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Retinal Mitosis is Regulated by Dopa,

a Melanin Precursor That May Influence
the Time at Which Cells Exit
the Cell Cycle: Analysis of Patterns
of Cell Production in Pigmented
and Albino Retinae
University College London, Institute of Ophthalmology, London, United Kingdom

A melanin-associated agent seems to play a role in regulating retinal development. When
absent, diverse deficits occur. There is evidence that this agent regulates patterns of mitosis.
This study examines retinal development in pigmented and albino rats to identify the
regulating agent and its mode of action. Throughout neurogenesis, many more mitotic profiles
are found in albinos than pigmented animals. At the peak of retinal neurogenesis, approxi-
mately 50% more mitotic profiles are found in albinos than in matched pigmented animals,
resulting in abnormal retinal thickening. Concurrently, increasing numbers of pyknotic nuclei
are identified, such that later in development retinal thickness normalises. However, the
crude centre-to-periphery pattern of cell production is preserved. Abnormal cell proliferation
is found in a range of albino rat strains, but it is not present in their brains, confirming that
the abnormality is ocular and melanin related. Dopa is a critical element in initial stages of
melanin synthesis and is present in abnormally low levels in developing albino retinae.
Furthermore, it is an antimitotic agent. Addition of dopa to albino eyes in vitro normalises
patterns of cell production. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that dopa is a
major regulator of retinal cell production and that it influences the capacity of cells to exit the
cell cycle. J. Comp. Neurol. 405:394–405, 1999. r 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Indexing terms: development; cell death; retinal pigment epithelium

Elements associated with melanin in the mammalian critical agent that regulates the normal development of
retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) are critical regulators these features. However, it is known that there is a
for normal development of the neural retina. When mela- temporal delay in the development of some events
nin is absent or significantly reduced, the central retina in the visual system of hypopigmented animals. The
remains underdeveloped (Elschnig, 1913; Stone et al., centre-to-periphery pattern of retinal maturation is de-
1978; Oyster et al., 1987; Jeffery and Kinsella, 1992), and layed in albinos (Webster and Rowe, 1991). This includes
many ganglion cells located in temporal regions that patterns of cell production in the ganglion cell layer
should remain uncrossed at the optic chiasm cross the (Ilia and Jeffery, 1996). There is also evidence for a
chiasmatic midline inappropriately to innervate the contra- delay in the retinal innervation of primary visual struc-
lateral hemisphere (Lund, 1965; Cooper and Pettigrew,
1979; Leventhal, 1982). Furthermore, there is a rod deficit
across the retina (Jeffery et al., 1994a). Each of these
deficits are regulated by the tyrosinase gene, because its Grant sponsor: Medical Research Council; Grant sponsor: Wellcome
introduction in transgenic albino mice and rabbits rescues Trust.
the deficits (Jeffery et al., 1994b, 1997). *Correspondence to: Glen Jeffery, Institute of Ophthalmology, University
College London, 11–43 Bath Street, London EC1V 9EL, United Kingdom.
Few studies have compared retinal development be- E-mail:
tween pigmented and albino mammals to determine how Received 10 March 1998; Revised 14 October 1998; Accepted 20 October
these abnormalities arise and to attempt to identify the 1998



