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Module 2 &3

1. How are Named pipes different from Ordinary pipes?(3 marks)

2. Explain the Process Creation in UNIX with the help of suitable example. ?(6 marks)
3. What is Cache Coherency problem ?(3 marks)
4. What are the three requirements to critical section problem.(3 marks)
5. What is the main problem with shortest Job first scheduling and what is its solution?(3
6. The long term scheduler directly affects the system performance. Explain how?(3 marks)
7. A writer process like to send some bulk information to a reader process. Explain the IPC
mechanism that can be used for the purpose.(9 marks)
8. What is preemptive scheduling? Give one disadvantage of preemptive scheduling?(3 marks)
9. Find the average waiting ime and average urnaround time for the processes given in th table
below using: (i) SRT scheduling algorithm (II)Priority scheduling algorithm. (9 marks)

Process Arrival CPU Priority

Time Burst
(ms) time(ms)
P1 0 5 3
P2 2 4 1
P3 3 1 2
P4 5 2 4

10. Differentiate between Short term ,Medium term and Long term schedulers ?(3 marks)
11. List out the advantage of process cooperation .(3 marks)
12. What is the limitation of multilevel queue scheduling? How it is overcome in multilevel
feedback queue scheduling?(3 marks)
13. the average waiting time for preemptive and non-preemptive SJF scheduling for the
following set of processes:.(9 marks)

Process Arrival Burst

Time Time
P1 0 8
P2 2 4
P3 4 9
P4 5 5

14. How indefinite blocking can be solved in Priority Scheduling ?(3 marks)
15. Assume you have he following jobs shown I the table to execute wih one processor.Draw
the gantt chart and calculate the average waiting time an average turnaround time if the
system uses the following scheduling algorithms.(9 marks)
(i) Premptive Priority scheduling
(ii) Non preemptive priority scheduling
(iii) Non preemptive SJF

Assume highest priority is indicated with lower numbers .

Process Arrival CPU Burst Priority

time time
P0 0 4 3
P1 2 5 2
P2 3 1 1
P3 4 3 4

16. What is meant by race condition? Explain with an example.(3 marks)

17. Write any three criteria to be considered for comparing CPU scheduling algorithms ?(3
18. What is the purpose of a system call? Describe how a system call made by a user application
handled. (7 marks)
19. List and explain the various synchronous and asynchronous methods of message passing in
IPC? (3 marks)
20. Differentiate Thread from a Process. (3 marks)

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