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P3/4 science

Heat and Temperature

1. Next, Jenny performed another experiment.

empty test tube

beaker containing
ice and salt

(a) Why was salt added to the ice? [1m]

(b) Jenny poured some boiling water into the test tube in the set-up shown because she
wanted the water to be cooled down by the ice.
What did Jenny observe? [1m]

(c) Explain the result in (b). [2m]

(d) Why are test tubes and other laboratory apparatus made of thin-walled glass? [2m]

when it is heated from the outside, the outside surface will expand faster than the inside surface, causing the apparatus to crack.
an even rate of expansion and contraction of the apparatus when it is subjected to changes in temperature. If the apparatus has a thick wall,
very cold and had contracted. When boiling hot water was poured into it, it expanded too suddenly, causing it to break. 1. (d) This is to ensure
Answers: 1. (a) Salt was added to help lower the melting point of the ice. 1. (b) The test tube broke suddenly. 1. (c) In the beginning, the test tube was

Taken from Science Process Skills Lower Block 3/4

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P3/4 science

Heat and Temperature

1. Three rods were partially submerged in a trough of boiling water as shown below.

trough containing
boiling water
C B A induction hot plate

Temperature sensors

Each rod was wired to a separate temperature sensor so that the change in its temperature
over time could be recorded.

The graph below shows how the temperature of each rod changes over a period of 30

110 A
70 B
5 10 15 20 25 30

(a) What is the purpose of the induction hot plate in the experimental set-up? [1m]

throughout the experiment.

Answers: 1. (a) The induction hot plate is used to heat up the water until it boils. It is also used to maintain the temperature of the boiling water

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Taken from Science Process Skills Lower Block 3/4
Answers: 1. (b) The dimensions of the three rods (length and width/thickness) must be kept unchanged to ensure a fair test. 1. (c) The materials which
the three rods are made of must be changed. 1. (d) Since there is a continued supply of heat from the induction heater even after the water
starts to boil, rod A (whose melting point has not yet been reached), continues to absorb heat beyond 100ºC. Hence, it increases in temperature.
1. (e) It is made of metal. 1. (f) Temperature sensor C was not working properly. The starting temperature of rod C should be the same
as that of the water and rods A and B. It cannot be 0ºC which is the freezing point of water. 1. (g) It was about 25ºC (room temperature).
1. (h) In the first 20 minutes, the temperature of rod B increased steadily from room temperature until a maximum of 70ºC. In the last 10 minutes,
the temperature of rod B remains constant at 70ºC. This suggests that rod B’s melting point is 70ºC. 1. (i) It is made of plastic. (Accept any other
reasonable answers.)
[​ __ ​m] (i) Suggest a possible material that rod B is made of.
[2m] (h) Explain the shape of the graph obtained for rod B.
[1m] (g) What was the temperature of all the three rods at the start of the experiment?
your choice clearly. [2m]
gave inaccurate temperature readings. Which temperature sensor was this? Explain
(f) One of the temperature sensors used in the experiment was not working properly. It
[​ __ ​m] (e) Suggest a possible material that rod A is made of.
possible? [1m]
steam is 100ºC yet rod A is able to reach a maximum temperature of 110ºC. How is this
(d) The maximum temperature which can be reached by the water before it changes into
[1m] (c) What variable must be changed in the experiment?
[1m] (b) What variable must be kept unchanged to ensure a fair test? 1.
Heat and Temperature
P3/4 science
P3/4 science

Heat and Temperature

1. The picture below shows a clinical thermometer.

42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35

(a) What is the range of the clinical thermometer? [1m]

(b) Why is this range sufficient for a clinical thermometer? [1m]

(c) What is the purpose of the constriction? [1m]

The picture below shows a laboratory thermometer.

110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 –10

from the patient’s mouth. This will allow us time to read the temperature that has been taken.
range is sufficient. 1. (c) It is to prevent the alcohol inside the tube from moving back down into the bulb after the thermometer is taken out
Answers: 1. (a) It is 35ºC — 42ºC. 1. (b) The normal human body temperature is 36.9ºC and it will never go below 35ºC or exceed 42ºC, so this temperature

Taken from Science Process Skills Lower Block 3/4

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