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200 b Surcharge angle


with sloping back fill 8 mm F 360 @ c/c
Hieght of cantilever wall from ground level = 3.00 m 300 @ c/c 3000
Unit weight of Earth = 18 KN/m3 4000 8 mm F
Angle of repose = 30 Degree 8 mm F 160 @ c/c
Safe Bearing capacity of soil = 100 KN/m3 300 @ c/c 3730
Coffiecent of friction = 0.5 3000 3730 12 mm F
Concrete M- 20 wt. of concrete 25000 N/m3 8 mm F 180 @ c/c
Steel fe 415 N/mm2 sst 230 N/mm2 170 @ c/c
scbc 7 N/mm2
m 13.33 12 mm F
Nominal cover = 30 mm 90 @ c/c
1000 730
Surcharge angle b 16 Degree 10 mm F
Founadation depth = 1.00 m 540 210 @ c/c
200 200
Stem thickness At footing 0 mm At top 200 mm
Toe width 900 mm Heel width 1200 mm 12 mm F
Footing width 2100 Key 300 x 300 mm 120 @ c/c 300
Reinforcement Summary 1200 300 900
STEM:- Main 8 mm F 160 @ c/c 8 mm F
(from top of 170 @ c/c
100% Reinforcement
wall) upto m 2.58 12 mm F@ 90 mm c/c 8 F 12 mm F
50% Reinforcement upto m 1.94 12 mm F@ 180 mm c/c 300 360 @ c/c
25% Reinforcement upto m Top 12 mm F@ 360 mm c/c

Distribution 8 mm F@ 160 mm c/c 3730
Tamprecture 8 mm F@ 300 mm c/c 12 mm F
TOE:- 180 @ c/c
Main 12 mm F@ 120 mm c/c
Distribution 8 mm F@ 170 mm c/c 12 mm F
HEEL:- 90 @ c/c
Main 10 mm F@ 210 mm c/c
Distribution 8 mm F@ 170 mm c/c Out side Earth side
mm F
@ c/c

mm F
@ c/c

mm F
@ c/c

mm F
@ c/c
mm F
@ c/c

mm F
@ c/c

Hieght of cantilever wall from ground level = 3.00 m

Unit weight of Earth g = 18 kN/m3 = 18000 N/m2
Angle of repose = 30 Degree
Safe Bearing capacity of soil q0 = 100 kN/m3
Coffiecent of friction m = 0.5 = 25 N/mm2
Concrete = M 20
Steel fe = 415
Nominal cover = 30 mm
Surcharge angle b = 16 Degree
Founadation depth = 1.00 m

1 Design Constants:- For HYSD Bars Cocrete M = 20

sst = = 230 N/mm2 wt. of concrete = ### N/mm2

scbc = = 7 N/mm3
m = 13.33
m*c 13.33 x 7
k= = = 0.289
m*c+sst 13.33 x 7 + 230
j=1-k/3 = 1 - 0.289 / 3 = 0.904
R=1/2xc x j x k = 0.5 x 7 x 0.904 x 0.289 = 0.913

2 Diamension of base:-
sin b = 0.2756 cos b = 0.961 tanb = 0.287
Sin F = 0.5 Cos F = 0.866

cos b - cos2 b -cos2 f 0.961 - 0.924 - 0.75

Ka = cos b = 0.961 x = 0.38
cos b + cos b - cos f
2 2 0.961 + 0.924 - 0.75
For surcharge wall, The ratio of length of slabe (DE) to base width b is given by eq.
q0 100
a = 1 - = 1 - = 0.49 Eq (1)
2.7 y H 2.7 x 18 x 4.00
The base width is given by Eq.
x Ka cos b
b = H
(1- a) x (1+3 a)

