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Juan Luna Memorial Academy, Inc.

Quarter II Science 7

Unit topic: Living Things and Their Environment

Essential Question:
1. How do living organisms interact with other living organisms in their


Labeling the parts of compound microscope
Identify parts of Direction: Identify and label the different parts of the microscope.
the microscope
and their

Direction: Identify the following statements below. Choose appropriate terms
inside the box.

1. It allows you to hold the microscope to transfer the microscope from

one place to another.
2. It supports the eyepiece.
3. It allows the shifting of objectives from the lower-power objectives to
the HPO.
4. It allows the viewer to look at the enlarged image of the specimen.
5. It supports the entire body of the microscope.
6. It regulates the amount of light that will pass through the stage.
7. It allows you to see the general view of the specimen.
8. It reflects the light onto the specimen for viewing.
9. It allows you to see the detailed parts of the specimen.
10. This is where the glass slide is mounted.
Draw me
Direction: From the boxes below, draw what level of biological organization
might look like. Draw from cell to biosphere.

Describe the
different levels of
organization from
cell to biosphere.

Criteria Points Remarks

Accuracy 10
Originality 8
Neatness 7
Total: 15


Differentiate Compare Us!

plant and animal Direction: Complete the Venn diagram by writing the parts of the cells that
cells according to are present in plant and animal cells. Make sure to also identify the parts that
presence or are present in both cells.
absence of
certain Plant Cell Animal Cell

Explain why the Ponder and Wonder!

cell is considered Direction: Answer the following given questions. Write your answer into 4-5
the basic sentences.
structural and 1. Why cell is considered as the basic unit of life? Explain your answer.
functional unit of 2. Why is it important to know the similarities and differences between two or
all organisms. more things? How can you apply your answer in a real-life situation?
3. Removing at least one of the components in a cell will probably be
detrimental for the cell. This means that any part of a whole is important.
What do you think would happen if a part of the human body is removed?
Explain your answer.
4. What do cells tell you about the basic process of life, such as reproduction,
growth, digestion, and
respiration? Criteria Points Remarks
Organization 5
Content 5
Mechanics 5
Total 15
Compare Us!
Direction: Complete the table to differentiate asexual reproduction from
Differentiate sexual reproduction.
asexual and Criterion Asexual Sexual
sexual Number of individuals
reproduction in involved
terms of number Genetic makeup of
of individuals offspring (identical to
involved, and parent or unique)
similarities of Involvement of
offspring to gametes or sex cells
parent. (Yes or No)
Examples of organisms
Description of the type
of reproduction based
on the given example

Scaffold 1 for Performance Task

Direction: Draw your prediction of what might happen to an ecosystem, given

Predict the effect
each of the following scenarios.
of changes in
abiotic factors on
Decline in the population of frogs
the ecosystem.

Rapid increase of salinity (salt

concentration) in a tilapia pond.

Introduction of coral eating starfish

(a bio invasive species) to the
Philippine ocean
Depletion of soil minerals in a rice

Overpopulation of algae in a pond

Criteria Points Remarks

Accurateness 10
Originality 8
Neatness 7
Total: 15

Scaffold 2 for Performance Task

Differentiate abiotic Draw Me!

from abiotic
components of an Direction: Illustrate your own ecosystem and identify the Biotic and Abiotic
ecosystem. components.

Criteria Points Score

Originality 10
Neatness 5
Accuracy 5
Total: 20

Describe the Scaffold 3 for Performance Task

relationship Poster
found in an Direction: Make your own poster regarding ecological relationship of
ecosystem organisms in the ecosystem.

Criteria Points Remarks

Neatness 10
Relevance 20
Poster is legible 15
and large
enough to see
all details
Total 35

Predict the effect PERFORMANCE TASK

of changes in Instruction: Plant a seedling to help preserve the ecosystems in your
abiotic factors on community and take a picture with any of the audience and make a short
the ecosystem. essay on the importance of planting trees.

1 seedling (any kind of tree)
Long bond paper

4 - Excellent 3 - Good 2 – Needs 1 - Poor

Content Content is Content Content is Content is
accurate and all is questionable inaccurate.
required accurate . Information Information
information is but some is not is not
presented in a required presented in presented in
logical order. No informati a logical a logical
spelling errors. on is order, order,
Picture/evidenc missing making it making it
es are and/or difficult to difficult to
professionally not follow. follow. Many
done, cropped presente Picture/evid spellings and
and clear. d in a ences are grammar
logical blurry and errors.
order, not cropped. Missing
but still picture/evid
generally ences.
easy to
have few
Originality New and Student Student Creative but
and innovative adapts adapts no originality
Creativity approach to the others’ others’ ideas shown.
topic; student ideas to to create
has created own create own design;
design. own very little
design; originality
some shown
y shown
Neatness Very neat and Neat and Somewhat sloppy
easy to read. easy to neat


PERFORMANCE STANDARDS: The learner will conduct a tree-planting to help preserve the ecosystems in
their community.
GOAL: To help preserve the ecosystems in their community.
ROLE: Environmentalist
AUDIENCE: Any of the following: Brgy. Chairman, Brgy. Kagawad, Sk chairman, Elders
SITUATION: Nowadays, we are experiencing global warming and it affects our environment especially the
ecosystems. As an environmentalist you are task to conduct a tree-planting to help preserve the ecosystems.
PRODUCT CHOICES: Tree-planting evidence and a short essay
STANDARDS: Content, neatness, originality and creativity.

4 - Excellent 3 - Good 2 – Needs 1 - Poor


Content Content is accurate and Content is Content is Content is

all required information accurate but questionable. inaccurate.
is presented in a logical some required Information is not Information is not
order. No spelling errors. information is presented in a presented in a
Picture/evidences are missing and/or logical order, logical order,
professionally done, not presented making it difficult making it difficult
cropped and clear. in a logical to follow. to follow. Many
order, but still Picture/evidences spellings and
generally easy are blurry and not grammar errors.
to follow. Few cropped. Missing
spelling and picture/evidences.
ces have few
Originality and New and innovative Student Student adapts Creative but no
Creativity approach to the topic; adapts others’ others’ ideas to originality shown.
student has created own ideas to create create own design;
design. own design; very little originality
some shown

Neatness Very neat and easy to Neat and easy Somewhat neat sloppy
read. to read.



Subject Teacher Principal

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