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Pembahasan Soal Bahasa Inggris Guru SD

KSHN 2024

1. What tense is used in the sentence: "She will be visiting us next month."
A. Present Continuous
B. Future Continuous
C. Past Continuous
D. Present Perfect
Jawaban : B (Level Easy)
Pembahasan :
"She will be visiting us next month." uses the Future Continuous tense, which is used
for actions that will be in progress at a specific time in the future.

2. Which sentence uses a gerund correctly?

A. I enjoy to swim in the ocean.
B. He avoided talking about that subject.
C. She prefers read in the morning.
D. We discussed about moving to a new city.
Jawaban : B (Level Medium)
Pembahasan :
Gerunds are verbs that act as nouns and usually end in "-ing." In this sentence, "talking"
is correctly used as a gerund after the verb "avoided," which typically requires a gerund
and not an infinitive.

3. Choose the sentence that is an example of the first conditional:

A. If it rained, you would get wet.
B. If it rains, you will get wet.
C. If it had rained, you would have gotten wet.
D. If it would rain, you will get wet.
Jawaban : B (Level Medium)
Pembahasan :
This is an example of the first conditional, used for real and possible situations in the
future. It typically has the structure "if + present simple, will + base form of the verb."

4. Which sentence correctly uses the modal verb "could"?

A. She could to drive when she was sixteen.
B. He could see us tomorrow.
C. We could going to the park later.
D. Could they have better choices?
Jawaban : B (Level Medium)
Pembahasan :
"Could" is used here to express possibility in the future. The other options misuse
"could" either grammatically or contextually.

5. Identify the correct preposition to fill in the blank: "She is good ___ painting."
A. at
B. in
C. on
D. by
Jawaban : A (Level Easy)
Pembahasan :
"At" is the correct preposition to use in the phrase "good at" when referring to being
proficient in a particular skill or activity.

6. Identify the tense used in the sentence: "They had finished the project before the
A. Past Perfect
B. Present Perfect
C. Simple Past
D. Future Perfect
Jawaban : A (Level Easy)
Pembahasan :
"They had finished the project before the deadline." uses the Past Perfect tense, which
is used to show that an action was completed before another action in the past.

7. In which sentence is the gerund used as the subject?

A. Running is a good way to stay fit
B. They enjoy running in the morning
C. I have a running appointment
D. She stopped running

Jawaban : A (Level Medium)

Pembahasan :

In this sentence, "Running" is used as a gerund functioning as the subject of the


8. Which sentence is an example of a zero conditional?

A. If you heat water to 100°C, it boils
B. If you heated water, it boiled
C. If you had heated water, it would boil
D. If you heat water, it will boil
Jawaban : A (Level Medium)
Pembahasan :
The zero conditional is used for general truths or laws of nature. It typically uses the
structure "if + present simple, present simple."

9. Which sentence appropriately uses the modal "should"?

A. You should check the results tomorrow.
B. She should to leave early.
C. They should winning the match.
D. He should to have known better.

Jawaban : A (Level Medium)

Pembahasan :

"Should" is used here to give advice. The structure is correct with "should" followed by
the base form of the verb.

10. Choose the correct preposition for the sentence: "The book is ___ the table and the
A. between
B. among
C. Across
D. Through

Jawaban : A (Level Medium)

Pembahasan :

"Between" is used when referring to the position in the middle of two distinct points
or objects. The correct usage is "The book is between the table and the chair."

The text for questions 11-14

The Quiet Corner Café

Tucked away on a bustling street corner of the city, the Quiet Corner Cafe offers a
serene escape from the urban chaos. With its quaint, rustic charm, this small coffee
shop entices passersby with the rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the subtle
sweetness of homemade pastries.

