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Dentomaxillofacial Radiology (2023) 52, 20220279

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Factors affecting interpretation of dental radiographs
Shwetha Hegde, 2Jinlong Gao, 3Rajesh Vasa and 4Stephen Cox
Academic Fellow, Dentomaxillofacial Radiology, Sydney Dental School, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia; 2Senior Lecturer,
Sydney Dental School, Institute of Dental Research, Westmead Centre for Oral Health, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia;

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Head of Translational Research and Development, Applied Artificial Intelligence, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia; 4Head
of Discipline, Discipline of Oral Surgery, Sydney Dental School, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia

Objectives: To identify the factors influencing errors in the interpretation of dental radio-
Methods: A protocol was registered on Prospero. All studies published until May 2022
were included in this review. The search of the electronic databases spanned Ovid Medline,
PubMed, EMBASE, Web of Science and Scopus. The quality of the studies was assessed
using the MMAT tool. Due to the heterogeneity of the included studies, a meta-­analysis was
not conducted.
Results: The search yielded 858 articles, of which eight papers met the inclusion and exclu-
sion criteria and were included in the systematic review. These studies assessed the factors
influencing the accuracy of the interpretation of dental radiographs. Six factors were identified
as being significant that affected the occurrence of interpretation errors. These include clinical
experience, clinical knowledge, and technical ability, case complexity, time pressure, location
and duration of dental education and training and cognitive load.
Conclusions: The occurrence of interpretation errors has not been widely investigated in
dentistry. The factors identified in this review are interlinked. Further studies are needed to
better understand the extent of the occurrence of interpretive errors and their impact on the
practice of dentistry.
Dentomaxillofacial Radiology (2023) 52, 20220279. doi: 10.1259/dmfr.20220279

Cite this article as: Hegde S, Gao J, Vasa R, Cox S. Factors affecting interpretation of dental
radiographs. Dentomaxillofac Radiol (2023) 10.1259/dmfr.20220279.

Keywords: errors; interpretation; dental radiology


Making a diagnosis is a critical clinical decision and a diagnosis from an image requires four steps: (a) detec-
has implications for clinicians and their patients. The tion- identifying a finding that would require further
diagnostic process involves gathering data from patient analysis. (b) recognition-­identification of pathology, (c)
history and clinical examination, performing diagnostic discrimination- characterisation of the lesion, and (d)
tests, and arriving at a diagnosis by interpreting and diagnosis and differential diagnosis.5 The detection and
integrating the findings.1 discrimination of pathology in a radiographic image
In clinical dentistry, radiographs provide useful involves both perceptual (recognising a difference or
diagnostic information about diseases and pathologies change in appearance) and cognitive (understanding the
of the teeth and jaws. They are routinely used in the significance of these changes) processes. The clinician
clinical diagnosis of problems and contribute to treat- must first detect pathology on a radiograph and then
ment planning.2,3 Evaluation of a radiographic image characterise it, leading to a diagnosis. However, this is
involves visual inspection and interpretation.4 Making a complex process, and decisions are often made based
Correspondence to: Dr Shwetha Hegde, E-mail:;​
on incomplete clinical information. In some situations, inaccurate thinking processes can lead to errors in diag-
Received 24 August 2022; revised 24 November 2022; accepted 25 November nosis. Due to the analytical complexity of working with
2022; published online 22 December 2022 partial information, diagnostic errors and errors of
Factors affecting interpretation errors of dental radiographs
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interpretation of radiographs are frequently unavoid- Data sources

able in day-­to-­day practice.6 The search focused on the factors influencing interpre-
Errors of interpretation have been described as a tation errors of radiographs in clinical environments
discrepancy in the interpretation that significantly with no restrictions to study design. Ovid Medline,
differs from the consensus of one’s peers.7 The errors PubMed, EMBASE, PsycINFO, the Cochrane Library
in interpreting radiographs have been studied in medi- (Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Cochrane
cine.8–12 While interpretive errors and the factors Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL),
affecting them could be the same in dentistry, they have Cochrane methodology register), Scopus, Web of
not been assessed with the same rigour as in medicine Science (including Science Citation Index Expanded)
and are therefore not well understood. and EBSCO databases were systematically searched.
The search was conducted between February 2021
and March 2021 and then updated in May 2022. The

