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Egyptian Pioneer Language Schools


First ter m
2023/ 2024
Unit 1
We plant our food

Lesson 1
Food and drink


Pineapple Coconut Lemon

Lime Chocolate Beans

Healthy / unhealthy


a /an

We use (a/an) with a singular noun.

a When the word starts with a consonant, we put (a).

Ex : a pineapple
a carrot
a mango

an When the word starts with a vowel sound (a- e - o - i - u)

we put (an).
Ex : an apple
an umbrella
an orange
an ice cream
an egg

 Making suggestions

How about + (noun) / (inf.+ ing) …?

Ex: How about having fish for lunch?

 Offering something politely

Would you like some + uncountable noun?

Would you like a/an +countable noun?

Ex: Would you like some lemonade?

Would you like an apple?

 Asking for something politely

Can I have + noun, please?

Ex: can I have some water, please?

Homework lesson 1

* Read and match(A) with (B):

(A) (B)

1. A: what’s your favorite a) He sometimes sells them

healthy food? at the market. ( )
2. Chocolate is unhealthy….. b) in the garden. ( )
3. My uncle collects fresh c) B: it’s mango. ( )
eggs. d) if you eat a lot. ( )
4. We have a mango tree…. e) But it isn’t healthy. ( )

* Choose the correct word:

1. Eating a lot of chocolate is (healthy –unhealthy –good).

2. We get fresh (fish –eggs –carrots) from chicken.

3. How about (buy –buying –to buy) an orange, mom?

4. Would you like (a –an) orange?

5. I have (a –an) egg.

6. It’s (a –an) yellow lemon.

Lesson 2
My shopping list


Shopping list Trader Fridge

Unpack Cupboard Dessert


Countable and uncountable nouns

Countable nouns Uncountable nouns

Singular Plural Rice

an onion Onions Cheese

a pineapple Pineapples Juice

an egg Eggs Salad

an orange oranges Chocolate

Countable nouns have a singular and plural form.

Uncountable nouns don’t have plural form.

some /any with plural countable and uncountable nouns

Offer/ Request
Hana has some orange juice. (Affirmative)

Would you like some pineapples? (Offer)

I would like some rice, please. (Request)

Negative sentence
any Question

We don’t have any onions. (Negative)

Is there any butter in the fridge? (Question)


We use (some/any) with plural countable nouns and uncountable nouns.

Countable nouns some books any pens

Ex: I have some books. Do you have any tomatoes?

Uncountable nouns some water any salad

Ex: Can I have some water, please? Is there any salad in the dish?

Homework lesson 2

* Reorder the words to make correct sentences:

1. Wants –for –Ali –koshari –dinner.


2. don’t –We –have –eggs -any.


3. of –There –tomatoes –lots –are.


4. you –Would –like –juice –some –orange?


* Choose the correct word:

1. Would you like (a –any –some –an) tea?

2. Is there (an –some –any –a) butter in the fridge?

3. I would like (some –any –an) eggs, please.

4. (Am –Is –Are) there any eggs in the supermarket?

5. There (is –are –aren’t) any tomatoes in the bag.

Lesson 3
Jack and the beanstalk

Beanstalk Giant Castle

Cage Poor Rich

Chop down

Homework lesson 3

* Choose the correct word:

1. When we pick something up quickly, we (chop –cut –grab –count)

2. We buy and sell things at the (market –zoo –school –library).

3. He is very, very big person; he is a (lucky –giant –poor –rich).

4. Thank you for (helped –help –helping –are helping) me.

5. They sold the golden eggs to (buy –bought –buying –buys) food.

6. He’s very (poor –rich –sad). He has a lot of money.

7. The giant was (kind –terrible –happy). The hen didn’t like him.

8. They are very (poor –rich –large). They can’t buy the food they

* Punctuate the following:

1. Thank you for helping me, jack

2. jack and his mother were very poor

Lessons 4 &5

Semolina Almonds Melted butter

Pour Syrup Saucepan

Diamond shape

Homework lessons 4&5

* Read and match(A) with (B):

(A) (B)
A. a) It’s for baking basbousa. ( )
1. You can use a knife
b) with honey, water and lemon
2. What’s the recipe for?
juice. ( )
3. You need to turn the oven
c) to cut basbousa. ( )
d) mix these ingredients. ( )
4. You can make the syrup
e) to get it hot. ( )

* Reorder the words to make correct sentences:

1. a lot –We –different –of –cook –things.


2. to get –Turn on –oven –the –hot –it.


3. cook –She –molokhia –likes –to.


General exercises
On unit 1

* listen and write (True) or (False):

1. Marwan eats too much unhealthy food. ( )
2. He has eggs and milk for breakfast. ( )
3. He has chocolate and cookies as a snack. ( )
* listen and complete:
1. Sara and Rania will go to the……………………….
2. Rania and Sara will go to the market next …………………………
3. Rania wants to buy some……………………….
* Choose the correct word:
1. We can keep animals and birds in a (bowl –school –cage –
2. It’s not (unhealthy –healthy –bad –hungry) if you eat a lot of
3. Salma doesn’t have (some –any –a –an) pens.
4. Would you give me (some –any –a –an) sugar, please?

