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1. Calculate the volume of oxygen at NTP that would be required to convert 5.2 L of CO to
carbon dioxide.
2. How many molecules and atoms of phosphorus are present in 0.1 mole of P4 molecules?

3. Calculate the mass of sodium which contains same number of atoms as are present in15g of
calcium. Given: at. mass of Ca= 40 and of Na = 23. [Ans. 8.625g]
4. One atom of an element ‘X’ weighs 6.644 x10-23. Calculate the number of gram atoms in 80 kg
of it. [Ans. 1999.5]
5. How many molecules of water of hydration are present in 630 mg of oxalic acid.Molecular
formula of oxalic acid is H2 C2 04. 2H20 [Ans. : 6.023 x 1021]
6. An organic compound containing carbon, hydrogen and oxygen gave the following
percentage composition:
C = 40.68%, H = 5.8%
The vapour density of the compound is 59. Calculate the molecular formula of the compound.
[Ans.: C4 H6 04]
7. 1 x 10 molecules are removed from 280 mg of carbon monoxide. Calculate theno. of moles of
carbon monoxide left. [Aus. : 8.4 x 10- 3 moles]
8. A solution is prepared by dissolving 5.6 g of KOH is 250 ml of it. Calculate themolarity of the
solution. [Ans. :419M]
9. A bottle of concentrated sulphuric acid (density 1.80 g/cm3) is labelled as 86% bymass. What
is the molarity of the solution? [Ans. : 15.8 M]
10. 0.63 g of oxalic acid, (COOH)2.2H2O, are dissolved in 500 ml of solution. Calculate the
molarity of the solution. [Ans. : 0.019M]
11. 1.0 g mixture of CaC03 and MgC03 gave 240 ml of CO2 at STP. Calculate the % composition
of the mixture. [Ans. : CaCO3 = 62.5%; MgCO3 = 37.5%]
12. 13g of H2 react with 29g of O2 to yield H2O.Calculate the maximum amount of H2O
that can be formed.
13. One million atoms of silver weigh 1.79 X10- 1 6 g. Calculate the at. mass of Ag. [107,8]
14. Hydrogen and oxygen are known to form two compounds.The hydrogen contents in one of the
compounds is 42.9% while in the other, it is 27.3%. Show that this data is in agreement with
the law of multiple proportions.


1. Discuss the drawbacks of Rutherford’s model of atom?

2. Give the postulates of Bohr’s model of an atom.
3. What is meant by quantisation of energy?
4. Give drawbacks of Bohr’s model?
5. Derive de Broglie’s equation.
6. Explain Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle.
7. What are quantum numbers?
8. What is the maximum number of orbitals in the 4th shell?
9. The mass number of an element is twice its atomic number. If there are four electrons
in 2 p orbital, write the electronic configuration of the element and name it.
10. Write the four quantum numbers for 21st electron in Scandium. (At, No. 21)
11. Why is the energy of electron regarded as zero .at infinite distance? What is the significance of −ve
energy of an electron present in a shell?
12. Define:
a) Pauli’s exclusion principle
b) Hund’s rule
c) Aufbau’s principle,
13. What is meant by (n + ℓ) rule?
14. Write the main features of Planck’s quantum theory?
15. Define an orbital. Do all orbitals have same shape?
16. Write differences between orbit and orbital.
17. An atom has 2 electrons in K-shell, 8 electrons in L-shell and 2 electrons in M- shell. Give its
electronic configuration in orbital notation. Also find out:
a) Atomic number.
b) Total number of principal quantum shells.
c) Total number of sub shells.
d) Total number of p-electrons.
18. Write the electronic configuration of chromium atom (Atomic No. 24) and its tripositive ion.
19. What are degenerate orbitals?
20. Calculate the wavelength of the radiation emitted, producing aline in Lyman series when an
electron falls from fourth stationary state in hydrogen spectrum. RH = 1.1x107 m-1
21. Calculate the minimum energy required to remove the electron from hydrogen atom when its
quantised energy level is n = 2. What would be the wavelength of light used to cause this transition
h = 6.6x10-34J c = 3x102 ms-1
22. Which of the following are isoelectronic species: Na+, K+,
Mg2+, Ca2+, S2-,Ar
1. Give the general electronic configuration of s, p, d and f block elements.
2. What are representative elements?
3. How do atomic radii and ionisation enthalpies vary (i) down the group, (ii) along the period
from left to right?
4. A and B belong to the same group of periodic table ‘ A’ has higher atomic number than ‘B’.
Which will have lower ionisation energy and why?
5. Give 4 characteristics each of s,p, d and f blocks.
6. What are transition elements and inner transition elements?
7. Beryllium atom has higher ionisation energy than Boron.Why?
8. Which of the following pairs would have large size and why?
K or K+,O2− or F−, P or As, Na+ or Mg2+.
9. What is meant by electron affinity and electronegativity?

