RFD Limited Liferaft - LRU-23P

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Arvo RFD Limited, kingsway, Dunmury, Belfast BT17 9AF, Northem ireland Telephone: +44 (0)28 90301531 Fax: +44 (0)28 90621765 INFLATABLE LIFERAFT COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL TYPE LRU - 23P (GENERIC) PARTNUMBER: 40061001 _LIFERAFT, SINGLESEAT, TYPELRU-23P 40154001 —_LIFERAFT, SINGLESEAT, TYPE LRU-23P- 40184002 _LIFERAFT, SINGLESEAT, TYPELRU-23P 44195001 _LIFERAFT, SINGLESEAT, TYPE LRU-23P 44941001 _LIFERAFT, SINGLESEAT, TYPE LRU-23P 44941002 _LIFERAFT, SINGLESEAT, TYPE LRU-23P 43936001 —_LIFERAFT, SINGLESEAT, TYPE LRU-23P 43936002 _LIFERAFT, SINGLESEAT, TYPELRU-23P. 43936003 _L|FERAFT, SINGLESEAT, TYPELRU-23P 43936004. _LIFERAFT, SINGLESEAT, TYPELRU-23P 43936005 —_LIFERAFT, SINGLESEAT, TYPELRU-23P 43936906 _LIFERAFT, SINGLESEAT, TYPELRU-23P 45153001 _LIFERAFT, SINGLESEAT, TYPELRU-23P- 45195001 _L|FERAFT, SINGLESEAT, TYPELRU-23P MANUAL PART No. 11521009 TITLE PAGE Copyright © AFD AEROSPACE \Vendor Code K0068 25-60-174 Page 1 Jun 04 rr COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL WPPUS reRArT TYPE LRU - 23P ‘STATEMENT OF INITIAL CERTIFICATION Itis certified that the material referred to in this Maintenance Manual has been validated in accordance with the Company Quality Control Procedures documentation. Au APPROVED Ler ee DATE 21.0501 NOTE: ‘The above certification does not apply to revisions or amendments made after the initial certification by other Approved Organisations. CERTIFICATION PAGE 25-60-174 Paset Mar 01 rRrv COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL | LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P ‘THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK CERTIFICATION PAGE 25-60-174 ase? Jun 04 rn) COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL Pr LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P REVISION RECORD INSERTED] BY DATE 15.08.01 15.08.01 09.07.02 | 30.05.02 25.05.04 | 25.05.04 Marios 2-07.08 REVISION RECORD 25-60-174 Rohs Mar/05 Rrv COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL r LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P RECORD OF TEMPORARY REVISIONS INSERTED REMOVED DATE DATE REVISION RECORD 25-60-174 Page? Mar 01 ir v RFD Limited, kingsway, Dunmurry, BelfastBT17 9AF, Norther Ireland. Telephone: +44 (0) 1282 301531 Fax: +44 (0) 1232621765 Letter of Transmittal To: All holders of manual 25-60-174 Title: Liferaft, TYPE LRU -23P_ Revision: 4 Dated: Mar/05 This revision complies with the British Civil Airworthiness Requirements, Section A, Chapter A5-3. The technical accuracy of this revision has been verified and is certified as correct Signed Pron Ube Be Shoe Pages Affected Revision Highlights This revision introduces the packing of the SS LRU 23P, into a Breithling L39 A/C. REVISION RECORD P1 Revision added EFFECTIVE PAGES P1,2and3 CHAPTER 8, P701 Table of contents P704 & 711 Tables 701 & 702 amended P712-718 Packing into Breitling stowage added CHAPTER 11 SS liferaft packing ILP P1024, 1025 & 1026 New pages added RECORD THE INCORPORATION OF THIS REVISIONON THE REVISION RECORD. RETAINTHIS LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL, FILE IT BEHIND THE REVISION RECORD. rRrv COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL Pr LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P PAGE TITLE IPAGE No. | DATE ]|PAGE TITLE PAGE No. TITLE PAGE 1 Jun 04 |CHAPTER 1.1 DESCRIPTION, OPERATION CERTIFICATION 1 Mar 01 PAGE 2 Juno4 REVISION RECORD Mar05 2 Mar 01 wrVaTaens SERVICE BULLETINS Mar 01 Mar 01 po CHAPTER 1.2 DESCRIPTION, OPERATION EFFECTIVE PAGES Mar05 Mar05 Mar05 Aug 01 Rone aya Tkens |ASSOCIATED |PUBLICATIONS Mar 01 Jund4 0 CHAPTER 1.3 DESCRIPTION, OPERATION CONTENTS Juno4 Juno4 ne INTRODUCTION Mar 01 Juno4 Juno4 Juno4 Rone CaAVOnDRONS Juno4 Juno4 Jun04 Juno4 Juno4 Mar 01 Mar 01 Mar 01 Mar 01 Mar 01 3 CHAPTER 1.4 DESCRIPTION, OPERATION Wovonaans 3s WONOHRONS 3 EFFECTIVE PAGES 25-60-174 Pass, Mar/05 rrv COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL Pi LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P TESTING AND FAULT ISOLATION CHAPTER 4 IDISASSEMBLY Zoorvo9TMson ICHAPTER 5 CLEANING CHAPTER 6 EXAMINATION ICHAPTER 7 REPAIR Zoovonsens WavOTeeNs 3 CHAPTER 1.8 IDESCRIPTION, CHAPTER 8 IASSEMBLY AND STORAGE Sawns EFFECTIVE PAGES 25-60-174 Fase? Mar/05 Rrv COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL P LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P PAGE TITLE DATE |PAGE TITLE PAGE Ne DATE CHAPTER 10 SPECIAL TOOLS, FIXTURES AND. EQUIPMENT 1.P.L. TITLE PAGE LPL. INTRODUCTION ICHAPTER 11 ILLUSTRATED PARTS LIST EFFECTIVE PAGES 25-60-174 [23 Mar/05 rro PAGE TITLE EFFECTIVE PAGES COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P PAGE No. DATE PAGE TITLE PAGE No. | DATE 25-60-174 Page 4 ‘Aug 01 RrD COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL ir LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P LIST OF ASSOCIATED PUBLICATIONS Inflation Equipment The above manuals are required for servicing the inflation equipment, and are published by the manufacturers:- ASSOCIATED PUBLICATIONS 25-60-174 Pave! Mar 01 Rrov COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL ir LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P- ‘THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK ASSOCIATED PUBLICATIONS 25-60-174 Pave? rro COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL re LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P CONTENTS Chapter Page Block 1.0 DESCRIPTION, OPERATION, LRU-23P (PIN 44941001, 44941002) . 1 1-1 DESCRIPTION, OPERATION, LRU-29P(Piv43096001, 48195001)... wet 1.2 DESCRIPTION, OPERATION, LRU -23P (P/N43936002) 1 4-3 DESCRIPTION, OPERATION, LRU-29P (PIN 43636009, 44195001) 1 1.4 DESCRIPTION, OPERATION, LRU-23P (PIN 43936004, 45153001) - 1 1.5 DESCRIPTION, OPERATION, LRU-23P (PIN 43936005) 1 1.6 DESCRIPTION, OPERATION, LRU- 23° (PIN43936906) ~ 4 1-7 DESCRIPTION, OPERATION, LRU-29P (Pm 40061001, 40154001, 40154002). wed 1.8 DESCRIPTION, OPERATION, INFLATABLE CUSHION (PIN 44329001), wed 2 TESTINGANDFAULTISOLATION ~ 201 3. NOTUSEDINTHISMANUAL 4 DISASSEMBLY oe - 401 5 CLEANING. wae 50 6 EXAMINATION... 601 7 REPAIR ne 701 8 ASSEMBLY AND STORAGE - . we TO 9 NOTUSEDINTHISMANUAL 10 SPECIAL TOOL, FIXTURES AND EQUIPMENT 901 11 ILLUSTRATEDPARTSLIST - 1001 CONTENTS: 25-60-174 "3%, Jun 04 Rrrv COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL | LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P THISPAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK CONTENTS. 25-60-174 [3957 rrv COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL | LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P DUCTION 1. Manual Structure This manual has been prepared as given in ATA Specification No. 100, which is the standard approved by the International Air Transport Association (ILA.T.A.) for al civil aircraft publications. The manual gives the work to be done on the equipment and its components after itis removed from the aircraft. It also includes a parts list for the component, ‘The chapters are given the numbers which are specified in the ATA100. Example: 25 — Equipment/Furnishings, Sub-System 60 — Emergency Equipment. 2. Page Block Numbers Each subject has the page block numbers that are given in the ATA100 for large manuals. A block of page numbers is given for each Sub-heading ‘The page number blocks are: 4-100 Description, Operation and Data 401-200 Testing and Fault Isolation 201-300 Unassigned 301-400 Disassembly 401-500 Cleaning 801-600 Check 601-700 Repair 701-800 Assembly and Storage 801-900 Fits and Clearances 901-1000 Special Tools, Fixtures and Equipment 1001-1100 tlustrated Parts List (LP.L.) INTRODUCTION 25-60-174 {2351 Mar 01 Rro COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL, ir LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P 3. Listof Effective Pages ‘A. Thelistof effective pages contains allthe pages that are in the manual. If necessary, use the list to do a check of the manual contents. The list is at the front of the manual ‘A. Thelistof associated publications (given at the front ofthis manual) contains the ‘manualreferences for each component installed on the liferaft 5. Revisions ‘A. Arevision to the manual contains: (1) A transmittal letter, 2) Anew list of effective pages, (3) New or revised text and illustrations. (4) Arevision of the contents list (if necessary) 8. Thetransmittalletter has the certification statement which is the authority forthe, revision. Itgives the contents of the revision and gives general instructions for insertion. Allofthe pages which you need to remove or replace are given on the transmittal letter. C. Following the insertion of the revision into the manual, putthe transmittal letter behind the Record of Revisions. 6. Wamings, Cautions and Notes A. Awarning tells a technician that: (1) Parts of the procedures can be dangerous and can cause injury. (2) Injury or death is possible the instructions are not obeyed. (3) They must obey the instructions given on the use of materials, processes, methods, procedures, or limits which will prevent injury or death to persons. 5. A caution is given when damage to the equipment is possibie. INTRODUCTION 25-60-174 "2902 Rrv ‘COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL | LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P ©. Anoteis given as part of an instruction to make the task easier. 7. Health and Safety at Work As A. RFD Limited shall not be deemed by virtue of any ofthese instructions to have assumed any ofthe responsibities ofthe service agent or operator under the Health and Safety at Work Act or any other enactment, 8. Abbreviations, A. A\list of standard abbreviations, used in the manual, is given in the Introduction to the IPL at the back of the manual, WARNINGS AND CAUTIONS IFWARNINGS AND CAUTIONSGIVENINTHIS MANUAL ARE NOT FOLLOWED, DAMAGE MAY BE CAUSED TO THE LIFERAFT OR CAUSE A MALFUNCTION. WARNINGS: WARNING: 4. COMPARE THE WARNINGS IN THIS MANUAL WITH ‘THOSE OF THEMATERIAL MANUFACTURER. IF THE WARNINGS DONOT AGREE, USE THE MANUFACTURER'S DATA. 2. DEATHORINJURY TOPERSONS CAN OCCUR IF THE WARNINGS AREIGNORED. CAUTIONS CAUTION: 1. DOALL OF THE WORK GIVEN IN THESE PROCEDURES IN A CLEAN WORK AREA, 2. THE COMPONENTS GIVEN IN THIS MANUAL ARE THE ONLY COMPONENTS APPROVED BY RFD. 3. THE REPAIR PROCEDURES GIVEN OR REFERRED TO IN THIS MANUAL ARE THE ONLY PROCEDURES APPROVED BY RFD. 4. THE DATA GIVEN OR REFERRED TO IN THIS MANUAL IS THE ONLY DATA APPROVED BY RFD. IwrropucTION 25-60-174 F288 Rrv COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL | LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P, THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK INTRODUCTION 25-60-174 Pass rrvD COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL rm LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P CHAPTER 1.0 DESCRIPTIONAND OPERATION SINGLE SEAT LIF ET PIN's 44941001 & 44941002 Para, Page 4. Deseription 3 2. Operation 5 CHAPTER 1.0 25-60-174 Pas! Jun 04 rrv COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL im LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P 1. Liferaft, LRU - 23P 2. Visor touch-and-close fasteners 3. Strobe light stowage pocket 4, Sea lamp button 8. Visor 6. Canopy inflation tube 7. Canopy touch-and-close fastener 8. Canopy press fastener 9. Loop patch 10. Boarding handle 41. Cylinder pocket 42. Water pocket 43. Inlet valve 14. Retaining pocket 415, PLB sleeve 416. Drogue loop patch + Item not itustrated LIFERAFT LRU - 23P, PIN's44941001 & 44941002 FIG4 CHAPTER 1.0 25-60-174 Page 2 Jun 04 —, COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL rro LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P DESCRIPTION 4. General (Figures 1, 2,3 and 4) A ‘The inflatable liferaft (Type LRU - 23P P/N’s 44941001, 44941002) are in the ‘shape of a small boat and has the capacity for one person. The liferaftis ‘manufactured fom single-ply Nylon fabri panels which havea Polyurethane top layer. The panels are wolded together by aradio frequency heat-weld process. This ype of fabric and assembly makes the lfeaft ight andthe pack smal. The lferaf wil pack easly in to personal survival pack. ‘Theliferaftis manufactured from three main components: (1) Primary buoyancy tube. (2) Adouble canopy and hood, with a visor. (3) Adouble floor. ‘The primary buoyancy is inflated from a carbon dioxide (CO,) gas cylinder on the right side of the buoyancy. The canopy and floor have two separate skins which ‘may be inflated orally to give protection from adverse weather conditions. 