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The first and foremost reason for applying for the position of

teacher is my love for children. Maybe I make it look easy, but my

motivation is that I love my job. And I love children. I really do. This
is the main reason why I can't do another job, I guess. This love or
passion for your job moves you to do your best, to give you all while
you are working... My heart rejoices each time when I see the flame
in the eyes of my students, the flame that a teacher lights up in their
minds and hearts by imparting information or skill to them by word
or by example. And for this reason, I'd try to do my best, try to
provide an explanation or supporting evidence, or employ some
other method intended to help hearers to accept and remember
what they hear. I would try again and again until I finally can see
these vivid spurts of learned knowledge shining in the darkness so
brightly. As a teacher, I choose my career because it is a helping
profession, a helping job... It is a commitment to making a difference
in children’s lives. Despite the difficulties, I still consider teaching
more rewarding than a job in the world of commerce, because a
teacher is one of those not many who are going to leave an indelible
mark on our minds and hearts. I have been working as an English
language teacher as a second/ foreign language and I know firsthand
what it means to learn a new language. You are learning to learn,
not memorize new words, it also involves learning a new culture and
a new way of thinking, a new melody of a language... Learning a
language definitely takes time. So, first of all, being patient and
helping my students is essential for me.
For Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 level students I
found out using the Whole Brain Teaching Technique I found using
the Whole Brain Teaching Technique very helpful and beneficial.
This technique works amazingly, especially for small children. They
learn everything süper fast and the most important thing they learn
through their ''whole brain'' or through the integration of their
emotions and emotional learning is a highly energetic way of
learning! Sometimes I call this method ''the momentary method'' as
WBT maximizes student engagement by focusing on mimicry, which
is a natural way for the brain to learn. Thanks to my deaf parents, it
is natural for me to use gestures together with spelling. E.g. I
remember, in class, there was a student who didn't know any single
English word, (I never used the Grammar Translation method in my
teaching and was pretending I knew only English). Then, while
reading a book, I also tried to show a gesture for every single word,
and what a surprise, and a joy it was for me when, the next day I
used the gesture (for example, insist) without saying it out loud and
the student could easily remember and say the word!!! So it is really
''the momentary method'. Little ones learn by WBT in a moment.
Now I strongly recommend this technique to my colleagues,
especially to those who are working in kindergarten.
Although a difficult task, teaching English will always be a rich and
rewarding experience for me. And there will always be a lot of things
to learn. I believe that true pedagogical excellence is born when
both teachers and children experience the joy of working together.
Teaching is endless learning at the same time, teaching is learning
for myself. Maybe this is another reason why I want to work as a
teacher. Making my students feel like anything possible is the best
reward I could have ever received. And let me conclude with the
words of my favorite writer L. N Tolstoy: If a teacher has a love for
the job, he will be a good teacher. If a teacher has love only for the
student, like a father, or a mother, he will be better than the teacher
who has read all the books but has no love for either the cause or
the students. If a teacher combines the love for the work and for the
student, he - perfect teacher».

Thank you for your time,

Best regards,

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