10. Alkali metals do not form dispositive ions. Why?

11. Ne and Na+areisoelectronic species. Do they have same ionisation enthalpy? Explain.
12. Chlorine can be converted into chloride ion more easily as compared to fluoride ion from
fluorine. Why?
13. The three ionisation enthalpies of boron atom are 800, 2427 and 3658 kJ mol−1. Explain why
these values are different?
14. Element A and B have atomic number 11 and 24 respectively. Write their electronic
configuration and predict group, period, block to which they belong? Which of them is a
representative element?
15. A, B, C are three elements, ‘B’ is an inert gas element other than Helium. With this
information complete of the following table.
Element At. No. No. of Electron in Group to which the
the valence shell Element belongs
A Z-l -- --
B Z -- --
C Z+l -- --
Also explain the following:
a) Negative electron gain enthalpy of element‘A’ is more than that of ‘C’.
b) Ionisation enthalpyof elementC is less thanthat of ‘A’.
c) Electron gain enthalpy of ‘B’ is positive.


1. Why do atoms combine?

2. What is meant by:
a) ionic bond
b) covalent bond
c) polar covalent bond
d) co-ordinate covalent bond
e) H-bond
3. Explain the term bond length and bond energy.
4. What is meant by dipole moment and what are its applications?
5. What are the characteristics of covalent and ionic compounds?
6. What is meant by VSEPR theory? Using this explain the shapes of NH3, CH4, BeCl2,
BF3, PCI5, SF6.
7. Which bond do you expect to be stronger in each of the following cases and why?
i) H - H, Cl - Cl
ii) 0 2 ,N2
iii) F – F, Cl - Cl
8. Define hybridisation.

9. Explain sp, sp2, sp3 hybridisation.

10. Explain formation of NH ion and H3 O+ ion.
11. What are the differences between ionic and covalent bond.
12. How are 𝝈 bonds and 𝝅bonds formed?
13. Using hybridisation predict the shapes of molecules, explain the shape of NH3, CH4, H2O etc.
using hybridisation.
− +
14. Why the shapes of BH 𝟒 and NH are same?
15. Explain why the bond angle in H2S is more close to 90° than in water.
− 𝟐− +
16. Arrange O 𝟐 , O , O and O2in the order of increasing stability. Also comment on their
𝟐 𝟐
magnetic behaviour.
17. Differentiate between bonding & antibonding MO?
1. At 500C, the equilibrium constant for the reaction N2 (g)+3H2 (g) ⇋NH3(g)
is 6.02x10-2. What is the Kp at this temperature?
2. Derive the relationship between Kp and Kc.
3. A mixture ofS03, S02and 02 gases is maintained in a 10 litre flask at temperature at which
equilibrium constant Kc for the reaction.
2SO2(g) + O2(g) ⇋2SO3(g) is 100.

i)If the no. of moles of S02 and S03 in the flask are equal how many moles of O2 are present.
If the no. of moles of S03 in the flask is twice the number of moles of SO2, how many moles
of O2 are present?
4. Write the relationship between kp and kc for the following reactions
i) 2SO2 (g) + O2 (g) ⇋2S03 (g)
iii) PCls(s) ⇋ PCl3(g) + Cl2(g)
5. In an experiment 2 moles of HI are taken in an evacuated 5 litre container. At 717K, the
equilibrium constant for the reaction:
2Hl(g)⇋ H2 (g) + I2 (g) is 0.0156.
i) Calculate the equilibrium concentrations of HI, I2 and H2 at 717k.
ii) What is the fraction of HI decomposed?
iii) What are the equilibrium concentrations if the volume of the container is doubled?