2. Primary BuoyaneyTube A ‘The colour ofthe primary buoyancy tubs is blue (no lustre). The buoyancy is made {rom two panels which are joined at the stem end to make the shape ofthe tube. The floor panel and canopy are welded tothe inner panel of the buoyancy. The items that follow are attached tothe primary buoyancy: (1) CO, gascylinderinletnon-return (check) valve NOTE: Liferaft PIN 44941001 has a Mk Thanner inletvalve, ‘whereas, iferaft PIN 44941002 has an MS 29599 inlet valve, (2) Cylinder pocket. (3) Boarding handles (4 off. (4) Drogue loop patch. (5) Topping-upinflation tube. (©) Ancillary equipmentstowage pocket. (7) Touch-and-close fastener patches (6 off)1o secure canopy when rolled, CHAPTER 1.0 25-60-174 P20? Jun 04 rRrvD COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL la LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P (8) Water pockets (2 off. Floor > “The floors manufactured from two panels of single-ply Nylon fabricwhich has a Polyurethane top layer. The colour of the panelsis blue (nolustre). The floor area ofthe two panels are held together at regular intervals by circular spacer patches. ‘The floor is inflated orally through an oral inflation tube and non-retum (check) valve. The items that follow are part of the floor assembly: (1) Integral bailer (2) Liferaft identification markings. (3) Floor inflation tube. (4) Floor loop patch 4, Canopy and Hood ‘A Thecanopyis manufactured from two single-ply Nylon fabric panels which havea Polyurethane top layer. The canopy fabric colour is blue (nolustre) on the inside and orange on the outside. The two fabric layers are attached atregular intervals, by circular dimple patches. The canopy and hood are inflated orally through a tube and.valve. The tubeis adjacent o the head aperture at the top of the liferaft. The ‘open edge of the canopy from the head aperture to the foot end is secured by touch and close fasteners and a snap fastener which holds tin the closed position, B. The canopy is rolled back during the packing stages and held in the open position by touch-and-close fastener patches which are attached to the buoyancy tube. When the canopy is rolled back the liferaft is open for boarding after it inflates. The visor attached to the hood is held in position by touch-and-close fastener patches attached to the lower corners, The touch-and-close fastener patches attach to patches on the outer face of the canopy. CHAPTER 1.0 25-60-174 fact Jun 04 nro COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL ir LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P C. The following items that follow are part of the hood and canopy: (1) Sealampbutton. 2) Stowage pocket for strobe light (3) Personal locator beacon sleeve. (4) Canopy inflation tube. 5. Inflation Equipment ‘A. Theinflation equipment which conforms to MIIL. Spec. Standards has aCO, gas cylinder with an operating valve. The gas charge is 227 g (8 oz) CO,. B. _Liferaft PIN 43931001 is fitted wth a Thanner Mk inlet valve, C. _Liferaft PIN 44941002 is ited with a Mk SQWK37629 inlet valve, 6 Operation NOTE: ‘The operating procedures may be different for each personal survival pack. The general operations are as follows:- ‘A. Deploy and board the liferaft (1) When the gas cylinder valve is operated, the gas from the oylinder goes in to the buoyancy tube and inflates the liferaft to its full size and shape. (2) The survivor boards the liferaft from the stem (foot end). Use the boarding handles to help board the lferaft. (3) Make sure that the drogue has deployed correctly. (4) Pull the canopy over the shoulders. NOTE: Keep the canopy closed when bailing out water. (5) _ Use the bailer to remove the water from inside the lferaft as follows: CHAPTER 1.0 25-60-174 Paes Jun 04 nro ©) 7 8) @ CHAPTER 1.0 @) (o) ) @ COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P Make sure that the funnels nottwisted Putthe funnel end of the bailer tube in the water. Liftthe funnel toallow the water torun out through the tube. Repeat this, ‘operation until no water remains in the liferaft Use the sponge to dry the floor. Squeeze out the water into the funnel When there is no more water in the liferaft, twist the baller for three complete turns (minimum) and tie itt the floor loop patch with the cord. Use a bowline knot. Do not tie the cord tightly. Feed the antenna of the emergency transmitter through the sleeve in the canopy. Inflate the floor through the oral inflation tube. Close the canopy and attach the edges with the touch-and-close fastener and snap fasteners. Inflate the canopy and the floor through the oral inflation tube. Pull the hood/visor down over the face and attach the touch-and-close patches. 25-60-174 ars Mar 01 rrv COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL | LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P Water pocket Inlet valve Cylinder pocket, Bailer Water pocket Identification marks Drogue loop patch Nogeepe LIFERAFT LRU - 23° BOTTOM VIEW FIG2 CHAPTER 1.0 25-60-174 Fase? Mar 04 RrD COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL i LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P, Buoyancy Buoyancy oral inflation tube Boarding handle Ancillary items pocket Floor loop patch Loop patch Bailer Cylinder pocket Inlet valve 10. Retaining pocket 11. Floororalinflation tube 12. Drogue loop patch LIFERAFT LRU - 23P PLAN VIEW FIGS CHAPTER 1.0, 25-60-174 fase® Mar 01 Reo COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL | LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P / 4. Touch-and-close fastener 2. Strobe light stowage pocket 3. Visor 4. Visor fouch-and-close fastener 8. Canopy 6 Buoyancy 7. Cylinder pocket 8 Inlet valve 9. Retaining pocket 10. Water pocket 11. Boarding handle 12. Drogue loop patch LIFERAFT LRU - 23P SIDE VIEW FIG4 CHAPTER 1.0 25-60-174 Page 9 Mar 01 RrD COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL im LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK CHAPTER 1.0 25-60-174 Pave 10 Mar 01 rrv COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL Pm LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P CHAPTER 1.1, DESCRIPTIONAND OPERATION SINGLE SEAT LIFERAFT PIN's 43936001 & 45195001 Para. Page 4. Description 3 2. Operation 4 CHAPTER 1.4 25-60-174 P20 Jun 04 rrv COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL ri LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P 1. Liferaft, LRU-23P 2, Floor oral inflation tube 3. Buoyancy oral inflation tube 4, Baller 5. Ancillary equipment stowage 6. Floor loop patch 7. Loop patch 8. Boarding handle 9. Water pocket 10. Cylinder pocket 11. Inlet valve 12. Retaining pocket LIFERAFT LRU - 23P, P/N's 43936001 & 45195001 FIG1 CHAPTER 1.1 25-60-174 Page 2 Jun 04 Rro COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P :RIPTION 1. General (Figures 1,2, 3.and 4) A. The inflatable lferaft (Type LRU - 23P P/N’s 43936001, 45195001) isin the shape ofa small boat and has the capacity for one person. The liferaftis manufactured from single-ply Nylon fabric panels which have a Polyurethane top layer. The floor panels are welded together by a radio frequency heat-weld process. This type of fabric and assembly makes the liferaft light and the pack small. The iferaft will ack easily in toa personal survival pack 8. Thelferaftis manufactured from two main components: a @ Primary buoyancy tube. A double floor. C. The primary buoyancy is inflated from a carbon dioxide (CO,) gas cylinder on the right side of the buoyancy, 2. Primary Buoyancy Tube ‘A. Thecolour of the primary buoyancy tube is blue (no lustre). The buoyancy is manufactured from two panels which are joined at the bow end to make the shape of the tube. The floor panelis welded to the inner panel of the buoyancy. The items that follow re attached to the primary buoyancy: a) (2) @) (4) 6) (6) o CHAPTER 1.4 CO, gascylinder inletnon-retum (check) valve NOTE: Liferaft PIN 43936001 has an MS 29599 inlet valve, whereas liferaft P/N 45195001 has a Mk 5 Thanner inlet valve. Cylinder pocket. Boarding handles (4 of) Drogue loop patch, Topping-upinflation tube. Ancilary equipment stowage pocket Water pockets (2 of 25-60-174 fe" Jun 04 — COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL Rro LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P 3. Floor The flooris manufactured from two panels of single-ply Nylon fabric which has a Polyurethane top layer. The colour of the panos is blue (no lustre). The floor area of the two panels are held together at regular intervals by circular spacer patches. The looris inflated orally through an oralinflation tube and non-retum (check) valve. The following items are part of the floor assembly (1) Integral baller. (2) Liferaft identification markings. (3) Floor inflation tube. (4) Floor loop patch 4, Inflation Equipment ‘A. Theinflation equipment which conforms to MIL. Spec. Standards has aCO, gas cylinder with an operating vaive. The gas charge is 227 g (8 oz) CO, B. _Liferaft PIN 43936001 is fitted with an MS29599 inlet valve C. Liferaft PIN 45195001 is fitted with a Thanner Mk’ inlet valve, Operation NOTE: The operating procedures may be different for each personal survival pack. The general operations are as follows:- ‘A. Deploy and board the liferaft (1) When the gas cylinder valve is operated, the gas from the cylinder goes in to the buoyancy tube and inflates the lferaft to its full size and shape (2) The survivor boards the iferaft from the stem (foot end). Use the boarding handles to help board the liferaft. (3) Make sure that the drogue has deployed correctly (4) Use the bailer toremove the water from inside the liferaftas follows: (@) Make sure that the funnelisnot twisted. CHAPTER 1.1 25-60-174 fase% Jun 04 Rrov COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL | LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P (b) Putthe funnel end of the bailer tube in the water. Lif the funnelto allow the water torun out through the tube. Repeat tis ‘operation until no water remains in theliferaf. (©) Use the sponge to dry the floor. Squeeze out the water into the funnel (d) When there is no more water in the liferaft, twist the bailer for three complete turns (minimum) and tie it to the floor loop patch with the cord. Use a bowiine knot. Do not tie the cord tightly. (5) Inflate the floor through the oral inflation tube. CHAPTER 1.4 25-60-174 Pase5 Jun 04 Rro COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL ri LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P 1. Water pocket 2. Inlet valve 3, Cylinder pocket 4. Baller 5. Water pocket 6. Identification marks 7 Drogue loop patch LIFERAFT LRU - 23P BOTTOM VIEW FIG2 CHAPTER 1.4 25-60-174 35¢ Mar Ot nro COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL a LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P 1. Buoyaney 2. Buoyancy oral inflation tube 3. Boarding handle 4. Ancillary items pocket 5. Floor loop patch 6. Loop patch 7. Bailer 8. Cylinder pocket 9. Inlet vaive 10. Retaining pocket 11. Floororaliinflation tube 12. Drogue loop patch LIFERAFT LRU - 23P PLAN VIEW FIG3 CHAPTER 1.1 25-60-174 Page? Jun 04 Rrv COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL, | LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P ‘Touch-and-close fastener Boarding handle Retaining pocket Cylinder pocket Buoyancy Inlet valve Water pocket Drogue loop patch LLIFERAFT LRU - 23 SIDE VIEW FiG4 CHAPTER 1.1 25-60-174 Page 8 Mar 04 Rr COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL im LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P (CHAPTER 1.2 DESCRIPTIONAND OPERATION ‘SINGLE SEAT LIFERAFT P/N 43936002 Para, Page 4. Deseristion 3 2 Operation 4 CHAPTER 1.2 25-60-174 Paset Jun 04 RroD COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL ir LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P 4. Liferaft, LRU - 23° 2. Buoyancy oral inflation tube 3. Baller 4, Ancillary equipment stowage 5. Floor loop patch 6 Loop patch 7. Boarding handle 8 Water pocket 9. Cylinder pocket 10. Inlet valve 44. Retaining pocket +12. Drogue loop patch + Hem not illustrated LIFERAFT LRU - 23P, PIN 43936002 FIG1 CHAPTER 1.2 25-60-174 Page 2 Jun 04 —, COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL aro LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P DESCRIPTION 1. General (Figures 1, 2,3 and 4) A ©. ‘The inflatable lferaft (Type LRU - 23P PIN 43936002) isin the shape of a small ‘boat and has the capacity for one person. The liferaftis manufactured from single-ply Nylon fabric panels which have a Polyurethane top layer. This type of fabric and assembly makes the liferaft light and the pack small. The liferaft will ack easily in toa personal survival pack. ‘Thellferaftis manufactured from two main components: (1) Primary buoyancy tube (2) Asingle floor. ‘The primary buoyancy is inflated from a carbon dioxide (CO,) gas cylinder on the right side of the buoyancy. The floor is single skinned. 2. Primary Buoyancy Tube A CHAPTER 1.2 ‘The colour ofthe primary buoyancy tube is blue (no lustre). The buoyancy is manufactured from two panels which are joined at the bow end to make the shape ‘ofthe tube. The floor panel is welded to the inner panel of the buoyancy. The items that followare attached to the primary buoyancy: (1) CO, gas cylinder inlet non-return check) valve. (2) Cylinder pocket. (8) Boarding handles (4 off), (4) Drogue loop patch. (5) Topping-upinflation tube, (6) _Anciiary equipmentstowage pocket (7) Touch-and-close fastener patches (6 off) to secure canopy when rolled. (8) Water pockets (2 off. 25-60-174 520) Jun 04 — COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL rrv 3 4 5. LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P Eloor ‘A. The looris manufactured from a single panel of single-ply Nylon fabric which has Polyurethane top layer. The colour of the panels is blue (no lustre). B, The following items are partof the floor assembly: (1) Integral batter. (2) Liferatt identification markings. (3) Floor loop patch. Inflation Equipment ‘A. _Theinflation equipment which conforms to MIL. Spec. Standards has a CO, gas, cylinder with an operating valve. The gas charge is 227 g (8.02) CO, B. _Liferaft PIN 43936002 s fitted with an MS 29599 inlet valve. Operation NOTE: ‘The operating procedures may be different for each personal survival pack. The general operations are as follows:- A. Deploy and board the liferaft (1) When the gas cylinder valve is operated, the gas from the cylinder goes in to the buoyancy tube and infates the liferaf to its full size and shape. (2) The survivor boards the liferaft from the stem (foot end). Use the boarding handles to help board the liferafl. (3) Make sure that the drogue has deployed correctly (4) Use the bailer to remove the water from inside the iferaft a follows: (2) Make sure thatthe funnel is not twisted. (b) Putthe funnel end ofthe baller tube in the water. Lift the funnel tallow the water to run out through the tube. Repeat this ‘operation until no water remains in the liferaft CHAPTER 1.2 25-60-174 Pases Jun 04 aro CHAPTER 1.2 © @) COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL. LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P- Use the sponge to dry the floor. Squeeze out the water into the funnel ‘When there is no more water in the liferaft twist the bailer for three complete turns (minimum) and tie it to the floor loop patch with the cord, Use @ bowline knot. Do not tie the cord tightly. 25-60-174 Page 5 Jun 04 nro COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL m LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P Water pocket Inlet valve Cylinder pocket Bailer ‘Water pocket Identification marks Drogue loop patch LIFERAFT LRU - 23P BOTTOM VIEW CHAPTER 1.2 25-60-174 "73 Mar 01 Rrv COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL ir LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P Buoyancy Buoyancy oral inflation tubo Boarding handle Ancillary items pocket Floor loop patch Loop patch Baller Cylinder pocket Inlet valve Stowage pocket Drogue loop patch LIFERAFT LRU - 23P PLAN VIEW FIG3 CHAPTER 1.2 25-60-174 Page 7 Mar 01 Rrv COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL. im LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P ‘Touch-and-close fastener Boarding handle Retaining pocket Cylinder pocket Buoyancy Inlet valve Water pocket Drogue loop pateti LIFERAFT LRU - 23P SIDE VIEW FIG4 CHAPTER 1.2 25-60-174 fest Mar 01 rrv COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL, La LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P CHAPTER13 DESCRIPTIONAND OPERATION SINGLE si s 44195001 Para, Page 4. Description . 3 2. Operation 5 CHAPTER 1.3 25-60-174 Paset Jun 04 Rrv COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL. ri LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P Liferaft, LRU - 23P Visor touch-and-close fasteners Strobe light stowage pocket ‘Sea lamp button Visor Canopy touch-and-close fastener Canopy press fastener Loop patch Boarding handle 10. Cylinder pocket 11. Water pocket 12, Inlet valve 13. Retaining pocket +14, PLB sleeve +18. Drogue loop patch wenageene + tem not ilustrated LIFERAFT LRU - 23P, P/N's 43936009 & 44195001, FIG CHAPTER 1.3 25-60-174 Page 2 Jun 04 rrov COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL, | LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P DESCRIPTION 4. General (Figures 1,2, 3 and 4) A. The inflatable liferaft (Type LRU - 23P P/N's 43936003 & 44195001) are in the shape of a small boat and has the capacity for one person. The liferaftis ‘manufactured from single-ply Nylon fabric panels which have a polyurethane top layer. The panels are welded together by a radio frequency heat-weld process. ‘This type of fabric and assembly makes the liferaft light and the pack small. The liferaft will pack easily in to a personal survival pack B. Theliferaftis manufactured from three main components: (1) Primary buoyancy tube. (2) Asingle canopy and hood, with a visor. (3) A single floor. ©. The primary buoyancy is inflated from a carbon dioxide (CO.) gas cylinder on the right side of the buoyancy. 2. Primary Buoyaney Tube ‘A. The colour of the primary bouyancy tube is blue (no lustre). The buoyancy is ‘made from two panels which are joined at the bow end to make the shape of the tube. The floor panel and canopy are welded to the inner panel of the buoyancy. The items that follow are attached to the primary buoyancy: (1) CO,gas cylinderinletnon-return (check) valve. (2) Cylinder pocket. (3) Boarding handles (4 off. (4) Drogue loop patch. (5) Topping-upinflation tube. (6) Ancillary equipment stowage pocket. (7) Touch-and-close fastener patches (6 off) to secure canopy when rolled. (8) Water pockets (2 off CHAPTER 1.3 25-60-174 52° Jun 04 rrv COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL ir LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P Floor A. Theflooris manufactured from a single panel of single-ply Nylon fabric which has a Polyurethane top layer. The colour of the panels is blue (no lustre). B. _Theitems that follow are partofthe floor assembly. (1) Integral baile. (2) Liferaft identification markings. (3) Floor loop pateh. Ganopy and Hood ‘A. The canopy is made from one single-ply Nylon fabric panel which has a Polyurethane top layer. The canopy fabric colour is black. The open edge of the ‘canopy from the head aperture tothe foot ends attached by touch and close fasteners and a snap fastener which holds itin the closed position, B. The canopy is rolled back during the packing stages and held in the open position by touch-and-ciose fastener patches which are attached to the buoyancy tube. When the canopy is rolled back the liferaft is open for boarding after it inflates. The visor attached to the hood is held in position by touch-and-close fastener patches attached to the lower comers. ‘The touch-and-close fastener patches attach to patches on the outer face of the canopy. C. The following items are part of the hood and canopy: (1) Sea lamp button (2) Stowage pocket for strobe light, (3) Personal locator beacon sleeve. CHAPTER 1.3 25-60-174 fas* dun 04 Rev COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL am LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P 5. InfaionEauioment ‘A. Theinflation equipment which conforms to MIL. Spec. Standards has CO, gas cylinder with an operating valve, The gas charge is 227 g (8 02) CO, B. _Liferaft PIN 43936003 and 45195001 are fitted with an MS29599 inlel valve. 