tures in the brains of these animals (Berman and Payne, were then dehydrated and embedded in paraffin wax,
1985). which were serially sectioned at 3 µm in the horizontal
Clearly, an important regulator of normal development plane. Sections were mounted onto gelatinised slides,
is missing in hypopigmentation. The aim of this study is to dewaxed, and stained with cresyl violet before being
analyse patterns of retinal cell addition and cell death in dehydrated and cover-slipped with DPX.
pigmented and albino animals and to relate these data to Because wax histology can generate variable results
elements in the synthetic pathway of melanin. The cascade when used on retinae, strict criteria were applied to
of reactions resulting in melanin synthesis is initiated determine which eyes in each group were used for quanti-
when tyrosinase converts tyrosine to dopa and then dopa tative analysis. Eyes that were distorted or appeared to
to dopaquinone (Garcia et al., 1979). Consequently, it is have shrunk abnormally were not included in the analysis.
possible that dopa concentrations might be abnormally With the exception of PCD 17 albinos, each group used for
low in albino retinae. This possibility could be very signifi- quantitative analysis at each stage of development contained
cant, because dopa is a biologically active agent that is six eyes, i.e., three pigmented and three albino. Additional
known to be an important moderator of the cell cycle material was not obtained from other litters to increase
(Wick, 1977, 1980; Akeo et al., 1994). In this study, dopa is the numbers because this may have resulted in increased
measured in developing pigmented and albino animals, variability due to differences in developmental stages.
and its presence augmented in vitro, to determine whether To determine whether the albinos progeny of the DA ⫻
it can influence any abnormalities found in developing SD crosses were tyrosinase negative, the dopa-oxidase test
albino retinae in vivo. (Chayen et al., 1969) was used. This test is a standard
histochemical test for tyrosinase activity undertaken on
skin sections. However, all tests for tyrosinase activity
MATERIALS AND METHODS actually reveal the presence of dopa, which is associated
Animals and histology: In vivo experiments with tyrosinase, rather than tyrosinase itself. The skin
sections came from mature animals killed as above for the
All procedures on animals were undertaken under United
removal of fetuses. They were fixed in 10% formalin and
Kingdom Home Office guidelines. To produce litters con-
cut at 12 µm on a cryostat.
taining both pigmented and albino phenotypes, hence,
reducing the variations in maturation between the strains Rat strains
at defined postconception days (PCD), female rats were
bred to produce litters containing both pigmented and To determine whether any differences in patterns of cell
albino offspring. Pigmented DA rats (outbred) were crossed production were phenotypic or tissue specific, two controls
with albino Lewis rats (Inbred; Both Olac, UK). Then the were undertaken. First, mitotic figures in the retina were
male DAL F1 offspring were crossed with female Sprague counted in the progeny of a range of pigmented and albino
Dawley rats (SD, Outbred; Olac, United Kingdom), which rat phenotypes. Along with the standard cross (DA ⫻ SD)
resulted in the production of mixed litters. The progeny used throughout the experiments, two additional groups of
produced by this back-crossing are heterozygotes, and as animals were crossed in a similar method to produce
such it is possible that the pigmented animals could litters containing both pigmented and albino animals. The
display some features found in albinism (Leventhal et al., first of these came from crossing Lister Hooded (Outbred)
1985). However, in studies not reported here, the pig- male pigmented rats with Wistar female albinos (Out-
mented progeny were shown to display none of these bred). The male offspring were crossed with female albino
features (Ilia, 1998). Wistar rats. The second involved crossing CD (Hsd-
Males were put with females from 4:00 PM until 9:00 AM Sprague Dawley-CD; Outbred) male pigmented rats with
the following morning. Day 0 was taken to be the first 24 PVG female albinos. The male offspring were crossed with
hours after the removal of the female if a plug was found. albino PVG rats (Inbred; all animals supplied by Olac).
Parturition occurred on approximately PCD 22. Litters Procedure of mating were as above. One litter from both
were harvested for in vivo analysis of patterns of mitosis at additional groups were harvested at PCD 17, 19, and 28.
PCD 12 (n ⫽ 2), 13 (n ⫽ 1), 14 (n ⫽ 1), 15 (n ⫽ 1), 17 (n ⫽ 2), Second, to determine whether any differences in retinal
19 (n ⫽ 2), 21 (n ⫽ 1), 23 (n ⫽ 1), 25 (n ⫽ 2), 28 (n ⫽ 2), 30 mitosis between pigmented and albino animals were spe-
(n ⫽ 2), and 33 (n ⫽ 1), where n is the number of litters cific to the eye, and hence, potentially related to retinal
collected. Specific analyses were confined to one litter at melanin, or were present throughout the central nervous
each stage. Because retinal melanin was not apparent in system, mitotic profiles were also counted in the brains.
the rat before PCD 13, it was not possible to distinguish Foetuses from five litters of DA ⫻ SD crosses were
pigmented from albino fetuses before this stage. Conse- removed at PCD 19 and fixed as above. The brains were
quently, for PCD 12 animals, the two strains were bred dissected free and embedded in wax. These brains were cut
independently, and comparisons were confined to litters horizontally at 5 µm. A continuous series was collected.
from mothers found to plug at the same time. Sections were dewaxed and stained with cresyl violet.
Prenatal fetuses were obtained by injecting mothers Mitotic figures were counted unilaterally in one in three
with a lethal dose of sodium pentobarbitone (1.0 ml/kg). sections through the depth of the lateral ventricle. The
Postnatal pups were killed the same way. All animals were total length of the ventricular margins along which mitotic
fixed in Carnoy’s fluid (Bancroft and Stevens, 1990) for 2–4 figures were counted was measured. Counts were made
hours, depending on the stage of development. The heads over similar lengths in all animals.
of PCD 12 and the PCD 13 animals were processed whole. High performance liquid chromatography
All others were decapitated, and the heads were placed in
fixative. The left eye was removed after an orienting mark
analysis of retinal dopa concentrations
was made on its dorsal aspect. The anterior chamber and Dopa is present in the early stages of melanin synthesis.
lens were removed in animals older than PCD 15. Eyes Tyrosinase converts tyrosine to dopa and then dopa to

