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Name: Marvelous Kanayo Etumudon

Mat No: m062310024

Session: 2023/2024
Assignment On Simulation Based Research Design

1A). The key principles of a simulation based research designs are:

 Ability To Mimic The Real World Process : Meticulously

replicating real-world laboratory environments is at the forefront
of our design philosophy. This involves deploying high-fidelity
manikins, realistic technical equipment, and authentic room
layouts to precisely mimic diverse management settings.
 Its Interactivity: Embracing cutting-edge technology is integral
to our designs. We prioritize incorporating advanced simulators,
virtual reality, and augmented reality tools to elevate the learning
experience and prepare quality management professionals for
the evolving technological landscape.
 Safety and Accessibility: We are unwavering in our
commitment to ensuring that all simulation environments are
safe and accessible to all users. Compliance with management
regulations and accessibility standards is non-negotiable.
 Sustainability: We prioritize environmental impact in the design
and operation of simulation centers. This involves utilizing
sustainable materials and integrating energy-efficient
technologies to align with evolving environmental standards.
 Research and Innovation: Our approach encourages a culture
of ongoing research and innovation within simulation centers.
B). Steps of a simulation based research designs are:

 Step 1. Identify the Problem: Enumerate problems with an

existing system. Produce requirements for a proposed system.

 Step 2. Formulate the Problem: Select the bounds of the system,

the problem or a part thereof, to be studied. Define overall
objective of the study and a few specific issues to be addressed.
Define performance measures – quantitative criteria on the basis
of which different system configurations will be compared and
ranked. Identify, briefly at this stage, the configurations of interest
and formulate hypotheses about system performance. Decide the
time frame of the study. Identify the end-user of the simulation

 Step 3. Collect and Process Real System Data: Collect data on

system specifications, input variables, as well as the performance
of the existing system.

 Step 4. Formulate and Develop a Model: Develop schematics and

network diagrams of the system. Translate these conceptual
models to simulation software acceptable form. Verify that the
simulation model executes as intended. Verification techniques
include traces, varying input parameters over their acceptable
range and checking the output, substituting constants for random
variables and manually checking results, and animation.

 Step 5. Validate the Model: Compare the model’s performance

under known conditions with the performance of the real system.
Perform statistical inference tests and get the model examined by
system experts. Assess the confidence that the end-user places on
the model and address problems if any.
 Step 6. Document Model for Future Use: Document objectives,
assumptions and input variables in detail. Document the
experimental design.

c). Types of a simulation based research designs are:

 Discrete event model: Items (e.g. subject) flow through a network

of components. Each component performs a function before the
item moves on to services
 Continuous simulation: This is used when an system involves a
continuous flow of information or other resources. The model is
comprised of variables and rates of flow.
 Agent-based models are used to determine the global
consequences of interactions among individual agents.

2. The justification that my research follows the simulation based

research designs are:
Simulation involves building a dynamic model that represents a system.
The model involves inputs and outputs. Simulation runs are made and
the behavior of the system is observed. simulation allows students to
deal in a realistic way with matters of vital concern. Simulations enable
students to understand complex interactions of physical or
social environment factors. So with this point, the simulation process is
vital for my research.
3. The strength of a simulation based research designs are:
 It requires investigators to be more explicit about their analysis
plan. The process ensures that the investigators specify a
parameter of interest and estimation approach in advance.
 By allowing learners to make errors and experience the
repercussions of these errors in a secure environment . This have
has proven to be more effective in engaging learners and helping
them retain information better.
 Through structured reflection, participants can reflect on their
experiences and identify the positive outcomes or learnings they
have gained from participating in the simulation.
3b). The limitations of a simulation based research designs:
 The lack of standardization in the performance of experiments
can influence the findings of the studies.
 The default parameters of simulators are usually determined for
specific test cases, making it difficult to accurately simulate
different scenarios.
 The lack of finding an appropriate modeling approach. When
choosing an appropriate model is often difficult, even for familiar
objects, materials and physical processes.

4). The integration of a simulation based research designs with other

research methods are discussed below:

Other research methods must make various assumptions about the

exact cause and effect nature of the system under study. For example, in
research, one must define the form and content of cause and effect a
priority in order to learn from the data observed. Simulation allows for
researchers to assume the inherent complexity of organizational systems
as a given. If other methods answer the questions “What happened and
how, and why?” simulation helps answer the question “What if?”
Simulation enables studies of more complex systems because it creates
observations by “moving forward” into the future, whereas other
research methods attempt to look backwards across history to determine
what happened, and how. Looking backwards is inherently more difficult
than moving forwards. But a mixed-methods research approach that
includes simulation provides a broad multi-dimensional approach.

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