6 Operation NOTE: “The operating procedures may be different for each personal survival pack. The general operations are as follows:- A. Deploy and board the liferaft (1) When the gas cylinder valve is operated, the gas from the cylinder goes in to the buoyancy tube and inflates the liferaft to its full size and shape. (2) The survivor boards the liferaft from the stem (foot end). Use the boarding handles to help board the liferaf. (3) Make sure that the drogue has deployed corectly. (4). Pullthe canopy over your shoulders NOTE: Keep the canopy closed when you bail out the water. (5) Use the baller to remove the water from inside the liferat as follows: (@) Make sure thatthe funnels not twisted. (b) Putthe funnel end of the baile tube inthe water. Lif the funnel to allow the water to run out through the tube, Repeat this operation until no water remains in the liferaft (©) Use the sponge to dry the floor. Squeeze out the water into the funnel (a) When there is no more water in the liferaft, twist the bailer for three complete turns (minimum) and tie it to the floor loop patch withthe cord, Use a bowline knot. Do notte the cord light CHAPTER 1.3 25-60-174 Paes Mar 01 Rrv COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL ir LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P (6) Feed the antenna of the emergency transmitter through the sleeveinthe canopy. (7) Close the canopy and attach the edges with the touch-and-close fastener strips and press stud (8) Pullthe hood/visor down over the face andattach the touch-and-close. patches. CHAPTER 1.3 25-60-174 Paves Mar 01 rrv COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL ir LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P Water pocket Inlet valve Cylinder pocket Baller Water pocket Identification marks Drogue loop patch LIFERAFT LRU -23P BOTTOM VIEW FiG2 CHAPTER 1.3 25-60-174 °39°7 Mar Ot rRrv COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL re LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P Buoyancy Buoyancy ora inflation tube Boarding handle Ancillary items pockot Floor foop patch ‘Loop patch Bailer Cylinder pocket Inlet valve 10. Retaining pocket 11. Drogue loop patch LIFERAFT LRU - 23P PLAN VIEW FIG3 CHAPTER 1.3 25-60-174 Page 8 Mar 01 Rro COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL | LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P LOT 1. Touch-and-close fastener 2. Strobe light stowage pocket 3. Visor 4. Visor touch-and-close fastener 5. Canopy 6 Buoyancy 7. Cylinder pocket 8. Inlet valve 9. Retaining pocket 10. Water pocket 11. Boarding handle 12, Drogue loop patch LIFERAFT LRU - 23P SIDE VIEW FIG4 CHAPTER 1.3 25-60-174 Page 9 Mar 01 nro COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL | LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK CHAPTER 1.3 25-60-174 Pave 10 Mar 01 Rrv COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL, im LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P CHAPTER LA DESCRIPTIONAND OPERATION SINGLE SEAT LIFERAFT PIN's 4206004 & 45153001 Para, Page 4. Description ~ 3 2 Operation. wo 8 CHAPTER 14 25-60-174 Paset dun 04 nro COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL, | LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P 4. Liferatt, LRU - 237 2. Visor touch-and-close fasteners 3. Strobe light stowage pocket 4, Sea lamp button 5. Visor 6. Canopy touch-and-close fastener 7. Canopy press fastener 8. Loop patch 9. Boarding handle 10. Cylinder pocket 11. Water pocket 12. Iniet valve 13. Retaining pocket +14, PLB sleeve +15. Drogue loop patch + Item not illustrated LIFERAFT LRU - 23P, P/N's 43930004 & 45153001, FIG1 CHAPTER 1.4 25-60-174 Pago 2 Jun 04 Rr COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL La LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P DESCRIPTION 4. General (Figures 1,2,3.and 4) ‘A. Theinflatable liferaft (Type LRU - 23P P/N's 43936004 & 45153001) isin the shape ofa small boal and has the capacity for one person, Theiferaft ismanufactured from single-ply Nylon fabric panels which have Polyurethane top layer. The panels are welded together by a radio frequency heat-weld process. ‘This type of fabric and assembly makes the liferaft light and the pack small. The lira wil pack easily ino'a personal survival pack 8. Theliferftis manufactured trom threemain components: (1) Primarybuoyancytube. (2) Asingle canopy and hood, with a visor. @) A single floor. ©. The primary buoyancy is inflated from a carbon dioxide (CO,) gas cylinder on the right side of the buoyancy. 2. Primary Buoyancy Tube ‘A. Thecolour ofthe primary buoyancy tube is blue (nolustre). The buoyancy is ‘manufactured from two panels which are joined at the stern end to make the shape of the tube. The floor panel and canopy are welded to the inner panel of the buoyancy. The items that follow are attached to the primary buoyancy: (1) CO, gaseylinderinletnon-roturn (check) valve NOTE: Liferaft P/N 43936004 has an MS 29599 inlet valve, Whereas ifera PIN 45153001 has a Mk SQWK37629 inlet valve), 2) Cylinder pocket @) Boarding handles (4 of. (4) Drogue loop patch. (5) Topping-upinflation tube. (6) Ancillary equipment stowage pocket. CHAPTER 1.4 25-60-174 ase Jun 04 nro COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL im LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P (7) Touch-and-close fastener patches (oto secure canopy when ole. (8) Water pockets (2 off 3. Floor ‘A. The flooris manufactured from a single panel of single-ply Nylon fabric which has a Polyurethane top layer. The colour of the panels is blue (no lustre) B. _Thefollowing items are partof the floor assembly. (1) Integral batter. (2) _Liferaft identification markings. (3) Floor loop patch. 4, Canopy and Hi ‘A. Thecanopyis manufactured from one single-ply Nylon fabric panel whichhasa Polyurethane top layer. The canopy fabric colour is orange. The open edge of the canopy from the head aperture to the foot ends attached by touch and close fasteners and a snap fastener which holds it in the closed. position, B. The canopy is rolled back during the packing stages and held in the open position by touch-and-close fastener patches which are attached to the buoyancy tube. When the canopy is rolled back the liferaft is open for boarding afteritinfiates. The visor attached to the hood is held in position by touch-and-close fastener patches attached to the lower comers. ‘The touch-and-close fastener patches attach to patches on the outer face of the canopy. C. The following items are part ofthe hood and canopy’ (1) Sea tamp button, (2) Stowage pocket for strobe light (3) Personallocatorbeacon sleeve. CHAPTER 1.4 25-60-174 fart Jun 04 nro COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL ri LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P 5 Equipment > ‘The inflation equipment which conforms to MIL. Spec. Standards has @ CO, gas cylinder with an operating valve. The gas charges 227 g (8 oz) CO, B.__Liferaft PIN 45153001 fitted with a Mk 5 Q WK37629 inlet valve. C. _Liferaft PIN43936906 is ited with an MS 29599 inlet valve. ©. Operation NOTE: The operating procedures may be diferent for each personal survival pack. The general operations are as follows A. Deploy and board the liferaft (1) When the gas cylinder valve is operated, the gas from the cylinder goes in to the buoyancy tube and inflates the liferaftto its fullsize and shape. (2) Thesurvivor boards the liferaftfrom the stem (foot end). Use the boarding handles tohelp board the iferat. (8) Make sure thatthe drogue has deployed correctly (4) Pullthe canopy verthe shoulders. NOTE: Keep the canopy closed when you bail out the water. (5) Use the bailer to remove the water from inside te lferat as follows: (a) Make sure that the funnelis not twisted. (b) Putthe funnel end of the bailer tube in the water. Liftthe funnel to allow the water to run out through the tube. Repeat this opera- tion untilno water remains in the liferaft. (6) Use the sponge to dry the floor. Squeeze out the water into the funnel (6) When there is no more water in the liferaf, twist the bailer for three complete tums (minimum) and ti itto the floor loop, patch with the cord. Use a bowline knot (6) Feedthe antenna ofthe emergency transmitter through the sleeve in the canopy. CHAPTER 1.4 25-60-174 F208 Jun 04 rrv COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL ri LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P (7) Close the canopy and attach the edges with the touch-and-close fastener strips and press stud, (8) Pullthehood/visor down over the face andattach the touch-and-close patches. CHAPTER 1.4 25-60-174 Pases Jun 04 rrv COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL ir LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P Water pocket Inlet valve Cylinder pocket Bailer Water pocket Identification marks Drogue loop patch LIFERAFTLRU-23P BOTTOM VIEW FIG2 CHAPTER 1.4 25-60-174 528" Mar 01 i) COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL, Ll LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P Buoyancy Buoyancy oral inflation tube Boarding handle Ancillary tems pocket Floor loop patch Loop patch Baier Cylinder pocket Inet valve 40. Retaining pocket 11, rogue loop patch LIFERAFT LRU-23P PLAN VIEW FIGS CHAPTER 1.4 25-60-174 Page 8 Mar 01 rrv COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL rm LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P 4. Touch-and-close fastener 2. Strobe light stowage pocket 3. Visor 4. Visor touch-and-close fastener 5. Canopy 6 Buoyancy 7. Cylinder pocket 8. Inlet valve 8. Retaining pocket 10. Water pocket 11. Boarding handle 12. Drogue loop patch LIFERAFT LRU-23P SIDE VIEW Fica CHAPTER 1.4 25-60-174 Page 9 Mar 01 rrv (COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL. ir LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P_ ‘THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK CHAPTER 1.4 25-60-174 Paset0 Jun 04 rrov COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL r LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P CHAPTER 1,5 TI DOPERAT! SINGLE SEAT LIFERAFT P/N 43936005 Para, Page 1. Deseription 3 2 Operation 2 CHAPTER 1.5 25-60-174 Pave! Jun 04 rrv ‘COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL ir LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P 4. Liferaft, LRU -23P 2. Visor touch-and-close fasteners 3. Strobe light stowage pocket 4. Sea lamp button 5. Visor 6. Canopy touch-and-close fastener 7. Canopy press fastener 8. Lop patch 8. Boarding handle 10. Cylinder pocket 11. Water pocket 12. Inlet valve 19. Retaining pocket +14, PLB sleeve +16. Drogue loop patch + Tem not illustrated LIFERAFT LRU - 23P, P/N 43936005, FIG1 CHAPTER 1.5 25-60-174 Pase2 Jun 04 Rev COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL i LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P DESCRIPTION 4. General Figures 1,2,.and 4) A. Theinflatabl iferaft (Type LRU-29P P/N 43936006) s in the shape ofa small boat and has the capacity forone person. The lfeaftis manufactured from single-ply Nylon fabric panels which havea Polyurethane toplayer. Thefloor panels are welded together by a radiofrequency heal-weld process. Ths type of fabric landassombiy makes te litera ight and the pack smal. The lifer will pack easilyinto.a personal survival pack. 8. Theliferftis manufactured from three main components: (1) Primary buoyancy tube (2) A single canopy and hood, witha visor (8) Adouble floor. C. The primary buoyancy is inflated from a carbon dioxide (CO,) gas cylinder on the right side of the buoyancy. The floor has two separate skins which may be inflated orally to give protection from adverse weather conditions. The canopy is single skinned orange fabric. 2. Primary Buoyancy Tube A. Thecolourofthe primary buoyancy tubeis blue (no lustre). The buoyancy is ‘manufactured from two panels which are joined at the bow end to make the shape ‘ofthe tube. The floor panel and canopy are welded tothe inner panelof the buoyancy. The items that follow are attached to the primary buoyancy: (1) CO, gascylinderinlatnon-retum (check) valve. 