* Read and match(A) with (B):

(A) (B)
a) any grapes. ( )
1. A: Are there b) It’s my favorite. ( )
(D)any carrots?
2. We haven’t(E)got ….. c) some potatoes and some onions,
3. I would like(F)
…. please. ( )
4. I’d like koshari d) B: No, there aren’t any carrots.( )
(G) for lunch.
e) B: No, thank you. I have rice. ( )

* Read the text and answer the questions:
My name’s Dina. I’m in grade five. I like healthy food. I help my mum
in the kitchen. We can make chickens, beans and potatoes. My brother
likes to eat chocolate. I like chocolate, too, but I don’t eat a lot.
Chocolate is delicious, but not healthy. At the weekend, we visit our
uncle. He grows trees in his garden. He has a lemon and lime tree. My
uncle helps me grow a mango tree. It’s interesting.

A. Choose the correct word:

1. Dina’s brother likes (chicken –chocolate –potatoes –lime).
2. The underlined word “healthy” is the opposite of (unhealthy –
nice –delicious –good).
B. Answer the following questions:
3. What unhealthy food is there in the text?

4. What plants does Dina’s uncle grow in hid garden?


* Reorder the words to make correct sentences:

1. story –you –the –Did –like?
2. favorite –is –healthy –What –food –your?
3. didn’t –any –Nadia –buy –apples?
4. a lot –We –different –of –cook –things.

* Punctuate the following:

mangoes grow in egypt.


* Write a paragraph of about FORTY (40) words using the

“Your favorite food”

Guiding elements:

 What’s your favorite food?

 Do you like healthy food?
Unit 2
I want to be healthy!

Lesson 1


Kung fu Sailing Squash

Toxic Emissions Greenhouse

Nightmare Planet

 Making suggestions:

Let’s + inf. ………………

Ex: let’s go and play a game of football.

 Asking about sports you are good/ bad at:

What sports are you good/ bad at?

I’m good/ bad at………………..

Ex: A: what sports are you good at?

B: I’m good at squash.

Comparative adjectives

Comparative adjectives

Short adjectives long adjectives

adj + er + than more/ less + adj +than
Ali is taller than Ahmed. Math is more difficult than English.

Irregular Comparative adjectives

good better
bad worse
I’m good at squash. I’m better at squash than I am at tennis.
I’m bad at playing football. I’m worse at playing football than I am
. at handball.

Homework lesson 1

* Choose the correct word:

1. He’s good at (kung fu –swimming –tennis –football). He likes

2. (Squash –Football –Sailing –Swimming) is popular you can play it
in the street, at school or anywhere.
3. Let’s (play –playing –plays –played) volleyball on Friday.
4. The (nightmare –rest –sleep) is a very awful dream.
5. There are too many (emissions –fresheners –moves) from car. It’s
dangerous for children’s lungs.

* Read and match(A) with (B):

(A) (B)

a) a bad dream. ( )
1. Toxic b) to move air into and out of your
2. Emissions lungs. ( )
3. Shade c) gasses from cars or factories. ( )
4. Nightmare d) out of the sun. ( )
5. Greenhouse e) very bad to eat or breathe. ( )
6. Breath f) a glass building used for growing
plants. ( )

Lesson 2
I’m good at …


Taekwondo Chess Do jigsaws

Table tennis Poem


Good/ Great /Bad +at

We use “good, great, bad + at” to talk about things we do or don’t do


Good at

Great at + (inf. +ing) /noun

Bad at

Ex: I’m very good at drawing.

She is great at handball.

He is very bad at making cakes.

 When verbs end in a single (e), omit the letter (e) before adding (ing)
Have having make making drive driving

 When verbs end in a consonant after a vowel, double the last

consonant before adding (ing).
Run running swim swimming cut cutting

Homework lesson 2

* Choose the correct word:

1. My dad is good (at –on –in) mending broken things.

2. He’s very bad at (sails –sailing –sail).
3. Reneem is very good at (play –plays –playing) squash.
4. Ehab is (bad –good –great) at singing. He doesn’t like it.
5. Sami is bad at (spoke –speak –speaking) French.
6. Tamer is good at (play –played –football), but he’s bad at tennis.
7. My uncle (are –is –does) good at sailing.

* Reorder the words to make correct sentences:

1. football –playing –good –I’m –at –very.

2. is –cousin –drawing –My –at –great.
3. are –What –at –sport –bad –you?
4. you –good –are –What –at?

Lesson 3
Sports places and equipment


Squash rackets Karate suit Swimming goggles

Tennis court Football pitch

Homework lesson 3

* Choose the correct word:

1. We have a big football (pool –pitch –park) in our town.
2. The karate (suit –belt –sock) is always white.
3. The tennis (net –ball –shirt) is often yellow.
4. You can’t play squash without (goggles –suits –rackets).
5. In our school, there’s a tennis (room –court –pool) to play tennis.
6. When you go swimming, wear your (shorts –hat –goggles) to
protect your eyes.
7. My friends and I go to the swimming (pitch –court –pool) when
it’s hot.

