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Detecting a Complex Attack Scenario in an Airport: The

Stefan Schauer Tamara Hadjina Melita Damjanovic
AIT Austrian institute of Technology KONCAR Digital Zagreb Airport
Vienna, Austria Zagreb, Croatia Zagreb, Croatia

Eva Maria Muñoz Navarro Javier Hingant Gómez Lazaros Papadopoulos

Juan Jose Hernandez
Montesinos Universitat Politecnica de Valencia National Technical University of Valencia, Spain Athens Athens, Greece
Valencia, Spain

In this paper, we describe the functioning of the PRAETORIAN Due to the increasing complexity of the different services that
Framework, an integrated platform to identify complex threats are required by a society over the last two decades, the critical
across the physical and cyber domains of Critical Infrastructures infrastructures (CIs) providing these services have developed into
(CIs). Therefore, the framework combines a physical and a cyber a highly complex and strongly interrelated network. With recent
situation awareness solution into an innovative Hybrid Situation incidents such as the SolarWinds hack in late 2020 [6, 10] or the
Awareness tool to detect the different stages of a complex threat. attack on the Colonial pipeline [1], the interdependencies among
Further, the framework supports the decision makers and emer- CIs have become more visible and prominent. Further, the wide-
gency organizations with a Coordinated Response tool to align and ranging effects these incidents could have on the society, such as the
plan the activities for reducing or preventing the effects of an attack. partial shutdown of the Irish healthcare system after a ransomware
All aspects are described according to a real-life use case that has attack [3, 5] or shortage of medication or computer chips due to
been tested at the Zagreb airport. the (still ongoing) interruptions of global supply chains [8, 9] have
shown the importance of a well-functioning and resilient interplay
CCS CONCEPTS between the CIs. Particularly in metropolitan areas, where CIs
from different sectors operate in a geographically narrow space to
• Security and privacy; • Information systems → Decision
provide essential services for thousands or millions of people, the
support systems; • Hardware → Safety critical systems; •
uninterrupted and failure-free operation of those CIs is vital.
Computer systems organization;
The ongoing EU H2020 project PRAETORIAN is focusing on cap-
turing these interdependencies among CIs in a structured way and
KEYWORDS providing a holistic picture on the interplay between the physical
Critical Infrastructure Protection, Hybrid Situation Awareness, Cas- and cyber assets of these CIs. The goal is to enable the CI operators
cading Effects, Complex Attack Scenarios, Decision Support and security officers to identify complex attack scenarios early on
by bringing together information from the cyber and the physi-
ACM Reference Format:
cal domain, provided by a Cyber Situation Awareness (CSA) and
Stefan Schauer, Tamara Hadjina, Melita Damjanovic, Eva Maria Muñoz
Physical Situation Awareness (PSA) system, respectively, into a
Navarro, Juan Jose Hernandez Montesinos, Javier Hingant Gómez, and Lazaros
Papadopoulos. 2023. Detecting a Complex Attack Scenario in an Airport: Hybrid Situation Awareness (HSA) solution. A Decision Support
The PRAETORIAN Framework . In The 18th International Conference on System (DSS) building on such an integrated view provides the
Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2023), August 29–September 01, necessary inputs to the CI operators to increase the effectiveness
2023, Benevento, Italy. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 7 pages. of their measures to either prevent or counter such complex at-
10.1145/3600160.3605095 tacks. The technology has been and is going to be validated and
demonstrated in several use cases, i.e., in Croatia (March 2023 and
June 2023), France (May 2023) and Spain (July 2023). In this paper,
we will present results from the first demonstration, which took
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike
place at the Zagreb airport in Croatia in March 2023. We show how
International 4.0 License. the different tools (CSA, PSA, HSA and DSS) integrated into the
PRAETORIAN framework work together to not only identify a
ARES 2023, August 29–September 01, 2023, Benevento, Italy
complex attack scenario but also to support the CI operators and
© 2023 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
ACM ISBN 979-8-4007-0772-8/23/08. security officers in selecting the best countermeasures.
ARES 2023, August 29–September 01, 2023, Benevento, Italy Schauer et al.