2) Cylinder pocket. (3) Boarding handles (4 off). (4) Drogue loop patch. (8) Topping-upinfation tube. (6) Ancillary equipment stowage pocket CHAPTER 1.5 25-60-174 52" Jun 04 — COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL Rrv LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P (7) Touch-and-close fastener patches (6 off to secure canopy when rolled. (8) Water pockets (2 off. 3. Floor A ‘The flooris manufactured from two panels of single-ply Nylon fabric which has a Polyurethane top layer. The colour of the panels is blue (no lustre). The floor area of the two panels are held together al regular intervals by circular spacer patches. The flooris inflated orally through an oralinflation tube and non-retum (check) valve. ‘The items that follow are part of the floorassembly. (4) Integra baile. (2) _Liferaft identification markings 3). Floor inflation tube. (4) Floor loop patch, 4. Canopy and Hood A The canopy is manufactured from one single-ply Nylon fabric panel which has. @ Polyurethane top layer. The canopy fabric colour fs orange. The open edge of the canopy from the head aperture to the foot endis attached by touch and close fasteners and a snap fastener which holds itin the closed position, ‘The canopy is rolled back during the packing stages and held in the open position by touch-and-close fastener patches which are attached to the ‘buoyancy tube. When the canopy is rolled back the liferaft is open for boarding after it inflates. The visor attached to the hood is held in position by touch-and-ciose fastener patches attached to the lower comers. ‘The touch-and-close fastener patches attach to patches on the outer face of the canopy. CHAPTER 1.5 25-60-174 Pase4 Jun 04 rrv COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL r LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P C. Theitems that follow are partof the hood and canopy: (1) Seatamp button. (2) Stowage pocket for strobe light. (3) Personal locator beacon sleeve. 5. Equipment ‘A. The inflation equipment which conforms to MIL. Spec. Standards has a CO, gas cylinder with an operating valve. The gas charge is 227 g (8 oz) CO, B. _Liferaft P/N 43936005 is fited with an MS 29599 intet valve. 6. Operation NOTE: ‘The operating procedures may be different for each personal survival pack. The general operations are as follows:- ‘A. Deploy and board the liferaft (1) When the gas cylinder valve is operated, the gas from the cylinder goes in to the buoyancy tube and inflates the liferaft to its full size and shape. (2) The survivor boards the liferaft from the stem (foot end). Use the boarding handles to help board the liferatt. (3) Make sure that the drogue has deployed correctly. (4) Pull the canopy over the shoulders. NOTE: Keep the canopy closed when you bail out the water. (5) Use the baller to remove the water from inside the liferaft as follows: (2) Make sure that the funnel is not twisted. (b) Put the funnel end of the baller tube in the water. Lift the funnel to allow the water to run out through the tube. Repeat this ‘operation until no water remains in the liferaft. (©) Use the sponge to dry the floor. Squeeze out the water into the funnel CHAPTER 1.5, 25-60-174 f20"' Jun 04 rrv COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL ie LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P (8) Whon there is no more waterin the liferaft, twist the baile for three complete turns (minimum) and te itto the floor loop patch with the cord. Use a bowie knot. Do notte the cord tightly. (6) Feed the antenna of the emergency transmitter through the sleeve in the canopy. (7) Inflate the floor through the oral inflation tube, (8) Close the canopy and attach the edges with the touch-and-close fastener sttips and press stud, (9) Pull the hood/visor down over the face and attach the touch-and-close patches. CHAPTER 1.5 25-60-174 Pasee Mar 01 rrov COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL a LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P Water pocket Inlet valve Cylinder pocket Bailer Water pocket Identification marks Drogue loop patch’ UIFERAFT LRU - 23P BOTTOM VIEW FIG2 CHAPTER 1.5 25-60-1743"), Mar 01 Rrv COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL. ir LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P 1. Buoyancy 2. Buoyancy oral inflation tube 3. Boarding handle 4. Ancillary items pocket 5. Floor loop patch 6. Loop patch 7. Bailer 8 Cylinder pocket 9. Inlet valve 10. Retaining pocket 11. Floororalinflation tube 12. Drogue loop patch LIFERAFT LRU - 23° PLAN VIEW FIGS CHAPTER 1.5 25-60-174 Pasee Jun 04 rrv ‘COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL, ir LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P Touch-and-close fastener Strobe light stowage pocket Visor 1 2. 3 4. Visor touch-and-close fastener 5. Canopy 6 Buoyancy 7. Cylinder pocket 8 Inlet valve 9. Retaining pocket 10. Water pocket 41. Boarding handio 12. Drogue loop patch LIFERAFT LRU - 23P SIDE VIEW FIG4 CHAPTER 1.5 25-60-174 Page 9 Mar 01 nro COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL, | LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK CHAPTER 1.5 25-60-174 Paset0 Mar 01 nro COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL rm LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P CHAPTER 1.6 DESCRIPTIONANDOPERATION SINGLE SEAT LIFERAFT PIN 43936906 Para, Page 1. Description... os 3 2. Operation - 5 CHAPTER 1.6 25-60-174 "ase! Jun 04 nro COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL ir LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P 4. iferaft, LRU - 23P 2. Visor touch-and-close fasteners 3. Strobe light stowage pocket 4. Sea lamp button 5. Visor 6. Canopy infiation tube T. Canopy touch-and-close fastener 8 Canopy press fastener 9. Loop patch 10. Boarding handle 11. Cylinder pocket 12. Water pocket 13. Inlet valve 14. Retaining pocket +15. PLB sleeve +46, Drogue loop patch + Item not illustrated LIFERAFT LRU -23P, P/N 43936906 Figure + CHAPTER 1.6 25-60-174 "202 Jun 04 — COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL. Rro 1 CHAPTER 1.6 LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P DESCRIPTION Gone A eral (Figures 1, 2, 3and 4) ‘The inflatable liferaft (Type LRU - 23P PIN 44941001) is in the shape of a small boat and has the capacity for one person. The liferatis manufactured from single ply Nylon fabric panels which havea Polyurethane toplayer. The panels are welded together by a radio frequency heal-weld process. This type offabric and assembly makes the lferaft light and the pack small. The iferaft wil pack easily in toa personal survival pack. ‘Theliferaftis manufactured from three main components: (1) Primary buoyancy tube (2) A double canopy and hood, with a visor (8) Adouble floor. “The primary buoyancy is inflated from a carbon dioxide (CO, ) gas cylinder on the right side of the buoyancy. The canopy and floor have two separate skins which ‘may be inflated orally to give protection from the weather conditions. Primary Buoyancy Tube The colour of the primary buoyancy tubeis blue (nolustre). The buoyancy is ‘manufactured from two panels which are joined at the stern end to make the shape. ofthe tube. The floor panel and canopy are welded to the inner panel of the buoyancy. The items that follow are attached to the primary buoyancy: (1) CO, gascylinderinletnon-return (check) valve. (2) Cylinder pocket. (3) Boarding handles (4 off). (4) Drogue loop pateh. (5) Topping-upinflation tube. (6) Ancillary equipment stowage pocket. (7) Touch-and-close fastener patches (6 off to secure canopy when rolled, 25-60-174 frst Jun 04 rro COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL | LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P (8) Water pockets (2 of). 3. Bloor ‘A. The flooris manufactured from two panels of single-ply Nylon fabric which hasa Polyurethane top layer. The colour of the panels is blue (no lustre). The floor area of the two panels are held together at regular intervals by circular spacer patches. B. _Thefloorisinflated orally through an oralinlation tube andnon-return (check) valve. The following items are part ofthe floor assembly: (1) Integral bailer. (2) _Liferaft identification markings. (3) Floor inflation tube. (4) Floor loop patch, 4, Canopy and Hood ‘A. The canopy is manufactured from two single-ply Nylon fabric panels which have a Polyurethane top layer. The canopy fabric colours orange. The two fabric layers are attached at regular intervals by circular dimple patches. The canopy and hood are inflated orally through a tube and valve. The tubes adjacent o the head aper- ture at the top of the lferaft. The open edge of the canopy from the head aperture to the foot endis attached by touch and close fasteners and a snap fastener which holds it in the closed position, B. The canopyis rolled back during the packing stages and held in the open. position by touch-and-close fastener patches which are attached to the buoyancy tube. When the canopy is rolled back the liferaft is open for boarding after it inflates. The visor attached to the hood is held in position by touch-and- close fastener patches attached to the lower comers. The touch-and-close fastener patches attach to patches on the outer face of the canopy. CHAPTER 1.6 25-60-174 fas" Jun 04 aro COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL. ri LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P C.__ Theitems that follow are part of the hood and canopy: (1) Sealamp button. (2) Stowage pocket for strobe light. (@) Personal locator beacon sleeve, (4) Canopy infiation tube. 5. Inflation Equipment ‘A. The inflation equipment which conforms to MIL. Spec. Standards has a CO, gas, cylinder with an operating valve. The gas charges 227 g (8 oz) CO, B. _Liferaft P/N 43936906 is fitted with an MS 29599 inlet valve. 6 Operation NOTE: ‘The operating procedures may be different for each personal survival pack. The general operations are as follows:~ A. Deploy and board the liferaft (1) When the gas oylinder valve is operated, the gas from the cylinder goes in to the buoyancy tube and inflates the liferaftto its full size and shape. (2) The survivor boards the liferaft from the stem (head end). Use the boarding handles to help board the liferaft (3) Make sure that the drogue has deployed correctly. (4) Pull the canopy over your shoulders. NOTE: Keep the canopy closed when you bail out the water. (6) _Use the bailer to remove the water from inside the lferaft as follows: (a) Make sure that the funnel is not twisted (b) Put the funnel end of the bailer tube in the water. Lift the funnelto allow the water to run outthrough the tube. Repeat this operation untino water remainsin the liferaft CHAPTER 1.6 25-60-174 Pages Mar 01 rro (6) ” 8) O) CHAPTER 1.6 COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P (6) Use the sponge to dry the floor. Squeeze outthe water into the funnel (6) When there is no more water in the tferaf, twist the bailr for three complete turns (minimum) and ti itt the loor loop patch with the cord. Use a bowline knot. Do not tie the cord tightly. Feed the antenna of the emergency transmitter through the sleeve in the canopy. Inflate the floor through the oral inflation tube. Close the canopy and attach the edges with the touch-and-close fastener sirips and press stud. Inflate the canopy and the floor through the oral inflation tube. Pull the hoodivisor down over the face and attach the touch-and-close patches. 