* Read and match(A) with (B):

(A) (B)

a) a tennis court. ( )
1. Kicking a ball into a net
b) the best thing for me. ( )
2. I use a racket
c) to play squash. ( )
3. Being in a swimming pool is
d) football pitch. ( )
4. We play tennis in
e) is my favorite thing. ( )

Lessons 4 &5


Olympic Games Athlete Competitor

Prize Water pollution Water bodies

Organisms Sink

Homework lessons 4&5

* Read the text and answer the questions:

There are a lot of famous sportspersons in our community. Hedaya
Malak and Mohamed Salah are very famous. My cousin Noha likes
practicing sports. Her favorite sport is taekwondo. She wants to be an
athlete as Hedaya Malak. Hedaya is a famous Egyptian taekwondo
player. When she was seven, she began practicing taekwondo. She won
many prizes at the age of fourteen.

A. Choose the correct word:

1. Noha wants to be a/ an (teacher –vet –athlete –doctor).
2. Hedaya Malak is a (basketball –football –tennis –taekwondo)
B. Answer the following questions:
3. What is Noha’s favorite sport?
4. What did Hedaya Malak win at the age of 14?

* Punctuate the following:

marwa is good at reading arabic.


General exercises
On unit 2

* listen and write (True) or (False):

1. Rami likes fung fu. ( )
2. Hana goes to the swimming pool three times every week. ( )
3. Ahmed plays football on the pitch. ( )
* listen and complete:
1. Wael is good at ………………………………
2. He plays on a small ……………………………. with walls all around.
3. He has a small …………………… play it.
* Choose the correct word:
1. I’m very good at (plays –played –play –playing) tennis.
2. I wear my swimming (boots –kicks –goggles –rackets) to go
3. I’m great (on –at –in –for) cooking.
4. We must stop air pollution to (protect –practice –win –breathe)
clean air.
* Read and match(A) with (B):
(A) (B)

1. What sports do you watch on

TV? a) The air is toxic. ( )
2. Water pollution can kill b) There are three. ( )
organisms c) I love watching kung fu. ( )
3. I’m good at table tennis because d) I can move fast. ( )
4. How many sounds are in the e) that live in the water. ( )
word “sock”?

* Read the text and answer the questions:
Water pollution is a type of pollution where different bodies of
water such as rivers, lakes, and seas can be dirty because of harmful
chemicals. There are many causes of water pollution such as
wastewater, toilets and showers. Some big factories throw harmful
chemicals into the water and make it dirty.

A. Choose the correct word:

1. There are many (different –rivers –causes –factories) of water
2. Lakes, rivers and seas are (toilets –bodies –showers –sinks) of
B. Answer the following questions:
3. What does “water pollution” means?
4. How can factories cause pollution?

* Reorder the words to make correct sentences:

1. pollution –dangerous –Water –very –is.
2. playing –good –tennis –I’m –at –very.
3. is –favorite –What –sport –your?
4. is –cousin –drawing –My –at –great.

* Punctuate the following:
I live with my family in aswan


* Write a paragraph of about FORTY (40) words using the

“A sport you like”

Guiding elements:

 What do you wear to do it?

 Where do you do it?


Unit 3
How do I look?

Lesson 1
Our trip to Al Fayoum


Sweater Sneakers Necklace

Suitcase Striped Spotted



 To express the need for doing something

I need to + inf……..

Ex: I need to pack my green T-shirt.

 Imperative form


Ex: Come on, we need to pack our suitcases for the holiday.

 Giving advice

Subject +should + inf

Ex: you should pack a sweater.

Homework lesson 1

* Choose the correct word:

1. At bedtime, I put on my (answer –shoes –pajamas –suitcases).
2. She puts on her (shorts –coat –suitcase –lunch), hat and gloves in
3. I need to (wearing –wear –wears –wore) my coat and scarf
because it’s cold.
4. I bought new swimming (coat –scarfs –umbrellas –shorts) to swim
in the pool.
5. She wears a gold (necklace –bracelet –dress –sunglasses) around
her neck.

* Reorder the words to make correct sentences:

1. to –need –pack –We –suitcases –our.

2. will –necklace –I –my –take –gold.
3. wears –comfortable –a –She –shirt.

* Punctuate the following:

which pajamas does she like


Lesson 2
My favorite clothes


Belt Crown Galabeya

Pocket Sleeve Gloves


Past simple tense

 We use the past simple tense to express actions that started and
ended in the past.

Affirmative sentence

Subject + second form of the verb

Regular verbs We add (d, ed, ied) to the infinitive to make the
second form of the verb

d With verbs that end with (e) invite invited

Most verbs take (ed) help helped

With verbs that end with vowel +y stay stayed

ied With verbs that end with consonant +y, we omit (y) and add (ied)

study studied

o When the verb ends with vowel +consonant, we double the last
consonant stop stopped

Irregular verbs

Present Past
go went

take took

wear wore

drink drank

get got

Ex: I bought a new dress yesterday.

