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  

J. Pathol. 189: 504–513 (1999)


-  1,  .   2, - ø3,  . ̈4,
 ́4,  5,  . 6,  2,  . 2 
   1*
Department of Surgery, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands
Department of Pathology and Human Genetics, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands
Department of Genetics, Institute for Cancer Research, The Norwegian Radium Hospital, Oslo, Norway
The Icelandic Cancer Society, Reykjavik, Iceland
Tumorgenetik, Max Delbrück Centrum für Moleculare Medizin, Berlin, Germany
Department of Pathology, Institute for Cancer Research, The Norwegian Radium Hospital, Oslo, Norway

In breast cancer, mutations located in the zinc-binding functional domains of the p53 gene have been reported to predict a worse
prognosis and a worse response to treatment with doxorubicin, compared with mutations in other parts within exons 5–8 of the gene.
Similarly, mutations in residues of p53 that directly contact DNA have been associated with a poor prognosis. To investigate whether
these specific p53 mutations are associated with differences in the rate of apoptosis and/or mitosis, or expression of the anti-apoptotic
Bcl-2 protein, these parameters were evaluated in 89 invasive breast cancers with a confirmed p53 mutation in exons 5–8 and in 99
tumours without a p53 mutation in exons 5–8. Neither mutations located in the zinc-binding functional domains nor mutations in residues
that directly contact DNA were associated with alterations in mitotic or apoptotic activity. However, compared with the wild-type p53
tumours, both apoptotic and mitotic indices showed an approximately two-fold increase in the mutant p53 group (p<0·001). The presence
of a p53 mutation was also associated with the presence of tumour necrosis (p<0·001), high tumour grade (p<0·001) and low expression
of Bcl-2 (p<0·001). Our data support the concept that in invasive breast carcinoma, loss of p53 function is involved in enhanced
proliferation rather than decreased apoptosis and that the resulting acceleration of cell turnover may enhance clonal evolution and
tumour progression. Copyright  1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
KEY WORDS—breast cancer; apoptosis; p53; Bcl-2; proliferation

INTRODUCTION associated with apoptotic pathways,18 including certain

members of the Bcl-2 family of apoptosis-regulating
A major function of the p53 tumour suppressor gene
is to prevent replication of cells with damaged DNA or
The p53 gene is the most frequently mutated gene in
oncogenic mutations, by mediating a permanent cell-
human cancer. In breast cancer, p53 mutation has been
cycle arrest or by triggering apoptosis.1–4 Abrogation of
p53-dependent apoptosis is believed to play an import- found to be associated with aneuploidy, rapid prolifer-
ant role in tumour development and progression,5–7, as ation, and poor prognosis,21,22 and some evidence has
been provided for an association of p53 mutation with
well as treatment resistance.8–10 p53 binds to DNA in a
sequence-specific fashion and is involved in gene tran- increased resistance to chemo- and/or hormonal
scription, cell-cycle regulation, centrosome duplica- therapy.23,24
The majority of p53 mutations occur in the central
tion,11 DNA repair,12,13 senescence and apoptosis,14 and
differentiation and development.15 The exact mechanism conserved part of the protein or ‘core domain’ (residues
through which p53 induces apoptosis has not yet been 102–292), which is responsible for sequence-specific
elucidated. In some experimental systems, sequence- DNA binding.25 In general, these mutations are of the
missense type and lead to loss of DNA binding, which is
specific transactivation is required.16,17 In fact, an
increasing number of p53-responsive genes are being believed to be critical for the biological activity of p53.26
However, up to 20 per cent of p53 mutations have been
*Correspondence to: J. H. van Dierendonck, PhD, Department of reported to occur outside of exons 5–8, and these are
Surgery, Leiden University Medical Center, P1-Q, PO Box 9600, 2300 predominantly nonsense mutations.
RC Leiden, The Netherlands. E-mail: The core domain of p53 consists of three loops
Contract/grant sponsor: E. C. Biomedical and Health Research involved in DNA binding.27 Almost 50 per cent of all
Concerted Action; Contract/grant number: BMH1-CT92-0890. missense mutations occur in the L2 domain (residues
Contract/grant sponsor: Norwegian Cancer Society. 163–195) and L3 domain (residues 236–251), which are
Contract/grant sponsor: Icelandic Cancer Society. within conserved regions III and IV and encode for the
Contract/grant sponsor: Nordic Cancer Union. L2 and L3 loops that interact through a tightly bound
CCC 0022–3417/99/130504–10$17.50 Received 22 January 1999
Copyright  1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Revised 11 May 1999
Accepted 28 July 1999