dopaquinone. Consequently, it is probable that dopa levels meridional section contained the optic nerve head (ONH),
are lower in albinos than pigmented animals. High perfor- an adjacent section was used.
mance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was used to deter- The location of mitotic and pyknotic profiles in the retina
mine relative dopa levels between developing pigmented were plotted onto outline drawings of the retina produced
and albino eyes at fixed stages of development. These came with the aid of a drawing tube attached to the microscope
from crossing DA ⫻ SD rats. Tissue was taken at PCD 15 at ⫻400 or ⫻600 according to retinal size. To create retinal
(n ⫽ 30), 17 (n ⫽ 30), 19 (n ⫽ 30), 21 (n ⫽ 20), 30 (n ⫽ 8), 35 maps on which the relative location of profiles could be
(n ⫽ 8), and adult (n ⫽ 2), where n is the number of eyes marked, a thread was laid over the outline drawings and
collected from each strain. At younger stages (PCD 15–19), the location of these marked on it. The threads were
eyes within each group were pooled from three litters to straightened and aligned with those from sections taken
produce a significant tissue volume. The eyes were re- from more dorsal and ventral locations. This representa-
moved after deep anaesthesia as above, and when devel- tion was transferred to graph paper, and the location of
oped, all muscle and attached tissue was removed from the cells was digitised by using a graphics tablet connected to a
eye so that its surface appeared clean, before being placed personal computer. Measurements of retinal size were
in liquid nitrogen. They were subsequently sonicated for generated from these representations.
approximately 45 minutes and centrifuged. The phenolic
compounds were purified by using the method of alumina
extraction followed by acid elution described by Ofori et al. RESULTS
(1986). The HPLC detector was operated at 0.8 V. Stan- The dopa-oxidase test for tyrosinase activity was posi-
dard solutions of dopa in water were made at a concentra- tive for the pigmented animals but negative for the
tion of 0.256 mg/ml, and dilutions were prepared at 1/100, albinos, confirming that the albinos used were tyrosinase
1/1,000, and 1/10,000. negative.
Organ cultures Patterns of retinal mitosis in vivo
Dopa is an antimitotic agent (Wick, 1977) that is known Cell production in the RPE was complete before that in
to influence retinal cell cycle rates (Akeo et al., 1994). To the neural retina. Mitotic profiles in the RPE could be
determine whether any differences in patterns of mitosis identified from PCD 12–15 (Fig. 1). None were identified at
between pigmented and albino animals are dopa medi- or after PCD 17. In both phenotypes, the maximal number
ated, embryonic eyes from mixed (DA ⫻ SD) litters were of mitotic profiles was found at PCD 14 (Fig. 2). At each
placed in organ culture to which dopa was added. Litters stage, more profiles were consistently identified in the
were removed at PCD 19 as above. Fetal eyes were albinos. Between PCD 13 and 14, this difference was
removed and divided into pigmented and albino, and between 40 and 45%. To determine whether there was a
equally into experimental and control groups. The control significant effect on mitotic profile numbers between phe-
solution consisted of 0.2% sodium bicarbonate, 0.18% notypes across the age range examined, a simple factorial
sucrose, and 0.89% Ames medium (Sigma, UK), saturated (two-way interaction) analysis of variance (ANOVA) was
continuously with 95% oxygen and 5% carbon dioxide. applied to the data. This analysis revealed a significant
L-Dopa (Sigma) was added to this mixture in the experimen- difference (F ⫽ 0.000, P ⬍ 0.01). This difference was not
tal solution. The concentration of dopa was varied in the result of pigment granules obscuring mitotic profiles in
separate experiments. Experiments were run at the follow- pigmented animals, because granule density was not high
ing dopa concentrations: 0.1 mM, 0.5 mM, 1.0 mM, 2.0 enough to hide them. Even by PCD 17, melanin content of
mM, 2.5 mM, 3.0 mM, and 4.0 mM. One litter was used at the RPE is still well below that found in the adult. Because
each concentration, except 2.5 mM for which three litters of the relative sparsity of mitotic profiles in the RPE, a
were used. Both solutions were incubated at 34°C for 7 meaningful picture of their distribution could not be
hours. The eyes were then fixed as above, and the anterior obtained from plots derived from any single retina. Conse-
chamber and lens were removed. They were then dehy- quently, they have not been presented here. However, by
drated, embedded in paraffin wax, and processed as for in examining all of the retinae, it was clear that in pigmented
vivo preparations. animals there was a crude centre-to-periphery gradient
with mitotic figures mainly confined to peripheral regions
Analysis by PCD 15. This finding was not the case in albinos, in
Mitotic and pyknotic retinal profiles in vitro and in which mitotic figures in the RPE remained scattered at all
vivo. Every 8th or 16th retinal section was analysed, and stages. No pyknotic figures were seen in the RPE at any
the number of mitotic and pyknotic profiles counted at stage in either phenotype.
⫻400 or ⫻600, depending on retinal size. For animals Mitotic profiles could be identified in the neural retina of
between PCD 12 and 15, 15 sections were analysed per both pigmented and albino animals from PCD 12 to 30
eye, whereas for older animals, 20 sections per eye were (Fig. 1). There was no obvious difference in the period over
examined. The proportion of the retina examined varied which they were present between the pigmentation pheno-
between animals depending on eye size. For the in vivo types, or the time of peak mitotic activity. But, as with the
preparations, the length of the retina was measured in the RPE, there were marked differences in their number
central region at each PCD by drawing the sections with between pigmented and albino animals.
the aid of a drawing tube at magnifications of ⫻40, ⫻100, In both phenotypes, the number of mitotic profiles
or ⫻200 depending on retinal size. This approach was used increased gradually from PCD 12 to 19, with a sharp peak
to locate the section corresponding to the horizontal merid- in their number at PCD 23 (Fig. 3). From this point, the
ian. Retinal thickness was measured in this section. Three number of mitotic profiles declined steeply. Mitosis ap-
perpendicular measurements were taken from the edge of peared to have ceased between PCD 30 and 33, as few
the RPE to the vitreal margin in a region spanning the profiles were found at PCD 30 and none at PCD 33. From
posterior pole of the eye. Their mean was calculated. If the PCD 17 to 28, there were many more profiles in albinos

Fig. 2. The number of mitotic profiles in the retinal pigment

epithelium (RPE) for postconception days (PCDs) 12–15. Open bars
represent data of the mean number of mitotic profiles obtained from
three albinos, whereas filled bars represent data obtained from three
pigmented animals sampled throughout the retina. Standard devia-
tions are given for each group. There were many more mitotic profiles
in the albinos than the pigmented animals. These differences were
statistically significant. In both groups, there was a progressive
increase in the number of mitotic profiles up to PCD 14 at which time
they reach a maximum, whilst after PCD 14, the number of mitotic
profiles declined steeply. In each case, data were derived from three
eyes from three separate animals in each group.

