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Each subject is set up by individual teacher with expertise in the subject matter. Each teacher
therefore will provide an E-Learning environment that reflects the subject matter being taught
and the best way to achieve subject outcomes. In this endeavor, Immaculate Conception
Polytechnic does prescribe to certain e-learning practices in order for the student to
understand what is expected of him/her. The e- learning environment guidelines discussed
below are considered minimal expectations. How each subject selected is based on specific
content and objectives under the direction of the subject teacher.

The purpose of this guide is to provide detailed guidance on designing and developing an e-
learning course for senior high school students of Immaculate Conception Polytechnic, who are
new to e-learning design. It also provides basic concepts and information on the processes and
resources involved in e-learning development. The information in this guide is based on the
Moodle platform as an instructional design model and learning in delivering e-learning courses.
While there are several definitions of e-learning which reflect different perspectives, e-learning
in this guideline is defined as the use of computer and Internet technologies to deliver a broad
array of solutions to enable learning and improve performance.


E-learning may be unfamiliar to many students enrolling in ICP. It is also the student's
responsibility to prepare for this type of learning experience. Before starting an e-learning
course the student must be familiar with Moodle Platform and the current version of Microsoft
Word. They need to be able to know how to upload and download files, send e-mail, submit
assignments and how to recognize the different sections of Moodle.

IC Institutions Moodle Quick Start Guide (Student)

1. Open your browser (Google Chrome / Mozilla Firefox) and enter URL:
To open Log-in page.
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Marian Road, Poblacion, Sta. Maria, Bulacan

2. To Log-in enter your registered username (Student #: Example: 2020-1234-icp) then

enter your registered password (Birthday: YYYY-MM-DD) and click “Log in”

3. After a successful log in, Dashboard window will appear where the enrolled
subject/course displayed

4. Student Dashboard also contains Site Home, Calendar and My courses located at the
upper side corner of the Dashboard window.
*Site Home - Shortcut for course access.
*Calendar - View events date.
*My courses - Lists of your enrolled courses.
*Dashboard - Student main page that shows:
- Available courses
- Notifications
- User Profile
- Calendar
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5. Students can modify their profile by clicking the “Profile” located at the upper right
corner of the window under the User Menu.
User Menu contains:
- Student name - Name of student.
- Dashboard - Return to Dashboard window.
- Profile - Edit/Modify user profile such as picture.
- Grades - View grades progress.
- Messages - Inbox for received message.
- Preferences - Advanced options for student.
- Log out - Sign-out or Log-out account.

6. Student can modify their user picture and password by clicking “User Profile Menu”
then click “Edit Profile” or “Change Password”.
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7. The Edit Profile window and Change Password window.

8. To change your user account picture go to Edit Profile then click the upload icon or drag
the saved image you want. Another window will pop-up to upload, select and save your


9. To view the lesson posted simply click the course/subject available in your Dashboard
under the Course Overview.
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10. Posted topics can be downloadable or ready to open and read file

11. To take Quiz and other activity just simply click the “Quiz icon” inside the subject/course
then click “Attempt Quiz now”.

12. Students Attendance can be viewed by clicking “Attendance Icon” inside the
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13. Students Grades progress can be viewed by clicking “User Menu” -> “Grades” -> Select

14. Students can use the Chat messaging feature via Real-time and Non-Real-time
conversation between the Student and Teacher.
Go to selected Subject/Course -> Click the Chat icon -> Click “Click here to enter the
chat now” -> you are now in messaging window.
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Marian Road, Poblacion, Sta. Maria, Bulacan

15. Students can directly send a private message to the active online users.

Go to Dashboard -> Look for Online Users at the right side corner -> Click the name of
the user that you want to send a message -> Click Send Message -> The messaging window.


E-learning is a very student centered approach to teaching and learning, which means that
students must be self-directed and self- motivated to complete subject work. It is suggested
that students establish a routine and maintain it throughout the semester.