Table I—Mutations in exons 5–8 of the p53 gene and immunohistochemical (IHC) staining results

Tumour Codon From base To base Domain p53 IHC

1* Exon 5 ND
2* Exon 5 4
3* Exon 5 6
4* Exon 8 2
5 132 AAG < GAG 6
6 134 TTT < TGT ND
7 134 TTT < CTT 5
8 134 TTT < TTA 7
9 135 TGC < TTC 5
10 141 TGC < TAC 6
11 163 TAC < TGC L2 4
12 163 TAC < TGC L2 6
13 173 CTG < TTG L2 0
14 173 GTG < TTG L2 4
15 173 GTG < ATG L2 6
16 175 CGC < CAC L2/PSR 4
17 175 CGC < CAC L2/PSR 5
18 179 CAT < AAT L2 3
19 179 CAT < CGT L2 5
20 181 CGC < CAC L2 2
21 193 CAT < CCT L2 4
22 194 CTT < CGT L2 4
23 195 ATC < ATT L2 5
24 196 CGA < CCA 5
25 196 CGA < CCA 6
26 205 TAT < TCT 5
27 213 CGA < CGG 0
28 216 GTG < ATG 6
29 220 TAT < TGT 5
30 235 AAC < AGC 4
31 237 ATG < ATA L3 4
32 238 TGT < TTT L3 5
33 239 AAC < AAA L3 5
34 241 TCC < TTC L3/DNA 4
35 241 TCC < TTC L3/DNA 6
36 242 TGC < TAC L3 3
37 242 TGC < TTC L3 5
38 245 GGC < AGC L3/PSR 2
39 245 GGC < AGC L3/PSR 7
40 248 CGG < CAG L3/DNA 5
41 248 CGG < TGG L3/DNA 5
42 248 CGG < CAG L3/DNA 6
43 248 CGG < CAG L3/DNA 6
44 248 CGG < CAG L3/DNA 6
45 248 CGG < CAG L3/DNA 6
46 248 CGG < CAG L3/DNA 6
47 248 CGG < CAG L3/DNA 6
48 248 CGG < CAG L3/DNA 6
49 248 CGG < TGG L3/DNA 7
50 249 6 bp del L3/PSR 6
51 264 3 bp del 4
52 266 GGA < GAA 4
53 270 TTT < CTT 3
54 272 GTG < ATG 3
55 272 GTG < GTA 7
56 273 CGT < CAT DNA ND
57 273 CGT < CAT DNA 4
58 273 CGT < CAT DNA 6
59 273 CGT < TGT DNA 6
60 273 CGT < TGT DNA 7
61 273 CGT < CAT DNA 7

Copyright  1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Pathol. 189: 504–513 (1999)

Table I—Continued

Tumour Codon From base To base Domain p53 IHC

Missense/microdeletions continued
62† 273 CGT < CAT DNA 7
62† 128 CCT < TCT 7
63 273 CGT < CAT DNA 7
64 274 GTT < GCT 2
65 275 TGT < TAT 6
66 278 CCT < TCT 7
67 279–281 6 bp del 7
68 281 GAC < GGC 6
69 281 GAC < CAC 6
70 282 CGG < TGG PSR 5
71 282 CGG < TGG PSR 6
72 285 GAG < AAG 4
73 286 GAA < AAA 6
74 298 GAG < GAT 0
75 133–134 1 bp del 0
76 135 2 bp ins 0
77 151 1 bp del 0
78 174–180 17 bp del 5
79 182 1 bp del 0
80 187 1 bp del 3
81 210 1 bp del 0
82 244–247 8 bp del 0
83 251/252 1 bp del 0
84 262 14 bp del 0
85 144 GAG < TAG/STOP 0
86 192 CAG < TAG/STOP 0
87 196 CGA < TGA/STOP 0
88 271 GAG < TAG/STOP 0
89 280 AGA < TGA/STOP 3

*Mutation has not been verified.