Fig. 3. The number of mitotic profiles in the neural retina in the

section corresponding to the horizontal meridian from postconception
Fig. 1. A: Low-power photomicrograph of a postconception day–14 days (PCDs) 12 to 30. In each case, they represent data of the mean
pigmented eye, which has been sectioned horizontally. Temporal is number of mitotic profiles obtained from three albino animals (open
toward the lower half of the section. B: High-power micrograph of the circles) and three pigmented animals (filled circles). Standard devia-
encircled region shown in A. Mitotic profiles are present in both the tions are given for each group. From PCD 14 to 28, there were many
neural retina (NR, arrows pointing left) and the retinal pigment more mitotic profiles in the albinos compared with the pigmented
epithelium (RPE, arrow pointing right). Scale bars ⫽ 250 µm in A, 25 animals. In both groups, the number of mitotic profiles increased
µm in B. gradually from PCD 12 to 19, with a sharp peak in their number at
PCD 23. At this point the difference between the groups was approxi-
mately 40%. From this point, the number of mitotic profiles was
steeply reduced. By PCD 30–33, mitosis appeared to be ceased as very
compared with their pigmented litter mates. Mitotic pro- few mitotic figures were identified. In each case, data were derived
files were counted in the section corresponding to the from three eyes from three separate animals in each group. B, day of
horizontal meridian (Fig. 3) and in a series of sections birth.
throughout each retina (Fig. 4). Between PCD 19 and 23,
which is around the period of peak of mitotic activity in
both phenotypes, the magnitude of this difference was of and 19, being approximately 50% greater in the albinos. To
the order of 30–65% (Figs. 3, 4). However, from the more determine whether there was a significant difference in
detailed sampling shown in Figure 4, it is clear that the mitotic numbers between the two phenotypes across the
differences between the groups are larger between PCD 17 range examined (PCD 12–33), a simple factorial (two-way

(Fig. 6). These differences mirrored those found in the

number of mitotic figures (Figs. 3, 4). In both groups,
retinal thickness increased until PCD 23 and then de-
clined gradually to PCD 33. At PCD 23, when retinal
mitosis peaks, differences in retinal thickness are maximal
at 0.07 mm, which represents 20% difference between the
phenotypes. Between PCD 17 and 19, the difference is
approximately 15–20%. There were no differences in the
length of the meridional sections used to estimate retinal
thickness between the two animal types. To determine the
statistical significance of these thickness differences over
the age range that was examined (PCD 12–33), a simple
factorial (two-way interaction) ANOVA was applied to the
data. This analysis proved to be significant (F ⫽ 0.001, P ⬍
If differences in retinal thickness decline, could this
decline be due to an excessive wave of cell death, reducing
exuberant cell numbers generated in the albino? Pyknotic
nuclei were identified from PCD 14 onward throughout the
depth of the neural retina of both phenotypes. From PCD
Fig. 4. The number of mitotic profiles in the neural retina of 17 to 28, there were consistently more pyknotic nuclei in
pigmented and albino animals from detailed sampling of sections the albino retinae compared with those of pigmented
throughout the retina at postconception days (PCDs) 12–30. Open animals (Fig. 7). From PCD 17 to 19, there were approxi-
bars represent data of the mean number of mitotic profiles obtained
from three albinos, whereas filled bars represent data obtained from
mately 40% more pyknotic profiles in the albinos. At PCD
three pigmented animals. There were many more mitotic profiles in 23, when the greatest number of pyknotic nuclei were
the albinos compared with pigmented animals. Standard deviations found in each phenotype, the difference in their number
are given for each group. These differences were statistically signifi- between the groups was 30%. At this stage of development,
cant. The number of mitotic profiles followed a similar pattern as the ganglion cell layer has differentiated, but the other
shown in Figure 3; however, it is more clear that the difference in the
number of mitotic profiles between the groups were greater between
layers have not. The majority of pyknotic profiles at this
PCD 17 and 19, being approximately 50%. In each case, data were stage were located in the ganglion cell layer. The number
derived from three eyes from three separate animals in each group. B, of pyknotic nuclei and the difference in their population
day of birth. between the two groups declined gradually from PCD 25 to
33. There were no obvious differences in the distribution of
pyknotic figures between the groups at the stages exam-
interaction) ANOVA was applied, which revealed a signifi- ined. A simple factorial (two-way interactive) ANOVA
cant result (F ⫽ 0.000, P ⬍ 0.01). The vast majority of applied across the age range examined (PCD 14–33)
mitotic profiles were located in the outer retina adjacent to revealed that these differences were significant (F ⫽ 0.000,
the RPE. However, they were rarely encountered at other P ⬍ 0.01).
locations (Robinson et al., 1985). There were no phenotypic It is possible that differences in levels of retinal mitosis
differences in respect of this feature. At each stage exam- between pigmented and albino animals were not eye
ined, the retinae from both groups were of comparable specific, and hence related to melanin, but were common
sizes. throughout the CNS. Analysis of mitotic numbers at the
Retinal mitosis follows a rough centre-to-periphery gra- ventricular zone in the brains of the two animal types
dient focussed around the optic nerve head (Young, 1983; failed to reveal any significant differences in the number of
Reese et al., 1996). If there are more mitotic profiles in mitotic figures (t ⫽ 0.642, not significant) or their distribu-
albinos, are they still constrained by this pattern? Mitotic tion in these central regions. Consequently, differences in
figures were distributed throughout the entire outer reti- levels of mitosis were specific to the retina.
nal surface until approximately PCD 21 in both pigmented It is possible that differences in the levels of mitosis were
and albino rats. From this stage onward, a crude cold spot strain specific and independent of melanin production. To
developed around the optic nerve head where mitotic determine whether this was correct, patterns of retinal
profile density declined. This cold spot expanded at progres- mitosis were examined at PCDs 17, 19, and 28 in a range of
sive stages of development. Although more mitotic figures pigmented and albino animals crossed to produce mixed
were apparent in albinos, there were no obvious differ- litters. Analysis of all three animal type crosses (SD x DA,
ences in their distribution with respect to the development LH x Wistar, and CD x PVG) at each stage showed that in
of this senescent region. But from PCD 28 onward, more every case albino progeny had a significantly higher
mitotic profiles were found in albinos at locations closer to numbers of mitotic profiles than their pigmented litter
the nerve head than in their pigmented litter mates (Fig. mates (Fig. 8). Consequently, the differences found in the
5), consistent with the notion that there is a temporal lag number of mitotic figures between the two phenotypes are
at these stages in the centre-to-periphery pattern of cell unlikely to be the result of differences that are indepen-
production in albinos. dent of melanin.
If there are more mitotic profiles in albinos, and hence,
possibly more cells, is this reflected by an increase in
retinal size? There were no obvious differences in retinal
Relative concentration of dopa as
area between pigmented and albino groups at any stage. determined with HPLC
However, albino retinae were consistently thicker than Dopa was present in both pigmented and albino strains
those from their pigmented litter mates from PCD 17 to 23 when measured with HPLC at a retention time of 6.8