Immaculate Conception Polytechnic views the use of digital resources as central to the delivery
of its educational program and expects that all students will use digital resources as an essential
part of their learning experiences. It is the policy of Immaculate Conception Polytechnic to
maintain an environment that promotes ethical and responsible conduct in all digital resource
Sta. Maria, Bulacan, Philippines, Inc.
Marian Road, Poblacion, Sta. Maria, Bulacan

activities with this privilege and extraordinary opportunity to explore resources come
responsibilities for the parent and for the student.

Parent/ Guardian Responsibilities Guidelines for Students

1. The parent/guardian must agree to guide and monitor their son/daughter while doing
an on-task school work activity.
2. Motivate and encourage your son/daughter to attend his/her online classes as if he/she
were attending our actual school.
3. Guide your son/daughter on how he/she should present himself/herself properly online.
Also explain to him/her the importance of this matter. Thus, help him/her to understand
the situation of the corona virus pandemic and its basic safety measures.
4. Ensure respectful communication at all times at home.
5. Provide a dedicated physical space with no distractions for your son/daughter whenever
he/she is attending his/her online classes.
6. Develop a set of rules for the proper usage of the internet at home.
7. Establish firm and strict daily routines.
8. If only needed, share your phone with your son/daughter to help him/her connect with
his/her teacher online.
9. Monitor how long your son/daughter is spending his/her time on gadgets and online.
10. Follow the time table that is provided by the school. Also, assist the teachers whenever
they seem facing the same concerns as you.
11. Monitor the communication of your son/daughter with his/her teachers.
12. Try hard not to listen or intervene in your son’s/daughter’s online classes. Just like in an
actual school, the presence of the parents is not necessary. Also, actions like this might
lead your son/daughter on refraining himself/herself from asking questions to his/her
13. Do not let your son/daughter skip his/her online classes. It is important that he/she pays
all of his/her attention in all of his/her lectures.
14. Do not make fun of the online classes or any other school effort.
15. Take an active role in helping your son/daughter in the process of his/her own learning.
If possible, guide him/her in his daily/weekly activities and ask him/her to present to
you his/her accomplished outputs.


Netiquette is essentially rules and norms for interacting with others on the internet in a
considerate, respectful way. We enlisted some guidelines to make sure your online manners
are up to par.
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Marian Road, Poblacion, Sta. Maria, Bulacan

Learn how to be on your best behavior in an online classroom with these netiquette guidelines
every online student needs to know.

1. Set a schedule.
Students need to be extra responsible regarding the schedule of their classes every day. It is
advisable to have their own study habits, which will help them to maximize their learning

2. Wear proper attire during virtual classes.

Students do not require to wear their uniform while they are having online classes at home.
However, it is very important to be presentable once their virtual sessions are on going.
Everyone is expected to dress properly in a way that is modest and clean to avoid any
unnecessary distractions.

3. Make space for learning.

Students must have a space for learning. This will help them to have a conducive learning area,
that is quiet and comfortable, where they can work devotedly for their own learning. The most
important thing is to have a clean and noise-free background.

4. Mute yourself if you experience unavoidable background noise.

One of the common barriers in communication is the noise. Students may consider the noise as
a major problem in virtual classes; if that so, it is better to mute your audio. If it is impossible to
find a quiet place in your current family scenario, it is still important for you to attend the class.
Just mute yourself all throughout, except when you are called on, then, let your teacher aware
of your situation by sending a private message.

5. Always jot down notes.

As a student, it would be beneficial for you to jot down notes during the discussion, wherein
you record or write essential information. In doing so, this would free you from having a hard
time recalling details from the discussion.

6. Participate and give your full attention during discussions.

Your teacher is expecting you to participate in the discussion. This means that you have to focus
your attention during the discussion, so you could learn effectively. Your teacher will give you
an opportunity to speak up and share your thoughts.

7. Always ask questions if you have clarifications.

If you are experiencing some confusions regarding the lesson and/or instructions given by your
teacher, it is better to ask your teacher for clarifications. Always ask questions in a polite way.

