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Marine Environmental Research 188 (2023) 106024

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Ocean ambient noise on the Chukchi Plateau and its

environmental correlates
Xuejing Mo a, b, Hongtao Wen a, b, c, *, Yanming Yang a, b, Hongtao Zhou a, b, Jingwei Yin c, d,
Xiao Han c, d, Hongxia Chen e, Hailin Ruan a, b
Third Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources, Xiamen, 361005, China
Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory of Marine Physical and Geological Processes, Xiamen, 361005, China
Key Laboratory for Polar Acoustics and Application of Ministry of Education, Harbin, 150001, China
College of Underwater Acoustic Engineering, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin, 150001, China
First Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources, Qingdao, 266061, China


Keywords: Conducting research on ocean ambient noise under different sea ice conditions is highly important for the
Ocean ambient noise comprehension of the rapidly changing Arctic. We present the first results of ambient noise and its relationship to
Chukchi Plateau environmental forcing during the open-water, ice transition and ice-covered periods on the Chukchi Plateau. The
Different sea ice conditions
ambient noise level (ANL) in the 20 Hz to 2 kHz band is higher, intermediate and lower during the open-water,
Ice-generated noise
Environmental correlates
ice transition and ice-covered periods, respectively. During the ice-covered period, the ambient noise is domi­
The rapidly changing Arctic nated by the ice-generated noise due to sea ice activities and shows a negative correlation with temperature.
Therefore, when the temperature decreases, the sea ice is prone to shrinking and cracking, thus increasing the sea
ice activities and resulting in increased ice-generated noise; when the temperature rises and is relatively high in
May and June, the ANL is lowest for the sea ice inhibition to wind waves and decreased sea ice activities induced
by temperature rise. Sea ice is the most predominant environmental factor affecting Arctic ocean ambient noise,
and the ANL can potentially increase due to a reduction in Arctic sea ice and increase in human activities caused
by global climate change.

1. Introduction et al., 2007; Stroeve and Notz, 2018), the impact of wind on the ambient
noise is expected to increase, which is likely to cause an overall increase
The ocean ambient noise, composed of geophony (sound generated in the ambient noise levels (ANLs). Modern Arctic sea ice is dominated
by wind, waves, sea ice, etc.), anthrophony (sound made by human by thinner and more mobile first-year ice (Kwok, 2018; Maslanik et al.,
activities, including shipping, seismic exploration, and resource 2007), such that sea ice is more susceptible to breaking and responding
exploitation), and biophony (sound from marine mammals, fish, etc.) to wind forcing, leading to an increase in wind-generated noise (Ballard
(Erbe et al., 2015; Halliday et al., 2020; Insley et al., 2017), is an and Sagers, 2021; Kinda et al., 2013). The levels and characteristics of
important habitat feature for many marine animals that rely on sound ocean ambient noise in the Arctic are expected to change drastically due
for communication, navigation, echolocation, and foraging (Lillis et al., to increased geophony and anthrophony induced by sea ice changes
2014; Merchant et al., 2015; Williams et al., 2014). Arctic sea ice has (Han et al., 2021; Roth et al., 2012; Southall et al., 2020), which can
been continuously decreasing with global warming in recent decades potentially have negative consequences for the activities of marine an­
(Cavalieri and Parkinson, 2012; Stroeve et al., 2012), which promotes imals (Fournet et al., 2021; Hawkins and Popper, 2017; Moore et al.,
not only an increase in Arctic shipping but also other human activities, 2012). Therefore, studying the current state of Arctic ambient noise
such as seismic exploration, resource exploitation, and even tourism before global warming leads to more rapid and complex changes in
(Halliday et al., 2020; Han et al., 2021), leading to increased anthro­ Arctic sea ice, and other environmental factors can provide a useful
phonic noise in the Arctic Ocean. Additionally, as the open-water period baseline for monitoring and predicting future ANL changes in this re­
in summer continues to extend (Overland and Wang, 2013; Stroeve gion. Additionally, it provides valuable information for better