Fig. 5. Retinal maps reconstructed from sections showing the formation of a crude mitotic cold spot. The cold spot was consistently
distribution of mitotic profiles at postconception days (PCDs) 25 and larger in pigmented (P) than albino (A) animals from PCD 28 onward,
28. There was no obvious difference in the distribution of mitotic consistent with the notion of there being a delay in centre-to-periphery
profiles between the groups. However, the density of mitotic figures gradient in albinos. ● ⫽ optic nerve head. In each case, the left eye is
was lower around the optic nerve head at PCD 28, resulting in the shown. Temporal is to the right and dorsal up. Scale bars ⫽ 0.1 mm.

minutes. This was confirmed by comparison with standard were only 298 ng/ml. At PCD 35, dopa concentrations in
solutions and by spiking the column with dopa, which pigmented animals were 145 ng/ml and 120 ng/ml in
elevated the peak identified as dopa in the samples. At albinos. In adult eyes dopa levels were 430 ng/ml in
PCD 15, dopa concentrations in both strains were at trace pigmented and 120 ng/ml in albinos. Although these
level, around 16 ng/ml. However, at PCD 17 levels in differences are accurate measures of relative dopa concen-
pigmented animals had increased to 650 ng/ml, whereas in trations, revealing major deficits in albinos, no inference
albinos they were only 25 ng/ml. Large differences in dopa can be made for measurements between age groups,
concentrations between the phenotypes were a consistent because tissue volumes could not be standardised across
feature of samples taken at later stages. At PCD19, which them. Consequently, these data have not been presented
is around the time of peak rod production, concentrations graphically. Despite this, it is clear that from PCD 17 to 19
in pigmented eyes were 950 ng/ml, whereas in albinos they when significant differences exit in the magnitude of

Fig. 6. Retinal thickness from postconception day (PCD) 12 to 33.

In each case, they represent data of the mean number of mitotic
profiles obtained from three albino animals (open circles) and three
pigmented animals (solid circles). Standard deviations are given
for each group. From PCD 17 to 23, there were clear differences
between the groups with the retina being thicker in the albinos than
in the pigmented animals. In both groups, retinal thickness reached
its maximum at PCD 23, which is consistent with the peaks in Fig-
ures 3 and 4. At this point, the difference in retinal thickness
between the groups is approximately 20%. Retinal thickness
in both groups declined progressively from PCD 23 to 33. These
differences were statistically different. In each case, data were derived
from three eyes from three separate animals in each group. B, day of

Fig. 8. The number of mitotic profiles in retinae of different

pigmented and albino animals at postconception days (PCDs) 17, 19,
and 28. Animals were crossed to produce litters containing both
phenotypes (pigmented: DA, PVG, LH; albino: SD, CD, W). In each
case, there are many more mitotic figures in albino retinae than in
their pigmented litter mates. The average percentage increase in the
number of mitotic profiles for the SD ⫻ DA group over the three stages
examined was approximately 79%, whereas for the LH ⫻ W cross, the
average increase was approximately 31%. For the CD ⫻ PVG crosses,
the average increase over the stages was 60%. When analysed
statistically with an independent (two-tailed) t-test, all of the compari-
sons at each stage were statistically significant at P ⬍ 0.01. In each
case, data were derived from three eyes from three separate animals
in each group.

Patterns of retinal mitosis

in vitro: Organ cultures
Dopa is a critical element in the early stages of the
melanin synthesis. Furthermore, it is a known antimitotic
agent (Wick, 1977) and has been demonstrated to influence
Fig. 7. The number of pyknotic nuclei in the neural retina of both
pigmented (filled bars) and albino (open bars) animals from postconcep-
the pace of the retinal cell cycle (Akeo et al., 1989, 1994). As
tion day (PCD) 14 to 33. From PCD 17 to 28, there were many more ocular dopa levels have been shown to be abnormally low
pyknotic profiles in the albinos compared with the pigmented retinae. in albinos, it is possible that this relates to the increased
In both groups, the number of pyknotic nuclei reached its maximum at mitotic/pyknotic activity found in these animals. To test
PCD 23, with a difference between the strains at this point approxi- this hypothesis, PCD 19 retinae were maintained in organ
mately up to 30%. From PCD 25 to 33, the number of dying cells as culture to which dopa was added to determine whether it
well as the difference in their population in both groups declined
gradually. These differences were statistically significant. In each was possible to regulate patterns of mitosis with this
case, data were derived from three eyes from three separate animals agent.
in each group. B, day of birth. Mitotic and pyknotic profiles could be identified in the
retinae used in both control and experimental organ
cultures. In each control group, many more mitotic and
pyknotic profiles were present in albinos compared with
retinal mitosis between the two phenotypes, dopa concen- the pigmented eyes, in a proportion similar to that found
trations in albino retina are approximately 20% of those in the in vivo preparations (Fig. 9). The number of mitotic
found in normally pigmented animals, and even at matu- and pyknotic figures in the experimental group, which
rity, they never reach normal levels. contained dopa, were significantly lower than in the
Fig. 9. The number of mitotic (left side) and pyknotic (right side) profiles in both types of animal. Over this concentration range, the
profiles in pigmented (filled bars) and albino (open bars) eyes from reduction in pigmented eyes was dose dependent, whereas in albinos,
sampled sections of postconception day–19 animals maintained in it was dose independent. There was also a significant reduction in
organ cultures for 7 hours. In the experimental group, dopa was added pyknotic profiles in the experimental groups, which was mainly due to
at three separate concentrations, 0.5 mM (top row), 1.0 mM (middle reduced cell death in the ganglion cell layer, which at this stage had
row), and 2.5 mM (lower row). The number of mitotic and pyknotic just differentiated. Tables 1 and 2 show the statistical significance of
profiles in control groups were similar to those found in vitro. these results.
However, addition of dopa significantly reduced the number of mitotic

