BNM842 Data Mining and Business Intelligence-2013-14

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BNM842 Data Mining and Business Intelligence

Academic Year 2013/14

Number of Aston Credits: 15

Number of ECTS Credits: 7.5

Staff Member Responsible for the Module:

Dr. Ali Emrouznejad, Operations and Information Management Group
Aston Business School, Room 267, Extension: 3092
Availability: see 'office hours' on door

Or contact the Operations and Information Group Administrator John Morley

Room 266, Extension: 5271

Pre-requisites for the Module:


Mode of Attendance:
On campus

Module Objectives and Learning Outcomes:

To teach students the fundamentals of business intelligent and its application to business
decision making
To provide students with an understanding of the data and resources available on
the web of relevance to business intelligence.
To enable students to access such structured and unstructured data
To present the leading data mining methods and their applications to real-world
To provide both the practical experience and the theoretical insight needed to reveal
patterns and valuable information hidden in large data sets
To enable the student to understand various algorithms of data mining so s/he can
develop their own learning in the area beyond the topics covered by the course.
The student should be able to use Data Mining packages to carry out Data Mining
Module Content:

Week 1: The role of technology in business intelligence with and introduction to data
mining process model for business and management + introduction to Data
Mining Package

Week 2: Data pre-processing, visualisation and exploratory analysis used in business


Week 3: Use of neural networks in data mining and its application in risk analysis

Week 4: Advances in neural networks with an applicant to business intelligence

Week 5: Classification, decision trees and their applications in business


Week 6: Clustering and association rules including hierarchical and k-means clustering,
Kohonen networks, Apriori

Week 7: Accessing and collecting data from the Web and introduction to text

Week 8: Data mining models in real-world applications: Case Studies such as risk
management & fraud detection

Week 9: Revision

Week 10: Examination

Corporate Connections:
In this module several case studies of well-known data mining and business intelligence are
used; e.g. credit card fraud detection, predicting stock market returns, and risk analysis in

International Dimensions:
The course material is virtually exclusively technical but where applications of the methods are
concerned examples will be drawn internationally.
Contribution of Research:

The techniques presented in this module are widely used in academic research. W here
possible, examples will be given of applications published in journal articles

Ethics, Responsibility & Sustainability:

The role of ethics, corporate social responsibility will be discussed in the context of knowledge
discovery from data. W hile sustainability is not addressed explicitly, it is embodied within the
concepts and techniques covered by the module, for instance by designing a data mining stream
within IBM-Modeler Software.

Method of Teaching:

1.25 hour lecture per week, followed by 0.5 hour break, followed by 1.25 hour tutorial / case
studies / computer lab session as appropriate.

The IBM PASW Modeler and IBM PASW Statistics will be used in the practical sessions. It is
essential that students attend both lectures and practical sessions in order to understand the

Handouts will be provided at lecture as well as the computer instructions where appropriate
to create a dynamic learning environment with student hands-on participation in the
application of concepts covered.

Method of Assessment and Feedback:

The module is assessed 50% individual assignment, 30% Group assignment and 20%
computer based test.

Feedback will be given to students by feedback sheets for both individual and group assignment.

Learning Hours:
These should be roughly along the lines indicated below:

Pre-reading 3
Contact Hours 27
Directed Learning 120

Total 150

BM SPSS Modeler User's Guide. General introduction to using SPSS Modeler,


IBM SPSS Modeler CRISP-DM Guide. Step-by-step guide to using the CRISP-DM methodology
for data mining with SPSS Modeler.

The following essential and recommended readings are subject to change.

Students should not therefore purchase textbooks prior to commencing
their course. If students wish to undertake background reading before
starting the course, many of the chapters/readings are available in
electronic form via on-line library catalogues and other resources.

Essential Reading:
IBM SPSS Modeler Modeling Nodes. Descriptions of all the nodes used to create data mining

IBM SPSS Modeler Algorithms Guide


IBM SPSS Modeler Applications Guide


IBM SPSS Modeler Social Network Analysis User Guide. A guide to performing social network
analysis with SPSS Modeler, including group analysis and diffusion analysis

SPSS Modeler Text Analytics User's Guide. Information on using text analytics with SPSS
Modeler, covering the text mining nodes, interactive workbench, templates, and other resources
Indicative Bibliography:

Daniel T. Larose (2012) Discovering Knowledge in Data: An Introduction to Data Mining, Wiley-
Daniel T. Larose (2006) Data Mining Methods and Models, Wiley-Interscience
Carlo Vercellis (2009) Business Intelligence: Data Mining and Optimization for Decision Making,
ISBN: 978-0-470-51139-8, Wiley Publisher
Michael Minelli, Michele Chambers, Ambiga Dhiraj (2013) Big Data, Big Analytics: Emerging
Business Intelligence and Analytic Trends for Today's Businesses, ISBN: 978-1-1181-4760-3,
Wiely Publisher
Rajiv Sabherwal, Irma Becerra-Fernandez (2011) Business Intelligence, Wiley Publisher Paolo
Giudici, Silvia Figini (2009) Applied Data Mining for Business and Industry, 2nd Edition, ISBN:
978-0-470-05887-9, Wiley publisher
Stephane Tuffery (2011) Data Mining and Statistics for Decision Making, ISBN: 978-0-470-
68829-8, Wiley Publisher
Carlo Vercellis (2009) Business Intelligence: Data Mining and Optimization for Decision Making,
ISBN: 978-0-470-51139-8, Wiley Publisher

Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery: An Springer journal,
Statistical Analysis and Data Mining,
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering,
International Journal of Business Intelligence Research (IJBIR)

International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining


Adaptive Business Intelligence


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