The following Section 2 summarizes the main aspects of the • The HSA system receives alarms from both cyber and physi-
PRAETORIAN framework and briefly explains the ideas behind cal domains (through the CSA and PSA) and correlates them
the tools applied in the demonstration. Section 3 describes the to calculate the potential propagation of threats among the
details of the complex attack scenario, which combines physical systems of all CIs. It is supported by a Generic Digital Twin
and cyber attack vectors, and Section 4 highlights, in which steps (GDT) [7], which models the most relevant assets of the in-
the individual tools of the PRAETORIAN framework are applied and dividual CIs as well as the relationships among them and
how they can be used to detect the attacks. Section 5 summarizes reflects the potential consequences or effects of the detected
the main results of the demonstration as well as the benefits for the threat over a single CI as well as over its related ones.
individual CI operators. Section 6 concludes the paper and provides • The CR system [4] is able to process the information coming
an outlook on the following steps in the project and beyond. from the other three core components, i.e., CSA, PSA and
HSA, to enable a more effective response to complex threats.
2 OVERVIEW ON THE PRAETORIAN A Decision Support System (DSS) orchestrates the emer-
FRAMEWORK gency plans of the CIs involved in the project by providing
response(s) to detected threats in an automated manner. Sec-
The main goal of the PRAETORIAN project is to enable the security ondly, an Emergency Population Warning System (EPWS)
stakeholders of European CIs to manage the lifecycle of security implements the EU-ALERT service functionality [2] relying
threats, from forecast, assessment and prevention to detection, re- on special notifications to mobile phones geolocated in a
sponse and mitigation, in a collaborative manner with the security specific area. Moreover, a First Responders (FRs) information
teams from related CIs, being the CIs in the same sector or not. sharing technology component creates a communication
To achieve that, PRAETORIAN proposes a toolset that makes use channel through which the FRs and rescue teams will be
of data obtained from relevant legacy security systems of the CIs, contacted in case of an incident and, at the same time, a
introduces novel sensors and innovative data analysis, and it builds component for Integration With Social Media (IWSM) moni-
a model of the ecosystem of the CIs. Further, the toolset improves tors social media channels to identify posts relevant to an
the channels and quality of communication among stakeholders incident. Finally, the Drone Neutralization (DN) module is
and combines the emergency plans of those CIs. The combination one of the mitigation actions implemented, which provides
of these functionalities supports the decision-making process of technological foundation for countering Unmanned Aerial
the CI operators to prevent major damages to the installations, Vehicle (UAVs).
neighbouring population and the environment, while allowing a
fast recovery after incidents. The PRAETORIAN framework strongly relies on the idea of inter-
The PRAETORIAN framework consists of four main systems: operability of systems and components (and is also focusing on
a Physical Situation Awareness (PSA) system, a Cyber Situation further scalability and replicability). Therefore, a key module is the
Awareness (CSA) system, a Hybrid Situation Awareness (HSA) Interoperability Platform (IOP), which interconnects all the above-
system and a Coordinated Response (CR) system. Each system mentioned modules of the PRAETORIAN framework, enabling the
comprises several modules: exchange of information between all modules, the replication of
changes and possible inconsistencies as well as storing information
• The CSA system is a system capable of preventing and detect-
and avoiding duplication of data between modules, thus providing
ing stealthy cyber threats and anticipating problems to avoid
data for the whole platform.
or limit them, if possible. It is realized by two main modules:
the Cyber Forecaster Engine (CFE) and the Cybersecurity
Assessment Lab (CAL), along with a human-machine inter- 3 CROATIAN PILOT USE CASE
face (HMI) that includes new visualization paradigms for the The Croatian pilot use case was developed in a cooperation between
cyber space. Medical University of Graz and Zagreb Airport as CI operators and
• The PSA system collects data from the CIs’ legacy systems as the technical partners developing the PRAETORIAN framework so-
well as from the new sensors (e.g., sound sensors, video/IR lutions. The use case shows how the PRAETORIAN framework can
cameras, presence sensors, . . . ) introduced in the project. It support CI operators in case of a coordinated cyber-physical attack
provides features such as dynamic location of resources and on two interconnected CIs sharing the PRAETORIAN framework.
assets, security perimeter control, real time inspection of The attack starts at the Medical University of Graz, where their
surveillance videos through a Video Analytics (VA) module Biosafety Level (BSL) 3 laboratory is targeted by a group of terrorists.
and a Drone Detection (DD) module to eliminate threats In preparation of the attack, they find the laboratory blueprints on
stemming from drones. the dark web and obtain a copy of an employee’s ID card as well as
• The HSA system receives alarms from both cyber and physi- the entrance code using social engineering. One of the terrorists
cal domains (through the CSA and PSA) and correlates them uses this information to enter the laboratory and steal a hazardous
to calculate the potential propagation of threats among the bio-sample from the high-secure refrigerator. Further, the terrorist
systems of all CIs. It is supported by a Generic Digital Twin inserts a malicious USB into the laboratory computer with the aim
(GDT) [7], which models the most relevant assets of the in- to destroy any evidence of his presence. Then, the adversary is
dividual CIs as well as the relationships among them and joined by another terrorist and both drive to Zagreb airport, as
reflects the potential consequences or effects of the detected it is the biggest airport in the region and their could create most
threat over a single CI as well as over its related ones. damage there. In the meantime, when a legitimate user logs in to
Detecting a Complex Attack Scenario in an Airport: The PRAETORIAN Framework ARES 2023, August 29–September 01, 2023, Benevento, Italy