TABLE 1. Statistical Significance of the Number of Mitotic Profiles Table 1). There was also a further reduction in the number
For Control and Experimental Groups Between
the Pigmentation Phenotypes at Different Dopa Concentrations1
of mitotic profiles in the pigmented animals. At this
concentration, unlike the 0.5 mM, the difference between
the experimental pigmented and albino groups was not
PCAC PEAE PCPE ACAE significant, because the number of mitotic profiles in the
[dopa] S S S S pigmented eyes fell to a level comparable to that in the
(mM) 0t0 (%) 0t0 (%) 0t0 (%) 0t0 (%) albinos. The reduction in the number of pyknotic profiles
0.1 0.000 1 0.001 1 0.437 NS 0.328 NS was significant for both pigmented and albino groups
0.5 0.000 1 0.001 1 0.566 NS 0.000 1 (Table 2) and was roughly similar to that seen at the 0.5
1.0 0.000 1 0.444 NS 0.015 5 0.000 1
2.0 0.000 1 0.593 NS 0.000 1 0.000 1 mM concentration.
2.5 0.000 1 0.154 NS 0.007 1 0.000 1 At the higher concentration of 2.0 mM, patterns of
1Differences in the number of mitotic profiles between control animals (P A ) were
mitosis and pyknosis were similar to those observed at 1.0
significant at all seven dopa concentrations, with the albinos having many more mitotic mM (Fig. 9). That is to say, there was a significant
profiles than their pigmented litter mates. Mitotic profiles in experimental albinos were
fewer than their control group (ACAE ). This difference was significant except at the reduction in mitotic activity in the experimental albino
lowest concentration. There was also a reduction mitotic profile numbers in experimen- retinae compared with their control group (Table 1). There
tal pigmented animals (PCPE ), which was significant except at 0.1 and at 0.5 mM.
Differences in the mitotic profile numbers between the two experimental groups (PEAE ) was also a significant reduction in the number of mitotic
were not significant apart from at 0.1 mM and at 0.5 mM. P, pigmented; A, albino; C, profiles in the pigmented. At this concentration, like the
control; and E, experimental. 0 t 0 , t value in t test; S, level of significance; NS, not
significant. 0.1 mM, the difference between the experimental pig-
mented and albino groups was not significant. The reduc-
TABLE 2. Statistical Significance of Pyknotic Profile Numbers tion in the number of the pyknotic profiles was significant
For Control and Experimental Groups Between Pigmentation Phenotypes for both pigmented and albino groups (Table 2).
at Different Dopa Concentrations1 When the dopa concentration was increased to 2.5 mM,
Pyknosis the number of mitotic profiles in the albino and pigmented
PCAC PEAE PCPE ACAE experimental groups were again significantly reduced
compared with the control groups (Fig. 9; Table 1). As with
[dopa] S S S S
(mM) 0t0 (%) 0t0 (%) 0t0 (%) 0t0 (%)
the 1.0 and 2.0 mM concentrations, there was not a
significant difference between the two experimental groups
0.1 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.327 NS 0.439 NS
0.5 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 1
in terms of the number of mitotic figures. Reductions in the
1.0 0.000 1 0.001 1 0.000 1 0.000 1 number of pyknotic profiles were also significantly differ-
2.0 0.000 1 0.394 NS 0.000 1 0.000 1
2.5 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 1 ent for pigmented animals and albinos (Table 2).
1Differences in the number of pyknotic profiles between control animals (P A ) were
At concentrations spanning 0.5 to 2.5 mM, the effect on
significant for dopa concentrations spanning the range used. From 0.5 to 2.5 mM, the the level of mitosis was dose dependent in the pigmented
number of pyknotic profiles was significantly reduced in both pigmented (PCPE ) and animals. That is to say that simple factorial (two-way
albino (ACAE ) animals. The difference between the two experimental groups (PEAE ) was
significant apart from the concentration of 2.0 mM. 0 t 0 , t value in t test; S, level of interaction) ANOVA revealed a statistically significant
significance; NS, not significant. difference between the eyes exposed to 0.5 mM and those
exposed to 2.5 mM (F ⫽ 0.041, significant at 5% level). This
was not the case for the albino animals. Here, the effects on
controls, confirming that dopa restricts mitosis. At each mitosis of exposure to 0.5 mM were no different than those
concentration, one-way ANOVAs consistently revealed sig- obtained with 2.5 mM (F ⫽ 0.126, not significant). Al-
nificant effects (F ⫽ 0.000, P ⬍ 0.01 in each case) of dopa on though there was no clear trend in the level of pyknosis in
mitotic and pykotic levels between pigmentation pheno- experimental pigmented eyes with increasing doses of
types. Subsequently, independent sample (two tailed) t dopa, the albino animals showed no dose-dependent effects
tests were used for comparisons in numbers of mitotic and here either, with 0.5 mM having the same effect as 2.5 mM
pyknotic profiles between pigmentation phenotypes at (F ⫽ 0.539, not significant).
different dopa concentrations. The overriding effect of dopa addition is a dramatic
At the lowest concentration used, of 0.1 mM, there were reduction in mitotic and pyknotic profiles in albino eyes,
no significant differences in the number of mitotic and bringing them to a level comparable to that found in the
pyknotic profiles between control and experimental ani- pigmented control group. However, the effects of this agent
mals (Tables 1, 2). At the higher concentration of 0.5 mM, differed depending on whether the eyes were pigmented or
there was a significant reduction in the number of mitotic albino. Presumably, this difference is partially due to the
profiles found in the albinos compared with their control
different endogenous dopa levels between the groups,
group (Fig. 9; Table 1). There was also a reduction in the
which from HPLC measurements at this stage are around
number of mitotic profiles in the experimental pigmented
animals, but this was not significant (Table 1). The differ- threefold.
ence between the two experimental groups was significant Figures 10 and 11 show the percentage reduction in
(Table 1), with the reduction in mitotic activity being more mitosis and pyknosis in albino eyes with increasing dopa
marked in albinos than pigmented eyes. At this concentra- concentration. In both cases, the maximal effect occurs
tion there was also a significant reduction in the number of over a very small range, between 0.1 and 0.5 mM and
pyknotic profiles in both pigmented and albino animals remains relatively constant between 0.5 and 2.5 mM. At
(Table 2). greater concentrations, the drug is toxic. Because the
At 1.0 mM concentration, there was again a significant maximal effect is reached so rapidly and is effective over
reduction in the number of mitotic profiles in the experi- such a short concentration range, these data have been
mental albino retinae than in their control group (Fig. 9; plotted on linear rather than logarithmic axes.