 Infinitive of purpose

We use “to+ infinitive” to express purpose, and to say why

someone does something.

To + inf

Ex: She went to town to buy a dress.

He went to the club to play football.

Homework lesson 2

* Choose the correct word:

1. The shirt has two (ties –suits –sleeves –socks), a right one and a
left one.
2. Ali is wearing (gloves –belts –trainers –glasses) on his hands.
3. She (go –goes –went) to bed late last night.
4. I didn’t bring my ruler, so I (ask –asked –asks) my friend for help.
5. Tarek bought a suit (because –to –so) wear to a wedding.
6. Injy used a pen (because write –to write –write) her essay.
7. I went to the library (borrow –to borrow –because borrow) a

* Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in


1. Ali ………………………. (watch) TV last night.

2. I ………………………… (drink) milk yesterday.
3. She goes to the club to …………………… (playing) football.
4. She used the internet to ………………………… (doing) a project.

Lesson 3
The elves and the shoemaker


Elves Shoemaker Leather

Workshop Honest

Homework lesson 3

* Read the text and answer the questions:

A shoemaker and his wife were poor and only had one piece of
leather to make one pair of shoes. The next morning, they found out
that the pair of shoes were made. They sold them and bought more
leather to make more shoes. He woke up again to find more shoes
were made. He and his wife hid to see who was making the shoes. They
were very surprised to see two little elves. He and his wife weren’t ever
poor again and they lived happily ever after.

A. Choose the correct word:

1. The shoemaker needs (wood –leather –cloth –glass) to make

2. The underlined word “pair” means (one –three –two –four).
B. Answer the following questions:

3. How did the elves help the shoemaker?

4. Summarize the passage in two sentences.

Lessons 4&5


Smart School uniform Tie

Pale Sombrero Trousers


 When we use adjectives, we order them in this way:

Size Age Color Material Noun

big / small old /new red /black cotton/ linen dress


This is a big, white, new, cotton galabeya.

I bought a light blue, linen shirt.

She has a new, red dress.

Homework lessons 4&5

* Choose the correct word:

1. This is a (new, black, linen –black, new, linen –linen, new, black)
2. He has a (cotton, red –red, cotton –cotton, new –cotton, big) skirt.
3. The sombrero is a traditional Mexican (skirt –hat –jacket –dress).
4. I like your (terrible –smart –bad –plastic) style. You look great

* Reorder the words to make correct sentences:

1. are –My –clothes –shirts –cotton –favorite.

2. really –I –uniform –like –school –our.
3. wearing –These –Mexican –dresses –are –girls.
4. green –She –dress –wears –cotton –a new.

General exercises
On unit 3
* listen and write (True) or (False):
1. Boys wear a dark green shirt. ( )
2. Girls have to wear a tie every day. ( )
3. The girls wear a dark blue shirt. ( )
* listen and complete:
1. Mariam is traveling to ………………………..
2. Mariam needs to ………………………… her suitcase.
3. Soha is packing her ………………………….
* Choose the correct word:
1. I wear my (coat -swimming shorts –sunglasses –T-shirt) and gloves
in the winter.
2. I need to pack my clothes in the (sunglasses –sneakers –pocket –
suitcase) to travel.
3. She didn’t (finish –finishing –finished –are finishing) her
homework yesterday.
4. I went to the market to (bought –buy –is buying –buying) some
* Read and match(A) with (B):
(A) (B)

a) by water. ( )
1. We need to pack our
b) at school. ( )
2. The shoemaker uses leather
c) suitcases. ( )
3. I wear a blue shirt
d) light blue stripes. ( )
4. I wear a tie with
e) to make shoes. ( )

* Read the text and answer the questions:
Last Saturday, our school made a trip to one of the clothes
factories. We went there on the school bus. There, we saw how cloth is
made. They made cloth in one factory and clothes like shirts, suits and
trousers in another. We took a rest in one of the restaurants. We had
lunch there. It was a wonderful trip.

A. Choose the correct word:

1. The underlined word “there” refers to the (bus –restaurant –
factory –cloth)
2. They went to the factory by (bus –car –train –bikes).
B. Answer the following questions:

3. Where did they take a rest?

4. When did they go to a clothes factory?

* Reorder the words to make correct sentences:

1. dress –wearing –is –Marwa –spotted –a.
2. you –do –What –wear –usually?
3. green –my –T-shirt –need to –I –pack.
4. tomorrow –will –It –be –sunny –very.

* Punctuate the following:
We’re traveling to Alexandria on friday


* Write a paragraph of about FORTY (40) words using the

“My favorite clothes”

Guiding elements:

 What are your favorite clothes?

 Why do you like them?


Unit 4
Looking after our world

Lessons 1&2
My visit to Elephantine Island


Waterfalls Coral reefs Calendar

Sunset Felucca Island


Past continuous tense

 We use the past continuous for something that happened and

continued over a period of time in the past.


I –He –She –It /singular noun was

We –You –They/plural noun were

Ex: I was listening to the radio.

They were making a cake.