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Aims databases were searched for articles published between
1946 and May 2022. The search was limited to articles
This systematic review aimed to identify the factors published in English.
contributing to errors in interpreting radiographs by
dental practitioners.
Search strategy
Objectives The search strategy was developed to include relevant
(1) Identify factors that influence or cause the errors in concepts specific to dental radiographic interpretation
interpretation errors. The databases were searched using keywords,
(2) Identify the relative significance of those factors Medical Subject Headings (MeSH), Emtree terms
and free-­text terms relating to radiology, dentomax-
illofacial radiology, dentistry, errors of interpreta-
Methods tion, diagnostic errors and clinical decision making.
The Ovid Medline search used a combination of
Protocol and registration Mesh terms, and the same strategy was used for
This systematic review followed PRISMA guidelines13 searching other databases. The Ovid database search
and was registered on the National Institute of Health strategy is included in Table 1. The potential factors
Research Database (, affecting errors of interpretation were identified from
protocol registration number CRD42020207998). the medical radiology literature and adapted to the
dental context. The search strategy was validated by
checking if seminal papers were captured in the data-
Eligibility criteria base search. The conceptual structure of the search
strategy is described in Table 2.
Inclusion criteria
(1) Studies that examined factors influencing interpre-
tation errors or diagnostic errors among dental pro- Data collection process and data items
fessionals Full texts of those articles that met the inclusion
(2) Published in the English language criteria were obtained, and data were extracted. A
(3) Articles published in peer-­reviewed journals. data extraction template was developed on Covidence
(4) All clinical settings. (Covidence systematic review software, Veritas Health
(5) Reference lists of selected papers from the search Innovation, Melbourne, Australia. Available at www.​ The data extraction form was tested
using two included papers, and necessary modifications
Exclusion criteria: were made before extraction. Two reviewers (SH and
1. Case reports, conference proceedings, letters to the JG) independently extracted the data using Covidence,
editor and news articles and any conflict was resolved through discussion.

Table 1 search strategy

Dentistry/ or dentists/ or dentist* or medical radiologist* or dental radiolog* or dentomaxillofacial radiolog* or dental imaging or dental X-­ray* or
radiographer* or panoramic radiograph* or OPG or orthopantomograph* or intraoral radiograph* or intraoral radiograph*).mp.
Anxiety/ or Burnout, Professional/ or Occupational Stress/px or fatigue or anxiety or depression or stress or burnout or workload or
occupational stress or occupational burnout or job-­related stress or job stress* or human error* or professional error* or time pressure or “not
taking adequate time” or professional
Clinical Decision-­Making/ or Decision Making/ or Diagnostic Self Evaluation/ or Diagnostic Errors/ or (diagnostic error* or misdiagnos#s or
mis-­diagnos#s or missed diagnos#s or delayed diagnosis or diagnos* mistake* or radilogical error* or interpretive error*).mp.

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Factors affecting interpretation errors of dental radiographs
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Table 2 Conceptual structure of search strategy

Concept 1 Concept 2 Concept 3
dentist and dental imaging factors causing errors of interpretation consequences
Keywords: dentist, dentomaxillofacial Keywords: stress, occupational stress, fatigue, Keywords: errors in decision making, problems
radiology, dental radiology, dental imaging, burnout, excessive workload, attentional bias, in diagnosis, diagnostic errors, missed diagnosis,
panoramic, intraoral imaging case complexity, inattention, time pressure, errors of omission, interpretive errors, errors of
clinical experience interpretation clinical decision making, image
perception, delayed diagnosis, observer variation,
radiological error,
MeSH terms: “Dentists”[Mesh] OR MeSH terms: “Occupational Stress”[Mesh] MeSH terms: ((((((“Diagnostic Errors”[Mesh])
“Radiography, Dental, Digital”[Mesh] OR OR “Stress, Psychological”[Mesh] OR “Missed Diagnosis”[Mesh]) OR “Medical
“Radiography, Panoramic”[Mesh] OR “Fatigue”[Mesh] OR “Burnout, Errors”[Majr]) OR “Medical Errors”[Mesh]) OR