* Corresponding author. Third Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources, Xiamen, 361005, China.
E-mail address: (H. Wen).
Received 18 January 2023; Received in revised form 9 May 2023; Accepted 15 May 2023
Available online 16 May 2023
0141-1136/© 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
X. Mo et al. Marine Environmental Research 188 (2023) 106024

comprehending the effects of increased Arctic ambient noise, particu­ Combined with the three environmental parameters of sea ice concen­
larly anthropogenic noise, on Arctic marine animals and for identifying tration (SIC), wind speed (WS), and sea surface temperature (SST), we
methods to mitigate the effects of anthropogenic noise on marine present the trends in ambient noise under different sea ice conditions
animals. and months and analyzed the impact of wind, sea ice, and temperature
Arctic ambient noise is predominantly driven by sea ice, and ice- on the ambient noise.
generated noise induced by sea ice activities, including ice breaking,
collision, ridging, rubbing, melting, drifting, relative motion of floes, 2. Data and methods
motion of drifting granular snow over the rough sea ice surface, and
even the process of wind waves beating sea ice (Greening and Zakar­ From August 1, 2018, to November 2, 2019 (local time, i.e., UTC –
auskas, 1994; Kinda et al., 2015; Milne, 1972; Wen et al., 2020), has 11 h), an underwater signal recorder (USR) included on an acoustic
become the most common and major noise source in the Arctic Ocean mooring was deployed in the Chukchi Plateau (74◦ 59.57′ N, 159◦ 50.94′
(Mo et al., 2021; Wen et al., 2022). Sea ice adds new noise sources to the W). The measuring location is shown in Fig. 1. The water depth at the
Arctic underwater environment relative to open-water sea areas. measuring location was approximately 1968 m, which was measured by
Affected by sea ice conditions, temperature, wind speed, and other a Kongsberg EA600 echo sounder of the Chinese icebreaker Xue Long.
environmental factors, the Arctic ambient noise exhibits greater vari­ The USR was moored at a depth of 373 m, and the acoustic data were
ability. For example, when the temperature drops, there is significantly recorded for 2 min/h with a 16 kHz sampling rate and 24-bit analog-to-
impulsive noise resulting from cracks at the surface of sea ice caused by digital (A/D) resolution. The hydrophone of the USR with a receiving
thermal stress; therefore, at this time, under-ice noise levels can be voltage sensitivity of − 170.3 ± 1 dB re 1 V/μPa, in the frequency range
equivalent to those of level three sea states in open-water areas (Milne of 20 Hz to 5 kHz, was calibrated by the National Defense Underwater
and Ganton, 1964). However, when the temperature rises, the under-ice Acoustics Calibration Laboratory of China.
ambient noise can be much quieter than the level sea state zero in This study only uses acoustic data for 15 months from August 1,
open-water areas (Roth et al., 2012; Kinda et al., 2013; Ozanich et al., 2018, to October 31, 2019, for analysis. The synchronous information of
2017; Sagers and Ballard, 2018). Additionally, due to seasonal ice cover, SIC, WS, and SST in this period is shown in Fig. 2 and are acquired from
the Arctic ambient noise exhibits significant seasonal variation, and the the public data from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction,
noise level in summer is usually higher than that in autumn and winter U.S.A. The SIC data is used to divide months into three time segments
(Halliday et al., 2020). Sea ice is a distinctive factor affecting the Arctic corresponding to different sea ice conditions (Bonnel et al., 2021; Guerra
ambient noise, and its changes not only affect the ANL directly (Roth et al., 2016; Southall et al., 2020) and the time segmentation is as fol­
et al., 2012; Kinda et al., 2013; Bonnel et al., 2021) but also indirectly by lows: September 2018 and August–October 2019 are the open-water
increased human activities caused by the lengthening of the open-water period (0% SIC on all days); August and October 2018 and July 2019
period (Roth et al., 2012; Halliday et al., 2020; Han et al., 2021). are the ice transition period (the ice is either forming or melting, with
The Chukchi Plateau is a sea area where the sea ice conditions 25–75% SIC on average month); and November 2018 to June 2019 are
change significantly with months. Building upon previous studies (Han the ice-covered period (>85% SIC on average month).
et al., 2021; PAME, 2019), our study is the first to report the ambient The selected 15-month acoustic data were processed to provide a set
noise under different sea ice conditions using passive acoustic moni­ of noise spectrum levels (NSLs) ranging from 20 Hz to 2 kHz every hour.
toring data for 15 months measured at the Chukchi Plateau and provides The data were processed with a Hanning window and a 16000-point FFT
a useful baseline for monitoring and forecasting future Arctic ANLs since length, yielding 1 Hz frequency bins with 50% overlap. The noise
the Arctic underwater acoustic environment is continually changing. spectrum level (NSL) was used to calculate the empirical probability