Upon entering, visitors are greeted by the warm glow of hanging Edison bulbs and the
gentle murmur of soft jazz floating through the air. The interior, adorned with vintage
furniture and an eclectic mix of bookshelves brimming with old and new literature,
invites patrons to linger over their coffee. Comfortable armchairs and small wooden
tables create cozy nooks perfect for reading, working on a laptop, or enjoying a quiet

The cafe's menu boasts an impressive selection of artisanal coffees, from robust
espressos to velvety lattes, each expertly crafted by skilled baristas. For those
preferring something less traditional, a variety of herbal teas and fresh smoothies offer
delightful alternatives. The display case at the counter is always filled with an array of
tempting treats — from flaky croissants and rich, chocolate brownies to seasonal fruit

The Quiet Corner Cafe is not just a coffee shop but a community hub. It hosts weekly
events ranging from poetry readings and acoustic music nights to local art exhibitions,
making it a cultural hotspot that fosters creativity and connection among its patrons.

This charming cafe, with its inviting atmosphere and commitment to quality, stands as
a beloved retreat for those seeking a moment of peace or a dose of inspiration in the
heart of the city.

11. What is the primary purpose of the text?

A. To provide a review of the coffee quality at the Quiet Corner Cafe.
B. To instruct how to make artisanal coffee.
C. To describe the atmosphere and offerings of the Quiet Corner Cafe.
D. To promote a new coffee flavor.

Jawaban : C (Level Hard)


The text primarily focuses on detailing the ambiance, interior, and offerings of the Quiet
Corner Cafe, highlighting its unique features and the overall experience it provides to

12. Choose the antonym of the word 'rustic' as used in the text.
A. Modern
B. Traditional
C. Antique
D. Rural

Jawaban : A (Level Medium)

Pembahasan :
'Rustic' generally refers to something simple, often old-fashioned or related to the
countryside. The antonym would be 'modern,' which implies something new,
contemporary, and possibly urban.

13. Which word has a similar meaning to 'serene' as used in the description of the cafe?
A. Chaotic
B. Tranquil
C. Noisy
D. Crowded

Jawaban : B (Level Medium)

Pembahasan :

'Serene' describes a state of being calm, peaceful, and untroubled. 'Tranquil' closely
matches this description, denoting a similar sense of calmness and peace.

14. What can be inferred about the Quiet Corner Cafe?

A. It is located in a rural area.
B. It values community and creativity.
C. It only serves coffee and tea.
D. It is a new establishment.

Jawaban : B (Level Medium)

Pembahasan :

From the description of communal tables, artistic decor, and a relaxed atmosphere
conducive to enjoying art and conversation, it can be inferred that the cafe places high
value on fostering a sense of community and encouraging creative expression among
its patrons.
The text for questions 15-17

Mia: Hey Tom, did you see the match last night?

Tom: I missed it! I was stuck at work late. How did it go?

Mia: It was incredible! We won 3-2 in the last few minutes with a penalty kick.

Tom: Wow, that sounds intense! Who scored the winning goal?

Mia: It was Jenkins. He really came through in the clutch. I swear the crowd went wild!

Tom: I bet! Jenkins has been on fire this season. I definitely need to catch the next game.

Mia: You should. They’re playing again on Thursday. Maybe we could watch it together
at the sports bar?

Tom: That’s a great idea. I’d love to join. Should we invite Chris and Lee as well?

Mia: Absolutely, the more the merrier. I’ll text them now and see if they’re free.

Tom: Perfect, thanks Mia. I’m looking forward to it!

Mia: Me too, Tom. It’s going to be a fun night! See you then.

15. What was the final score of the game mentioned in the conversation?
A. 2-0
B. 3-2
C. 1-1
D. 2-3

Jawaban : B (Level Medium)

Pembahasan :

Mia mentions that their team won the match 3-2, indicating that they scored three goals
while the opposing team scored two.

16. Who scored the winning goal in the match?

A. Tom
B. Mia
C. Jenkins
D. Chris

Jawaban : C (Level Easy)

Pembahasan :

Mia states that Jenkins scored the winning goal in the match, mentioning his crucial
contribution to the team's victory.

17. What do Tom and Mia plan to do for the next game?
A. Watch the game at Mia’s house
B. Go to a sports bar
C. Play a match themselves
D. Invite Chris and Lee to Tom’s house

Jawaban : B (Level Medium)

Pembahasan :

Mia suggests that they watch the next game together at a sports bar, indicating their
plan to enjoy the match in a social setting outside of their homes.

