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Stroke: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis,

And Management 7th Edition James

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Stroke: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, And Management 7e

2021 7th Edition James Grotta

Sex Differences in Cardiac Diseases: Pathophysiology,

Presentation, Diagnosis and Management Niti R. Aggarwal

Goodwin and Guze’s Psychiatric Diagnosis 7th Edition

Critical Care Nursing: Diagnosis and Management 8th

Differential Diagnosis of Common Complaints 7th Edition

Goodwin and Guze's Psychiatric Diagnosis 7th Edition

Carol S. North

Yen & Jaffe’s Reproductive Endocrinology: Physiology,

Pathophysiology, and Clinical Management, 8e Yen &
Jaffe’s Reproductive Endocrinology: Physiology,
Pathophysiology, and Clinical Management, 8e 2018 8th
Edition 8E Yen & Jaffe’S Reproductive Endocrinology:

Stroke Care Harwood

Urgent Care Dermatology: Symptom-Based Diagnosis James

E. Fitzpatrick
Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Management



Director of Stroke Research and Mobile Stroke Unit Professor of Neurology and Radiology
Clinical Innovation and Research Institute Harvard Medical School
Memorial Hermann Hospital-Texas Medical Center Boston, Massachusetts
Houston, Texas Director, Neuroprotection Research Laboratories
Massachusetts General Hospital
Charlestown, Massachusetts
Department of Neurology and Neurological Sciences RALPH L. SACCO, MD
Stanford University Chairman, Department of Neurology
Stanford, California Olemberg Family Chair in Neurological Disorders
Miller Professor of Neurology, Public Health Sciences,
Human Genetics, and Neurosurgery
JOSEPH P. BRODERICK, MD University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
Professor Chief of Service, Neurology
Department of Neurology and Rehabilitation Medicine Jackson Health System
University of Cincinnati Gardner Neuroscience Institute Miami, Florida
Cincinnati, Ohio


ARTHUR L. DAY, MD Professor
Professor and Co-Chairman Department of Medicine and Therapeutics
Director of Cerebrovascular Surgery Chinese University of Hong Kong
Residency Program Director Shatin, Hong Kong, China
Department of Neurosurgery
University of Texas Medical School at Houston
Houston, Texas

Professor, Department of Neurology
University of Pennsylvania
Director, Comprehensive Stroke Center
University of Pennsylvania Health System
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1600 John F. Kennedy Blvd.
Ste 1600
Philadelphia, PA 19103-2899


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Video Contents

Video 30.1 Important concepts regarding Video 32.9 TTE of large posterior mitral annular
angioarchitecture, classification, and risk calcification (MAC) with central echo lucency,
factors for arteriovenous malformations. suggesting caseous MAC.
Video 30.2 Endovascular embolization of a frontal Video 33.1 Large atherosclerotic plaque in the mid-portion
arteriovenous malformation. of the aortic arch with large superimposed,
Video 30.3 Endovascular and surgical techniques in the mobile thrombus (also Fig. 33.6).
treatment of dural arteriovenous fistulae. Video 33.2 Mobile aortic plaque in the superior aspect of
Video 32.1 Mobile atheroma: An intraoperative video 3D the aortic arch, just proximal to the takeoff of
TEE image of a mobile atheroma in the aortic the innominate artery (also Fig. 33.10A and B).
arch, visualized during a transcatheter aortic Video 35.1 3D reconstruction of carotid angiography
valve replacement (TAVR), consistent with in a 40-year-old woman with right-sided
grade 5 atheromatous disease. numbness. Anterior, posterior, and left lateral
Video 32.2 (A) Positive bubble study: Markedly positive rotational video of the left internal carotid
bubble study consistent with a large atrial artery demonstrates a web.
level shunt. (B) Negative bubble study: Video 60.1 Knee-ankle-foot-orthosis: A knee-ankle-foot
Agitated saline contrast (“bubble”) study orthosis enabled this hemiplegic person with
showing no evidence of an interatrial sensorimotor loss to prevent the knee from
communication. snapping back in the mid- to late stance phase
Video 32.3 TEE bubble study with intrapulmonary of gait, prevent catching the forefoot when
shunt: A bubble study on TEE with delayed initiating swing, and improved control of the
passage of bubbles into the left atrium via the stability of foot placement during the stance
right upper pulmonary vein, suggesting an phase.
intrapulmonary shunt, such as a pulmonary Video 72.1 Minimally invasive endoscopic ICH
atriovenous malformation. evacuation. The procedure begins with a
Video 32.4 Takotsubo cardiomyopathy: TTE revealing 1.5-cm incision, a 1-cm craniectomy, and
akinesis of mid- and apical left ventricular stereotactic placement of a 19F (6.3-mm)
segments with hypercontractile basal sheath into the hematoma. The introducer
segments, consistent with a stress-mediated is then removed from the sheath, and the
cardiomyopathy (Takotsubo cardiomyopathy). endoscope is placed down the sheath with
an adjunctive aspiration device inserted
Video 32.5 Mobile atrial septum with positive bubble in the working channel of the endoscope.
study: Mobile atrial septum, consistent with
Continuous irrigation with lactated Ringers is
an atrial septal aneurysm. Agitated saline
used throughout the procedure.
contrast (“bubble”) study reveals passage
of bubbles into the left heart after the atrial Video 72.2 Minimally invasive endoport-mediated ICH
septum bulges into the left atrium, suggesting evacuation. The procedure begins with a
a transient increase in right atrial pressure. 4-cm incision, a 2.5-cm craniotomy, and
This finding is consistent with the presence of stereotactic placement of a 13.5-cm endoport
a patent foramen ovale (PFO). into the hematoma. The introducer is
then removed from the endoport, and the
Video 32.6 TTE of a large left atrial myxoma, filling the
endoport is fixed in place. A microscope or
entire left atrium and resulting in obstruction
an exoscope is then positioned to provide
to left ventricular filling.
visibility down the endoport and into the
Video 32.7 Papillary fibroelastoma: TEE of the aortic cavity.
valve revealing a linear echo density on the
Video 75.1 Surgical management of a cerebral cavernous
ventricular surface of the valve, consistent
with a papillary fibroelastoma.
Video 32.8 2D (A) and 3D (B) images of a large burden of Video 77.1 Superficial temporal artery to middle cerebral
artery bypass.
clot in the left atrium and left atrial appendage
in a patient with a cardiomyopathy and atrial Video 78.1 Decompressive craniectomy in a patient with
flutter, presenting with a stroke. malignant middle cerebral artery infarction.

Foreword to the Seventh Edition
This original editor continues to marvel at the advances in The growing participation in stroke management by
the field of stroke, justifying the seventh edition of this book. those in allied fields has done nothing to displace the role
Among other topics, the first edition had a mere 15 chap- of neurovascular clinicians, whose commitment includes
ters, and in 347 pages covered “Stroke Therapy.” The subjects studying how the brain works. Insights from modern basic
ranged from management of risk factors to rehabilitation. biology, increasingly sophisticated imaging, prospective
This edition has no less than 28 such chapters, clustered in clinically detailed databases, and even access to video Zoom
stand-alone sections for medical and interventional therapy. follow-ups are providing windows into what was formerly
The page length for all of subjects has steadily expanded by called semiology. Decades ago, the neurology literature was
editions: proof, if needed, of progress. Gone—and good rid- dotted with titles beginning with “The Neurology of…” by
dance!—are the days when those interested in stroke were which the author(s) implied how a clinical syndrome allowed
considered clinically irrelevant for lack of definitive therapies. insight into diagnosis or prognosis. Today, a surprising number
Instead, far from an arcane subspecialty, stroke prevention of outcomes for acute focal syndromes formerly considered
and management now has an impact on the clinical practice static, prevented from their full development, or deemed
of many medical and surgical fields whose training not long modified favorably by acute interventions, are yielding insights
ago scarcely touched on the subject. into the mysteries of functional reorganization. The increasing
Stroke clinicians now find their clinical judgment opportunities to understand this effect offers literature-
tested—sometimes to their vexation—by the application of oriented neurovascular clinicians the chance to be links in an
hyperacute management algorithms driven mainly by scor- unbroken chain of inquiry dating back to antiquity.
ing systems, meta-analyses, and outcomes from the wave of
clinical trials. Few can argue with the positive effect of rapid J.P. Mohr, MD
assessment and intervention, especially for acute ischemic Daniel Sciarra Professor of Neurology
strokes. Insights spanning genetics, basic biology, computer- Department of Neurology
driven population studies, web-based meta-analyses, and Director and Neurologist
increasingly common longitudinal outcome reports are wel- Doris and Stanley Tanenbaum Stroke Center
come signs of progress. Only novelists should designate their Columbia University Irving Medical Center
published work free from revision. The current contributors New York, New York
can expect further changes to justify an eighth edition in the
foreseeable future.

The seventh edition of the text has a number of important Other unsolved areas that receive substantial updating
changes. First, this edition has even more on-line features, include intracerebral hemorrhage by new author Dr. Anderson
making it easier to access its content in a digital-friendly for- and arteriovenous malformations by Drs. Samaniego, Roa,
mat. The eBook includes the entire book plus full reference Ortega-Gutierrez, and Derdeyn. In addition, the chapters
lists (as opposed to the Key References that appear in the chap- on the surgical management of different types of brain
ters) and a larger number of videos than the previous edition. hemorrhage have all been updated by new authors.
Access to the Expert Consult eBook version is included with The previous edition appeared just as the trials demonstrating
print purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you the benefit of endovascular thrombectomy were published, so
to search all of the text, figures, and references on a variety of the coverage of this revolution in treatment was incomplete.
devices. The content can also be downloaded to tablets and In this edition, Dr. Broderick’s section, Interventional Therapy,
smart phones for offline use. and in particular the chapter by Drs. Saver and Jahn on the
Another important change includes our new Surgical endovascular treatment of acute ischemic stroke, have been
Therapy section editor, Arthur Day, MD. Dr. Day is an substantially updated to include the results of all those pivotal
international authority on the surgical management of clinical trials, as well as the myriad studies that followed.
cerebral aneurysms, intracranial hemorrhage, and extracranial The final unresolved topic receiving increased coverage
vascular disease. He is the recipient of numerous neurosurgical in this edition is how best to deliver these effective new
leadership awards, and from first-hand experience I can attest treatments (e.g., stroke systems of care). We have added a new
to his passion for teaching and the wisdom that has grown chapter on this topic, written by Drs. Czap, Harmel, Audebert,
out of decades of skillfully managing the complexities of the and myself, that explores different models and approaches to
entire array of neurovascular surgical cases. Of particular value reorganizing our stroke centers, resources, and staffing. and
for his role as editor, Dr. Day has been an important leader In addition, first-time contributors to this title, Drs. Kircher
of the neurosurgical field as it has emerged from open to and Adeoye, have expanded the chapter on prehospital and
endovascular approaches and as it has partnered with vascular emergency care.
neurology in the conduct of clinical trials. As a result of his While I have focused my editorial spotlight on a few of the
intimate knowledge of the entire neurovascular landscape and major unresolved topics that are receiving substantial and well-
its leaders, you will see that the authors of almost all of the deserved increased attention, I want to emphasize that each and
chapters in the Surgical Therapy section have changed and the every chapter has been updated with new information. There
chapters have all been updated. I think that the readers will be is a new chapter on posterior reversible encephalopathy, which
impressed by the combined experience, fresh perspective, and replaces the old chapter on hypertensive encephalopathy with
new information in every chapter in the section. new authors (Drs. Balu and Fischer); the imaging chapters on
Other notable changes in this edition justified enlarging CT and MRI have been updated, with expanded discussion of
attention given to several underappreciated and yet unresolved the important role of imaging in patient selection for acute
problems in the field. In line with the increasing evidence of therapy; the chapters on cardiac disease, cryptogenic stroke,
vascular disease as the most important modifiable contributor and secondary prevention provide more information on
to dementia and much-needed attention to the biology atrial fibrillation detection, other possible causes of embolic-
underlying small vessel disease, a new chapter on this topic appearing stroke without known source, and their long
has been added to the Pathophysiology section, which has term management; the antiplatelet therapy chapter includes
been overseen by the senior editor, Dr. Lo. In addition, the updated data from recent trials of dual antiplatelet therapy;
chapters on the clinical aspects of vascular dementia and and the design of stroke clinical trials chapter has been
small vessel disease have been updated by new authors (Drs. rewritten by new authors (Drs. Perez, Elm, and Saver) and
Rundek, Seshadri, and Caunca) in the Epidemiology and Risk includes emerging novel approaches to figuring out if new
Factors section, and important new information is found in the treatments work.
chapters on genetics and CADASIL. Somewhat linked to this All in all, I hope that the exciting relevant new data that fill
topic and also reflecting a maturing interest in non-imaging the pages of our journals and make stroke such a dynamic and
stroke biomarkers in general is an entirely new chapter on interesting field are distilled into these pages in a readable and
“OMICs,” written by Drs. Jickling and Sharp. authoritative format that will help the reader understand their
Disparities in stroke incidence and outcomes has become patients and their underlying disease, which they see every
a hot topic, accentuated recently by the spotlight cast on this day, and also provide the foundation for new knowledge that
issue during the COVID-19 pandemic and the racial unrest in will be the substrate for the next edition.
the United States. The already outstanding chapter on stroke
disparities by Drs. Howard, Howard, and McCullough has James C. Grotta, MD
been updated, and this topic has also been woven through
other chapters where relevant.


Harold P. Adams Jr., MD Hugo J. Aparicio, MD, MPH Hakan Ay, MD

Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor
Department of Neurology Department of Neurology Departments of Neurology and
Carver College of Medicine Boston University School of Medicine Radiology
University of Iowa Investigator, The Framingham Heart Massachusetts General Hospital
Iowa City, Iowa Study Harvard Medical School
Boston, Massachusetts Boston, Massachusetts
Opeolu Adeoye, MD
Takeda Pharmaceutical Company
Vice Chair, Research Ken Arai, PhD
Co-Director, UC Stroke Team Associate Professor
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Professor Neuroprotection Research Laboratory
Department of Emergency Medicine Departments of Radiology and Selva Baltan, MD, PhD
University of Cincinnati Neurology Professor and Vice Chair for Basic
Cincinnati, Ohio Massachusetts General Hospital Research
Harvard Medical School Anesthesiology and Peri-Operative
Gregory W. Albers, MD
Boston, Massachusetts Medicine
Oregon Health and Science University
Department of Neurology and Jaroslaw Aronowski, PhD, MD
School of Medicine
Neurological Sciences Professor and Vice Chair
Portland, Oregon
Stanford University Roy M. and Phyllis Gough Huffington
Stanford, California Chair in Neurology Ramani Balu, MD, PhD
McGovern Medical School Assistant Professor
Andrei V. Alexandrov, MD, RVT
University of Texas Health Science Division of Neurocritical Care
Semmes-Murphey Professor and Chairman
Center at Houston Department of Neurology
Department of Neurology
Houston, Texas University of Pennsylvania
The University of Tennessee Health
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Science Center Kunakorn Atchaneeyasakul, MD
Memphis, Tennessee Clinical Instructor of Neurology Mandana Behbahani, MD
StrokeNet Fellow Resident
Sepideh Amin-Hanjani, MD
Department of Neurology Department of Neurosurgery
Professor and Program Director
University of Pittsburg School of University of Illinois at Chicago
Department of Neurosurgery
Medicine Chicago, Illinois
Co-Director, Neurovascular Surgery
Pittsburg, Pennsylvania
University of Illinois at Chicago Oscar R. Benavente, MD
Stroke Vascular Fellow
Chicago, Illinois Professor
UCLA Health
Department of Medicine
Hongyu An, PhD Los Angeles, California
Associate Professor
Heinrich Audebert, MD Stroke and Cerebrovascular Health
Department of Radiology
Senior Physician Research
Washington University School of
Assistant Director of the Department CBF Brain Research Center
Department of Neurology Division of Neurology
St. Louis, Missouri
Center for Stroke Research University of British Columbia
Craig S. Anderson, MD, PhD Charité University Medicine Berlin Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Professor of Neurology Berlin, Germany
Eric M. Bershad, MD
The George Institute for Global Health
Roland N. Auer, MD, PhD Associate Professor
University of New South Wales
Professor and Neuropathologist Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Space
Sydney, Australia
Department of Pathology Medicine
Josef Anrather, VMD Royal University Hospital Baylor College of Medicine
Professor of Neuroscience Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada Houston, Texas
Feil Family Brain and Mind Research
Issam A. Awad, MD Jimmy V. Berthaud, MD, MPH
The John Harper Seeley Professor of Assistant Professor
Weill Cornell Medicine
Surgery (Neurosurgery) Department of Neurology
New York, New York
Director, Neurovascular Surgery University of Michigan Medical School
Department of Neurosurgery Ann Arbor, Michigan
University of Chicago
Chicago, Illinois

