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SEMESTER 1: 2024

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1. Assessment Overview
Module Human Resource Management
Resource material Unit 3- 4
Time required Approximately 3 hours to complete
Due date 15 April 2024 No late assignments will be marked.
Total marks 50 marks
Class mark Contributes 15%
Module code HRM-7
Assessment code HRM-7-FA2

You must answer all the questions. This assignment consists of:

There are 5 Questions and you must answer all the questions.

Question 1: Case Study (13 marks)

Question 2: Case Study (12 marks)
Question 3: Case Study (5 marks)
Question 4: Case Study (11 marks)
Question 5: Case Study (09 marks)

TOTAL: 50 marks

• Before you do your assessment, make sure you have worked through Units 3-4 in your
study guide. Also consult the lecturer resources on iCan, such as the lecturer slides,
videos, case studies, quizzes, and discussions. It contains valuable explanations of key
concepts to guide you when doing your assessment.


1.1 Before you submit your assignment:

• Please refer to your Module Assessment Guide for detail on submission methods.
• Watch the short video on “How to submit your assignment” and ““Assignment
Submission Rules” – this is found under the “iCan Help Video’s” section on iCan.
• Also see the pdf and video on “How to do a digital assessment”, under the Assignment
section on iCan. This is a step-by-step guide on how to answer the digital quiz.
• Choose one (1) of the submission methods – refer to your Module Assessment Guide
for detail. You only get one (1) chance to submit:
1. Do the digital quiz. You will find this under the Assignment section - highly
recommended. Its quick, and easy to do! The online quiz contains the same
questions as per the formative assessment 1 in your Module Assessment Guide, or
2. Upload a PDF in the iCan Portal (under the Assignment section),
3. Email a PDF to the email addresses indicated in your Module Assessment Guide.
Do NOT email your lecturer. It is your responsibility to ensure that your email has
been received in good order, and to the correct email address, before the due date.

1.3 Formative Assessment 1 preparation


• Do not rewrite the question.
• Read each question thoroughly before reviewing answer options.

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Human Resource Management HRM-7

• Read every answer option prior to choosing a final answer.

• Choose the MOST correct answer: if it is asking you based on the case study, the answer
must make sense to the given scenario.
• If you are having difficulty answering a question, move on and first answer the
questions you know. Go back to the difficult question later.
• Do NOT leave questions blank, you are throwing away your marks! Rather, read
through the question carefully, consult your resources & give it your best effort!

Indicate the most correct answer on your answer sheet, e.g. 1.B or complete your
assignment online using the online quiz. If you are unsure how to use this platform, please
contact the course lecturer at

Section 1 [13 Marks]

Read the following scenario and answer the questions that follow:
Lobels Bakery is a company that is based in Mthatha Eastern Cape. The company employs
80 workers consisting of the Bakery; as well as the Administrative staff. Recently there has
been grumblings within the company regarding the company’s pay structure. Employees
have been complaining that what they are earning is lower than what other employees in
the same industry are getting. Within Lobels itself, employees doing the same job are
getting different salaries. The issue has come to the attention of the General Manager who
has now tasked the Human Resource Manager to review the company’s pay structure. The
Human Resources Manager has decided to start with a job evaluation process that will
result in the relative value of all the jobs within the company.

1. One of the problems that Lobels Bakery is experiencing is that of external equity.
Identify, evidence that there was a problem in terms of external equity at Lobels
Bakery. (1)

How to approach this question:

• Read the case study carefully. Study the compensation and payroll and make
sure you understand the topic, Refer to Unit 3, Topic 3.1
• This question requires you to understand the case study and highlight the
problem in terms of external equity.
2. Point out from the above scenario, evidence that there was a problem in terms of
internal equity at Lobels Bakery. (1)

• Read the case study carefully. Study the compensation and payroll and make
sure you understand the topic, Refer to Unit 3, Topic 3.1
• This question requires you to understand the case study and highlight the
problem in terms of internal equity.
3. Compare two (2) approaches that the Human Resources Manager can use to carry
out the job evaluation process. (4)

• Read the case study carefully. Study the compensation and payroll and make
sure you understand the topic, Refer to Unit 3, Topic 3.1

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Human Resource Management HRM-7

• This question requires you to compare two approaches, you can choose any
two to do your comparison

Read the following scenario and answer the questions that follow:

The job evaluation process at Lobels Bakery resulted in the regrading of jobs and ensured
that the salary was consistent among the same grades. Other changes were also added
to the compensation of employees. The piece rate system was introduced to
compensate bakery staff. A performance bonus to be paid at the end of the year was
introduced for all employees. Permanent employees were now entitled to pension and
medical aid.
With these changes in the compensation policy, employees’ morale and motivation was
boosted, which resulted in an increase in productivity for the company.