Negative statement

I –He –She –It /singular noun was

+ not + (inf+ing)
We –You –They/plural noun were

Ex: I wasn’t watching TV at 5 o’clock yesterday.

They were not playing football at 5 o’clock yesterday.


A. Yes/ No question:


+ subject + (inf+ing) ………..?


Ex: was she writing in her book?

Yes, she was. No, she wasn’t.

Were they eating lunch?

Yes, they were. No, they weren’t.

B. Wh –question

Question word + (was/ were) +subject + (inf+ing)

Ex: What was she doing at 6 am yesterday?

She was having breakfast.

Key words

all (day –morning –evening –night –yesterday)

at (6,7,8……. O’clock –am –pm –yesterday)

Homework lessons 1&2

* Choose the correct word:

1. This bird is (rare –popular –famous). You can’t see many of them.
2. The (river –lake –mountain) is a very high place to climb.
3. You can see(coral reefs –waterfalls –lakes) deep down in the sea
4. There’s water all around the (lake –river –island)
5. This calendar is from the (home –reign –class –island) of
Thutmose III.
6. The children were (played –plays –play –playing) football in the
7. What (was –were –are –does) the girl watching yesterday?

* Reorder the words to make correct sentences:

1. they –traveling –were –How?

2. swimming –We –in –were –lake –a.
3. you -6 am –were –at –What –doing?

Lesson 3


Eco-tourism Eco-tourist Wildlife

Diving Oasis Tour guide

Homework lesson 3

* Reorder the words to make correct sentences:

1. looks –environment –after –the –Eco-tourism.

2. about –learn –Tourists –cultures –new.
3. idea –is –an –Eco-tourism –exciting.
4. don’t –Eco-tourists –like to –plane –by –travel.

* Read and match(A) with (B):

(A) (B)

a) the Red Sea near a coral reef.

1. Tourism damages historical ( )
2. Traveling by planes creates b) places or monuments. ( )
3. A tourist was diving in c) to many countries. ( )
4. Tourism is very important d) help Egypt. ( )
e) too much carbon dioxide. ( )

Lessons 4&5
Taba: My favorite eco-resort


Eco-friendly Eco-lodges Eco-resort

Hiking Flyer

Homework lessons 4&5

* Read the text and answer the questions:

Taba is an excellent example of a part of Egypt where eco-tourism
works well. There are many activities to do inTaba. Tourist can hike in
the mountains and valleys. They can swim and dive in the sea. They can
also camp and stay in eco-lodges; they are cool and eco-friendly. The
wildlife is fantastic in Taba. There is the Nubian ibex and many rare
birds that live there. If you like history, visit the Nawamis. It is a village
of around, very old buildings.

A. Choose the correct word:

1. The text says that Taba is a good place for (eco-tourism –tourism
–running –eco-lodges).
2. Tourists can (dive –swim –hike –play) in the mountains and
B. Answer the following questions:

3. What is Nawamis?
4. Why do tourists camp in eco-lodges?

General exercises
On unit 4

* listen and write (True) or (False):

1. Elephantine Island is in Aswan. ( )
2. Tourists can travel by boat to visit the island. ( )
3. The island is the newest part of Aswan. ( )
* listen and complete:
1. Eco-tourism is tourism that looks after the …………………….. .
2. Eco-tourists travel by ………………………, on ………………………, or by
3. Eco-tourists stay in small, local ………………………….
* Choose the correct word:
1. When the sun goes down, it’s the (sunrise –evening –sunset –
2. Eco-tourists don’t like to travel by plane because of the (noise –
activities –reef –pollution) the plane causes.
3. She (swim –swims –was swimming –swimming) in the sea
yesterday at 6 am.
4. What (were –are –was –does) she cooking?
* Read and match(A) with (B):
(A) (B)

a) to the Elephantine Island. ( )

1. Where did Mona go? b) important to keep our planet suitable
2. They were traveling by boat for life. ( )
3. What was she doing at 11 am? c) They are cool and eco-friendly. ( )
4. You can stay in comfortable d) She went to Elephantine Island in
huts. Aswan. ( )
e) She was cooking. ( )

* Read the text and answer the questions:
Tourism is very important to Egypt. We all should help tourists
when they come to Egypt. Tourism gives jobs to local people, so they
can live happily as they earn much. It helps people learn about new
cultures and old ones, so tourists learn about our amazing culture.
When tourists visit Egypt, they like to visit Aswan to see interesting
places there, like the Temple of Philae. They also like to go to
Sharm El Sheikh to dive in the Red Sea.
C. Choose the correct word:
1. This text is about (culture –tourism –getting job –diving in the sea)
2. The Temple of Philae is in (the Red Sea –Sharm El Sheikh –Cairo –
D. Answer the following questions:
3. Why do tourists like to go to Sharm El Sheikh?
4. What does tourism give to local people?
* Reorder the words to make correct sentences:
1. travel –did –How –they –Aswan –to?
2. is –Elephantine –history –Island –of –full.
3. having –he –lunch –Was –at –yesterday –3 pm ?
4. Were –lake –swimming –a –in –you?

