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DES!" EE REVIEW INNOVATIONS BAGUIO - CEBU - DAVAO - MANILA PHILIPPINES SECOND PREBOARD FOR CIVIL ENGINEERING CIVIL ENGINEERS Preboard Examination Saturday, March 9, 2024 8:00 a.m, - 1:00 p.m lied Mathematics, Surveying, Principles of Transportation oak and Highway Engineering, Construction Management and Methods the correct answer for each of the following questions: rch item by shading the box corresponding to the sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES INSTRUCTION: Sel Mark only one answer for Teter of your choice on the answer ALLOWED .GOOD LUCK NOTE: A times B 1s represented by A x B or A*B. A raised to the power 0 18 expressed as A*n. All problems are 1 point each 1. Aweightless bar that is 5 m long rests against @ slope as shown in te "3 indicated, how far will figure. Tf point A is moved 10 mm to the right a point B move up the slope? A. 10.00 om c. 7.12 am B. 9.24 mm D. 6.96 mm A 2 Using the given data in the traverse shown: Determine the area enclosed by the straight lines bounded by the points ABCDEFA in acres. (Note: 1 acre = 4047 m’) A. 53.55 acre: c, 107.10 acres B. 55.13 acre: D. 110.27 acres 3, prei’s girlfriend is jealous of his last ex-girlfriend, Dicky. In one of their dates, he confessed to her girlfriend that he had nine ex- girlfriends, but he truly loved only five of them. lle then accidentally Zovealed that before her, his chance of truly loving a girlfriend ure his current girlfriend and to save their relations! 40%. To What is the probability that Drei did not truly love Dicky? AL 4 cc 83.38 B. 60.08 D. 90.78 B, and C are on a circular track with AB as a diameter of the track. The angle of elevation of the top of a vertical pole standing at has observed from B is 25°, If the horizontal angle subtended by BC at Ais 30°, what is the angle of elevation of the top of the pole as observes 4. Pointe A, from C? AL 21.5° B. 26.3" c. 22.7" Dd. 26.6" 5 2». 2 » hg ecu 2f 6 Flat ach oven ao tht the wun of lee distance Cron fee fixed points (3,0) and (-3,0) is always equal to 10, Determine the length of the latus rectum. id aac an Bl 6.40 ©. 12.80 D. 20.00, Tio projectiles A and B are launched similtaneously in the same vertical plane with the initiai powitions and velocities shown in the figure, Tf the projectiles collide 6 aaconds after launch, determine the initial velocity of &. 6. 2 3. 190.8 Pavement aaskings shall only be applied and/or removed by yare cope 3 ae : bom ina rattzoed layout, the cantarLines of two parallel tracks are connected SE Tiieveree carve of unequal eadss. The central angle of the first Thre Le If) and the distance Owtween parallel cracks i2 27. 60m. Stationing ee in 151420 and the radius of the second curve is 2908. Compute the ay tse c. ssee10.s6 Bl isess.98 b i5e25.96 he tine for mixing of ingredients for s concrete camant roed should be a. 2s min, 15 min A. & + 1-320 c. ty sae Bo Gx! toy 3 1 hypecbola with centar at origin and vertices on the s-asis passes heaugh che point (2, 3)~ Z£ one of ite auyeptotes has tbe equation Y= Sx) find the distance between ies fect eae Dow fn the Cisse six teste in ner Mathematica subject, ber scores were 92, Se, be, 92. 92, and Ol. If ahe took s seventh tant and raised the sean of exactly one point, what vas her score on the Ten cast? e 5e Dose 1 100m tape weighing 6.12k9 was used to maasure a line. Tt eae supported tie the endpoints, midpoint, and quartar post and the tansion applied ie tb Meveons, Tf the total eeamured distance ia 2365 6s, what ie che Kana se ©. 2302.33 8 B 2n00l6e bi Bea « a I EE en ae replied Mathanaticn, Surveying, Priciplen of 1 Engineering, Construction Management and hathode u“ ‘The polar equation of the curve is expressed = 2(akn 0 + cos 6) Compute the total length of the curve 12, Bae D629 15. Tf the ratio of the altitude of a right circular cone to it ie 1.732, what i the ratio of its lateral ai a2 3 Bais Da 16. A parabolic concrate arch spans a width of 40ft with a 20ft wide road Patsing under the bridge. ‘The minimn vertical clearance over the roadway Bust be 10ft. What ia the height of the smallest such arch that can be used? A 32.22 ft © 14.50 fe B1333 fe 5. 