ences in retinal thickness between the groups declined.

Dopa is a regulator of retinal mitosis and is a key element
in the synthetic pathway of melanin. HPLC measure-
ments revealed that it is present in abnormally low levels
in developing albino eyes, whereas organ culture experi-
ments demonstrate that its addition to the ocular environ-
ment regulates levels of mitosis, closing the gap between
pigmented and albino animals.
Patterns of cell production found in this study are
similar to those previously reported for rodents (Young,
1983, 1985). There is evidence that mitosis in the RPE is
more extensive than that found here, in that it continues
at the retinal margin after PCD 17 and that binucleated
cells are produced postnatally (Bodenstein and Sidman,
1987). These data were obtained from whole-mounts rather
than sampling retinal sections, which probably accounts
for the difference. No pyknotic profiles were found in the
developing RPE. Similarly, Bodenstein and Sidman (1987)
Fig. 10. Percentage reduction in mitosis in albino retinae in vitro also failed to identify these in the developing mouse RPE.
as a function of increasing dopa concentration. The percentage reduc- There are at least two possible explanations for the
tion is against control albino eyes to which dopa was not added. At 1 elevation of mitosis in albino retinae. First, there may be
mM, the drug had no significant effect, but at 0.5 mM, the effect was differences in cell cycle rates between the two pigmenta-
maximal and remained so up to 2.5 mM. Higher concentrations
resulted in excess pyknosis. The y axis is linear because the range over tion phenotypes. Second, cells may be unable to leave the
which there was an effect was so limited and because the drug reached cell cycle at appropriate times. Neither of these explana-
a maximal level over a very small concentration range. tions is exclusive, because the two factors may be linked,
with cell cycle rates influencing the probability of cell cycle
exit. During the cell cycle, the nuclei of retinal neurons
move between the vitreal margin and the ventricular
surface adjacent to the RPE. The pace of this cycle
lengthens from 10 hours at PCD 10, to 30 hours at PCD 21
in normally pigmented animals, mainly as a result of an
increase in G1 and S phases (Young, 1983). Because albino
retinae were thicker than the pigmented retinae, for the
cycle rate to remain the same in both strains, nuclei in
albinos would have to move faster than in pigmented
animals. Given the data presented here, it is not parsimo-
nious to assume simply that they move even faster to
account for differences in levels of mitosis. Rather, it is
probable that excessive mitosis in albinos arises because
cells remain in the cell cycle beyond the stage at which
they would normally exit and differentiate. This process
probably results in retinal congestion producing an eleva-
tion in the number of dying cells. In support of this theory,
there is evidence that when cells are forced to remain in
the cell cycle for abnormally long periods they die (Heintz,
Fig. 11. Percentage reduction in pyknosis in albino retinae in vitro 1993), which is consistent with the excess cell death in the
as a function of increasing dopa concentration. The percentage reduc-
tion is against control albino eyes to which dopa was not added. At 1
albino retinae. Despite this, cell cycle rates and exit points
mM, the drug had no significant effect, but at 0.5 mM, the effect was may be related. There is evidence that cycle rates between
maximal and remained so up to 2.5 mM. Higher concentrations the two animal types used here do differ, because more
resulted in excess pyknosis. The y axis is linear because the range over cells are consistently labelled with pulsed 3H-thymidine in
which there was an effect was so limited and because the drug reached albinos than in their pigmented litter mates, suggesting
a maximal level over a very small concentration range.
that albinos have faster cycles rates (Ilia and Jeffery,
unpublished observations). Current studies are examining
cell cycle rates and exit points in these animals.
DISCUSSION Tyrosinase triggers the cascade of reactions producing
melanin by means of dopa (Garcia et al., 1979). The albino
Synopsis of results animals used in this study were tyrosinase negative. As
A substantial elevation in the number of mitotic profiles such, they were likely to have reduced retinal dopa levels
has been demonstrated in the RPE and neural retina in during development, which was confirmed with HPLC.
developing albino eyes. During the main phase of cell Data from in vitro studies on mitosis in the RPE are
production, the increase in mitotic profile numbers in the significant with respect to this. Dopa has profound effects
neural retinae of albinos was approximately 50%. This on the cell cycle of RPE cells (Akeo et al., 1989), and the
increase was accompanied by a significant transitory effects differ, depending on whether the cell is pigmented
increase in retinal thickness. However, because there were or nonpigmented. The cell cycle rate of RPE cells in vitro is
also many more pyknotic profiles in albino retina, differ- dose-dependently arrested in the S phase by small amounts