8. Always check your email.

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Marian Road, Poblacion, Sta. Maria, Bulacan

Checking your email regularly is necessary. This is where your teacher sends your assignments,
instructions, and links for the online meetings. Checking your email ensures that you get
notified in a timely manner and this also helps you to adjust your schedule for the day/week.

9. Apologize for any accidental breech of netiquette.

All students are expected to give apologies whenever they break one of the etiquette guidelines.
This includes not being on time, having a noisy background, not participating in the discussion,
or attending a class even lacking of preparation. On the other hand, the students will be
prepared to continue and have a conducive learning by following these useful guidelines.

10. Be respectful and polite.

Others may have ideas and opinions that differ from yours, or they might struggle to
understand information as quickly as their peers. But they deserve the same level of respect
from you as you wish to receive from them. It is essential to keep in mind the feelings and the
opinions of the others, even if they differ from yours.

11. Be aware of strong language, all caps, and exclamation points.

Typing in all capital letters is inappropriate in conveying your message. Others may tend to
perceive it as shouting. Moreover, you should be cautious in using strong language and
punctuation marks, especially, exclamation points, to avoid any confusions in your message, so
that, everyone may not think that your message is rude.

12. Be careful with humor and sarcasm.

Sarcasm may lead to misunderstanding. It can be hurtful even if your intention is just to be
funny. Therefore, it is best to avoid sarcasm at all in an online classroom. Instead, switch on
being polite whenever you communicate with others to avoid this kind of issue.

13. Grammar and spelling matter.

Error in spelling and grammatical mistakes may change the meaning of your message. This
might result in confusion or misinformation. Your written communication must reflect the
proper writing style. On the other hand, it is also important to be reasonable, whenever you
point-out other’s grammatical mistakes or/and their errors in spelling.

14. Cite your sources.

Whenever you share someone’s work or idea, do not forget to cite the source where it comes
from. You are free to share anything relevant in the discussion. But take note, avoid plagiarism.
Also, follow the APA rules when citing sources at
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15. Do not post or share (even privately) inappropriate material and do not dominate the
Moodle is a platform where you can share your ideas and thoughts, which are relevant to the
lessons. As a learner, you should not dominate the discussion. Your teacher will give you
chances to share your thoughts and ideas in the proper discussion forum.

16. Take some time to read.

Always read the lessons and topics, which are given to you by your teacher. Make sure you allot
enough time for reading. Take note that reading is one of the basic requirements in online

17. Submit required school requirements on time.

Make sure that you are always able to submit all the assignments, activities, projects, and other
school work in the proper submission bin. Always be reminded that you need to be organized in
filing and sorting all your school requirements that ought to be sent out.


Classes officially begin on the first day of the academic calendar. Students should expect the
subject to be open on the first day of the Immaculate Conception Polytechnic school calendar,
and if the teacher is able to do so, he/she will open it sooner or send advanced materials via
your e-mail account, Facebook Account or messenger. However, the date to begin classes is the
first day of the semester as posted on the ICP school calendar and it should not be an
expectation that subject will always be open prior to that date.

Success in this online learning is dependent on your active participation and engagement. As
such, students are required to complete all assignments by the due date, and to actively
participate in online class discussions.

Students are expected to:

1. Log on at least three times a week – on different days in order to complete weekly
assignments, activities, discussions and/or other weekly deliverables as directed by the
2. Participate in the weekly discussions. This means that, in addition to posting a response
to the topic presented, students are expected to respond to each other and comment
and questions from the instructor and/or other students.

Online learning will, at a minimum, have weekly mechanisms for student participation more
frequently than daily, which can be documented by any or all the following:
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1. Completion of tests or quizzes

2. Discussion forums
3. Submission/completion of assignments
4. Communication with the teacher

If you find that you cannot meet the class' minimum discussion requirements due to such
a circumstance, please contact your instructor as soon as possible.

Students will not be marked present for the online learning in a week if they have not
posted/send on the discussion forum and/or submit assignment/essay or complete assessment
if administered in that week.