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Professional”[Mesh] OR “Workload”[Mesh] “Clinical Decision-­Making”[Mesh]) OR “Delayed
OR “Attentional Bias”[Mesh] Diagnosis”[Mesh]) OR “Observer Variation”[Mesh]

Methodological quality papers. These articles were imported into Covidence

The methodological quality was assessed using the for screening and data extraction. After the duplicates
Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT).14 The MMAT were removed, 336 articles were available for the title
is a validated critical appraisal tool designed to appraise and abstract screening. Two reviewers (SH and JG)
systematic mixed studies reviews. It permits the assess- independently screened the titles and abstracts to iden-
ment of the methodological quality of five categories tify studies that met the inclusion criteria. All studies
of studies: qualitative research, randomised controlled deemed eligible by both reviewers were subjected to a full
trials, non-­randomised studies, quantitative descriptive article review to determine inclusion in the final analysis,
studies, and mixed methods studies.14 One reviewer (SH) and eight articles met the inclusion criteria. They were
independently performed the quality assessment, and included in the final data extraction. Any differences
then the second reviewer (JG) validated the information, about the eligibility of inclusion were resolved by discus-
and any disagreement was resolved through discussion. sion between the two reviewers. The screening process is
Depending on the MMAT criteria, papers were shown in the PRISMA flow diagram,13 Figure 1.
grouped into high, medium, or low quality. For each
study, the overall quality score was calculated using the
MMAT. Based on the MMAT tool, studies were scored Study characteristics
as unclassified, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%% or 100%, with An overview of the eight studies included in this review
scores of 80–100% considered high quality.14 is shown in Table 3.
Publication and reporting bias were minimised by
searching multiple databases and including studies from
those sites. Studies with low methodological quality Participants and settings
were not excluded but were described in the analysis and Dentists (clinicians) and dental students were partici-
synthesis. pants in five of the included studies.16–20 One study was
a retrospective analysis of dental records.15 The study
location varied among the included articles, with two
Results studies based in the USA,16,17 two in Brazil,18,20 one in
the Netherlands,16 one in Germany,21 one in the UK,19
The results of this review were tabulated and described and 1 in two locations-­Brazil and Switzerland.22 5 of the
narratively. The eight studies in the systematic review studies used radiographs of extracted teeth.16–18,20,22 Two
highlighted the following factors as being significant studies used patient radiographs.19,22 The outcomes were
for interpretation errors of dental radiographs: clinical similar for five studies, and they examined the diagnostic
experience, clinical knowledge and technical ability, accuracy of dental caries on bitewing radiographs. One
time pressure, cognitive load, case complexity on dental study19 used panoramic radiographs for patients, and
radiographs, and training (duration of the didactic the other21 used CBCT images to detect MB2 of maxil-
program). One study15 did not fit these categories and lary molars. The final study15 used malpractice claims
was described separately. to assess the extent of preventable adverse events and
Meta-­analyses were not attempted due to the hetero- included radiographic interpretation errors.
geneity of the raw data due to widely varying study The majority (62%) of the studies were conducted
settings and study designs. entirely in a university clinic setting,17–21 with one using
both private practice and a university setting.16 One
Study selection study15 was a retrospective audit conducted by a panel of
Eight hundred fifty-­eight articles were obtained from dentists and dentists and physicians with legal training
searching the databases and reference lists of selected in private practice. Dentomaxillofac Radiol, 52, 20220279

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Figure 1 Prisma flow diagram for study identification, screening, eligibility, and inclusion.

