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In recent years, there has been a growing debate about the impact of technology on human

relationships. Proponents argue that technology has facilitated communication, making it

easier for people to stay connected across vast distances. Social media platforms, video calls,
and instant messaging have become integral parts of our daily lives, allowing us to maintain
relationships with friends and family, irrespective of geographical boundaries. On the other
hand, critics assert that technology has led to a decline in face-to-face interactions, fostering
a sense of isolation and superficial connections.

One aspect of this debate revolves around the influence of technology on the development
of interpersonal skills. Advocates claim that virtual communication enhances our ability to
express ourselves and connect with others on a global scale. They argue that individuals who
engage in online discussions and collaborative projects develop valuable communication and
teamwork skills. However, sceptics contend that the absence of physical presence in virtual
interactions hinders the nuanced understanding of non-verbal cues, leading to a potential
erosion of essential social skills.

Moreover, the impact of technology on mental health has become a focal point of
discussions. Supporters believe that technology provides a platform for individuals to share
their experiences, fostering a sense of community and reducing the stigma associated with
mental health issues. Conversely, critics point to studies suggesting a correlation between
excessive screen time and heightened levels of stress and anxiety. The question remains:
does technology truly bring people together, or does it create a facade of connection while
undermining the depth of genuine human relationships?

1. What is one of the main arguments presented by critics in the debate about the
impact of technology on human relationships?

A) Critics argue that technology enhances our ability to express ourselves globally.
B) Critics claim that technology fosters a sense of community and reduces mental health
C) Critics assert that technology has facilitated communication across vast distances.
D) Critics contend that technology has led to a decline in face-to-face interactions.
E) Critics believe that virtual communication hinders the nuanced understanding of non-
verbal cues.

**Answer Explanations:**

D) Critics contend that technology has led to a decline in face-to-face interactions.

Explanation: In the analytical exposition text, it is mentioned that critics argue about the
decline in face-to-face interactions due to technology. They express concerns about a
potential sense of isolation and the development of superficial connections as a result of
relying on virtual communication.

Choosing option D demonstrates an understanding of the critics' perspective on the negative

impact of technology on the depth and quality of human relationships.
The exploration of space has captivated human imagination for decades, leading to
significant advancements in our understanding of the universe. Proponents of space
exploration argue that it is essential for scientific discovery, technological innovation, and
the long-term survival of humanity. They contend that space missions provide a unique
opportunity to study celestial bodies, uncover the origins of the universe, and develop
technologies that have practical applications on Earth.

On the contrary, critics raise concerns about the enormous financial investments required
for space exploration. They question whether the vast sums spent on space missions could
be better allocated to address urgent issues on Earth, such as poverty, healthcare, and
environmental sustainability. Critics argue that the pursuit of space exploration may be a
luxury that divert resources from more pressing concerns, especially in a world where
disparities in wealth and access to basic needs persist.

The debate over space exploration extends to its potential impact on international
collaboration. Advocates assert that collaborative space missions foster global cooperation,
transcending political and cultural differences. They argue that joint efforts in space
exploration contribute to a shared human endeavour that unites nations. Conversely,
sceptics suggest that space exploration may intensify geopolitical rivalries, with nations
vying for dominance in the extra-terrestrial arena, mirroring power struggles on Earth.

2. According to critics of space exploration, what is a primary concern regarding the

financial resources allocated to space missions?

A) Critics argue that space missions enhance global cooperation.

B) Critics question the practical applications of space technologies on Earth.
C) Critics believe that space exploration diverts resources from urgent issues on Earth.
D) Critics assert that space missions contribute to the long-term survival of humanity.
E) Critics suggest that space exploration fosters international collaboration.

**Answer Explanations:**

C) Critics believe that space exploration diverts resources from urgent issues on Earth.

Explanation: In the analytical exposition text, critics express concern about the significant
financial investments in space exploration and question whether those resources could be
better used to address pressing issues on Earth, such as poverty, healthcare, and
environmental sustainability. Option C reflects this perspective and demonstrates an
understanding of the critics' main argument regarding the allocation of financial resources.

Climate change has become a focal point of global discussions, prompting calls for urgent
action to mitigate its impact. Advocates for aggressive measures argue that human activities,
particularly the burning of fossil fuels, have significantly contributed to the rise in global
temperatures. They emphasize the need for a rapid transition to renewable energy sources,
the conservation of ecosystems, and the adoption of sustainable practices to curb the
adverse effects of climate change on the planet.

However, sceptics question the severity of human-induced climate change and the
effectiveness of proposed solutions. They argue that natural climate variations have
occurred throughout Earth's history and that the current changes may be part of a natural
cycle. Some sceptics also express concerns about the economic implications of swift
transitions, suggesting that stringent environmental policies could lead to job losses and
economic instability.

The debate over climate change extends to international cooperation. Proponents of global
collaboration assert that addressing climate change requires collective efforts, transcending
national borders. They advocate for international agreements and partnerships to tackle this
global challenge. On the contrary, critics of global cooperation argue that some nations may
exploit climate policies to gain economic advantages, leading to an uneven distribution of
the burden of responsibility.

3. According to advocates for aggressive measures against climate change, what is a key
factor contributing to the rise in global temperatures?

A) Natural climate variations

B) Conservation of ecosystems
C) Rapid transition to renewable energy sources
D) Scepticism about climate change severity
E) Economic implications of environmental policies

4. What is one concern raised by sceptics regarding proposed solutions to climate


A) Swift transitions leading to job losses

B) Effectiveness of renewable energy sources
C) Collective efforts to address climate change
D) Economic advantages of global cooperation
E) Current changes being part of a natural cycle

5. What do proponents of global collaboration emphasize in addressing climate


A) Economic implications of swift transitions

B) Collective efforts transcending national borders
C) Scepticism about the severity of climate change
D) Uneven distribution of responsibility
E) Natural climate variations

6. What is a common argument made by critics of global cooperation on climate

A) Natural climate variations have occurred throughout Earth's history.
B) Swift transitions are necessary for job creation.
C) Advocates exploit climate policies for economic advantages.
D) The rise in global temperatures is due to renewable energy sources.
E) Global collaboration is essential for addressing climate change.

**Answer Explanations:**

1. C) Rapid transition to renewable energy sources

Explanation: Advocates for aggressive measures against climate change argue for a rapid
transition to renewable energy sources as a key factor in reducing the impact of human
activities on global temperatures.

2. A) Swift transitions leading to job losses

Explanation: Skeptics express concerns about the economic implications of swift

transitions, suggesting that stringent environmental policies could lead to job losses and
economic instability.

3. B) Collective efforts transcending national borders

Explanation: Proponents of global collaboration emphasize the need for collective efforts
transcending national borders to effectively address the global challenge of climate change.

4. C) Advocates exploit climate policies for economic advantages

Explanation: Critics of global cooperation argue that some nations may exploit climate
policies to gain economic advantages, leading to an uneven distribution of the burden of

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