Contributors xiii

Spiros L. Blackburn, MD Louis R. Caplan, MD Greg Christorforids, MD

Associate Professor Professor Professor
Department of Neurosurgery Department of Neurology Department of Radiology
University of Texas Houston Health Harvard University University of Chicago
Science Center Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Chicago, Illinois
Houston, Texas Boston, Massachusetts
E. Sander Connolly, Jr., MD
Leo H. Bonati, MD Julián Carrión-Penagos, MD Bennett M. Stein Professor
Professor of Neurology Neurology Resident Chairman
Head Stroke Center Department of Neurology Department of Neurological Surgery
Department of Neurology University of Chicago Columbia University Medical Center
University Hospital Basel Chicago, Illinois New York, New York
Department of Clinical Research
Mar Castellanos, MD Steven C. Cramer, MD
University of Basel
Department of Neurology Professor
Basel, Switzerland
Complexo Hospitalario Universitario A Department of Neurology
Julian Bösel, MD Coruña David Geffen School of Medicine
Professor Biomedical Research Institute of A University of California, Los Angeles
Department of Neurology Coruña Los Angeles, California
Klinikum Kassel A Coruña, Spain
Brett L. Cucchiara, MD
Kassel, Germany
Michelle R. Caunca, PhD Professor
Marie Germaine Bousser, MD Medical Scientist Training Program Department of Neurology
Department of Neurology and CERVCO University of Miami Miller School of University of Pennsylvania
Reference Center for Rare Vascular Medicine Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Diseases of the Eye and Brain Miami, Florida
Alexandra L. Czap, MD
Hôpital Lariboisiére
Hugues Chabriat, MD, PhD Neuro-oncologist
Assistance Publique Hôpital de Paris;
Department of Neurology and CERVCO Assistant Professor
Université of Paris
Reference Center for Rare Vascular Department of Neurology
Paris, France
Diseases of the Eye and Brain McGovern Medical School
Joseph P. Broderick, MD Hôpital Lariboisiére University of Texas Health Science
Professor Assistance Publique Hôpital de Paris Center at Houston
Department of Neurology and Ambroise Paré Houston, Texas
Rehabilitation Medicine INSERM U 1161
Mark J. Dannenbaum, MD
University of Cincinnati Gardner Genetics and Physiopathology of
Assistant Professor
Neuroscience Institute ­Cerebrovascular Diseases
Department of Neurosurgery
Cincinnati, Ohio Université of Paris
University of Texas Houston Health
Service de Neurologie
Martin M. Brown, MA, MD Science Center
Hôpital Lariboisière
Emeritus Professor of Stroke Medicine Houston, Texas
Paris, France
UCL Queen Square Institute of
Patricia H. Davis, MD
Neurology Angel Chamorro, MD, PhD
Professor Emeritus
University College London Professor of Neurology
Department of Neurology
London, United Kingdom Department of Neurosciences
Carver College of Medicine
Hospital Clinic of Barcelona
Wendy Brown, MD University of Iowa
Barcelona, Spain
Stroke Director Iowa City, Iowa
Sutter Roseville Medical Center Jieli Chen, MD
Ted M. Dawson, MD, PhD
Roseville California Senior Scientist
Director, Institute for Cell Engineering
Department of Neurology
John C.M. Brust, MD Professor of Neurology
Henry Ford Hospital
Professor John Hopkins University School of
Detroit, Michigan
Department of Neurology Medicine
Columbia University College of Jun Chen, MD, PhD Baltimore, Maryland
Physicians and Surgeons Professor
Valina L. Dawson, PhD
New York, New York Department of Neurology
Director, Neuroregeneration and Stem
University of Pittsburgh
Cheryl Bushnell, MD, MHS Cell Programs
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Department of Neurology Institute for Cell Engineering
Wake Forest School of Medicine Michael Chopp, PhD Professor of Neurology, Neuroscience,
Winston-Salem, North Carolina Senior Scientist and Physiology
Department of Neurology Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Patrícia Canhão, MD, PhD
Henry Ford Hospital Baltimore, Maryland
Department of Neurosciences
Detroit, Michigan
(Neurology) Arthur L. Day, MD
Distinguished Professor
Hospital de Santa Maria-CHULN Professor and Co-Chairman
Department of Physics
Instituto de Medicina Molecular João Director of Cerebrovascular Surgery
Oakland University
Lobo Antunes Residency Program Director
Rochester, Michigan
Faculdade de Medicina Department of Neurosurgery
Universidade de Lisboa University of Texas Medical School at
Lisbon, Portugal Houston
Houston, Texas
xiv Contributors

T. Michael De Silva, PhD Bruce H. Dobkin, MD Myriam Fornage, PhD

Lecturer in Physiology Professor Professor, Center for Human Genetics
Department of Physiology, Anatomy, Department of Neurology Laurence and Johanna Favrot
and Microbiology David Geffen School of Medicine Distinguished Professor in Cardiology
School of Life Sciences University of California, Los Angeles Brown Foundation Institute of
La Trobe University Los Angeles, California Molecular Medicine
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia McGovern Medical School
Imanuel Dzialowski, MD
University of Texas Health Science
Diana Aguiar de Sousa, MD, PhD Head of ELBLAND Center for
Center at Houston
Department of Neurosciences Neuro-Rehabilitation
Houston, Texas
(Neurology) Teaching Faculty
Hospital de Santa Maria-CHULN Technical University Dresden Karen L. Furie, MD, MPH
Instituto de Medicina Molecular João Dresden, Germany Neurologist-in-Chief
Lobo Antunes Rhode Island Hospital
Mitchell S.V. Elkind, MD
Faculdade de Medicina The Miriam Hospital and Bradley
Universidade de Lisboa Hospital
Department of Neurology
Lisbon, Portugal Samuel I. Kennison, MD, and Bertha
Columbia University College of
S. Kennison Professor of Clinical
Victor J. Del Brutto, MD Physicians and Surgeons
Assistant Professor Professor
Chair of Neurology
Department of Neurology Department of Epidemiology
The Warren Alpert Medical School of
Stroke Division Columbia University Mailman School
Brown University
University of Miami Miller School of of Public Health
Providence, Rhode Island
Medicine New York, New York
Miami, Florida Lidia Garcia-Bonilla, PhD
Jordan Elm, PhD
Assistant Professor of Research in
Gregory J. del Zoppo, MD Associate Professor
Professor Department of Public Health Sciences
Feil Family Brain and Mind Research
Division of Hematology Medical University of South Carolina
Department of Neurology Charleston, South Carolina
Weill Cornell Medicine
University of Washington
Valery L. Feigin, MD, PhD New York, New York
Seattle, Washington
Professor of Epidemiology and
Steven L. Giannotta, MD
Colin P. Derdeyn, MD Neurology
Professor and Chair National Institute for Stroke and
Chair, Neurological Surgery
Radiology and Neurology Applied Neurosciences
Department of Neurosurgery
Department of Neurology Faculty of Health and Environmental
Keck School of Medicine
Carver College of Medicine Studies
University of Southern California
University of Iowa Auckland University of Technology
Los Angeles, California
Iowa City, Iowa Auckland, New Zealand
Y. Pierre Gobin, MD
Marco R. Di Tullio, MD José Manuel Ferro, MD, PhD
Professor of Radiology in Neurology
Professor of Medicine Department of Neurosciences
and Neurosurgery
Division of Cardiology (Neurology)
Director, Interventional Neurology
Columbia University College of Hospital de Santa Maria-CHULN
Weill Cornell Medical Center
Physicians and Surgeons Principle Investigator
New York Presbyterian Hospital
Associate Director Instituto de Medicina Molecular João
New York, New York
Adult Cardiovascular Ultrasound Lobo Antunes
Laboratories Faculdade de Medicina Mark P. Goldberg, MD
Cardiologist Professor Professor of Neurology
Cardiology Division Universidade de Lisboa Associate Vice Chair of Institutional
Columbia University Irving Medical Lisbon, Portugal Advancement
Center University of Texas Southwestern
Thalia S. Field, MD
New York, New York Medical Center
Associate Professor
Dallas, Texas
Hans Christoph Diener, MD, PhD Department of Medicine
Professor of Neurology Emeritus University of British Columbia Larry B. Goldstein, MD
Medical Faculty of the University Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Ruth L Works Professor and Chairman
Duisburg-Essen Department of Neurology
Marlene Fischer, MD, PhD
Institute for Medical Informatics, University of Kentucky
University Medical Center Hamburg-
Biometry and Epidemiology Co-Director, Kentucky Neuroscience
Essen, Germany Institute
Center for Anesthesiology and Intensive
Lexington, Kentucky
Michael N. Diringer, MD Care Medicine
Professor Department of Intensive Care Medicine Nicole R. Gonzales, MD
Department of Neurology Hamburg, Germany Professor
Washington University School of Department of Neurology
Medicine McGovern Medical School
St. Louis, Missouri University of Texas Health Science
Center at Houston
Houston, Texas
Contributors xv

David M. Greer, MD Glen C. Jickling, MD Charles E. Kircher, MD

Richard B. Slifka Chief of Neurology Associate Professor Assistant Professor
Boston Medical Center Department of Medicine Department of Emergency Medicine
Professor and Chair Division of Neurology University of Cincinnati
Department of Neurology University of Alberta Neurointensivist
Boston University School of Medicine Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Gardner Neuroscience Institute
Boston, Massachusetts University of Cincinnati Medical Center
Anne Joutel, MD, PhD
Cincinnati, Ohio
James C. Grotta, MD INSERM U 1266
Director of Stroke Research and Mobile Pathogenesis of Small Vessel Diseases of Timo Krings, MD, PhD
Stroke Unit the Brain; The David Braley and Nancy
Clinical Innovation and Research Université of Paris Gordon Chair in Interventional
Institute Paris, France Neuroradiology
Memorial Hermann Hospital-Texas Chief, Diagnostic and Interventional
Scott E. Kasner, MD
Medical Center Neuroradiology
Houston, Texas Toronto Western Hospital and
Department of Neurology
University Health Network
Ruiming Guo University of Pennsylvania
Program Director, Interventional
Department of Neurology Director, Comprehensive Stroke Center
Pittsburgh Institute of Brain Disorders University of Pennsylvania Health
Toronto Western Hospital
and Recovery System
University of Pittsburgh Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Departments of Radiology and Surgery
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Mira Katan, MD, MS University of Toronto
Jose Gutierrez, MD, MPH Assistant Professor Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Assistant Professor of Neurology Department of Neurology
Rita V. Krishnamurthi, BSc, MApplSc,
Department of Neurology University Hospital of Zurich
Columbia University College of Zurich, Switzerland
Associate Professor
Physicians and Surgeons
Christopher P. Kellner, MD National Institute for Stroke and
New York, New York
Assistant Professor Applied Neurosciences
Peter Harmel, MD Department of Neurosurgery Faculty of Health and Environmental
Department of Neurology Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Studies
Charité University Medicine Berlin Sinai Auckland University of Technology
Berlin, Germany New York, New York Auckland, New Zealand
George Howard, DrPH Muhib Khan, MD Tobias Kurth, MD, ScD
Professor Clinical Assistant Professor Professor of Public Health and
Department of Biostatistics Department of Clinical Neuroscience Epidemiology
School of Public Health Michigan State University College of Institute of Public Health
University of Alabama at Birmingham Human Medicine Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Birmingham, Alabama Division Chief, Inpatient Neurology Berlin, Germany
Director, Comprehensive Stroke Center
Virginia J. Howard, PhD Maarten G. Lansberg, MD, PhD
Spectrum Health
Professor Professor
Grand Rapids, Michigan
Department of Epidemiology Neurology and Neurological Sciences
School of Public Health Chelsea S. Kidwell, MD Stanford University
University of Alabama at Birmingham Professor Stanford, California
Birmingham, Alabama Vice Chair of Research
Elad I. Levy, MD, MBA
Department of Neurology
Jee-Yeon Hwang, PhD Professor and L. Nelson Hopkins, MD,
University of Arizona College of
Assistant Professor Chairman
Department of Pharmacology and Department of Neurological Surgery
Tuscon, Arizona
Neuroscience Jacobs School of Medicine and
Creighton University Helen Kim, MPH, PhD Biomedical Sciences
Omaha, Nebraska Professor University at Buffalo
Department of Anesthesia and Director, Interventional Stroke Services
Costantino Iadecola, MD
Perioperative Care Endovascular Neurosurgery Fellowship
Director and Chair
Director, Center for Cerebrovascular Kaleida Health
Feil Family Brain and Mind Research
Research Buffalo, New York
University of California, San Francisco
Weill Cornell Medicine David S. Liebeskind, MD
San Francisco, California
New York, New York Professor of Neurology
Jong S. Kim, MD, PhD Director, Neurovascular Imaging
Reza Jahan, MD
Professor Research Core
Department of Neurology Director, Outpatient Stroke and
Division of Interventional
University of Ulsan Neurovascular Programs
Asan Medical Center Director, UCLA Cerebral Blood Flow
Department of Radiology
Seoul, South Korea Laboratory
David Geffen School of Medicine
Director, UCLA Vascular Neurology
University of California, Los Angeles
Residency Program
Los Angeles, California
UCLA Department of Neurology
Los Angeles, California
xvi Contributors

Sook-Lei Liew, PhD, OTR/L Jason M. Meckler, MD Maiken Nedergaard, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor Neurologist Professor and Director
Chan Division of Occupational Science Norton Neurology Services Center for Translational Neuromedicine
and Occupational Health Louisville, Kentucky University of Rochester Medical Center
Division of Biokinesiology and Physical Rochester, New York
James Frederick Meschia, MD
Therapy Professor and Director
Department of Neurology Center for Basic and Translational
Department of Neurology
Keck School of Medicine Neuroscience
Mayo Clinic
University of Southern California University of Copenhagen
Jacksonville, Florida
Los Angeles, California Copenhagen, Denmark
Steven R. Messé, MD
David J. Lin, MD Justin A. Neira, MD
Clinical Fellow Resident
Department of Neurology
Center for Neurotechnology and Department of Neurological Surgery
Perelman School of Medicine at the
Neurorecovery Columbia University Medical Center
University Hospital of Pennsylvania
Department of Neurology NY-Presbyterian Hospital
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Massachusetts General Hospital New York, New York
Boston, Massachusetts J Mocco, MD
Sarah Newman, NP
Benjamin Lisle, PM, PhD Beth Israel Lahey Health
Department of Neurosurgery
Department of Neurology Lahey Hospital and Medical Center
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount
University of Missouri Medical School Burlington, Massachusetts
and Cox Health
New York, New York Patrick J. Nicholson, MB, BCh, BAO
Springfield, Missouri
Diagnostic and Interventional
Maxim Mokin, MD, PhD
Eng H. Lo, PhD Neuroradiologist
Associate Professor
Professor of Neurology and Radiology Toronto Western Hospital and
Department of Neurosurgery
Harvard Medical School University Health Network
University of South Florida College of
Boston, Massachusetts University of Toronto
Director, Neuroprotection Research Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Vascular Neurologist
Neurosciences Center Bo Norrving, MD, PhD
Massachusetts General Hospital
Tampa General Hospital Professor
Charlestown, Massachusetts
Tampa, Florida Department of Clinical Sciences
Patrick D. Lyden, MD Neurology Division
Michael A. Mooney, MD
Professor Lund University
Department of Neurology Lund, Sweden
Department of Neurosurgery
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
Brigham and Women’s Hospital Martin O’Donnell, MB, PhD
Los Angeles, California
Harvard Medical School Department of Medicine
Takakuni Maki, MD Boston, Massachusetts NUI Galway and Saolta University
Neuroprotection Research Laboratory Healthcare Group
Lewis B. Morgenstern, MD
Departments of Radiology and Galway, Ireland
Department of Neurology Dimitry Ofengeim, PhD
Massachusetts General Hospital
Director, Stroke Program Department of Cell Biology
Harvard Medical School
University of Michigan Medical School Harvard Medical School
Boston, Massachusetts
Ann Arbor, Michigan Boston, Massachusetts
Department of Neurology
Kyoto University Graduate School of Michael A. Moskowitz, MD Jun Ogata, MD, PhD
Medicine Professor of Neurology Internal Medicine
Kyoto, Japan Harvard Medical School Hirakata General Hospital for
Senior Neuroscientist Developmental Disorders
Georgios A. Maragkos, MD
Departments of Radiology and Hirakata-shi, Osaka, Japan
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow
Department of Neurosurgery Christopher S. Ogilvy, MD
Massachusetts General Hospital
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Professor
Boston, Massachusetts
Harvard Medical School Department of Neurosurgery
Boston, Massachusetts Michael T. Mullen, MD Harvard Medical School
Assistant Professor Director, Brain Aneurysm Institute
Miklos Marosfoi, MD
Department of Neurology Director, Endovascular and Operative
Assistant Professor of Radiology
Perelman School of Medicine at the Neurovascular Surgery
Tufts University School of Medicine
University Hospital of Pennsylvania Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Beth Israel Lahey Health
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Boston, Massachusetts
Lahey Hospital and Medical Center
Burlington, Massachusetts Steffen Nägel, MD Emanuele Orrù, MD
Departement of Neurology Assistant Professor of Radiology
Louise D. McCullough, MD, PhD
Martin-Luther-University Tufts University School of Medicine
Professor and Chair
Halle-Wittenberg Beth Israel Lahey Health
Department of Neurology
University Hospital Halle Lahey Hospital and Medical Center
McGovern Medical School
Halle, Germany Burlington, Massachusetts
University of Texas Health Science
Center at Houston
Houston, Texas
Contributors xvii