4. Analyse the above scenario and by use of examples from the scenario, provide a
distinction between benefits and incentives. (4)

• Read the case study carefully. Study the compensation and payroll and make
sure you understand the topic, Refer to Unit 3, Topic 3.1
• This question requires you to give two examples for each of the terms, read
the unit for more understanding.
Read the following scenario and answer questions that follow:

Vuyiswa works for Lobels Bakery as an Assistant Baker. Her monthly salary is R10 000.
She is paid R82.50 overtime per hour. Vuyiswa worked ten (10) hours overtime for the
month of December. From her salary, tax is deductible at 18% and she pays 1% UIF.

5. Calculate the amount of overtime that was paid to Vuyiswa. (1)

• Read the case study carefully. Study the compensation and payroll and make
sure you understand the topic, Refer to Unit 3, Topic 3.1
• This question requires you to calculate Vuyiswa’s overtime, refer to your
study guide on which formula to use.
6. Calculate the amount of tax that Vuyiswa paid in December. (1)

• Read the case study carefully. Study the compensation and payroll and make
sure you understand the topic, Refer to Unit 3, Topic 3.1
• This question requires you to calculate Vuyiswa’s tax, refer to your study
guide on which formula to use.
7. Calculate the UIF amount that Vuyiswa paid in the month of December (1)

• Read the case study carefully. Study the compensation and payroll and make
sure you understand the topic, Refer to Unit 3, Topic 3.1
• This question requires you to calculate Vuyiswa’s UIF paid in a month, refer
to your study guide on which formula to use.

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Human Resource Management HRM-7

Question 2 (13 marks)

Read the following scenario and answer the questions that follow

Among its strategic plans for the year 2021, Lobels Bakery plans to increase its market
share by 5%. To this end, the company has appointed a Sales and Marketing Manager
who has five (5) Sales Representatives working under him. The Sales department aims to
increase sales by 10%. The tasks and duties of the Sales Representatives have been made
clear to them and these include the following:
• Be knowledgeable about the product

• Sell the product to new and existing clients

• Identify prospective customers

• Contact new and existing customers to discuss needs

• Emphasise the benefits of the products

• Answer questions about the products

• Negotiate prices and terms and prepare sales agreements

• Collaborate with colleagues in many different sectors

• Maintain contact lists and follow up with customers to continue relationships

In their position, the Sales Representatives interact with many stakeholders both inside
and outside the organisation. Some of the stakeholders they interact with include
customers, suppliers, the Finance department, and Operations department.
The Sales Representatives undergo performance appraisals after every six (6) months;
however, the performance management process starts at the beginning of the year.

2.1 Read the above case study and decide how you would carry out performance
management for a sales representative following the performance management
steps. Do this by completing the following template:

• Read the case study carefully. Study performance Management and make
sure you understand the topic, Refer to Unit 3, Topic 3.2
• This question requires you to understand the case study and apply your
knowledge by completing the template by being guided by the statement
in each step.

Question 3 (5 marks)
Read following scenario and answer questions that follow:

Employees at Lobels Bakery seem to be disgruntled lately. They are not happy with their
Supervisors, whom they label as biased towards certain employees. The working hours
have also been a bone of contention at the Bakery, as employees have lately been

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Human Resource Management HRM-7

required to work between 3 – 5 hours overtime a day, leaving them with little or no time
to spend with their families.

3.1 Using Herzberg’s theory of motivation, suggest relevant hygiene factors that can
be utilised to deal with the issues at Lobels Bakery. (2)

• Read the case study carefully. Study Motivation and make sure you
understand the topic, Refer to Unit 3, Topic 3.3
• This question requires you to give 2 hygiene factors that can be used in
Lobels Bakery.

3.2 Explain the effect of hygiene factors on employees (1)

• Read the case study carefully. Study Motivation and make sure you
understand the topic, Refer to Unit 3, Topic 3.3
• This question requires you to explain the effect caused by the hygiene
factors on employees.

Read the following scenario and answer questions that follow:

Busisiwe is employed as an Assistant Baker at Lobels. In recent months, she has been
arriving late to work on a consistent basis. The Pastry Chef is concerned about Busisiwe’s
behavior and would like to deal with it urgently.