Quality assessment minimise confounding bias either by using large sample

The quality assessment of all included studies is shown sizes, stratification, or statistical control.
in Table 4. This review has three categories of studies: Five of the six non-­ randomised quantitative
non-­randomised quantitative studies,16–19,21, a quantita- studies16–19,21 conducted measurements for outcomes
tive randomised cross-­over study22 and a quantitative and intervention (or exposure). Clinical experience was
descriptive study.15 In the MMAT checklist, there were considered as exposure in these studies. The outcome
five questions for each study type, to which the response was the diagnostic accuracy of radiographic findings
was ‘yes’, ‘no’ or ‘can't tell’. and was measured using sensitivity and specificity of
Seven15–20,22 of the eight studies were deemed medium diagnosis. However, none of the five studies in this
quality with a score of 60%, and one study21 was rated category accounted for confounders in design and
low quality with a score of 40%. analysis, such as factors influencing clinical experience,
The participants did not represent the target popu- namely type of clinical practice, the dental clinic’s loca-
lation in four studies due to limited sample sizes.17–19,21 tion (urban, rural), number of patients seen each day,
While all seven studies16–22 had dentists and dental number of radiographs diagnosed each day. The influ-
students as participants, the study design did not specify ence of changing diagnostic standards and criteria and
the inclusion and exclusion criteria used, what methods evolving scientific knowledge on clinical experience were
were used to achieve a sample size of participants also not considered.
representing the target population, sample size calcula- The quantitative randomised cross-­ over study by
tion and whether the sample size was adequate for the Plessas et al. (2019)22 did not include blinding in the study
target population. In addition, no attempt was made to design, the outcome assessors (participants) were not

 Radiol, 52, 20220279
Table 3 data extraction table
Author, year Participant sample Image type and Exposure (factor (Effects of the
and country Aim Study design size image sample size Participants investigated) Comparator factor studied) Conclusion
1 (17), The To compare Nonrandomised Dentists = 273 Bitewing Dentists Clinical fourth-­year diagnostic accuracy Clinical experience
Netherlands the diagnostic quantitative Dental students radiographs of experience dental students
of dentinal caries increased
accuracy of dental = 259 extracted teeth Years of from three on bitewing specificity but
students and showing 105 experience = not consecutive radiographs inversely affected
general dental interproximal stated cohorts the sensitivity
practitioners surfaces of radiographic
diagnosis of dental
caries, with dental
students having
higher sensitivity
scores than dentists.
2 (18), To assess Nonrandomised Dentists = 10 Bitewing Brazilian and clinical Brazilian and accuracy The clinical
Brazil and the influence quantitative study Dental students radiographs of Swiss dentists experience Swiss dental (reproducibility and experience affected
Switzerland of clinician = 10 166 extracted Years of students validity) of caries the sensitivity
experience on the permanent teeth experience of diagnosis at two and specificity of
reproducibility dentists = 5 to 7 thresholds radiographic caries
and accuracy years location of diagnosis
Hegde et al

of radiographic dental education/ Clinical experience

examination training increased specificity.
for detection of programs This paper did not
occlusal caries. specify how the
education program
(location) affected
diagnostic accuracy
3 (16), To identify and Retrospective cohort 92 dental not applicable 92 dental Knowledge and No comparator Dental adverse Poor quality films
USA distinguish study (qualitative) malpractice claims malpractice technical ability events and degree and interpretation
treatment related Poor claims filed in radiography of avoidability of resulting in
injuries that are interpretation between 1900 adverse events diagnostic errors
avoidable from and incorrect and 1974 were considered
those that are prescription of avoidable outcomes.
Factors affecting interpretation errors of dental radiographs

sequelae of a radiographs = 8
dental problem cases

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Table 3 (Continued)

