FM McQs Bank Foundations of Financial Management(C)

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FM McQs Bank Foundations of Financial Management(C)

The Time Value of Money

Both the future and present value of a sum of money are based on:

A) interest rate
B) number of time periods
C) both a and b
D) none of the above

Explanation: These two factors are used in time value of money calculations.

An annuity is ___________________.

A) more than one payment

B) a series of unequal but consecutive payments
C) a series of equal and consecutive payments
D) a series of equal and non-consecutive payments

Explanation: An annuity is a stream of equal payments to be received in the future.

If you have $1000 and you plan to save it for 4 years with an interest rate of 10%, what is
the future value of your savings?

A) $1464.00
B) $1000.00
C) $1331.00
D) cannot be determined
Time value of money is an important finance concept because:

A) it takes risk into account

B) it takes time into account
C) it takes compound interest into account
D) all of the above

Explanation: Time value of money incorporates all of these concepts.

The present value of a dollar to be received in the future is:

A) more than a dollar

B) equal to a dollar
C) less than a dollar
D) none of the above

Explanation: The reason is because you can earn interest on the money.

The future value of a dollar that you invest today is:

A) more than a dollar

B) equal to a dollar
C) less than a dollar
D) none of the above

Explanation: Again, the reason is because the money can earn interest.

The future value of an annuity is:
A) less than each annuity payment
B) equal to each annuity payment
C) more than each annuity payment
D) none of the above

Explanation: The reason has to do with compound interest (or interest earning more

The concepts of present value and future value are:

A) directly related to each other

B) not related to each other
C) proportionately related to each other
D) inversely related to each other

Explanation: They are essentially opposite sides of a coin.

If you win the lottery and you choose to have your proceeds distributed to you over a
twenty-year time period, with the first payment coming to you one year from today, which
calculation would you use to calculate the worth of those proceeds to you today?

A) future value of a lump sum

B) future value of an annuity
C) present value of a lump sum
D) present value of an annuity

Explanation: This is shown by formula 9-4 in this chapter. But this is not a typical
situation. Most lotteries (let’s say $1 Million over 20 years), will pay you the first payment
today and $50,000 each year for the next 19 years. This is actually an “annuity due”
which is not covered in this text. You’d have to calculate the present value of the annuity
for 19 years and add the initial $50,000 you received today.

You have $1000 you want to save. If four different banks offer four different compounding
methods for interest, which method should you choose to maximize your $1000?
A) compounded daily
B) compounded quarterly
C) compounded semi-annually
D) compounded annually

Explanation: The more often interest is compounded the faster it will grow because you
will begin to earn interest on the interest sooner.

Valuation and Rates of Return

In valuing a financial asset, you use these variables:

A) present value of future cash flows

B) discount rate
C) required rate of return
D) all of the above

Explanation: All of these are needed in order to value an asset.

The principal amount of a bond at issue is called:

A) par value
B) coupon value
C) present value of an annuity
D) present value of a lump sum

Explanation: This is also known as the face value or stated value.

If a bond's value rises above its par value during its life, interest rates have:
A) gone up
B) gone down
C) stayed the same
D) there is no correlation with interest rates

Explanation: There is an inverse relationship between bond prices and interest rates (or

The basic "rent" that you are charged when you borrow money is called:

A) inflation premium
B) risk premium
C) real rate of return
D) none of the above

Explanation: This is known as the opportunity cost in economics.

As time to maturity draws near, a bond's value approaches:

A) zero
B) par
C) the coupon payment
D) none of the above

Explanation: The bond price gets closer to its face value the closer it is to maturity (see
figure 10-2 in this chapter).

One characteristic of preferred stock is that:

A) it has no maturity date

B) it is a hybrid security with characteristics of both common stock and debt
C) it pays a fixed dividend payment
D) all of the above

Explanation: Preferred stock is described by all of the above characteristics.