25-60-174 "aes Mar ot rrov COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL | a LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P Water pocket Inlet valve Cylinder pocket Baller Water pocket Identification marks Drogue loop patch LIFERAFT LRU -23P BOTTOM VIEW FIG2 CHAPTER 1.6 25-60-174 Pave? Mar 01 rrv COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL | LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P 4. Buoyancy 2. Buoyancy oral inflation tube 3. Boarding handle 4, Ancillary items pocket 5. Floor loop patch 6. Loop patch 7. Baller 8 Cylinder pocket 9. Inlet valve 10. Retaining pocket 11, Floororalinfiation tube 12. Drogue loop patch LIFERAFT LRU - 23P PLAN VIEW FIG3 CHAPTER 1.6 25-60-174 Page 8 Mar 01 Rr COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL m LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P 4. Touch-and-close fastener 2. Strobe light stowage pocket 3. Visor 4, Visor touch-and-close fastener 5. Canopy 6. Buoyancy 7. Cylinder pocket 8 Inlet valve 8. Retaining pocket 10. Water packet 114. Boarding handle 12. rogue loop patch UIFERAFT LRU - 23P SIDE VIEW FIG 4 CHAPTER 1.6 25-60-174 Page 9 Mar 01 Rrov COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL, ir LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P ‘THISPAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK CHAPTER 18 25-60-174 Pasere RroD COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL | LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P CHAPTER 1.7 DESCRIPTIONAND OPERATION SINGLE SEAT LIFERAFT PIN 40061001, 40154001 & 40154002 Para, Page 1. Description 3 2, Operation 5 CHAPTER 1.7 25-60-174 Paset Jun 04 RrvD COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL ir LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P 1. Liferatt, LRU - 23 2. Visor touch-and-close fasteners 3. Strobe light stowage pocket 4. Sea lamp button 5. Visor 6 Canopy inflation tube 7. Canopy touch-and-close fastener 8 Canopy press fastener 9. Loop patch 10. Boarding handle 14. Cylinder pocket 12. Water pocket 13. Inlet valve 14. Retaining pocket +15. PLB sleeve +16. Drogue loop patch + tem not illustrated LIFERAFT LRU -23P, 40061001, 40154001 & 40154002 FIG CHAPTER 1.7 25-60-174 Page 2 Jun 04 =, ‘COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL. Rro LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P DESCRIPTION 1. General (Figures 1, 2,3and 4) A The inflatable liferaft (Type LRU -23P P/N's 40061001, 40154001 & 40154002) are in the shape of a small boat and has the capacity for one person. The liferaftis manufactured from single-ply Nylon fabricpanels which have a Polyurethane top layer. The panels are welded together by a radio frequency heat-weld process. ‘This type of fabric and assembly makes the lferaftlight and the pack small. The Iferaft will pack easily in toa personel survival pack. ‘The iferatis made of three main components: (1) Primarybuoyancy tube (2) Adouble canopy and hood, with a visor ©) Adouble oor “The primary buoyancy inflated from a carbon dioxide (CO,) gas cylinder on the right side of the buoyancy. The canopy and floor have two separate skins which may be inflated orally o give protection from adverse weather conditions. 2. Primary Buoyancy Tube A. Thecolour of the primary buoyancy tubes blue (no lustre). The buoyancy is made from two panels which are joined al the stem end to make the shape ofthe tube. The floor panel and canopy are welded to the inner panel ofthe buoyancy. Theitems that follow are attached tothe primary buoyancy: (1) CO, gascylinderintetnon-retum (check) valve (2) Cylinder pocket (3) Boarding handies (4 of) (4) Drogue loop patch (5) Topping-upinfation tube (6) Ancillary equipment stowage pocket (7) Touch-and-close fastener patches (6 off tosecure canopy when rolled. (8) Water pockets (2 of, CHAPTER 1.7 25-60-174 Fase’ Jun 04 _, COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL rro *& LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P The floor is manufactured from two panels of single-ply Nylon fabric which has a Polyurethane top layer. The colour ofthe panelsis blue (no lustre). The floor area of the two panels are held together at regular intervals by circular spacer patches. ‘The floor is inflated orally through an oral inflation tube and non-return (check) valve. The following are part ofthe floor assembly: (1) Integral baler. (2) Liferaft identification markings. (3) Floor inflation tube. (4) Floor loop patch, 4, Canopy and Hood A The canopy is manufactured from two single-ply Nylon fabric panets which havea Polyurethane top ayer. The canopy fabric colour is blue (nolustre). The twotabric layers are attached at regular intervals by circular dimple patches. The canopy and hood are inflated orally through atube and valve. The tube is adjacent tothe head aperture at the top of thelferaft. The open edge of he canopy from the head aperture tothe foot end, is secured by touch and close fasteners and a snap fastener which holds itn the closed position. “The canopy is rolled back during the packing stages and held in the open position by touch-and-close fastener patches which are attached to the buoyancy tube. When the canopy is rolled back the liferaft is open for boarding after itinflates. The visor attached to the hood is held in position by touch-and-close fastener patches attached to the lower comers. The touch-and-close fastener patches attach to patches on the outer face of the canopy. The items that follow are partof the hood and canopy: (1) Sea lamp button. (2) Stowage pocket for strobe ight. (8) Personaltocatorbeacon sleeve. (4) Canopy inflation tube, CHAPTER 1.7 25-60-174 Pases Jun 04 7) COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL. i LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P 5. Inflation Equipment ‘A. Theinflation equipment which conforms to MIL. Spec. Standards has @ CO, gas cylinder with an operating valve. The gas charges 227 g(8 oz) CO, B. _Liferaft P/N's 40061001, 40154001 & 40154002 are fitted with a MS29599 inlet valve. C. _Liferaft P/N 40154002 is fitted with a Mk 5 Thanner inlet valve. 6 Qperation NOTE: ‘The operating procedures may be different for each personal survival pack. The general operations are as follows: ‘A. Deploy and board the iferaft (1). When the gas cylinder valveis operated, the gas from the cylinder goesinto the buoyancy tube andiinflates the liferaft tots fullsize and shape. (2). The survivor boards the lferaft from the stern (foot end). Use the boarding handles to help board the fferaft. (8) Make sure that the drogue has deployed correctly. (4) Pull the canopy over the shoulders. NOTE: Keep the canopy closed when bailing out water. (5) Use the bailer to remove the water from inside the liferaft as follows: (2) Make sure that the funnelis not twisted. (b) Putthe funnel end of the bailer tube in the water. Liftthe funne!to allow the water torun out through the tube. Repeat this ‘operation until no water remains in the liferaft. (©) _ Use the sponge to dry the floor. Squeeze out the water into the funnel (d) When there is no more water in the liferaft, twist the bailer for three complete tums (minimum) and tie it to the floor loop patch with the cord, Use a bowline knot, Do not tie the cord tightly CHAPTER 17 25-60-174 Paes Jun 04 Rrv COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL | LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P (6) Feed the antenna of the emergency transmitter through the sleevein the canopy. (7) Infiate the oor through the oral inflation tube, (8) Close the canopy and attach the edges with the touch-and-close fastener and snap fasteners. Inflate the canopy and the floor through the oral inflation tube. (9) Pull the hoodivisor down over the face and attach the touch-and-close patches. CHAPTER 1.7 25-60-174 52s Jun 04 Arvo COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL | LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P Water packet Inlet valve Cylinder pocket Bailer Water packet Identification marks Drogue loop patch LIFERAFT LRU - 23P BOTTOM VIEW FIG2 CHAPTER 1.7 25-60-174 "v7, Jun 04 rrv COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL. ir LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P Buoyancy Buoyancy oral inflation tube Boarding handle Ancillary items pocket Fioor loop patch Loop patch Bailer Cylinder pocket Inlet valve 10. Retaining pocket 11. Floororalinflation tube 12. Drogue loop patch LIFERAFT LRU - 23P PLAN VIEW FIG CHAPTER 1.7 25-60-174 Page 8 Jun 04 COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL Rrrv LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P t 3 4 5 i ~ 4. Touch-and-close fastener 2. Strobe light stowage pocket 3 4, -close fastener 5 6. Buoyancy 7. Cylinder pocket 8 Inlet valve 9. Retaining pocket 40. Water pocket 17. Boarding handle 42. rogue loop patch LIFERAFT LRU - 23P SIDE VIEW FIG4 CHAPTER 1.7 25-60-174 Page 9 Jun 04 RrD COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL | LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK CHAPTER 1.7 25-60-174 Pave 10 Jun 04 rrov COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL, rm LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P CHAPTER 1.8 DESCRIPTIONAND OPERATION INFLATABLE CUSHION P/N 44329001 Para, Page 1. Description .. - 3 2. Operation: - 3 CHAPTER 1.8 25-60-174 Pase1 Jun 04 rrv COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL ir LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P 1. Inflatablecushion 2. Oralinflation tube ciwnon-return valve 3. Cord, 150 Ib 4. Tape, 12mm self adhesive INFLATABLE CUSHION, P/N 44946001 Figure 1 CHAPTER 1.8 25-60-174 F237 Jun 04 — COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL, rro LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P DESCRIPTION 4. General (Figure 1) ‘A. Theinflatable cushion (PIN 44329001) isin the shape of a square and has the capacity for one person. The cushionis manufactured from two single-ply Nylon fabric panels which have a Polyurethane top layer. The panels are welded together bya radio frequency heat-weld process. This type of fabric and assembly makes the cushion light and the pack small. Itwill pack easily in toa personal survival pack. B. The cushionis made of two main components: (1) Twosingle ply Nylon fabricpanels (2) Oralinfiationtube, cw valve C. The cushionis inflated through the oralin inflation valveto give increased thermal protection. 2 Cushion ‘A. The colour ofthe cushion is blue (no lustre). The cushion is made from two panels Which are joined around the edges and has welded dimple patches across the fabric. B. _A150!b cord lanyardis attached to the corner ofthe cushion by means of a double reef and stop knot. The knot s served by tape, 12 mm self adhesive, 3. Inflation Equipment The inflation equipmentused for the cushion is an oralinflation tube ciw non-return valve. 4. Operation ‘A. Deploy and board the liferaft (1) When seatedin the iferaft, the cushion is inflated orally by blowing into the ‘oral inflation tube located on the comer of the cushion. (2) When the raftis fully inflated, the cushion may be tied to the webbing loop on the floor ofthe liferaf (8) Thecushion may be deflated by depressing the non-retum valve located inside the top of the oral inflation tube. CHAPTER 1.8 25-60-174 faset Jun 04 rrv COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL | LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P THISPAGEINTENTIONALLY BLAK CHAPTER 18 25-60-174 Paes Jun 04 rro ‘COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL, | LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P CHAPTER 2 ‘TESTING ANDFAULTISOLATION Paragraph Page 1, GENERAL 102 2. BUOYANCY TEST PROCEDURE eae 102, 3. FLOORTESTPROCEDURE eee 103, 4, CANOPY TEST PROCEDURE we . 104 CHAPTER 2 25-60-174 "seo! rRrv COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL | al LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P 1. General ‘A. Tests must be performed in a room which has the following conditions, (1) Atemperature not less than 20°C (68 °F) 2) No draughts or direct sunlight. (3) Sufficient space to permit the liferaft to be kept from contact with heating equipment, rough surfaces or sharp edges. (4) A'smooth top table. It is recommended that the table has a linoleum cover. B. This test procedure for the LRU - 239 liferaft is used to test for leaks in the flotation chamber fist, then simultaneous tests of floor and canopy chamber. All inflation and deftation isto be done through the oral infiation valve. The CO, inflation assembly shall not be used for the inflation of the buoyancy. 