3.3 Illustrate, with an example, how you would use the following methods to ensure
that Busisiwe stops arriving late to work.

a. Positive reinforcement (1)

b. Punishment (1)

• Read the case study carefully. Study Motivation and make sure you
understand the topic, Refer to Unit 3, Topic 3.3
• This question requires you to give one point each on how to apply the two
principles according to the case study.

Question 4 (11 marks)

4.1 The General Manager at Lobels Bakery is keen to have employees trained.
However, for the training to be implemented, training needs must be identified
first. Describe how training needs can be identified at an individual and
organisational levels.

a. At an individual level (2)

b. At an organisational level (2)

©iQ Academy 6
Human Resource Management HRM-7

• Read the case study carefully. Study Training and development and make
sure you understand the topic, Refer to Unit 3, Topic 3.4
• This question requires you to give two points each and indicate how training
can be implemented on each step. Refer to the case study.
4.2 Explain the difference between a learnership programme and a mentoring

• Read the case study carefully. Study Training and development and make
sure you understand the topic, Refer to Unit 3, Topic 3.4
• This question requires you to explain both leadership and Mentoring.
4.3 One of the teaching and learning activities that Lobels uses in the learnership
programme is role playing. Outline how role playing can be used to develop
customer care skills in the learners.

• Read the case study carefully. Study Training and development and make
sure you understand the topic, Refer to Unit 3, Topic 3.4
• This question requires you to apply your knowledge.
4.4 Identify the legislation that regulates training and development in South Africa.

• Read the case study carefully. Study Training and development and make
sure you understand the topic, Refer to Unit 3, Topic 3.4
• This question requires you to give one act that apply’s to training and
4.5 Lobels Bakery’s salary bill is R1 500 000,00, calculate the Skills Levy amount that
the company must pay. (1)

• Read the case study carefully. Study Training and development and make
sure you understand the topic, Refer to Unit 3, Topic 3.4
• This question requires you to calculate the skills levy on the given amount.

4.6 Research to find out the name of the SETA that Lobels Bakery has to pay Skills
Levy to. (1)

• Read the case study carefully. Study Training and development and make
sure you understand the topic, Refer to Unit 3, Topic 3.4
• This question requires you to research the name of the SETA.

Question 5 (9 marks)

5.1 In the month of October 2020, employees left Lobels Bakery. Vuyo left because he
had found another job, Vuyani left because he had stolen a loaf of bread from the

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Human Resource Management HRM-7

bakery and Babalwa left because she had reached retirement age. Decide on the
type of termination for each of the three (3) employees. (3)

• Read the case study carefully. Study Termination and make sure you
understand the topic, Refer to Unit 4, Topic 4
• This question requires you to give the type of termination for each of the
employees based on their reasons. Remember termination could either be
voluntary or involuntary.

Read the following scenario and answer the questions that follow:

Jabulani has been working for Lobels Bakery for five (5) years as an Accounts Clerk. He
has been a dedicated employee whose performance has always been above board. In
recent months there has been a change in his performance. He was taking off days
frequently and sometimes his work commitments were not met. His colleagues were
starting to complain that they almost always had to correct Jabulani’s work and at times
even do the job for him.
Vuyo, the department’s manager had been observing Jabulani’s performance for a while
and he decided to have a chat with him. Jabulani opened up to his boss that he had been
having problems at home. These problems were putting a lot of strain on him and hence
impacting on his performance.

5.2 Analyse the above scenario. If Vuyo were to dismiss Jabulani, on what grounds
would Jabulani be dismissed? (1)

• Read the case study carefully. Study Termination and make sure you
understand the topic, Refer to Unit 4, Topic 4
• This question requires you to give the grounds of dismissal for Jabulani>
E.g. Misconduct, Incapacity, etc

5.3 Point out three (3) guidelines that must be followed before Jabulani is dismissed
on the grounds that you have suggested in 5.2 above. (3)

• Read the case study carefully. Study Termination and make sure you
understand the topic, Refer to Unit 4, Topic 4
• This question requires you to give 3 guidelines to follow before Jabulani is
dismissed based on the grounds you have mentioned in the previous

5.4 Before Jabulani can be dismissed, the requirements of fair dismissal must be
present. Identify the two (2) requirements of fair dismissal. (2)

• Read the case study carefully. Study Training and development and make
sure you understand the topic, Refer to Unit 4, Topic 4
• This question requires you to give 2 requirements for a dismissal to be fair.

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