Author, year Participant sample Image type and Exposure (factor (Effects of the

Radiol, 52, 20220279

and country Aim Study design size image sample size Participants investigated) Comparator factor studied) Conclusion
4 (19), To compare the Nonrandomised Dentists = 15 Bitewings of 100 Dental faculty clinical first-­year and Confidence of Clinical experience
USA effect of differing quantitative Dental students in extracted teeth experience senior-­year presence/absence affected the
levels of didactic the first year = 15 for assessment of Years of dental students of caries using sensitivity and
education and Dental students in occlusal caries experience a 5-­point Likert specificity of caries
clinical experience senior year = 14 of the dental scale) diagnosis, with
among first- and faculty-­17 years the specificity of
senior-­year dental levels of didactic radiographic caries
students and the education (first diagnosis increasing
dental faculty on and senior year with increasing
the diagnosis of students) experience.
occlusal caries on There was no
radiographs significant
difference in levels
of accuracy between
the first year and
senior students
Hegde et al
Factors affecting interpretation errors of dental radiographs

5 (20), To compare the Nonrandomised Dentists = 26 20 patient Dentists (GP Cognitive Third-­year dental Cognitive load was More experienced
Germany pupillary responses quantitative study Dental students panoramic and specialists) load clinical students measured using clinicians show
(pupil diameter, = 50 radiographs for working at the experience pupil diameter. a proportional
gaze hit mapping) students and 15 university clinics case (image) An increase in increase in
of experts and for experts difficulty/ median pupillary pupillary response
student dentists complexity years diameter from to increasing case
to panoramic of experience baseline and difficulty. Dental
radiographs of of dentists = 10 variation with the students had a
varying difficulties. years on average level of difficulty onconsistent increase
the radiograph was in pupillary
measured diameter regardless
of difficulty level.
6 (21), To assess the Nonrandomised Dentists (OMR CBCT of Dentists (OMR clinician Comparison of Agreement on Agreement of MB2
Brazil ability of three quantitative study registrars) =3 82 extracted registrars) in experience interobserver identifying the diagnosis increased
observers to maxillary first the oral and Years of agreement presence of with clinical
accurately confirm molars was used. maxillofacial experience = MB2 (second experience
the existence and The teeth were radiology reviewer one five mesiobuccal canal)
absence of MB2 grouped into program. years’ experience, under different
canals in human three depending reviewer two conditions of MB1
first upper molars on the condition three years’ and (non-­filled, filled,
with different root of MB1 as non-­ reviewer three and deobturated)
conditions and the filled, filled and one year
agreement among deobturated
three observers.

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Table 3 (Continued)

Author, year Participant sample Image type and Exposure (factor (Effects of the
and country Aim Study design size image sample size Participants investigated) Comparator factor studied) Conclusion
7 (22), To explore the role Randomised cross-­ Dentists = 12 patient Primary care time pressure time pressure radiographic Under time
UK of time pressure on over study 40 randomly bitewing dentists (GP) versus no time diagnostic pressure, the
the radiographic assigned to four radiographs Years of pressure time performance- sensitivity was
diagnostic groups of ten eachEach bitewing experience = 17 diagnostic error lower, but the
performance when had a range of years (average) specificity was not
viewing bitewing difficulty (three affected.
radiographs among easy, three Time pressure
dentists difficult) increased the
incidence of
diagnostic errors
and errors of
8 Bussaneli To evaluate the Nonrandomised Dental faculty = 3 Bitewing Dentists from clinical Second-­year Accuracy of caries The professional
DG et al, influence of the quantitative study Dental students radiographs of 77 the department knowledge dental students diagnosis using experience did not
2014 (23), examiner’s clinical =3 recently extracted of paediatric (ICDAS clinical evaluation affect the accuracy
Hegde et al

Brazil experience on or exfoliated dentistry. classification on and bitewing of caries diagnosis

the detection and primary molars. radiographs) radiographs. on bitewings.
treatment decision Clinical
of caries lesions in experience
primary molars. Years of
experience of the
dental faculty =
10 years (group
Dental students
(group B) were
familiar with the
ICDAS criteria
Factors affecting interpretation errors of dental radiographs

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Factors affecting interpretation errors of dental radiographs
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Table 4 Quality assessment

