Sherly Luthfia Rosa 20043121_Tugas 2 Bahasa Inggris

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Nama. : Sherly Luthfia Rosa

NIM : 20043121

Jadwal Kuliah : Senin, 10.40am - 12.20pm,


Dosen : Ainul Addinna, S.Pd.,M.Pd.

PART 3 Tell me about your self?

In order to describe yourself to other people, you need to know adjective that you
have as a person. Adjective is a word that describes a noun or pronoun (someone or
something). Adjectives usually show a characteristic of a noun. For example:

Beautiful : Cantik Generous : Dermawan

Gorgeous : Cantik Stingy : Pelit
Handsome : Gagah Young : Muda
Smart : Pintar Far : Jauh
Stupid : Bodoh Near : Dekat
Happy : Senang Small : Kecil
Pleased : Senang Large : Luas
Delighted : Senang Amazing : Mengagumkan
Delightful : Menyenangkan Amazed : Terkagum
Sad : Sedih Boring : Membosankan
Ambitious : Ambisius Bored : Bosan
Confident : PercayaDiri Exciting : menyenangkan
Friendly : Ramah Excited about : senangterhadap
Funny : Lucu Annoying : menjengkelkan
Honest : Jujur Sarcastic : sarkastik
Cheerful : Gembira Embarrassing : Memalukan
Optimistic : Optimis Irritating :Menjengkelkan
Pessimistic : Pesimis Depressed : Depresi
Selfish : Egois Weird : Aneh

Exercise 1: write 10 adjectives about yours and your sister/brother’s personality

You Your sister

(Sherly) (Zahra)

1. Friendly 1. Friendly
2. Sensitive 2. Confident
3. Anxious 3. Talkative
4. Grumpy 4. Grumble
5. Diligent 5. Lazy
6. Thrifty 6. Wasteful
7. Loving 7. Selfish
8. Helpful 8. Sweet
9. Happy 9. Cranky
10.Impatient 10. Happy
PART 4 Read this short text and answer the following questions.

Exercise 2

My Best Friend

My best friend is Ernesto and he is my classmate. We go to school together. Ernesto

comes from an educated family. His father is a school principal and his mother is also a
teacher. Ernesto is my best friend. He is very helpful. He always helps me whenever I am in
trouble. He is really hard working and very diligent. He always does his homework. He is also
well-dressed and well-behaved. All teachers have a high opinion of him. He is gentle but
fearless. He takes part in all sports, scout, and adventurous activities. He has a good heart.
He is friendly, honest and obedient. He is a very intelligent student and he is usually at the
top of his class in the end of semester. He inspires me to work harder. He keeps me away
from bad company. I am happy to have a friend like him.


1. Who is described in the text?

Answer : Ernesto ( writer’s best friend)
2. Is he a good person? How do you know?
Answer : Yes,he is. Because on the text above, the writer tell that Ernesto always
help the writer no matter what the trouble and he has a good heart.
3. Can you mention some of his personalities?
Answer : Ernesto is a helpful person,diligent,intelligent, friendly,honest,obedient,
he has a good heart and also he is a gentle but fearless.
4. Do you have best friend?
Answer : Yes, I do.
5. Is he/ she a good person?
Answer : Yes , they are (because I have 3).

Exercise 3

Who is your best friend?

What do you think about him/her? (Use the ideas on the previous pages).
Describe him/her in a paper
Write it in a short paragraph

My Silly Best friends

I have 3 bestfriends , they are Natasya, Mayang and Viona. We met for the first
time when we all were in the first class in SMK and then we became be best friends
because we have connection with each other.Natasya is a good listener and optimistic
person, Mayang is a funny. She is a clown of my class. When the class is cancelled, she
often tells us jokes in front of the class. Her diction and silly act always make our class is
full of laugh. and the last, Viona is a helpful and always give me some nice advice when
i need it. We have same hobby and it’s about dancing, we have ever danced on stage
together and this is one of our unforgettable moments. Sometimes when we hang out
together, we do silly thing unconsciously .They are so kind and always be my side
whatever the situation .I’m proud being their friend ,I’m happy have silly friends and
they are the best.

Exercise 5: LETS DO IT! Guess the person based on the personality

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