the laboratory computer, the malware on the malicious USB stick

is launched and the laboratory database containing the evidence of
the theft is destroyed.
At the Zagreb airport, a corrupted airport employee is collabo-
rating with the terrorists and disables the check-in systems, which
soon creates a big crowd at the airport. At the same time, the at-
tackers approach the airport carrying the hazardous bio-sample.
One of them enters the check in area with the aim to release the
bio-sample in the large crowd of people; the other intends to fly a
drone towards the airport which also contains the bio-sample to
contaminate the airport.
The described scenario was jointly designed by the CI operators
and the technical partners to match the operators’ most recent
interests in terms of complex attack strategies and the framework’s
capabilities to show combined cyber-physical attacks. It played out Figure 2: Alert on the incorrect safety procedure captured by
in the real CI environments of the BSL 3 laboratory in Graz and the PSA.
the Zagreb airport. The part at the BSL 3 laboratory was filmed
as there are higher security requirements there and way between From the perspective of the cyber domain, the CSA is tracking
Graz and Zagreb is too long for driving for Graz to Zagreb during the activities of the terrorist in the BSL 3 laboratory and detects
the day of the demo. The operators of both CIs interacted with the several events (cf. Figure 6). Therefore, the CSA needs to have a
PRAETORIAN framework and were alerted by the events in their detailed overview on the primary assets (PAs) and supporting assets
respective CI (see Section 4). The complex attack scenario was fully (SAs) of a CI. The PAs represent an abstract concept of a system
played as described above to demonstrate all the capabilities of or a behavior, e.g., the “access control” or the “CCTV” system, that
the developed toolset, even though the attack could have been effi- is required for a CI to work properly. The SAs are the genuine
ciently prevented and countered at several points during the attack cyber (or cyber-physical) systems (servers, switches, cameras, etc.)
due to the information provided by the PRAETORIAN framework. that support the PAs to provide their service. Figure 1 shows a
relationship between the primary assets in the inner circle and
4 APPLICATION OF THE PRAETORIAN their respective supporting assets on the outer one.
When the attack started at the laboratory in Graz, the terrorist
did not fully perform the correct safety procedure to access the
BSL 3 laboratory. Based on video analytics and motion capturing,
the PSA was able to detect this incorrect behaviour and raised an
alarm. In detail, the person was not wearing yellow clothes and was
behaving suspiciously; this was detected by the VA module of the
PSA. Moreover, the terrorist opened a fridge to steal some samples,
which triggered a temperature sensor in the fridge. The sensor
detected a rise in the temperature and generated a new alarm in the
PSA. Once the alarms were included in the system, the laboratory
operator was able to access the video recordings related to them.

Figure 3: Illustration of the PAs and SAs in the use case sce-
nario and the relations among them.

As part of the CSA, the Cyber Forecasting Engine (CFE), is fed

with data coming from different PAs and SAs (mostly sensors) and
provides two different types of data: “detections” and “alerts”. The
Figure 1: Terrorist opening the fridge, captured by the VA. detections are events that are happening in a system but do not
ARES 2023, August 29–September 01, 2023, Benevento, Italy Schauer et al.

represent an immediate danger to it. Each detection is related to at

least one SA. When several detections are obtained, the CFE is able
to forecast the next step of the cyber-attack and raises an alert with
the target of the attack, i.e., the PA that is most probably going to
be affected.
In the context of the use case scenario, when the attacker plugs
the USB tool into the laboratory computer, the detection “Upload
Tool” is happening in the CFE (cf. Figure 4). Further, after the mali-
cious tool is uploaded to the system, this causes the detection “Mali-
cious File” (cf. Figure 4). When the malware execution is scheduled
for later execution, this is indicated by the detection “Cron” (cf.
Figure 4). At this moment, the CFE has identified this sequence of
events as a malicious activity and raises an alert, indicating that Figure 5: Terrorist at the check-in area, captured by VA (left)
something is wrong in the system of the laboratory. and identified by face recognition (right).

