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1. “As a Law Enforcement Officer, my Men who adopt the profession of arms
fundamental duty is to serve submit of their own free will
mankind” to a law of perpetual constraint.
2. “To safeguard lives and property; to
Of their own accord, they reject their right
protect the innocent against deception,
the weak against oppression or
to live where they choose,
intimidation; and the peaceful against to say what they think,
violence or disorder” to dress as they like.

3. “To respect the constitutional rights of From the moment they become soldiers,
all men to liberty, equality and justice” It needs but an order to settle them in this
place, to move them to that,
4. “I will keep my private life unsullied as to separate from their family and dislocate
an example to all” their normal lives.
5. “ Maintain courageous calm in the face In the word of command, they must rise,
of danger, scorn or ridicule and develop
march, run, endure bad weather, go
self restrain”
without sleep or food, be isolated in some
6. “ Whatever I see or hear of a distant post, work until they drop.
confidential nature or that is confided
to me in my official capacity will be kept They have ceased to be the master of their
secret unless revelation is necessary in fate. If they drop in their tracks,
the performance of my duty” if their ashes are scattered to the four
winds, that is all part and parcel of their
7. “I will never permit personnal feelings, job.
predujice, animosities or friendship to
influence my decisions”

8. “I will never act officiously”

9. “With no compromise for crime and

with relentless prosecution of criminals,
I will enforce the law courteously and
appropriately without fear or favor,
malice or ill-will”

10. “I will never employ

unnecessary force or violence”

11. “I will never accept gratuities”

12. “ I recognize the badge of my

office as a symbol of public faith,
and I accept it as a public trust to
be held so long as I am true to the
ethics of police service”

13. “I will constantly strive to

achieve these objectives and ideals
dedicating my self before God, to my
chosen profession… Law

1. To take charge of this post and all THE POLICE OFFICER’S CREED
government property in view.

2. To walk my post in a military manner, I believe in God, The Supreme Being, The
keeping always on the alert and observing Great Provider, and The Creator of all men
everything that takes place within sight or and everything dear to me. In return, I can
hearing. do no less than love Him above all obeying
His word, seek His guidance in the
3. To report all violations of orders I am performance of my sworn duties and
instructed to enforce. honor
4. To repeat all calls from posts more Him at all times.
distant from the guard house than my
I believe that respect for authority is a
5. To quit my post only when properly duty. I respect and uphold the
relieved. Constitution, the laws of the land and the
applicable rules and regulations. I
6. To receive, obey and pass on to the recognize the legitimacy and authority of
sentry who relieves me all orders from the the leadership, and obey legal orders of my
commanding officer, field officer of the superior officers.
day, officer of the day and officers and
petty officers of the watch.
I believe in selfless love and service to
7. To talk to no one except in the line of people. Towards this end, I commit myself
duty. to the service of my fellowmen over and
above my personal interest.
8. To give the alarm in case of fire or
I believe in the sanctity of marriage and
9. To call the petty officer of the watch in
family life. I shall set the example of
any case not covered by instructions.
decency and morality, shall have high
10. To salute all officers and all colors and regard for family life and value of marital
standards not cased. fidelity.

11. To be especially watchful at night, and

during the time for challenging, to I believe in the responsible dominion and
challenge all persons on or near my post, stewardship over material things. I shall
and to allow no one to pass without proper inhibit myself from extravagance and
authority. ostentatious display of material things. I
shall help protect the environment and
conserve nature to maintain ecological

I believe in the wisdom of truthfulness. I

must be trustworthy and I shall uphold
the truth at all times.


We, the cadets, do not lie, cheat, steal, nor

tolerate among us those who do.


Our Lady of Triumph Institute of

Technology is a premiere College in
Northern Mindanao region known for
nurturing the aspirations of its
students and helping them to live,
learn, and graduate as competent
and responsible citizens preferred by
the local and international hospitality
and other industry sectors.


Our Lady of Triumph Institute of

Technology provides students
comprehensive relevant quality
programs of education and training,
research and extension through
meaningful and purposeful
developmental activities and
experiences as they become fully
transformed professionals and
citizens of the global community.

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