6. Kp for the equilibrium

FeO(s) + CO(g)⇋ Fe(s)+CO2(g) is 0.505 at 1373 K. If excess FeO(s) and COgas at 2 atm.
pressure is placed in a rigid container, what are the pressures of CO(g) and C02 (g) when
equilibrium is attained ?
7. Define Le-Chatelier’s principle.
8. How does the equilibrium shift in the following cases for the reaction:-

HJ(g) + I2 (g) ⇋2 HI(g)

i) adding H2 ii)removing I2 iii) decreasing volume iv) raisingtemperature
v) adding catalyst
9. What is meant by ionic product of water?
10. Write an expression for Ka for ionisation of HCN in aqueous solution. Give equation also.
11. Why do we pass H2S gas in acidic medium in group 2?
12. Under what conditions does a substance precipitate from its solution?
13. Write the conjugate acid and conjugate base of H2O.
14. Define Lewis acid and base..
15. What is the pH of 0.02M HCl solution?
(Kw = 1x10-14 at 298 K)
16. Calculate pH of 0.01 M NaOH solution.
(Kw = lx10-14 at298K)

17. What are the Conjugate bases for HF, H2 SO4 and BCO 𝟑 .

18. What the Conjugate acids for NH 𝟐 , NH3and HCOO−.
19. Calculate the pH of 0.2M solution of methylamine (Kb = 4.4 x 105). [Ans: 11.47]
20. What is pH of solution if [H3O+] = 3xl0−5 M. What is concentration of OH−? Isthis solution
acidic, basic or neutral? [Ans.: 4.5229; 3.33 x 10-10]
21. Calculate the hydrogen ion concentration in the following biological fluids whose pH are given
(a) Human muscle fluid = 6.83
(b) Human saliva = 6.4
22. The solubility of CaF2 in water at 298 K is 1.7 x 10- 3 g per 1 0 0 cm3. Calculate the solubility
product of CaF2 at 298 K. [Ans. : 4.26 x 1011]
23. pH of an organic acid is 4.15. Calculate the concentration of anion, Ka and its pKa.
{Ans.: 7.08 x l0-7; Ka =5.08 x 10-7; pKa =6.29]

24. If 25 cc of 0.050 M Ba (N03 ) 2 is mixed with 25 c.c. of 0.020 M NaF, will any BaF2 precipitate?
Kspof BaF2 is 1.7x10-8. [Ans. : Yes]
25. What is the pH of the solution when 0,2 mole ofHCl is added to one litre of a solution containing
IM acetic acid and acetate ion. Assume that the total volume is one litre. Ka for CH3COOH =
1.08x10-5. [Am. : 4.5678]
26. Predict the nature of the solution of the following salts as neutral, acidic or basic.
NaCl, KBr, NaCN, NH4NO3, NaNO2, KF

1. Find out the O.N. of the underlined elements:
a) HOF b) NaHSO3 c) Br3O8 d) H2SO5 (Peroxomonosulphuric acid)
e) H2S2O8 (Peroxodisulphuric acid) f) CrO5 g) CH3CH2OH h) K3[Fe(CN)6] i) Fe3O4
2. Balance the following using both O.N. and ion electron methods:
− −
a) MnO 𝟒 + I−→ MnO2 + IO 𝟑 (basic medium)
𝟐− 𝟐−
b) Cr2O + SO2 -> Cr3+ + SO (acidic medium)
𝟕 𝟒