15.00 fe an unexpected avant or occurrence 17, An inatance of something happening: ‘bot may result in That doesn't ceault in serious injury or 111A property damage Re Accident cc. injury B. Incident D Risk 18, The measure of the electrical resistance of a wire is proportional to the Ritsare of ita leogth and inversely proportional to the square of the Gatsure of its disneter, Suppose that the resistance of a wire of given Tength is computed fron a measurement of the diameter with « possible 2 percent error, Find the possible percent error in the computed value of the resistance as c. a8 Bay Daly 19. Geologist took measurenants at to points 8 and C, 928 m apart. The angle of elevation from B to the top of the mountain A ie 47°10". The angle of Glevation from € to B is #40" and the angle of elevation from C to Ais Soso". te ie known that the elevation at C is 1537 m What is che elevation at 27 ‘A. 2621-18 & ©. 2621.45 B. 7592.87 = D. 2762.91 = 20. Tf the areas of a regular pentagon and regular decagon are equal, what is the ratio of their perimeters? a 0-38 ©. 106 2.0.67 D125 21. Aatudent finds the average of 10 positive intagars. Each intager contains feo digits. By mistake, the boy interchanges the digits of one number, ity be for ab. hs s consequence, the average becomes 1.8 leas than wnat, ie’ should have been. Nhat was the difference of the two digite a and b? ae 6 Bz ba 22. One side of an equilateral triangle lies on the Line 3x + fy - 12 = 9 while the opposite vertex is on the line 3x + dy +20 = 0. what ie the trea of this triangle? 23.65 ©. 25.68 8! 25.20 D. 24.92 23. A contractor has 50 men of the same capacity at work on a job. They can Complete the job in 30 days, the working day being. @ hours, bat the Contract expire in 20 days. He decides to put 20 additional men, If all Ghe wen get’ ?2.00 per day for s full or part day and if the liquidated Ganages are P100 for every full or part day he requires over his contract How many days could he Elnish the joe B15, Dla 2 30. a 2 33 ey 35 ssiplae sf trangportation and Aighery nent and nethode Aecarday waren 9 The acti. lon of Flatten; CO Finishing tng eteting Poured concrete into a smooth, flat layer prior 1g the surface 2. Finishing 2B. Plastering ©. Smoothing D. Sereeding The defection WGles of two intermediate points A and B along the simple ‘and 8° 30 Tf the chord distance Each plane « * ‘an carry no more than 80,000 pounds. The bottled water weight 20 pounds per container and each medical kit weighe 10 pounds. If x constraint. A. 10x ~ 20y s 80,000 ©. 20x ~ 10y < 80,000 B. 10x + 20y < 80,000 D. 20x + 1oy < 80,000 The radius of a sphere is increasing at the rate proportional to its radius, If the radius is 4 initially, and the radius is 10 after two jeconds, what will be the radius after three seconds? A. 16.00 c. 18.6 Bl ine D158 ‘Side AB and AD of a corner lot ARCD are on two streets intersecting at an angle of 75°, Ab = 12m while AD = 16m. Side BC ie perpendicular to AB and CD is perpendicular to AD. Find the area of the lot 123.15 mt ciate B. 13212 a DL 145.27 The population of mosquito in a certain area increases at a rate proportional to the current population, and in the absence of other factors, the population doubles every two days, If there are 20,000 mosquitoes in the area initially, how many mosquitces are there after 8 days? ‘A. 240,000 ¢. 