* Punctuate the following:
taba is an eco-tourism place in egypt.
* Write a paragraph of about FORTY (40) words using the
Guiding elements:

 What is it?
 What are the pons and cons of eco-tourism?


Unit 5
Jobs we do

Lesson 1
Jobs in Ancient Egypt


Craftsman Hieroglyphs Scribe

Pharaohs Sculptures


To ask and answer about the job you want to do.

Which job would you like to do?

I want to be a/an (job)

Ex: Which job would you like to do?

I want to be a doctor.

To ask and answer about the descriptions of jobs.

What does a/an (name of a job) do?

Ex: what does a scribe do?

A scribe writes everything down. She/he keeps records lists for.

many important things.

Homework lesson 1

* Read and match(A) with (B):

(A) (B)

1. Farmers planted crops like a) Lists for important things. ( )

2. Ancient Egyptian craftsmen made b) Was skillful in the community. ( )
3. Scribes kept records and c) Wheat, corn, and flax. ( )
4. Women cooked meals, cleaned d) Beautiful pots from clay. ( )
the house, e) And took care of their children. ( )

* Reorder the words to make correct sentences:

1. Ancient –very hard –People –Egypt –in –worked.

2. of –Hieroglyphs –signs -500 –about –consists.
3. making –good –Craftsmen –are –at –things.
4. clay –from –pots –like –I –making.

Lesson 2


Living things Non-living things Ecosystem

Marine Rock pool Seaweed

Survive Source

Present simple tense

 We use the present simple to talk about habits, routines,

and things we do every day.
Affirmative sentence

We /You/ I /They/plural noun + ( inf)

He /She /It /singular noun + (inf) + es


Ex: I want to be a teacher. He plays football after school.

Most verbs take (s) want wants

With verbs that end with vowel +y play plays

es With verbs that end with (o, x, ss, ch, sh) go goes

Watch watches wash washes

With verbs that end with consonant +y, we omit (y) and add (ies)
fly flies study studies

Negative sentence

We /You/ I /They/plural noun + don’t

He /She /It /singular noun + doesn’t

Ex: I don’t drink milk. He doesn’t walk to school.

must /mustn’t

 We use “must” when we talk about something that we have

to do. We use “mustn’t” when we are not allowed to do

Affirmative sentence
Subject + must + (inf)

Ex: I must do my homework

Negative sentence Subject + mustn’t + (inf)

Ex: we mustn’t talk in the library.

Homework lesson 2

* Choose the correct word:

1. They (mustn’t –must –doesn’t –aren’t) go to school early.

2. You must (helps –help –helping –helped) your sister.
3. Sara (must –can –mustn’t –is) forget her book.
4. He (don’t –isn’t –doesn’t –aren’t) speak French.
5. We (don’t –isn’t –doesn’t –aren’t) forget our books.
6. They (visit –visits –visiting) their grandma on Friday.
7. Sheriff (go –goes –is go) to his work by car.
8. The (rock pool –border –ecosystem) is the connection between
living and non-living things.
9. Animals need food and water to (survive –control –die).
10. (Non-living –Living –Dead –Cold) things can grow.

* Punctuate the following:

1. ecosystem can be big or small

2. i was studying english.
3. what do we need to survive

Lesson 3
The Ant and the Grasshopper


Fence Grasshopper Seasons

Spring Winter Insects


The suffix (-ist) means ‘someone who does something’.

We often use it in words for jobs.

Science Scientist
Piano Pianist

Reception Receptionist
Journal Journalist

Homework lesson 3

* Read and match(A) with (B):

(A) (B)

a) I’m working. ( )
1. The grasshopper spends most
b) in the sun. ( )
of time
c) relaxing. ( )
2. What are you doing?
d) the ant’s door. ( )
3. The butterflies are flying
e) He looks over the garden
4. He knocks on
fence. ( )

* Reorder the words to make correct sentences:

1. journalist –She –a –is.
2. is –fine –It –to –fun –have.
3. the –The butterflies –flying –sun –in –are.
4. of –flowers –The gardens –full –are.

Lessons 4&5


The countryside Operation Teammates

Injured Long distances Solutions

Homework lessons 4&5

* Read the text and answer the questions:

I’m Hana and I’m a vet. I work with animals and I love my job. If
animals are sick or injured, I help to make them better. Some days I
work inside and people bring their animals to me. On other days, I go to
people’s houses or farms to check on the animals. It can be very dirty in
some places, but I don’t mind! What’s the worst part of the job? It’s
when an animal gets sick in the night and I have to get out of bed!

A. Choose the correct word:

1. Hana works (outside –inside –on farm –at people’s house) and
people bring their animals to her.
2. Hana goes to farms to (feed –water –check on –play with)
B. Answer the following questions:
3. How does Hana help animals?
4. What’s the worst part of Hana’s job?