x 0.38 x 0.961
b = 4.00 = 2.15
( 1 - 0.49 )x( 1 + 1.46 )
The base width from the considration of sliding is given by Eq.
0.7HKa 0.7 x 4.00 x 0.38
b = = = 4.13 m
(1-a) m ( 1 - 0.49 )x 0.5
This width is excessive. Normal practice is to provide b between 0.4 to 0.6 H .
Taking maximum value of H = 0.6 b = 0.60 x 4.00 = 2.40 m
Hence Provided b = 2.40 m
The wall will be unsafe against sliding. This will be made safe by providing a shear Key at base .
Width of toe slab = axb = 0.49 x 2.40 = 1.17 m Provided toe slab = 1.20 m
Let the thickness of base be = H/12 = 4.00 / 12 = 0.33 or say = 0.30 m for design
Hence width of heel slab = 2.40 - 0.30 - 1.20 = 0.90 m purpose
3 Thickness of stem:-
Heigth AB = 4.00 - 0.30 = 3.70 m consider 1 m length of retaining wall
Kxy x H1
0.38 x 18 x( 3.70 )2
Maximum Bending momentat B = = = 46.75
2 2
Hence the horizontal earth pressure is PH= P cos b = 46.75 x 0.961 = 45 kN
H1 3.70
B.M. at B = PH x= 45.00 x = 55.5 kN
3 3
BM 55.50 x 10 6
Effective depth required = = = 247 mm
Rxb 0.913 x 1000
Keep d = 250 mm and total thickness = 250 + 60 = 310
Assuming that 12 mm F bar will be used. a nominal cover of = 60 - 6 = 54 mm
Reduce the total thickness
= 200 mm at top so that effective depth of = 140 mm
45 x 1000
tv = = 0.18 N/mm2 > tc even at mimum steel
1000 x 250
4 Stability of wall:-
Length of heel slab = 2.40 - 1.20 - 0.31 = 0.89 m
Height H2= H1+Ls tan b = 3.70 + 0.89 x 0.287 = 3.96 m
Height H = 3.96 + 0.30 = 4.26 m
Ka x y x H2
0.38 x 18 x( 4.26 )2
Earth pressure p= = = 61.84 kN
2 2
Its horizontal and vertical component are
PH = P cos b = 61.84 x 0.961 = 59.44 kN
PV = P sin b 61.84 x 0.276 = 17.04 kN
P is acting on vertical face IG, at H/3 and hence Pv , will act the vertical line
Full dimension wall is shown in fig 1a
Let W1 = weight of rectangular portion of stem
w2 = weight of triangular portion of stem
w3 = weight of base slab
w4 = weight of soil on heel slab.
The calculation are arrenged in Table
Detail force(kN) lever arm Moment about toe (KN-m)
w1 1 x 0.20 x 3.70 x 25 = 18.5 1.41 26.085
w2 1/2 x 0.11 x 3.70 x 25 = 5.09 1.255 6.38
w3 1 x 2.40 x 0.30 x 25 = 18 1.2 21.6
w4 1 x 0.90 x 3.83 x 18 = 62.01 1.95 120.91
w5 Pv = 17.04 2.40 40.90
Sw = 120.64 total MR 215.89
Total resisting moment = 215.89 kN-m

Over turning 4
Over turning moment Mo = 61.84 x = 87.71 kN-m
\ F.S. against over turning = = 2.46 > 2 Hence safe
mSw 0.5 x 120.64
F.S. against Sliding = = = 1.01 < 1.5
PH 59.44
Hence not safe , To make safe against sliding will have to provide shear key

