expressions of the emotional center is understanding your emotional wave. For
me, the expressions, I process my emotions. I know that my emotions are tribal; they deal with my
family. I inform people of what's going on. I let people know what I'm feeling. I let people know the
things when it's relevant, but I'm not expecting other people to make me feel better. I know that
emotions are just energy in motion. So, I cry a lot. I probably cry on a weekly basis, just like in the
shower or something, just to move that energy. I dance a lot. Something that I've realized is that the
action that you take, it's there for positive and negative emotions.
I moved so much, it could be called anxiety, but for me it showed up as excitement, I moved so
much excitement on Monday. My legs are sore because I was dancing around my house, because I
had so much excitement. There was like two hours worth of dancing throughout the whole day,
because there was so much excitement that wanted to move through me. If I'm moving through
negative emotions, if I'm moving through fear, fear isn't necessarily a negative emotion, but if I'm
moving through, let's say, sadness or disappointment or some sort of negative emotion, I also dance.
I do the same things. I will also cry in the shower if I'm really excited about something. Tears of
joy. The same methods that I use for negative emotions are the ones that I use for positive emotions,
because those are just the actions that I am using to move that emotional energy. What I'm moving
through that channel doesn't matter. That's the process for me.
Understanding your emotional wave helps you to figure out how you move energy. Whether it's
positive or negative, how can you move through that process and allow those those motions to

[1:15:12] The undefined emotional center at its highest expression is you're empathetic. You see the
emotions in other people. You see how they're feeling. The boundaries: you can have difficult
conversations, and you don't need to feel guilty for making someone feel bad. Because really, you're
just reflecting their emotions, they probably felt weird anyways, and you're just giving them a
situation for them to process those emotions; you're doing them a favor.
You're not responsible for the emotions of other people, but you can facilitate that if you want. You
still have emotions. You're not like an emotionless individual. You're still going to have feelings.
You still have emotions. You feel the emotions of everyone around you. Yeah. You still have
emotions, you're still an emotional being, you're still a person, you still have feelings. Just recognize
that those things are going to move through you in different ways. You can experience sadness very
differently today than you might tomorrow. You get to just say this is the emotion of the moment,
I'm going to move through it. I'm going to watch it and see how it goes. You’re going to observe it,
but you don't have to hold on to it. It's not your emotion. It's not your feeling.
It can also be like searching for a sense of I need emotions; searching for high emotion is also
something you can see with the undefined emotional center.

[01:16:44] I think we covered the ego center, pretty much, but I'm just going to recap a little bit.
The low expression of the defined ego center can be very competitive. For me, it showed up as a
judgment of being selfish. I have really strong desires, I want things, but I felt like it was bad that I
wanted things. I felt like there was going to be this judgment around what I wanted. If I said that I
want to be a millionaire, and I'm with friends who are maybe at a different level than me, maybe
don't have goals like that, I'm going to be judged for what I want.
That's really the shadow: what if someone thinks this is unrealistic? I have a really good example. I
have nine years of competitive gymnastics in my background. I remember one year our coach asked
what skills do you want to learn? I had this list of skills that I'd worked on previously, but I wanted
to compete them; I wanted to work on them again, bring them back out, and play with them. I was
told “That's unrealistic for someone your age, you should probably choose two.” I was like, “So
what I want and what I think I'm capable of, what I believe I'm worthy of, isn't going to match what
other people think I'm capable of.” It became this sense of you don't see the value in me, do you?
You don't see the desire. You don't see the capability. I have to dim myself down. It was this “I'm
selfish for wanting this. I'm unrealistic about wanting it.” It's holding that energy back. “I want this,
and it's bad for wanting it. I'm bad for wanting this thing.” That's a lower expression.
The high expression is: I want this thing, I'm going to go after it, and if you don't think that I can
have it, I really don't care. I know I'm capable of having it, and I'm going to get it anyways. You can
judge me however you want.

[1:18:46] The undefined ego center, it's that sense of: you can witness that self-worth in other
people, and you feel like you need to feel worthy in order to receive this thing. Then you'll be good
enough, then you can have it. It's the sense of “I want it and I need to prove that I'm capable of
wanting it”. You're trying to fill that space.
Higher expression is recognizing that you are worthy of exactly what's in front of you; your
worthiness changes with the moment. Your worthiness is this nonexistent entity; really worth
doesn't matter and it doesn't exist anyways. It's all arbitrary. The higher expression of the undefined
ego center is “I'm worthy of exactly what's showing up for me, so I'm going to allow really cool
things to show it for me to see just how worthy I am”. But again, your sense of self worth doesn't
necessarily need to correlate to you being able to receive things. You can receive cool things, and
not feel worthy of it. You can receive cool things, and you can decide to feel worthy of it. You're
worthy because you are, not because you feel like it. That's my undefined ego spiel.