Figure 4: Detections (yellow triangles) and alerts (red triangle)

within the CSA during the Croatian pilot.

Figure 6: Alert on the loitering person captured by the PSA.

The three lines in Figure 4 that connect the alert (red triangle)
with the three previous detections (yellow triangles) indicate the
reasoning process of the CFE. The alert contains information of the
current target, i.e., the Laboratory Information System, which is a main purpose is to forecast the probable consequences a potential
PA. The main goal of the attack is to delete the whole database to on-going attack (indicated by an alert) can have both on a particular
hide the fact that the virus was stolen. However, the CSA alerted CI and on the CIs interrelated with it. As part of the HSA, the
the security officers about the malicious file and malware execution Threat Propagation Engine (TPE) runs a simulation on the potential
detection and also predicted that the final step of the attack could be cascading effects of the attack.
data destruction. This gave security officers enough time to prevent Thus, once the unauthorized access to the changing cabin of the
further propagation of the attack. As already mentioned above, for laboratory is detected by the PSA, an alert is forwarded in real-
reasons of continuity of the pilot use case, it was assumed that the time to the HSA. Its Threat Propagation Engine (TPE) then carries
attack did progress as intended by the terrorist group. out a set of interdependent simulations to estimate in advance the
The second stage of the attack in which the terrorists operate potential impact the detected critical event might have on the assets
at the Zagreb airport was captured live on site at the airport. In within all CIs that are connected to the PRAETORIAN system. To
detail, the video analytics triggered an alert detecting the loitering this end, a Generic Digital Twin (GDT) has been developed for this
behaviour of a person in the check-in area. Due to the captured specific use case (cf. Figure 7), in which both the relevant cyber
facial image of the terrorist at the BSL 3 lab, the VA could perform and physical assets of the involved CIs are modelled together with
face recognition and identified the loitering person as the same their intra- and inter-dependencies (between those belonging to a
person that stole the bio-sample in the BSL 3 laboratory some hours single CI or to different CIs respectively). Each of the simulations
ago. Consequently, a new alert is generated by the PSA. These alerts consists in a correlation of the triggering alert with all prior events
automatically generated the corresponding incidents in the DSS. in combination with the current state of each of the assets.
As a consequence, the security staff at the airport was notified and The outcome of the TPE encompasses the worst and most likely
was able to find the attacker. scenarios resulting from the aggregation of the performed simula-
As soon as an alert is triggered either by the CSA or the PSA, the tions. This is sent to the Human-Machine Interface (HMI) of the
Hybrid Situational Awareness (HSA) system comes into play. Its HSA representing the cascading effects of the individual threats.
Detecting a Complex Attack Scenario in an Airport: The PRAETORIAN Framework ARES 2023, August 29–September 01, 2023, Benevento, Italy

operator of the BSL 3 laboratory receives a corresponding noti-

fication by email at the time the incident is created, including a
video showing the attacker’s actions. The email also contains a
recommendation for the operator to access the DSS for more details
about the incident. Furthermore, the DSS displays other security
incidents as well, including the “Unallowed person in the changing
Cabin” and “Possible data destruction”, which are triggered by HSA
and CSA events, respectively. The operator get notified about these
incidents as well through the DSS.

Figure 7: Simplified depiction of the GDT in the Croatian Figure 9: List of incidents at the Zagreb airport.
In the Zagreb airport, the airport operator also accesses the
This HMI follows a well-known and user-friendly graph-based ap- incidents page of the DSS to obtain details about the HSA incident
proach to visualize in a georeferenced manner the cascading effects related to the cascading effects of the attack on the BSL 3 laboratory
over a GIS map. Color and size codes have been applied to both and to learn how that can affect also the airport. Later on, the
operator also gets notified about the incident at the gate area, i.e.,
the nodes (affected assets) and the edges (assets’ dependencies) to
further support the operator’s situational awareness of the overall the face recognition indicating that the person loitering inside the
cyber, physical and hybrid domain. area of the airport is the same person as the terrorist in the BSL 3
laboratory. Additionally, the operator also gets informed about the
fact that a drone is flying in the vicinity of the airport.

