Simone Biles Shouldn't Have Competed in the 2021 Olympics

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Rana Yugu

Communications 11

Ms. Coryell

Simone Biles Dropping Out of the 2021 Olympics Was Just as Heroic as People View Kerri

Strug’s 1996 Vault

During the 2021 Olympics, Simone Biles shocked everyone and made the decision to

withdraw from the Olympics. The reason behind her dropping out reminds us that all our athletes

are human, and that Simone Biles had every right to step back from the 2021 Olympics.

Being an athlete is not easy and can take a toll on not just the body, but the mind. Mental

health is important and should be valued just like the physical body. In Thais Ackermans article,

“Fans see Kerri Strug’s iconic 1996 Olympic moment in new light after Simone Biles’ exit”

stated that, “Biles said she made the announcement to protect her mind and body, rather than

‘just go out there and do what the world wants’” (2). This shows that Biles knew she needed the

break for her mental health, which is important, because she decided to take care of herself

before doing what others wanted her to do. Mental health should always be valued before putting

ourselves at harm.

At the same time, athletes should not have to put themselves in situations that they know

are dangerous. In Lia Beck’s article, “This Is the Moment Biles Knew She Had to Drop Out of

the Olympics” stated that, “She was also suffering from the twisties. That’s when a gymnast

loses awareness of where they are while in the air, which means they’re unable to execute skills

or land properly” (2). Beck asserts that having the twisties is dangerous. Biles knew she was

experiencing them more than usual, which is stated later in the article so she pulled out for her
safety which she should be allowed to do. Athletes should not have to compete under

circumstances that they know are dangerous.

Lastly, In past times, the U.S has put their gymnasts in physical harm when it was not

worth it. In Rebecca Schuman’s article, “Kerri Strug Shouldn’t Have Been Forced to Do That

Vault” talks about Schuman’s opinion on Kerri Strug saying that she should not have competed.

It also says “It’s a culture that forces a grievously injured Kerri Strug down a vault runway, and

then co-opts her sobs of agony into a victory narrative” (2). The toxic environment that Kerri

Strug competed in while being injured, is still the same for many gymnasts today. Simone Biles

stepping down is setting an example for future gymnasts, and proving to people that it is okay to

step back if you are not okay physically or mentally.

In conclusion, Simone Biles was in the right for stepping back from the 2021 Olympics.

Simone withdrawing shows to young gymnasts that mental health is important, and should be

taken care of. All athletes should have the right to decide whether or not they want to compete

and not be forced down a runway, just like Kerri Strug was.

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