Santiago Ortega-Gutiérrez, MD Miguel A. Perez-Pinzon, PhD Christina P. Rossitto, BS

Associate Clinical Professor Professor and Vice-Chair for Basic Medical Student
Neurology, Neurosurgery, Radiology, Science of Neurology Icahn School of Medicine at Mount
and Anesthesia Peritz Scheinberg Endowed Professor in Sinai
Department of Neurology Neurology New York, New York
Carver College of Medicine Director, Peritz Scheinberg Cerebral
Tatjana Rundek, MD, PhD
University of Iowa Vascular Disease Research
Professor of Neurology
Iowa City, Iowa Laboratories
Department of Neurology
Department of Neurology
Matthew Maximillian Padrick, MD Evelyn F. McKnight Endowed Chair for
University of Miami Miller School of
Resident Physician Learning and Memory in Aging
Department of Neurology Scientific Director, Evelyn F. McKnight
Miami, Florida
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Brain Institute
Los Angeles, California John M. Picard, MD University of Miami Miller School of
Fellow Medicine
Kaushik Parsha, MD
Division of Neurocritical Care and Miami, Florida
Institute for Stroke and Cerebrovascular
Emergency Neurology
Diseases Jonathan J. Russin, MD
Yale New Haven Hospital
Department of Neurology Assistant Professor
New Haven, Connecticut
McGovern Medical School Director, Cerebrovascular Surgery
University of Texas Health Science Sean P. Polster, MD Department of Neurosurgery
Center at Houston Neurosurgery Resident Keck School of Medicine
Houston, Texas Department of Neurosurgery University of Southern California
University of Chicago Los Angeles, California
Mark Parsons
Chicago, Illinois
Professor of Medicine and Neurology Ralph L. Sacco, MD
Department of Neurology William J. Powers, MD Chairman, Department of Neurology
South Western Sydney Clinical School Professor of Neurology Olemberg Family Chair in Neurological
University of New South Wales Department of Neurology Disorders
Sydney, Australia University of North Carolina School of Miller Professor of Neurology, Public
Liverpool Hospital Medicine Health Sciences, Human Genetics,
Ingham Institute for Applied Medical Chapel Hill, North Carolina and Neurosurgery
Research University of Miami Miller School of
Volker Puetz, MD
Liverpool, Australia Medicine
Department of Neurology
Chief, Department of Neurology
Neil V. Patel, MD University Clinics Carl Gustav Carus
Jackson Memorial Hospital
Assistant Professor of Radiology Technische Universität Dresden
Miami, Florida
Tufts University School of Medicine Dresden, Germany
Beth Israel Lahey Health Apostolos Safouris, MD, PhD
Jukka Putaala, MD, PhD
Lahey Hospital and Medical Center Acute Stroke Unit
Associate Professor
Burlington, Massachusetts Metropolitan Hospital
Department of Neurology
Piraeus, Greece
Virendra I. Patel, MD, MPH Helsinki University Hospital and
Chief of Vascular Surgery University of Helsinki Edgar A. Samaniego, MD
Co-Director, Aortic Center Helsinki, Finland Associate Professor
Columbia University Irving Medical Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Radiology
Margarita Rabinovich, NP
Center Department of Neurology
Beth Israel Lahey Health
New York, New York Carver College of Medicine
Lahey Hospital and Medical Center
University of Iowa
Ludmila Pawlikowska, PhD Burlington, Massachusetts
Iowa City, Iowa
Associate Professor
Bruce R. Ransom, MD, PhD
Department of Anesthesia and Lauren H. Sansing, MD, MSTR
Professor and Chair
Perioperative Care Associate Professor
Department of Neuroscience
Center for Cerebrovascular Research Academic Chief
City University of Hong Kong
University of California, San Francisco Division of Stroke and Vascular
Hong Kong, China
San Francisco, California Neurology
Jorge A. Roa, MD Department of Neurology
Adriana Pérez, PhD
Post-doctoral Research Fellow Yale School of Medicine
Neurology and Neurosurgery New Haven, Connecticut
Department of Biostatistics and Data
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics
Science Nikunj Satani, MD, MPH
Iowa City, Iowa
The University of Texas Health Science Institute for Stroke and Cerebrovascular
Center at Houston Gary A. Rosenberg, MD Diseases
Austin, Texas Professor Department of Neurology
Department of Neurology McGovern Medical School
University of New Mexico Health University of Texas Health Science
Sciences Center Center at Houston
Director, Center for Memory and Aging Houston, Texas
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, New Mexico
xviii Contributors

Ronald J. Sattenberg, MD Omar K. Siddiqi, MD Hiroo Takayama, MD, PhD

Radiologist Assistant Professor Director of Cardiovascular Institute
Louisville, Kentucky Section of Cardiovascular Medicine Co-Director, HCM Program, Division of
Department of Medicine Cardiac, Vascular & Thoracic Surgery
Jeffrey L. Saver, MD
Boston University School of Medicine Co-Director, Aortic Program
Professor of Neurology
Boston, Massachusetts Co-Director, Marfan Clinic
David Geffen School of Medicine
Columbia University Irving Medical Center
Director, UCLA Stroke Center Aneesh B. Singhal, MD
New York, New York
University of California, Los Angeles Vice Chair of Neurology
Los Angeles, California Massachusetts General Hospital Joseph Tarsia, MD
Associate Professor of Neurology Neurologist
Sean I. Savitz, MD
Harvard Medical School Ochsner Health
Professor of Neurology
Boston, Massachusetts New Orleans, Louisiana
Stroke Program Director
Institute for Stroke and Cerebrovascular Christopher G. Sobey, PhD Turgut Tatlisumak, MD, PhD
Diseases NHMRC Senior Research Fellow and Professor of Neurology and Stroke
Department of Neurology Professor in Physiology Medicine
McGovern Medical School Department of Physiology, Anatomy, Department of Clinical Neuroscience
University of Texas Health Science and Microbiology Institute of Neuroscience and
Center at Houston School of Life Sciences Physiology
Houston, Texas La Trobe University Sahlgrenska Academy at University of
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Gothenburg
Christian Schmidt, MD
Chief Physician
Neurologist Clemens J. Sommer, MD
Department of Neurology
Department of Neurology Director, Institute of Neuropathology
Sahlgrenska University Hospital
Klinikum Kassel University Medical Center of the
Gothenburg, Sweden
Kassel, Germany Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz
Department of Neurology Mainz, Germany Ajith J. Thomas, MD
Faculty of Human Medicine Assistant Professor
Robert F. Spetzler, MD
Georg August University Department of Neurosurgery
Emeritus President and Chief Executive
Göttingen, Germany Harvard Medical School
Sudha Seshadri, MD Emeritus Chair, Department of
Brain Aneurysm Institute
Director, Glenn Biggs Institute for Neurosurgery
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Alzheimer’s and Neurodegenerative Barrow Neurological Institute
Boston, Massachusetts
Diseases Phoenix, Arizona
University of Texas Health Sciences Center John W. Thompson, PhD
Christopher J. Stapleton, MD
San Antonio, Texas Director of Basic Science Research
Senior Investigator Department of Neurosurgery
Department of Neurosurgery
Framingham Heart Study University of Miami Miller School of
Massachusetts General Hospital
Framingham, Massachusetts Medicine.
Boston, Massachusetts
Adjunct Professor Miami, Florida
Department of Neurology Ben A. Strickland, MD
Georgios Tsivgoulis, MD, PhD, RVT
Boston University School of Medicine Department of Neurosurgery
Professor of Neurology
Boston, Massachusetts Keck School of Medicine
Second Department of Neurology
University of Southern California
Vijay K. Sharma, MD National and Kapodistrian University of
Los Angeles, California
Associate Professor Athens
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine Hua Su, MD School of Medicine
National University of Singapore Professor Attikon University Hospital
Senior Consultant Department of Anesthesia and Athens, Greece
Department of Neurology Perioperative Care
Elizabeth Tournier-Lasserve, MD, PhD
National University Hospital Center for Cerebrovascular Research
Molecular Genetics Department and
Singapore University of California, San Francisco
CERVCO Reference Center for Rare
San Francisco, California
Frank R. Sharp, MD Vascular Diseases of the Eye and Brain
Professor José I. Suarez, MD Hopital Lariboisiére
Department of Neurology Director, Division of Neurosciences Assistance Publique Hôpital de Paris;
School of Medicine Critical Care Université of Paris
University of California, Davis Professor Paris, France
Sacramento, California Departments of Anesthesia and Critical
Gabriel Vidal, MD
Care Medicine, Neurology, and
Kevin N. Sheth, MD Neurologist
Professor of Neurology and System Stroke Medical Director
The Johns Hopkins University School of
Neurosurgery Ochsner Health
Chief, Division of Neurocritical Care New Orleans, Louisiana
Baltimore, Maryland
and Emergency Neurology
Ajay K. Wakhloo, MD PhD FAHA
Associate Chair, Clinical Research
Professor of Radiology
Department of Neurology
Tufts University School of Medicine
Yale School of Medicine and Yale New
Beth Israel Lahey Health
Haven Hospital
Lahey Hospital and Medical Center
New Haven, Connecticut
Burlington, Massachusetts
Contributors xix

Babette B. Weksler, MD Shadi Yaghi, MD John H. Zhang, MD, PhD

Professor Emerita Associate Professor Professor of Neurosurgery,
Department of Medicine Department of Neurology Anesthesiology, Neurology, and
Weill Cornell Medicine NYU Grossman School of Medicine Physiology and Pharmacology
New York, New York Director, Vascular Neurology Director of Neuroscience Research
NYU Langone Hospital-Brooklyn Associate Chair and Physiology
Joshua Z. Willey, MD
Director, Clinical Vascular Neurology Graduate Program Coordinator
Associate Professor
Research Loma Linda University School of
Department of Neurology
NYU Langone Health Medicine
Columbia University Irving Medical
New York, New York Loma Linda, California
New York, New York Takenori Yamaguchi, MD, PhD Zhitong Zheng, MD
President Emeritus Visiting Fellow
Max Wintermark, MD
National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Department of Neurology
Center Henry Ford Hospital
Department of Radiology/Neuroimaging
Suita, Osaka, Japan Detroit, Michigan
and Neurointervention
Stanford University Tuo Yang, MD R. Suzanne Zukin, PhD
Stanford, California Research Instructor Professor
Department of Neurology Department of Neuroscience
Lawrence K.S. Wong, MD
Pittsburgh Institute of Brain Disorders F.M. Kirby Chair in Neural Repair and
and Recovery Protection
Department of Medicine and
University of Pittsburgh Director, Neuropsychopharmacology
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Center
Chinese University of Hong Kong
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Shatin, Hong Kong, China Masahiro Yasaka, MD, PhD
Bronx, New York
Director, Cerebrovaascular Center
Guohua Xi, MD
National Hospital Organization Kyushu Richard M. Zweifler, MD
Professor of Neurosurgery
Medical Center Associate Medical Director
Associate Director, Crosby Neurosurgical
Fukuoka, Japan Medical Services
Co-Medical Director of Neurosciences
Richard C. Schneider Research Professor Darin B. Zahuranec, MD
System Chair of Neurology
University of Michigan Associate Professor
Ochsner Health
Ann Arbor, Michigan Department of Neurology
New Orleans, Louisiana
University of Michigan Medical School
Jinchong Xu, PhD
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Assistant Professor
Neuroregeneration and Stem Cell Feng Zhang, MD, PhD
Programs Assistant Professor
Institute for Cell Engineering Department of Neurology
Johns Hopkins University School of Pittsburgh Institute of Brain Disorders
Medicine and Recovery
Baltimore, Maryland University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
AHA Evidence-Based Classifications
TABLE 1 Applying Classification of Recommendations and Level of Evidence


CLASS III No Benefit
Benefit > > > Risk Benefit > > Risk Benefit ≥ Risk Procedure/ Treatment
Additional studies with Additional studies with Test
focused objectives broad objectives
Treatment COR Not No Proves
needed needed; additional
SHOULD be III: No Helpful Benefit
registry data would be
performed/ IT IS REASONABLE to benefit
administered perform procedure/
administer treatment Procedure/Treatment COR Excess Harmful to
MAY BE CONSIDERED III: Cost w/o Patients
Harm Benefit or
LEVEL A • Recommendation • Recommendation in • Recommendation’s • Recommendation that procedure or

Multiple that procedure or favor of treatment usefulness/efficacy treatment is not useful/effective

populations treatment is or procedure being less well established and may be harmful
evaluated* useful/effective useful/effective • Greater conflicting • Sufficient evidence from multiple
Data derived from • Sufficient • Some conflicting evidence from randomized trials or meta-analyses
multiple evidence from evidence from multiple randomized
randomized multiple multiple randomized trials or meta-
clinical trials or randomized trails trials or meta- analyses
meta-analyses or meta-analyses analyses
LEVEL B • Recommendation • Recommendation in • Recommendation’s • Recommendation that procedure or
Limited that procedure or favor of treatment usefulness/efficacy treatment is not useful/effective
populations treatment is or procedure being less well established and may be harmful
evaluated* useful/effective useful/effective • Greater conflicting • Evidence from single randomized
Data derived from • Evidence from • Some conflicting evidence from single trial or nonrandomized studies
a single single evidence from randomized trial or
randomized trial randomized trial single randomized nonrandomized
or nonrandomized or nonrandomized trial or studies
studies studies nonrandomized
LEVEL C • Recommendation • Recommendation in • Recommendation’s • Recommendation that procedure or
Very limited that procedure or favor of treatment usefulness/efficacy treatment is not useful/effective
populations treatment is or procedure being less well established and may be harmful
evaluated* useful/effective useful/effective • Only diverging expert • Only expert opinion, case studies,
Only consensus • Only expert • Only diverging opinion, case or standard of care
opinion of experts, opinion, case expert opinion, case studies, or standard
case studies, or studies, or studies, or standard of care
standard of care standard of care of care
Suggested phrases should is reasonable may/might be considered COR III COR III
for writing is recommended can be useful/effective/ may/might be reasonable No Benefit Harm
recommendations† is indicated beneficial usefulness/effectiveness is
is not potentially
is useful/effective/ is probably unknown/unclear/
recommended harmful
beneficial recommended or uncertain or not well
is not indicated causes harm
indicated established
should not be associated with
Comparative treatment/strategy A treatment/strategy A is done excess morbidity/
effectiveness is recommended/ probably recommended/ is not useful/ mortality
phrases† indicated in indicated in preference beneficial/effective should not be done
preference to to treatment B
treatment B treatment it is reasonable to
A should be chosen choose treatment A over
over treatment B treatment B

Reprinted with permission Circulation. 2010;121:1544–1579 ©2010, American Heart Association, Inc.

AHA Evidence-Based Classifications xxi

BOX 1   Evidence Classifications 

1. Size of treatment effect 2. Certainty of treatment effect
• Class I: Benefit >>> Risk. Procedure/treatment SHOULD be • Level A: Data derived from multiple randomized clinical trials or
performed/administered. meta-analyses.
• Class IIa: Benefit >> Risk. IT IS REASONABLE to perform • Level B: Data derived from a single randomized trial or
procedure/administer treatment. nonrandomized studies.
• Class IIb: Benefit ≥ Risk. Procedure/treatment MAY BE • Level C: Only consensus opinion of experts, case studies, or
CONSIDERED. standard of care.
• Class III: No Benefit/Harm. Procedure/treatment is not useful/
effective and may be harmful.