1. Derive the expression for work done in a reversible and isothermal expansion or compression of
an ideal gas.
2. Which of the following are open, closed or nearly isolated systems?
a) Animals
b) A hot cup of coffee
c) Tea in a thermos flask
d) A bottle filled with water
3. Derive the relationship between ∆U and H.
4. Is there any enthalpy change in a cyclic process?
5. The heat of combustion of gaseous CH4 at constant volume is measured in a bomb calorimeter at
298K and is found to be -885.4 kJ mol-1. Find the value of enthalpy change if the reaction
proceeds as follows:
CH4(g)+2O2(g) →CO2(g) + 2H2O(I)
6. The heats of combustion of CH4 and C2 H6 are -890.3 and -1559.7 kJ mol- 1 respectively. Which
of the two has greater efficiency of fuel per gram?
7. Sucrose undergoes combustion as:
C12 H22 O11 (s) +12CO2(g)→ 12C02 (g) +11H20(1)+5645 KJ mot- 1
How much energy will be liberated when 51.3 g of sucrose is burnt?
8. The heat change for the reaction
N2(g) + 3H2 (g)→ 2NH3 (g)
is -92.2 kJ. Calculate the heat of formation of NH3
9. Calculate the heat change for the reaction:
CH4(g) + 2O2(g) + 2H2O(I)
The heat of formation of CH4 (g), C02 (g) and H2O(I) are -748, -393.5 and -285.8 kJ mol- 1
10. Why does it require less heat to vapourize 1 mol of acetone than it does to vapourize 1 mol of
11. A 1.500 g sample of C8H18is burned in excess of O2 in a bomb calorimeter. The temp. rises from
294.05 K to 300.78K. If the heat capacity of the calorimeter is 8.93 kJ/K, find theheat transferred
to calorimeter.
12. Determine the enthalpy change for the reaction:
| | | | | |
H -C – C = C – H + H – H → H – C – C – C-H
| | | |
The bond enthalpy are as follows:
414 611 436 347 (in kJ mol-1)
13. What could be the possible reason for the heat of neutralization of weak acids and bases being
less than 57.1 kJ/mol?
14. Calculate the difference between heats of reaction at constant pressure and constant volume for
the reaction of 25C in kJ.
2C6H6 (I) + 15 O2 (g) → 12CO2(g) + 6H2O (I)
15. Calculate the internal energy change for the following reaction at 25C:
2H2O2 (I) → 2H2O(I) + O2(g)
H at 25C = -188 KJ mol-1
16. Differentiate between:
a) bond energy and bond dissociation energy
b) adiabatic and isothermal process
17. Calculate G for the reaction at 25C: -N2(g) + 3H2 (g) → 2NH3(g)
When H = -92.3 KJ &S = -198 J/K. Find out the feasibility of the reaction.
18. State the second and third laws of thermodynamics.
19.Calculate equilibrium constant for the reaction 2SO2(g) + O2(g)⇋ 2SO3(g) at 25C.
Given: G[SO3(g)] = -371.J KJ/mol.
G[SO3(g)] = -300.2 KJ/mol.
R = 8.314 J/K/mol
20. Estimate the average S-F bond energy is SF6. The value of std. enthalpy of formation of
SF6(g). S(g) and F(g) are -1100, 275 and 80 KJ/mol respectively.
1. Give IUPAC nomenclature to:

a) CH3 – CH – CH3 – CH – CH3 – CH3

l l l

b) CH3 – C – CH2 - CH2 – C - CH2 – OH


|| ||
c) O (d)
2. Give structural formula of
(a) 2, 2, 3-Trimethyl butane.
(b) 5 - sec – Butyl - 4 - isopropyldecane,
3. Discuss the chemistry of lassaigne’s test for detecton of N and S.
4. An organic compound contains 69% C and 4.8% H, the remainder being oxygen.
Calculate the masses of CO2and H2O produced when 0.20 g of this substance is
subjected to complete combustion.
5. What is a nucleophile and an electrophile? Give examples.
1. Draw structures and give I.U.P.A.C names of various isomers having molecular formula C6H14.
2. Give the structure and I.U.P.A.C. name of the alkane formed when 2-Iodopropane under goes
wurtz reaction.
3. Which alkene on ozonolysis will produce propanone only.
4. Which simplest alkene exhibits geometrical isomerism?
5. Why terminal alkynes are acidic whereas alkenes and alkanes are not?
6. How will you convert :
alkane → alkene
alkene → alkyne
alkyl halide → alkene
benzoic acid → benzene
7. A compound A gave two isomeric alkenes B and C with formula C6H12Mixture of B and C
furnished following compounds on reductive ozonolysis. Give the structure formula of A, B and
(a) CH3CHO
(b) C2H5CHO
(d) CH3 CH CHO

8. What are conformations of alkanes? Draw sawhorse and Newman projection formulae for
eclipsed conformations of propane and butane.


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