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S.Y. ‘23 - ‘24 | SEM 2 Q4 | PS Module 5 WEEK 5: Dual Nature of Light

– SEM 2 Q4 WEEK 5 –

1.0 Dual Nature of Light

● In 1900, Max Plank proposed the

quantum theory of light.
● According to this theory, light is
emitted in discrete packets of
energy called quanta.
● Albert Einstein referred to each
quantum of energy as a photon.
● Experiments show that light has a
dual nature; that is, as a particle and
a wave.
● Ascribing either the wave
characteristics or particle
characteristics depends on which
2.0 Evidence for the Wave-
property of light is being explained.
Particle Theory
● In 1905, the physicist Albert
Einstein developed a new theory  After Einstein proposed his theory,
about electromagnetic radiation. evidence was discovered to
● The theory is often called the wave- support it.
particle theory which explains how  For example, scientists shone laser
electromagnetic radiation can light through two slits in a barrier
behave as both a wave and a made of a material that blocked
particle. light.
● Einstein posits that when an  Using a special camera that was
electron returns to a lower energy very sensitive to light, they took
level and gives off electromagnetic photos of the light that passed
energy, the energy is released as a through the slits.
discrete "packet" of energy.  The photos revealed tiny pinpoints
● We now call such a packet of of light passing through the double
energy as a photon which slits.
resembles a particle but moves like  This seemed to show that light
a wave. consists of particles.
● The theory suggests that waves of  However, if the camera was
photons traveling through space or exposed to the light for a long time,
matter make up electromagnetic the pinpoints accumulated in
radiation. bands that resembled interfering


James Benedict Cerillo
S.Y. ‘23 - ‘24 | SEM 2 Q4 | PS Module 5 WEEK 5: Dual Nature of Light

waves. will move more slowly due to the

 Therefore, the experiment showed higher refractive index of the
that light seems to consist of second medium.
particles that act like waves.  Because the wavefront is now
traveling at two different speeds, it
will bend into the second medium,
3.0 Refraction and Reflection
thus changing the angle of
 When a beam of light travels  In contrast, particle theory has a
between two media having rather difficult time explaining why
different refractive indices, the particles of light should change
beam undergoes refraction, and direction when they pass from one
changes direction when it passes medium into another.
from the first medium into the  Proponents of the theory suggest
second., that a special force, directed
 To determine whether the light perpendicular to the interface, acts
beam is composed of waves or to change the speed of the
particles, a model for each can be particles as they enter the second
devised to explain the medium.
phenomenon (Figure 1).  The exact nature of this force was
left to speculation, and no
evidence has ever been collected
to prove the theory.
 Refraction is a change in the
direction of a light wave caused by
a change in its speed as the light
wave passes at an angle from one
medium to the next.
 In the ray diagram example, a light
ray is incident on the surface of
 According to Huygens' wave  Some of the light is reflected and
theory, a small portion of each some of the light slows down as it
angled wavefront should impact the enters the water and is refracted.
second medium before the rest of  Another excellent comparison of
the front reaches the interface. the two theories involves the
 This portion will start to move differences that occur when light is
through the second medium while reflected from a smooth, specular
the rest of the wave is still surface, such as a mirror.
traveling in the first medium, but  Wave theory speculates that a light


James Benedict Cerillo
S.Y. ‘23 - ‘24 | SEM 2 Q4 | PS Module 5 WEEK 5: Dual Nature of Light

source emits light waves that a huge number are involved in a

spread in all directions. propagating light beam, where they
 Upon impacting a mirror, the travel side by side very close
waves are reflected according to together.
the arrival angles, but with each  Upon impacting the mirror, the
wave turned back to front to particles bounce from different
produce a reversed image. points, so their order in the light
 The shape of arriving waves is beam is reversed upon reflection
strongly dependent upon how far to produce a reversed image.
the light source is from the mirror.  Both the particle and wave theories
 Light originating from a close adequately explain reflection from
source still maintains a spherical, a smooth surface. However, the
highly curved wavefront, while light particle theory also suggests that if
emitted from a distance source will the surface is very rough, the
spread more and impact the mirror particles bounce away at a variety
with wavefronts that are almost of angles, scattering the light.
planar.  This theory fits very closely to
experimental observation.

 The case for a particle nature for

light is far stronger with regards to
the reflection phenomenon than it
 The laws of reflection of light state:
is for refraction.
 Light emitted by a source, whether
near or far, arrives at the mirror
("The angle of incidence (measured
surface as a stream of particles,
from the normal line) is equal to the
which bounce away or are
angle of reflection (also measured
reflected from the smooth surface.
from the normal line.")
 Because the particles are very tiny,


James Benedict Cerillo
S.Y. ‘23 - ‘24 | SEM 2 Q4 | PS Module 5 WEEK 5: Dual Nature of Light

if the position of a wave front at

 The incident ray, the normal line at one instant is known, then the
the point of incidence and the position of the front at a later time
reflected ray, all lie in the same
can be constructed by imagining
the front as a source of secondary
 The figure above shows the
reflection of a light ray off a wavelets. Huygens‟s principle can
mirrored surface. The incoming or be used to derive the laws of
incident ray strikes the mirror at reflection and refraction.
the point of incidence. ● INDEX OF REFRACTION OF A
 The normal line is an dimaginary MATERIAL is the ratio of the speed
line drawn perpendicular to the
of light in vacuum to the speed in
reflecting surface at the point of
incidence. the material. If is the wavelength in
 The angle of incidence (Øi) is the vacuum, the same wave has a
angle between the normal line and shorter wavelength in a medium with
the incident ray. index of refraction n.
 The angle of reflection (Ør) is the ● LAW OF REFLECTION states that
angle between the normal line and the angle of reflection equals the
the reflected ray and is equal to the
angle of incidence.
angle of incidence.
● LAW OF REFRACTION relates the
angles of incidence and refraction
to the indexes of refraction of the
● LIGHT is an electromagnetic wave.
● WAVE-PARTICLE DUALITY When emitted or absorbed, it also
THEORY OF LIGHT states that light shows particle properties. It is
acts as a wave when it moves emitted by accelerated electric
through space and as a particle charges.
when it interacts with matter. ● PLANE OF INCIDENT is a single
● ELECTROMAGENTIC WAVE is an plane where all incident, reflected,
energy-carrying wave emitted by a and refracted rays and the normal lie.
vibrating charge (often electrons) ● REFLECTION is the return of light
that is composed of oscillating rays from a surface in such a way
electric and magnetic fields that that the angle at which a given ray is
regenerate one another. returned is equal to the angle at
● HUYGEN‟S PRINCIPLE states that which it strikes the surface. When


James Benedict Cerillo
S.Y. ‘23 - ‘24 | SEM 2 Q4 | PS Module 5 WEEK 5: Dual Nature of Light

the reflecting surface is irregular,

the light is returned in irregular
directions; this is diffuse reflection.
In general, the bouncing back of a
particle or wave that strikes the
boundary between two media
● REFRACTION is the bending of an
oblique ray of light when it passes
from one transparent medium to
another. This is caused by a
difference in the speed of light in the
transparent media. In general, the
change in direction of a wave as it
crosses the boundary between two
media in which the wave travels at
different speeds.
● WAVEFRONT is a surface of
constant phase; wave fronts move
with a speed equal to the
propagation speed of the wave.


James Benedict Cerillo

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