Adapted from Sacco RL, Adams R, Albers G, et al. Guidelines for prevention of stroke in patients with ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack: a statement
for healthcare professionals from the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association Council on Stroke. Stroke. 2006;37:577–617.
I Pathophysiology

Eng H. Lo

The first section in this new edition of Stroke provides an immune cells. New sections describe emerging opportunities
updated and comprehensive survey of the molecular, cellular, in tolerance and preconditioning, as well as interactions
and pathophysiologic mechanisms that underlie the brain’s between the immune system and the microbiome. The
reaction to ischemia and hemorrhage. At the cellular level, chapter on stroke recovery reviews a complex spectrum of
stroke affects pathways of hemostasis and perturbs interac­ compensatory response in resident precursor and circulating
tions between circulating blood elements, the blood vessel progenitor cells. New insights have been added to explore
itself, and brain parenchyma. At the functional level, the regu­ the role of exosomes and micro-RNA that may transfer and
lation and dysregulation of hemodynamics and metabolism coordinate signals between all cell types in the remodeling
mediates an integrated neurologic response. At the organ level, neurovascular unit. The chapter on white matter has also
stroke induces histopathologic reactions in all neural, glial, been expanded, with added material that links exercise to
and vascular cells. Hence this section begins with three chap­ oligodendrocyte homeostasis and resilience. The chapter
ters that define basic principles of vascular biology, cerebral on cerebral hemorrhage surveys advances in molecular and
blood flow and metabolism, and brain tissue injury. Updates cellular phenomena with new ideas that may link ferroptosis
include new information on hemodynamic responses to to translational opportunities and clinical trials. The chapter
thrombectomy and reperfusion, as well as new sections that on vascular malformations has been updated to link signaling
discuss correlations between experimental animal models and cascades in advanced zebrafish and mouse models with genes
clinical pathology. that are implicated in clinical disease. Finally, this section ends
Building on these fundamental principles, the next few with the addition of a new chapter that defines novel pathways
chapters then explore the molecular mechanisms of cell death in the neurovascular unit that mediate vascular contributions
and survival. Genes and pathways underlying necrosis and to cognitive impairment and dementia.
programmed cell death are balanced against an expanding Optimal translation for cerebrovascular disease cannot
family of endogenous neuroprotection mediators. The neuro­ occur without a rigorous dissection of the molecular and
vascular unit chapter remains a centerpiece for the overall cellular fundamentals in neurovascular and gliovascular
concept of cell-cell signaling. However, beyond the brain biology. The basic principles established in this section should
itself, interactions with other organ systems are also discussed provide not only mechanistic foundations but also a rational
in terms of crosstalk with neuroinflammatory cascades and basis for pursuing therapeutics and diagnostics in stroke.

I Pathophysiology

1 Cerebral Vascular Biology in Health and Disease

T. Michael De Silva, Christopher G. Sobey

KEY POINTS collateral flow is thought to be important when blood flow in

one region is compromised.2 The pial arterioles then dive into
• C erebral artery tone is substantially modulated under the brain to give rise to parenchymal arterioles. Parenchymal
physiologic conditions by endothelium-derived arterioles are long, relatively unbranched arterioles that per-
nitric oxide, by reactive oxygen species, and through fuse a distinct area of brain tissue.3 The capillary network arises
hyperpolarization mediated by several types of K+ from the parenchymal arterioles, which is where the majority
channels. of nutrient and gas exchange occurs. Although much less is
known about their function during health or disease, cerebral
• Cerebral vascular function is very sensitive to venules and veins are also important components of the cere-
endothelial dysfunction that occurs during chronic bral circulation. For example, major disruption to blood-brain
disease, resulting in impairment of vasodilator barrier function during acute hypertension occurs in the pial
mechanisms. venules.4
• Oxidative stress and inflammation occur in the
cerebral circulation in response to cardiovascular risk PHYSIOLOGIC REGULATION OF CEREBRAL
factors present during atherosclerosis and chronic
hypertension, such as elevated plasma levels of
cholesterol and angiotensin II, respectively. Numerous mechanisms regulate cerebral artery function. Most
of the recent experimental evidence regarding such mecha-
nisms has come from pharmacologic studies and the use of
genetically modified mice. Major mechanisms include the
release of nitric oxide (NO) from the endothelium to underly-
INTRODUCTION ing smooth muscle cells (discussed in the Nitric Oxide and
The brain has a limited supply of nutrients; thus normal brain Cyclic Guanosine Monophosphate section); potassium ion
function relies on adequate perfusion by the cerebral circula- (K+) channels (see K+ Channels), which includes a discussion
tion for the delivery of oxygen and nutrients, as well as the of the newly described two-pore domain (K2P) channels, Rho/
removal of waste products. It is for this reason that cerebral Rho-kinase activity (see RhoA/Rho-Kinase); reactive oxygen
vascular tone is tightly regulated, and why any alterations in species (ROS), which are discussed in the Reactive Oxygen
mechanisms that modulate cerebral vessel function can pre- Species section; and the recently described transient receptor
dispose to cerebrovascular disease and stroke. Atherosclerosis potential (TRP) channels (discussed in the Transient Receptor
is the underlying pathologic process for both coronary and Potential Channels section).
cerebral artery disease, which are the two most common forms
of cardiovascular disease.1
The purpose of this chapter is thus to provide insight into
Nitric Oxide and Cyclic Guanosine Monophosphate
major mechanisms that regulate cerebral artery function, A major mechanism for maintenance of vascular tone by
and alterations in these mechanisms in two major clinical the endothelium involves the production of endothelium-
conditions that have a significant negative impact on health derived NO. In endothelium, NO is synthesized from endo-
worldwide—hypertension and atherosclerosis. The scope thelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS); it then diffuses to the
is mostly limited to discussion of cerebral blood vessels underlying smooth muscle, where it activates soluble gua-
and mechanisms that regulate their tone, either under nylate cyclase, which in turn leads to increased intracellu-
basal conditions or in response to physiologically relevant lar cyclic guanosine monophosphate levels and subsequent
agonists. relaxation of the smooth muscle.5 Experimental evidence
for modulation of cerebral vascular tone by endothelium-
derived NO has been obtained by applying inhibitors of
ORGANIZATION OF THE CEREBRAL CIRCULATION NOS to cerebral blood vessels from several different species,
The brain is predominantly perfused by three pairs of intracra- both in vivo and in vitro, and has involved such inhibitors
nial arteries: the anterior, middle, and posterior cerebral arter- causing vasoconstriction (reviewed extensively in Faraci and
ies (ACA, MCA, and PCA, respectively). These arise from the Heistad6).
circle of Willis, a ring of arteries formed by the anterior and pos- NO release from the endothelium can also be stimulated
terior communicating arteries that connect the terminal ends in response to receptor- (e.g., acetylcholine, bradykinin)
of the basilar and internal carotid arteries. The ACA, MCA, and or non-receptor-mediated agonists, or in response to shear
PCA travel along the pial surface of the brain, branching into stress. Endothelium-dependent, NO-mediated cerebral
smaller arterioles. Importantly, anastomoses exist between vascular relaxation in response to such agonists is often used
the smaller arterioles of these three major arterial trees, and to determine the functional integrity of the endothelium.

4 SECTION I Pathophysiology

Endothelial dysfunction, manifested as diminished NO Recent evidence of the importance of Ca2+ spark activity
bioavailability experimentally by impaired endothelium- and BKCa channels as mediators of vasodilators has emerged,
dependent vasodilation, or reduced vasoconstriction in as TEA and iberiotoxin inhibit vasodilator responses in
response to a NOS inhibitor, is a common feature of many response to vasodilators that activate adenylate cyclase and
cerebrovascular-related diseases (discussed in the Alterations guanylate cyclase.12 Acidosis markedly increased Ca2+ spark
in Cerebral Vascular Function During Hypertension and activity and caused dilatation of brain parenchymal arterioles.
Atherosclerosis section). Such exogenously applied agonists Dilatation was inhibited by inhibitors of ryanodine receptors
are often useful in this way experimentally, and they may (ryanodine) and BKCa channels (paxilline), as well as in mice
also be important endogenously. For example, neurovascular lacking the BKCa channel.13 Hydrogen sulfide (an important
coupling in some brain regions is mediated by neuronally signaling molecule in the regulation of vascular tone and
released acetylcholine acting on the endothelium to blood pressure) also increased Ca2+ spark and BKCa current
stimulate eNOS.7 frequency, as well as causing dilatation in cerebral arterioles—
the vasodilatation was inhibited by ryanodine and iberiotoxin,
suggesting Ca2+ spark activity is important in the response.14
K+ Channels Intermittent hypoxia increased myogenic tone through loss of
The activity of K+ channels is a major regulator of smooth hydrogen sulfide activation of KCa channels.15 Hypoxia had
muscle cell membrane potential and, as such, is an important no effect on Ca2+ spark frequency but reduced KCa channel
regulator of vascular tone. This is because vessel diameter is in activity.16 Protein expression of KCa2.2, 2.3, and 3.1,16 as well
large part dependent on cytosolic Ca2+ concentration, which as α- and β1-subunits of BKCa channels17 in cerebral arteries,
in turn is dependent on membrane potential. There are five have been reported.
major types of K+ channels known to be expressed in cerebral
blood vessels: calcium (Ca2+)-activated (KCa) K+ channels, ATP
sensitive K+ (KATP) channels, voltage-sensitive K+ (KV) chan-
KATP Channels
nels, inwardly rectifying K+ (KIR) channels, and tandem-pore KATP channels are defined by their sensitivity to intracellular
(TREK-1) channels, and all are regulators of vascular tone. ATP, with their activity being inhibited by intracellular ATP.18
This is supported by the wealth of information using both Generally, the intracellular concentration of ATP is normally
pharmacologic inhibitors and gene-targeted mice to study sufficient that these channels have a low open probability
the regulation of membrane potential and vascular function. in most vascular smooth muscle cells under normal condi-
Potassium channels are also important mediators of vasodi- tions,19 and this appears to also be the case in the cerebral
lator responses to several vasodilators that regulate vascular circulation, where glibenclamide, a selective inhibitor of KATP
tone, and this will be also be discussed. channels, has no effect on cerebral vascular tone.20 However,
KATP channels appear to be present and functional in cerebral
vessels based on direct evidence for their expression (discussed
KCa-Activated K+ Channels as follows) and a wealth of evidence reporting glibenclamide-
There are three subtypes of KCa channels present in the vascu- sensitive relaxation of cerebral arteries in response to KATP
lature: large-conductance KCa (BKCa) channels, intermediate- channel activators.18
conductance (IKCa) channels, and small-conductance (SKCa) Several more recent studies have investigated the expression
channels. Most research regarding the functional importance of KATP in cerebral vessels. KATP channels are thought to be a
of this channel, especially in cerebral arteries, has centered hetero-multimeric complex of two subunits: one is a pore-
around the BKCa channel. forming inward-rectifying K+ channel type 6 (i.e., 6.1 or 6.2),
As the name suggests, these channels are activated in and the other is a sulfonylurea receptor (SUR), either SUR1 and
response to increases in intracellular Ca2+. Membrane SUR2, with the SUR2 gene generating the two splice variants
depolarization, myogenic responses (i.e., pressure-induced SUR2A and SUR2B.21 Messenger RNA (mRNA) expression for
vasoconstriction, important in development and maintenance both the pore-forming subunits (KIR6.1 and 6.2) and SUR1,
of basal vascular tone), and elevations in arterial pressure are 2A, and 2B has been demonstrated in cerebral arteries,21,22
associated with elevations in intracellular Ca2+ concentration although another study investigating SUR expression found
in cells of the vasculature.8 Thus an important function of no expression of SUR1 and reported only SUR2B expression.23
these channels appears to be to act as a negative feedback Protein expression of KIR6.1 and 6.2, as well as SUR1 and 2B,
mechanism during increases in Ca2+ to limit vasoconstriction. was also reported.22 Cerebral arterioles were found to express
A major mechanism of elevations in intracellular Ca2+ appears KIR6.1 and SUR2B,24 with human cerebral arteries found to
to be via Ca2+ sparks, which are localized elevations in express SUR2B.23
cytosolic Ca2+, due to the opening of ryanodine-sensitive Ca2+ Acidosis and reductions in intracellular pO2 are known
release channels in the sarcoplasmic reticulum to KCa channels to produce cerebral vasodilatation. KATP channels have been
located on the plasma membrane. shown to be involved in cerebral vasodilatation in response
These channels are important in modulating the basal to acidosis,25,26 as well as in vasodilatation to NMDA, which
tone of cerebral arteries, as selective inhibition of BKCa may be important in the coupling of cerebral metabolism
channels with tetraethylammonium ion (TEA) produces and blood flow.27 More direct evidence for a role of KATP
vasoconstriction.8–10 In mice deficient in the β1 subunit of channels in mediating vasodilatation in response to oxygen/
BKCa channels, increased intracellular Ca2+ concentration glucose deprivation was reported in that vasodilatation was
in response to ryanodine (which at low concentrations impaired in SUR-deficient compared with wild-type mice.23
depletes Ca2+ stores from the sarcoplasmic reticulum so Myogenic tone, and vasodilatation in response to hypoxia, are
that intracellular Ca2+ concentration increases) and cerebral not dependent on SUR2 expression,23 although relaxation to
vascular constriction to iberiotoxin (selective inhibitor of BKCa hypoxia is inhibited by glibenclamide,18,28 suggesting a role
channels) was reduced, suggesting that Ca2+ spark activity for KATP channels in hypoxia-induced vasodilatation where the
modulates myogenic tone through BKCa channel activation.11 KATP subunit composition does not involve SUR2. Hydrogen
These channels may be more important in the modulation of sulfide also dilates cerebral arteries, an effect that is inhibited
basal tone in larger cerebral arteries.8 by glibenclamide and in SUR2-deficient mice.24
Cerebral Vascular Biology in Health and Disease 5

KV Channels RhoA/Rho-Kinase 1
KV channels are activated in response to increases in pressure Smooth muscle cell contractility is ultimately governed by the
in cerebral arteries and modulate cerebral vascular tone, in that phosphorylation state of myosin light chain (MLC), vascular
pharmacologic inhibition of KV channels with 4-aminopyri- smooth muscle tone occurring in association with increasing
dine causes cerebral artery depolarization and constriction.29,30 levels of MLC phosphorylation. MLC is phosphorylated by
KV channels are also known to mediate cerebral artery dila- MLC-kinase—a Ca2+-calmodulin-dependent enzyme—and is
tions, including in response to NO.29,31 KV channel subunits dephosphorylated by MLC phosphatase (MLCP). MLC phos-
are expressed in cerebral vessels (e.g., KV1.2 and 1.5,32–34 and phorylation and smooth muscle contractility are not always
KV2.1 and 2.235,36)—including in humans.37 KV2-mediated directly proportional to intracellular Ca2+ concentration.
current is proposed to underlie KV-dependent modulation of Other mechanisms can regulate smooth muscle contractility
cerebral artery tone in that inhibition of the KV2 channel with independent of changes in intracellular Ca2+ concentration, a
stromatoxin-caused cerebral artery constriction.36 phenomenon known as Ca2+-sensitization. Ca2+-sensitization
can occur through several pathways and ultimately results
in inhibition of MLCP. One such pathway is the RhoA/Rho-
KIR Channels kinase (ROCK) pathway. When ROCK is activated, it phos-
This channel is so named since it conducts K+ current more phorylates the myosin-binding (i.e., regulatory) subunit of
readily into than out of the cell over a wide range of mem- MLCP, and thus inhibits MLCP activity, which ultimately leads
brane potentials. However, at membrane potentials within to smooth muscle (and thus vascular) contractility.67,68
the physiologic range, these channels actually conduct a small In vascular muscle, RhoA can be activated by stretch.
outward current. Consequently, when this channel is inhibited This is important since myogenic tone is characterized by
with the pharmacologic blocker, barium ion (Ba2+), depolar- pressure-induced vasoconstriction, making it important for
ization and constriction of cerebral arteries are observed.38–44 the development of basal vascular tone. The contribution of
Furthermore, in mice lacking the KIR2.1 subunit—the subunit ROCK activity to the cerebral artery myogenic response has
thought to be important in mediating vascular KIR current— been studied through the use of Y-27632 and fasudil (HA-
cerebral artery KIR channel currents are absent.45 1077), pharmacologic inhibitors of Rho-kinase.69 For example,
In the cerebral circulation, K+ is released during neuronal Y-27632 relaxes cerebral artery segments following pressure-
activity and may be siphoned to cerebral vessels directly by induced constriction,70 and pressure-induced cerebral artery
astrocytes after neuronal activation.46 Basal concentration of K+ constriction is inhibited by Y-27632 and fasudil.71–73 In vivo,
in cerebrospinal fluid is ∼3 mM and may increase to between where myogenic tone is present, several studies have reported
4 and 7 mM during neuronal activity. In this concentration that Y-27632 and fasudil cause the dilatation of cerebral
range (i.e., from 3 to 10 mM), K+ causes dilatation of cerebral arteries74–78 and arterioles.79 Recent work has begun to define
arteries38,40–42,47,48 and arterioles.39,43,44,49–56 Moreover, the role of ROCK isoforms in the cerebral vasculature. The use
K+-induced hyperpolarization and vasodilatation in this of the selective ROCK2 inhibitor SLX-2119 (also known as
concentration range are inhibited by Ba2+,38–42,48,53–55,57–59 KD025) has revealed that myogenic tone in brain parenchymal
suggesting KIR-mediated K+-induced vasodilation may be an arterioles is ROCK2-dependent.80 In addition, SLX-2119 dilates
important mechanism in the coupling of cerebral metabolism pial arterioles in vivo.80
and blood flow (neurovascular coupling). Furthermore, cerebral ROCK is also important in the regulation of endothelial
vascular relaxation responses to K+ are absent in mice lacking cell function via effects on NO signaling. ROCK has been
the KIR2.1 subunit.45 There have been reports of KIR2.1 channel shown to reduce NO bioavailability, which occurs via
expression in cerebral arteries.38,58 Regarding the role for KIR2.1 reducing NO production via reducing phosphorylation of the
channels in neurovascular coupling, recent work identified stimulatory Ser,11, 77 direct phosphorylation of the inhibitory
KIR2.1 channel on capillaries as critical for sensing neuronal Thr495 residue on endothelial NOS, and/or reducing eNOS
activity (via K+ release) and initiating a retrograde signal to mRNA stability. These findings, in combination with the role
dilate upstream arterioles, thereby increasing local blood flow.60 of ROCK in vascular muscle, provide good evidence that the
RhoA/Rho-kinase pathway is a major mechanism contributing
to cerebral vascular tone.
K2P Channels
A new family of channels—two pore domain K+ (K2P) chan-
nels—have recently been characterized.61 These channels
Reactive Oxygen Species
require two protein subunits, each contributing two pore ROS are known to influence cerebral vascular tone, and this
domains, to form a functional channel. There are several is reviewed extensively elsewhere.81 These ROS include the
members of the K2P family expressed in the vasculature, with parent molecule superoxide (O2−), as well as hydroxyl radical
some reported to be functionally important in the cerebral (OH) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). The closely related reac-
vasculature. Expression of TREK-1, TREK-2, TASK-1, TWIK-2, tive nitrogen species (RNS)—peroxynitrite—is also commonly
TRAAK, and THIK-1 has been reported in cerebral arteries, involved in such effects.
with TREK-1 being the most abundant.62,63 Protein and mRNA Superoxide, a negatively charged anion, can elicit either
expression of TREK-1 in the basilar artery was associated with dilatation82–85 or constriction82,86 of cerebral arteries.
vasodilatation induced by polyunsaturated fatty acids (which Superoxide reacts extremely efficiently with NO. As has
are important, as they improve brain resistance against cere- been discussed, NO is a major regulator of cerebral vascular
bral ischemia), such as α-linolenic acid in wild-type mice; tone; thus reduced NO bioavailability following increased
vasodilatation in response to linolenic acid was absent in mice superoxide levels will likely result in vasoconstriction,
deficient in TREK-1.64 Nevertheless, another study reported with vasoconstriction being reported in response to higher
similar vasodilator responses of the basilar artery to α-linolenic concentrations of superoxide82,83 and vasorelaxation at low
acid in wild-type and TREK-1-deficient mice.65 Cerebral artery concentrations.82
expression of TRAAK was associated with an important role in H2O2 is a chemically more stable species than superoxide,
mediating endothelium-independent vasodilatation.66 and it diffuses much more readily across cell membranes, thus
6 SECTION I Pathophysiology