[1:19:56] I think we have the splenic center left. With the splenic center, the splenic center is the
center of fear, intuition, physical intuition. The higher expression is radical self trust. This is a sense
of safety. I can make really risky decisions, and I have made really risky decisions, but deep down, I
have the sense of I know this is a risky decision, and I know logically and all the things, it doesn't
make sense, but I know I'm safe. I know I'm safe making this decision. The low expression can be,
“I feel safe, but I have to prove to other people that I'm safe. I have to get the money, I have to fill
out the paperwork, I have to show that I'm prepared. All of these reasons why other people might
think that this is an unsafe decision, I have to make it look safe, and then I can trust this.” Or it's this
guilt around, do I just not care about things? Am I just a reckless individual? Do I just not have the
same values that other people have? It’s a sense of guilt around: I feel safe doing this, even though I
know it's a risk; why do you not feel safe?
The higher expression is tuning into that trust, tuning into I feel safe, this is healthy for me. This is
correct for me; I'm going to go for it anyways, even though logically it doesn't make sense.

[1:21:25] The undefined splenic center, you can have this searching for safety. You want money, so
you can have a safety net. You want this, so that you can have that. You want this sense of safety is
what you're searching for. Searching for safety, searching for, how can I feel safe in this risk? How
can I feel healthy? It can be a big question as well, but really, it's this fear.
This fear is something that you amplify when you're around other people, and so you might have
picked up on a lot of the fears that other people have. When you're making a decision, you don't just
see it from your perspective, you see all of the potential fears that you may have in that area. You
see all of the potential fears: your fear of authority, fear of death, fear of the people around you, fear
of judgment, fear of purposelessness. All of these fears that other people might project on you, you
say, “They might have had these fears, so I might have these fears”. You don't need to overcome a
fear in order to be fearless in that area. You get to witness these fears, and they are not necessarily
yours to work through and yours to fix. You can feel safe in other ways. It's grounding yourself into
that sense of safety, and trusting your intuition even when it feels scary. That's a theme that a lot of
us experience.

[1:22:44] Those are the centers! Let's recap. That's all of the content that I had for you, this has been
three days of hopefully really, really awesome education. I feel like I shared a lot. I feel like you
learned a lot. That feels really good to just be able to tune in and see that, yes, there's still a ton of
questions, but we learned so much over these few days. It's been so exciting to show up here, and to
talk to you and to work with you and all of the things. I'm going to introduce Energetic Mastery,
because I'm opening it today. It's really, really exciting. I have this outline for a program that I've
been working on, oh, my gosh, for like five months, five months.
Energetic Mastery is really, really going deep on the basics. It's eight weeks of life coaching by me,
eight weeks of content. There's support coaches who are all trained by me, who have gone through
my certification, and specifically we're talking about type, strategy, and authority. We're going to go
deep into the subtypes. We're going to go deep into strategy. We're going to go deep into authority.
We are covering everything.
What we're going to do is, I've broken it down into this is your authority, but then we're going
underneath that. We're talking about all of the gates and channels. We're talking about conscious
versus unconscious design. If the line is red, how is that going to show up for you versus if it's
black, how's that going to show up for you? We're talking about those. We're talking about specific
I know exactly when I'm supposed to be sharing my opinions because there's a specific invitation
that I'm looking for. I'm a manifesting generator, but there are certain invitations that I wait for.
There are things I initiate. There are things that I respond to. There are all of these different
strategies, because we are not tied down to one strategy. That's a question that a lot of people have
been seeing. There's this sense of: how do I take action?
You are not tied down to one strategy, and there's a difference between personally accessing your
traits and sharing your traits with others. We're going to talk about personal strategy versus
interpersonal strategy. For example, a projected trait for personal access desires recognition. For
interpersonal access, it requires an invitation. I want to teach you the difference between those.
The whole point of this is that you can walk away in eight weeks and know exactly how to take
action, know what to do, because the timing is correct. You know how to take timing. You know
how to understand things. You know how to interpret the information that you're getting. You know
how to take action. We're doing some deconditioning, and then we say, “Specifically in this
situation, I'm applying this trait,” and you can raise your frequency.
It's going to run live once, and then after it runs, it will be available as an evergreen course. There's
not a ton of pressure unless you want to join us for the live event. It's going to be really, really fun.
There are a lot of support coaches, live trainings, all of the channels, all of the gates, all of the
strategy, and authority, and it's very specifically what do you do with your human design? How do
you know when to take action? How can you feel confident taking that action? And how can you
make decisions? The conversations we're going to look at, all of the conversations, we’ll look at
splits decision making.
By the end of eight weeks, you will have everything that you need to know. We're also talking
transits. Oh, my gosh, this is my favorite part. We're talking about transits. Reflectors. Reflectors,
I'm going to teach you how to read transits. I'm going to teach everyone how to read transits.
Specifically, how can you use this course to ride the transits? The transits are the energetic weather
right now. I'm going to teach you how you can look at the energy of the Human Design system, and
see what's the energetic weather and then how can you prepare for it? We're going to go through,
like, literally all of the things of how do you use this design? How do you make this information
happen? If you can't tell, I'm really, really excited about it!! I will be posting the link in the group.
I'm inviting all of you to join me live. We're going to start on the 5th of July, July 5th.
That is what I have for you. Thank you so much for being here. This has been an incredible last
couple of days, and I will talk to you soon!

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