2. Buoyancy Test Procedure WARNING: INSTALL A SAFETY LOCKING DEVICE ON THE GAS CYLINDER OPERATING HEAD BEFORE REMOVING IT, THE GAS CYLINDER MAY CAUSE DAMAGE OR INJURY IF IT IS OPERATED ACCIDENTALLY. WARNING: THE CYLINDER IS CHARGED WITH CARBON DIOXIDE GAS. ‘THROUGH THE FLU-6/P VALVE. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO SEPARATE THE VALVE AND CHARGED CYLINDER, CAUTION: — ENSURE THAT THE AREA SURROUNDING THE LIFERAFT IS CLEAR OF FOREIGN OBJECTS AND THE LIFERAFT IS NOT DISTURBED DURING THE TEST. DAMAGE MAY OCCUR TO THE ORAL INFLATION VALVE IF PRESSURE ENTERING THE LIFERAFT EXCEEDS 10 psi, (1) A charged inflation assembly must be removed from the liferaft before proceeding. A discharged inflation assembly or a suitable coupling nut ‘must be installed to prevent leakage from the inlet valve. (2) Unlock the buoyancy oral inflation tube and insert it into a 1/2 inch diameter rubber hose. Open the valve to the air supply and inflate the liferaft to a pressure of 2.0 psi. chapren2 25-60-174 Preset rrv (3) 4) 6) (6) fo) COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL, LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P ‘The air supply shall be shutoff after a minimum of 15 minutes, the pressure shall be adjusted, if necessary. Disconnect the air supply and check for leaks. Ensure that all valves are closed and record the time. Record the room temperature and allow the liferaft to stand for a ini of 4 hours. NOTE: For every °C increase or decrease in temperature, add or subtract 0.031 psi accordingly to the final reading, After 4 hours, record the pressure of the buoyancy. The pressure shall not docrease to less than 1.6 psi from a maximum of 2 psi If pressure of the flotation chamber is below the 1.6 psi, inflate the buoyancy to 2.0 psi and test for leaks using soap solution. Mark the leaks and rinse the liferaft with clean, fresh water. Dry the liferaft using a lint free loth. 3. Floor Test Procedure: ‘A. To test the floor of the liferatt, proceed as follows: CAUTION: USE A VERY LOW PRESSURE COMPRESSED AIR SOURCE a 2) (3) 4 ©) 6) CHAPTER 2 TO INFLATE THE FLOOR. OVER INFLATION MAY CAUSE, DAMAGE TO THE FLOOR. Inflate the buoyancy of the liferaft to 2.0 psi before infiating the floor of the liferat. Unlock the floor oral inflation valve. Slowly inflate the floor ofthe liferaft until the quilting effect of the floor is, well defined, but do not inflate the floor to above 0.6 psi as indicated on the pressure gauge, ‘Allow 15 minutes for stabilisation, then adjust the pressure to 0.6 psi Check the floor assembly for leaks by applying a soap solution to surfaces: and seams. I any leaks are found, determine the repairabilty and repair as necessary in accordance with Chap 7. 25-60-174 Pase 192 Mar 01 Rrv COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL, r LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P (7) Leave the floor inflated for 4 hours. After this period, sufficient pressure should remain in the floor to keep the fabric layers separate. (8) _Defiate the literaft, by attaching the oral inflation valve to a 1/2 inch hose, which is attached to a suitable vacuum device. 3. Canopy Test Procedure A CHAPTER 2 To test the canopy of the liferaft, proceed as follows: CAUTION: —_ USE A VERY LOW PRESSURE COMPRESSED AIR SOURCE TO INFLATE THE CANOPY. OVER INFLATION MAY CAUSE. DAMAGE TO THE CANOPY, (1) Inflate the buoyancy of the liferaft to 2.0 psi before inflating the floor of the Iiferaf. (2) Unlock the canopy oral inflation valve. (3) Slowly infiate the canopy of the liferaft until the quilting effect of the canopy is well defined, but do not inflate the canopy above 0.6 psi as indicated on the pressure gauge. (4) Allow 15 minutes for stabilisation, then adjust the pressure to 0.6 psi (5) Check the canopy assembly for leaks by applying a soap solution to surfaces and seams. (6) If any leaks are found, determine the repairability and repair as necessary in accordance with Chap 7. (7) Leave the canopy inflated for 4 hours. After this period, sufficient pressure should remain in the canopy to keep the fabric layers separate and to keep the canopy shape. (8) Deflate the liferaft, by attaching the oral inflation valve to a 1/2 inch hose, which is attached to a suitable vacuum device. 25-60-174 Pease 1t Mar ot Rrv COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL | LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P CHAPTER 4 DISASSEMBLY Paragraph Page 4. General oe 303 CHAPTER 4 25-60-174 Paseo RFD COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL i LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P THISPAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK CHAPTER 4 25-60-174 Page 302 RrD COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL im LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P DISASSEMBLY 1. General ‘The disassembly of the LRU-23P is special for each installation, Unfold the liferaft as necessary from the stowage in the aircraft. CHAPTER 4 25-60-174. Pase 30s Mar 01 Rrv COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL | LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P ‘THISPAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK CHAPTER 4 25-60-174 Page 204 Jun 04 nro COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL re LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P | CHAPTERS CLEANING Paragraph Page 1. CLEANING es z we ~ 403 CHAPTER s 25-60-74. Pasean Jun 04 ard COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL ri LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK CHAPTER 5 25-60-174 Pave 402 Jun 04 Rro 1. General COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P- CLEANING ‘A. Clean the liferaft and valise as follows: CAUTION: DO NOT KNEAD OR SCRUB THE FABRIC WHEN a) (2) @) “ 6) ©) CHAPTER 5 CLEANING. DO NOT USE SOLVENTS TO CLEAN THE LIFERAFT. CONTAMINATIONBY OIL, GREASE, ALKALIS OR ACIDS WILL DAMAGE THE LIFERAFT AND MAKE IT UNSERVICEABLE. Use a solution of one part detergent (Item 2, Table 401) in 99 parts of ‘warm water to clean a dirty area, Use a spray or sponge to apply the detergent to the dirty area. Leave the detergent stay on the area for 5 minutes, rub lightly with a softbrush orrag Use a cloth or sponge to rinse the area with clean water. Do this again until surface area is fully cleaned, NOTE: Ifthe detergent does not make the area clean, prepare a solution of cleaning compound ({tem 1, Table 401) (WIL-C-25769). When you use the cleaning compound mix one part of compound and three parts of water. Do steps (1) to (4) again. Use a lint free cloth (Item 3, Table 401) to dry the liferaf. Apply dusting powder (tem 4, Table 401) tothe clean surface. NOTE: Ifa lferaft has been used in salt water, wash it fully in clean water. Dry the liferaft and use it for AIRCREW TRAINING, 25-60-174 Posen Jun 04 RrD COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL, rm LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P Reference: ltemNo Description Number 1 Cleaning Compound MIL-c-25769 “or 2 Detergent, Laundry N11N:00-282-9699 3 Lint-Free Cloth 4 Talcum Powder MIL-T-50036 Table 401 - Materials CHAPTER 5 Quantity, AR AR 25-60-174 "ssesoe Mar 01 rro COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL. | LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P CHAPTER 6 EXAMINATION Paragraph Page 4. General. - eee 808 CHAPTER 6 25-60-174 Pase sot Jun 04 A) COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL om LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P ‘THISPAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK CHAPTER 25-60-174 Pase 502 Jun 04 aro COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL ir LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P EXAMINATION 4. General ‘A. Examine the lferaft and its components for the different types of damage given as follows and refer to REPAIR Page Block 601 to repair the liferaft: (1) Examine the fabric components for damage and defects as follows: (@) Damage such as slits, tears, holes and abrasions. (b) Damage to the Polyurethane top layer. (©) Separation of seams and tapes. (a) Separation of components, ie. loops patches or pockets. (@) Separation of dimple or spacing patches. (0) Make sure that you can read the instructions on the patches and the labels, (a) Check the accessories for function and damage. (0) Make sure the fabric has not deteriorated NOTE: {Ifyou can not find fabric deterioration easily, the signs of this defect are: 4 Areas which have changed colour and can not be removed completely when you clean them, 2 Areas which are tacky. 3 Areas which are hard, 4 Shiny or matt areas. 5 Wrinkled or grazed areas. CHAPTER 6 25-60-174 Pager Mar 01 nev COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL i LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P (W) Porous areas: NOTES: (1) Pores in the fabric may not be visible, but to find thom, apply soap solution tothe inflated areas and look for bubbles. Single bubbles indicate small holes but alarge number of bubbles usually indi cates a porous area of fabric. (2) The cause of such defects is contact with oil, ‘grease, copper and hot surfaces, or the effects of direct sunlight or heat. B. Check the hydrostatic test date on multi-place carbon dioxide cylinders. The test period for carbon dioxide cylinders is 5 years and 7 years for wire wound cylinders. Ifa service is necessary refer to ASSEMBLY page block 701 CHAPTER 6 25-60-174 Paes Jun 04 nro COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL im LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P CHAPTER7 REPAIR Paragraph Page 1. GENERAL o 603 2. SURVEY . 604 3. SURVEY PROCEDURE . - 604 4. REPAIR ESTIMATE, 604 5. LIMITS OF LIFERAFT REPAIRS 606 6 REPAIR PROCEDURE wee OT CHAPTER 25-60-174 "22000" rro COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL. ir LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P THISPAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK CHAPTER 7 25-60-174 "sec rrv COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL ri LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P REPAIR 1. General ‘A. The items given in Table 101 are necessary for liferaft repairs. The repair tools must be clean and must not have any rough or sharp edges. ltem Description Part Number 1 Steel hand roller 05290024 2 Spatula, or strip of hard material with 05290055 rounded edges and comers 3 Solution brushes, 12mm wide 05290004 25 mm wide (05290008 38 mm wide 05290007 4 Two-part polychloroprene adhesive to Spec. RFD549 Five litre can 02868009 One litre can 04929009 5 Fabric, single ply polyurethane coated 10626009, nylon, blue-black lustreless for buoyancy tube and floor repairs. 6 —_Fabtio, single ply polyurethane coated 04938009 nylon dyed fluorescent orange for canopy repairs. 7 Fabric, single ply polyurethane coated nylon, 10529009 dyed black, for canopy re 8 —_Chalk/Talc (Spec. DEF98B recommended) (05290050 Special Tools, Equipment and Materials Table 601 CHAPTER 7 25-60-174 Fase sts Mar 01 rrvD COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL | LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P 2. Survey A. General (4) Examine the lferaft to find the number of repairs necessary. Make sure the umber of repairs necessary will not be more than the limits given in Paragraph 5. (2) Ifthe liferatt is dirty, it must be cleaned before itis examined. (3) Use yellow chalk or crayon to put a mark around the areas of damage. Do not use a ball-point pen or a marker. Do an estimate of the repairs necessary, so that the number of repair patches will be kept to a minimum. This will holp to keep the size of the packad liferaft the same size as its stowage dimensions. (4) Prepare a Survey Record for the liferaft, Make a list of the defects and repairs. Also write any reconditioning and modifications which are Incorporated 3. Survey Procedure A. Inflate the liferaft (1) Inflate the primary buoyancy tube and the floor. NOTE: Itmay be necessary to make temporary repairs to be able to inflate the liferaft, (2) Remove the temporary patches after examination. 