General exercises
On unit 5
* listen and write (True) or (False):
1. An ecosystem is a place where animals, plants, and other live
together. ( )
2. Animals and plants don’t need each other to live. ( )
3. Animals need sunlight and water to survive. ( )
* listen and complete:
1. Most people in Ancient Egypt worked as ………………………….
2. They planted crops, usually ……………………… like wheat, corn, and
3. They grew vegetables and ……………………. , too.
* Choose the correct word:
1. She (do –does –doing –done) her homework alone.
2. You (must –should –mustn’t –can) park here. It is not
3. I (works –worked –working –work) in a team when I’m
playing football.
4. The rainforest is the (marine –shelter –countryside –fence) of
lots animals and birds.
* Read and match(A) with (B):

a) is to lose. ( )
1. Farmers can plant fruit,
b) is to win. ( )
2. Craftsmen made
c) vegetables and grains. ( )
3. Ecosystem can be small,
4. The aim of a football team d) b paintings. ( )
e) like a rock pool. ( )

* Read the text and answer the questions:
The seasons of the year are autumn, winter, spring and
summer. Autumn isn’t too hot, and it isn’t too cold. It’s a nice season.
Winter in our country is cold. But we always have the sun. the flowers
are beautiful in the spring. But spring is often windy and dusty. In
summer, it is hot. Many people go on holidays. On holidays, people
don’t go to work. They rest and have fun. Some go to farms; some go to
the beach; and some stay at home.
A. Choose the correct word:
1. There are (two –three –four –five) seasons in a year.
2. Spring is often (windy –cold –hot –cloudy).
B. Answer the following questions:
3. What’s the weather like in autumn?
4. What do people usually do on holidays?

* Reorder the words to make correct sentences:

1. did –the spring –What –do –in –the grasshopper?
2. the –must –Nadim –up –kitchen –tidy.
3. can –a rock pool –Ecosystems –be –like –small.
4. live –Where –they –did –past –in the?

* Punctuate the following:
the grasshopper doesn’t have any food
* Write a paragraph of about FORTY (40) words using the
“A job you want to do”
Guiding elements:

 What is it?
 Why do you want it?

Unit 6
What’s the weather like?

Lesson 1
The weather


Cloudy Windy Rainy

Storm Rainbow Dry

Homework lesson 1

* Choose the correct word:

1. We have very (cold –hot –warm –windy) summers and the

temperature sometimes goes to 50 degrees in some places.
2. The (rainbow –snow –storm –rain) has seven colors.
3. It doesn’t often rain in Cairo. It is usually very (wet –cool –dry).
4. A: (who –When –What –Where) is your favorite season? - B: Winter.
5. (When –Where –Why –How) often does it rain in Cairo?

* Read and match(A) with (B):

(A) (B )

1. Egypt has a nice a) the desert in the day. ( )

2. The Nile is important b) hot summers in Egypt. ( )
c) variety of weather. ( )
3. It’s very hot in
d) in winter. ( )
4. We have very e) because it brings water. ( )

Lessons 2&3
Extreme weather


Tornado Tidal wave Sandstorm

Flood Heat wave


Adverbs of frequency with the present simple

 We use adverbs of frequency with the present simple to

say how often we do something.

 Adverbs of frequency come before the main verb or after

(verb to be) in the sentence.

Always )100%) usually (80%) often (70%)

Sometimes (50%) never (0%)


Subject + Adverbs of frequency + Verb

I always go to the club on sunny Saturdays.

Subject + Verb to be + Adverbs of frequency

I’m always in bed at 11 pm.

 Wh- question with “How often…?” in present simple:

Do + (I/we/you/they)
How often Verb
Does + (he/she/it)

 To answer we use Adverbs of frequency

How often does she help her mom?

She sometimes helps her mom.

Homework lessons 2&3

* Choose the correct word:

1. She sometimes (go –going –to go –goes) to the club.
2. I (never –ever –always –usually) go to school on Friday. It’s a
3. She (always gets –gets always –always get –get always) a
sandwich from this restaurant.
4. How often do you (visit –visits –visiting –visited) your
5. How often does he go to the library? – He often (go –goes –going
–went) to the library.
6. Ola (always helping –always helps –helps always) her mom.
7. Ahmed usually (go –goes –is going) to bed early.
8. (What –How –Who) often do you go to the park?

* Punctuate the following:

what was the weather like in Egypt


How often does arwa help her mom


Lessons 4&5


Electric wires Power cut


Homework lessons 4&5

* Read the text and answer the questions:

One day, my family and I were driving through the desert to visit
my cousins. After twenty minutes, I looked out of the window and saw
a sandstorm. We closed all the windows, but it was now very dark. My
father moved the car off the road and we stopped. We didn’t see any
more cars on the road, but the sandstorm moved very slowly. Then,
suddenly, it moved away. We saw the sun again and drove on through
the desert.

A. Choose the correct word:

1. They were going in a/an (train –car –ferry –underground).
2. The pronoun “it” refers to the (desert –sandstorm –window –road).

B. Answer the following questions:

3. What extreme weather condition are they talking about?
4. What did they do to keep safe in that extreme weather condition?