The text for questions 18-22

How to Make Classic Chocolate Chip Cookies


1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter, softened

3/4 cup granulated sugar

3/4 cup packed brown sugar

2 large eggs

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour

1 teaspoon baking soda

1/2 teaspoon salt

2 cups semisweet chocolate chips


1. Preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C) and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
2. In a large mixing bowl, cream together the softened butter, granulated sugar, and
brown sugar until smooth and creamy
3. Beat in the eggs, one at a time, ensuring each egg is fully incorporated before adding
the next. Then, stir in the vanilla extract.
4. In a separate bowl, sift together the all-purpose flour, baking soda, and salt.
Gradually add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients, mixing until a smooth
dough forms.
5. Gently fold in the semisweet chocolate chips until evenly distributed throughout the
6. Using a tablespoon or cookie scoop, drop rounded spoonfuls of dough onto the
prepared baking sheet, spacing them about 2 inches apart.
7. Bake in the preheated oven for 9 to 11 minutes, or until the edges are lightly golden
brown. Be careful not to overbake to keep the cookies chewy.
8. Remove the baking sheet from the oven and allow the cookies to cool on the sheet
for 2 minutes before transferring them to a wire rack to cool completely.
9. Repeat the baking process with the remaining cookie dough, ensuring the baking
sheet is cooled before adding more dough.
10. Once cooled, enjoy your classic chocolate chip cookies with a glass of milk or your
favorite hot beverage!

18. What is the recommended oven temperature for baking the chocolate chip cookies?
A. 350°F (175°C)
B. 375°F (190°C)
C. 400°F (200°C)
D. 425°F (220°C)

Jawaban : B (Level Easy)

Pembahasan :

The text states to preheat the oven to 375°F (190°C) before baking the cookies.

19. How long should you allow the cookies to cool on the baking sheet before transferring
them to a wire rack?
A. 5 minutes
B. 10 minutes
C. 2 minutes
D. 15 minutes

Jawaban : C (Level Easy)

Pembahasan :

The text instructs to allow the cookies to cool on the baking sheet for 2 minutes before
transferring them to a wire rack to cool completely.

20. What type of chocolate chips are used in the recipe?

A. White chocolate chips
B. Milk chocolate chips
C. Semisweet chocolate chips
D. Dark chocolate chips

Jawaban : C (Level Easy)

Pembahasan :

The text mentions using semisweet chocolate chips as one of the ingredients for making
classic chocolate chip cookies.

21. What ingredient is NOT used in the recipe for classic chocolate chip cookies?
A. Baking powder
B. Brown sugar
C. Vanilla extract
D. Cocoa powder

Jawaban : A (Level Easy)

Pembahasan :

Baking powder is not listed as one of the ingredients in the recipe provided in the text.
Instead, baking soda is used as a leavening agent.

22. How should you store any leftover cookies?

A. In the refrigerator
B. In a sealed plastic bag on the counter
C. In an airtight container at room temperature
D. In the freezer for up to one month

Jawaban : C (Level Easy)

Pemabahsan :

The text advises storing any leftover cookies in an airtight container at room
temperature for up to one week or freezing them for longer storage.

The text for questions 23-27

Discovering Dragon Fruit

Dragon fruit, also known as pitaya or pitahaya, is a tropical fruit with a vibrant
appearance and a unique flavor profile. Native to Central and South America, as well
as parts of Southeast Asia, this exotic fruit has gained popularity worldwide for its
striking appearance and potential health benefits.

The outer skin of a dragon fruit is typically bright pink or yellow with green scales,
resembling the mythical creature it's named after. When sliced open, the fruit reveals a
white or pink flesh speckled with tiny black seeds, similar in appearance to kiwi fruit.
The flesh has a mild, slightly sweet flavor with subtle undertones reminiscent of kiwi
or pear.