Fig. 1. Location of underwater signal recorder (USR). This figure was created using Ocean Data View (Schlitzer, Reiner, Ocean Data View,, 2021).

X. Mo et al. Marine Environmental Research 188 (2023) 106024

Fig. 2. The time series of SIC, WS, SST and ANL in a frequency band between 20 Hz and 2 kHz from August 1st, 2018 to October 31st, 2019.

densities, percentiles and means (Bonnel et al., 2020; Merchant et al., 3. Results and discussion
2013) of the ocean ambient noise under different sea ice conditions.
Hourly ANL in the frequency band from 20 Hz to 2 kHz was integrated 3.1. Noise spectrum level under different sea ice conditions
NSL in the 20 Hz to 2 kHz range and denoted as ANL[20 Hz–2 kHz]. In
this paper, all correlation results were quantified using the Pearson The NSLs of the empirical probability densities, percentiles, and
correlation coefficient R (Pearson, 1895). Furthermore, the ANL[20 means under different sea ice conditions are compared in Fig. 3, among
Hz–2 kHz] versus WS and associated linear fit were processed and which the black dashed lines in Fig. 3(a–c) are the self-noise floor of the
shown; there was a linear relationship between the wind-generated USR. They were measured in an anechoic tank; however, the true self-
noise and the logarithm of WS (Piggott, 1964; Crouch and Burt, 1972). noise levels of the USR should be less than these values.
During the open-water period, the spectral probability density in the
300 Hz to 2 kHz band was concentrated with higher NSL (Fig. 3a). This

Fig. 3. (a–c) The NSL of the 1st, 50th, 99th percentiles, means and empirical probability densities under different sea ice conditions. The black dashed line is the self-
noise floor of the USR, which is measured in an anechoic tank. (d) The median (50th percentile) NSL under different sea ice conditions.