160,000 B. 320,000 D. 480,000 A bridge across a river is in the form of an arc of 2 circle. A boy walking acros bridge finds that 27 feet from the shore, the bridge Te 9 feet above the water. He continues on to the center of the span and finds that the bridge is now 10 feat above the water. flow long is the river? A. 60 ft c. 40 fe. BL 100 fe D. a0 ft A freely falling body, starting from rest, falls 16 ft during the ist jecond, 48 ft during the 2nd second, @0 ft during the 3ra second, ete Calculate the distance if falls during the 15th second AL 644 fe c. 564 fe, B. 4a te D. 464 fe, Find the area inside the cardiod r = 1 + cos 1.5m sq. unite c. ag. units B. 2a eq. unite D. 2.5m aq. units In the expansion of (2x - 1/x)"", find the coefficient of the # tem. a. 980 c. 960 B. -960 D. =980 Water is pouring into a conical tank at the rate of 3.14 cubic meters per Mince. the base radius of the tank is 5 meters and its vertex is 10 caters above che center of ite base, How fast is the water level rising When the vater stands 7.5 maters above the base? ‘A. 0.98 m/min ©. 0.64 m/min B. 0.52 w/min D. 0.73 w/min A prism has @ cross-section consisting of a square section ABCD and a tabcular are APB. APB is a circular arc with center at M, the midpoint of fgets Pppplied Mathamstice, Survey ‘Engineering, Construction lesen eee ‘od Peaboard Beamination side Co, havin determin having a radius equal to AM If one of the sides AB = 15 cm long ne the length of arc APB 4. 16.66 en e ‘ome p15.90 36. tn ota w Xe still water, your anal boat evgrage @ mites par ene, Ts tae pms jane ancunt of time to travel 15 niles|downatream, with the current as 9 miles upstream, agains: current ae 2 atlas op |) against the current. What is the rate of water's AL 4 miles/he c. 2 miles/hr B. 3 miles/or D. 5 miles/hr the Labrador ‘s leaps 37. An Aspin takes 4 leaps to a Labrador’s 3: but 2 of ‘a start of 50 leaps are equivalent to 3 of the Aspin's. The Aspin h How many leaps must the Labrador take to catch the Aspin? A. 300 , 4000 Aer BL 350 D. 450 ; washingtén leave each city every snington to New York, a train wall Te the one-way trip in either fe value of n? 38. Assume that trains from New York and hour on the hour. On ite run from Wi meet n trains going in opposite direction direction requires four hours exactly, what is th a8 9 a7 D. 10 the vertex of a big cone that is 9m 39, A small cone is cut “y” meters from io one-third the volume of the big tall. The volume of the small cone ii cone. What ia the value of “y"? ‘AL 7-86 m | Bide c. 624m D276 0. it has an estimated life for & inking fund is to be established (cement when the first 40. A-machine is to be purchased for 155,001 years and a salvage value of P6000. A s Yerponey will be available to purchased a repla seomne wears out at the end of 8 years An amouni Geposited at the end of each year during deposited or acing fund. What interest cate(s) that this fund must earn £0 this seeiciode fund to purchase the replacement machine at the end of | prose Byeses? A tos c, 308 B. 208 >. a0 through (-1, -1) and have at 4 cx + pas x - y= 1. What is 41. Make the curve y = ax’ + bx? 4th inflectional tangent 4 (1, 3) an inflection point w! the value of a? a. 4/2 c. 1/2 B. 5/2 D372 Jeraper weighing 91 € is being operated on a haul road eS om. What is the total resistance and effective ascending a slope of 58? Hint: RRF = 20 + (6 * 42, A wheel tractor~ with tire penetration o! grade when the scraper is Si’penetration) GRF = 10 * grade (*) KR. 9100 kg and 08 c. 10 kg and 108 BL 0 kg and 0% D. 9100 kg and 108 of the total custonars who shop at Wilcon Builders Supply along Queson “a OF Jane (Gueron city, 208 are business owners while 708 shop for personas Avene: the business owners, 604 spend more than P1500 per visit and 204 aegia'p1500 or Jers. Of the customers who shop for personal vse, 5% ‘spend spend o1s00 C500" per visit and #58 spend FISOO or less. A purchese 19 sore thee Findon nnd it showed # total sale of more than P1800, Whas 1 chowen Sepiiicy that this purchase was made by « business owner? ‘x. 0.2400 c. 0.6957 B. 0.3612 D0 5318 44, The altitude of # certain right circular cone ie the sane vas 20 cm with @ possible error of 0.08 cm lin the calculated value of the PRE CEE eee cts Surveying, Principles of tranaportation and taoagenast and Hathode 3034 00 ae. - A tank initia RAEI initially sontaine 400 gattons of brine in which 100 pounds of Sg'S tis, diseotved, mare mater Ln sunning into the anh af, the rate of 26 gallons per minute, and the mixture (ebich is kept uniform by stérring) ig drained off at the sane rate, How many pounds of salt sanain in the 2. 