potentially being important as a signaling molecule. Many stress110 and uridine triphosphate.111 TRPV1, TRPV5, and
studies have reported that H2O2 acts as a cerebral vasodilator, TRPV6 channels do not appear to be expressed in cerebral
both in vivo and in vitro,85,87–94 although vasoconstriction has arteries.112 The melastatin TRP channel 4 (TRPM 4) is
also been reported.95 activated by high levels of intracellular Ca2+ and is known
Peroxynitrite, formed from the rapid chemical reaction of to be expressed in cerebral arteries.113 Expression in smooth
superoxide with NO, can also affect cerebral vascular tone, muscle cells is consistent with a role in the myogenic response,
with both dilatation96,97 and constriction97–99 of cerebral in that myogenic vasoconstriction was attenuated in cerebral
arteries reported. Lower concentrations of peroxynitrite appear arteries administered TRPM4 antisense.114 Pharmacologic
to cause cerebral vasoconstriction, with higher concentrations inhibition of the TRPM4 channel with 9-phenanthrol was
typically causing vasodilatation.97,100 able to cause hyperpolarization and prevent the development
and maintenance of myogenic tone, further underlining
its importance in the maintenance of myogenic tone in the
Transient Receptor Potential Channels cerebral circulation.115 Another study also reported cerebral
TRP channels are a superfamily of cation channels compris- vascular expression of TRPM4 protein, which, once inactivated,
ing at least 28 members and are assigned to 6 subfamilies results in reduced myogenic vasoconstriction in response to a
based on their sequence homology.101 These are TRPC (clas- PKC activator.116 TRPA1 channels are known to be expressed
sical), TRPV (vanilloid), TRPM (melastatin), TRPA (ankyrin), in cerebral vessels, specifically in endothelium, and mediate
TRPP (polycystin), and TRPML (mucolipin).102 The structure, endothelium-dependent vasodilatation.117 Finally, TRPP2
expression profile, and function of TRP channels have been channels have been shown to contribute to myogenic tone
reviewed in detail.103 generation in cerebral arteries.118 The role, if any, of other TRP
Depending on the specific TRP channel in question, channels in the cerebral vasculature is presently unknown.
activation can result in constriction or dilation of cerebral
arteries. TRPC1 channels have been shown to mediate
constriction of cerebral arteries via facilitating receptor- ALTERATIONS IN CEREBRAL VASCULAR FUNCTION
operated calcium entry in response to endothelin-1.104 TRPC3 DURING HYPERTENSION AND ATHEROSCLEROSIS
channels also facilitates vasoconstriction to endothelin-1,105
but this does not occur via receptor-operated calcium entry.
TRPC3 has also been shown to mediate constriction to the Atherosclerosis is the underlying pathologic process for both
nucleotide, uridine triphosphate.106 Myogenic tone in cerebral coronary and cerebral artery disease.1 However, atheroscle-
arteries isolated from hypertensive mice was inhibited by rotic lesions progress at a slower rate in intracranial arteries
treatment with SKF93635 (a specific inhibitor of TRPC6 compared with extracranial arteries in both animal models
channels at the concentration used in that study). SKF93635 and humans.119 Atherosclerosis is thought to be initiated by
was without effect in arteries from aged mice, suggesting trapping of lipids in the subendothelial layer, leading to the
TRP channel function is disrupted in cerebral arteries from generation of biologically active oxidized species (i.e., oxi-
aged mice.107 Some TRP channels, such as the vanilloid TRP dized low-density lipoprotein [LDL]), ultimately leading
channel (TRPV3), are chemosensitive. The TRPV3 channel to recruitment of leukocytes to the artery wall.120 Oxidative
is expressed in the endothelium of cerebral arteries, and the modification of LDL present in the intima by ROS may thus
dietary agonist carvacrol, which may be cardioprotective, be a key initiating step in atherosclerosis.121 Endothelial dys-
mediates endothelium-dependent cerebral vasodilatation function is an early step in the development of atherosclerosis,
that is inhibited by a pharmacologic inhibitor of TRPV1-4 and traditional cardiovascular risk factors (e.g., dyslipidemia,
channels.108 TRPV4 channels are expressed in endothelium hypertension) are associated with endothelial dysfunction.122
and vascular muscle cells and appear to mediate vasodilation. Furthermore, atherosclerosis is characterized by chronic
While activation of TRPV4 channels results in calcium entry inflammation of the vasculature; thus these three key pro-
in vascular muscle cells, the resulting calcium sparks activate cesses characteristic of atherosclerosis—oxidative stress, endo-
BK channels and thus hyperpolarization and dilation of the thelial dysfunction, and inflammation—will be discussed here
artery.109 Endothelial TRPV4 channels are activated (resulting (also summarized in Fig. 1.1), with much of the discussion
in calcium influx) and mediate dilation in response to shear referring to data from the apolipoprotein E-deficient (ApoE−/−)

Hypercholesterolemia Hypertension / ↑Ang II

Fig. 1.1. Schematic diagram summarizing cerebrovascular

effects of hypercholesterolemia, and elevated Ang II and ↑ NOX2 oxidase ↑ AT1R
hypertension. Hypercholesterolemia induces oxidative
stress, and ultimately inflammation—comprising leukocyte ↑ NADPH oxidases
and platelet adhesion, and endothelial dysfunction. These ↑ ROS
effects are all attenuated in NOX2 oxidase-deficient mice.
↑ O2–, ONOO –
Ang II increases leukocyte and platelet adhesion, infiltration
of inflammatory/immune cells, and causes endothelial
dysfunction due to reduced nitric oxide (NO) bioavailability. ↑ Leukocyte ↓ NO Inflammation
These effects are largely inhibited by AT1 receptor (AT1R) ↑ Leukocyte ↓ NO Infiltration of
inhibitors and in AT1R-deficient mice; reactive oxygen and inflammatory,
species (ROS) scavengers and NOX2 oxidase-deficiency, as platelet immune cells
well as in lymphocyte-deficiency (RAG−/−) mice, implicating Endothelial adhesion
AT1R; and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate dysfunction
(NADPH) oxidase-derived ROS and the adaptive immune dysfunction ↑ Pro-inflammatory
system in the detrimental effects of chronic hypertension in cytokines and
the cerebral circulation. chemokines
Cerebral Vascular Biology in Health and Disease 7

mouse. The ApoE−/− mouse, characterized by high levels of in cerebral vessels of hypercholesterolemic mice—leukocyte
plasma cholesterol due to deletion of the APOE gene (impor- and platelet adhesion was prevented by immunoneutraliza- 1
tant in cholesterol metabolism), provides a very useful experi- tion of P-selectin and in NOX2-deficient mice, suggesting that
mental model for understanding the mechanisms of disease P-selectin and NOX2-dependent oxidative stress are important
initiation.1 mechanisms in hypercholesterolemia-induced inflammation
in the brain.123 Arginase type 1 expression was also increased
Cerebral Vascular Oxidative Stress in Models of in cerebral vessels from ApoE−/− mice,134 which is relevant
since oxidized LDL increases arginase activity and decreases
Atherosclerosis endothelial NO levels, ultimately leading to impaired NO
Some evidence suggests the prevalence of oxidative stress in function in the vascular endothelium.135 Vascular cell adhe-
cerebral vessels during hypercholesterolemia or atherosclero- sion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) expression was not altered in brain
sis. For example, in wild-type mice placed on a high choles- microvessels of ApoE−/− mice.136
terol diet for 2 weeks,123 and ApoE−/− mice on high-fat diet for
7 weeks,124 oxidative stress was found to be present in cerebral
arteries. The study by Miller et al.124 went on to suggest that
NOX2 oxidase was the source of the oxidative stress, as the oxi- Hypertension profoundly and negatively impacts the cere-
dative stress present in ApoE−/− was abolished in mice deficient bral circulation and brain, and is a major risk factor for stroke
in both ApoE and NOX2 (i.e., ApoE−/−/NOX2−/y; Fig. 1.2). and a leading cause of cognitive decline and dementia.137
Hypertension may promote the formation of atherosclerotic
Cerebral Vascular Endothelial Dysfunction in Models of plaques in cerebral arteries and arterioles,137 and there is a wealth
of experimental evidence demonstrating detrimental functional
Atherosclerosis consequences of hypertension on the cerebral circulation. Many
Several lines of evidence suggest that atherosclerosis is asso- initial studies focused on the spontaneously hypertensive rat
ciated with reduced NO bioavailability and endothelial dys- (SHR), where augmented NADPH oxidase-derived superoxide
function. In earlier reports, relaxation responses of the basilar production91 and impaired endothelium-dependent responses
artery to acetylcholine were impaired in hypercholesterolemic have been reported.58,75,138–141 What follows is a discussion of
versus normal rabbits,125 although cerebral vascular responses more recent data regarding the influence of hypertension on
to acetylcholine were reportedly preserved126,127 or even aug- the cerebral circulation—specifically, hypertension in response
mented128 during atherosclerosis. In atherosclerotic mon- to elevated angiotensin II (Ang II) levels (also summarized in
keys, contraction of basilar arteries in response to inhibition Fig. 1.1). Ang II is of major importance because it is involved in
of soluble guanylate cyclase was reduced compared with that many of the functional and structural changes occurring in the
in normal monkeys, suggesting the basal influence of soluble cerebral circulation during chronic hypertension.5,119,137
guanylate cyclase on basal tone of cerebral arteries is dimin-
ished during atherosclerosis, perhaps reflecting a reduced pro- Oxidative Stress in Hypertension Involving
duction/activity of NO during atherosclerosis.129 Similarly,
cerebral artery contractions in response to the application
Elevated Ang II
of l-NAME (a NOS inhibitor) were reduced in vessels from Ang II increases ROS production in the cerebral circulation.
ApoE−/− compared to normal mice,124 suggesting reduced NO Work from Iadecola’s group has found that acute intravenous
bioavailability was present during atherosclerosis. Reduced infusion of mice with Ang II increases both blood pressure
cerebral vascular relaxation to acetylcholine in ApoE−/ versus and ROS production by cerebral blood vessels.142–146 Increased
normal mice further suggests that reduced NO bioavailability ROS levels were prevented by treatment with the ROS scavenger
is associated with endothelial dysfunction in the cerebral cir- MnTBAP.146 This treatment also reportedly increases 3-nitro-
culation during atherosclerosis.130,131 Interestingly, magnetic tyrosine immunoreactivity (indicative of nitrosative stress) in
resonance imaging of cerebral arteries in rabbits fed a diet mouse cerebral vascular endothelial cells, an effect that was
high in cholesterol were narrower compared with their control prevented by a peroxynitrite scavenger and a NOS inhibitor,
counterparts,132 which may suggest increased vascular tone or and was also absent in NOX2 oxidase-deficient mice.143 Thus
potentially structural alterations. these findings suggest that Ang II increases peroxynitrite forma-
Further experiments were conducted to provide a link tion in the cerebral vasculature largely via the reaction of NOX2
between oxidative stress and vascular dysfunction. Impaired oxidase-derived superoxide with NO (see Fig. 1.2).
NO-dependent responses of cerebral vessels from ApoE−/−
mice were reversed in vessels from ApoE−/− mice treated Endothelial Dysfunction in Hypertension Involving
with a scavenger of ROS (tempol),124,130 the nicotinamide
adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase inhibitor
Elevated Ang II
apocynin,130 or in ApoE−/−/NOX2−/y mice,124 strongly suggesting Acute intravenous administration of Ang II has been reported
that NOX2 oxidase-derived superoxide is a major mediator of to impair NO-dependent increases in cerebral blood
cerebral vascular dysfunction during atherosclerosis (see Fig. 1.2). flow(CBF),145,146 an effect that was reversed by MnTBAP and
Oxidative stress and endothelial dysfunction is present despite the angiotensin type 1 (AT1) receptor antagonist losartan.146
the apparent absence of lesions in cerebral blood vessels.124,130 Topical application of Ang II to cerebral arterioles in vivo
causes impaired NO-dependent responses that can be pre-
Cerebral Vascular Inflammation in Models of vented by the superoxide scavenger tiron.147 Similarly, Ang
II-induced endothelial dysfunction in cerebral arterioles of
Atherosclerosis ECSOD-deficient mice in vivo was reversed by tempol.148 In a
Atherosclerosis is characterized by chronic inflammation of more chronic model of Ang II-dependent hypertension, Ang II
the vasculature. Platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1 increased blood pressure and caused endothelial dysfunction
(PECAM-1) is involved in the inflammatory process and of the basilar artery. This effect of Ang II was absent in NOX2
in leukocyte-endothelial interactions, and its expression is oxidase-deficient mice, and partially attenuated in NOX1
increased in cerebral arterioles of ApoE−/− mice.133 Leukocyte oxidase-deficient mice, suggesting Ang II-induced endothelial
and platelet adhesion, as well as oxidative stress, were elevated dysfunction is dependent on NOX2 oxidase and, perhaps to
8 SECTION I Pathophysiology

some, extent NOX1 oxidase.149 In spite of these findings, Ang dysfunction in Ang II hypertension via a mechanism involving
II increases blood pressure in both NOX2 and NOX1 oxidase TRPV4.153 Thus there is potential cross-talk between AT1R and
deficient mice, suggesting that the cerebral vascular and pressor MR. In a genetic model of hypertension (mice overexpressing
actions of Ang II are independent of one another.149 To further human renin and angiotensinogen), endothelial dysfunction of
confirm this point, previous studies have reported that systemic the basilar artery was completely reversed by the administration
administration of a nonpressor dose of Ang II caused endo- of polyethylene glycol superoxide dismutase (PEG-SOD).154
thelial dysfunction in the cerebral circulation.150 In addition, Taken together, these data suggest that Ang II causes endothe-
endothelial dysfunction precedes the development of hyperten- lial dysfunction in the cerebral circulation by activating AT1R
sion in response to a slow-pressor dose of Ang II.151 Endothelial expressed in the vessel wall, leading to an increase in superox-
dysfunction in response to Ang II was reversed by ROS scav- ide production, and subsequent oxidative inactivation of NO
engers.150,152 It has recently been reported that inhibition of (see Fig. 1.2). Recent evidence suggests that MR may also be
the mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) improves endothelial involved in the dysfunction caused by Ang II.