Quantitative randomised
Cross-­over Quantitative non-­randomised Quantitative descriptive Quality
References 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5
Mileman 2002 * * * - - medium
Diniz 2010 - * * - * medium
Lazarchik 1995 - * * - * medium
Castner 2020 - * * - * medium
Vizzotto 2015 - - * - * low
Bussaneli 2015 - * * Can't tell * medium
Plessas 2019 * * * - Can’t tell medium

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Milgrom 1975 * * Can't tell * - medium
1*meets 20% of MMAT criteria
2**meets 40% of MMAT criteria
3***meets 60% of MMAT criteria
4****meets 80% of MMAT criteria
5*****meets 100%of MMAT criteria
20-­40%=low quality; 60–80% = medium quality; 80–100% = high quality

blinded to the intervention, and it was unclear whether In contrast, Vizzotto et al21 utilised cone beam
the participants adhered to the assigned intervention. computed tomography (CBCT) images of extracted
The quantitative descriptive study15 did not describe maxillary molars to study the diagnostic accuracy of
a sampling strategy and did not contain statistical anal- identifying the second mesiobuccal canal (MB2) of
ysis, and it was unclear whether the outcome measure- maxillary molars. The study by Castner et al19 directly
ments were appropriate. The variables were defined, assessed the effect of case complexity on diagnostic
but there was no description of how the variables were accuracy. They used patient panoramic radiographs
measured. The quality assessment of all studies using and categorised the images depending on the difficulty
MMAT14 is shown in Table 4. of interpretation, which relied on the prevalence of the
lesions and ease of detection (lesion conspicuity). They
Results of Synthesis found that the diagnostic accuracy depended on the
level of complexity of findings on the radiographs.
This review identified six factors influencing inter- The seven studies described here measured the diag-
pretation errors: the complexity of dental radiographs, nostic accuracy using sensitivity and specificity. The type
clinical knowledge and technical ability, clinical experi- of image- bitewings, panoramic radiographs or CBCT,
ence, cognitive load, time pressure and dental training in vitro or patient radiographs and a variety of patholo-
and education programs. These factors appear interre- gies studied varied in the studies included in this review.
lated and contribute to the occurrence of interpretation These factors can affect the case complexity of dental
errors. radiographs and influence the accuracy of diagnosis and
the occurrence of interpretation errors. In a clinical situ-
The complexity of dental radiographs ation, the interpretation of patient radiographs may have
The complexity of a radiograph describes the level a higher complexity than the radiographs of extracted
of difficulty in detecting pathology and interpreting the teeth (in vitro images) used in experimental settings, as
findings. The complexity of a radiograph depends on patient radiographs may show both expected and inci-
the type (bitewings, panoramic radiographs, CBCT) and dental findings. In addition to the artificial reading envi-
quality of radiographs (image contrast, presence of film ronment, this could influence diagnostic accuracy.
faults), the type and incidence of pathology identified
on the radiographs, and the conspicuity of the findings.23
This review found that interpretation errors were more Clinical knowledge and technical ability in dental
likely to occur with radiographs of higher complexity. radiography
In the studies in this systematic review, dental radio- Clinical knowledge is described as scientific knowl-
graphs with various complexities were considered to edge about diseases, their pathophysiology, bodily
evaluate the influence of complexity on interpretation processes, appropriate diagnostic tests and therapeutic
errors. Most studies (50 %) used in vitro bitewing radio- measures.24 In contrast, technical ability in dental
graphs of extracted teeth to evaluate a single type of radiology refers to the skills of dental radiography and
pathology, dental caries.16–18,20 The study by Plessas et patient management in dental radiology. This review
al22 used patient bitewing radiographs, and pathological found that clinical knowledge and technical skills
findings included dental caries and periodontal disease. affected the accuracy of radiographic diagnosis.