Figure 10: Screenshot from the EPWS indicating the number

of cell phones in the area that can be informed about an
Figure 8: Cascading effects of unauthorized access alert. event.

As shown in Figure 8, the HSA revealed the intrusion of the With the help of the EPWS in the PRAETORIAN framework,
attacker in the laboratory to be a critical event that may impact in the operator selects the area around the airport and sends an EU
the first stage the critical assets of the BSL 3 laboratory. In addition alert to the cell phones of the people in that area. He also uses
to that, the HSA indicates that the attack could also affect other the IWSM functionality to send a relevant post to the CI’s Twitter
interdependent CIs in distant regions, such as the Zagreb airport account about the incident in a semi-automatic way. Finally, the
(which, in this use case, is connected via some competent authorities operator uses the FR’s information sharing functionality to notify
in Vienna to the BSL 3 lab). the Croatian Mountain and Rescue Service Team about the incident,
When the attacker accessed the BSL 3 laboratory but did not sending the location of the drone and weather forecasting in the
follow the procedures, the PSA alert is also forwarded to the DSS, area. The additional chat functionality can be used as a communica-
which generates a relevant incident of type “Procedure BSL-3 was tion channel and enables fast bi-directional information exchange
not performed” (cf. Figure 9). The DSS is configured such that the between the operator and the team of first responders.
ARES 2023, August 29–September 01, 2023, Benevento, Italy Schauer et al.

5 MAIN RESULTS FROM THE PILOT framework, CI operators have a set of tools at hand that allow them
The individual tools of the PRAETORIAN framework performed to obtain a holistic overview on the physical and cyber domain and
according to the expectation of the project partners as well as thus identify complex attacks in the hybrid domain. We showed
the participants and contributed to create an enhanced situational how the PRAETORIAN framework can be applied in a real-life use
awareness for the operators. In terms of countering and preventing case scenario, where terrorists steal a hazardous bio-sample from
the different threats (physical and cyber), the HSA had a crucial a BSL 3 laboratory in Graz to use it as a bio-weapon at a distant
role as a central connection point between the involved CIs. It airport in Zagreb. Since both CIs are connected in the PRAETO-
enabled the operators at the Zagreb airport to connect the events RIAN framework, they are notified about potential cascading effects
from the BSL 3 laboratory in Graz to the current situation at the that can harm some of their individual critical assets. Further, we
airport. The DSS served as a central dashboard where the operators showed how the DSS helps the operators of both CIs in finding suit-
received initial information relevant for their CI and it highlighted able counter measures for the detected attacks and also allows the
to them where they could retrieve additional information from the operators to warn the public in the vicinity of the CI, if necessary.
CSA, the PSA or the HSA. Finally, the operators were successful in As the PRAETORIAN project is in its final phase, we still have
sharing the relevant information with the public and the FR team to three more demonstrations scheduled, in France (May 2023), Croa-
realize a quick and coordinated response to the threats. The FR team tia (June 2023) and Spain (July 2023), with different attack scenarios
responded to their call and performed an efficient search mission in each of them. These demonstrations will be used to train more
which resulted in finding and locating the neutralized rogue drone. physical and cyber security personnel on the PRAETORIAN frame-
An important benefit of the pilot demonstration represented the work and to get additional feedback on its usability and applicability
participation of the employees of both the Medical University of in the respective CIs. Although the attack scenarios are different in
Graz and the Zagreb airport as real time operators of the platform. all of the demonstrations, the general setup is similar to make the
This provided the chance to evaluate how people from the physical experience for the users and the participants comparable. All par-
and the cyber security team of the respective CIs are handling the ticipants will be filling out a questionnaire to collect their feedback
PRAETORIAN framework. Therefore, the operators were trained and impressions on each demonstration; this information will be
to use the PRAETORIAN framework prior to the demonstration used to further improve the handling and the user experience of
to make them familiar with the graphical user interface and the the PRAETORIAN framework.
interactions with the different modules. Their smooth performance
indicated that the PRAETORIAN framework can be used by agnostic ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
users with the right amount of training and support. This work has been funded as part of the PRAETORIAN project
The attack scenario was designed based on the CI operators’ by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation
recent requirements and interests towards complex cyber-physical Programme under Grant Agreement nº 101021274.
attacks and to showcase the different capabilities of the PRAE-
TORIAN framework. Although this is not the ideal case, it was
sufficient to demonstrate the PRAETORIAN framework’s general
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