†Tumour has two mutations.
p53 IHC: 0=no staining; 7=intense staining; ND=not done; L2/L3=zinc-binding domains; DNA=residues that
directly contact DNA; PSR=protein stabilizing residues.

zinc atom to provide stable DNA contacts.27 The core within months. In a similar study, Berns et al. showed
domain also interacts with various cellular proteins,28 that mutations in residues of p53 that directly contact
including the p53-binding protein 53BP2. The latter DNA predicted a poor outcome, but not mutations in
protein interacts with the L2 and L3 loops, thereby L2/L3.33
inhibiting sequence-specific binding of p53,29 but also The above data suggest that the biochemically defined
seems to interact in a competitive fashion with the functional domains of p53 have biological relevance in
anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 protein.30 Apart from a classifica- terms of disease outcome, and that specific p53 muta-
tion of mutations according to their location in various tions contribute to the development of more aggressive
functional domains, mutations are divided into class I and possibly treatment-resistant tumours. We therefore
mutations, affecting residues that directly contact DNA hypothesized that tumours carrying mutations within
(e.g. hotspots Arg-248 and Arg-273) and class II muta- the L2/L3 domains, or in residues directly contacting
tions, affecting residues crucial for stabilizing the DNA, would show an altered profile of prolifera-
structural integrity of the domain (e.g. hotspot Arg-175). tive activity and/or apoptotic activity (or expression of
Recently, Børresen and co-workers reported that in Bcl-2 protein) compared with tumours carrying other
breast cancer, mutations in the L2/L3 domains were mutations.
associated with significantly decreased overall survival We selected 89 tumours with as well as 99 tumours
rates (p=0·012) as well as with increased chemoresist- without a p53 mutation, as confirmed by DNA mutation
ance, when compared with patients with mutations analysis, from a total of almost 600 tumours screened
located outside these domains.31,32 Moreover, in most for mutations within exons 5–8 of p53 (as a part of a
cases, patients with mutations in L2–L3 who responded European collaborative study on genetic changes in
to primary chemotherapy had a relapse of their disease breast cancer). In these tumour series we analysed the
Copyright  1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Pathol. 189: 504–513 (1999)

levels of immunohistochemically detectable p53 and breaks (TUNEL) according to a protocol previously de-
Bcl-2 protein expression, mitotic counts (as performed scribed,36 using the enzyme TdT (Boehringer Mannheim,
according to standard pathological procedures), the Mannheim, Germany) and biotinylated dUTP
frequency of apoptotic cells [using terminal transferase (Boehringer Mannheim). Although TUNEL is sensitive to
(TdT)-mediated dUTP nick end labelling], and the tissue fixation, we and others have observed that ad-
extent of tumour necrosis. equate pretreatment leads to reliable results.36–38 Using a
Zeiss ‘Axioscop’ microscope (Carl Zeiss, Oberkochen,
Germany) with a checkerboard grid in the ocular, tissue
sections were analysed at a magnification of 400.
Patients Because the number of apoptotic events per high-
power field was very low, we decided to count apoptotic
Material was collected from a cohort of 600 breast
events in 20 randomly distributed fields per section. Only
tumours analysed for the presence of p53 mutations, as
diaminobenzidine-stained cells that also displayed an
a part of a collaborative European study of genetic
apoptotic morphology (cell shrinkage and chromatin
changes in breast cancer.31 Material from 188 tumours
was available for analysis. Of these tumours, 89 con- condensation and/or nuclear fragmentation) were
tained a confirmed p53 mutation. As reported pre- included, whereas necrotic areas were excluded from the
viously,31 clinico-pathological parameters, including analysis. To correct the resulting apoptosis count (AC)
patient age, tumour size, nodal status, and oestrogen for variations in tumour cell density, the number of
and progesterone receptor status, were not significantly tumour cells was counted in four randomly distributed
associated with specific p53 mutations. None of the high-power fields on haematoxylin and eosin (H&E)-
patients received preoperative chemo- and/or radio- stained sections. In our series, the AC per 20 high-power
therapy, excluding the possibility that the results have fields ranged from 0 to 304. The mean tumour cell count
been influenced by cytotoxic treatments. per high-power field ranged from 67 to 762.
The amount of necrosis in each section was scored
semiquantitatively on H&E-stained sections at a magni-
Mutations in exons 5–8 of the p53 gene fication of 100 by an experienced breast cancer path-
In Table I, the specific p53 gene alterations in these ologist (MJvdV), using four categories: none, low (<25
breast carcinomas are listed, together with the results of per cent per field), intermediate (25–50 per cent per
immunohistochemical detection of p53 protein expres- field), and high (>50 per cent per field).
sion. DNA isolation, mutation analysis and sequencing
were performed as previously described.31,34,35 Exons 5 Immunohistochemical analysis
through 8 (codons 126–306), of the p53 gene were
screened for mutations. Because almost all codons of Expression of Bcl-2 and p53 was determined immu-
exons 5–8 are located within the sequence-specific DNA- nohistochemically on paraffin-embedded, formalin-fixed
binding domain (codons 102–292), only one mutation sections using anti-Bcl-2 monoclonal antibody (MAb)
occurred outside this domain in the present cohort. clone 124 (Boehringer Mannhein) and anti-p53 MAb
Missense mutations occurred in 74 out of 89 tumours. DO-7 (DAKO) and a microwave antigen retrieval
The codons most frequently affected by missense method.23,39 Sections were scored semiquantitatively as
mutation were codons 248 and 273. All non-missense described before (for p53 see ref. 23; for Bcl-2 see ref.
mutations occurred within the sequence-specific DNA- 39), taking into account both the staining intensity and
binding domain and one-third of the non-missense the fraction of tumour cells showing positive staining.
mutations resulted in a stop codon. Three tumours with Briefly, p53 staining intensity was scored negative (0),
missense mutations in exon 5 were excluded from analy- weakly positive (1), moderately positive (2), or strongly
sis pertaining to the biological relevance of the zinc- positive (3). The fraction of tumour cells showing the
binding domains, because their localization within or most intense staining was estimated to be 1–25 per cent
outside the L2 domain could not be verified by sequence (1), 25–50 per cent (2), 50–75 per cent (3), and 75–100
analysis. In the remaining tumours with missense muta- per cent (4). In tumours completely lacking p53 staining
tions, 33 out of 71 occurred in the L2 and L3 loops. One (p53 staining intensity=0), the fraction of stained
tumour containing two different missense mutations tumour cells was scored as 0 per cent (0). Addition of the
outside the zinc-binding domains was counted as one two scores resulted in a total of seven p53 scores: 0 and
case. Four tumours with non-verified missense muta- 2–7. For Bcl-2 a similar scoring system was used, but
tions in exon 5 or 8 were excluded from analysis tumours were grouped into separate categories, not by
pertaining to residues that directly contact DNA. In the addition or multiplication of scores, but by classifying
remaining tumours, 20 out of 70 mutations occurred in them according to the fraction of cells showing the most
residues directly contacting DNA (codons 120, 241, 248, intense staining. This scoring system resulted in Bcl-2
273, 276, 280 and 283). scores ranging from 0 to 6. The mitotic count was
determined by an experienced breast cancer pathologist
(MJvdV) according to a standard procedure: paraffin-
Detection of apoptotic cells embedded, formalin-fixed tissue sections were H&E-
Apoptotic cells were visualized in paraffin-embedded, stained and the number of mitoses per 10 high-power
formalin-fixed tissue sections, using terminal transferase fields (400) was counted using a Zeiss ‘Axioscop’
(TdT)-mediated dUTP nick end labelling of DNA strand microscope (Carl Zeiss).
Copyright  1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Pathol. 189: 504–513 (1999)