Hypercholesterolemia/ Hypertension

Ang II

Rho kinase AT1

oxidase Endothelial cell

O2– NO O2–



K+ K+ K+ K+ Rho kinase P
Impaired membrane
hyperpolarization MLCP


Vasodilation Vasoconstriction

Smooth muscle cell

oxidase AT1

Ang II Perivascular macrophage


Fig. 1.2. Atherosclerosis/hypercholesterolemia and hypertension profoundly alter key mechanisms that modulate cerebral artery tone.
Atherosclerosis/hypercholesterolemia and hypertension increase oxidative stress via activation of NOX2 oxidase. The increased superoxide (O2−)
levels scavenges endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS)-derived nitric oxide (NO), resulting in reduced NO bioavailability and hence reduced
NO-mediated vasodilation and peroxynitrite formation (ONOO−). ONOO− can directly influence cerebrovascular tone (see text). K+ channel activity
modulates vascular tone. Most studies have investigated the effect of hypertension on BKCa channel function, with the outcome (i.e., increased
or decreased channel function) depending on the model of hypertension studied (see text). Baseline KV channel function is impaired, as is
KATP-mediated vasodilatation compared with normotensive conditions. Baseline KIR channel function is augmented, whereas KIR-mediated K+-
induced vasodilatation is impaired. In endothelial cells, Rho kinase can reduce eNOS activity (see text for details). In vascular muscle, Rho kinase
phosphorylates (and inactivates) myosin light chain phosphatase (MLCP), leading to enhanced phosphorylation of myosin light chain (MLC) and
increased contractility. During hypertension, Rho kinase activity is increased, impairing normal cerebrovascular regulation.
Cerebral Vascular Biology in Health and Disease 9

Cerebrovascular Inflammation in Hypertension Involving pharmacologic inhibition of these channels (with TEA and
iberiotoxin) elicits greater contraction of cerebral arteries from 1
Elevated Ang II hypertensive vs normotensive rats.10 Consistent with this, ibe-
Hypertension induces inflammation in the cerebral circula- riotoxin elicited enhanced contraction of cerebral arterioles
tion. This includes models that involve Ang II. Ang II results from hypertensive versus normotensive rats, an effect associ-
in elevated leukocyte and platelet adhesion in cerebral ves- ated with enhanced cerebral vascular expression of the KCa
sels, an effect prevented by the AT1 receptor antagonists can- channel α subunit.163 Inhibition of BKCa channels with TEA
desartan and losartan, as well as diphenyleneiodonium, an and charybdotoxin cause cerebral vascular contraction in hy-
inhibitor of flavoproteins such as NADPH oxidase.155 In stud- pertensive but not normotensive rats.164
ies performed to extend these findings, Ang II-induced hyper- By contrast, in a model of Ang II-dependent hypertension,
tension was associated with a marked increase in leukocyte contraction of cerebral arteries in response to iberiotoxin was
and platelet adhesion in cerebral vessels, which was attenu- reduced in hypertensive vs normotensive rats, and this was
ated in RAG−/− mice (i.e., deficient in T and B lymphocytes), associated with reduced coupling efficiency between Ca2+ sparks
AT1R−/− mice, and by treatment with losartan,156 suggesting and BKCa channels, as well as reduced β1 subunit expression,
the involvement of immune cells and AT1 receptors in this although α subunit expression was unaltered during chronic
effect. Leukocyte adhesion in response to Ang II in pial vessels hypertension.165 The mechanism may involve calcineurin/
in vivo was also prevented by tempol,157 further confirming NFATc3 signaling, as Ang II-induced reduction in β1 subunit
that cerebrovascular inflammation involves ROS production expression was absent in calcineurin/NFATc3-deficient mice.
and oxidative stress. Interestingly, although leukocyte and Calcineurin/NFATc3 is also important in the development
platelet adhesion in cerebral vessels was enhanced in models of Ang II-dependent hypertension.166 Furthermore, although
of Ang II and deoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA)-salt hyper- iberiotoxin caused myogenic constriction in normal mice, in
tension, these effects were prevented in the presence of mild a model of Ang II-dependent hypertension, it had no effect
hypercholesterolemia, possibly due to the involvement of on myogenic constriction in cerebral arteries.107 In a model
high-density lipoprotein (HDL), suggesting that mild eleva- of diet-induced obesity where blood pressure was elevated,
tions in certain types of cholesterol may be beneficial in the cerebral vascular BKCaβ1 subunit expression was increased,
setting of hypertension.158 although myogenic tone was not altered.17 Thus functional
Other models of hypertension have also implicated a role alterations in KCa channels appear to be dependent on the
for Ang II in cerebrovascular inflammation. For example, model of experimental hypertension studied.
in a DOCA-salt model of hypertension, leukocyte and KATP Channels. To our knowledge, there is little information
platelet adhesion was prevented by losartan and in AT1R−/− regarding KATP channel function in hypertension. Vasodilator
mice.159 Furthermore, not only were these effects inhibited responses to the KATP channel activator aprikalim were signifi-
by tempol; they were also inhibited by mito-tempol,159 cantly impaired in cerebral arteries from hypertensive versus
implicating mitochondria-derived ROS in the cerebrovascular normotensive rats, suggesting impaired KATP channel function
inflammatory response. These anti-inflammatory effects during hypertension.138 Although SUR2B expression appears
occurred in the absence of any depressor action, suggesting to be increased in small cerebral arteries from hypertensive
that blood pressure is not necessarily a key mediator of rats compared with their normotensive controls,167 the func-
cerebrovascular inflammation where Ang II is involved. In the tional significance of this finding is unknown.
SHR, increased expression of intracellular adhesion molecule-1
(ICAM-1), as well as an increased number of infiltrating and KV Channels. Experimental hypertension may be associated
adherent macrophages in brain microvessels, were inhibited with cerebral artery depolarization and increased myogenic re-
by candesartan.160 Widespread inflammation in many brain sponse, perhaps indicating impaired KV channel function. Phar-
regions of the SHR was also inhibited by candesartan,161 macologic inhibition of KV channels with correolide and psora-4
further implicating a role for activation of AT1R by Ang II constricted cerebral arteries from normotensive rats, but was
and demonstrating a beneficial use for AT1R inhibitors in without effect in cerebral arteries from two models of hyperten-
preventing inflammation associated with cerebrovascular sion, suggesting a reduced contribution of KV channels to the
disease. modulation of basal tone. This was associated with reduced ex-
Perivascular macrophages appear to play a central pression of the pore-forming α1.2 and α1.5 subunits that compose
role in cerebrovascular dysfunction in response to Ang KV channels in hypertensive versus normotensive rats.168 This is
II.162 Faraco et al. showed that Ang II acts on AT1R on in agreeance with the impaired KV2 channel function of cerebral
perivascular macrophages, resulting in NOX2 oxidase- arteries reported in a model of Ang II-dependent hypertension,
dependent ROS production and endothelial dysfunction.162 in that stromatoxin-induced contraction of cerebral arteries was
Thus inflammation appears to be a key mechanism, decreased in arteries from hypertensive vs normotensive rats.36
leading to both oxidative stress and subsequent endothelial In Dahl salt-sensitive rats, KV channel current density was de-
dysfunction. creased in cerebral artery myocytes from hypertensive vs normo-
tensive rats.169 Lower KV current density was reported in cerebral
vascular smooth muscle cells from SHR compared with WKY.170
K+ Channel Function in Chronic Hypertension
Expression of K+ channels in the cerebral vasculature and the KIR Channels. The first evidence for impaired KIR channel
importance of their role in modulating arterial tone, includ- function during chronic hypertension was the finding that
ing mediation of vasodilator responses, has been described. Ba2+-sensitive cerebral vascular relaxant responses to K+ in hy-
The deleterious actions of chronic hypertension in the cere- pertensive rats were impaired when compared with normo-
bral vasculature are also well known;137 it is thus unsurprising tensive controls.171 A subsequent study reported altered KIR
that K+ channel function is altered in association with chronic channel function during chronic hypertension, whereby KIR
hypertension (see Fig. 1.2). channels were not the predominant mediator of cerebral vaso-
dilator responses to K+, unlike in normal animals. This was
BKCa Channels. Basal activity of BKCa channels may be great- despite responses to K+ being preserved (or even enhanced),
er in cerebral arteries during chronic hypertension, in that KIR2.1 expression being preserved, and an enhanced role for
10 SECTION I Pathophysiology

KIR channels in modulating arterial tone during chronic hy- 59. Marrelli SP, Johnson TD, Khorovets A, Childres WF, Bryan Jr RM.
pertension.58 In the cerebral microvasculature, preserved (or Altered function of inward rectifier potassium channels in cere-
even enhanced) vasorelaxation to K+ during chronic hyper- brovascular smooth muscle after ischemia/reperfusion. Stroke.
tension was mediated by KIR channels.55 KIR channel function 1998;29:1469–1474.
60. Longden TA, Dabertrand F, Koide M, et al. Capillary k(+)-sensing
may thus be preserved in smaller arterioles55 during chronic initiates retrograde hyperpolarization to increase local cerebral
hypertension, as opposed to impaired function in larger arter- blood flow. Nat Neurosci. 2017;20:717–726.
ies,58,171 at least in mediating responses to K+. 75. Chrissobolis S, Sobey CG. Evidence that rho-kinase activity con-
tributes to cerebral vascular tone in vivo and is enhanced during
chronic hypertension: comparison with protein kinase c. Circ
Rho-Kinase in Hypertension Res. 2001;88:774–779.
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2 Mechanisms of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis
Gregory J. del Zoppo

KEY POINTS Notably, all substances that promote plasmin formation have
the potential to increase the risk of hemorrhage.
• T he fundamental processes involved in thrombus The acute use of PAs has been associated with detectable
formation, thrombus dissolution, and thrombus clinical improvement in selected patients with symptoms
stability and their relevance to the central nervous of focal cerebral ischemia.1-9 Acute thrombolysis has thus
system (CNS) are described. attained pride of place in the treatment of ischemic stroke
so far. Currently, recombinant tissue plasminogen activator
• The role(s) of endogenous plasminogen activators (rt-PA) is licensed in the United States, Japan, Europe, and
(PAs, including tissue-type plasminogen activator, many other countries for the treatment of ischemic stroke
urokinase-type plasminogen activator) in within 3 hours of symptom onset, and up to 4.5 hours in
thrombus dissolution are presented, together with some jurisdictions.6,9 Early studies, a phase III prospective
considerations of their regulation in vivo. Their trial, and more recent experience suggest that extension of the
relevance to derived therapeutics is emphasized. treatment window is possible with strict limitations to patient
• Fibrinolytic agents tested or used as pharmaceuticals selection.3-5,9 Early on, few studies of acute rt-PA delivery
including recombinant and purified endogenous correlated improvement in patient outcome with imaging
PAs and exogenous PAs (including streptokinase, evidence of recanalization of an occluded brain-supplying
staphylokinase, PAs derived from Desmodus species, artery, however.4
and novel plasminogen activators) are presented. The development of agents that promote fibrin degradation
• The molecular basis for PA inhibition and modulation in the clinical setting stems from observations in the 19th
of vascular fibrinolysis is made. century of the spontaneous liquefaction of clotted blood and
the dissolution of fibrin thrombi. A growing understanding of
• These considerations form a basis for exploration of plasma proteolytic digestion of fibrin paralleled enquiry into
current information about the impact of PAs and of the mechanisms of streptococcal fibrinolysis. Streptokinase
plasmin generation on CNS vessel and microvessel (SK) was the first PA employed to dissolve closed space
integrity. (intrapleural) fibrin clots, but purified preparations were
• Exploration of the role(s) of endogenous PAs in required for lysis of intravascular thrombi. The development
CNS development, CNS integrity, and on neuronal of PAs for therapeutic lysis of vascular thrombi has progressed
function in the CNS is presented, and the potential along with insights into the mechanisms of thrombus
effects of therapeutic PAs on the CNS. formation and degradation. It should be remembered that
• The pioneering use of therapeutic plasminogen the concentrations of PAs used to degrade fibrin thrombi
activation in the acute setting in ischemic/thrombotic clinically far exceed those required to perform the same task
stroke, acute cerebral arterial recanalization, and its endogenously.
consequences are described.
• The use of PAs in experimental cerebral ischemia, THROMBUS FORMATION
recanalization and tissue injury reduction, and their
The relative platelet-fibrin composition of a specific thrombus
limitations and relevance to the clinical setting are
depends on the vascular bed, the local development of fibrin,
platelet activation, and regional blood flow or shear stress.
• The risks of PAs in the acute intervention in ischemic Even in the same arterial territory there may be considerable
stroke and the quantitative effects on intracerebral variability and local heterogeneity in thrombus composition
hemorrhage are presented. Limitations to the clinical use as evidenced by thrombi removed in situ.10-13 Pharmacologic
of fibrinolytic agents in ischemic stroke are considered. inhibition of the platelet activation/aggregation and coagula-
tion processes can also alter thrombus composition and vol-
ume. At arterial flow rates thrombi are predominantly platelet
rich, whereas at lower shear rates characteristic of venous flow,
Thrombosis, and thrombus growth, dissolution, and migra- activation of coagulation seems to predominate. It has been
tion are inextricably connected. Thrombus formation involves suggested that the efficacy of pharmacologic thrombus lysis
activation of platelets, activation of the coagulation system, depends on (i) the relative fibrin content and (ii) the extent of
and the processes of fibrin dissolution. The central feature of fibrin cross-linking of the thrombus that may reflect thrombus
each of these processes is the generation of thrombin from age and thrombus remodeling. The latter may vary with loca-
prothrombin. Thrombin, in turn, generates the thrombus tion within a vascular bed (e.g., arterial, capillary, or venular).
fibrin network by the cleavage of circulating fibrinogen with Thrombin (factor IIa) is the central player in clot formation
formation of the fibrin network. Excess local vascular fibrin (Fig. 2.1). Thrombin, a serine protease, cleaves fibrinogen to
deposition can contribute to thrombus growth, while vascular generate fibrin, which forms the scaffolding for the growing
injury and excess degradation of fibrin in “hemostatic plugs” thrombus. Inter-fibrin strand cross-linking requires active
at sites of vascular injury can lead to hemorrhage. Plasmin can factor XIII, a transglutaminase bound to fibrinogen that
degrade fibrin and fibrinogen. Plasminogen activators (PAs), is itself activated by thrombin. Factor XIIIa stabilizes the
which convert plasminogen to plasmin, have been exploited fibrin network (Fig. 2.2).14,15 Thrombin-mediated fibrin
to dissolve clinically significant vascular thrombi acutely. polymerization leads to the generation of fibrin I and fibrin