4. Ropair Esti A. Calculation of repair limits. (1) The repair estimate is calculated on the surface area of the patch necessary to repair the damage. The limit of repair is calculated on the size of the surface area ofthe patch and the surface area of the panel Allcalculations should be approximate and made by multiplication of length by width, (2) Measure a porous area as a single hole when you do the repair estimate. Repair it as a hole, CHAPTER 7 25-60-174 P2304 Mar 01 rRrvo (COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL = LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P B. Type of Damage (1) Examine the liferaft and its components for the defects that follow: {a) Damage such as slits, tears, holes and abrasions. (©) Damage to the polyurethane top layer. (c) Separation of seams and tapes. (d) Separation of components, ie. loops patches or pockets. (e) Separation of dimple or spacing patches. (f) Make sure that you can read the instructions on the patches and the labels. (9) Make sure that the valves function correctly. (h) Do a check of the accessories for function and damage, (Make sure that the fabric has not deteriorated. ©. Fabric Deterioration (1) You can not find fabric deterioration easily. The signs ofthis defect are: (a) Areas which have changed colour and can not be removed completely when you clean them. (0) Areas which are tacky, (©) Areas which are hard. (d) Shiny or matt areas. (e) Wrinkled or grazed areas. CHAPTER 7 25-60-174 Passos Mar 01 Rrv ‘COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL | LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P (2) Porous areas: (a) Youmay not be able to see the pores in the fabric but, to find them, apply soap solution to the inflated areas and look for bubbles, Single bubbles indicate small holes but a large number of bubbles usually indicates a porous area of fabric. NOTE: ‘The cause of such defects is contact with oil, grease, copper and hot surfaces, or the effects of i- rect sunlight or heat 5. Limits of lferaft repairs A. General ‘The limit of the total surface area of the liferaft that can be repaired must not be more than 930 square centimetres (144 square inches). (1) Primary buoyancy tube and floor (a) The limits that you can repair on the primary buoyancy tube and floor are: 1 Patches: Two patches on each panel, refer to 5 A. General 2 PartPanol Repair: Thisis not permitted. Do not open the seams to do repairs. NOTE: Patches mustnottouch seams or component welds for tear damage, but they are permitted for‘pin-prick’ holes. (2) Canopy (ifapplicable) (2) The limits of repair for the canopy are: 1 Two patches, refer to 5 A General. (3) Water and Gas Cylinder Pockets (a) The limits of repair for the water and gas cylinder pockets are: 1 TWo patches per pocket, refer to 5 A. General. CHAPTER 7 25-60-174. P90 Rev COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL | LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P (4) Gasinlet Adapter Replace any unserviceable items of the gas inlet adaptor. (5) Oral Inflation Valves Replace the valve or the tube or the complete component. (6) Cordage/Webbing/Handles lf damaged, replace the part. (7) Accessories (a) Drogue/Stowage Pocket 1 Replace the pocket. Repairs are not permitted (8) Test procedure after repair (a) The test, after the repair (if necessary) is given in TESTING AND. FAULT ISOLATION Page Block 101 6. Repair Procedure: A. Preparation (1) Prepare the surfaces: CAUTION: — DONOT USE SOLVENTS TO REMOVE CHALK/ DUSTING POWDER DEPOSITS. CLEAN THE REPAIR AREAS WITH A STIFF BRUSH (NOT A WIRE BRUSH). (2) Use a clean dry cloth or a stiff brush (not a wire brush) to remove all loose chalkidusting powder. 8B. Materials (1) Do the repairs with the same type of material as the item you need to repair (Refer to Table 101 and the Parts List for data). CHAPTER 25-60-174 Ps" 807 Jun 04 Rrv COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL | LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P C. Adhesive Mixing (1) Adhesives and solvents: WARNING: — KEEP THEM AWAY FROM NAKED FLAMES. USE THEM ONLY IN A WELL VENTILATED AREA. RUBBER GLOVES. MUST BE WORN. DO NOT BREATHE THEIR VAPOURS. DO NOT USE FINGERS TO SPREAD THE MIXED ADHESIVE. ALWAYS USE A BARRIER CREAM ON HANDS AND WASH THEM AFTER USING ADHESIVES AND SOLVENTS. THE ADHESIVES AND. SOLVENTS ARE FLAMABLE, AND CAN CAUSE, DAMAGE TO EYES, SKINAND RESPIRATORY SYSTEM. CAUTION: USE A CORRECT MIXING PROCEDURE SO THAT THE CURING AGENT WILL NOT SEPARATE FROM THE ADHESIVE. THE MEASURED VOLUME OF THE CURING AGENT MUST BE POURED ON TO THE CORRECT QUANTITY OF THE ADHESIVE, STIR THE MIXTURE, CONTINUOUSLY FOR FIVE MINUTES (MINIMUM). DO NOT DO PART OF A MIX IF POSSIBLE. THE ADHESIVE CAN NOT BE STORED IN THE MIXED CONDITION. YOU CAN NOT USE IT AFTER 2-3 HOURS. (2) The adhesive used for repair is a two-part adhesive. Part 1 is the adhesive (Bostik 486 - Spec. RFD549). This is stored in a can. Part 2s the ‘curing agent “Bostikure”. This is stored in a bottle. They must be mixed together as givenin the manufacturers instructions. After a bottle of curing agent has been opened, moisture will enter; the curing agent will soon dete- riorateifitis not used. If, for economy reasons, itis necessary to make partial quantity mixes, this procedure must be strictly obeyed: (2) Measuring containers must be used to make sure that the two parts are mixed together in the ratio of 25 measures (by volume) of adhesive to one measure of curing agent. The measuring ‘containers must be kept clean and dry. (b) Part 2, ‘Bostikure”, contains a very volatile solvent which ‘evaporates rapidly. Therefore, try not to make partial quantity mixes. The manufacturer recommends that a bottle, once opened, is used within seven days. After seven days the contents must be discarded. CHAPTER 7 25-60-174 Pose ste Jun 04 rrv CHAPTER 7 (co) (@) ©) @ @ ) COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL, LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P Put the sealing cap back on the bottle immediately after use of “Bostikure’. This prevents evaporation and entry of moisture. If there is any sign of cloudiness of the liquid, this indicates that moisture is present. The complete contents of the bottle must be discarded. For all partial mixes made up, keep a sample of the mixed adhesive and monitor it for development of cure. Use the sample to join two pieces of fabric. Keep the joined fabric as proof of the quality of the adhesive. After the adhesive has been used for joining surfaces, it will cure in ‘wo to four days at 20°C (68°F). Athigher temperatures the curing time will be less, and at lower temperatures the curing time will be more. Keep the adhesive, curing agent and mixed adhesive in completely sealed airtight containers. “The mixed adhesive wil thicken and become unusable in four to six hours. The necessary time will depend on workshop temperature and ‘the quantity of exposure to air. Ifthe adhesive can be easily applied 28 a normal smooth and even layer, its suitable for use. Thinned Adhesive 4 hinned adhesive" is applied to uncoated textile surfaces. hinned adhesive" is made by diluting normal mixed adhesive with Toluene. Add one measure of Toluene to four measures of ‘normal mixed adhesive. Stirthe mixture thoroughly while youadd the toluene. Stithe “thinned adhesive" occasionally during use to make sure that the two components do not separate. We recommend that you make thinned adhesive immediately after you mixadhesive and curing agent to make mixed adhesive. Donot, use mixed adhesive which is more than three hours old to make thinned adhesive Containers for thinned adhesive musthave correctidentification, 25-60-174 Poses rrv COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL, LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P D. Application of adhesive \UTION: | THE SOLVENT MUST NOT BE USED TO REMOVE a 2) (3) CHAPTER 7 UNWANTED ADHESIVE FROM AROUND THE REPAIR AREA. Thinned Adhesive: (a) Ifthinned adhesive is required, itis thinned by addition of one ‘measure of toluene to four measures of mixed adhesive. (b) The thinned adhesive must be fully stirred into a uniform solution and. should be subsequently stirred occasionally during use to prevent setting, When correctly mixed, it will have a constant colour with no streaks. Apply Adhesive to the Base Textile Side of Fabric (a) Brush the fabric clean of any chalk/dusting powder deposits with a stiff brush (Not a wire brush). (©) Apply one coat of thinned adhesive, Apply the thinned adhesive with a technique to work it into the textile faces, because the effectiveness of the joint and of the repair patch sealing will be dependent upon this first coat application. {6) Apply two subsequent coats of standard unthinned adhesive to each face to build up the bonding surfaces to a suitable condition for assembly. ‘Apply adhesive to the Polyurethane face of the fabric: CAUTION: METHYL ETHYL KETONE (MEK) MUST NOT COME INTO CONTACT WITH WELDED SEAMS, (@) Useaclean cloth lightly dampened with Methyl Ethyl Ketone (M.E.K,) to wipe clean the areas to be coated with adhesive. (©) Apply three coats of standard unthinned adhesive to build up the bonding surfaces to a suitable condition for assembly. 25-60-174 Passio rrv COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL, LIFERAFT TYPE LRU - 23P E. Patching Procedure (Fig. 601) 0) 2) CHAPTER 7 General: (2) Alloweach coat to become tacky before applying the next. (b) Repair patches must extend at least 25 mm beyond the perimeter of the damage; e.g. ifthe diameter of a jagged hole is 25 mm, the patch must be at least 75 mm in diameter. Ifa straight tear is 25 mm long, the patch must be at least 75 x 50mm. L-shaped tears are to be treated as round holes, caloulating the dimensions between the ends of the tear as the diameter. (c) Patches must be circular, or rectangular with rounded comers. (@) Repair close-grouped small holes or tears with one large patch rather than several small ones. One patch must not overlap another. (©) _ Patches must be placed neatly on panels, as far as possible with patch warp in line with panel warp. ‘The standard patching procedure is:~ (@) (b) ) @) ) Identify the damaged area. Define the repair limits and patch shape. Mark the repair area and cut a patch from equivalent mate- rial, Prepare the surfaces of the joint and apply adhesive to both patch andiiferaf. Putthe patch in position and rol it down with a hand roller. Use a spatula to remove any air bubbles from below the patch. Letthe adhesive cure, Lightly dust the oversmeararea with chalk/dusting powder. The improved abrasive resistance shown by the use of synthetic fabrics ‘makes the liberal application of dusting powder unnecessary. A light application of powder on the adhesive oversmearis the only requirement after the repair. Testand service the iferatt 25-60-174 Paves

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