Pressure distribution net moment SM = 215.89 - 87.71 = 128.18 kN-m

\ Distance x of the point of application of resultant, from toe is
SM 128.18 b 2.40
x = = = 1.06 m = = 0.4
Sw 120.64 6 6
b 2.40
Eccenticity e = - x = - 1.06 = 0.14 m < 0.4 Hence safe
2 2
Pressure p1 at SW 6e 120.64 6x 0.14 67.55 < 100 Hence safe
= 1+ = x 1+ =
toe b b 2.40 2.40 kN -m2
Pressure p1 at SW 6e 120.64 6x 0.14 32.99 < 100 Hence safe
= 1- = x 1- =
Heel b b 2.40 2.40 kN -m2
Pressure p at the junction of stem with toe slab is
67.55 - 32.99
p = 67.55 - x 1.20 = 50.27 kN-m2
Pressure p' at the junction of stem with Heel slab is
67.55 - 32.99
p' = 67.55 - x 0.90 = 54.59 kN-m2
5 Design of toe slab:-
The upward pressure distribution on the toe slab is shown in fig 1b .The weight of soil above
the toe slab is neglicted . Thus two forces are acting on it
(1) Up ward soil pressure (2) Down ward weight of slab
Down ward weight of slab per unit area = 0.30 x 1 x 1.00 x 25 = 7.50 kN-m2
Hence net pressure intensities will be = 67.55 - 7.50 = 60.05 kN-m2 under D
And at under E = 50.27 - 7.50 = 42.77 kN-m2
Total force = S.F. at E = 0.50 x( 60.05 + 42.77 ) x 1.20 = 61.69 kN
42.77 + 2.00 x 60.05 x 1.20
x from E = = 0.63 m
42.77 + 60.05 3
\ B.M. at E = 61.69 x 0.63 = 39.09 kN-m
BM 39.09 x 10 6
Effective depth required = = = 207 mm
Rxb 0.913 x 1000
Keep effective depth d = 210 mm and total thickness = 210 + 60 = 270
Reduce the total thickness to = 200 mm or 0.20 m at edge say = 0.27
61.69 x 1000
tv = = 0.228 N/mm2 < tc even at mimum steel
1000 x 270
BM x 106 39.09 x 10 6
Ast = = = 896 mm2
sst x j x D 230 x 0.904 x 210
The reinforcement has to be provided at bottom face .If alternate bars of stem reiforcerment are
are bent and continued in toe slab, area available = 1/2 x 1256 = 628 mm2 (see step 7)
3.14xdia2 = 3.14 x 12 x 12 = 113
using 12 mm bars A =
4 4
\ Spacing A x1000 / Ast = 113 x 1000 / 896 = 120 mm
Hence Provided 12 mm F bar, @ 120 mm c/c
Let us check this reinforcement for development length Ld=45 F = 45 x 12 = 540 mm
Providing 30 mm clear side cover actual length available = 1200 - 30 = 1170
1170 > 540 Hence safe
0.12 270 + 200
Distribution steel = x 1000 x = 282 mm2
100 2
P D2 3.14 x ( 8 )'2
Using 8 mm F bars, Area = = = 50 mm2
4 4
1000 x 50
\ Spacing = = 178 mm say = 170 mm c/c
6 Design of heel slab :-
