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Time: One hour fifteen minutes

NAME: _________________________ CLASS: ________________ DATE:____________

Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.

1. She went to __________beach during the holidays. __________beach is

A a, The
B the, an
C An, a
D A, an

2. I wish to _____________ hard for my exam this year.

A play
B sleep
C study
D enjoy

3. The police is standing _______________the baker and the boy.

A in
B between
C under
D along

4. A surfer is a person who ___________________.

A cuts and sells the meat.
B surfs with a surfing board.
C studies the flowers and plants.
D sails the boat.

5. The words below are Verbs except:
A singing
B horse riding
C sports
D climbing

6. Choose the correct sentence.

A I didn’t take your pen!
B I didn’t took your pen!
C I didn’t taking your pen!
D I didn’t taken your pen!

7. There was a lot of _______________ when the power cut happened in

New York.
A ambulance
B police
C trains
D accidents

8. Which of the following is a Noun?

A walk
B cook
C traffic
D sleep

9. Musa was angry with Hakan because________________________.

A he tricked him to bring him some money.
B he tricked him to buy a sick horse.
C he tricked him about his broken chair.
D he tricked him to send him to the hospital.

10. They hid the cheese ________________a hole.

A in
B between
C beside
D against
( /10 marks)

Give a suitable response for the pictures below.

How is your holiday

plan? /Where are you

Hello. May I help you?

/How can I help you?

It’s ok. You had tried
E. your best. /You can do
F. better next time.

( /6 marks)

Read the questions and answer the questions below.

Den and his family went for a short trip to Penang Island during the
school holidays. Den’s father drove the car from their house. On the
way to the first destination, their car broke down. It was really
unexpected and they had to call a Grab car. After two hours ride,
they reached the Penang Hill. Den and his sister were so amazed by
the breathtaking view.

They started to climb the hill when suddenly Den’s sister

twisted her ankle and tumbled down a short distance, down the hill.
She cried in pain and screamed for help. Everyone panicked and had
to slow down to check on her bruise. It was black and swollen.

The guide had to call for a rescue team to bring them down the
hill. Luckily, they reached the bottom at 7.00 p.m. They had a
terrible experience and hoped that everyone was safe. They went
back home feeling gloomy and disappointed.

1. How did Den and his family go to Penang Hill? They went there by
A ferry
B car
C train
D motorboat

2. How long did it take for them to reach the Penang Hill?
A 30 seconds
B one hour
C two hours
D half day

3. What happened to their car during their first ride to Penang Hill?
Their car broke down during their first ride to Penang Hill.

4. What do you understand by the phrase ‘tumbled down’?

To fall down, with a rolling movement.

5. If you were Den, what should you do to help your sister when she fell
down the hill?
If I were Den, I should stay calm and wait for the rescue team to
arrive./ I should tell my sisiter not to panic.

( /8 marks)


Fill in the blanks using the information given.

Name: Gemma
Date: 26th May
Day: Friday
Dairy: -Late for school
-Had a trip to the zoo
-Feed the monkeys, they stole Joe’s hat
-Went to snake house
-Watching Tv
- Doing homework

What a day!! I was __1_late for school____ and we had a trip to

2__________the zoo________ (I forgot!). The zoo was fun.

We ___3__feed the monkeys___ and a cute baby monkey___4_stole

Joe’s hat____. Ha! Ha! Ha! It was awesome! But then we went __5__to snake
house__. Yuck! I HATE snakes!

( /10 marks)

Look at the pictures. Use the cue words to write 3 paragraphs.
Choose only ONE question.
Question 1

Last school holiday, we went to the
Taiping Zoo. We were excited and
woke up early. We had breakfast and
father drove us to the zoo at 9.00

My parents bought the tickets and
we saw many animals there. The
elephants were tame and we fed
them with sugar cane. We rode on
__________ them and watched them perform.

At lunch, we ate some delicious
chicken and chips. After we bought
some souvenirs, we went home
really happy and satisfied. We really
enjoyed ourselves during the trip.

( /16 marks)

Question 2

feeling very excited. When they reached The Bako National park,
they started to build their tents. Next, they went jungle trekking
with their scout master. Soon, they came back and collected some
firewood. They cooked some noodles and barbequed some chicken
wings for dinner. Later, they sat around the campfire and sang
songs together. After they cleaned up, their master even told them
ghost stories. They all slept at 10.00 p.m. They had a wonderful
time and they planned to visit the park again for their holiday.

________________________________End Of Test________________________________
Done by : Yvonne Yau__________
Verified by: ____________________

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