Guideline for final year proposal writing

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1. Title page (first page – unnumbered or unpaged)
2. Certification
3. Dedication
4. Acknowledgement
5. Table of content
6. List of tables (if any)
7. List of pictures or Figures (if any)
8. List of Abbreviations
9. Definition terms
8. Abstract (with 4 to five keywords)

CHAPTER ONE: Introduction

1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background to Study (Overview of the study)
1.2 Statement of problem
1.3 Purpose of study – general aim
Specific objectives (3 to 4 SMART objectives recommended)
1.4 Research questions (if any / infused in 1.3 above)
1.5 Significance or justification of study
1.6 Scope or delimitation of study
1.7 Conclusion (summary of chapter one and introduction of chapter two)

CHAPTER TWO: Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Literature review
- Strictly review of related research works, but can be broken into various sub-headings in line
with study objectives.
- Note: there is no limit to the number of reviewed works, but should not be less than 10 in all
relevant to study objectives.
2.3 Gap on knowledge
2.4 Conclusion (summary of chapter two and introduction of chapter three)

CHAPTER THREE: Materials and Methods (Or Methodology)
3.0 Introduction of chapter
3.1 Area of study
3.2 Research study design
3.3 Description of methods
3.3.1 Population of Study Inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria
3.3.4 Study sample and sampling technique Sample size determination (for population–based studies, calculation of minimum sample size is
mandatory) Sampling technique(s)
3.3.5 Procedures/techniques for data collection (including of clinical, quantitative and qualitative
schedules for data collection) – procedure should ideally address how each objective is to be
3.3.6 Instrument(s) for data collection (including of clinical, quantitative and qualitative tools for data
collection described exhaustively)
3.4 Summary of methods
3.5 Technique/schedule for validation of instruments
3.6 Procedures for data management, analysis and presentation
3.6.3 Procedure for data storage and management
3.6.4 Procedure for data analysis and presentation
3.7 Ethical Consideration
3.8 Expected findings and Relevance to Knowledge
3.9 Conclusion (summary of chapter three and introduction of chapter four)

Strictly, APA (7th version) styling is advice (see manual for more guide) e.g.
Asonye, C.C. (2007) pharmacological effect of …journal of optometry, 8 (2); p80-3

Asonye, C.C., Okenwa, E.E., Ahuama, O.C., Azuamah, Y.C., Chimaroke, M.E, Ezinne, N., et al (2011),
Prevalence of POAG in Kakamega…………., journal of community Eye Health,8 (1), p 50-2
All text body should be prosed, no bulleting is required
- Test body should be in justified format (straight)
- Times new roman test lettering, font size ‘14’ is strictly advised, No italics lettering
- Arial test lettering, font size 13 is also acceptable
- 1.5 line spacing in advice
Regular paging starts from chapter one to last page of references
- Appendix is not paged or if you choose to, use alphabetic paging
Preambles are paged in roman numerals
Appendix may including as many as required, including the following,
1. Letter of permission
2. Letter of consent
3. Ethical approval (scanned copy)
3. Instruments for data collection e.g. questionnaires etc
4. Maps
5. Burdgets /plan
6. Pictures
7. Raw statistical calculation

First page
Project title
Name of author (student)
(First name, initial (if any), surname)
Reg. number
A project work submitted to the department of Optometry and Vision Sciences, Masinde Muliro University
of Science and Technology, Kakamega, Kakamega County, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for
BSc. Optometry and Vision Sciences

Months and year of defense

Second page
Project title
Name of author (student)
Reg. no

Department of Optometry and Vision Sciences

Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, Kakamega, Kakamega County



This is to certify that this project work was carried out by (names of student) in the Department of
Optometry and Vision Sciences Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, Kakamega,
Kakamega County. We certify that this work has not been previously published elsewhere.

Student Names Supervisor and Co-supervisor Names

Sign …………………………. Sign ………………..
Date ………………………………… date……………………….

Student Supervisor

CoD’s Names External Examiner’s names

Sign ……………………….. Sign ……………………
Date …………………….. Date …………………….
CoD External Examiner

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