Assignments, including discussions, are posted on Moodle. The student should refer to the
schedule or posted in IC Institutions Website.

Grading of assignments
E-learning teachers have varying schedules and may be assigned different subjects to teach,
some of which are also on-line and off-line. It is important to understand that students may not
get instant feedback on assignments especially if they are lengthy and involved. A reasonable
turn-around time for course assignments will be communicated by the teacher in the course
materials and may vary from teacher to teacher and subject to subject.

Discussion Postings
These are provided by the teacher and will include the times your initial posting is to be
completed, a date by when any replies should be completed and when the discussion is closed.
Because discussions are intended to provide for group participation, students should all be
actively engaged in the open postings. It is important to note that there will be variability
among faculty in the management of discussion boards.

Policies in Examinations
There are two examinations in a semester, Midterm Examination and Final Examination.
Schedule of the examinations will be posted in the IC Institution website a week prior to the
examination date. Students are requested to settle their financial obligations before the
examination period. The school cashier is open from Monday – Friday, 8:30am -4:30pm.
Payments can also be done through bank deposit at AUB. Provided, you submit your deposit
slip with the student’s name and section as proof of payment.

Special Examinations
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Special examination shall be given to students who failed to take the scheduled major examination due
to severe illness or other compelling reasons.

Grading Scale and Remarks

90-100 Passed
85-89 Passed
80-84 Passed
75-79 Passed
Below 75 Failed

Non-Numerical Remarks
INC Incomplete
UW Unauthorized Withdrawal
DRPD Authorized Withdrawal
FA Failure due to absences
NA No Appearance

INC – An incomplete mark may be given to students whose performance in the first grading
period are passing but for some reasons, are unable to take the final examinations or submit a
subject requirement at the end of the semester to warrant completion of the grade. These
students are given one (1) year to complete the deficiency from the semester in which the
student incurred the INC. Failure to do so within the specified period of completion shall
automatically results into a failing grade of 70.
UW – This is given to student who incurs more than the allowed number of absences before the
midterm period.
DRPD – This is given to student who officially withdraws his/her enrolment from the school by
accomplishing the dropping form, which can be secured from the Registrar’s Office. Such form
is presented and duly signed by the instructor/professor of the subject.
FA – This is given to student who incurs more than the allowed number of absences after the
midterm period.
NA – This is given to student who is officially enrolled in a subject but does not appear in the

ICP follows the grading system of Senior High School as proposed by the Department of
Education (D.O. No. 8, Series 2015).
Sta. Maria, Bulacan, Philippines, Inc.
Marian Road, Poblacion, Sta. Maria, Bulacan

Academic Track Technical-Vocational and

Livelihood (TVL)
Work Work
Immersion/Research Immersion/Research/
Core All / Business All Other Exhibit Perfor-mance
Subjects Other Enterprise Subjects
Subjects Simulation/Exhibit
Written 25% 25% 35% 20%
Performanc 50% 45% 40% 60%
e Task
Quarterly 25% 30% 25% 20%


E-mail is the lifeline of communication for on-line classes. It is required that subject related e-
mails be sent within the __________, not to the instructor's direct email address. Teacher will
strive to answer all e-mail in 48 hours of receipt during the normal work week, Monday through
Friday. However, answering of e-mail on the weekend is at the discretion of the teacher.

 Please remember that e-mail is not confidential and if sending an e-mail to peers it
becomes their property and can be easily resent to anyone. So please use discretion in
your e-mails.
 While we ask students to keep subject related issues and questions within Moodle,
there may be program or school issues that are sent to students to their e-mail. We
recommend students check this account frequently.

E-learning allows for different venues for collaboration with peers. If you need a discussion area
set up or a chat room set up to work through group projects, and one has not been created,
please request one from the subject teacher.

MOST OF ALL, technology is not infallible and will foul up when you most need it to work. So
please appropriate your time wisely and don't wait until the last minute to get started on
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examinations, projects, discussions and assignments. Please check notices on the IC Institutions
web site and Moodle Account to keep abreast of any announcements and instructions.

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