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Title: Jesus: The Surprises and Impression of Christianity

Jesus, often referred to as the "Son of Man," holds a significant place in Christianity.
Understanding the implications of this title and reflecting on the surprises and impressions
derived from studying Jesus and the New Testament can deepen our understanding of
Christianity as a religion.

The Son of Man: Unveiling the Surprises:

Jesus' self-referential term, "Son of Man," carries profound meaning, which can be traced
back to the book of Daniel, chapter 7. In this passage, Daniel sees a vision of the "Ancient
of Days" and "one like a Son of Man" who is presented before God and receives
everlasting dominion. By using this term, Jesus aligns himself with the prophetic figure in
Daniel's vision, signifying his divine authority and eternal reign.

One surprising aspect of Jesus that I found is his embrace of all individuals, regardless of
their social standing or reputation. He consistently extends forgiveness, love, and grace to
those who are marginalized, sinful, or considered outcasts by society. This inclusiveness
and compassion challenge societal norms and emphasize the importance of genuine
human connection and unconditional love.

Furthermore, Jesus surprised me with his teachings on humility and servanthood. His
emphasis on the last being first and the importance of serving others rather than seeking
personal glory challenges conventional wisdom. Jesus exemplifies these teachings through
his acts of washing his disciples' feet and his ultimate sacrifice on the cross, showcasing a
profound depth of humility and selflessness.

Impressions of Christianity:

By examining the New Testament, I was left with a profound impression of Christianity as a
religion centered around love, forgiveness, and redemption. The teachings of Jesus
highlight the importance of faith, compassion, and leading a life of righteousness. The
concept of salvation and eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ is central to Christianity,
offering hope and purpose to believers.

Contrasting Impressions:

However, my actual impression of Christianity as a religion differs from the image derived
solely from studying the New Testament. Throughout my life various interpretations,
cultural influences, and human imperfections have led me to label and misjudge the
Christian communities where I thought they were judgmental and arrogant. These pre
impressions that I had about Christianity obscured my desire to discover the religion's true
essence of love, unity, and compassion.

Moreover, the diverse denominations and theological differences within Christianity can
create varying perspectives and practices, further complicating one's impression of the
religion. The actions of individuals, both past and present, may also shape impressions, as
some Christians may not consistently embody the teachings of Jesus, leading to
skepticism or misunderstanding which I had before reading the Gospe of Mark.

Questions for Discussion:

1. How can we ensure that the core teachings and values of Jesus remain central within
Christian communities?

2. How can the diverse interpretations of Christianity be navigated to foster unity and
understanding among believers?

3. In what ways can Christianity address social injustices and promote equality, following
the teachings of Jesus?

4. How can individuals deepen their understanding of Jesus and the New Testament to
cultivate a genuine and transformative faith experience?
Jesus, as revealed in the New Testament, surprises us with his inclusive love, humility, and
unwavering commitment to serve others. The impression derived from studying the New
Testament portrays Christianity as a religion centered on love, forgiveness, and salvation
through faith in Jesus Christ. However, the actual impression of Christianity may differ due
to historical, cultural, and human influences. Engaging in discussions about Jesus, the New
Testament, and Christianity can lead to a deeper understanding and appreciation of the
religion's core teachings and encourage believers to embody the true essence of

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