Common stock that has no growth in dividends is valued as if it were:

A) preferred stock
B) a bond
C) an option
D) none of the above

Explanation: It is treated the same as preferred stock.

A high price/earnings ratio usually indicates that a firm is a:

A) value stock
B) growth stock
C) convertible security
D) constant security

Explanation: A high p/e ratio indicates a stock that is growing and has positive future

A low price/earnings ratio usually means that a firm:

A) is a growth stock
B) has positive expectations for the future
C) is a mature firm
D) is doomed in the marketplace.

Explanation: This is the opposite of a growth stock.

The premium to compensate an investor for the eroding effect of rising prices is called

A) risk premium
B) inflation premium
C) real rate of return
D) none of the above

Explanation: This is compensation for inflation or the loss of purchasing power

Cost of Capital

A firm's cost of capital is the:

A) cost of borrowing money

B) cost of issuing stock
C) cost of bonds
D) overall cost of financing to the firm

Explanation: This is also called the weighted average cost of capital (WACC).

The cost of debt financing is generally __________ the cost of preferred or common
equity financing.

A) less than
B) more than
C) equal to
D) not enough information to tell

Explanation: This is because there is less risk to the lender than if he/she were to buy
stock and because interest payments on debt are tax deductible to a firm.
The cost of preferred stock is usually more than the cost of debt because of:

A) low dividends
B) tax deductibility of interest payments on debt
C) high stock price
D) none of the above

Explanation: Preferred stock is not tax deductible and there is slightly more risk
associated with preferred stock than with bonds.

The cost of issuing new stock is called:

A) the cost of equity

B) flotation costs
C) marginal cost of capital
D) none of the above

Explanation: Flotation costs are the selling or distribution costs associated with a new
issue of stock.

The cost of retained earnings does not consider _________ in the equation.

A) flotation costs
B) the dividend in the next time period
C) the value of the common equity
D) the growth rate of dividends

Explanation: When a company retains its earnings there are no flotation costs incurred.

The most expensive source of financing for a firm is:
A) debt
B) preferred stock
C) retained earnings
D) new common stock

Explanation: This is because of flotation costs, as described above.

The cost of capital at the retained earnings breakpoint is the:

A) weighted average cost of capital

B) marginal cost of capital
C) cost of new stock
D) none of the above

Explanation: The marginal cost of capital is the cost of the last dollar of funds raised.

The cost of each component of a firm's capital structure multiplied by its weight in the
capital structure is called the:

A) marginal cost of capital

B) cost of debt
C) weighted average cost of capital
D) none of the above

Explanation: This represents the overall cost of financing to the firm.

When establishing their optimal capital structure, firms should strive to:

A) minimize the weighted average cost of capital

B) minimize the amount of debt financing used
C) maximize the marginal cost of capital
D) none of the above
Explanation: This means the least expensive cost to the firm.

The overall cost of financing for the firm is called the:

A) weighted average cost of capital

B) cost of preferred stock
C) retained earnings breakpoint
D) none of the above

Explanation: This is the weighted average cost of capital (WACC).

The Capital Budgeting Decision

______________ focuses on long-term decision-making regarding the acquisition of

A) Working Capital Management

B) Capital Budgeting
C) Cash Budgeting
D) none of the above

Explanation: Capital budgeting deals with long-term financial decisions occuring in the

Since capital budgeting uses cash flows instead of accounting flows, the financial
manager must add back _____________ to the analysis.

A) the cost of fixed assets

B) the cost of accounts payable
C) investments
D) depreciation

Explanation: Since depreciation is a non-cash expenditure it must be added back to

determine cash flow.

Which of the following capital budgeting methods focuses on firm liquidity?

A) payback method
B) net present value
C) internal rate of return
D) none of the above

Explanation: The payback method determines how quickly the cash investment is

When faced with mutually exclusive option, which project should be accepted under the
payback method?

A) The one with the longest payback period.

B) The one with the shortest Payback period.
C) It doesn’t matter because the payback method is not theoretically
D) None of the above.