X. Mo et al. Marine Environmental Research 188 (2023) 106024

could be attributed to the influence of high WS without ice cover (Wen 1964; Milne, 1972), and the ANL dropped to its lowest value and
et al., 2022). The WS was typically high, greater than 5 m/s over 75% of exhibited a smaller fluctuation.
the time. During the ice transition period, the NSL distribution (Fig. 3b) The monthly trends in ambient noise were evaluated using ANL
was relatively dispersed, signifying that the ambient noise was domi­ boxplots (Bonnel et al., 2020) ranging from 20 Hz to 2 kHz in Fig. 4a.
nated by different physical processes (Blondel et al., 2020); this result The open-water months (September 2018 and August–October 2019)
was considered plausible for sea surface with discontinuous ice cover. In experienced higher ANL, with the median being close to or greater than
the process of ice forming or melting, in addition to the ice-generated 95 dB and as high as 97 dB. The ice-covered months from November
noise produced by sea ice activities (such as ice rubbing, collision, 2018 to April 2019 experienced a lower ANL, with a median range of
melting, and the interaction between wind and floes), there was also 88–93 dB. However, as sea ice activities decreased with increasing
wind-generated noise produced by wind directly acting on the sea sur­ temperature, the ANL reached its lowest in May and June 2019, with a
face without floes. Ice covers isolated the noise generated by winds and median of approximately 82.5 dB. The ice transition months (August
waves interacting with the sea surface. Additionally, due to the limited and October 2018 and July 2019) experienced intermediate ANL, with a
accessibility caused by sea ice, there were fewer vessel activities except median range of 89.5–95.5 dB. The ANL of October 2018 and July 2019
for icebreakers and fewer other human activities from industries, such as had some abnormal phenomena, and their interquartile ranges were
oil, gas, fishing, and tourism, thus decreasing anthropogenic noise. significantly larger than those in other months. The hypothesis for this
Therefore, lower noise levels occurred during the ice-covered period, phenomenon was that a significant change in the SIC within a month
with the 1st percentile being almost close to the self-noise curve resulted in a larger interquartile range. We divided the data of each ice
(Fig. 3c). Although the presence of sea ice caused decreased noise levels, transition month into two parts in half-month units for analysis since the
sea ice activities, including ice cracking, rubbing, collision, and pressure SIC had a significant boundary at mid-month (Fig. 2a). The ANL box­
ridging, could produce significant noise over a broad range of fre­ plots of the first and second half-months of the three-month period are
quencies (Milne and Ganton, 1964). Therefore, over the entire frequency shown in Fig. 4b, and the SIC in the figure is the result of the half-month
range, there were many discrete values that deviated from the main average. In October 2018 and July 2019, there was a significant dif­
distribution area of NSL in the upper part of the empirical probability ference between the average SIC in the first and second half-months,
density diagram. The mean NSL during the open-water and ice transition thus resulting in a significant difference in ANL between them, and
period had two peaks in between 200 and 400 Hz, which could poten­ the difference in ANL median was more than 10 dB. In August 2018,
tially be related to ship engine noise from a distance (Geyer et al., 2016). there was a relatively small difference between the average SIC in the
The median NSL under different sea ice conditions is shown in first and second half-months; correspondingly, the difference in ANL
Fig. 3d. In the 100 Hz to 2 kHz band, the median differences between the median was only approximately 2.7 dB.
open-water, ice transition, and ice-covered periods increased with The monthly trends in ANL that we documented were comparable to
increasing frequency. The median NSL during the open-water period trends from another study conducted in the East Siberian Sea (Han et al.,
was nearly equal to that during the ice transition period at 100 Hz but 2021). Their study demonstrated that the ANL reached its lowest at the