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Two studies15,20 considered the influence of clinical education influenced the accuracy of radiographic
knowledge and technical ability on the occurrence of diagnosis.
interpretation errors. The study by Milgrom et al15
found that clinical knowledge and technical ability in
dental radiography influenced the occurrence of diag- Clinical experience
nostic errors. The attributes related to clinical knowl- Six studies examined the impact of clinical expe-
edge included poor interpretation and inappropriate use rience on diagnostic accuracy.16–21 Clinical experience
of radiographs. Taking poor quality films and failing to was described as years since graduation18 or the number
protect the patient were identified as technical abilities of years in clinical practice.19 The influence of clinical
affecting the incidence of errors. All these were consid- experience on diagnostic accuracy was measured using
ered avoidable events.15 The study by Bussanelli et al20 sensitivity and specificity of radiographic caries diag-
discussed the effect of knowledge in a limited manner, nosis. Of the six studies, five (over 80 %) found a strong

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focusing only on the extent of knowledge of ICDAS correlation in that clinical experience increased diag-
coding and experience using it for caries diagnosis. They nostic specificity but not sensitivity. These studies also
found that the understanding of and experience in using found higher sensitivity of radiographic caries diagnosis
the caries classification increased the accuracy of caries among participants with less clinical experience (dental
diagnosis. students). Overall, these studies found a higher rate of
errors in interpretation among less experienced clini-
cians. However, Bussanelli et al20 found no correlation
Time pressure between clinical experience and the accuracy of radio-
Time pressure is described as the psychological stress graphic caries diagnosis. They reported that experienced
resulting from a time shortage to complete tasks.25 clinicians were more confident about their diagnosis
Time pressure has been identified as a contributor to than novice clinicians. In Mileman et al,16 the dentist
diagnostic errors in medical radiology.26 Plessas et al22 cohort data was historical, and the dentist’s clinical
investigated the effect of time pressure on the accu- experience was not specified.
racy of the radiographic interpretation of bitewing
radiographs. They found that time pressure resulted in
lower sensitivity and diagnostic accuracy, leading to an Cognitive load
increased occurrence of interpretive errors. None of the Cognitive load has been described as the mental
other studies considered the effect of time pressure by load experienced by a clinician when faced with a
including a time limit in their study design; therefore, a challenging situation or a clinical problem. Lack of
comparison of the impact of time pressure could not be conceptual knowledge, inefficient reasoning strategies,
made in those studies. and task difficulty increase cognitive load.23,27 Using
pupillary response as a measure of cognitive load,
Castner et al19 reported that the cognitive load varied
among novice and experienced clinicians depending
Dental training and education programs (location and
on panoramic radiographs of different difficulty levels.
They found that the cognitive load among students was
Dental training programs vary in content and
consistently high regardless of the difficulty of diagnosis
length in different parts of the world. The location and
(case complexity). However, the cognitive load increased
extent of training were discussed in two papers.17,18 In
proportionately to the case difficulty among clinicians.
the study by Diniz et al,17 dentists and dental students The remaining studies in this review did not directly
in Brazil and Switzerland were compared. The two discuss the influence of cognitive load on the occurrence
education programs varied in length of training. The of errors of interpretation.
authors concluded that the differences in sensitivity This systematic review recognised that the factors
of radiographic caries diagnosis between the student affecting the interpretation of dental radiographs iden-
groups could be attributed to the differences in training tified in the included studies are interlinked and have
in the two countries. Lazarchik et al18 studied the effect a follow-­on effect on each other, as demonstrated in
of the level of training by comparing the accuracy of Figure 2. The figure shows that the factors identified in
radiographic caries diagnosis among dentists, first year this review either directly or indirectly affect cognitive
and senior dental students. They found that increase in load, and an overload on the cognitive functions leads
years of training (first-­year versus senior-­year dental to errors of interpretation.
students) was associated with improved accuracy
of radiographic diagnosis of caries. The remaining
studies in this systematic review did not consider the Discussion
effect of the location and duration of dental training
and education program on diagnostic accuracy and the In medical radiology, several factors influence the
occurrence of interpretation errors. It is, therefore, not interpretation of radiographs, and failure of these
possible to conclude if the type and location of dental processes leads to errors.6,8,28 Interpretation errors can Dentomaxillofac Radiol, 52, 20220279