25-47 pounds c. 28.42 pounds B. 38.14 pounds D. 22.31 pounds 46. The 25-kg box 19 launched from the position, shown along she rouse jerizontal plane with the velocity of 8 m/s. Determine the distance x that the box will travel before the spring stops the forvard notion. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and the plane is py = 0-2) land the spring constant is k = 150 W/m Sins; — = 25 ke aoe , a | — A, 10.03 2 c. 2.03 = B. 10.68 = D268 a. ‘une preboard exam scores of 2000 RI reviewees have 2 sean of ‘with ¢ standard deviation of 3.24. Assuming the scores to have & [iteibscion, predict the number of reviewees with scores between 58 and 708 ‘a. 200 c. 965 BL Ban D. 999 ‘ 48. Diteerentiate y = x, with respect to x ML cx BL ase D. 1/2 | 49. Find the value of 10%) 3¢ 10" = 4 | A. 180 c. 160 | BL 175 b. 170 | | 50. What ia the ideal capacity of a road in veh/hr? | a. 1500 ¢, 2200 B. 2000 . 2500 si, me ciecle with the center at-(3, 3) and radius of 4 unite is revolved | Blut the Line x +2 = 0. Find the volune gene: ‘A. 1259.34 cu, unite ‘C, 1369.54 cu. units B. 1579.14 cu. units D. 1439.14 cu. unite so, A man will be x yrs old in the year x” of the 21" century. Mow old w Ban ag Mote, The 21°" century began on January 1, 2003 and will end on December 31, 2100 x. 25 yrs old B, 20 yes old c. 35 yee old D. 30 yee old 53, the length of rod is 4m, and the Linaar density of the rod at s point = Ate ithe kg/m, Pind the center of mass of the rod. eters from one end a. 2.30 c. 2.40 8. 220m D260 sé. pind tne volune by integration of the pyramid fomed by x+y ¢ #1 and the three coordinate planes "A. 023 cv. unite c 3.0.17 cu. unite D 0.13 cu. unite 0.27 ev. units ss. wary credit cards charge interest at 1 1/28 per month. Mat are the Nowinal and effective interest rates? ‘a. 188 2. 208 Two care A a Tre, cure A and 8 are traveling in the same direction slong « straight higheay. At 4 carcain instant, car A ie 400 ft bahind car B. ohare Se preaee cars are 30 ft/s for A and 60 ft/s for B, At the sane natant, car A aconlerutan at the sonttant rete of 4 f0/s'/ otis, om 3 dncelaraten at the conatane rate of 2 f8/s". How, long will SS tose for ‘overtake car B, in seconds? Neglect the length of the cars c. 17.6 D. 23.5 57. A motorist entering the exit ramp of a highway at 40 ka/h immediately ‘the brake a0 that the magnitude of the acceleration of the car 2° die 1.5 n/s?, Tf the tangential acceleration ie maintained, how far will the car travel before coming to 4 stop? on of miniaturized wireless capsules with active we niniature electrical motors to maneuver each von fabricated bot that, despite tests cere, Pine individual motors, ? vill not, operate sacietecrorhy Perfornets into a caprsia. To fabricate s new capaule, 2 notors v2) Se into © (bse is, each pair of motors has the aame chance of Y seleceS Mind the probability that both motors will operate 58. Te next generati Tocomotion will require & ctpeule. Suppose 10 motors have be c. 0,726 B. 0.762 a. 0.266 B. 0.622 59, tha 6-hy spiked pendulum is released in position 2. When the pendeiee The CS siNn the spike vapenre” the 2-bg parcel and carrie ©, 62 roaches Pofpogore stopping momentarily, Determine the angie ® in position | 2g @ c. 27.23" A. 23.79" D. 22.73" ried Mathematics, sus IrVAY09. Priecipias PGoiosecing, Constsuction Management end mack fad pravoard Buanination — tytusisy mncch » 60 61. A car travels from P to Q at 36 kph and returns from 62. A large construction job will take 4 years | 63, Review Innovations 64. Teis 65. Naloaem is a ceceni 66, the 20-g bullet B hi 67. A Toyota Land Cruiser drives neportation and Righeay Saturday, maren 9, 2026 200 A power-ahitt crater Afove-tt crawler tractor hat «cated blade capacity of 7.9 2h, the gots eacoeing'ione samen svi dao ies Sie of 6 Matin aro oped in hed range n't Sa/h atiene tne pooostion f the dozer is job