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Consumer Credit Contract Schedule

This Schedule
This is an offer by you, the borrower/s, to enter into a contract for a Fixed Rate Personal Loan.
Before you sign this Schedule, please read the Schedule, the Personal Loan Terms and Conditions and (if your
loan was introduced to us by a third party) the Personal Loan Commission Disclosure Document.
Together, they make up your loan contract and include the information we must provide you.
The total amount of repayments and total interest charges payable quoted in your Schedule are estimates. The
actual figures will depend on factors such as when you make repayments and whether interest rates change.

The Borrower/s

Financial Table

Item A Disclosure Date 12th April 2022

Item B (i) Amount of credit $4,150.00

(ii) Maximum amount of credit available under your Not applicable

redraw facility

Item C Interest rates - During the fixed rate period

(i) Fixed annual percentage rate 12.50% p.a.

(ii) Fixed interest rate period 1 year from the Funding Date

Interest rates - Following the fixed rate period, if your loan

hasn't been repaid in full, the variable rate will apply

(iii) Name of reference interest rate Standard Variable Rate

(iv) Current variable annual percentage rate 13.50% p.a.

Item D Estimated total interest payable over your loan term $286.83

Item E Your repayments (includes principal and interest)

(i) Number of repayments 12 total monthly repayments

(ii) Minimum monthly repayment 11 repayments of $370.00, and a final

repayment of $366.83*.

(iii) Estimated total repayments over your loan term $4,436.83

(iv) Period over which repayments are to be made 1 year from the Funding Date

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Australian credit licence 234945
Item E (continued)

(v) First monthly repayment due For monthly payers: the next
occurrence of your selected due date
after the loan account is funded^.
However, if this date is less than 21
days after funding it will typically occur
in the following month.
For weekly or fortnightly payers:
Typically 28 to 36 days after the loan
account is set up.
You can confirm the date by contacting
us or checking NetBank.*
*If you've chosen weekly or fortnightly repayments, the amount you are required to pay each month will
depend on how many weekly (4 or 5) or fortnightly (2 or 3) payment dates fall in that month. Based on your
selected frequency, your minimum monthly repayments will be as follows:
In months with 4 weekly direct debit dates $352.00
In months with 5 weekly direct debit dates $440.00
Your first weekly/fortnightly payment will be debited on the day agreed which could fall in the first week after
your loan is funded. So long as you make the weekly or fortnightly payments on the payment dates, you will
have satisfied your monthly repayment obligation as set out in Item E.
^If a date is not selected, then your monthly due date will be the 1st.

Item F Credit fees and charges

Name of When payable Amount


Establishment On funding of your loan $150.00


Settlement On funding if you require more than $15.00 per additional cheque
cheque fee two cheques

Loan service fee On each repayment due date $10.00

Early If you repay your loan in full early, or Not ascertainable - an amount not
Repayment make extra repayments above the exceeding our estimated loss arising
Adjustment annual limit, and we estimate we will from the extra repayments.
incur a loss.

Late payment May be payable on the fifth business $20.00

fee day after the repayment due date if at
the end of the previous business day
your loan is in arrears.

We continue to charge this fee

monthly until you repay all the arrears
or you enter into and keep an
arrangement with us for full
repayment of those arrears.

Estimated total amount of credit fees and charges $270.00

payable over the term of your loan (being the
establishment fee and loan service fees)

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Under your loan contract, we can, without your consent, change the following:
- The amount or frequency of repayments
- The amount or frequency of fees and charges
- The annual percentage rate and the margin above/below the reference interest rate (except we will not
change a fixed interest rate during a fixed rate period).
We can also impose new fees and charges without your consent. We'll provide notice of any changes - see the
Personal Loan Terms and Conditions.

Other Information
Item G Frequency with which interest is Monthly
debited to the Loan Account

Item H Security Not applicable

Item I Other conditions and requirements Not applicable

Item J How we pay the amount of credit - we pay this as follows:

- Remainder as per your instructions $4,000.00
- To Commonwealth Bank - Establishment Fee $150.00
Total $4,150.00**

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Signed by Commonwealth Bank of Australia
on the 12th day of April 2022

Your offer: When you sign or electronically accept this Schedule, you make an offer to enter into a loan
contract with us. The contract will then start on the day we fund your loan or otherwise accept your offer.



* READ THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS so that * You can withdraw this offer at any time before we
you know exactly what contract you are entering (your credit provider) accept it. When we accept it,
into and what you will have to do under the you will be bound by it. However, you may end the
contract. contract before you obtain credit or other means is
used to obtain goods or services for which credit is
* You should also read the information statement:
to be provided under the contract, by telling us in
writing, but you will still be liable for any fees or
charges already incurred.
* Fill in or cross out any blank spaces.
* You do not have to take out consumer credit
* Get a copy of the contract documents. insurance unless you want to. However, if this
contract document says so, you must take out
* Do not sign this contract document if there is
insurance over your car that is used as security.
anything you do not understand.
* If you are taking out insurance, we cannot insist
on any particular insurance company.
* If this contract document says so, we can vary the
annual percentage rate (the interest rate), the
repayments and the fees and charges and can
add new fees and charges without your consent.
* If this contract document says so, we can charge
a fee if you pay out your contract early.

(Name of borrower)

(Signature of borrower)

BANK USE ONLY Application Number : 98605168917

Received by the Bank on the ............................................ day of ......................................... year .................
Signature/s verified and confirmed by:
Staff name ..................................................................................................... Staff number ...........................

Signature ....................................................................................................... Date ........................................

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