Three force act on it
1. down ward weight of soil 2 weight of heel slab 3 Down ward earth pressure 4 upward soil pressure
Total weight of 3.70 + 3.96
soil over Heel
= 0.90 x x 18 = 62 KN say = 63.00 kN
(H1+2xH2)xb 3.70 + 2 x 3.96 0.90
Acting at = x = 0.455 m from B
(H1+H2)x3 3.70 + 3.96 3
Total weight of heel slab = 0.90 x 0.27 x 1 x 25 = 6.08 kN
Acting at 0.45 m from B.
Earth pressure intencity at b = Ka.y.H1 per unit inclined area, at b to horizontal,
\ Earth pressure at B, on horizontal unitarea = Ka.y.H1.tan b
Vertical component of this, at B = Ka.y.H1 .tan b.sin b ….(I)
Similarly, Vertical component of earth pressure intencity at C =Ka.y.H2 tan b. sin b. ….(II)
Hence total force due to vertical component of earth pressure is
= Ka.y x b1 tan b x sin b
= Ka.y x b1 tan b x sin b
0.38 x 18
= ( 3.70 + 3.96 )x 0.90 x 0.287 x 0.276
vertical earth pressure is = 1.86 kN This Act at 0.45 m from B
Total upward soil pressure = 1/2 x( 54.59 + 32.99 )x 0.90 = 39.41 kN
54.59 + 2 x 32.99 0.90
Acting at = x = 0.41 m from B
54.59 + 32.99 3
\ Total force = S.F. at B = 63.00 + 6.08 - 39.41 = 29.67 kN
\ B.M. at B =( 63 x 0.45 )+( 6 x 0.45 )+( 1.86 x 0.45 )-( 39.41 x 0.41
= 15.97 x 10'6 N-mm2
This is much lessthan the B.M. on slab. However, we keep the same depth, as that toe slab,i.e.
d= 210 mm and D 270 mm, reducing it to 200 mm at edge
BM x 10 6
15.97 x 10 6
Ast = = = 366 mm2
sst x j x D 230 x 0.904 x 210
29.67 x 1000
tv = = 0.141 N/mm2 < tc even at mimum steel
1000 x 210
P D2 3.14 x ( 10 )'2
Using 10 mm F bars, Area = = = 78.5 mm2
4 4
1000 x 78.5
\ Spacing = = 214 mm say = 210 mm c/c
Hence provided these @ 210 mm c/c at the top of keep slab. Take the reinforcement into toe
from a distance of 45 x D = 45 x 10 = 450 mm to the left of B and end should
0.12 210 + 270
Distribution steel = x 1000 x = 288 mm2
100 2
P D2 3.14 x ( 8 )'2
Using 8 mm F bars, Area = = = 50 mm2
4 4
x 50
\ Spacing = = 174 mm say = 170 mm c/c
Nomber of Bars = Ast/A = 366 / 79 = 4.66 say = 5 No.
Hence Provided 5 bars of 10 mm F at Bottom
5 x 79
% of steel provided = x 100 = 0.15 %
1000 x 270
shear force 29.67 x 1000
Shear stress tv = = = 0.14 N/mm2
Beam Ht.x beam wt. 1000 x 210
Permissible shear stress for 0.15 % steel provided tc = 0.18 N/mm2 (See Table 3.1)
If tc > tvhence safe here 0.18 > 0.14 Hence Safe