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Figure 2 Concept map of factors affecting interpretation of dental radiographs

lead to consequences such as delayed diagnosis of life-­ the duration and location of the dental education and
threatening diseases, unnecessary or harmful treatment training program impacted clinical knowledge and
and patient mortality.4,6,7,11,12,29,30 technical skills. Research has shown that experienced
The primary goal of this systematic review was to clinicians develop clinical gestalt, a heuristic decision-­
identify from the literature, factors contributing to making approach.38–40 The ability to recognise patterns
errors in interpreting dental radiographs. The factors on radiographs and gain a holistic understanding of
identified from this review included clinical experi- a radiographic image develops over time. Therefore,
ence, clinical knowledge and technical ability, the experienced clinicians demonstrate diagnostic acuity
complexity of dental radiographs, cognitive load, time and higher levels of diagnostic accuracy. Experienced
pressure and geographic location and length of dental clinicians may also manage time pressure and case
training and education programs. These factors have complexity differently than novice clinicians. Experi-
also been recognised in medical radiology as impacting enced clinicians are more likely to handle stress (cogni-
the accuracy of radiographic diagnosis and inter- tive overload), time pressure and case complexity better.
pretive errors.6,31–34 Research on interpretive errors in Several techniques or strategies have been studied
medical radiology has shown that interpretive errors are in medicine, including templates, checklists, clinical
common.35–37 decision support systems and machine learning algo-
This systematic review found that clinical knowl- rithms to reduce the incidence of errors of interpreta-
edge and technical skills in dental radiography were tion.41–43 However, in dentistry, there is insufficient data
closely related to clinical experience. Understanding regarding the use of cognitive aids to assist with clinical
anatomy and pathologic processes, their consequences decision-­making.
on oral health and their management are acquired This systematic review had methodological limita-
during training, and the knowledge improves over tions, including a small number of studies and limiting
time as a clinician gains more experience.38 However, to papers published only in English. The exclusion of
this systematic review was inconclusive about how non -English studies may be a source of publication

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Factors affecting interpretation errors of dental radiographs
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bias. In addition, publication bias in the included also revealed a notable lack of literature studying the
studies could not be assessed due to the heterogeneity causes and factors influencing errors in interpreting
of the papers in relation to their study design and signif- radiographs in a dental setting. All the factors described
icant differences in the effect sizes reported. The quality in this review directly or indirectly impact cognitive load.
of evidence was rated as medium because the papers In turn, cognitive overload can lead to interpretive errors.
addressed only three of the five criteria described by Errors of interpretation can have a substantial impact
MMAT. The quality assessment revealed that the study on diagnostic and treatment decisions. These errors can
designs did not take appropriate measures to control potentially affect both the patient and the dental clini-
confounding bias. The studies also had methodolog- cian adversely. Well-­designed studies in clinical settings
ical issues, including small sample sizes and inaccurate are needed to gain insights into how and why interpretive
diagnostic accuracy measurement, which impacted the errors occur. Further research will also increase aware-
statistical significance and generalizability of the results. ness about interpretive errors and pave the way for devel-

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Studies with small sample sizes reduce the power of the oping strategies to minimise them in dental practice.
study, and the results cannot be extrapolated to a larger Strategies to close these gaps include identifying factors
population. Diagnostic accuracy studies measure the associated with interpretive errors and efforts to build
accuracy of a diagnosis against a gold standard using interpretive error epidemiology that will account for the
parameters such as sensitivity and specificity. Studies in different underlying processes that affect them.
this review used different methods to establish gold stan-
dard diagnoses, including histopathological sections of
teeth and expert panel diagnoses. In one study, gold-­ Funding
standard diagnoses were not used.
Open access publishing facilitated by The University of
Sydney, as part of the Wiley - The University of Sydney
Conclusions agreement via the Council of Australian University
This review identified factors affecting the accuracy of
radiographic diagnoses in dental radiology. However, it


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