General exercises
On unit 6

* listen and write (True) or (False):

1. Sara and her father were driving in the desert. ( )
2. Sara saw a flood. ( )
3. The air was full of sand. ( )
* listen and complete:
1. Nahla …………………………….. gets up early at 6.30 in the morning.
2. She …………………………….. takes a short shower, then she reads a book.
3. She ……………………………. eats breakfast at 8 am with her parents.
* Choose the correct word:
1. How often does Noha (helping –help –helped –helps) her mom in the
2. There was a lot of water during the (heat wave –sandstorm –flood –
3. How (often –much –many –old) does it weigh?
4. Maha (is always –always is –always –does) good at math.
* Read and match(A) with (B):

1. Drink lots of water … a) when there’s a cool wind. ( )

2. If you must go outside… b) it was very frightening. ( )
c) even if you don’t feel thirsty. ( )
3. Don’t stand under trees……
d) stay in the shade. ( )
4. Open the windows … e) in case lightning strikes. ( )

* Read the text and answer the questions:
My name is Sandy. I am in grade five. I always get up at six o’clock
for school. I never get up late. I have my breakfast with my family and
walk to school. I sometimes take the school bus if I’m late. I learn
English and French at school. We always speak English in the English
class. During the break time, I often read a book. After school, I usually
go to park and eat shawerma. Every Friday, I visit my grandmother.
A. Choose the correct word:
1. The word “shawerma” is a kind of (vegetables –fruits –chicken –
2. Sandy visits her grandmother (once –twice –three times –four times)
a week.
B. Answer the following questions:
3. What languages does Sandy learn at school?
4. How often does Sandy read a book?
* Reorder the words to make correct sentences:
1. tennis –play –you –often –How –do?
2. 8 pm –He –never –bed at –in –is.
3. very –summers –We –hot –have?
4. climate –special –has –The desert –a very.

* Punctuate the following:
I always speak English in the english class
* Write a paragraph of about FORTY (40) words using the
“My daily routine”
Guiding elements:

 Get up
 Never play video games

Listening Texts

Unit 1

* listen and write (True) or (False):

Marwan eats too much unhealthy food. He always has

cheese, jam, and read for breakfast. He has fried chicken,
French fries, and rice for lunch. Then he has pizza for dinner. At
night, he has chocolate and cookies as a snack. I think he needs
to eat more healthy food.

* listen and complete:

Sara and Rania will go to the market. They will go to the

market next week. Rania wants to buy some carrots and

Unit 2

* listen and write (True) or (False):

Rami, Hana, Ahmed, and Amira likes sports. Rami likes

karate as he can do a lot of moves. Hana likes to swim. She
goes to the swimming pool twice a week. Ahmed plays football
on the pitch. Amira is a good squash player. Her racket is white
and blue.

* listen and complete:

Ansa: why are you good at squash?

Wael: because I can move very fast.
Anas: Where do you play it?
Wael: On a small court with walls all around.
Anas: How do you play it?
Wael: I have a small racket.

Unit 3

* listen and write (True) or (False):

At school, boys wear a dark blue shirt. Boys have to wear a

tie every day. It’s white with light blue stripes on it. Boys wear
dark gray trousers. The girls wear a dark blue shirt, too. They
wear a dark gray skirt. In winter, boys and girls wear a dark red

* listen and complete:

My name is Mariam. Tomorrow I will travel to Al Fayoum. I
need to pack my suitcase. I need to pack my green T-shirt and
my black pants. My sister Soha needs to pack her sunglasses.
It will be very sunny. I think I should pack a sweater. It can be
cool in the evening.

Unit 4

* listen and write (True) or (False):

Elephantine Island is an amazing place. It’s in Aswan.

Tourists come from all over the world to visit it. They can travel
by boat to visit it. The island is the oldest part of Aswan. The
island is a beautiful historical place. There are no forests, but
there are lots of trees.

* listen and complete:

Eco-tourism is very exciting. It’s tourism that looks after the
environment and helps the local people. Eco-tourists don’t like
to travel by plane. They travel by train, on foot, or by bike. They
don’t like big hotels. They stay in small, local hotels or pay to
stay in people’s houses. They like to learn about local wildlife
projects and local culture.

Unit 5

* listen and write (True) or (False):

Everything in the natural world is connected. An ecosystem

is a place where animals, plants, and other living things live
together. Animals and plants need each other to live. They also
need suitable conditions. Animal need food, water, and shelter
to survive. And they need the weather to be at the right
temperature. Plants need sunlight and water to survive.

* listen and complete:

People in Ancient Egypt worked very hard. They could work
as fishermen, bakers, doctors, and traders. But most people
worked as farmers. They planted crops, usually grains like
wheat, corn, and flax. They grew vegetables and fruits, too.

Unit 6

* listen and write (True) or (False):

Last week, Sara and her father were driving in the desert. It
was windy and hot. Sara saw a sandstorm. There was a lot of
sand, so they had to stop the car. The air was full of sand. They
tried to return back but they couldn’t see in the storm.

* listen and complete:

Nahla always gets up early at 6.30 in the morning. She
often takes a short shower, then, she reads a book. She
usually eats breakfast at 8 am with her parents. She
sometimes helps her mom in the kitchen. The whole family
visits grandparents at night.


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