Table II—p53 mutation and clinico-pathological characteristics of the tumours

Wt p53 Mutant p53 Total p value

Age (years)
c50 28 (42·4) 38 (57·6) 66 (36·1)
>50 65 (55·6) 52 (44·4) 117 (63·9) 0·09
Tumour size
T1 24 (50·0) 24 (50·0) 48 (27·0)
T2 39 (47·0) 44 (53·0) 83 (46·6)
T3 14 (51·9) 13 (48·1) 27 (15·2)
T4 12 (60·0) 8 (40·0) 20 (11·2) 0·77
Node status
Negative 34 (47·2) 38 (52·8) 72 (43·6)
Positive 54 (58·1) 39 (41·9) 93 (56·4) 0·17
Distant metastasis*
Negative 73 (49·0) 76 (51·0) 149 (93·1)
Positive 5 (45·5) 6 (54·5) 11 (6·9) 0·82
Tumour grade
I 20 (100) 0 (0·00) 20 (10·75)
II 34 (69·39) 15 (30·61) 49 (26·34)
III 41 (35·04) 76 (64·96) 117 (62·90) <0·001
Mitosis count
0–9 45 (75·00) 15 (25·00) 60 (32·26)
10cx<20 16 (55·17) 13 (44·83) 29 (15·59)
d20 34 (35·05) 63 (64·95) 97 (52·15) <0·001
Bcl-2 expression
None–low 43 (39·45) 66 (60·55) 109 (57·98)
Medium–high 54 (68·35) 25 (31·65) 79 (42·02) <0·001

*Distant metastasis present at the time of diagnosis. In 5/188 cases, information on patient age, tumour size, node
status, and distant metastasis could not be retrieved.