approximately 6 dB higher than that at 2 kHz; the median NSL during end of spring (June 2018) and its highest in the open-water month
the open-water period was approximately 4 dB higher than that during (September 2017), which agreed with our results. Interestingly, the
the ice-covered period at 100 Hz but approximately 16 dB higher than trends we recorded were completely different from the monthly trends
that at 2 kHz. A comparison of the median attenuation trend was per­ from another study showing that the noise level remained the lowest in
formed with increasing frequency under different sea ice conditions. February and highest in June near Sachs Harbour (Insley et al., 2017).
During the open-water period, the attenuation slope of the median However, their study indicated that the ambient noise experienced
ranging from 20 to 60 Hz was nearly 0 dB/octave, and − 2.4, − 1.4, and lower levels owing to the increase in SIC, which agreed with our mea­
− 3.4 dB/octave at 60–200 Hz, 200–600 Hz, and 600 Hz–2 kHz, surements. A comparison of the median values of ocean ambient noise in
respectively. During the ice transition period, the median attenuation Arctic sea areas (Han et al., 2021) demonstrated that the noise level in
slope was nearly 0 and –3.5 dB/octave at 20–50 Hz and 50 Hz–2 kHz, the sea areas covered by sea ice over a long period of a year (East Si­
respectively. During the ice-covered period, the median attenuation berian Sea, Sachs Harbour, Chukchi Sea, Ulukhaktok) was usually lower
slope was the largest, with approximately − 5 dB/octave at 20 Hz to 2 than that in the sea areas covered by sea ice over a short period of a year
kHz. These results occurred because the ice covers that caused stronger (Bering Sea, Greenland Sea, Fram Strait). With the growth of the
scattering of high-frequency components and weaker scattering of low- open-water period caused by climate change and ice melting, the ANL is
frequency components were conducive to the propagation of low- projected to gradually increase in the future, thus changing the ocean
frequency energy of ice-generated noise (Hutt, 2012; Roth et al., ambient noise intensity baseline in the Arctic.
2012). The changes in the median NSL and its attenuation slope with
frequency were consistent with another study conducted on the Chukchi 3.3. Influence of wind and temperature
Plateau during the open-water and ice-covered periods (Wen et al.,
2022). Wind is a crucial factor that affects ocean ambient noise (Wenz,
1962). Fig. 5a depicts the correlation between ANL and WS over 15
3.2. Monthly patterns and influence of ice months. The ANL in the open-water months (September 2018 and
August–October 2019) was highly correlated with WS, with correlation
Combined with SIC, WS, and SST data in Fig. 2, the overall trend in coefficients ranging between 0.79 and 0.90. There was a weak correla­
ANL was analyzed. Affected by wind and waves, a higher ANL occurred tion between ANL and WS in the ice-covered months from December
during the open-water period. With the appearance of sea ice, wind had 2018 to April 2019, with correlation coefficients ranging between 0.12
a reduced effect on the ANL, and thus, the ANL began to significantly and 0.46. These results were to be expected, since ice cover largely
drop. When the SIC approached or reached 100%, underwater noise was suppressed the impact of WS on ANL, and ice-generated noise became a
dominated by ice-generated noise induced by various sea ice activities. dominant driver of ocean ambient noise. Previous studies demonstrated
Since the duration, intensity, and interval of the ice-generated noise that the correlation coefficients between ANL and WS were 0.28 and
constantly changed in a short time (Sheng et al., 2021), a significant 0.37 when the SIC was 75–100% and greater than 90%, respectively
fluctuation in the ANL during the ice-covered period was observed (Kinda et al., 2013; Roth et al., 2012), which were within the range of
relative to the open-water area. However, after the end of April during our research results. Notably, during the ice-covered period in
the ice-covered period, sea ice activities were reduced as the Arctic November 2018 and May and June 2019, the correlation coefficients
entered spring with gradually rising temperature (Milne and Ganton, between ANL and WS were between 0.55 and 0.65. For November 2018,