Explanation: The payback method emphasizes liquidity, so the one with the shortest
payback period is preferable.

If the Net Present Values of two, mutually exclusive options are both greater than zero,
which option should be selected if the firm uses the Net Present Value method?

A) The one with the largest Net Present Value.

B) The one with the smallest Net Present Value.
C) Either one. Both are greater than the cost of capital.
D) None of the above
Explanation: The one with the largest Net Present Value adds the most value to the firm.

If the Internal Rates of Return of two, mutually exclusive options are both greater than the
cost of capital, which option should be selected under the Internal Rate of Return

A) The one with the largest Internal Rate of Return.

B) The one with the smallest Internal Rate of Return.
C) The one with the highest Net Present Value at the firm’s cost of capital.
D) None of the above

Explanation: The Internal Rate of Return is not reliable for decisions involving mutually
exclusive options. The Net Present Value method should be used to select between
mutually exclusive options.

If two projects are independent, that means that ___________________.

A) Selection of one precludes selection of the other.

B) You should analyze the projects independently.
C) Both a and b
D) none of the above

Explanation: In other words, one or both projects could be selected.

According to the reinvestment rate assumption, which method of capital budgeting
assumes cash flows are reinvested at the project's rate of return?

A) payback period
B) net present value
C) internal rate of return
D) none of the above
Explanation: The internal rate of return method assumes that the rate of reinvestment will
be equal to the actual internal rate of return.

When a firm places a budgetary constraint on the projects it invests in, this is called:

A) capital rationing
B) working capital management
C) cash budgeting
D) none of the above

Explanation: This means there is a limit to the amount of funds available.

Which of the following capital budgeting methods states the return of a project as a

A) payback period
B) net present value
C) internal rate of return
D) none of the above

Explanation: The internal rate of return is an interest rate.

Risk and Capital Budgeting

Because investors dislike uncertainty, they will require _________ rates of return from
risky investments.

A) higher
B) lower
C) the same
D) none of the above

Explanation: This is to compensate them for risk.

__________ is the variability of possible outcomes from a given investment.

A) Beta
B) Return
C) Risk
D) Variance

Explanation: Risk is a measure of uncertainty.

Generally, the larger the standard deviation of an investment's expected outcomes, the
_________ the risk.

A) higher
B) lower
C) less volatile
D) none of the above

Explanation: A smaller standard deviation implies less risk.

When stocks are held in a portfolio instead of individually, which measure of risk is

A) standard deviation
B) beta
C) coefficient of variation
D) none of the above

Explanation: The coefficient of variation is used to measure more than one stock.
If an individual stock's beta is higher than 1.0, that stock is:

A) exactly as risky as the market.

B) riskier than the market.
C) less risky than the market
D) none of the above

Explanation: A beta less than 1.0 means a stock is less risky than the overall market.

The component of the risk-adjusted discount rate that is derived from the risk of Treasury
securities is:

A) risk premium
B) cost of capital
C) call premium
D) risk-free rate

Explanation: Treasury securities are safe, risk-free investments.

The component of the risk-adjusted discount rate that compensates the investor for
holding risky assets is the:

A) risk-free rate
B) cost of capital
C) risk premium
D) none of the above

Explanation: The risk premium is a compensation for risk.

The standard deviation measures:

A) portfolio risk
B) the risk of an individual security
C) the risk of two securities, with different expected returns, compared to each
D) none of the above

Explanation: Risk is measured by the standard deviation.

Coefficient of variation measures:

A) portfolio risk
B) the risk of an individual security
C) the degree of risk per unit of expected return.
D) none of the above

Explanation: The coefficient of variation is used to compare more than one security, with
differing expected returns and levels of risk.

The automobile industry and the heavy manufacturing industry probably have expected
returns with a ___________ correlation.

A) positive
B) perfect positive
C) negative
D) slightly negative

Explanation: A positive correlation is associated with industries that are related to each other.

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