Statistical methods total absence of p53 staining, despite the fact that the
DO-7 antibody recognizes an epitope between amino
The presence of differences in the distribution of
acids 1 and 45 in the N-terminal domain of human
clinico-pathological characteristics between patient
wild-type and mutant p53.40
groups with or without a confirmed p53 mutation was
Various clinico-pathological characteristics of
tested for by 2 analysis. The relationship between
various tumour parameters and mean levels of apoptosis patients with or without a confirmed p53 mutation in
and mitosis was analysed using one-way analysis of their tumours are listed in Table II. As shown, high
tumour grade, high mitotic counts, and absent or low
variance. For necrosis, the cut-off was none and low,
versus intermediate and high. The cut-off values used for Bcl-2 expression were strongly associated with the
presence of a p53 mutation, whereas age, tumour size,
the other prognostic factors (p53, Bcl-2, and mitosis
nodal status, and the presence of distant metastasis
count) were identical to the values used in previous
analyses.23,39 Statistical analysis was done using SPSS were not significantly associated with p53 status.
software (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, U.S.A.). To analyse the effect on proliferative and apoptotic
activity of mutation location (e.g. in the zinc-binding
domains, in residues directly contacting DNA, or in
RESULTS residues critical for protein stabilization), mean levels of
mitosis and apoptosis were determined for the subset of
We wanted to investigate whether specific mutations tumours carrying a missense mutation, stratified accord-
in p53 were associated with differences in proliferative ing to mutation location. To investigate whether muta-
and apoptotic activity or expression of Bcl-2 in human tion type (missense vs. frameshift/nonsense mutations)
breast tumours. So the subset of 89 tumours with was associated with changes in proliferation and cell
mutated p53 was stratified according to the mutation death parameters, a similar calculation was made for all
type. The specific gene alterations and the scoring results tumours with a verified p53 mutation, stratified accord-
of immunohistochemical detection of p53 are listed in ing to mutation type. As shown in Table III, neither the
Table I. Missense mutations in the p53 gene often location of a p53 mutation nor the type of mutation was
lead to increased protein stability, resulting in an associated with changes in the mean level of apoptosis or
immunohistochemically (IHC) detectable nuclear mitosis.
accumulation of the mutant protein. As shown in Table IV shows data on apoptosis and mitosis, com-
Table I, in 12 out of 15 cases frameshift and nonsense paring tumours with no p53 mutation detected within
mutations within the DNA-binding domain resulted in exons 5–8 and tumours with a verified mutation: both
Copyright  1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Pathol. 189: 504–513 (1999)

Table III—Type or location of missense mutations in exons 5–8 of p53 is not associated with alterations in the
levels of apoptotic or mitotic activity

p53 mutation N Mean 95% CI p value

Apoptotic index Inside L2–L3 30 0·56 0·38–0·74

Outside L2–L3 35 0·69 0·42–0·96 0·43
Mitotic count Inside L2–L3 31 16·9 13·1–20·7
Outside L2–L3 37 20·9 17·4–24·4 0·12
Apoptotic index Nonsense 14 0·48 0·23–0·72
Missense 67 0·62 0·45–0·78 0·45
Mitotic count Nonsense 15 17·6 11·2–24·0
Missense 71 19·4 16·8–22·0 0·58
Apoptotic index Non-direct DNA 46 0·64 0·41–0·86
Direct DNA contact 20 0·56 0·40–0·72 0·68
Mitotic count Non-direct DNA 51 18·4 15·4–21·4
Direct DNA contact 19 21·7 15·7–27·7 0·27
Apoptotic index Non-protein stabilizing 58 0·63 0·46–0·80
Protein stabilizing residues 6 0·60 0·36–1·56 0·91
Mitotic count Non-protein stabilizing 60 19·1 16·2–21·9
Protein stabilizing residues 7 18·9 10·8–26·9 0·96

Tumours with verified p53 mutations were stratified according to mutation type, e.g. missense mutations located in- or
outside the L2–L3 zinc-binding domains, missense or nonsense mutations, missense mutations located in residues that do
or do not directly contact DNA, as well as missense mutations located in residues critical for protein stabilization. In 19/188
and 8/188 cases, TUNEL-staining results and mitotic counts, respectively, were not evaluable. As a result, the number of
cases analysed in each group varies from 64 to 86.
Apoptotic index=[number of apoptotic cells per 20 high-power fields (400)/tumour cell density]100%; mitotic
count=number of mitosis per 10 high-power fields (400); N=number of cases; 95% CI=95 per cent confidence interval.