X. Mo et al. Marine Environmental Research 188 (2023) 106024

Fig. 4. (a) The monthly ANL in the frequency band between 20 Hz and 2 kHz from August 2018 to October 2019. The bottom and top edges of the blue boxes
represent the 25th and 75th percentiles, the distances between them are the interquartile ranges, and the red lines between them represent the median values; the
bottom and top black whiskers outside the boxes represent the minimum and maximum ANL, respectively, excluding outliers; red crosses represent outliers, and red
“x” symbols represent the mean values. (b) The half-month ANL in a frequency band between 20 Hz and 2 kHz in August and October 2018 and July 2019 and half-
month averages of the local SIC.

this was attributed to the wind interacting with the sea surface incom­ frequency sounds could not travel long distances, while very low-
pletely covered by sea ice in early and mid-November. For May and June frequency sounds travelled much farther distances (Roth et al., 2012).
2019, this potentially occurred because when the temperature became The lower frequency was, the greater ice-generated noise impacted on
warmer in spring, sea ice activities decreased, and the influence of wind the ambient noise, and resulted in a stronger negative correlation with
on under-ice noise was greater than those in other ice-covered months. SST. During the ice transition period, the determination for the cause of
The impact of wind on ambient noise is related to sea ice and its the positive correlation between NSL and SST requires further research.
change. During the ice transition months (August and October 2018 and However, the increased ice melting noise caused by increased temper­
July 2019), the SIC significantly changed. Therefore, we divided each ature (Wen et al., 2020) could potentially be an influencing factor.
ice transition month into the first and second half-months, as shown in
Fig. 4b, to analyze the correlation between ANL and WS. In each month, 4. Conclusions and implications
the correlation coefficient between ANL and WS with a lower SIC was
always greater than that with a higher SIC. Ocean ambient noise under different sea ice conditions was
The correlation coefficients between the NSL with SST and WS at measured and studied on the Chukchi Plateau from August 2018 to
different frequencies under different sea ice conditions are shown in October 2019. To our knowledge, this study was the first to report on the
Fig. 5b. During the ice-covered period, there was a relatively strong ambient noise properties under different sea ice conditions and their
negative relationship between the NSL and SST. In this period, ocean relationship to environmental forcing on the Chukchi Plateau. From the
ambient noise was dominated by ice-generated noise and thus weakly monthly trend in ANL [20 Hz–2 kHz], the open-water months had a
correlated with WS. Decreased SST was beneficial for the generation of higher ANL, with a median of 97 dB. Ice-covered months had a lower
sea ice activities, including shrinking and breaking, especially when the ANL, especially in May and June, when the temperature increased and
SST was relatively low; however, increased temperature relieved such was relatively high; the ANL reached its lowest value in the year, with a
sea ice activities, especially when the SST was relatively high. In other median of approximately 82.5 dB. Ice transition months had an inter­
words, ice-generated noise increases as the SST decreases but decreases mediate ANL. In this period, a large change in SIC led to a substantial
as the SST rises. During the open-water period, the negative correlation interquartile range of ANL.
between NSL and SST was strongest below 50 Hz but rapidly weakened During the open-water period, the correlation coefficients between
with increasing frequency. In this period, the negative correlation be­ WS and ANL were greater than 0.79, and WS had a profound influence
tween NSL and SST was potentially related to the ice-generated noise on the ambient noise. During the ice-covered period, ice cover isolated
produced by the long-lived ice cover in the central Arctic Ocean, which the noise generated by wind interacting with the sea surface, the cor­
is located north of the USR. Existing research demonstrated that high- relation between ANL and WS was weak, and ambient noise was

X. Mo et al. Marine Environmental Research 188 (2023) 106024

Fig. 5. (a) ANL in the 20 Hz to 2 kHz range versus WS with its associated linear fit and Pearson correlation coefficient (R). Red scatter represents ANL during the
open-water period, blue scatter represents ANL during the ice-covered period, green and cyan scatter represents ANL under the SIC of the corresponding color during
the ice transition period, respectively. (b) Pearson correlation coefficients between the NSL with SST and WS for various frequencies (20 Hz–2 kHz) under different
sea ice conditions.

dominated by the ice-generated noise induced by various sea ice activ­ wind on ambient noise and cause the Arctic to be more accessible to
ities. Compared to the ice-covered period, the correlation between ANL human activities, leading to an overall increase in ANL and changing the
and WS during the ice transition period was usually better, and the ocean ambient noise intensity baseline in the Arctic. Future work should
ambient noise was collectively influenced by the ice- and wind- pay more attention to the impact of these changes in sea ice and human
generated noise. Temperature was also a vital environmental param­ activities on ambient noise to better track changes in the ANL.
eter affecting Arctic under-ice noise. When SST decreased, sea ice ac­
tivities were enhanced, and ice-generated noise increased; when SST Author statement
increased, sea ice activities were reduced, and ice-generated noise
decreased. The ANL during the ice-covered period showed a negative Xuejing Mo: Writing – original draft, Methodology, Software,
correlation with SST. Formal analysis, Visualization; Hongtao Wen: Conceptualization,
In the Arctic Ocean, sea ice is a distinctive factor that influences Writing – review and editing, Funding acquisition, Validation; Yanming
ambient noise, and there are evident differences in the ANL under Yang: Project administration, Supervision; Hongtao Zhou: Investiga­
different sea ice conditions. Overall, the ambient noise during the ice- tion, Data curation; Jingwei Yin: Funding acquisition; Xiao Han:
covered period is the quietest. However, the acceleration of ice Investigation; Hongxia Chen: Investigation; Hailin Ruan: Data
melting caused by climate change is predicted to increase the impact of curation.

X. Mo et al. Marine Environmental Research 188 (2023) 106024

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