7 Reinforcement in the stem:-

We had earliar assume the thickeness of heel slab as = 0.30 m
While it has now been fixed as 0.27 m only. Hence revised H1= 4.00 - 0.27 = 3.73
ka.y 0.38 x 18
S.F at B = pcos b = H12 = x( 3.73 )2= 47.52 kN = PH
2 2.00
S.F. x H1 47.52 x 3.73
B.M. at B = = = 59.08 kN-m
3 3
Keep effective depth d = 250 mm and total thickness = 250 + 60 = 310
Reduce the total thickness to = 200 mm or 0.20 m at edge
59.08 x 10 6
Ast = BMx100/sstxjxD= = 1137 mm2
230 x 0.904 x 250
P D2 3.14 x ( 12 )'2
Using 12 mm F bars, Area = = = 113 mm2
4 4
1000 x 113
\ Spacing = = 99 mm say = 90 mm c/c
Actual AS provided = 1000 x = 1256 mm2
Actual AS provided = 1000 x = 1256 mm2
Bend these bars into toe slab, to serve as reiforcement there. Sufficient devlopment length ia available.
Between A and B some of bars can be curtailed. Cosider a section at depth below the top of stem
+ 250 - 140
The effective depth d' at section is = 140 x h (where h In meter)

250 - 140
d' = 140 + x h =( 140 + 29.49 x h )
Now As Ast or H =( Ast d )1/3
h Ast' d' 1/3
Hence =
H1 Ast d
where Ast' = reinforcement at depth h Ast = reinforcement at depth H1
d' = effective depthat depth h d = effective depthat depth H1
Ast' 1 h 1 d' 1/3
if Ast = 1/2 Ast than \ = x
Ast = 2 H1 2 d
Subsituting d = 255 mm and d' =( 140 + 29.5 x h ) we get
140 + 29.5 x h 1/3
h = H1 x
2 x 255
140 x 29.5 x h 1/3
h = 3.73 x
2 x 255
h = 0.467 x ( 140 + 29.5 x h )1/3
h = 2.83 m 0.467 x ( 140 + 29.5 x h) 1/3- h = 0.01
Howerver, the bars should be extented by a distance of 12 F = 12 x 12 = 144 mm
Or d = 250 mm whichever is more beyond the point.
\ h = 2.83 - 0.25 = 2.58 m. Hence curtailed half bars at at height of
2.58 m below the top . If we wish to curtailed half of the remaining bars so that remaining
Ast' 1
remaining reinforcement is one forth of that provided ar B, we have = Hence from ….(2)
Ast 4
h 1 x d' 1/3
140 + 29.5 x h
\ = \ h = H1 x
H1 4 d 4 x 255
x 140 x 29.5 x h 1/3
h = 3.73
4 x 255
h = 0.371 x ( 140 + 29.5 x h )1/3
h = 2.19 m 0.371 x ( 140 + 29.5 x h) 1/3- h = 0.00
This can be solved bytrial and error, Noting that if the effective thickness of stem w=are constant,
.Howerver, the bars should be extented by a distance of 12 F = 12 x 12 = 144 mm
Or d = 250 mm whichever is more beyond the point.
\ h = 2.19 - 0.25 = 1.94 m. Hence stop half bars the remaining bars
by 1.94 m below the top of the stem . Continue rest of the bars to the top of the stem

Check for shear:-

Shear force = kayH2 18 2
p== 0.38 x x 3.73 = 47.52 kN
2 2
47.52 x 1000
\ tv =
1000 x 250
= 0.19 N/mm2 < tc (see table 3.1)
Nomber of Bars = Ast/A = 1137 / 113 = 10.06 say = 11 No.
Hence Provided 11 bars of 12 mm F at Bottom
11 x 113
% of steel provided = x 100 = 0.50 %
1000 x 250
Permissible shear stress for 0.50 % steel provided tc = 0.3 N/mm2 (See Table 3.1)
If tc > tvhence safe here 0.30 > 0.19 Hence Safe
Distribution and temprechure reinforcement:-
Average thickness of stem = 310 + 200
= 255 mm
\ Distribution reinforcement = x 1000 x 255 = 306 mm2
\ Distribution reinforcement = x 1000 x 255 = 306 mm2
P D2 3.14 x ( 8 )'2
Using 8 mm F bars, Area = = = 50.24 mm2
4 4
x 50
\ spacing = = 164 mm say = 160 mm c/c at the inner face of
306 wall,along its length
for tempreture reinforcement provide = 8 mm bars = 300 mm c/c both way in outer face

8 Design of shear key:-

The wall is in unsafe in sliding, and hence shear key will be provided below the stem as shown in fig.
Let u sprovide ashear key 300 x 310 Let Pp be the intensity of passive pressure devloped
in front of key this intencity Pp depend upon the soil pressure P in front of the key
Pp = KpP = 1/Ka= 1/ 0.38 = 2.64 x 50.27 = 132.46
\ total passive pressure Pp = Pp x a = 132.46 x 0.30 = 39.74 kN
18 `
Sliding force at level GJ = 0.38 x x 4.53 x cos b
or PH = 3.42 x( 4.53 )2x 0.961 = 67.22 kN ….(2)
Weight of the soil between bottom of the base and GJ = 2.40 x 18 x 0.30 = 12.96
\ SW = 120.64 + 12.96 = 133.60 kN Refer force calculation table
Hence equilibrium of wall, permitting F.S. = 1.5 against sliding we have
m Sw+Pp 0.5 x 133.60 + 39.74
1.5 = = = 1.58 > 1.5 Hence safe
PH 67.22
However, provided minimum value of a = 300 mm. Keep width of key 310 mm (equal to stem width)
it should be noted that passive pressure taken into account above will be devloped only when length
a1 given below is avilable in front of key ;
F where (45 + F/2) =
a1 = a tan F = a tan x 45 + = a Ökp
2 shearing angle of passive resistance
\ a1 = 0.3 x ( 2.64 )1/2
a1 = 0.487 m Actual length of the slab available = DE = 1.20
Hence satisfactory.
Now size of key = 300 x 310 mm
Actual force to be resisted by the key at F.S. 1.5 is = 1.5PH - mSW
= 1.5 x 67.22 - 0.5 x 133.60
= 34.03 kN
34.03 x 1000
\ shear stress = = 0.113 N/mm2
300 x 1000
34.03 x 150 x 1000
Bending stress =
1/6 x 1000 x( 300 )2
= 0.34 N/mm2 Hence safe
Since concrete can take this much of tensile stress, no special reinforcement is necessary for the shear key

y at base .