Table IV—Mutation of p53 in exons 5–8 is associated with increased levels of apoptosis and mitosis,
compared with wild-type p53

No. of
p53 status cases Mean 95% CI p value

Apoptotic index Wild type 88 0·28 0·21–0·34

Mutant 81 0·59 0·45–0·73 <0·001
Mitotic count Wild type 94 10·0 8·1–11·9
Mutant 86 19·1 16·7–21·4 <0·001

Apoptotic index and mitotic count were determined as described in Table III. In 19/188 and 8/188 cases, TUNEL-staining
results and mitotic counts, respectively, were not evaluable. As a result, the number of cases analysed varies from 169 to 180.

the apoptotic index and the mitotic counts show a apoptotic cell death (p<0·001) and mitosis (p<0·001). In
two-fold increase in the mutant p53 group compared addition, in conjunction with DNA mutation analysis of
with the group containing mainly wild-type p53 p53 mutations, p53 protein accumulation strongly cor-
(p<0·001). Figure 1 shows examples of TUNEL staining related with decreased expression of Bcl-2 (p<0·001) and
in a tumour with wild-type p53 and low levels of high tumour grade (p<0·001). It has been reported that
apoptosis, and in a tumour with mutant p53 and very a dose–effect relationship exists between p53 expression
high levels of apoptosis. and induction of either cell cycle arrest or apopto-
Relationships between the apoptotic index and necro- sis.41,42. Combining data on DNA mutation analysis
sis, Bcl-2 expression, mitotic counts and tumour grade and IHC allowed us to analyse the relationship between
are shown in Table V. Tumours with high mitotic counts expression of either ‘wild-type’ or mutant p53 protein
(d20) or high tumour grade (grade III) also had signifi- and levels of apoptosis and mitosis. In the group of
cantly increased levels of apoptosis, whereas tumours tumours with mutant p53, p53 protein expression was
expressing medium to high levels of Bcl-2 had a signifi- not significantly associated with levels of apoptosis or
cantly lower level of apoptosis than tumours with low or mitosis (Table VI), or with Bcl-2 expression (not shown).
no detectable Bcl-2. The presence of necrosis was not However, in the group of tumours with ‘wild-type’ p53,
significantly correlated with the level of apoptosis. 11 out of 99 expressed high levels of p53 protein; these
In line with the data shown in Table IV, the immuno- tumours showed a relative increase in levels of mitosis
histochemically detected accumulation of p53 protein (Table VI), as well as a relative decrease in Bcl-2
was also positively correlated with increased levels of expression (not shown). This finding suggests that these
Copyright  1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Pathol. 189: 504–513 (1999)


The data presented in this study indicate that in

invasive breast cancer, localization and type of mutation
of p53 do not seem to be associated with significant
changes in the frequencies of apoptosis or mitosis or the
expression of the anti-apoptotic gene bcl-2. Moreover, in
contrast to the paradigm that p53 inactivation promotes
tumour development primarily by reducing tumour
apoptosis, p53 mutation was accompanied by an
increased incidence of both apoptosis and mitosis.
Animal work has provided evidence that abrogation
of p53-dependent apoptosis promotes tumour devel-
opment and progression,5–7 as well as treatment
resistance.8–10 In general, in breast tumours, p53 muta-
tions have been found to be associated with aneuploidy,
high proliferative activity, and poor prognosis,21,22,43,44
as well as with increased chemo- and hormonal
A number of recent studies suggested that mutations
in specific regions of the p53 gene may be of particular
biological significance. Børresen and co-workers
reported that missense mutations in the zinc-binding
L2/L3 domains of the p53 gene were especially associ-
ated with a significant decrease in overall survival rates
(n=76),31 and possibly with increased chemoresist-
ance.32 In a similar study (n=53), it was shown that
missense mutations in residues that directly contact
DNA, but not mutations in L2/L3, were associated with
poor disease-free survival.33 However, in a series of
node-positive and steroid receptor-positive breast cancer
Fig. 1—(A) TUNEL staining of an invasive ductal carcinoma with patients, p53 mutation predicted a worse prognosis, but
wild-type p53 (i.e. no mutation within exons 5–8) and a low level of specific mutations in the L2/L3 domains were not an
apoptosis (AI<0.01 per cent) (400, reduced to 70 per cent in independent indicator for prognosis (n=42).45 Bergh
printing). (B) TUNEL staining of an invasive ductal carcinoma with et al. performed complete sequencing of the p53 gene in
mutant p53 and a very high level of apoptosis (AI=4·75 per cent)
(400, reduced to 70 per cent in printing) a series of 316 breast cancer patients,24 but their data on
the relationship between specific mutations and patient
survival are not compatible with those reported by
Børresen et al. It is difficult to explain these different
cases may represent a group of tumours with a p53 reported observations, but an evident problem with
mutation located outside exons 5–8, or with an accumu- these types of studies is that in breast cancer the
lation of inactivated wild-type p53 protein. proportion of tumours with a p53 mutation is relatively