VII TF: VIIa XI XII Pre-kallikrein

Ca2 XIIa

Va Xa  VIIIa
PF 1.2
Ca2 Ca 2


VII TF: VIIa XI XII Pre-kallikrein

Ca2 XIIa
Fibrin Fibrinogen


PF 1.2
Ca2 Ca 2


XI XII Pre-kallikrein

Ca2 XIIa Protein C

Fibrin Fibrinogen Thrombomodulin
Va Xa  VIIIa
PF 1.2
Ca2 Ca 2

Fig. 2.1. Intrinsic and extrinsic coagulation pathways (see text). Phospholipid-containing membranes (e.g., platelets) provide the scaffold for
accelerating coagulation pathway activation. Both intrinsic and extrinsic pathways lead to prothrombin (factor II) activation, with fibrin generation
from circulating fibrinogen. The extrinsic pathway initiates coagulation through the interaction of factor VII with tissue factor (TF) in the vascular
adventitia, brain perivascular parenchyma, and activated monocytes. The TF:VIIa complex catalyzes activation of factor X and acceleration
of thrombin generation. The intrinsic system involves activation of components within the vascular lumen. Initiation of coagulation through
this pathway involves pre-kallikrein, kallikrein, high-molecular-weight kininogen (HMWK), and factors XI and XII. (A) Thrombin generation. The
intrinsic system activates factor X through the “tenase” complex (factors VIIIa and IXa, and Ca2+ on phospholipid). Both intrinsic and extrinsic
pathways activate prothrombin through the common “prothrombinase” complex (factors Xa and Va, and Ca2+). The platelet surface has
receptors for factors Va and VIIIa. Cleavage of prothrombin generates the prothrombin fragment 1.2 (PF 1.2) and thrombin (factor IIa). (B)
Thrombin has multiple stimulatory positive feedback effects. It catalyzes activation of factors XI and VIII as well as the activities of the tenase
and prothrombinase complexes. Thrombin also stimulates activation of platelets and granule secretion via specific thrombin receptors on their
surface. (C) Coagulation activation is regulated by interleaving inhibitor pathways. The effects of factors Va, Xa, and VIIIa are modulated by the
protein C pathway. Activated protein C (APC), generated by the action of the endothelial cell receptor thrombomodulin on protein C, with its
cofactor protein S, inhibits the action of factor V. AT, Antithrombin; HC-III, heparin cofactor-III.
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this is done he waits until the [667]loaa mua iaia ka uala i ka wa
stormy months are over, and i ka lala, hoi aku oia me ka
long after that, in the month of wahie a ho-a i ka imu a kalua a
Kaaona, he goes to throw up the moa. Kahea aku oia penei:
earth on the hills of the potatoes; “Keaonui i ka maka o ka opua
when he first obtains potato, ilalo iho, e hoi e ai i ka ai.” A hala
whether in between hills or from ka malama o Welehu, o Makalii,
the running vine, he returns with a o Hinaiaeleele, a komo i ka
wood, lights the fire in the imu malama o Nana i ka la o Mauli
and cooks the potato until it is hoonana kane, hoonana ka
done. He prays in this manner: wahine, kau na pualei i ke poo,
“Keaonui, hanging below the eye hele e eli i ka uala a ike na kane
of the narrow pointed clouds, ame na wahine. Penei ka olelo a
come to partake of the food.” ka mea palaualelo: “E! eia ka’u
When the months of Welehu, 247 pue uala,” a “eia no hoi kau,” a
Makalii 248 and Hinaiaeleele are papa aku kekahi i kekahi; “mai
past, and during the month of kii mai oe i ka’u” o ka eli no ia a
Nana on the day called Mauli, he loaa, ka uala. Aohe nae he nunui
shows off before men and he makalii wale no; hookahi mea
women, and placing a wreath of e ola ai o ka ohana o ka malama
flowers on his head, he would i ka palula, oia ka ai e ola ai ke
sally forth to dig potatoes in the ole ka hua. A olelo ae kekahi
presence of these men and penei: “Aole no keia o na
women. Then the improvidents malama e hua nui ai ka uala; he
would call out, “Say, this is my malama ulu palula wale no keia,
potato hill;” [and another] “And he aa noi ke kumu. Eia ka
this is mine;” they would forbid malama e kanu ai i hua.” I ka la
each other by saying, “Don’t you o Hilo kii aku ka mahiai i na lau;
come to get mine.” They would eia ka inoa: kola, nika,
then dig and obtain potatoes. But pukeleawe, hiiaka, lapa,
they are not of large size; they huamoa; waiho aku e like me ka
are small. There is one way of mea i hoike ia. Aia hiki mai ka la
keeping the family in food, [that o Hoaka oia ka wa e kanu ai, e
is] to care for the leaves [of the kanu e like me ka mea i hoike ia
potato]; that is the food with maluna, a hala o Ikiiki pau ke
which to feed the family if there kaumaha o ke kanaka mahiai,
be no tubers. One would say manao ae oia o ke ola o ka
thus: “Anyway, these are not the ohana; a i ka la o Olekukahi,
months when potatoes bear Olekulua, Olekupau, oia na la e
plentifully; these are months pue ai i ka uala; noho aku oia a
when leaves grow rank and the hala napoo Mohalu, o Hua, o
stalks swell large. This month is Akua, o Hoku, o Mahealani, o
the time to plant in order to Kulu, a i ka la hope o Akua hele
bear.” On the day called Hilo the oia ma kona mala i ka wa e puka
planter obtains some stalks, the mai ai na kao, oia hoi ka lalani, a
ones called kola, nika, ku oia ma ke kihi o ka mala,
pukeleawe, hiiaka, lapa, and penei oia e kahea ai: “E
huamoa. 249 Prepare them in the Kanepuaa, eku i uka, eku i kai,
manner previously stated. When eku i nae, eku i lalo, eku iwaena
the day called Hoaka arrives o ka kaua mala uala nei la, e
then is the time to plant; set Kanepuaa, eku oe mai kela kihi
them out in the manner a i keia kihi, mai kela kaika a i
explained above; and when Ikiiki keia kaika, mai kela iwi a i keia
is past the planter would be iwi, i hua i ka mole, i hua i ke
relieved, for he realizes that his kano, i hua i ke aakolo i ka wa.”
family is saved; the days called A pau kana pule ana, noho aku
Olekukahi, Olekulua and oia a hala Kaloakukahi,
Olekupau are the days during Kaloakulua, Kaloapau, a i ka la o
which to hill up potatoes; then he Kane, hoomakaukau ke kane
waits until the days called ame ka wahine i mau koko no ka
Mohalu, Hua, Akua, Hoku, uala, a i ka la o Lono, hoomaka
Mahealani and Kulu, and the last ka eli ana o ka uala. Ekolu no
day, Akua, he visits the potato uala o ka pue, nunui nohoi ka
field at the time that the uala. Ua hai mai kekahi
constellation called Taurus rises; elemakule i ke ana, a ua ana
arriving at the corner of his field, wau ekolu kapuai ke anapuni,
he prays in this manner: “O olioli wale ae e mahiai uala i ka
Kanepuaa, 250 root towards the nunui o ka hua: Hoi mai ke kane
mountain, root towards the sea; ame ka wahine, kalua ka puaa
root towards the wind, root me ka uala.
towards the calm, root in the
middle of this our potato field! O
Kanepuaa! do thou root from that
corner to this corner, from that
border to this border, from that
side to this side, so fruit would
appear at the end of the stalk,
along the stalk, and the roots
which creep between hills.”

After he has finished this prayer [aole i pau.] [669]

he waits until Kaloakukahi,
Kaloakulua, and Kaloapau are
past, and on the day called
Kane, the husband and the wife
prepare ko-ko (nets) for the
potatoes; on the day called
Lono, prepare for digging the
potatoes. There are only three
potatoes in a hill; large indeed.
(An old man showed me the
measure, and when I measured
it, it was three feet in
circumference; it made me feel
like cultivating potatoes on
account of those big tubers.) The
husband and wife then return
and cook a pig with the potatoes.
[unfinished.] [668]



The ti-leaf is one of the plants O ka la-i oia no kekahi o na laau

growing in the mountains. It e ulu ana ma kuahiwi. Ua ulu oia
grows in valleys, on hills, ma na awawa, na puu, na
mountain ridges and side-hills. kualapa, na kipapali. O keia laau
This ti-leaf plant grows tall, but it o ka la-i he loloa no, aohe nae
is not large round like other ona nunui e like me kekahi mau
trees. I think the ti-leaf grows on laau e ae. Ua ulu no paha ka la-i
all inhabited islands, but I am not ma na mokupuni i noho ia e
sure. Where it originated I do not kanaka, aole i maopopo loa ia’u.
know; it may have been brought
from some place, or it may have O kahi i loaa mai ai ka la-i aole i
been indigenous. Let us consider loaa ia’u; he loaa mai paha mai
the uses of the ti-leaf. iloko mai o kahi mea, a i ole he
mea ulu wale mai no. E nana
kakou i na hana a ka la-i.

the uses of its leaf. na hana a kona lau.

The leaf of the ti is something O ka lau la-i, he mea no ia e

that alleviates the trouble of hoopau ai i ka pilikia o ke
man, in that it is used in the kanaka, oia hoi ma ka hana ia
construction of houses to be ana i hale i wahi e noho ai ke
occupied by man; such a house kanaka, a kapaia ia hale, “hale
is called hale la-i 251 (ti-leaf la-i.” E like me ke ’lii i kukulu ai i
house). Just like a chief who built hale la-i nona ma Puulaina, a
a ti-leaf house for himself at kapaia ia puu ia manawa o
Puulaina and because of the fact Puulai, e like me ka mea a
that la-i was used, the hill was kakou i lohe ai mamua iho nei.
called Puula-i, 252 as we heard He kapa no hoi ia no kekahi poe
heretofore. It is also used by ma ka haku ia ana a paa, alaila
some people for wearing aahu.
[apparel] by braiding it, and,
when done, wearing it.

It is used for lau 253 fishing; when He mea lau lawaia ke hili ia a
braided long it is used to frighten loihi, nana e hoa mai ka ia iloko
and drive the fish into the net. It o ka upena. He mea kauwewe
is used for covering the imu to imu i mea e paa ai ka mahu a
retain the steam and thus cook moa ka ai. He mea pulehu i’a
the food. It is used for covering nohoi. He mea pai ai. He moku
for fish to be roasted on coals. It nohoi ia na kekahi poe i ka wa
is used for paiai 254 covers. It was kahiko. He pau hula ke haku ia a
also used as a boat by some paa, na ka poe hula. He mea
people in the olden time. It is ahaaina nohoi. He pulumi
braided into hula skirts and used moena i pau ai ka lepo. A o ka
by the dancers. It is used at iwi owaena o ka lau, he mea
feasts. It is used as a broom to hana papale ia. O ka lau nohoi
clean the dirt from the mat. The he mea hana ia i pu-la-i i mea
midrib is used for braiding into hookani ma ke puhi ana aku
hats. The leaf is made into pula-i nohoi.
(lai whistle) which gives forth
sound when blown upon.

By the use of the pula-i were the Ma ka pu la-i nohoi i lilo ai na

sisters of Aiwohikupua kaikuahine o Aiwohikupua i poe
befriended by Laieikawai, and aikane na Laieikawai, a noho
they lived together happily. It like lakou me ka oluolu. Pela
was the case when Malio, the nohoi o Malio ke kaikuahine o
sister of Halaaniani, went to get Halaaniani i kii ai ia Laielohelohe
Laielohelohe the younger sister me ka pu la-i, ke kaikaina o
of Laieikawai. She used the Laieikawai, i ka wa i makemake
pula-i when Halaaniani wished to ai o Halaaniani e moe ia
get Laielohelohe for wife; they Laielohelohe, aole nae i loaa ia
did not succeed in their desire, laua.

The leaf of the ti is also used to O ka lau no hoi o ka la-i, he mea

drive away illness from a sick kuehu i ka mai, i pau ka mai i ka
person. If the sickness be [in the wa kahiko. Ina he puupuu ka
nature of] sores, then ti-leaf is mai, alaila, kii i ka la-i, i mea
obtained and placed on the hoomoe pu, i ole e pipili ka
body, so the sores would not puupuu i ka moena a eha, ina he
touch the mat and cause pain; if lau la-i, aole e pipili, a he mau
ti-leaf [is used] the sores do not nohoi ka ma-u, aole e wela ka ili.
adhere; they are cooling; the A he mea lei ia no e kekahi poe
skin is not heated. It is worn on ma ka a-i, i ole e loaa i ka mai,
the neck by some people to na ka la-i e pale aku i ka mai a
prevent illness; the ti-leaf wards pakele.
off and safeguards from

the stalk of the ti-leaf o ke kumu o ka la-i.


The stalk is used as a spear for He auhau nohoi ia, he mea kao-
fire-brand 255 to be thrown from a ahi ke maloo. A o kona wahi
height when dry. The plant is nohoi ia e ulu ai o ka auki, ina
propagated from this part; if a la-i makemake i pa la-i, alaila, kii, a
fence is desired, secure some, kanu a puni, a mahope ulu. Ka
plant them around and after a [671]mea hoi i olelo ia no ka auki.
while they will grow. [670] Aia ma Waipio he muliwai, a he
mano aikanaka ko laila, penei: I
[Here is] a story concerning its ka wa e hele aku ai a hiki ilaila,
wood: At Waipio is a stream aohe uapo ia wa, ku iho ma kae
wherein lived a man-eating o ka muliwai, a kiloi aku i ka
shark; when one came to the auki; a i nalowale koke ka auki,
place (there were no bridges alaila hoi, he mano o loko, aohe i
then) he stood on the bank of the hele, ina e lele pau loa, aka, i
stream and threw in a stalk of ti- kiloi a aohe nalowale iki o ka
plant. If it disappeared quickly, auki, alaila, aohe mano, ua hele i
go back, the shark was there, kahi i hele ai, lele ino a au
and was not gone; to jump in wikiwiki, nokamea, aole akea loa
was to be eaten. But, if when ka; ina e au lohi loaa koke mai
thrown in, the stalk did not no i ka mano ke ahikanana o ka
disappear, then there was no moana, a loaa kaiala mea ai,
shark; it had gone to another kani kaiala aka, ua loaa iaiala.
place; then jump in and swim
across quickly, because the
stream is not wide; but if you
tarried or were slow in swimming
you would be caught by the
shark, the champion of the
ocean, and he would secure a
morsel of food, and he would
laugh for he had obtained

the root: that is, the o ka mole, oia hoi kahi

part under the soil. malalo o ka lepo.
The root was used a great deal O ka mole, he mea hana nui ia
by the Hawaiians for cooking in ia e na kanaka, a kalua i ka imu.
the imu (underground oven). Elua, a ekolu la, alaila moa, lawe
After two or three days it would ia aela no hoi i mea ai, i ka wa
be cooked, then it was used as wi, a i ka wa wi ole, aka, i ka wa
food during times of plenty and wi ka hana nui ia o keia mea. A i
during famine; but it was used ole he mea ai wale no, alaila,
mostly during times of famine. hana ia i mea ona, oia hoi ka
Again it was used for simply okolehao, i mea inu, na na kane,
eating; and then again it was na wahine, na keiki; a oia kekahi
made into a liquor called mea e wi ai o ka lilo ma ia mau
okolehao, 256 a drink for men, hana lealea. A o ua mole nei no,
women and children; that was he aila hoopaa lauoho ia, i ole e
one cause of famine when time puehu i ka makani, a ua kapa ia
was taken up with those kinds of hoi ua mole la-i nei he ki.
pleasure. This same root was
used for oil to keep the hair
together so that it would not be
blown by the wind. It is called ki.

This is all I have obtained by O ia wale iho la no kahi mea i

asking questions. The leaf is the loaa ia’u me ko’u ninaninau ana
most useful part of this plant. aku no hoi; ma ka lau nae kahi
ka hana nui loa ia o keia laau.
John Mana.
John Mana.


This tree, the kukui, 257 we are O keia laau o ke kukui, ua ike
familiar with; we know its kind kakou a ua hoomaopopo i kona
and what it looks like, and that is, ano, a me kona helehelena a
it has a stocky, stout trunk with pau, oia hoi, he puipui kona kino,
many branches, and green a he nui kona mau lala, a he
leaves. This tree commonly uliuli kona mau lau. O keia laau
grows on the mountains, in the no hoi ua ulu mau ia ma na
forests and hill tops. It grows mauna, ma kuahiwi, ame na
also on all of the islands; but kualono; o keia laau nohoi, ua
there is no place where it came ulu ia ma na mokupuni apau,
from; it is indigenous to Hawaii aka, o kahi nae i loaa mai ai o
nei. Here are the uses of the keia laau aohe wahi i loaa mai
kukui: ai, he laau kahiko no ia no
Hawaii nei. Eia na hana a ke

the uses of the na hana a ka lau.

leaves. 258

They are used for hastening the He mea hoopala maia ia i kekahi
ripening of bananas, and are manawa; he mea lauwalu ia ia i
also used in the roasting of fish; kekahi manawa, oia iho la na
those are the uses of the leaves hana a ka lau i loaa ia’u.
which I know about.

concerning the nut. no ka hua.

The nut is edible, after being He mea ai ia ka hua, ma ka

roasted and the kernel pounded pulehu ana a moa, lomi pu me
with salt. 259 It is used in the place ka paakai. A he ia ia no ka noho
of fish when sojourning in the ana i kuahiwi, a me ka la maka
mountain, and the day when the pehu loa no hoi i ka ia. O kekahi,
eye [672]bulges out for [want of] [673]he laau keia i hamo ai i ke
fish. This is also used as kino, i na he puupuu ka mai,
medicine for rubbing on the ame ka piele. He kukui no hoi
body, if the disease be sores on keia no ka manawa kahiko.
the body or on the head. This Mamuli o ke kike ia ana a pau ka
was also used for lamp light in iwi, koe iho ka io, kui ia alawa ke
the olden times. It is prepared by koi me ka niau niu nae e kui ia
cracking the shell, leaving the ai. Ina he hale ahaaina, i ka po,
kernel, which is strung together ua ike ia o keia kukui ka mea
on the midrib of a coconut leaf hana nui ia. Mamuli o ke kui ana
(segment). If a feast were held at a lawa na koi eha a elima paha,
night in a house this kind of lamp huihui ia a kahi hookahi owili iho
was the light mostly used. It is i ka lau o ka la-i mawaho, i ole e
prepared by stringing four or five pau koke. o kekahi, he hana aila
sticks, when they are bunched ia, mamuli nae o ke kalua ia ana
together and wrapped in ti- a moa, kike ia nohoi ka iwi apau,
leaves so that they would not lawe ia a luna o kekahi papa
burn out quickly. It is also made pohaku a i ole he papa laau
into oil by cooking it. When done paha, lu ia iluna olaila, kau iho i
the shells are cracked and the laau nui maluna; me ia laau e
kernel taken and thrown on a olokaa ai io ia nei a o ka wai, oia
stone or wooden board and a no ka aila.
large block of wood is placed on
top. This block is rolled all over
[the kernels] and the juice
[obtained therefrom] is the oil. 260

This is also used to obtain the O kekahi he mea keia e loaa ai o

hamauleo 261 fish of Ewa; the ka ia hamauleo o Ewa; oia hoi,
shell is broken off, leaving only ke kike ia ana a pau ka iwi, koe
the kernel; this is placed in the iho ka io, hookomo iloko o ke
clothes, or else in the container eke o ka lole, a i ole iloko no hoi
where said fish would be placed o ka ipu kahi e hookomo ia iho ai
when caught, or in any other ua ia ala, a i kekahi mea e ae
thing. Proceed to where that fish paha. Hele no a hiki i kahi o ua
is generally caught, chew some ia ala, naunau iho i ua kukui ala,
of this kukui kernel, and blow it a puhi aku iloko o ke kai, a
on the sea; the sea would be malino aela ke kai, a ike ia i hola
smooth and oily, and that fish ua ia ala. Pela no ka lawaia ana i
could be seen. So it is done ka hee, elike me ka lawaia ana o
when fishing for squid; like ka ia hamauleo. O kekahi, he
catching clams. It is also used mea lamalama ia no hoi i ka po,
for torches at night, when fishing ke hele nae i ka lawaia puhi. O
for eels. These are the uses of ia iho la na hana a ka hua i loaa
the nut which I know about. ia’u.

concerning the smoke no ka uahi o keia hua.

from this nut.