for design



nt about toe (KN-m)


Hence safe

Hence safe

Hence safe

Hence safe
ight of soil above


m reiforcerment are
(see step 7)


ard soil pressure
m from B

ement into toe

B and end should

top of stem



at at height of

nce from ….(2)


m w=are constant,

remaining bars
p of the stem

(see table 3.1)
nner face of
ong its length
y in outer face

m as shown in fig.
sure devloped


lculation table

Hence safe

qual to stem width)

only when length

assive resistance

ce satisfactory.

the shear key
0.20 0.20 0.20

b Surcharge angle b Surcharge angle b Surcharge angle


H= 4.00 H= 4.00

3.00 m H1=3.70 m 3.00 m H1= 3.70 m 3.00 m 3.70 m

W1 W1 W1

ab 2.40 2.40
1.20 W2 0.90 0.00 W2 0.90 1.20 W2 0.90
toe heel
1.00 D E B C D E B C D E B C
0.30 0.30 0.30

Toe Toe a1
b= 2.40 m b= 2.40 m
a Kay(H+a)




D1 e C1
Pp = Kpp




b Surcharge angle
Earth side Face A Outer side face
8 mm F
@ 300 C/C 12 mm F `
@ 360 c/c 8 mm F
@ 300 c/c
H= 4.00 m

8 mm F
@ 160 C/C
8 mm F

3.70 @ 160 c/c
8 mm F
12 mm F @ 300 c/c
@ 180 C/C

8 mm F
@ 300 c/c

12 mm F
N.S.L. @ 90 C/C

8 mm F 10 mm F
@ 170 c/c @ 210 C/C
Heel Toe Earth side Face Outer side face

Reinforcement Detail Reinforcement Detail

200 200
Foundation level

12 mm F 300 8 mm F
@ 120 c/c @ 170 c/c `
1200 900
mm F

mm F

Grade of concrete M-10 M-15 M-20 M-25 M-30 M-35 M-40

Tensile stress N/mm2 1.2 2.0 2.8 3.2 3.6 4.0 4.4

Table 1.16.. Permissible stress in concrete (IS : 456-2000)

Permission stress in compression (N/mm2) Permissible stress in bond (Average) for
Grade of plain bars in tention (N/mm2)
Bending acbc Direct (acc)
(N/mm2) Kg/m2 (N/mm2) Kg/m2 (N/mm2) in kg/m2
M 10 3.0 300 2.5 250 -- --
M 15 5.0 500 4.0 400 0.6 60
M 20 7.0 700 5.0 500 0.8 80
M 25 8.5 850 6.0 600 0.9 90
M 30 10.0 1000 8.0 800 1.0 100
M 35 11.5 1150 9.0 900 1.1 110
M 40 13.0 1300 10.0 1000 1.2 120
M 45 14.5 1450 11.0 1100 1.3 130
M 50 16.0 1600 12.0 1200 1.4 140


Grade of concrete M-10 M-15 M-20 M-25 M-30 M-35 M-40
31 19 13 11 9 8 7
Modular ratio m (31.11) (18.67) (13.33) (10.98) (9.33) (8.11) (7.18)