Table V—Correlation between apoptotic index (AI), Bcl-2 expression, mitotic count, and tumour grade

No. of Mean AI
cases (%) 95% CI p value

Necrosis (none–low) 147 0·41 0·32–0·49

Necrosis (medium–high) 19 0·62 0·42–0·82 0·09
Bcl-2 (none–low) 92 0·52 0·39–0·65
Bcl-2 (medium–high) 71 0·33 0·25–0·41 0·02
Mitotic count 0–9 49 0·26 0·17–0·35
Mitotic count 10cx<20 28 0·33 0·20–0·47
Mitotic count d20 90 0·55 0·42–0·68 0·004*
Grade I 17 0·17 0·05–0·30
Grade II 41 0·29 0·19–0·39
Grade III 109 0·52 0·41–0·63 0·005*

The mean apoptotic index was calculated as described in Table III.

*Kruskal–Wallis one-way analysis of variance.
Copyright  1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Pathol. 189: 504–513 (1999)

Table VI—‘Wild-type’ p53 protein accumulation is correlated with increased levels of mitosis

No. of
p53 status p53 IHC cases Mean 95% CI p value

Apoptotic index Wild type Negative 81 0·27 0·20–0·34

Wild type Positive 7 0·36 0·04–0·67 0·49
Mitotic count Wild type Negative 86 9·2 7·4–10·9
Wild type Positive 8 19·6 7·9–31·3 0·002
Apoptotic index Mutant Negative 22 0·40 0·30–0·51
Mutant Positive 58 0·67 0·48–0·86 0·09
Mitotic count Mutant Negative 25 15·7 11·3–20·1
Mutant Positive 59 19·9 17·1–22·6 0·10

Tumours were divided into four groups according to their p53 status, as determined by DNA mutation analysis, and
the presence of p53 protein accumulation, determined by immunohistochemical staining. The mean apoptotic index and
mitotic count in these four groups were analysed as described in Table III.

small. Therefore, the number of tumours with a specific ity and increased apoptosis and mitosis.11,51,52 Of inter-
mutation is usually not sufficient for proper analysis, est, genomic instability and apoptosis are frequent
especially when most patients have not been treated in a events in all tissues of p53-deficient young mice. Despite
standardized way. An additional problem is that up to extensive genomic alterations, p53 / mice mature
20 per cent of p53 mutations have been reported to without discernible abnormalities until tumours start to
occur outside exons 5–8. As a result, when only exons appear, which suggests that many of the genetically
5–8 are screened,31–33,45 a small number of patients with aberrant cells are eliminated through p53-independent
a p53 mutation located outside exons 5–8 will be missed. apoptosis.11 In line with this finding, premalignant
For this reason, the reported correlations between mammary glands of mutant p53/neu double transgenic
specific p53 mutations and survival of breast cancer mice showed significantly higher rates of apoptosis than
patients have to be interpreted with caution. Our failure similar tissue of mice transgenic for neu only.51
to detect any differences in proliferative and/or cell death Apart from analysing the relationships between p53
activity in tumours with and without specific p53 muta- mutation and either proliferation or cell death, we
tions seems at odds with the clinical evidence for a investigated whether proliferative activity was associated
relationship between specific mutations in p53 and with cell death activity. Our data show that in invasive
biologically more aggressive breast carcinomas. breast cancer, independently of p53 status, high mitotic
Unexpectedly, we found p53 mutation to be associ- activity strongly correlates with increased apoptotic
ated with an increase of both apoptotic and mitotic activity and high tumour grade. Similar relationships
activity. This association was highly significant and it between proliferation and apoptosis and tumour grade
seems, therefore, unlikely that the present data have were reported for ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS),53
been seriously skewed by the fact that only exons 5–8 as well as for other tumour types.54–59 Consistent
were screened. Moreover, the same association was with these clinico-pathological findings, Hundley et al.
found when p53 protein accumulation was used as a reported that although established mammary tumours
(more crude) measure of p53 mutation. Although p53 originating in mice transgenic for myc or ras (MMTV/
inactivation is generally believed to promote tumour myc and MMTV/ras tumours, respectively) had equal
development and progression by reducing tumour apop- growth rates, MMTV/myc tumours showed high levels
tosis, the effects of p53 mutation on tumour tissue are by of apoptosis and proliferation, whereas MMTV/ras
no means clear. Transgenic mouse models used to tumours had low levels of apoptosis and proliferation.60
investigate the relationship between p53 inactivation, This observation illustrates that in tumours with equal
apoptosis, and tumourigenesis can be grouped into four growth rates, profound differences can exist in the rate
categories: (i) models in which abrogation of p53- of cell turnover and supports the concept that a tight
dependent apoptosis was found to promote tumour link exists between cell proliferation and apoptosis.
development and progression;5–7 (ii) models in which Expression of Bcl-2-like survival genes can block
tumour development and progression were accompanied p53-dependent apoptosis,61,62 whereas the presence of
by a decrease in tumour cell apoptosis that was, how- either mutant or wild-type p53 leads to reduced Bcl-2
ever, independent of p53 status;46,47 interestingly, only expression.19,63,64 In line with previous data,36 lack
the reduction in basal levels of tumour apoptosis was of expression of the apoptosis inhibitor Bcl-2 was
reported to occur independently of p53, whereas sensi- associated with increased apoptotic activity and muta-
tivity to induction of apoptosis by irradiation remained tion of p53, but altered expression of Bcl-2 could not be
dependent on the presence of an intact p53 gene;47 (iii) linked to specific p53 mutations. It has been reported
models in which loss of p53 function resulted in an that a dose–effect relationship exists between p53 expres-
increase in the tumour growth rate without altering the sion and induction of either cell-cycle arrest or apoptosis
rate of tumour apoptosis;48–50 and (iv) models in which or differentiation.41,42 Combining data on DNA muta-
p53 inactivation was accompanied by genomic instabil- tion analysis and immunohistochemical staining allowed
Copyright  1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Pathol. 189: 504–513 (1999)

