EC340_2024_Assignment (1)

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EC 340 Term 2 Assignment

Question 1
a. Convert 1.5362 radians to
i. Degrees
ii. Revolutions
iii. Grades [1+1+1 marks]
b. Briefly describe the different types of errors associated with measurements [6marks]
c. List three (3) commercial GIS software and three (3) free GIS software [6marks]
d. Briefly describe what is meant by Reduced Level [3marks]
e. Briefly describe what is meant by Digital Elevation Model (DEM) [2marks]

Question 2
a. Briefly describe how surveying is applied in:
i. Highway construction [3marks]
ii. Defence and security [3marks]
iii. Flood control [3marks]

b. Explain the difference between accuracy and precision [4marks]

c. What is meant by the following terms:
a) Levelling [2 marks]
b) Contour [2 marks]
d. What does UTM stand for? [3 marks]
Question 3
a. An angle of elevation of 34o was observed to the top of a tower. Then after 52m nearer
to the tower a further angle of elevation of 55o was observed. What is the height of the
tower? At what distance is the observer from the foot of the tower? [5 marks]

b. Given the bearing AC as 33°23′55″ and bearing BC as 70°16′16″, find the coordinates
of point C. The coordinates of points A and B are tabulated below
Station E(m) N(m)
A 1200 540
B 350 930
[15 marks]

DUE DATE: Term 3, Second Week, Class Time

EC 340 Term 2 Assignment
Question 4
The table below shows the results of a levelling along the centreline of a roadway where
settlement has taken place. The road was initially constructed at a uniform gradient
decreasing at 1 in 76 from A to B. Assuming no settlement has taken place at station A:
a) Reduce the levels
b) Calculate the maximum settlement along the AB
Point BS IS FS Remarks Chainage (m)
1 2.04 BM1: 278.000
2 1.645 Station A 0
3 2.055 30
4 0.485 2.465 60
5 0.900 90
6 1.315 120
7 1.700 150
8 2.090 180
9 1.655 2.475 210
10 2.045 240
11 2.440 270
12 2.840 Station B 300
13 2.245 0.525
14 3.665 0.410
15 3.540 BM2: 278.675 [20marks]

DUE DATE: Term 3, Second Week, Class Time

EC 340 Term 2 Assignment
Question 5
Contour plotting
The grid below shows elevation values in meters at intersection points. Each unit grid is
a square of 100m length. Sketch contours on the grid using a vertical interval of 5m.

DUE DATE: Term 3, Second Week, Class Time

EC 340 Term 2 Assignment
Question 6: Field work [100marks]
It has been proposed to pump water from Kitwe stream to irrigate lawns at CBU. Your
assignment in this project is to establish the elevation difference between CBU Nkana
East Gate and Kitwe stream at the main bridge using a dumpy level.
i. Take levels along the route between the two points, including the river cross
ii. Reduce the levels
iii. Draw the longitudinal profile between the two points, including the river cross
iv. What is the height difference between the river bed and CBU Nkana East Gate?

Use a handheld GPS/Cellphone to capture coordinates of the river bank and CBU East
v. What is the shortest horizontal distance between the two points?
vi. Calculate gradient between the river bank and CBU East Gate.

Report Submission
Submit a report with the following contents:
Item Key components
Title page Title, Course name, Department name and University name
States the topic and outlines important findings of your investigation
Summary and brief conclusion
Table of
Contents List of Sections and sub-sections and their page numbers
Provides the background information needed for the rest of the report
to be understood including the aim and objectives
Presents the information of how your Lab/project was done and
Main body findings
States whether the aims were achieved and gives a summary of the key
Conclusions finds
References List of literature consulted
Contain material that are too detailed to include in the main body e.g.
Appendices Booking form data

i. Submit original work and be neat
ii. Do not photocopy tables and graphs

DUE DATE: Term 3, Second Week, Class Time

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