of dopa (100–250 M), and there is a decrease in the G1 production and pyknosis seem to be associated with re-
phase (Akeo et al., 1994). When dopa is applied to RPE duced rod numbers in albinos (Jeffery et al., 1994a, 1997)
cultures, the time required for the cell populations to and a disruption in the normal spatial distribution of these
double lengthens from 19 to 27 hours (Akeo et al., 1989). cells through the depth of the ONL. With respect to this
Furthermore, it has been established that dopa can be finding, an additional facet of our results is that they
used as an antimitotic agent in the treatment of melanoma critically undermine the established use of albinos to study
(Wick, 1977, 1980). Hence, a possible explanation of the normal retinal development and factors influencing rod
results obtained here, is that dopa acts to restrict retinal production (Watanabe and Raff, 1990, 1992; Alexiades and
cell division, and/or to signal cell cycle exit. When dopa Cepko, 1997; Ezzeddine et al. 1997).
concentration is reduced, as in albinos, cell proliferation is Although the majority of cells affected in albinism are
not regulated appropriately and cells remain in the cell generated in the second phase of retinal neurogenesis,
cycle beyond their normal exit point. This is supported by ganglion cells also show central retinal abnormalities, and
the effects of dopa addition in organ culture presented in some have aberrant chiasmatic pathways but are pro-
this study. duced in the first phase. It is possible that central retinal
By what route could dopa regulate mitosis/cell cycle ganglion cell abnormalities occur due to transneuronal
exit? The RPE is developmentally precocious in relation to affects, but the problem of chiasmatic misrouting remains
the neural retina (Young, 1983; Bodenstein and Sidman, more problematic. One factor influencing chiasmatic path-
1987). Retinal mitosis occurs when cells are adjacent to the way selection is the cells birth date. Uncrossed cells in the
temporal retina are born before those with a crossed
ventricular margin, which is the border between the
projection (Drager, 1985; Reese and Colello, 1991). There is
neural retina and the RPE. There is evidence that at this
evidence of a delay in spatiotemporal patterns of cell
stage they form transitory gap junctions with RPE cells,
production in the ganglion cell layer in albinos (Ilia and
which are not found later (Hayes, 1976; Fujisawa et al.,
Jeffery, 1996). This could explain the reduced uncrossed
1976; Townes-Anderson and Raviola, 1981). In the mature pathway in these animals. However, cells giving rise to the
retina, many gap junctions are gated by dopamine, the rat uncrossed pathway are generated between PCD 14 and
application of which restricts junction permeability (Vaney, 17 (Reese and Colello, 1991). If dopa were to play a key role
1994). However, by using HPLC analysis, only trace in regulating the temporal pace of the centre-to-periphery
amounts of dopamine can be found at PCD 19 in either gradient, and hence, the possible rerouting of chiasmatic
pigmentation phenotype (Heals, personal communica- pathways, it would have to do so even though it were
tion). It is possible that dopa may play a role in gating present at very low concentrations, because until PCD 15
junctional connections between mitotic profiles and RPE it is only present in trace quantities. Experiments are in
cells, hence, influencing the cell cycle. Perhaps the reduced progress to determine whether there is a relationship
dopa levels result in junctions remaining permeable in between chiasmatic pathways and dopa by administering
albinos at a time when they are becoming increasingly it systemically during pregnancy. Although it appears that
restrictive in pigmented animals. This permeability may dopa can regulate retinal mitosis in vivo, preliminary
fail to restrict mitosis to a level appropriate for normal results show that it has no significant effect on mitosis in
development. These possibilities await experimental inves- the brain.
Dopa is clearly critical in regulating an aspect of retinal
mitosis. It is less clear how its absence might produce the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
albino abnormalities. Cell production in the neural retina
is biphasic. Cells produced in the first phase include cones We thank Ben Reese and Gary Baker for their comments
and ganglion cells, whereas those in the second phase on the manuscript. We also thank Simon Grant, Alison
include the more numerous rods and bipolar cells (Harman Harman, and Alan Whitmore for discussions and com-
and Beazley, 1989). The excessive period of cell production ments pertaining to the experiments that were under-
and death in albinos is focussed relatively late in retinal taken in this study and their interpretation. We are
development. It is highly probable that the majority of particularly grateful to Brian Wheals for assistance with
cells produced at this stage are rods and bipolar cells, HPLC.
which are known to be effected in albinism (Jeffery and
Kinsella, 1992; Jeffery et al., 1994). In birds and squirrels,
which have cone-dominated retinae (Walls, 1942), there LITERATURE CITED
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