Grade of concrete M-15 M-20 M-25 M-30 M-35 M-40
Modular Ratio 18.67 13.33 10.98 9.33 8.11 7.18 Grade of concret
scbc N/mm 2 5 7 8.5 10 11.5 13
m scbc 93.33 93.33 93.33 93.33 93.33 93.33
kc 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4
(a) sst =
140 jc 0.867 0.867 0.867 0.867 0.867 0.867
N/mm2 Rc 0.867 1.214 1.474 1.734 1.994 2.254
(Fe 250)
Pc (%) 0.714 1 1.214 1.429 1.643 1.857
kc 0.329 0.329 0.329 0.329 0.329 0.329
(b) sst = jc 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89
N/mm2 Rc 0.732 1.025 1.244 1.464 1.684 1.903
Pc (%) 0.433 0.606 0.736 0.866 0.997 1.127
kc 0.289 0.289 0.289 0.289 0.289 0.289
(c ) sst =
230 jc 0.904 0.904 0.904 0.904 0.904 0.904
N/mm2 Rc 0.653 0.914 1.11 1.306 1.502 1.698
(Fe 415)
Pc (%) 0.314 0.44 0.534 0.628 0.722 0.816
kc 0.253 0.253 0.253 0.253 0.253 0.253
(d) sst =
275 jc 0.916 0.916 0.916 0.914 0.916 0.916
N/mm2 Rc 0.579 0.811 0.985 1.159 1.332 1.506
(Fe 500)
(d) sst =
(Fe 500)
Pc (%) 0.23 0.322 0.391 0.46 0.53 0.599
Table 3.1. Permissible shear stress Table tc in concrete (IS : 456-2000)
100As Permissible shear stress in concrete tc N/mm2
bd M-15 M-20 M-25 M-30 M-35 M-40 < %
0.15 % 0.18 0.18 0.19 0.20 0.20 0.20 %
0.25 % 0.22 0.22 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 %
0.50 % 0.29 0.30 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.32 %
0.75 % 0.34 0.35 0.36 0.37 0.37 0.38 %
1.00 % 0.37 0.39 0.40 0.41 0.42 0.42 %
1.25 % 0.40 0.42 0.44 0.45 0.45 0.46 %
1.50 % 0.42 0.45 0.46 0.48 0.49 0.49 %
1.75 % 0.44 0.47 0.49 0.50 0.52 0.52 %
2.00 % 0.44 0.49 0.51 0.53 0.54 0.55 %
2.25 % 0.44 0.51 0.53 0.55 0.56 0.57 %
2.50 % 0.44 0.51 0.55 0.57 0.58 0.60 %
2.75 % 0.44 0.51 0.56 0.58 0.60 0.62
3.00 and above % 0.44 0.51 0.57 0.6 0.62 0.63

Table 3.2. Facor k

Over all depth of slab 300 or more 275 250 225 200 175 150 or less
k 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30

Table 3.3. Maximum shear stress tc.max in concrete (IS : 456-2000)

Grade of concrete M-15 M-20 M-25 M-30 M-35 M-40
tc.max 1.6 1.8 1.9 2.2 2.3 2.5

Table 3.4. Permissible Bond stress Table tbd in concrete (IS : 456-2000)
Grade of concrete M-10 M-15 M-20 M-25 M-30 M-35 M-40 M-45 M-50
tbd (N / mm2) -- 0.6 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4

Table 3.5. Development Length in tension

Grade of Plain M.S. Bars H.Y.S.D. Bars

concrete tbd (N / mm2) kd = Ld F tbd (N / mm2) kd = Ld F
M 15 0.6 58 0.96 60
M 20 0.8 44 1.28 45
M 25 0.9 39 1.44 40
M 30 1 35 1.6 36
M 35 1.1 32 1.76 33
M 40 1.2 29 1.92 30
M 45 1.3 27 2.08 28
M 50 1.4 25 2.24 26
Value of angle
Degree sin cos tan
10 0.174 0.985 0.176
15 0.259 0.966 0.268
16 0.276 0.961 0.287
17 0.292 0.956 0.306
18 0.309 0.951 0.325
19 0.326 0.946 0.344
20 0.342 0.940 0.364
21 0.358 0.934 0.384
22 0.375 0.927 0.404
23 0.391 0.921 0.424
24 0.407 0.924 0.445
25 0.422 0.906 0.466
30 0.500 0.866 0.577
35 0.573 0.819 0.700
40 0.643 0.766 0.839
45 0.707 0.707 1.000
50 0.766 0.643 1.192
55 0.819 0.574 1.428
60 0.866 0.500 1.732
65 0.906 0.423 2.145

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