efficiency is 50 min/h ene Rint: Produc Production = Volume per cycle x Cycle per hour x Efficiency Fined time = 0.05 min and Dozing speed = 4 kn/h A. 271 Lown ey 7 ueM/h B. 217 Low/h D211 LeM/h 4 @ to Pat 24 kph Find the average speed A. 30.2 kph c. 20.8 kph BL 30.0 kph oo to complete. The costs of the purchasing @ voice recognition je. Then, inspectors the written output of many required inspections can be reduced by nyetem to act as the “front end” for a word proce fan be trained to record their comments and revis fan automated form of the cash flows for the ‘and training is ‘the firm's interest rate is 124. What is the PW Yolce recognition syste? The firat cost for purche TOiSE “Soolnge are eatimated at §30K, §40K, $65K, and 435K for the ¢ J of construction AR. §27.2K B. 922.2 K ¢. 917.2 D. $72.2 from three plans for 2 new University must choo: clasercom MSTE PLAN: Seanding Php 21 M now will meet the needs of the next 10 years GE PLAN Spending 13 M now will meet the ne years, 312M would be spent on anci Last 4 years. da of the next 6 years. After & fT pullding to meet the needs of the SAD PLAN: For 15 M now, the coat of ™ new building can be designed for expansion later at & 1 Review Innovations U uses an interest rate of St, Which of the 1, roving ie the moat economical using Present North? A. STE PLAN at 21M © PSAD PLAN at 20 M BL AGE PLAN at 19M D. Tinitigan ko the measure of how busy the system is and how close a systen is to capacity ‘A. Peak Hour Capacity ©. Traffic Intensity D. Traffic Volume BL Traffic Flow fe civil engineering graduate. One of her first jobs is Nalonen jute a large pump’s cost using the following data. The first cost te enenee 54,000, the annual operating costs for energy and maintenance wen Min'’be Php 16,000, the expected life is 10 years, the expected ottage value is'0, and the firm's interest rate is 98. What is EAC? A. Php 24.61 © Php 22.51 K BL Php 26.41 K DPhp 28.31 ite the 10-kg stationary block A with a horizontal soe rich of 600 m/e. The kinetic coefficiant of friction between the Block wales Siacrizontal surface is 0.25. Determine the total distance moved by the block after the impact. ‘A. 0.229 c. 0.9928 8. 0.922 = >. 0.292 @ east from point A at 30 kph. Another car 830°W toward A Ford Expedition, starting from B at the same time, drive wnemntiee, Surveying, », 7.04, Pencipi Sateen Manager ne aac = ee eas cars jing mas : ae "9 after 30 Minutes? us aoe tn an cha a int Usa tow Cony a ‘B. 80 kph > ome : > 60 $6. Loan Phpeco0 is oa annually? S years What in the payeont’ if nade A. Php 1245, . B. Php 1129 c ans 69. Given is the initiar at a certain inter interest of 347 A. 23.1 yeace 3.201 years rae 1 seers, Stvuation 1. A 2.08 grade mecca an #08 grade neut an undarpass. fo naintain ‘inimum clearance allowed under the bridge, and at the sane tine introduce vertical transition curve in the grade line, it is necessary to use « curve that lies 400 m on one side and 240 on the other. The station at beginning of curve (400 m side) is 10 + 000 and ite elevation 200 = 70. Determina the stationing of the lowest point on the curve value of ‘money to be invested compounded continuously, it. P3000, How long will it take to double for an © 25.1 years 2. 10 + 200 c. 10 + 231 B10 + 213 D. 10 + 233 TL. Determine the elevation at station 10 + 080 A. 198.56 = C1985 = B. 198.70 = D. 198.80 & 12. Determine the elevation of PUT A192 9 c. 2a B. 200m Dd 240m ‘Situation 2, The table below shows the List of activities in undertaking « famall engineering project f {yp | Predecessor Duration ‘Normal Cost Activity | “peeivity | (Days) | 3 a eon pier aceon 1 st + Besceed eaten c or s ae <___}— + 2 3 ote ened Pree Meee Ea ae + 3 T a 3 i 13. Determine che early start date for activity F a 10 days co ti daye Be days D3 deve 14, peteinine the Late finish date for activity ¥ Aas days ce ays 3 10 aaye Doin aye a5, petermine the total float for activity F a3 aye C2 ays Baars oan Nothing Fellows

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