One of the most appealing aspects of dragon fruit is its nutritional content. It is low in
calories but rich in essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, vitamin B,
iron, and antioxidants. Additionally, dragon fruit contains prebiotics, which promote
digestive health, and phytonutrients that may help reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
Dragon fruit can be enjoyed in various ways. It can be eaten fresh on its own, added to
fruit salads, or blended into smoothies for a refreshing treat. The fruit's mild flavor also
makes it a versatile ingredient in both sweet and savory dishes, such as desserts, salads,
and even sauces for meat or seafood.

In addition to its culinary uses, dragon fruit has found its way into skincare products
and beverages due to its antioxidant properties and potential skin benefits. Extracts from
the fruit are often used in facial masks, moisturizers, and even hair care products, adding
a tropical touch to beauty routines.

Whether enjoyed as a nutritious snack, incorporated into recipes, or used in skincare,

dragon fruit continues to captivate with its stunning appearance and delightful taste,
offering a unique culinary and sensory experience for enthusiasts around the world.

23. What is another name for dragon fruit mentioned in the text?
A. Kiwi
B. Papaya
C. Pitahaya
D. Mango

Jawaban : C (Level Easy)

Pembahasan :

The text mentions that dragon fruit is also known as pitaya or pitahaya

24. Which region is dragon fruit native to?

A. Europe
B. Central and South America
C. Africa
D. Australia

Jawaban : B (Level Medium)

Pembahasan :
The text states that dragon fruit is native to Central and South America, as well as parts
of Southeast Asia.

25. What color is the outer skin of a dragon fruit?

A. Blue
B. Red
C. Pink or yellow
D. Green

Jawaban : C (Level Easy)

Pembahasan :

The text describes the outer skin of a dragon fruit as typically being bright pink or
yellow with green scales.

26. What are some potential health benefits of dragon fruit mentioned in the text?
A. High sugar content
B. Low vitamin C
C. Rich in antioxidants
D. High in calories

Jawaban : C (Level Easy)

Pembahasan :

The text mentions that dragon fruit is rich in essential vitamins and minerals, including
antioxidants, which may help reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

27. How is dragon fruit used in skincare products?

A. As a hair dye
B. As a face mask ingredient
C. As a teeth whitener
D. As a foot scrub

Jawaban : B (Level Medium)


The text mentions that extracts from dragon fruit are often used in facial masks,
moisturizers, and other skincare products due to its antioxidant properties and potential
skin benefits.

The text for questions 28-30

Announcement: Community Cleanup Event

Join us for a community cleanup event on Saturday, May 15th, from 9:00 AM to 12:00

We're excited to make a positive impact on our neighborhood by working together to

clean up litter and beautify our streets. This is a great opportunity to connect with
neighbors, contribute to a cleaner environment, and foster a sense of pride in our

Volunteers of all ages are welcome to participate. We'll provide gloves, trash bags, and
other cleanup supplies. Please wear comfortable clothing and closed-toe shoes.

We'll meet at the community center parking lot at 9:00 AM to distribute supplies and
assign cleanup areas. Refreshments will be provided for all volunteers.

Let's come together to make a difference in our community! See you there!

28. When is the community cleanup event scheduled to take place?

A. Saturday, May 15th
B. Sunday, May 16th
C. Saturday, May 22nd
D. Sunday, May 23rd

Jawaban : A (Level Easy)

Pembahasan :

The announcement specifies that the community cleanup event will take place on
Saturday, May 15th.
29. Where will volunteers meet for the cleanup event?
A. At the local park
B. At the community center parking lot
C. At the volunteer's homes
D. At the city hall

Jawaban : B (Level Easy)

Pembahasan :

The announcement states that volunteers will meet at the community center parking lot
for the cleanup event.

30. What should volunteers wear for the cleanup event?

A. Formal attire
B. Swimsuits
C. Comfortable clothing and closed-toe shoes
D. Costumes

Jawaban : C (Level Medium)

Pembahasan :

The announcement advises volunteers to wear comfortable clothing and closed-toe

shoes for the cleanup event to ensure their safety and comfort while participating in the

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