The soot from the smoke was O ka uahi he mea hana ia i mea
used in tatuing on the arms. kakau i ka lima, oia hoi ka pa’u.
Here is the method of Eia ke kumu i loaa ai; kui ia
preparation: It is strung on sticks nohoi alawa ke koi, hoa ia no hoi
until each is full; one is lighted, a a, lawe ia a malalo o kekahi
and is taken and placed in a pohaku i eli ia a poopoo,
hollowed stone in such a way hookupono ia ka uahi a kupono
that the smoke would fill the iloko o ua pohaku ala, a mahope
hollow in said stone; after a while manoanoa ae kela uahi i pili mau
the soot would adhere to the i ka pohaku, a kii aku ohikihiki a
stone, when it is dug out and loko o kekahi wahi mea kupono
placed in a container prepared no ia mea; hana pu me ka wai
for it; it is mixed with sugar-cane ko, a lilo ae i mea kakau i ka
juice, and then used for tatuing lima. O ia iho la na hana o ka
hua i loaa ia’u.
the arms. Those are the uses of
the nut which I have obtained.

concerning the shell. no ka iwi.

That is, the part immediately Oia hoi ka mea mawaho ae o ka

outside of the kernel. This thing io. O keia mea he mea
was greatly valued by the old makemake nui ia keia e ka poe
men and the old women in the elemakule ame ka poe luahine,
olden times. When matches had aia i ka manawa kahiko. I ka
not come into use here in manawa aole i laha mai keia ahi,
Hawaii, that is, the sulphur oia hoi ke kukaepele, hana nui
match, the old men and women na elemakule ame na luahine
used to crack the nuts open, me ke kike ia nae a pau ka io
take out the kernel, leaving only koe iho ka iwi, houluulu a ma
the shells, gather them by the kapuahi, hoa i ke ahi a he loihi
fireside and burn them; it burns ka a ana oia mea, aole e pau
for a long time; it does not koke, o ia iho la ka hana a ka iwi
disappear quickly. That is all the i loaa ia’u.
use of the shell 262 which I have

concerning the bark. no ka ili.

That is, the part enveloping the Oia ka mea mawaho ae o ke

trunk. This thing was used a kumu. O keia mea he mea hana
great deal by the canoe builders. nui ia keia e ka poe kalai waa,
It was gathered, prepared and mamuli o ka lawe ana, a hana, a
pounded, and its juice was kui a o ka wai, oia no ka mea
mixed with the ashes of the hana pu ia me ka lehu o ke
bulrush or cane-tops. 263 It was akaakai a ha-ko paha, he mea
also spread on the blackboard hana ia no hoi i ka papa eleele i
so that the writing would show. It kohu ke kakau aku. He mea
was also used for printing kapa. kakau ia kekahi i ke kapa pa-
[674] upa-u. [675]

concerning the trunk. no ke kino.

This was often used for fences to He mea hana pinepine ia eia e
confine animals and to protect kanaka i mea pa holoholona
plants; it was also used in the ame ka pa mea kanu, a he mea
construction of houses, and as kukulu hale ia nohoi, a he wahie
firewood for imus. hoa imu nohoi.

concerning the gum. no ka pilali.

When we were young a great Aia i ko makou manawa liilii, he

deal of this thing was eaten; mea ai nui loa ia keia, mamuli o
when the parents went up to the ka pii ana o na makua i ka imi
mountains to look for kukui pepeiao, no ka mea, ua kupu
fungus 264 (mushroom) they mai no ia mea no loko mai oia
would also come across gum laau, a loaa aku la ka pilali e hu
oozing from the tree, and all of it ana a o ka hamu ia aku la ia
would be eaten. It was also used apau. O kekahi, he mea hamo
for daubing on the hair; it was lauoho ia, me ka hookomo ia
placed in a bowl or a cup, with nae iloko o ka bola a kiaha paha,
some water added, and left to ukuhi ia i wai, waiho aku a liuliu
stand for a while, and when kii aku, ua lilo ae la ka wai a
taken up the water has become uuluhaku, a he mea maikai loa ia
lumpy; it was very good when i ka hamo lauoho ana, he pahee
applied to the hair; it made it a me ka pakika. Oia iho la na
smooth, shiny and slippery. hana a ke kukui i loaa iau.
Those are the uses of the kukui
which I have been able to obtain.
the famous kukui no na ulu kukui
groves.—grove of kaulana.—ulu kukui o
kaukaweli. 265 kaukaweli.

This grove was so named during O ke kapa ia ana o keia inoa

the time when Mr. Pogue was mamuli no ia o ka manawa e
teacher [at Lahainaluna] and noho kumu ana o Pokue, no ka
because of his sternness with nui o kona huhu i na haumana.
the pupils. The pupils were Ua kau ka weli o na haumana ia
possessed with fear at his ia no kona huhu, a o kekahi no
sternness, and also because ka makau o na haumana i na
they were afraid of human skulls poo kanaka ame kekahi mau
and other things, so they named mea e ae. A ua kapa lakou o ka
it the Kukui Grove of Kaukaweli. ulukukui o Kaukaweli. O keia
This grove of kukui is where wahi ulu kukui, oia kahi e luana
visitors while away the time mau ai o na malihini ke hiki aku i
during commencement days, na la hoike, a he mea maikai ia.
and it was a good thing.

grove of lanikaula. ulu kukui o lanikaula.

This kukui grove is on Molokai; it O keia ulu kukui aia no ia ma

was named in that way on Molokai, o ka mea i kapa ia ai o
account of a prophet of Molokai keia ulu kukui mamuli oia inoa;
named Lanikaula. When he died he kaula no Molokai, oia hoi o
he was taken to and buried at Lanikaula, i ka make ana o ua
this kukui grove, and that is why kaula nei, lawe ia no a ma ua ulu
its name is Ulukukui a kukui aia kanu ia, a oia ka mea i
Lanikaula. 266 kapa ia ai kona inoa, ulu kukui o
concerning the grove no ka ulu kukui o
of lilikoi. lilikoi.

This kukui grove grows on this O keia ulu kukui aia no ia ma

island of Maui, at Makawao. It Maui nei kahi i ulu ai, aia nae ma
was famous because the chiefs Makawao. O ka mea i kaulana ai
went there in the olden times, o keia ulu kukui, no ka hele mau
and perhaps even to this day; it o na ’lii ilaila i ka manawa kahiko
was noted as a place often a hiki paha i keia manawa, he
visited by strangers. It was also wahi makaikai nui ia e na
the place where were procured malihini. O kekahi, kahi no ia e
the kukui nuts for the chiefs, for kii ia ai o na hua kukui ai na na
the kernel of its nuts was alii, nokamea, o ko laila kukui he
fragrant and good to the taste. ala ame ka ono. O ia iho la na
This is all that I have learned. mea i loaa ia’u.

John Moo. John Moo.

where the kukui is kahi i loaa mai ai ke

obtained and its uses. kukui ame na hana.

Where it is obtained: The kukui Kahi i loaa mai ai: O ke kukui, he

is a large tree and is good to laau nui no keia a maikai no hoi
look upon; it is obtained from its ke nana aku, ua loaa mai keia
fruit. When the fruit of the kukui laau mai loko mai no o kona
dries and falls off, then some of hua, aia i ka wa e maloo ai o ka
[676]them will grow into a distinct [677]hua o ke kukui, a helelei mai
kukui tree; that is where the luna aku ona, alaila, ulu mai ana
kukui tree which we know now no kekahi hua ona a lilo i kukui
comes from. But the bark of this okoa; a oia kahi i loaa mai ai ke
tree is used for dyeing nets, kukui a kakou e ike nei, aka, aia
printing kapa, and blackening ma ka ili o keia laau ua hana ia i
canoes; [but in the latter case] it mea hooluu upena, a i mea
is mixed with the ashes of sugar- hooluu kapa no kekahi, a i mea
cane leaves; the leaves were paele waa kekahi, he awili ia nae
burnt to produce the ashes. me ka lau ko, i puhi ia i ke ahi, a
loaa ka nanahu.

Its flower is used for medicine for Pela no hoi kona pua, ua hana ia
certain ailments such as i laau no kekahi mau mai, oia hoi
stomachache, weakness or ke nahu, paaoao, a me ka e’a, a
ulcers of the mouth. Those kinds ua ola no hoi ia ano mai i keia
of diseases can be cured by that laau.

The use of its nut: Its nut was Na hana a kona hua: Aia ma
strung into candles; that is, when kona hua ua hana ia i mea
the kukui nut is dried a person ihoiho kukui, oia hoi, i ka wa e
goes for it and gathers plenty, maloo ai ka hua o ke kukui, kii
then he returns to the house, aku ke kanaka, ohi a nui, alaila,
cooks them and when done hoi mai a hiki i ka hale, kalua i ka
cracks them; then string them on imu a moa, kike aku a pau,
a coconut stem, and when that is alaila, kui aku me ka niau a paa,
done it becomes the kukui a o ia iho la ka ihoiho kui i imihia,
candle with which to look at each he inoa hou nae ia, he kali kukui
other, but that is a new name; no ka inoa kahiko.
the old name was kali kukui. 267
Here is another thing: The nut of Eia kekahi; o ka hua no o ua
the kukui is also used in place of kukui nei, oia iho la no ka i-a, aia
fish; it is cooked and when it is nae i ka wa e pulehu ia ai a moa,
done that is the time to eat it. It is a oia iho la ka wa e ai ia ai, a ua
then called inamona, because it kapa ia kona inoa he inamona,
was sweet to the taste when
eaten. Still another thing: The no kona momona a ono ka ke ai
nut is used in fishing for uhu or in aku.
spying for squid; if it were not for
the kukui, these kinds of fishing Eia no kekahi; he mea lawaia
could not be carried on; for the kaka uhu, a akilo hee ia no hoi
oil of the kukui is the thing which ka hua o ke kukui, i na aole ka
enables one to see the dark hua o ke kukui, aole paha e
places of the ocean. That is one pono keia mau lawaia ana, ke
of its uses. ole ka hua kukui, nana e
hoomoakaka aku i na wahi
pouliuli o ka moana, oia iho la
kekahi hana.

Here is still another use of the Eia hou no kekahi hana a ka hua
kukui fruit: It is made into oil. It is kukui, ua hana ia no o ua hua
first gathered, and when there is nei i aila kui; ma ka hoiliili ana a
plenty it is cooked in the imu; nui, alaila, kalua i ka imu a moa,
when cooked it is cracked and kike aku a nahaha, ka iwi
the shell separated from the owaho, o ka io oloko oia ka mea
kernel. The kernel is made into e hana ai i aila ma ke ku’i ana
oil by pounding it on a board until iluna o ka papa a wali, olokaa
it is pulverized; then a large aku oe me kekahi pohaku nui aia
smooth ala 268 stone is rolled on nemonemo, maluna o ke kukui i
this pulverized kukui meat. The ku’i ia a wali; alaila, o ke kahe
juice is then run into a container aku la no ia o ka wai o ka kukui
through a strainer that would iloko o kekahi po’i a’u i hana ai
keep out the dregs. That is one me ke kanana, i mea e komo ole
use of the fruit of the kukui—for ai ke oka iloko, o ia iho la kekahi
oil; but perhaps there are more hana i ka hua kukui i aila, aka,
uses of the fruit of the kukui, but he nui aku no paha na hana o ka
these are what I have seen hua o ke kukui, o ka’u mau mea
being done with my own eyes, nae keia i ike maka i ka hana ia,
and that is why I have brought a oia ka’u mea i lawe mai ai i
these things for your keia mau mea, a hoikeike aku
enlightenment, my friends. iwaena o oukou e o’u mau hoa.

Timothy Lililea. Timothy Lililea.



There are two places where Elua wahi i loaa ai ka Ulu. 1. Ma

breadfruit is to be found. 1. At Kaawaloa, Kona, Hawaii. He
Kaawaloa, Kona, Hawaii. Man kanaka ke kumu o ko laila ulu.
was the origin of the breadfruit of Ma ka make ana ona, ua olelo
that place. Before his death he mua nae kela i kana mau keiki:
had said to his children: “If I die, “Ina wau e make, e nana olua i
both of you watch the tree that ka laau e ulu ae ana ma ka puka
may grow at the door of our o ka hale o kakou; o ka hua ona,
house; its fruit shall be your food; oia ka olua ai; o na lima a me na
the hands and hairs are the roots lauoho, oia ke a-a o lalo o ua ulu
of that breadfruit tree, the legs nei, o na wawae oia na lala, o ka
are its branches, the testicle is opea, oia ka hua o luna o ua ulu
the fruit thereon.” At that time nei.” la wa, oia ka ai i ola ai keia
that was the food that saved this ohana a pau, a hiki i ka wa a kini
whole family. At the time the forty o ke akua, a me ka lehu o ke
thousand gods and the four akua ike ana no ka hua o keia
hundred thousand gods saw the ulu, kii lakou e hoao e ai maka,
fruit of this breadfruit tree, they aole ono ke ai, hoao lakou e
went and plucked it and tried to pulehu ike i ka ono, olelo aku
eat it green, but it was not lakou ia Kane ma laua o
palatable; they then tried cooking Kanaloa i ka ono o keia hua,
it on hot coals and found it olelo mai laua: “Aole na he hua
relishable. They spoke to Kane e, he opea na no kekahi kanaka
and Kanaloa 269 of the sweetness i make.” Ia wa luai lakou [679]a
of this fruit; to which they replied pau ke aho, mai Kona ka luai
that the fruit was no other than hele ana ma kuahiwi a hiki i
the testes of a certain man who Waipio. Oia ke kumu i laha ai ko
is now dead. At this they vomited laila ulu i keia wa, no ka luai hele
until they were exhausted; ana o na akua ma ke kuahiwi a
[678]they started to vomit in Kona laha loa.
and continued through the
mountains till they reached
Waipio. That is why the
breadfruit trees became so
plentiful, at that time, because
the gods vomited on their way
through the mountains, hence its
wide spread.

2. At Puuloa, Oahu. Its breadfruit 2. Ma Puuloa i Oahu. Ko laila ulu

plant came from no Kanehunamoku mai, na
Kanehunamoku, 270 brought by kekahi mau kanaka o Puuloa i
two men of Puuloa who were out hele i ka lawaia a puhia e ka ino
fishing and were blown off by a nui, makani a me ka ua, a pae i
heavy wind and rain storm and keia aina kanaka ole, he akua
landed at the uninhabited land, wale no; nolaila mai ka laua lawe
save gods only. Therefore by ana mai i keia ulu a hiki i Puuloa,
them it was introduced at Puuloa kanu a ulu i kekahi lua nui a hua,
and planted in a large excavation ai keia mau kanaka; mahope ike
where it grew and bore fruit, mai o Haumea ma i keia mea o
which they ate. Haumea and ka ulu i lawe malu ia mai e keia
others afterwards knew of this mau kanaka, kii mai oia a ike,
breadfruit tree having been hele oia e nana i keia mau pae
brought away secretly by these moku, aole i ike ia keia ano laau.
men, so she came to see it Nolaila, o ka mea ia ona i hoolei
herself and made a visit to these hele ai i na aina a pau i ka ulu a
islands, but this variety of tree laha loa. O keia aina o
was not found. That is the Kanehunamoku aia i Kahiki, he
reason she scattered the aina i loaa ole i ka poe imi aina e
breadfruit in all lands; hence its hele mai nei e imi, no ka mea,
wide distribution. he aina akua keia. Ina ike ia e
kanaka emi i ka moana aole
This land of Kanehunamoku is in loaa, a pela wale aku. He nui na
Kahiki, a land not found by mea maikai o kela aina, aia ilaila
explorers who are endeavoring ka wai ola a Kane ma laua me
to discover, because this is a Kanaloa. O ka poe make a lehu
mythical land; if this land is seen ke kino ola i kela waiola.
by man it is then submerged in
the ocean, it can never be found,
and so continues on. The good
things of that land are many; the
living-water of Kane and Kanaloa
is found there; those who have
died and their bodies turned into
ashes can be brought back to life
by that water.

Its sap: The sap was very No Ke Kepau. He mea waiwai

valuable in the olden time for the loa ia i ka wa kahiko no ke kapili
snaring of birds; it was manu ana. O ka oi aku ia o ka
considered superior for such use mea hana nui ia e ka poe kia
by those persons who snared manu o na aina a pau loa. O
birds in all the islands. The Hawaii nae ka oi o ka aina kapili
island of Hawaii was the most manu mau. O ka manu e kapili ai
prominent in this method of bird o ka oo hulu pala o ka uka, o

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