Fig. 2—Model illustrating the relationships between p53 mutation, levels of apoptosis
and mitosis, and Bcl-2 expression. Loss of functional p53 results in loss of cell-cycle
control (G1/S and G2/M checkpoints and centrosome duplication) and p53-dependent
apoptosis. This leads to (i) genomic instability and (ii) rapid proliferation and a
concomitant increase in p53-independent apoptosis, resulting in an increase in cell
turnover. These two mechanisms may synergistically enhance the rate at which mutations
accumulate in p53-mutated tumours, accelerating clonal evolution and promoting rapid
tumour progression and development of resistance against cytotoxic treatments. Also,
abrogation of p53-dependent apoptosis may lead to an inherent increase in resistance to
various cytotoxic treatments

us to evaluate whether the level of (mutant) p53 protein exclude the possibility that tumours with mutations in
expression affects the level of apoptosis and mitosis and L2/L3 are more resistant to anti-cancer therapy, thereby
Bcl-2 expression. We found that in p53-mutated tumours, contributing to poorer patient survival.
p53 protein levels were not associated with alterations in
the levels of apoptosis, mitosis or Bcl-2, indicating that
the expression level of mutant p53 protein affects neither ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
proliferative nor cell death activity. In contrast, tumours
that expressed high levels of p53 protein in the absence of We thank R. Keijzer, Department of Surgery,
a confirmed p53 mutation showed increased mean mitosis LUMC, The Netherlands and N. J. Kuipers-
levels and decreased expression of Bcl-2. This finding is Dijkshoorn, Department of Pathology, LUMC, The
most likely explained by the assumption that the latter Netherlands, for their helpful assistance with the
tumours contain mutations in p53 outside the exons 5–8 retrieval of tissue blocks and immunohistochemical
screened in this study, or alternatively by accumulation staining of the tumour material. We thank Jon
of an inactivated form of ‘wild-type’ p53 (e.g. p53 protein Gunnlaugur Jonasson, Department of Pathology,
bound to Mdm-2). University Hospital, Iceland, for supplying tissue
In conclusion, the data from this study support a blocks. This work was supported by the E.C. Biomedical
model (Fig. 2) in which inactivation of p53 results in loss and Health Research Concerted Action (Contract
of cell-cycle control, leading to genomic instability and BMH1-CT92-0890), the Norwegian Cancer Society, the
increased proliferative activity. Concomitantly, frequent Icelandic Cancer Society, and the Nordic Cancer Union.
p53-independent apoptosis occurs, resulting in increased
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